#do they fall out and regrow like shark teeth??? are they really big teeth??????
ali-yona · 8 months
girl help i am once again confused by the tarkatan arm blades
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aka-indulgence · 5 months
Do you have any thoughts/headcanons for buckshot roulette themed au for skeletons or just in general just headcanon for the dealer?
(these are gonna be about og dealer because i gotta fixation rn sjhf)
Strong, stable hands. Calloused hands. Dextrous hands. But can crush a can of beer. Good for hand holding… they’re warm
Teeth fall out and regrow like a shark’s would (might give them to you because he’s not all caught up on romance customs kdjfg)
Outside of his face and hands, he has a nebulous, vague body, but he can choose to have a humanoid body (He’d like using his humanoid body around you,,,)
Big chest. Big broad chest you can sleep on. He wants you to sleep on him like he’s your personal bed,
Mobster-themed outfits, naturally… (personally I love suspenders the most)
He really ‘dies’ when he loses the third round, but he always comes back. Just takes a while after he’s been shot 9+ times…
Smells like a casino
Has 0 tolerance for cheaters (because who doesn’t love a fair dealer who can turn into an angry monster?)
Pretty good at disguising his anger whenever he gets shot. But you can tell from the way his finger and mouth twitches, how eager he is when grabbing the shotgun. Especially on the third round, he seems all too happy to point that muzzle on the player with gleeful hatred on his face
I assume in canon the two red dots in the end are some sort of mechanic… robo… thing…(???) but I really like the idea of a red glow when he loses/feels a strong emotion, in short bursts. Sometimes, looking at you…
(I like imagining that you either work for him or work at the club he’s lingers in)
He doesn’t need anyone to nurse him to life after he dies. But he likes having you do it, wiping his blood and patching him up… likes seeing a pretty face while he recovers. Holds onto you while you fix him up. Stares… a lot.
He likes smelling you. Nose is used for sniffing cute humans
Gentle with his ‘kissing’. Because of his teeth it’s more like a very careful nuzzle… don’t want to nick you with his knife-teeth.
He wouldn’t want you to play the game. He’d actively dissuade you, but won’t stop you if you’re persistent.
When he’s pointing at you and it’s a live, it always misses, somehow. He acts like it’s a mistake- but everyone knows the Dealer doesn’t miss.
He likes it when you squeak every time a live misses you. He also likes that you look hesitant every time you point it at him… but always reminds you its the game.
Usually the more he’s shot the angrier and moodier he gets, the more he wants to make sure the player stays dead.
But when he’s playing with you, it’s more like… he’s shows off that even though he’s bleeding. Smiles at you after he gets back up
If you saw him play against anyone else… it’s obvious he wasn’t playing normally with you. You’re not his usual player…
Picks you up like a potato sack
100000% purrs because I’m indulgent that way. Sounds more like a truck engine
Also in terms of Sans AUs? HMF!Sans fits the role the most, and if it was an au, everything I wrote above applies to him heheheh
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thebigolbee · 1 year
Does Marlow sharpen his teeth or are they just like that for ghoul reasons
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I'll be real with you, I just really enjoy drawing big scary teeth LOL.
I do think it would be neat if ghouls just lost all their original teeth and were replaced with weird ones. Maybe they constantly fall out and regrow like sharks? Idk, but it's fun to mix up ghoul biology since everything can be justified by radiation exposure haha.
Either way, Arcade seems to enjoy Richie's chompers, so that's what really matters ;)c
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debiteful · 5 years
Exploring the Deep
Shay agrees to let her shy seal friend explore her digestive system up close after watching a documentary. 
Content warning: soft vore, safe vore, size difference, female anthro shark pred, male anthro seal prey, implied full tour (might be comfortable writing that someday, but today is not that day)
Around 1.8k words, with the first ⅔ being build up. He's a timid fellow.
Shay leaned back on the couch, arm outstretched on the back of the seat. Her smol friend was nestled close to her, but scooted away as the show ended. His big dark eyes were bright against his dappled skin. "Wasn't that incredible?" He proclaimed with satisfaction.
She nodded, "Yeah it was pretty cool. I'm surprised you were such a fan though."
His brow furrowed then relaxed as he laughed, "Oh just because I'm a seal doesn't mean I'm bothered by wild seals being hunted by wild sharks. I mean come on, we're best friends!"
She smiled and nodded, then her face got serious as she held her hand to her heart, "I promise I would never hunt you."
He giggled and picked at the last of the popcorn in the bowl, "What now?"
She considered, fingers slipping up to tangle in her long mohawk. Her tail slapped the floor as she got an idea, "Why don't we go in my hot tub for a bit? I know you like the water as much as I do!"
He nodded enthusiastically, "Let's do it. I always bring my swim trunks over when I visit, just in case."
She chuckled and shook her head, giving his soft shoulder a little shove, "Go on and get changed then."
After a few minutes, they were both in the hot tub, soaking in the warm water. She sat on a low seat, up to her waist in water, while he perched on a raised portion, just about level with the top of her tail, the water lapping at his chest. His eyes wandered along her body, admiring her lean muscles. She noticed his gaze and smirked, splashing a little water to catch his attention, "Whatcha looking at? You've seen me in a swimsuit before."
He blushed and nodded, mumbling, "Sorry. Was just thinking that you're a lot like those sharks in the doc. Powerful, strong, you would make a fine hunter." 
She grinned, "Is that so?"
"Yeah," he said, gaze fixed on the water infront of him. The swaying movement of her tail below the surface caught his attention. He watched it wave slowly in the current from jets. Slowly, he reached out and touched the part of it above the surface with his finger tips. A quick glance at her face revealed she either didn't notice or didn't care. Her head was tilted back to rest on the edge of the hot tub and her eyes were closed.
He put his hand on it, feeling the smooth, tough skin, not unlike his own. His eyes wandered to her belly, which was relatively soft compared to the rest of her. His mind wandered back to the documentary, but he snapped it back into order quickly. 
He sunk lower in the water, hoping to hide his blush as she glanced at him. "You alright? You're uncharacteristically quiet tonight," she noted.
He could hear the concern in her voice and shook his head, chin splashing water. "Its nothing. I'm just thinking about that cool show," he explained, the words tumbling from his mouth. After a moment, he continued slowly, "I do wonder what it's like."
"What what's like?" She asked, leaning forward.
He reached out, brushing her belly lightly, "In there." His words started slow, but eventually came to a normal pace, "They show plenty of the outside of sharks, and they show them hunting and eating, but we never see the inside. At least, not of an alive one."
She nodded along as he spoke, "This is true."
He pushed off from the ledge, swimming over to sit in her lap, which was roughly the same height. He leaned back against her soft belly. Not for the first time he appreciated the soft cushion it gave his back and head. He listened to it gurgle softly as it worked on the last remnants of popcorn. This was his favourite time to sit here, just after she had eaten. 
Her hand cupped around him gently, holding his soft little body close. It was comforting and gentle, but his mind was distracted by other things. He absently reached back to rub her tummy, once again enjoying the smooth skin and marvelling at how different it felt from her muscular tail. He could feel her eyes on him, but he ignored them. Still, he kept his face tilted down so she couldn't see his reddening face. 
Finally, he worked up the courage to ask, "Can you hold me up? I," he hesitated and his voice dropped to a timid whisper, "I want to see if your teeth are like the wild shark's teeth."
She didn't respond immediately. Just as he was about to apologize, her hands tightened around him and lifted him carefully, holding him above the water as it dripped from him. He let her turn him in her hold, drawing in a deep breath as she held him close to her face. She gave him a toothy grin and he gazed at the pointed white teeth. 
Heart racing, he stammered, "Could you open up? Just a little. Yknow, so I can see better."
She obliged without a word, her smile growing. He leaned forward in her grasp to touch the teeth, fingers tracing the edges. His gaze wandered over her soft pink tongue towards her darker throat. Saliva reflected the light from nearly every surface. Her warm breath washed over him and he shivered. He sighed softly as she closed her mouth and lowered him to her lap once again.
"Well? What's the verdict good sir?"
"What? Oh! Um well they're certainly sharp. Though you only have one row and I doubt they regrow like a wild sharks."
She frowned and considered, then nodded with a smile, "This is true."
He nodded too, looking down again. This left his gaze right on her belly again. It lingered more than long enough for her to notice. She lifted his chin with her finger. Her eyebrows arched, "Is it just me, or do you seem interested in a little more than just my teeth. Perhaps you'd like to see a little further?"
His eyes widened as he looked at her, face burning and turning bright red instantly. He was speechless, only barely managing to nod. She smiled and scooped him up, holding her hand to her chin. "Go on then. I won't bite," she giggled at her own silly joke before opening her mouth wide. 
He crawled in enthusiastically, carefully passing her teeth to lay on her big tongue. It squirmed beneath him, almost as if it had a mind of it's own. Her jaw hung open and he felt saliva gush up around him from below. He shivered in timid pleasure, feeling the moist air from her breath eb and flow around him. He tilted his head back to look at her throat, nose bumping her soft uvula. It left a little wet patch on his snout. 
Heart racing, he took a deep breath and said, "You can close your mouth."
She couldn't really respond, but after a moment her jaws closed around him. He was nearly dizzy with euphoria, on the cusp of a longtime dream.
He flattened his hands, palms down, on her tongue. His fingers curled around the edges, squished gently between her tongue and teeth. He ran them up and down a little, feeling the tiny flexible bumps of her tastebuds. He was rewarded with a fresh flow of saliva, soaking him rather thoroughly.
Next, he reached up, wriggling a bit to get his arms away from his sides, and felt the roof of her mouth. Her hard palate was smooth and firm, giving way to the soft palate when he reached above his head.  He reached back and touched her uvula, intentionally this time. There was little left to explore here.
With a small kick, he pushed off of her front teeth, his head sliding into her throat. She coughed then gulped reflexively, the muscles of her esophagus flexing around his face and dragging his whole body down. "Oh my gosh, yes," he moaned quietly.
The pleased words reassured her and she gave a few more hard swallows to finish the job, completely swallowing him up. His hands trailed along the slimy walls as he descended, careful not to squirm until he reached her belly.
A rumble heralded his entrance, and her stomach flexed around him, forcing out the air that came with him in a small burp. He felt pressure from the outside, squishing him between the belly walls. Her hand was pressed to the firm bulge in her gut. She looked down at it, her voice thundering around him, "Did you mean to do that?"
He nodded, then realized that was meaningless in here. "Yeah!" He called, then added, "You can whisper, I'm quite close to all the sound."
Indeed, he could hear everything. All those muffled gurgles were around him now, like a symphony to him. He could hear her heart pounding, no doubt a little alarmed at his sudden choice to descend. His own heart was racing with exhilaration. He tried to move but found her hand had him pinned. While the helplessness gave him a heady rush, he really did want to explore. "Please lift your hand," he requested loudly.
He flopped forward as the pressure disappeared. The bottom of her stomach cradled him softly. Both he and the lining were slick with a mixture of fluids. He struggled to sit up, then ran his hands up along the wall. Her stomach flexed in response and a giggle boomed around him. 
"What was that?" She whispered between little laughs.
"I'm feeling the texture. The lining is smooth but made of all these little folds; its an incredible feeling," he called, punctuating it with a sigh as he flopped back, letting his back run along the odd wall.
He ran his fingers through the goop that came up to his waist, relieved it was not fast acting. It clung to itself, falling from his hand in long, wet strings. He supposed most of it was saliva. It was slippery, making it easy to run his hands along the lining, but hard to stay upright, especially with the natural movement of her stomach.
 It was all he imagined and more! The warmth, the confinement, the feel of it all, it was amazing. He couldn't wait to see what else he gut had for him to discover.
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