#do people call him Yass? please tell me they do that would be so funny
nighty-night-nh · 3 months
OK! 54 pages into Eagle Strike, and I'm really enjoying Yassen Gregorovich's character. A guy just doing what he's paid to do, nothing personal. Very much so looking forward how his 'Kid wtf are you doing in this business. Go home and be safe' attitude evolves from here.
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shiny-parsnips · 3 years
23, 25 and 30,,, love you! <3
Haiiii thanks bestie mwah
23 - ASTRONOMY YASSSSS I’m starting to get into history more cause it’s so interesting and like goofy and silly but it also lets you compare it to modern times, y’know? See how things changed and all that jazz. But ASTRONOMT??? YASSSSS THE BEST!!!! My favorite planet is Jupiter its the most colorful and it’s so goofy like it can crush me in seconds just by entering the atmosphere?! Yasss slay!!! It has the funniest lil moons and its like wooooow we love to see that!! All the planets are amazing in their own unique way, of course. Like for example, Saturn is like..... holy shit!!! Those rings are like no joke. I’ve heard a lot of people say it’s the ”ringed planet” and it’s like YEHA YOURE NOT WRONG BUT ALL THE GAS PLANETS HAVE RINGS???? It’s just Saturn’s are more visible that’s just too silly ALSO ISNT IT FUNNY HOW URANUS IS ON ITS SIDE??? Playing a silly prank on us poor thing probably can’t get up though NEPTUNE IS SO PRETTY TOO it’s so interdesting how like........ it is itself. LIKE HUH YOU ARE AMAZING??? I’m leaving out the rocky planets sorry guys MARS IS SO PRETTY BRIGHT RED SLAYYYY they say it used to be like earth but then dried up and shit due to the sun’s solar winds and its lack of atmosphere made it worse than liiiike us so now it looks like that. VENUS IS SO INTERESTING like did you know it’s the hottest planet even though it’s only the second closest from the sun?? ITS TRUE!!!! Because its atmosphere is so thick and it traps all that heat and all those gases so it looks like what earth once was SPEAKING OF EARTH ITS THE ALMOSY THE SAME SIZE OF IT ISNT THAT CRAZY BONKERS??? Mercury... waow... A FULL ORBIT FOR YOU IS ONLY 88 DAYS??? OKAY SLAY IGGGG silly bonkers it’s called Mercury after the messenger god cause it’s the fastest ehehehehe silly!!!!!! Anyway this is getting really long lemme hurry it up. All in all APPRECIATE OUR SOLAR SYSTEM ITS SO UNIQUE!!!!!!
25 - I learn by learning.......... uh I suppose you could say I’m like.... idk a mixture of both like it really depends on what it is like if it’s like reading about something like astronomy I remember it well from there I don’t need to do anything special same with auditory learning I’ll listen fine if you don’t drone on and on but let’s say it’s like an experiment and it’s like I gotta hear it and read it to do it YOU GOTTA SHOW ME LIKE PLEASE I CANR DO IT FROM A TEXTBOOK OR WHATEVA dunno if this answers it like idk I just learn but sometimes I need it a specific way for me to perfect (or at least do well in) it and to understand it mwahah
30 - I. LOVW. READING!!!!!!!!! Reading is great if it’s something very interdestjng it’ll be a breeze but like if it’s boring as hell its like ENOUGH!!! Reading is great to take a break from the world lile with Dostoevsky I LOVE DOSTOEVSKY OMG LEMME TELL YOU ABOUT HIM HE MAKES THE SILLIEST LIL CHARACTERS BUT KEEPS THE PLOT INTERESTING AND ALL THE CHATACTERS ARE WELL THOUGHT OUT AND AHVE THEIR OWN LIL FLAWS AND SHIT BUT THEYRE AMAZING YASSS WE LOVE TO SEE RAZUMIKHIN AND KIRILLOV!!!!!!! Anyway I also really like other authors like Orwell is wonderful Camus I just got into he really made me love him because of The Stranger and I will be getting into Kafka soon eheheheh Lord of the Flies is great too mwah very good would read again and would cry to again yasss!!!! Sometimes I’m like “Okay time to start reading..... sigh“ and it’s like hard to stay invested but other times I’m like “OKAY TIME TO READ YASS!!!!” Like with the stranger I was like ugh time to read the strranger but then it got SO INTERESTING???????? Like wow dude you really did that and you still don’t gove a shit way to go bozo (affectionate)
HALP I KINDA WENT ON A TANGENT FOR MOST OF THESE MY BAD but erm enjoy if I answered a question the wrong way let me know or something ack
Thanks again Eni!! We love to see you being you and slaying life like the boyboss you are!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖
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beautymercurydragon · 4 years
Sailor Moon Crystal - Episode Three Recap
First things first, Beryl is still horrible. Great villain, but an awful human lol.
And YES! Nephrite and Zoisite are here!
And Rei’s design.... is SM Crystal trying to make me ship everyone with everyone else and find the females’ designs pretty? Because if so, they’re succeeding greatly lmao.
Her interacting with the little girl (Mie, I think) was adorable, even if it was for a second!
Also LMFAOOOOO Umino is the best. ‘And the final destination is hell’ I’M DEAD. Love him lol.
And Luna spilled the tea better than Sophie Turner does. (Don’t worry I still love her lmao) Kids in public schools suck sometimes with gossip and just in general! (Take it from someone who switched to homeschooling because of it)
HAHAHHAHA Usagi going from sleepy and stubborn to perking up is hilarious when she found out they’d be meeting Ami at the arcade! But was it for her girl crush or her favorite place? ;) Okay I’ll shut up about Usami for a minute lol
Ooh, what’s the new trinket she got from the arcade machine? I’m interested lol
‘You might get to catch a glimpse of a really pretty girl’ I WAS FUCKING RIGHT. Ami Mizuno is a bisexual icon. I believe in this. I called it.
HOLY HECKING CRAP. Usagi BLUSHED when she saw Rei for the first time. And she had literal hearts in her eyes. If MamoUsa wasn’t my OTP/endgame, I would die for UsaRei to be canon.
REI KNOWS REI KNOWS REI KNOWS. She knows she’s a Sailor Guardian
Oh shit I was wrong
And Usagi literally got off of the bus to go follow Rei and said after Luna questioned her ‘she’s so beautiful’. Yep, she’s bi.
Seriously, Dark Kingdom? We knew y’all were assholes, but kidnapping a little girl? Come on!
Also the ladies at the shrine were so rude. They’re like Amelie Graham de Vanily multiplied into three separate people, and that’s them; a supreme level of bitchiness lmao.
‘They get spirited away’ and then the crows fly above her. Way to make it seem like the trailer/a sneak peek of a horror film hahah.
Also, CUTE that Mie and Rei are friends! Age-gap friendships rock!
Usagi and Ami’s bracelets are 👌👌👌
LUNA HOW DENSE CAN YOU BE?!?!??!?! Usagi has the same hairdo as the Princess, how have you not figured it out yet? I’m starting to think Ami is the only intelligent source of life on this team
Lmao at Mamoru being next to her on the bus. Was not expecting that lol.
Awww Usagi blushing is adorable. OTP deserves fluff and happiness 💗💗💞💞💞
YASS KWEEN! Usagi sticking up for Rei is everything I never knew I needed 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
And to the three women? I get you’re all concerned about a little girl, as you rightly should be, but accusing someone who she’s friends with and mutually trusts is wrong? Please screw off now, thank you very much :)
And aww poor Rei. Now I’m getting Kagami Tsurugi vibes from her lmao
Also LMAOing at Rei running through the street. Don’t get it by anyone lol
I hope he crashes the bus. But then again the Generals are my sons and I love them so I’m very conflicted kasjksksjsjahaksjakas
‘Do you think that could be the Demon Bus?’ No Luna, it’s a damn Nissan Honda Focus. Lmfao.
Also Tuxedo Mask holding Luna is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen
Also ‘that girl’ is your future GF and wife
Also off-topic and kinda dumb but Rei’s gorgeous knocked out sksjskssjjsk
Awesome that the bracelets are communicators. Do the glowing dots mean she can detect each one of her Guardians? Blue is Mercury, red is Mars, green’s Jupiter and yellow would be Venus
Also loved Luna and Ami speaking in sync lmao
The transformations still rock! (Although I think I prefer 90′s for transforming lol)
Usagi and Ami: I love you two to bits, but don’t interrupt the JadeRei I just got.
‘You’re only human’ SERIOUSLY JADEITE I DIDN’T NEED THAT SONG TO POP IN MY HEAD LMFAO (love that song, being funny haha)
She owned that transformation
But wtf the pose with her arms behind her neck is so weird lmfao
R.I.P JadeRei, you were a beautiful ship. Well at least we still have UsaRei and Reinako eventually getting some moments
Also that wink Usagi shot Rei was 👌
Does this mean Nephrite’s gonna appear next episode? (To my followers who’ve seen it, do not spoil or else I will rage)
This was an awesome episode! I love Crystal so far, it’s great! Can’t wait for more!
Until my next recap!
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pug-bitch · 5 years
That’s not why I’m going (26)
Yass Kween, right?
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Drake Walker x Amara Suarez
Rating: some foul language, some extremely suggestive, and a steamy scene. This is absolutely NOT appropriate for people under 18.
Word count: around 4,900 (let me know if the ‘keep reading’ cutoff isn’t working well!)
Notes: This picks up pretty much where we left off, during first night in the cabin (yes I am taking my sweet time writing the happier parts, after everything our little guys have been through!), starting with Drake’s POV.
Drake sighs wistfully. He can’t sleep, but not because he’s stressed out. On the contrary, he’s too blissful to sleep, and he didn’t even know that was an option. He looks at Amara, who is peacefully asleep next to him. They made love three times, once outside, and twice upstairs, in his bed. Suddenly, it dawns on Drake that he’d never had sex in this bed. Always at the palace. In fact, he’d never brought a woman back here. Too intimate. Now he’s grateful; it only makes this night more special. He pushes a strand of hair away from Amara’s face so he can see her better. He feels like a creep for a second, watching he sleep, but he just loves her face so much. And seeing her like this, relaxed and asleep, makes him feel at peace. No comparison with the nightmares she used to have. Or maybe still has, PTSD doesn’t go away like that. But at least it has calmed down.
Drake hopes her stress doesn’t come back running when they get back to court. He loves Portavira, even Penelope’s parents’ estate is quiet and beautiful, no frills. But he just wishes they could both stay here. Maybe they could, someday? It feels like such a pipe dream.
First, they have to get through the last week of the competition. Drake shudders, remembering the last competition, when Leo had to propose to Madeleine and then skipped town, wreaking havoc on everything. Would it be as bad this time? Probably. Ever since Drake was with Amara and had snapped at Liam several times, he had no idea what was going through his mind. No more late night chats, no more confidence. Did he miss it? Sure, but nothing he can do about it now. Liam had been a dick to Amara a few weeks ago, and even if he was a lot better, it still doesn’t excuse everything he’s said and done. Drake simply doesn’t know if he can just go back to normal. They would hopefully stay friends, if Drake and Amara played their cards right and announced their relationship in a timely manner. But best friends again? Probably not.
Drake feels a pang in his chest just thinking back on all the moments Liam had been there for him and vice versa.
No more, he thinks. This is not the time to turn this happy night into a stressful one. He’d deal with everything another day. Maybe it would be a catastrophe --probably would be-- but right now, all he wants to do is keep snuggling with Amara.
His phone buzzes on the nightstand. Shit, he thinks. Hopefully Amara doesn’t wake up. He grabs it and sees a text.
Amara is lovely, Drake. Well done. It was good talking to you today, you look happy. I love you.
His mom never said anything this nice, not anymore, not since Dad had passed and Sav had left, and Drake had closed himself up. He could tell how much his mom had taken to Amara. Of course she would, Amara is the Sun. Easy to talk to, smart, funny. Hauntingly beautiful. God, he loves her.
Insightful, too. She’d hit the nail on the head a couple months ago, when they had talked about Drake’s mom having remarried and how it had made him feel. He starts typing.
Love you too, Mom. Happy you like her. I like her too...a lot. Give my best to Barry.
His mom instantly replies, visibly excited given the speed at which she typed the second message.
Barry says hi too!!!!!!!!! We both want to see you soon!!!
So many exclamation points. Maybe because to this day, Drake had never acknowledged his stepdad via text, except for the odd text for birthdays.
He puts the phone down and starts closing his eyes, hoping to join Amara in slumber soon.
‘You can’t sleep either?’ Maxwell whispers, approaching his brother in the family room.
‘Oh, Maxwell, you scared me,’ he says, startled.
‘Sorry,’ Max mutters, stifling a smile. His brother is wearing a burgundy satin robe, and matching slippers. He’s sitting on the couch, his back perfectly straight, his legs crossed in his tweed pyjama pants. As he sees Maxwell come in, Bertrand tightens the tie of his robe, and Maxwell realizes that there are gold tassels on each end of the rope. He chuckles on the inside, remembering the one time Amara had asked him if Bertrand sleeps in a Victorian nightgown. This is almost worse. All he’s missing is a pipe. And maybe 30 years added to his age.
‘Do you want to sit down with me?’ Bertrand asks. As Max sits, he wishes he could take a picture of the robe and slippers to send it to Amara.
‘Are you ok?’ Max asks, forcing himself to be serious again.
‘I’m fine,’ Bertrand smiles weakly. ‘Just...thinking, you know.’
Max nods. ‘I know. Me too. I’ve been thinking about Mom and Dad a lot, and… this explains many things.’
‘It does. I’m sorry for keeping this from you for so long, Maxxie.’
Tears threaten to fall from Maxwell’s eyes. Years since Bertrand had called him Maxxie. ‘It’s ok, I get it. You were doing this to honor Dad’s memory.’ What’s Max’s excuse for keeping the Bartie secret from Bertrand? He knows he promised Dramara to hold on until they find her and get her side of the story, but he longs to be close to his brother again. The secrets are driving an invisible wedge between them.
‘Still,’ Bertrand whispers. ‘I’m sorry, Maxxie. Can you forgive me?’
‘Of course. We’re brothers. The Beaumont Boys. Nothing can keep us apart!’
Bertrand chuckles. ‘We are not boys, Maxwell.’
Max eyes him from head to toe. ‘No doubt about that, given what you’re wearing.’
Bertrand dismisses him with a hand gesture. ‘Oh stop. How is Hana holding up? She seemed well at dinner.’
‘She’s fine. Brave. Relieved. Strong. All of those adjectives. I can’t wait til tomorrow when we get to go hang out at the Walkers’ cabin. You sure you don’t want to come?’
Bertrand shakes his head. ‘I can’t. I’m meeting with Liam, remember?’
Shit, Max thinks. He really isn’t being a considerate brother right now. ‘Do you want me to come with you?’
‘No, there’s no need, really. I would like to see you for maybe an hour tomorrow morning before you head to Portavira though, to convene of a plan that I can relay to Liam. You know, weigh some options.’
‘Of course! We’ll get coffee and discuss it.’
‘Great. Also… I think maybe we should both let Albert go, when all of this is said and done. Together, you know. To strengthen the Beaumont name and show that we are both proud of our father’s legacy.’
‘Yass Kween,’ Max says excitedly. He loves that Bertrand thinks of everything, from every angle.
Bertrand looks at him, confused. ‘Qu...queen? You mean Queen Regina?’
Max bursts out laughing. ‘No, Bertrand, it’s an expression! I’m just saying ‘Yass Kween’ to you, as in I love your idea.’
Bertrand squints. ‘So...I’m the queen in this scenario?’ He shakes his head. ‘I don’t get it, Maxxie.’
Max shrugs, grabs the remote, and fires up Netflix. ‘Oh well, since we’re both up, let’s just watch some Queer Eye, maybe then you’ll get it.’
Liv wakes up in a sweat. She didn’t even realize that she had fallen asleep. She was awakened by a nightmare, the same recurring one for over twenty years: she’s a little girl, watching her parents disappear like holograms, unable to hold on to their hands.
She shakes her head and assesses her surroundings. Too much vodka last night.
She jumps at the sight of Rashad, sound asleep on her ottoman. So, they’d both passed out. Great.
She looks at the clock, it’s past 2am now. She gets up to pour herself a glass of water from the bathroom sink and shakes Rashad awake.
‘Wake up, Domvallier. We fell asleep.’
He jumps up, startled. ‘Huh?’
‘You’re on my ottoman. You should go.’
Rashad wipes his eyes, and slowly comes to. ‘Oh God, Liv, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to invade your space.’ He gets up hastily, and her heart sinks a bit. So, he did find her terrifying after all.
‘Hey, don’t worry, we just got too drunk and watched too many episodes.’
He starts washing his dirty glass and putting away the blanket he was using. Liv can’t believe he’s tidying up.
‘Leave it, I’ll do it. Thanks, though.’
He smiles and nods. ‘Thanks for the company, Nevrakis. It was a thousand times better than dinner would have been. Good night.’
Before she has time to respond, he’s out the door. She locks it behind him, gets out of her dress, and into bed. A strange feeling invades her. What is that? It feels warm, oddly normal and comforting. Like a blanket.
What the hell is she thinking? A fucking blanket? What happened, did this whole photo leak turn her into a pathetic mass of feelings? Stupid.
Regardless, she had a good night.
Amara awakens to the sound of birds chirping at the window. She turns around, and sees Drake still spooning her, half asleep.
‘Morning, Suarez,’ he mutters, still sleepy.
‘Morning, Walker!’
She plants a kiss on his mouth, and he lingers a bit, kissing her deeper. God, she loves his kisses. He pulls her closer, their lips firmly tangled together, until she straddles him. She feels his cock between her legs, and she instantly feels herself get wetter and wetter. He smiles at her through their kiss, and lets out a soft moan as she rubs herself onto his hard cock. She wants to take her time, though. Thoroughly enjoy the morning with him. Feel his naked body against hers, truly feel him close.
They make love lazily, tenderly, for a long time. When they part, Amara nuzzles in Drake’s arms, comfortable and happy. ‘Can we stay here forever, please?’
Drake chuckles, kissing her head. ‘I wish, babe. Did you sleep well?’
‘Like a fucking baby. I even had nice dreams!’
He smiles at her, and she feels like her heart might explode. ‘You did? What did you dream of?’
‘Just some nice sceneries, some beaches, a quiet lakefront, and...you.’
He smiles again, a bright smile that shines on her like a Sun. ‘I’m glad you’re comfortable here.’
‘Oh, I am. So comfortable. Thanks for having me, Drake.’
He tucks a lock of hair behind her ear. ‘You don’t need to thank me. I can honestly say that I’ve never been happier.’
As if on purpose, Drake’s phone aggressively vibrates, and makes Amara jump with surprise.
Drake frowns and glances at it, with no visible plan to pick up. ‘It’s Liam,’ he says, his voice void of any enthusiasm.
‘Oh…’ Amara says, unable to say anything else.
‘I’m not picking up.’
She nods, silent. She almost says that he should, just so Liam doesn’t get suspicious. But right now, she doesn’t really care. ‘I’m excited to see the guys, but I’m gonna miss our alone time…’
Drake kisses her lips. ‘I am too… It’s been really nice to be away from the world. But I guess I--nevermind.’
She sits up, curious. ‘No no, tell me!’
Drake puts his head in his hands. ‘Ugh, I’m so lame. I was gonna say that I’m kind of excited about um…’ He pauses, and continues in a whisper. ‘Entertaining.’
Amara’s face lights up. She loves seeing him like this. He told her, weeks ago, that his dream was to open a small restaurant, and she can see why. He beams when he’s making his own food. And it doesn’t hurt that his cooking is absolutely delicious. She strokes his hair. ‘It’s not lame at all, it’s actually really sweet. And Drake?’
‘I love you.’
He pulls her closer, until her head rests against his chest again. ‘I love you too, Suarez. So fucking much.’
Liam didn’t sleep at all. Well, maybe a little bit. Not much. He thought about what Madeleine had told him, and about his lack of agency in all that. About his father, who would probably not be around for much longer. About Amara, who didn’t reciprocate his feelings. About Olivia, who probably fucked her bodyguard to spite him. And about Drake, his best friend in the world, whom he really needed right now.
He waited until a decent time to call. A few weeks earlier, he wouldn’t have hesitated to call him at 4am if he needed to talk. But not now. Why, though? What happened to them that they didn’t even talk to each other anymore? Drake had been supportive enough, but probably just the bare minimum for someone who was like family. Liam missed him.
So, he called him as soon as it was appropriate. He figured, since he was at Ramsford, he was probably up early, what with Maxwell being a walking alarm clock.
But Drake hadn’t answered.
He tried again, several times, but no luck. He hesitated a bit, and after a quick look in his bathroom mirror, he realizes he cannot just stay with his own thoughts all day. He needs to be with his friends, even if only for a few hours. He needs to be at the Palace in the early afternoon for some meetings, including one with Bertrand, and at night he has a one-on-one with Kiara. But he has a couple of hours to kill.
He dials his phone.
‘Your Highness.’
Bastien always picks up right away. ‘Bastien, hello. Could you please take out the car? I need to go to Ramsford.’
‘Do you think we need to bring her any nail polish?’
Maxwell was in charge of packing Amara’s suitcase, but Hana had insisted on helping him out. She responds right away, ‘Yes, I think so. What if hers is chipped? We did our nails together a couple of days ago already, so she may need some. Pack her light gray one, and also a bolder color. Oh, and her remover.’
Hana was carefully packing Amara’s dresses into a small suitcase. Enough formal wear for Penelope’s estate tomorrow and the day after, and some casual dresses, jeans, and a sweater for downtime. Heels, and her Steve Madden slip-ons. Hana was used to packing all the right things. She was used to doing all the right things.
She closes the suitcase, after Max hands her the toiletry bag that he has just made up. She sits on the bed, taking a breath to think about the amazing friendships she’s made here. She definitely does not want to go home, not anytime soon. Maybe she’s ready to come out to her parents, but she does not want to be under their control anymore. She wishes she could stay here, with the Beaumonts, or with Amara. But after the competition, there is something else she needs to do. If she doesn’t, she’ll have regrets for the rest of her life. She’ll gather all the strength she has, and go to London to see if she still has a chance, or if she truly messed up years ago.
She is drawn from her daydream by Max, who is gently tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. ‘What’s on your mind, baby girl?’
She smiles and shrugs. ‘Nothing much… I’m excited about tonight.’
Max beams. ‘Me too! You’ll see, the Walker cabin is beautiful, and so quiet, you will love it so much.’
She nods, ‘I can’t wait. I also really want to see Drake and Amara again. It’s weird without them.’
‘You mean Dramara?’
Hana laughs heartily, ‘If you say so!’
They both go back downstairs, where Bertrand awaits them for brunch. As they are all seated on the patio, digging into their frittatas, they see Liam’s towncar pull up. Hana’s heart jumps in her chest, and she looks over to Max, who looks agitated. Liam thinks Drake and Amara are here, what is he going to think when he sees that they are both gone?
Liam gets out of the car, and Hana cannot help but think that he looks terrible. Has he been sleeping? He certainly hasn’t been shaving today, or washing his hair.
‘Good morning, friends!’ he says as he approaches them. ‘Sorry for barging in, I was hoping I could see Drake.’
Maxwell regains his composure and responds, ‘Good morning Liam, please join us for brunch! Unfortunately Drake isn’t here, he had to go to his cabin to deal with something.’
Liam nods, but Hana can’t tell if he believed Max. ‘Oh ok, that would probably explain why he’s not answering his phone. I’d love to join for brunch, thank you Maxwell.’
He comes onto the patio and takes a seat at the table. Max gets up to fetch him a plate. The Beaumonts had dismissed their staff for a few days after they realized that one of their employees must have taken Liv’s phone. They were planning to question them as soon as possible, and in the meantime, they were getting by without help. Bertrand’s frittata was surprisingly good, though.
When Max comes back with Liam’s plate, they all bid each other bon appétit and start eating again. Liam, visibly surprised, asks, ‘Oh, aren’t we waiting for Amara?’
Oh God, Hana thinks. She has to think on her feet, think of something, anything.
As she’s about to open her mouth and improvise, Bertrand chimes in, sounding incredibly natural. ‘Lady Amara is in her bedroom, she has a migraine. She asked not to be disturbed, she needs to be in complete darkness.’
Damn, Bertrand, Hana thinks. How did he think on his feet so fast?
‘Goodness,’ Liam says, visibly convinced. ‘That’s too bad, poor Amara. Well, I’ll see her in Portavira tomorrow I hope.’
Bertrand flashes a bright smile. ‘I sure hope so! Those intense migraines ought to go away after a day, I’m sure.’
They finish their brunch all the while making small talk, all carefully avoiding the main topics at court. No one is even remotely mentioning Olivia or Madeleine or anything like that. Just pleasant, completely phony conversation.
As Liam gets ready to leave, Hana offers to accompany him to his car, which he gladly accepts. Once they are alone, she asks him, ‘Liam, are you ok?’
He chuckles, ‘I look like shit, don’t I?’
Hana is surprised to hear him curse. He’s always seen him very prim and proper, except when he was propositioning Amara. This time, it’s different. He really doesn’t look well. Still, she lies, ‘No, you look great! You just seem… preoccupied.’
He sighs and looks her in the eye. ‘I have no idea what I’m going to do, Hana. Truly no idea.’
Hana squeezes his arm and says, ‘If you need to talk about it, maybe you and I could grab coffee in Portavira tomorrow? Just a friend date, so you can put all your thoughts out there.’
He smiles, ‘I’d like that very much.’
Once Liam gone, she heads back inside, where the Beaumonts are finishing up their coffee in silence. She can tell that Max is dying to ask Bertrand about his lie, but is containing himself. Still, Hana wants to know. She needs to be bolder, just like she has been recently. So, she asks, ‘Bertrand, can I ask you something?’
He takes one last sip of his coffee and says matter-of-factly, ‘I had to make something up. I couldn’t let Liam get suspicious.’
Hana’s jaw drops. ‘What--what do you mean?’
Bertrand smiles faintly. ‘I’m not blind, Hana. I see what’s going on. I just don’t think Liam needs to know right now.’
Max’s eyes are the size of cantaloupes. ‘What do you mean you know what’s going on?’
‘Come on, Maxxie. Drake and Amara. It’s obvious.’
Max shakes his head and asks hesitantly, ‘You’re--you’re not mad?’
Bertrand snorts, ‘Oh dear, do you really see me as a grumpy old man who can’t rejoice for two people in love?’ He rolls his eyes. ‘Plus, with all the crap that’s raining on us right now, it’s nice that at least two of us are happy. Yass Kween, right Max?’
‘Drake, can you come here?’
Drake is setting up their lunch table in the backyard, when Amara calls him from the kitchen. ‘Coming!’ he says.
‘I can’t find the baking powder, could you point me to it?’
He smiles, and digs deep in the cupboard where the baking powder is behind a bunch of cans. ‘Here you go, babe. How’s the batter going?’
She smiles excitedly. ‘Great! I cut the pineapple in little pieces, and plus I found some coconut shavings in your pantry, so I’m adding that to the cake.’
He chuckles as he sees that her face is covered with flour. She must not be very gentle when mixing her batter. ‘Where’s your phone? I gotta take a picture of your face right now, it’s priceless!’
‘Oh come on,’ she says, attemting to wipe her face. ‘It’s over there, if you insist on making fun of me.’
He picks up her phone, and notices the multiple missed calls. ‘Um, Amara? Did you see this?’
‘Hm?’ she asks absentmindedly, adding the baking powder to her mixing bowl.
He shows her her phone. ‘Michael. He called you eight times, just today, and it’s only like 6am in New York.’
He hates himself right away for bringing it up, when he sees the cloud loom over her eyes. ‘I know. I’m just not ready to talk to him.’
Drake nods. ‘I get it. He texted you, too, you don’t want to at least read what he wrote?’
‘No,’ she says curtly. ‘I know he’s going to apologize, that’s what my dad said. I don’t want to hear it now, I don’t want to think about it. I’ll deal with it another time.’ She pauses. ‘I know what it must look like.’
He closes the distance between them and wraps his arms around her. ‘It looks like you’re hurting and I want to help you get better, because I love you.’
She nods, obviously fighting back tears. ‘I love you too. I appreciate you wanting to help me…’
‘Hey, you’re helping me find my sister. we have each other’s backs, ok?’
‘Fair. But the situation with your sister is promising. It holds hope. My situation with Michael is fucked. He will never see me as his sister ever again. I’ll always be the person who failed his entire family.’
Drake holds her tighter. ‘I hope you know that it’s not true. Remember what your father said. Forgive yourself.’
She nods and offers a faint smile. ‘I’m trying, Drake. I really, really am. But for right now, I think the best way for me to do that is to keep some distance between me and Michael. It hurts us both too much. Hopefully someday…’
She trails off, plants a kiss on Drake’s lips, and continues mixing her batter. Drake watches her intently, his heart aching for her. He wants to take away the pain. But really, he’s probably making it worse, comparing her situation to his own with Sav. Sav is alive, and Drake will, hopefully, see his little sister soon.
Amara will never see her brother again.
But Drake can’t help but think about what she had told him about her bond with Michael. That they used to be like siblings. He hopes that, one day, she finds this bond again.
‘Do you want a beer with lunch?’ he asks, trying to lighten the mood.
Without looking up from her mixing bowl, which should be completely mixed by now, she says ‘Sure, if you’re having one.’
Amara doesn’t want to ruin the moment. No, on the contrary, these moments spent with Drake in the cabin are so special, so happy, that she wants nothing more than to enjoy them. But she has a lump in her throat now, that she can’t swallow just yet. Not Drake’s fault, not at all. He doesn’t understand completely, how could he? He’s lost people he loved, of course, but not by his own fault. Not in circumstances that he could have avoided.
He understands her well otherwise. She’s never had a connection like this one in her life, not ever. She knows what he’s trying to do, too. He wants her to reconnect with Michael and find the sibling connection that they lost along with Sergio. But she knows that she can’t force that. They both need the space, even if Michael isn’t aware of it right now.
She wonders for a second if something is truly wrong, and if she should in fact call him back, or at least read his texts before deleting them. She shakes her head. No, if anything was wrong, Dad would call. Amara had answered every single text from her dad and Nancy during her time in Cordonia. After her dad’s heart attack, she never took a chance with a missed call.
Once the cake is in the oven, she sets the times --that damn cockblocking timer-- and joins Drake outside. When she sees his face, she realizes right away that he feels bad for insisting earlier. Her heart melts a bit. She’s been too harsh, too radical with him. He just wants her to be happy.
She softens and smiles, kissing his cheek before sitting at the table.
‘You ok?’ he asks.
‘Yeah. Sorry about earlier. I get why you said all that, and I love that you want the best for me. Thank you.’
He smiles, visibly more relaxed, and kisses her hand. He holds on to it for a while.
Madeleine checks her phone for an answer from the middleman. Finally, her screen lights up.
It is booked. Arrival Friday morning.
She suppresses a smile. Her idea was retained. She knows they have something else in store for her, something big and public apparently, but she thinks they need more ammo for this bitch. Something more personal. Something to break her.
Oh well, they’ll see on Friday.
For now, she needs to make nice with the others. She puts on her best fake smile, and heads to Kiara’s room, who she knows is getting ready for a one-on-one with Liam in a few hours.
‘Knock knock!’ Madeleine says out loud.
‘Entrez!’ she hears Kiara reply.
Ugh, she thinks. Why is this bitch constantly speaking French? Madeleine had always thought that French was a language for whores and peasants. But she has to keep that smile on. She can’t make all enemies. ‘Hi, Kiara,’ she says. ‘Want some company?’
Kiara is sitting at her vanity and she is putting on makeup. ‘Oui, avec plaisir!’
Madeleine comes in and closes the door behind her. ‘So, are you ready for the big date?’
‘Oh I definitely am,’ Kiara purrs. Madeleine can’t believe that Kiara has a date with Liam before her, but oh well. Soon enough, everything will be under control.
‘Do you know where he is taking you?’
‘I think he wants to go get a drink and take a stroll through the Capital. It should be fun!’
Madeleine nods, keeping up appearances. She and Kiara were close, once. When they were younger and probably more naive, full of dreams and hope. Before Leo fucked it all up and made Madeleine have to go get things on her own instead of simply sitting back and relaxing. Back when Kiara wanted to bone Walker, and marry a diplomat. And now that stupid bitch thinks she has a shot at being an actual Queen? Ha! If she could, Madeleine would laugh.
Madeleine responds, ‘Yes, you will have fun, I have no doubt. Now, is that what you’re wearing?’
‘Babe, look at my cake! I think I didn’t fuck it up!’
Drake looks over his shoulder while he’s doing the dishes. ‘Wow, that cake looks fucking delicious. Well done!’
Amara beams. The cook of the house, complimenting her cake? She definitely is a decent baker, but it’s been a while since she has baked something, unless you count that apple pie competition at Applewood Manor, or as Drake refers to it, the ‘apple shit’.
She used to bake with her mom, back in the day, but of course she would only do the mixing and the bowl licking, and none of the oven business, she was too little for that.
‘Alright,’ she says, ‘now i’m gonna make a pitcher of margarita.’ As Drake opens his mouth to say something, she pursues, ‘Or maybe two. Two, right? It’s Max and Liv we’re talking about.’
‘My thoughts exactly,’ Drake chuckles.
Before getting started on the lime juice and tequila, she goes over to Drake and hugs him. ‘I’m so happy to be here with you.’
‘I’m happy too, babe. It feels right to have you here.’
As if on cue, there is a knock on the door. Amara can already hear Max and Hana joke around on the other side of the door. She kisses Drake’s cheek and goes over to open.
‘It’s us, bitches!’ Maxwell yells. ‘And we brought Olivia!’
@andy-loves-corgis @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @jovialyouthmusic @mariahschoices @drakesensworld @thequeenofcronuts @notoriouscs @drakewalkerisreal @nikkis1983 @simsvetements @alesana45 @iplaydrake @emceesynonymroll @lily1999love @drakewalkerwhipped @drakxwalker @drakewalkerrosenberg @drakeswalkers @drakelover78 @silviasutton1989 @dcbbw @carabeth @furiousherringoperatortoad @hollygirl1269 @sirbeepsalot
Thank you for your encouragements, everyone! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist :)
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inevitable-anna · 5 years
Escape The Night S4X07 Spoilers
I’m sorry this took so long. I’ve had tons of problems with my drafts not saving properly. This is posting attempt number 9 for this post.
Yay I was right! It’s the Genie.
This lady likes the Genie. Okay lady, you don't try to do that to someone you like. You don't promise to go with him unless he does something for you, I think that this isn’t the beginning of a healthy relationship!
Oh no, she's evil! And now she’s given his lamp to The Collector... Poor Genie.
Ummm guys... the whole thing with genies is you have to rub the lamp... guys, listen to Bretman.
Nikita dancing to the music in the background is funny. Still mad at her though...
Oohh, the second floor. New part of the museum!
*secret passageway opens*
Me: "hums the secret tune from 'The Legend Of Zelda'"
4:41 When the secret passage opens, you can see The Sorceress smiling in the background and it's really sweet... yet slightly unnerving.
Ro: *sees secret passage* "Yes. It's my size!"
It's the Genie! I wonder how long he’s been trapped in his lamp? I hope it wasn’t something like 1000 years and that he doesn’t have a crick in his neck.
Bretman: "I don't really wanna talk about what it reminded me of. My biggest fear... the vagina exhibit." ASSFGHJKL Bretman is the best!
Okay... the group has to free the Genie by getting a hammer and smashing an ebony horse? Sounds fun.
I love how Ro sees the dancing women and starts dancing with them! And while dancing asks the women if they know about the hammer.
Alex is liking the dancing women and Joey is worried because "he's the only straitie left!" Ha ha ha.
Ro: *sees girl in shackles with a guard* "oh no. This is not good. Not good."
Oh poop! It's Scheherazade, the woman who trapped the Genie!
Uh oh... what does she want with Bretman?
S3 gave us straight Joey and now S4 is gonna give us straight Bretman!
Nikita: "Well, looks like we're all about to die. Bretman playing straight, kill me now."
...surprise twist? That doesn’t sound good!
Erahrthdrtb yafvtsbyjt!That whole reveal thing gave me S2X01 vampire reveal vibes.
Sinbad? That name sounds familiar?
I was wondering where The Sorceress was! She's hiding outside!
Okay, the group has split up to complete 2 challenges. Ro and Joey are doing the first challenge, while Nikita and Bretman do the second and Alex is with Sinbad distracting the dancers/vampire people.
First challenge, Ro and Joey have to find out how and where Ma’ruf was murdered to get his ring.
Second challenge, Bretman and Nikita have to eat falafel that gets hotter/spicier as they go round to get the ebony horse.
Alex is doing well evading the guards. That's the only time that I will compliment Alex. ...Alex just got caught.
Joey telling Ro that she's about to get framed for something while she's holding a bunch of weapons is hilarious.
Was Alex trying to promote his YouTube channel while he was trapped in the basket!?!
Okay, Ro has put her name into the pile so she can make it up to Joey for voting for him and I'm still annoyed that he was mad at her for voting for him.
Quick question, when Ro and Joey are trying to discover how Ma’ruf died, why didn’t they ask questions like, “was Ma’ruf killed by a blade of any kind?” Because if it’s wrong, they can eliminate swords, daggers, knives, etc?
I’m still wishing that Mat stayed and Nikita left after the labyrinth challenge. Bretman is killing it this season! I really hope he survives!
Yay! Bretman and Nikita finished their challenge and found the ebony horse.
A body in the library, huh?
Ro and Joey discovered how Ma’ruf died, so now they get the ring!
The Sorceress is back!
Uh oh, it’s actor who played the assassin in Scheherazade’s play!
Yes! Go Sinbad!! You got this! Kick his butt!
NOOOOO!! Sinbad is dead!! Poor Fatima.
Why is it that every time I try to encourage someone THEY DIE!! Justine, Gabbie, Tana, Merlin, and now Sinbad!
The group found the hamm... never mind, Scheherazade has stolen it.
Uh oh... voting time...
They all decided to vote for themselves and now Ro has 2 votes in the pile!*fingers crossed* Please don’t be Ro, please don’t be Ro...
Uh oh, it's Alex and Bretman! Alex is the unkillable guest so I guess it’s bye bye Bretman :(
21:53 Ro looks so upset! She looks like she's about to cry! Can someone please give her a hug? Please?
So Joey and Bretman have to complete the story by finding 3 various items of their choice to fill in the blanks.
Then the story is read out and the other guests will have to vote on which story is better and then the final blank will be filled in by the losers name and said guest will die.
The story is about a fisherman finding a genie and trying to appease it.
First blank, Bretman picked up a pot and Joey picked up a lamp. Joey’s lamp makes a bit more sense in the story.
Second blank, Bretman picked up some fish, which makes sense in the story with a fisherman.
Joey got a sceptre thing (sorry, I can’t remember what Joey called it.)
Third blank, Bretman got a big piece of silky fabric and Joey went for some rope because apparently the genie was kinky?
Joey, if that genie has been trapped in his lamp for years, maybe he doesn’t want to be trapped/tied up again?
I personally think Bretman’s story is better. Who did you think had the better story?
Time to vote for the winner.
Ro says "I can't lose Joey, he's gonna get us out of here." So she’s only voting for Joey because he can get her home? Ro sounds devastated when she’s apologising to Bretman.
Bye Bretman :( you were amazing!
Yay! I don’t have to write a ‘R.I.P’ section for this post! Writing them always makes me feel a bit sad.
They managed to smash the ebony horse with the hammer and now they can get back to the Genie and free him!!
Oh, the 'guardian angel' stone's magic is fading! Nikita is gone!
Yay the Genie is free! I like the Genie, he seems nice. I would like to see more of him!
Colleen is gonna be revived, which I think is gonna spell trouble for Ro as the survivors are always Joey (excluding S2), a girl, and a boy. So unless they change it up this season and have it be Joey and 2 girls or Colleen dies for a 3rd time, Ro is probably gonna die. :(
If Ro dies, I’ll be devastated and cry a lot!
So that’s my reaction post for S4X07. I hope you enjoyed it. I shall try and get my reaction post for S4X08 up soon.
Again I’m so sorry that this took so long.
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soiread-blog1 · 5 years
So, I read... Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston [Book Review]
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I got to admit that at first, I thought I wasn’t going to like it. And I guess I still don’t like some things from the beginning? However, I was gladly surprised by the novel. At first I thought this was another story written by a straight white woman essentializing, fetishizing and fantasizing about gays; which kind of made me realize that I’m an asshole, as the author is not straight and I didn’t even took my time to research about the author. There’s room for growth in this blog, so I learnt my lesson. That being said, I don’t mean that straight people cannot write stories with LGBTQ+ characters or stories which main plot is about LGBTQ+ people; it’s just that sometimes it feels like a ‘token’ character for inclusion or that (mainly) gay men are cool just because they’re gay. I think that Becky Albertalli did a wonderful job when writing Simon vs The Homo-Sapiens Agenda, which makes sense as she worked as a child psychologist. Anyways. Did I like it? I has some issues with it, but I ended up loving it.
 Red, White and Royal Blue is about the son of the first female president of the US, Alex Claremont-Diaz. For a reason that is not really that important, Alex hates Henry, the Prince of England. And guess what? Henry hates Alex too. After being a drunk mess, Alex and Henry got into a really small fight, but they end up screwing the royal wedding cake. Of course, such a scandal ends up in the news, and in order to keep everything great, they have to spend time together to make people think they’re actually like best friends. It’s not really a spoiler, as it is on the back of the book, but they go from being a drunk mess (well, actually Alex was the only one drunk) to be a cute mess.
 I’ll start saying what I didn’t like because I want to end this review in a positive note, as I truly recommend the book. Also, most of what I didn’t enjoy have to with tropes that I personally don’t enjoy more than the quality of the book, so if you actually love what I don’t like it’s completely okay.
I know that it’s the trigger for the story to happen, and that’s why I thought I wasn’t going to enjoy the book, but I couldn’t like the fact that it was a foes-to-lovers story. It might be because I hate this trope, but I found the rivalry between to be kind of forced and very unnecessary. Their ‘hatred’ towards each other was only important on the first pages, so it didn’t work for me. I would’ve preferred if it was more like they met each other for the first time, or after years of a small talk they had, and start to know each other and ended up liking each other. However, that’s just a personal preference, so if you liked their rivalry, great for you.
Another thing that I didn’t enjoy that much was the ‘you have no friends’ stuff that was happening, especially because [SPOILER ALERT I GUESS] they told Alex that his sister and Nora could not be his only friends, but at the end of the book the only additions to this group are Henry and his sister. Don’t misunderstand me, this group of friends is amazing, I truly loved them. But I didn’t think it was necessary to say that over and over when it wasn’t going to be a great deal.
This is just a stupid complain that I have, but the first pages are super weird when it comes to the terms they use. First of all, for a while I felt that Alex and Henry were treated just as sexual body parts? Does that make sense? It was when the rivalry was still relevant. The first 50 pages (I think) were all about Alex’s ass and Henry’s penis. If you’re reading it for the first time, pay attention to that, because it’s so weird that it’s almost funny? Almost, though. And the other thing that called my attention was that, when they were not even friends yet, the terms used by the characters in order to refer to Alex and Henry’s ‘forced’ friendship (when it was still a plan) were related to couples. And I guess the author did this to ´foreshadow’ their relationship, but we already knew that that was going to happen, so I don’t really see the point on doing that.
And the last thing that I couldn’t stand of the book, for at least the first half of the book, was Alex himself. He was too much of an asshole, in my opinion. I know he’s the protagonist, but he made everything about himself. That’s even stated in the book, so I guess that was the point of it. Now, I hate the ´bad boy changed by the good girl’ trope, but this is completely different. At the end of the book I genuinely liked Alex, but because I could see him grow because of Henry’s influence. He was never a bad boy, just annoying. So, I truly appreciated that.
 Now to why I liked this book. Yay!
I was pleasantly surprised by the portrayal of bisexuality in this book. I thought that it was going to be the usual ‘and I suddenly discovered that I actually never liked women’. I know that it’s something that could happen in real life, but in media it tends to happen that bisexuality does not exist at all. You can just go from straight to gay. Because apparently the only letter in LGBTQ+ is the B. Speaking about that, I must admit that I said out loud ‘Yass. Bitch. Work.’ when I read ‘the B is not silent’. Not because of the impact in terms of narrative, but because it’s inherently political and related to our own reality. Also, Nora kind of acknowledges that realizing about your own sexual orientation just happens, and it’s not that you wake up at 3 AM with lights in your eyes while a storm is outside your window and a spirit comes to tell you ‘hunty, you gay’. Sorry if this seems confusing, but I had this picture in my head and I needed to write it.
Although some sex scenes were a bit confusing (which might be because English is not my first language), I was really pleased with the portrayal of safe sex as something important, even if it was just a glimpse of it. And I’m not only talking about condoms, but also the inclusion of lube as something important. I know that in 2019 is way easier to take care of yourself and your sexual partner when it comes to STI’s, it’s still important to keep acknowledging the significance of safe sex. Also, I loved that the author portrayed their sexuality as very versatile. I think that media tends to create a binary relationship, in which one has to be a top and the other one a bottom, when in reality that’s not necessarily how it works.
Even though I loved the film ‘Love, Simon’, one of my issues with the movie was that, in my opinion, it gave a little bit the message that being an asshole is okay if you’re suffering. So I was really moved by Alex when he stated that it was unfair for his sister and Nora to be treated as objects in order to cover the main couple. That’s what I mean by the ‘growth of Alex’, he realizes that it’s knot okay, and not only because he feels uncomfortable not being himself publicly.
I know it’s a touchy subject, so I appreciate the inclusion of the problematization and treatment of sexual harassment. I like that the author states that it’s not something about sexuality, but rather about having power over another human. I would like to know more about this situation, maybe in a spin-off or something like that.
 I truly recommend you this book, in case you haven’t read it. Consider that it has various sex scenes, in case you want to recommend it to a child or someone who’s sensitive about this, or more conservative or whatever. However, please consider that this is not only a cute story. Is very political about issues regarding the LGBTQ+ community. It’s a great book to read this pride month, as I think it ends making you feel hopeful about the world.  The world can change, but we need to fight for it. No one is going to give us our rights if we don’t fight for them. As the author says in the acknowledgements ‘Keep fighting, keep making history, keep looking after one another’.
 Story: (3.5/5)
As stated before, I wasn’t a fan of the premise. I do think is way better than I thought it was going to be, but the rivalry was unnecessary for me. And not only that, it didn’t work for me. However, it is a really cute and uplifting story, and I really enjoyed reading the book, so I only have problems with the beginning of the story.
Style: (3.5/5)
At the beginning I felt like the characters were not fully developed. By that I mean the narrator had to state ‘[character] is [adjective]’, instead of showing it. This is a bit dumb, but I also didn’t like the use of couple terms at the beginning. However, I do think the narrator is very good at being at Alex’s perspective. You know what he’s thinking, what he resents, even when he’s not talking. That also makes me think that it might be an unreliable narrator, which is great.
Narrative: (4.5/5)
It’s really easy to keep up with the reading. The emails make it more likable, in the sense that the way it tells you the story is not only through narrative, which feels kind of like a break. I love that, which might or might not be related to the references. What I didn’t like was a specific paragraph that I found unnecessary, and that at some points I found myself skipping some parts that I didn’t find engaging.
Characters: (4/5)
I love the wide variety of character. I felt that each of them was unique in many ways, so it was great. It might be because of the narrative, but I felt that the only character that was detached from his own reality was Alex. There’s a moment in which it is stated that he ‘genuinely care[d] about people’, but I didn’t start to feel that it was true until the end, so I don’t necessarily think it was well developed. I think the author had the idea of the Alex at the end but didn’t realize he wasn’t like that at the beginning. Again, I give it the benefit of the doubt because I want to believe that it was an unreliable narrator, but I don’t really know.
Overall: (3.8/5) Yes. I’ll give it 4 stars in Goodreads.
 Fun facts:
-          History, Huh?
-          I think it’s the longest review I’ve ever written.
-          kensingtonemail.com is the worst email I’ve ever seen.
-          I shared one of my favorite quotes a few days ago, in case you want to share it too.
-          When June was talking about Drag Race I couldn’t help myself and I wrote ‘I’m so into voguing right now’.
-          I didn’t took a picture of the book because… I read it on my kindle.
 You can also find me in Instagram, Goodreads and Pinterest: @soiread
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ryoshan · 5 years
after the fall spoilers /
when u wanna liveblog but ur the first person you know to start/finish reading: a collection of disorganised and contextless thoughts by an excitable brit
book: mentions weiss and ruby 
fox is from vacuo!!!!!! i am VINDICATED 
split point of view per chapter is sososososososoososos GOOD SO GOOD DO GOOD 
nothing will beat novels for their ability to drop explicit details in a short period of time 
coco adele? was that a typo? or is adele her middle name? stylistic choice? hmm 
what a fucking show off our boy fox is 
tiny criticism: pls stop knocking on about coco’s fashion sense we get it you’re doing that thing where you boil her down to one trait, hopefully this will happen less as the book goes on 
this initiation is some juicy fucking lore my guys 
y.. yatsuhashi CAN FUCK WITH MEMORIES???
dyou think when fox stutters over a word in team cfvy’s mental group chat, coco, yatsuhashi and velvet repeat his mistake back at him 
i am supremely interested to know how fox’s semblance interacts with rens
i literally fucking winded myself at the start of chapter 5 gasping so hard 
“she looked like she had a mortal wound in her side” OH HAHA VERY FUNNY I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE 
coco mentoring ruby has given me more life than anything so far
oh im not comfortable with weiss calling fox red that sounds very weird and not at all in character it sounds too much like torchwick and im not about making that association 
i really did forget how much of an ego weiss has right in the beginning ive been writing her post development for too long 
BLAKE N VELVET BLAKE N VELVE T once again i gasped so hard my lungs hurt 
wow huh okay blake being violent is..... a surprise 
“I don’t believe in fighting prejudice with violence” jess is vindicated im so proud of my wife
COCO WAS GOING TO LIKE HER, VELVET THOUGHT you’re damn right she does
i dont like velvet and coco fighting ):
fox as the hardcore realist i am once again, VINDICATED
velvet employing the same words to gus as blake did to her..... aaa.....
yatsuhashi’s semblance makes me sad cause imagine if he made someone he thought cared about him forget him and it turned out to be really easy
fox and ruby interacted...... thank you for my life............
the inclusion of not only yatsu asking velvet to guide him so he can be better in terms of his language but also an active example of this happening is really pleasing to me 
as the player of a dnd character who always splits off from the group i can say with complete confidence fox splitting off from team cfvy in the sands of vacuo will almost certainly not go well
“she kept waiting for the others to see it” ;___;
PYRRHAAAA ;____________;
literally all it takes is her name and i am sad . 
this TEAM make my heart SURGE 
coco genuinely is the big explicit wlw i’ve been hoping for 
jesus christ coco hold urself together. 
fox vc alexa play darude: sandstorm 
- as long as her remembered to charge his scroll. i knew it, boy’s gonna run out of battery . 
i love when things connect with canon i love it i love it 
why is coco of all people picking on velvet ): 
VELVET BITING BACK THO aaaaaa yay but also ):
uhg i love this fuck ign fami ly 
im.... emotional,,,,,
the cairn mission......... no wonder it was so hard..... im ): 
also im getting serious shadow of the colossus vibes
i love my son he’s so strong and smart 
theres so many death flags here i dont even know who they’re on anymore
lol jk he’s fine
i really love how sure of himself fox is and so he should be he’s fought really hard to be confident
it is REALLY cool seeing an actual scene from the show written from velvet’s perspective, im all about this 
moro is gonna be happy about glynda i know it she’s fab 
“we just need you to tell us everything” “ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING” ozpin still putting tremendous amounts of pressure on teenagers i see
“we prefer to speak with you individually so we can separate you from your support system while tugging on your vulnerabilities” 
yatsu getting mad ):
im not too fond on how blithely ‘coco never picked up on that’ regarding the finer points of velvet’s tendencies when coco has been established already as a people watcher and observational thinker.,
what the FUCK these adults???? hello????? “i deserved that” NO YOU DIDNT???? what did glynda think he was gonna do, stab ozpin??? 
“haha we broguth her here alone to TEST you!!! you passed because you came to her!!!! hahahahahah!!!!!!” fuck you ozpin 
no explanation as to WHY she had to be brought alone as if her ‘keen observational skills’ couldnt have been asked about in the presence of her team or indeed pulled fro the written report she’ll be making 
this is such a formative mission for them and i like it but damn ozpin really up here ruining it all 
the death flags were yatsu’s ALL ALONG 
oh god the impact of velvet using some of these weapons has not been lost on me and it must be devastating for her 
“if this didnt qualify, what did?” me when i get to the end of a game with 3468758976495 different things hoarded and dropping them all on the final boss
why are coco and velvet having a conversation like they’re about to die noones dying NOONES DYING 
thumbelina peach...? really???? but hey looks like beacon has more than 4 professors now
“noone knew what had frozen that beast there” interesting . 
its interesting to me that so far its been atlas thats been shown to be the least accepting of faunus but now its becoming clear mistral is worse, worse enough that velvet wont even consider going there
“velvet waited for someone to ask her what she wanted, but they never did” :( 
anyway i cant wait to see how coco is gonna make the blind worm her bitch
yatsu is so shy about his semblance im sad for him, 
coco getting edward to help ;_____;
its both funny and depressing that sssn are here and sage and scarlet are still yet to have any actual fuckin lines or DESCRIPTORS for that matter 
fox tapping that @ everyone command and getting chewed out for it 
u kno whats getting me most? 
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BOOK #2 WHEN???????????
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