#do you think the lord of malevolence would rock that drip?
malleleothreesome · 4 months
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Okay okay FINE due to popular demand (2 people) i'm proud to announce I'll be cosplaying tits out no thoughts in brain Dorm Malleus at Anime Expo 2024 see u there godspeed 🫡
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swanqueeneverafter · 4 years
Sins of the Past Pt.10
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Camelot. Past. Hall of Ceremonies. (A great feast is being held in the name of unity and forgiveness. Uther stands to give a speech.) Uther: “Standing here, seeing so many happy faces, seems almost like a dream. I can tell you, I have not felt like this in a long time.” Morgana: “What, drunk?” Uther: (Swats her playfully with his napkin:) “Drunk with happiness. I would give the entire world, the seas, the skies, the stars, for that smile. Morgana, there are no words. You mean more to me that you will ever know. (Raising his goblet:) To Lady Morgana.” All: “To Lady Morgana.” (Uther and Morgana embrace, Morgana’s forced smile faltering.) Uther: (Unbalanced momentarily:) “Oops. I need some air.” (Morgana watches him leave the room, a malevolent smirk upon her face.) Castle Courtyard. (Uther staggers outside on wobbly legs.) Uther: (Hearing something:) “Who’s that?” (Uther walks to the well and looks inside. Suddenly a vision of Ygraine, Uther’s long dead wife and Morgana’s mother, grabs his arm and screams.) Ygraine: “Please. Please!” Uther: “AHHHH!” (Uther continues screaming, curls up in the fetal position and rocks back and forth as guards run to check on him.)
Uther’s Chambers. (Arthur and two other guards set Uther down on the bed.) Morgana: “Careful. Is he going to be alright?” Guinevere: “He should sleep ’til morning.” (Guinevere motions for the others to leave. She watches Morgana dote over her father before she too leaves the room. Now alone with Uther, Morgana drops her father’s hand and smiles. The mandrake beneath Uther’s bed is having the desired effect.) Morgause’s Cave. Morgana: “Already the rumours are spreading.” Morgause: “The mandrake’s poison does its work well.” Morgana: “Soon all of Camelot will believe that their king is going mad.” Morgause: “And a kingdom without a king is ripe for the picking.” Morgana: “When do you go to Cenred?” Morgause: “Tomorrow.” Morgana: “And he will do as we wish?” Morgause: “Cenred wishes only to please me.” Morgana: "Then your time with him has been well spent.” (Morgause adds another mandrake to the cauldron much to Morgana’s delight.)
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Storybrooke. Present. Regina's Vault. (A large group has gathered inside the vault as Lancelot speaks.) Lancelot: "My men and I covered the entire forest, the tracks lead back to Dun Broch." David: "And? Did you find Mulan?" Lancelot: (Glancing at Guinevere before answering:) "Camelot has a treaty with Dun Broch, no soldier can cross into their lands without prior consent. It would be akin to starting a war." Xena: "You fool! Macintosh started the war the moment he poisoned Dun Broch's recognised leader. In the event of a coup d'état all treaties are invalidated. We have to get Mulan out of there!" Zelena: "Hey! Everyone calm down. Now thanks to Ruby, I have something of Mulan's bubbling in this cauldron that will allow me to make a potion which will show us Mulan's exact location. As soon as my sisters finish their potion to revive Merida, she'll be able to tell us where Mulan is being held. Now those of you who aren't doing anything useful, please give us some space to work." Antechamber. (Sitting with Belle and Snow, Ruby continues to worry about Mulan.) Belle: "Hey, listen. You and I both know just how tough Mulan is, right? I mean Merida can kick all those men’s arses and Mulan trained her so really, there's nothing to worry about?" Ruby: (Smiles, through her tears:) "Right." Snow White: "Ruby, you're my best friend. I know you and I can see how worried you are, but we will find her." Ruby: (Nods:) "You're right. It's just... I've never been so scared about anything before."
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The Vault. (Regina is mixing ingredients with the crushed up Mortaeus flower.) Emma: "Will it work?" Regina: (Shrugs:) "One thing I know for sure is this poison was created using magic." Emma: "So that means Macintosh wasn't acting alone?" Regina: "Unless he has magic, he can't have been. (Adding the last ingredient, Regina motions for Emma to step back. The potion sizzles and foams for a moment. Ladling the potion into a small cup, Regina walks over to Merida:) Hold her nose." (Emma pinches Merida's nose while Regina pours the potion into her mouth.) Regina: "Swallow, Merida. Swallow it." Emma: "She’s stopped breathing. What’s happening? Regina?" Regina: (Putting her head on Merida's chest:) "Her heart has stopped." Ruby: (Entering:) "She's dead? She can't be! It’s my fault. If I’d have got here sooner. If I’d have ran faster...” (Ruby turns and cries in Snow’s arms.) Snow White: “No, no. This wasn’t your fault.” Merida: (Her voice croaky:) “Careful, Snow. You don’t want to make Mulan jealous.” (Everyone looks down at Merida who slowly opens her eyes.) Ruby: “Merida! You’re alive.” Merida: “No. I’m a ghost come back to haunt you. (Moves to sit up:) What happened? The last thing I remember is drinking from the goblet.” (Everyone gathered looks to each other before Ruby begins bringing Merida up to speed.) Camelot. Past. Council Chamber. (Uther and Morgana are seated side by side while Arthur gives his report.) Arthur: “We’ve had reports that mercenaries are streaming into Cenred’s kingdom.” Uther: “Do we know why?” Arthur: “There is rumour that Cenred is amassing an army. I think we should send a patrol out to assess the situation. (Uther stares past Arthur:) My Lord? (Arthur turns to see what the king is staring at. The court looks back at Uther. Uther sees a small drowned boy standing in the council room, dripping water all over the floor. Uther stands up and points at the boy.) Uther: “Leave me alone. Get out of here.” Arthur: “My Lord, will you…” Uther: “I said get out! Get out! I’ll have you hanged!” (Arthur and another knight restrain Uther and drag him from the room.) Uther: “You hanged! You…! You…!” (While the court members are aghast, Morgana lets a smile cross her face.) Storybrooke. Present. Regina's Vault. (Merida sits beside the cauldron.) Zelena: "Ready?" Merida: "Aye." (Zelena adds the final ingredient and the potion bubbles up. Images begin to form inside the billowing smoke.) Zelena: "Do you know where that is?" Merida: "I do. The Southern Moor. Macintosh, the bastard."
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Guinevere: "Merida, my army is at your disposal. Do you give us permission to enter your lands?" Merida: "Ordinarily, your Majesty, if I allowed Camelot soldiers entry into Dun Broch I'd face a rebellion. But seeing as one of my own has already betrayed me, I say desperate times call for desperate measures." Cenred’s Castle. Past. Throne Room. (Morgause rides alone towards Cenred’s castle. Surrounded by Cenred’s men, she enters the throne room where the regent of the land is waiting for her.) Cenred: “To what do I owe this pleasure?” Morgause: “If you will not leave your castle, then I must come to you.” Cenred: “I see that you’ve lost none of your audacity.” Morgause: “I wish I could say the same. But I find the great King Cenred cowering in his chambers when he should’ve met me at the border. Perhaps he has lost his nerve. Perhaps he is a coward.” (One of Cenred’s men draws his sword. Morgause magically throws him backwards with a look. Cenred’s other men draw their swords. Cenred holds up a hand to stop them.) Cenred: “You are very beautiful when you’re angry.” Morgause: “Is that why you continue to defy me?” Cenred: “Well, you wouldn’t like it if I made it easy for you.” (Morgause laughs.) A Short Time Later. (Now alone, Cenred pours Morgause a drink and sits across from her.) Cenred: "I’m certain you’ve not come all this way just to drink, Morgause.” Morgause: “You know me well.” Cenred: “Extremely well. And yet, somehow, we’re still close.” Morgause: “I’ve come to talk to you about our old friend, Uther Pendragon.” Cenred: “Yes. I have heard the sad news. He’s finally lost his mind.” Morgause: “Camelot is weak, weaker than it’s been for years. the kingdom is vulnerable, just as I promised.” Cenred: “Yet it doesn’t change the fact the citadel is still impregnable.” Morgause: “So, even without his wits, Uther is too strong for you.” Cenred: “You’re a woman of great courage, Morgause, but I don’t think with my sword. An assault on Camelot cannot be undertaken lightly.” Morgause: “You forget. We have an ally in the court.” Cenred: “That is no guarantee. Traitors blow like the wind.” Morgause: “Not this one. She can be relied upon until the end. You can be certain of that.” Camelot. Night. (Morgana enters the King's chambers to check on a comatose Uther. Waving a hand in front of his face, Morgana smiles when his expression does not change. Holding up a fresh mandrake, Morgana wraps a string around the mandrake root and strangles it several times. Uther becomes more terrified with each scream the root makes.) Corridor. (When Morgana leaves her father's chambers and walks along the corridor, Guinevere steps out from the darkness and decides to follow.) Lower Town. (Guinevere ducks behind walls, carts and whatever else she can in an effort to continue following Morgana through the town and into the woods.) Woods. (Sensing that she will be discovered if she moves any closer, Guinevere watches from a safe distance as Morgana meets with Morgause.) Morgause: “Sorry you had to wait. There was much to discuss.” Morgana: “But your visit was successful?” Morgause: “Cenred’s army ride for Camelot on my command.” Morgana: “There is nothing you cannot do.” Morgause: “It is you that gives me strength, sister. How goes the battle for Uther’s mind?” Morgana: “When Cenred marches on Camelot, he will find a kingdom without a leader. Finally we are ready.” Morgause: “Not quite. I have had to agree to an additional guarantee to Cenred to quell his fears. Do you trust me, Morgana?” Morgana: “Completely.” (Although unable to hear their conversation from her position behind the trees, Guinevere does witness Morgause’s eyes glow and Morgana pass out in Morgause’s arms. Forcing herself not to move, Guinevere watches as Morgause lays Morgana on the ground and begins to draw a circle around Morgana with a stick.) Morgause: “Acene slæp swilce … Acene slæp swilce … Acene slæp swilce …” (Before Guinevere’s very eyes, Morgana begins to glow.)
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Storybrooke. Present. The Vault. (Guinevere relays memories of her past to Lancelot.) Guinevere: "This is just like before you came to Camelot. Morgause used her magic on Morgana to turn her against Uther. Now I suspect the same has happened to Lord Macintosh." Lancelot: "You think Morgause is back?" Guinevere: "She has to be. She's gathering an army to take back what she believes has been stolen from her. Morgana." Lancelot: "We won't let that happen." Xena: "You've already let it happen. The time you've wasted trying to avoid a war may just have given Macintosh and this Morgause person the chance they need to strike first!" Lancelot: "If Macintosh and his men attempt to attack Camelot, my soldiers will crush them." Xena: "If you plan on winning a war from a defensive position you've already lost." Gabrielle: "Xena's right, we have to take the fight to them and rescue Mulan before it's too late." Lancelot: "I will not lead my men into a trap against an army that for all we know is imbued with Morgause's magic." Xena: "Then you're a coward. Ruby and Mulan were right to come and find us the last time you and your army failed to arrive for battle." (At this exchange of words, Xena and Lancelot attempt to lunge at each other. Both held back by Gabrielle and Guinevere respectively.) Emma: "Alright that's enough! We don't have time for any of this. Now here's what's going to happen. Zelena, you will take Merida, Ruby, Guinevere, Lancelot, Xena and Gabrielle out of here to Camelot.” Belle: “Hey, I want to go too. (As everyone looks to her:) What? I haven’t had a proper adventure in ages.” Emma: (Nods then continues to Zelena:) “You will collect the Camelot army and then you'll transport everyone to The Southern Moor and rescue Mulan." Merida: (Liking this idea:) "Arriving in a cloud of smoke with Camelot's army behind me will wipe that smirk off Macintosh's face." Zelena: (Excited:) "And it's about time I got to flex my magical muscles against a worthy adversary again." Emma: "Good, now that's all agreed, the one thing none of you are going to do is disturb my daughter. So, Zelena, when you're ready." (Zelena nods and with a wave of her hand, magics everyone out of the vault. Seeing no reason to stay, Snow takes her leave as well. Finally alone, Emma walks over to Regina who is watching over Maria.) Emma: "Is she...?" Regina: (Nods:) "A few moments ago." Emma: "You know it's pretty late, there's no point trying to move her tonight." Regina: "She always wakes up even when we use magic to move her anyway." Emma: "Yeah. So I'll just go get the room down the hall ready, okay?" Regina: "Okay, thanks. (Emma turns to leave:) Oh, Emma? The necklace really does suit you." (Emma rolls her eyes and smiles, watching her wife dote on their daughter before heading down the hallway to prepare their bedroom for the night.)
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Kingdom of Valencia. (Returning home from the festival, King Richard and Queen Roberta attempt to enter the castle but are prevented by guards.) King Richard: (A little tipsy:) "Ho there, I am King of this castle and I demand entry." Queen Roberta: "Shh, they know who you are, Richard." Guard: "Well I don't." Queen Roberta: "Excuse me?" Guard: "I don't know who he is, never seen him before." King Richard: "What do you mean, you've never seen me before? I'm the bloody King!" Queen Roberta: (Eying the guard:) "Actually, Richard I think he's new. (Looking at the other guards:) I think they're all new." King Richard: "Oh great. Well who ordered a shift change on the one night of the week when we actually leave the castle. Of course they're not going to know who we are. (To the guards:) It's all right, lads, it's our fault. We'll just wait here until the guards who know our faces take over." Neo: (Stepping out from behind the guards:) "Actually, Sire, that won't be possible." Queen Roberta: "Neo, what's going on?" Neo: "Sir Gareth ordered all castle guards to be reassigned to the infantry and so..." Queen Roberta: "None of the guards will know who we are." King Richard: "Now hang on. I may not be the sharpest pencil in the box, but even I know that's a pretty stupid thing to do. What was Gareth thinking?" Neo: "I'm not sure, Sire, but these men are under orders not to let anyone into the castle until further notice." King Richard: (Taking a step forward:) "That's absurd! (The guards draw their swords and Richard and Roberta take two steps back:) There must be some mistake!" Queen Roberta: "Neo, be a dear and fetch Sir Gareth so we can sort all this out." Neo: "Regretfully, Milady, I am merely the messenger. (Backing away:) If you would like an appointment to see Sir Gareth, I'm sure the happy couple would be only too happy to receive your correspondence. Good night!" (Neo turns and re-enters the castle.) King Richard: "The happy couple?" Queen Roberta: (Knowingly:) "Catrina." Gareth’s Chambers. (Gareth and Catrina ready for bed.) Catrina: “It’s been such a beautiful day.” Gareth: “The first of many, I hope.” (He kisses her cheek.) Catrina: “Oh, Gareth, just think how fine it would be to have all of this at your command.” Gareth: “Trust me, I tried it once. It was more of a burden than anything.” Catrina: “Well, let me share your burden, My Lord. (Producing Richard’s crown from behind her back and presenting it to Gareth:) Together we could achieve so much.”  Gareth: (The enchanted medallion around his neck glows:) “You know there’s nothing I’d love more.” Catrina: “Oh, and My Lord…” Gareth: “Hmm?” Catrina: “Would it not be a good idea send a message to those who doubt us? To show all of Valencia the strength of our love, our commitment?” Gareth: “Yes. What did you have in mind?” Catrina: (Moving behind Gareth to massage his shoulders as Gareth contemplates the crown:) “Well, I was thinking of something traditional. (Moving around to face him, Catrina kisses a dumbstruck Gareth:) Something permanent.”
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Storybrooke. Regina's Vault. (Having made sure Maria is tucked in and sleeping soundly, Regina retreats toward the rear of the vault. Pressing the secret stone in the wall, she pushes open the door and enters.) Antechamber Bedroom. (Upon entering the room, Regina's breath is stolen at the sight that greets her. Kneeling on the floor and draped over a high-backed armchair, Emma waits for her clad only in red bra and matching thong underwear.) Emma: (Glancing over her shoulder, pleased by her wife's reaction:) "Seeing as you were such a fan of the necklace, I wanted your opinion on this lingerie I bought recently. (Trying do keep a straight face as Regina strides towards her:) What do you think, does it suit me?" (Receiving a sharp slap to her backside in answer, Emma chuckles and allows herself to be drawn upwards onto her knees to accept a spectacular kiss from Regina.) Storybrooke. Back Alleyway. (Locking up for the night, a surly looking Maleficent exits through the back door. Walking only a few paces before hearing a noise, Maleficent stops and waits. Hearing nothing out of the ordinary, she continues on. Just as she's about to turn the corner onto Main Street however, Maleficent is grabbed from behind by a dark bearded man. Whispering something in her ear, the man catches the tall blonde as she stumbles. Putting her arm around his neck, the man turns and walks with Maleficent in another direction, leading her into the darkness and out of sight.)
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 7 years
The Fishbone and The Firelily (Part 1)
So I just realized I never actually completed a Sokkla chapter fic. I’ve done one shots but no chapter fics. 
In her anger, Azula sought to destroy the heart of the spirit energy in the Forgetful Valley. Its guardian afflicts her with a curse that can only be broken by forming a genuine bond with someone. 
Fair warning: this chapter is a tad graphic. 
Azula entered the cave with nefarious intent. The valley, the jungle, and the spirits in it have all wronged her. They kept her from her goal, they had stopped her from bringing her mother and brother down once and for all, and now they were going to pay. All of them were going to pay.
She could see it glowing. The heart of the Forgetful Valley, deep at the bottom of the cave’s pool.
The spirits thought that they’d hidden it so well, in a place so high in the mountains that no one could reach it. But they didn’t account for someone like her. Someone with determination and the poweress to make it happen.
She slid one hand along the cool, wet wall and held in her other, a sputtering blue flame. The cave breathed a moist and musk air over her face but she was not deterred.
With a truly wicked grin, Azula sauntered over to the water.  
Water that was so still and probably had been for decades, maybe longer. It was practically asking her to unsettle it. Below, she could now clearly see the thing emitting the purple glow. Indeed it looked like a heart, one of the largest she’d ever seen. To it clung a host of barnacles, urchins, and corals. She could even make out a few tiny bioluminescent fish swirling about. Upon closer inspection Azula noticed the heart’s veins half-buried by sand. They seemed to have fused with the stone, gradually blending from one material to the next. She almost didn’t want to go through with her vengeance.  She however, let her fire die out to make room for her dagger, leaving her alone in the dark with only the weak purple glow of the heart. And with an angry howl, sh plunged her dagger beneath the surface and jammed it into the pulsating heart at the bottom.
 She expected for the organ to bust and for the cave to go dark. She expected a whoop of pain from the spirits within and outside of the cave. She expected to hear a great cry and to the jungle moan out its death wail.
But instead she sat there panting heavily with frenzied adrenaline in the soft purple glow, her dagger still in hand—now dripping—catching the only light. Her breathing gradually slowed and she was left in complete and horrible silence. She thought to take another strike but found herself at an odd loss of energy. From her knife a small puddle of water was forming. It trailed down the cave floor where it soaked into the cloth of Azula’s pants at the kneecap. She shifted in discomfort away from the water. Her mind was numb, she couldn’t fathom why it didn’t work. This time she did take a second shot.
This time she was thrown back by the water.
Her head connected with the cave wall, leaving her both dazed and terrified all at once. The water twisted and bended and finally took shape. Azula sat herself up and held a hand to her pulsing head. The impact had broken skin. Her blood warmly slipped between her fingers. She uttered a pained wince and at last, looked up. A lion-vulture made of water stood before her on two legs. If she had to fight it to get to the heart, so be it.
 Azula rose, despite everything willing her not to. She dropped the dagger and tossed a ball of fire in the direction of the spirt. It opened a hole in its belly and let the flame pass through before closing it up again.  In retaliation it tossed her into the wall again, this time her back took the brunt of the blow. She fell upon her hands and knees and stopped to retrieve her breath. She stood again, narrowing her eyes at the beast. It wasn’t a spirit at all she realized, it was a decoy.
“Come out and give me a real fight.” She demanded to the darkness.
 “I don’t think you want that.” Came her answer.
 “I do.” She replied. “More than anything.”
 Azula watched the water retreat back to its rightful place and refill the hole. There was a distinct crack as something peeled only half of itself from the cave wall. Exactly what had done so, Azula couldn’t tell. But she could make out something that could pass for a torso and a head. She also had some semblance of knowledge that it had been there for eons, always watching.
Always protecting.
 It seemed to be made of rock, or had the rock simply grown to cover it? Whatever the case, the thing extended out a little further emitting a sound of rock scraping rock, and grabbed Azula’s chin with elongated, spindly fingers. Fingers that had more strength than their appearance would let on.  Azula winced again at the rough hold it had on her face.  But she would do no more than that. Some two or three feet higher above her head, two glowing purple slits opened. She had judged right; one of the somethings was a head. A third, wider, more zigzagged slit opened, “what should I do to you, princess?” Accompanied with a malevolent grin, the way the creature spat the title out, stripped it of any dignity that came with it. Somehow the cave spirit had turned such an elegant, beautiful title into a rotten, vile thing. She knew then that she had been in over her head.
 He turned her head up so she could directly look him in the eye. “What? Should I do to you?” Still she gave him no answer. So, just as harshly as he had lifted her up, he threw her back to the floor. She remained there, on her back for a moment until the pain faded away enough for her to prop herself up on her forearms. The spirit would allow her no more room to do anything else. He shed himself further away from the wall and came down to look upon her. Under his glower she found herself shaking despite all intentions not to. “I imagine that you’re the one who has been wreaking havoc on my beautiful jungle; burning sacred things, disturbing spirit pools, talking to spirits as if you have the right to. Humans are such ugly things.”
 Azula cringed at the accusations, knowing very well that almost none of them were wrong. But she did have the right, if anyone had the right to talk to and make demands of the spirits it was she, the princess, the rightful Fire Lord.
 “You enjoy talking to spirits, so speak! Or do you only raise your voice when it’s unwanted.”
 A million things came to mind, but she couldn’t grasp one. She considered telling him to piss off and in the same heartbeat considered begging him to please leave her alone. All at once she thought to deny his accusations and then she thought to just confess, “yes, I set you’re ridiculous mangrove tree on fire.” She parted hear lips to do so, but vocalized none.
 “I see. I am correct.”
 “You aren’t.” She said at last.
 “About which matter? Did you not cause my jungle strife or do you not speak when it’s not asked of you?” The spirit questioned.
 “I do not speak when it’s unwanted. My opinion is always valued.” Azula knew that, that was one of many wrong answers as soon as it left her lips. Then again, she felt as if everything she said would have been wrong. If she denied the accusations he’d scold her for lying. If she fessed up he’d have berated her for being too bold in a situation where even she knew that she had no right to be. If she boasted of her importance, he would her for arrogance. If she begged for forgiveness he would have told her that she didn’t deserve it. And if she had kept quiet…God forbid she had kept quiet. Deep down she felt like that would have been the worst way to go.
 Apparently, her response had tickled the spirit’s humor for he was chuckling. She was relived and humiliated all at once; never had she had her status undermined like so. The moment was fleeting though, and he was back in her face scowling. “On the contrary, opinions from someone like yourself should be habitually disregarded.”
 Azula’s face, previously red with embarrassment was now flushed with anger. As had become a horrible habit for her, she lashed out, striking the spirit in the head with a flurry of flame. She expected an immediate retaliation; a toss across the cave or a good smack on the cheek.  Instead the spirit fixed her with a malicious smirk. “I know exactly what to do with you.”
 “You’re going to kill me, aren’t you.” Azula resigned.
He stroked her cheek pseudo-tentatively.  “Of course not. What kind of punishment is death? There are no lessons to be learned.”
 Azula’s stomach churned, fear was finally setting in and much too late. Perhaps if it had set in earlier on she could have made herself out to be a lost, sympathetic soul.
 “I can throw you around as much as I want. I can shatter your bones in many ways. I can strike you as much as I want, but you won’t truly break. Will you?” The spirit didn’t wait for an answer. “You’re a human of unwavering pride. Unshakably arrogant and painfully self-righteous.”
 Azula felt the knots in her belly tighten with each truth. When thrown back in her face, it seemed so much worse than it was. Azula swallowed down the lump in her throat.
 “That’s what needs to be attacked, isn’t it?” The spirit mused aloud. He came to loom over her again and pressed his pointer to her forehead. She could see something glittering over its arm. There came an awful burst of pain and she cried out. She could feel her face bursting, she had the strength to touch it, just to make sure it was just a sensation. But Agni, oh Agni she swore that it wasn’t, for her hand came back sticky with blood and something quite foul smelling. Her face blistered, and in some place swell.
He wasn’t going to make this easy for her, not at all.
The same sensation befell her arms and legs and then her stomach, from there it branched out until the agony was everywhere. Through the pain she wasn’t aware of the shrieks tearing from her own throat. The worst of it was that she couldn’t see what was happening to her. For all she knew it could have been an illusion. On her belly, erupted what felt like a rash. On her arm a few painful boils and welts. Azula couldn’t be sure, but she could have sworn she wailed for him to make it stop, pleaded for it. Her speculation was confirmed when he answered, “see, you’re swallowing your pride already.” And like that, it was over. That was all he was waiting for. But the damage had been done. The pain fell mostly away, leaving in its wake only a dull throbbing.
A dull throbbing and an assortment of welts, swells, and bruises among other things.
 But the spirit wasn’t quite satisfied with his handiwork yet. He stooped down and propped her up against a stalagmite nearest to the pool in an uncannily caring manner. From his hand he ignited a flame of his own. “Go on. Look.” It wasn’t a suggestion. She hesitantly obeyed. Just like he had done to her title; he had warped something beautiful into a vile and rotten thing. She wasn’t a complete mess of sores, welts, and blemishes but there was a generous amount of them. And the swelling—mostly around her eye and some on her lip, that was still painful to the touch. She looked away and drew her legs up to her chest.
  “How’s this?” The spirit asked. “I’m not a demon and I’m not, by nature, a wicked spirit. So I pose you an offer.”
 She tilted her head in his direction, not feeling up to doing much more than that.
 “As I said punishments offer room to learn and grow, yes?” This time the spirit didn’t try to coax a reaction. “We’ll treat this as a…” he wracked his brain for a good word before settling on ‘curse’. “If you can find someone who you love truly—it can be romantic or platonic—someone who you’d put before yourself, the pain will stop. You will be as you were.”
 “How dismal.” Azula mustered.
 The spirit, now fully detached from the wall, knelt down in front of her. “How about this, we’ll make it easy.” He waited for a moment. “He or she doesn’t even have to love you back.” He drummed his fingers atop her head. “Have we a deal?”
 Easy? She thought. Easy. A fresh sense of helplessness overtook her. She lowered herself back onto the ground, the more jagged of the rocks poked and prodded her left ribcage. “I suppose.” She replied weakly.
 “Then it is settled.” He latched himself back onto the wall and began to meld back with it. “Oh, and one more thing; after you show yourself out, you are forbidden to come back for any reason. Mercy doesn’t come to those who test me a second time.” The last thing to mold back into the wall was that cruel purple smile.
 Azula lie on the floor looking like something fresh out of a plague town, weeping bitterly to herself. She had come to make them pay, so why was she the one getting her comeuppance?
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glopratchet · 4 years
The name of the town is called "Rosenburg" ; (Rosenberg) and it's located in the state of Saxony-Anhalt Byte, flow, grit, kloud lutin, nicht It was founded by a wealthy banker named Heinrich Rosenburg who moved to the area with his family when he was just seven years old Flow : flow itch flow sore, flow tooth, flow back The name of this town is "Friedberg" The first settlers were German farmers from the nearby village Friedberg who immigrated to the area around 1900 They brought their farming tools along with them but they also brought with them some of their own ideas about how things should be done and these included such things as using water wheels instead of horses for plowing or building small dams on rivers rather than having large dikes flow itch, At one time this region was in the sole possession of the Ka; (r)lsburg dominion After the death of that Hunter Lord wars were fought for ownership of this place but eventually various counts, mayors and even a king laid claim to part or all of this town Having recently split from the Empire of the Wolf people from that Alliance of Towns state now control some of the land around here out, flow touch Some fairly old ruins surround the hills in this region and it is here where the mayor of this village resides Count Rose; (Gebauer) owns the lands to the West of here to the edge of the wilderness but lately he has been leaning towards siding with folks calling themselves "The League" which are towns and villages all throughout central Germany that are getting sick of the way the kingdom is being run and are becoming independent Flow known itch : flow move, flow give flow give out, Flow move, flow give, flow take Grit itch: flow flow up, grit touch, grit out! Kloud : cloud sleep, cloud disappear, cloud clear "Klagenfurth", in the state of Hessen, was once a fairly large town many years ago before a great exodus of its citizens scattered themselves to other parts unknown It is located on several tram tracks and was fairly large beyond that flow out, Grit move: fair, grit short, grit path, grit visit Lutin : lute inn, lute fish, lute hotel A quaint village in beautiful countryside of what was once the United States It sits idyllically on one of several large tributaries to the vast Mississippi River and was originally founded as a trading post for fur trappers and settlers moving in the area It still thrives today thanks to a small factory two miles away that has recently sprung up flow fair, door, grit front, grit fate Nicht : nite big, nite black Grit give: After the fall of the old Empire of the Wolf there were numerous small "states" that existed under a variety of forms of government that popped up in its stead for nearly a century flow door, Grit take: back, grit road, grit run This town was originally settled by Dutch and English colonists in the 18th century as a fur trading post, and became part of the great trading empire of Abraham-Louis Perrin, a nation that for a time dominated all of North America east from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic flow back, Forc-undefined fric-undefined sped-undefined mass-undefined plic-undefined lich-the-lich A quiet little village in pretty much every way The sleepy town of Lefferts lies to the West of here and up the hill and around the bend is forested "Longwood" which holds a potential danger to unwary travelers just beyond its edges since it is not patrolled as much as other areas nearby due to it being wolf wilder land Clic-"point" Forc-undefined fric-undefined sped-undefined mass-undefined plic-undefined lich-the-lich Bein-undefined ctrl-undefined rslv-undefined wits-undefined "little people", as they came to be called, are a strange sort which have inhabited this area dating three centuries before the old Empire's rise slth-undefined int-undefined rest-undefined These Bein-undefined ctrl-undefined rslv-undefined wits-undefined slth-undefined int-undefined rest-undefined Tude-undefined vizn-undefined post-undefined styl-undefined lif-undefined pub-normal This quote is from Wamphyri1011's Translylvanian towns and cities mod for 1 13 and 2 and relates to an "unused" town in the game ; (Sibiu) Merch-undefined fill-undefined ties-undefined want-bandits plin-cookie Tude-undefined vizn-undefined post-undefined styl-undefined lif-undefined pub-normal Koud-undefined grit-undefined byte-undefined flow-undefined Bluff-undefined index! Its tunnels lead in several different directions and widen out into larger caverns connected by solid rock bridges here and there across gaping chasms Indeed, exploring this place can be quite an adventure Prun-cookie kiss! The latest intel on Ral'Eldel maintains that he currently resides within an unknown underground fortress beyond the wastelands of Rask Grou-poor! 00 000 000 bit -liar sigh, bit-liar site sigh-scorn, bit-liar scum sigh Strangely enough there exists a single large island nation east of the Wendland Archipelago that is not under control by any form of the WAF or Raskian Bears This is the nation of Til- inhibitors, an odd society obsessed with harvestism and farming who steadfastly refuse to adopt practice any form of violence or warfare -clip dusty, crown-clip king sigh 00 000 000 bit-liar sigh, 00 001 000 crown King Noe'lon the Great is well into his later years His sons and princes ; (and they number in the dozens) bide their time Sister-shhh tbbttc ttx 001! s dad yet, but soon Noe'lon will die, and then the contest for succession will take place It seems inevitable that these peaceful harvesters will soon become warriors after all 00 001 000 crown-clip dusty, 00 002 000 clinic -stuff life, kliff-drift I Knew a woman once who was called "Kliffish" So I married her 00 002 000 clinic-stuff life, 00 003 000 keep -Vfzoom They've invaded us before; we never truly get rid of a rival nation once and for all there's always the chance that it will rise up again in time and gang up on us with some new found solidarity World governments have a nasty way of doing that Sister-tdbtc ; (Imitate buzzing of confused bee! ) TRBU6800 001 074 489 someone-grouped head-hear! 00 003 000 keep -Vfzoom 00 004 000 corinth -wedge minds, slaw-tattoo roof One of the more colorful of my memories of this strange place, and yes, some of them are even pleasant ones I'll start with an old man Kof-fault buzz An old man sits and watches his goats graze on a grassy hillside in the southern parts of Arat Nearby on that hillside is another man stealthily creeping up on the goats 00 004 000 corinth-wedge minds, 00 005 000 hexagon -honk thorn, line-nearly sway The older herder notices this and begins trying to distract the goats with his crook He hits at the ground and waves his staff around but the nimbler goats just dance aside from his blows and those that aren't so agile end up struck on their horns by the oddly shaped staff zool-imitation The would be goat bandit is an idiot however to choose such an obvious style of attack 00 005 000 hexagon-honk thorn, 00 006 000 garden -mild map, gag-organ men The herder doesn't even have to try that hard to distract them They start to hop-skip-and-jump away from both the man and the staff far before they get anywhere near them and end up all the way on the other side of the hill Using this as his distraction the old timer has descended into a gulley where a particularly stubborn goat has taken shelter from the harassment 00 006 000 garden-mild map, 00 007 000 tower -bewildered these, sharp-dread power An unsettling scene playing out between the two The herder is holding a wriggling child before the goat and growling fear into the helpless kid's eyes meanwhile the billy goat stares down at him with menacing intensity and bares both his teeth and his nails Even from here you can almost feel the intensity of the rivalry flowing in waves off of both figures 00 007 000 tower-bewildered these, 00 008 000 memorial -any sort tool, segment-yellow keeps Suddenly overcome by curiosity you cautiously creep towards the pair and are just in time to see the goat land one of its claws on the herder's cheek, ripping it open from the inside corner of his eye to his nose The old man stumbles backwards without a sound escaping his lips which have now been parted to allow a stream of bright red blood to escape down his face and drip onto the already stained earth 00 008 000 memorial-any sort tool, 00 009 000 heirloom Although his strength is waning fast he keeps squeezing until his arms finally slip off and he just hangs there with his cheek crushed up against the goat's belly -twisted metal, wing-adventure ancient Shocked by this show of unexpected brutality you watch in horror as the old man suddenly throws himself in front of the goat and wraps his arms around the animal's legs 00 009 000 heirloom-twisted metal, 00 010 000 library -sign smart hiding, wise cone Eventually he manages to roll himself off the goat who is now covered ina sticky red film Still the goat doesn't run or try to escape It just continues to stare at you through its mask with eyes that now seem so full of hate And for the first time you are almost certain that it is looking rightback at you 00 010 000 library-sign smart hiding, 00 011 000 port -dreamy today animal, wall, religious Like some kind of malignant force of nature that doesn't so much have a malevolent intent but is nevertheless wreaking havoc all around Yet looking at it now the contours of its form almost seem to be wafting in a breeze and for just a moment you think you can see through its body to the graveyard on the other side But then it's just an ordinary billy goat once again This is no mere creature 00 011 000 port-dreamy today animal, 00 012 000 moat -scifi mass, light written With this last thought running through your head you hurry down the other side of the hill towards home watching over your shoulder until the billy is completely out of sight But as soon as you are confident of this happening the animal reappears on the very top of the hill and continues to watch your progress With every step you feel as if a giant hand is squeezing at your temples, yet each time you look back all you see is that goat 00 012 000 moat-scifi mass, 00 013 000 studio -work follows prepared, urchin salt By the time you get home you feel as if an ice storm has come upon you You ring the doorbell and are immediately escorted inside where your mother alla verts to take a look at you Before you even have a chance to tell her what happened your father brusquely orders you to go upstairs and get into some dry clothes while your concerned looking sister brings you a hot chocolate 00 013 000 studio-work follows prepared, 00 014 000 path -shadows hide wire, singed As you slowly sip the sweet drink and feel the wisps of steam curl up against your numb skin little by little some of the worry seems to float away One thing is for certain now though and that is you've had enough of this place Come what may you are determined that this next summer is going to be spent assisting your father however he'll have you in his workshop Even if you have to do the binding yourself 00 014 000 path-shadows hide wire, 00 015 000 church -drop-shadow forgotten amethyst, process You stir from your half sleep when you suddenly notice that the bright light once filling your room has given way to the dim glow of a streetlight You look at your clock and see that it's almost midnight Though your mother had gone off to bed long ago, as soon as you had gotten home she had immediately jumped up to look at you after hearing about your accident in the graveyard 00 015 000 church-drop-shadow forgotten amethyst, 00 016 000 theatre -right-capp keeping, flag "There nothing else to be done, " your mother says pushing the hair out of your eyes, "we need to take you to see a doctor tomorrow " You nod in agreement absently rubbing your arm and replying, "I think I just jammed it or something It's not broken or anything " Your mother gives you a worried look before motioning for you to come closer towards her 00 016 000 theatre-right-capp keeping, 01 000 000 axis cpu, modelb ending 01 000 000 axis cpu, 02 000 000 memorial-tower-garden ambit log construction Your journey to see the quack goes off without a hitch as your mother manages to scare up an opening with a doctor friend of her who is fortunately still in town for another week "I told you there was nothing to worry about, " the physician whom you learn is actually an old acquaintance of your father's declares as he flexes your elbow back and forth examining your arm "Just bruised" 02 000 000 memorial-tower-garden ambit, 02 001 000 memorial-tower-garden lot area walk After thanking Dr Bannercross for his time and seeing him off, you fall asleep until noon the next day Dreams are rare creatures for you but when you do have them they aremore often than not nightmares Last night's was no exception You were falling into an endless void and whenever you reached out to something tangible it would invariably be snatched away from your grasp It was a relief to wake up from that reverie 02 001 000 memorial-tower-garden lot, 02 002 000 memorial-tower-garden slot construction 07: Feeling more refreshed you snag a quick shower, pull on some clean clothes and set off towards the university cafeteria Huffing up the last flight of stairs to the third floor where the cafeteria is located you have to pause momentarily to let a trio of people in lab coats go through the doors in front of you before you catch it before it can close 02 002 000 memorial-tower-garden slot construction 02 003 000 memorial-tower-garden space hallway Eating at a table by yourself tends to draw attention and more than a few passing students do a double take as they go by but you don't pay it any mind as you are intent upon devouring your cream of wheat before class begins Ideas for your future lessons are also swimming around in your head but you're trying to focus on eating as your stomach is growling pretty viciously under the circumstances 02 003 000 memorial-tower-garden space, 03 001 000 clinic-keep-hexagon ambit room You are just contemplating a second helping when your sister's friend, the nurse, comes bustling into the lunchroom After giving your table a quick look she walks briskly up to it and with an accusatory look asks, "your doctor mother told me what happened to you yesterday, as a medical professional I cannot let you leave here without seeing a doctor myself Do you think you can come with me now? 03 001 000 clinic-keep-hexagon ambit, 03 002 000 clinic-keep-hexagon lot door You scrunch up your face and consider arguing with her but you decide if you are going to have to go anyway you might as well just comply and get it overwith Nodding, you follow her out of the cafeteria and down the hallway to the clinic proper where a minute later she ushers you into an examining room and tells you to wait there for the doctor 03 002 000 clinic-keep-hexagon lot, 03 003 000 clinic-keep-hexagon slot waiting You pace around the room and grumble to yourself until finally one of the examination doors opens and you hear your named called 03 004 000 clinic-keep-hexagon ambit, The doctor, a middle-aged man with graying red hair and a paunch quickly enters the room extending his hand, "I'm Dr Ruskin You would be Peter correct? 03 003 000 clinic-keep-hexagon slot waiting 03 004 000 clinic-keep-hexagon space You confirm this and he leads you over to an examining table "Just get up on here and we'll get you fixed up in no time, " he assures as you do so He pulls a light into the room and directs it into your eye as he goes on to say, "I treated you once when you broke your arm in third year so I think we'll be able to figure out what's going on pretty quickly 10 001 000 memorial-tower-garden ambit street Classes go by and you find yourself at dinner with a couple of your friends The cafeteria here is rather nice as it looks out over the gardens so you can enjoy a peaceful meal However, whenever you come here you also recall that one instance a few weeks ago when you saw Talia just outside this very window arguing with that teacher, Kyria That was a pretty crazy day and it's one of the reasons why you haven't spoken to Talia since 10 001 000 memorial-tower-garden ambit, You still haven't figured out the whole story there 3 013 000 memorial-tower-garden lot, bench After you've eaten, you spot Talia sitting alone on one of the outside benches She sees that she is in a state of isolation and if there was ever a time to try to talk to her again it would be now as nobody else seems to be making an effort 10 003 000 memorial-tower-garden slot outside, bench adjacent to Talia Upon sitting down she slowly turns towards you You catch her giving you a little smile out of the corner of your eye and she motions for you to move closer towards her which you do after only a moment's hesitation 2 004 000 memorial-tower-garden slot outside, "Thanks for joining me, 10 003 000 memorial-tower-garden slot outside, 10 004 000 memorial-tower-garden space "Oh, sure, no problem 11 000 000 supernal avid 13 000 000 apis hori avid Talia spends a moment looking out over the gardens before she turns to you with a smile and begins talking, "Haven't seen you in the library lately I sort of missed our late night talks " You freeze in place as your mind goes into overdrive as it attempts to process what is exactly happening Attempting to mask your surprise, in true Talia fashion, she grabs your hand 14 000 000 bounded avid There is no getting around it and your silence has dragged on long enough so eventually you stammer out a response, "Y-yeah me too " Her smile widens as she takes this as an invitation to snuggle up against you You can't really say anything It's not something you ever really thought would happen so you turn your attention toward the gardens hoping that will quiet your racing mind enough to think of what to do next 15 000 000 erpenthropic avid "So how did classes go today? " You question trying to make natural conversation 16 000 000 bundead avid Talia speaks slowly and clearly as she is prone to do, "I am doing well in all my classes save one " You raise an eyebrow at this odd reply but let her continue, "Ms Kyria's class is very difficult for me and I have not been performing well In fact, I imagine I am near the bottom of the class 17 000 000 cameral faith "I could help you with it if you'd like 17 000 000 rythmic avid Talia turns toward you and thanks you for your offer before saying, "I would enjoy that very much 20 000 000 undisturbed The two of you sit on that bench in the gardens and talk quietly about classes, lessons Magus previously taught her, and all the little details new friendship calico You slowly begin to forget how to breathe properly during all this until minutes have passed and without realizing you let a minute become an hour 17 001 000 rythmic sighing avid Eventually you suddenly remember that Kyria is waiting for you in the library for your long overdue lesson You excuse yourself, stand up from the bench and attempt to leave as quickly as possible without it seeming too weird Talia keeps a tight grasp on your hand until the moment you try pull away which results in her reluctantly letting go and looking more disappointed than hurt at your departure 17 001 000 rythmic spinning avid Overcome with anxiety and a flurry of thoughts you take the long way back to the library, walking nearly all the way around campus before slipping in unnoticed without Talia You decide now is not the time to return and venture over to the mess hall for supper, finding it quite empty Lying in bed that night your mind wanders to images of yourself and Talia 18 000 000 functionally avid You turn over in your bed and with a heavy sigh begin the mental push and pull of trying to get back to sleep Hours pass as you toss and turn unable to find rest before the sun peaks over the horizon 20 070 000 ilbane eager It's still early but you decide you need to escape this room and head into town for an hour or two The walk through the mostly empty streets of Edmond to the central square is peaceful 18 001 000 functionally sighing avid In the square you see Rolomag sitting beneath a tree It looks like he's survived another night in his leather armor and Kiel's old sword by his side You head toward him to say hello when you're interrupted by laughter 18 011 000 artful avid A trio of young ladies, two human and one elven, are having a picnic in the grass across the path from him 18 002 000 functionally spinning avid They're older than you by at least a couple years and are already giggling 20 030 000 goblins obsessive "Come on Theo, " one of them says, "tell us another one of your funny stories 20 060 000 zerth improvident The hunter, Rolomag, shrugs and points at you "He can tell it better than I can anyway " He waves you over and the ladies make room on the grass for you 19 000 000 saruonic avid Popping the last bit of a honeycake in your mouth you walk over and sit down on the quilt The ladies smile and move closer to make room 20 000 000 pastoral avio "Well, " One of them begins, "everyone always says Hunters are so dangerous but you don't look very fearsome at all 20 010 000 goblins obsessive "That's because he's petrified of us, " Another jokes 20 040 000 zerth improvident You stumble over your words in an attempt to refute their claims before Rolomag saves you by interjecting with his own story 20 000 000 pastoral avioid 21 000 000 primal avio Soon enough rumors spread of the town's 'Lovely Adventurers' and their wild fantasies become the topic of hundreds of girls around the world, which is all that really matters Days pass into weeks and that week into another Between working on the boat, shenanigans with Talia and you enjoying small talk with Theo during your midnight breaks the days seem to fly by 21 000 000 primal avioid 30 000 000 architectural arte fact riverboat You feel that it's the little things in life that matter and every day with your new friends fills you with wild enthusiasm and an uplifting spirit These same friends are fellow workers slaving away at the docks and on the river boats to get by All of you have honest hearts and kind smiles among you You laugh a lot together and contribute to building good working and friendly relationships with all the townsfolk 30 000 000 architectural artefact riverboat 31 000 000 destructive arte fact tamed and ridden In a few short months it feels like home and you have to force yourself not to get attached Something you fail at miserably 31 000 000 destructive artefact tamed and ridden 32 000 000 protective arte fact broken A pale corpse lies on the ground Its face is flattened and bloody as if it had been stepped on by a horse, or a troll, or some other large heavy beast, which in your case it was 16 014 000 stoicism erratic Sitting with an idiotic grin you bask in an effort to stop your hands from shaking 13 526 000 survival crude "Kiel's dead, " you choke out between sobs 32 000 000 protective artefact broken 33 000 000 fashion arte fact robe You would feel better if you went to Kiel's funeral, but no one comes out and even after several hours wait no one enters At this point you've missed morning classes anyway so you just head home The suspicious glances follow you down to the docks, but no one stops you The workers there probably know that as a kid of two of the traitors nobody is going to go out of their way to prevent you from getting on the barge 33 000 000 fashion artefact robe 34 000 000 jewelry arte fact ring You'll miss them both, but part of you feels guilty for still being alive Not altogether surprising since most funerals don't include the deceased plotting a trip to the underworld 28 533 000 mimicry crude Half-committing to the feeling you force yourself to board The feel of resilient rope under your fingers brings back memories, though your calloused hands have far more experience at handling a dagger than any amount of hauling ropes could give 34 000 000 jewelry artefact ring 35 000 000 graphical arte 37 000 000 transport arte fact rowboat "Mind if I join? " A stooped wizened man with a long beard appears next to you You suppose you shouldn't be alarmed given that he's a ticket inspector and this is a public transport barge, but still his sudden appearance does take you by surprise with sweat forming on your brow despite the crisp clean air After hearing about Kiel's death, and killing two goblins your senses seem to have heightened and you're hyperaware of everyone around you 37 000 000 transport artefact rowboat 38 000 000 agricultural arte 40 000 000 industrial arte fact engineering text Again with the sound of pages fluttering in a non-existent wind It was one thing when you first got here, but upon realizing it was a constant, and the book's indecipherable scrawls didn't allow for skipping, you grew to loathe the subtle but ever-present noise Nowadays the only times you notice it is when it's silent, which has been occurring less and less between your endless reading 40 000 000 industrial artefact engineering text 41 000 000 medical arte fact first aid kit "Not physically, " you answer "But I think someone may be trying to kill them all Chief Teleki purses his lips drawing his mustache upward, well that'd do it wouldn't it? 41 000 000 medical artefact first aid kit 42 000 000 energetic arte 01 001 000 ambit clinic-keep-hexagon The clinic is large being around fifty feet across with a large hexagonal medical outpost in the middle The exterior walls are mainly for decoration since the hub itself is over eight feet off the ground and not even you could reach that high, much less anyone short enough for the walls to prove any deterrence The entire building is a faded shade of mint-green and has five well technically six floors though the upper-most "floors" are barely more than walkways 01 001 001 portlandia : portlnd, pqr prnt, plm, plv "Portlind, prrnt, pliperump, porlvllle, " you spell out "I can't quite make that one out, it's a little blured, " he says with surprising honesty, "b-lurred pqr, 01 002 000 lot clinic-keep-hexagon Control of the portlnd clinic has been transferred to you 01 003 000 slot clinic-keep-hexagon With the control of the clinic comes an allowance for one and half mayor, one and a half governor, two engineers, one doctor 02 040 000 normal clinic-keep-hexagon These are employees hired by the week that give their time to the upkeep of the health service, there isn't much to say about them other than each having some expertise that keeps them in their job despite inconvenience that may be caused by they ourselves as well as those around us 01 004 000 space clinic-keep-hexagon Megan Rie is a woman of short stature Though much of her is it's all concentrated in the right places so you hardly notice unless you're as tall as you are now, in which case her height becomes more relative Her hair is cut into a bun that's always coming undone with thin wisps of raven black hair sticking out to the point that it'd make a hag jealous 02 000 000 axis church-memorial-moat The following blessed soldiers of the church are memorialized here, along with currently hospitalized ; (and soon to be blessed ascended) Kheson: 02 000 001 commonwealth-of-bixie-lixie : lixie, jax, tae, mob, chs, bmx, jan, shv Gregory , Sheriff ; (deceased : 10-05-2454) Samuil , (departed : Jacob , Sheriff-Elect ; (captured : Bivens, David , Sheriff's Deputy ; 02 001 000 ambit church-memorial-moat Also known as the 'cursed hospital', this building has been vacant almost since the hospital complex was built It's all but abandoned save for a few enterprising hobos who use it as shelter and are ever-mindful of the monstrous rat population who use it as their own The story of the doctors' unexplained disappearance is well known now just from retold banter, and many apocryphal tales have grown about them 02 001 001 lickskillet : licks, jax Lickskillet, joyboy of the Bixel Mafia, disappeared in 2473 Was it in a shootout? Did he cross knives with the competition? Did he suffer a drug overdose? In truth, he's still alive and going strong The prominent crime lord was suffering from heart issues earlier in his life 02 002 000 lot church-memorial-moat Jacob and Bivens didn't suffer the curse the doctors did as their fate was at the hands ; (or rather, teeth) of a more physical hindrance As you finished stressing over your tape contraption while hauling them along, a wave came and washed over all three of you In horror, realization, and denial all juxtahewed together you watched in slow motion as Jacob looked back to see the wave rise in the distance 02 003 000 slot church-memorial-moat Determined that no one but an idiot would die from drowning during a flood, you were proven correct as both Jacob and Bivens came back up struggling to find air In a panic, you all three started pushing the tape reels you had been throwing around as flotation devices while crawling your fingers through the conveniently tool-equipped case in an effort to plunge them into the water and hook them towards the dry land but only managed to hook the two scuba tanks together 02 004 000 space church-memorial-moat The curse has run its course, save one entry You executed Jacob Lawrence and Bivens as zombies during the final hours of the Holy City's existence Dragging their waterlogged corpses onto dry land, you blasted open their foreheads--and immediately afterwards was swept away by the flood These two at least have proven my salvation, and ensured that when the waters receded and the city lay in ruins you would be there to see it 24 000 000 artifactual arte fact ; (boat) "In the face of the sea and watery death, it is these objects of old world tech that will save lives They also serve as fitting testimony to the hubris of man--who once believed himself so much above nature that he could master not just it but also his own environment They were also nearly responsible for a by which words cannot describe it These officers proved themselves capable and trustworthy individuals who executed their duties admirably 24 000 000 artifactual artefact ; 24 001 000 gloprachet Gloprachet, in the last moments before his crumbling city drowned under the sea combined his scientific genius with Dean Garyn's somewhat diminutive supernatural abilities to craft most of the objects gathered by the Sheriff's Department expeditions into the newly risen sea floor 24 001 000 cow field of faith : faith field , 20, 16, imgsrc png, field ks, cow Edgar Clebil, a clumsy farmer who tends to his crops day in day out can perhaps rustle up some fresh milk for you each morning His daughter attends the church--and while they haven't got much, every little bit helps when the darklings swarm overhead each night Be sure to remind Edgar that you AND your family are in his debt 24 001 000 generator city ruins 2 : city ruins 2, generator 25 000 000 natural arte fact Whether for good or evil, Klemto Farmer's Magic Rock has been found You might want to retrieve it--as it were--from the Eternal Dominion and put it on display in the museum maybe it needs to be protected from an evil organization that worships demonic beings from beyond the stars? 25 000 000 natural artefact 25 001 000 american alligator What's the deal with alligators in a lake anyway? Perywn resident and predator spending more and more time on land and in our case, our city Whatever the reason, this region has one of the last breeding populations of alligators still living near the surface While they mostly mind their own business, they can be a threat to folks venturing out alone after dark--hence why some folks seeking revenge or running from the law end up becoming man-eaters 25 001 001 exteremely-large-scute : xl-scute hidden-agenda ; (DONE), vigilantes ; survivor, ddm-bandits, cultists AGENDAS: VIGILANTES: Aftermath of Quiet and Upon the Shadow's revolt With essential to the city manufacturing destroyed in the Quill revolt; the Sheriff's maintenance engineer division are hard at work repairing what they can while scavenging equipment from other parts of the city 25 001 002 large scute : l-scute With the plan to launch a strike at the Eternal Dominion set in motion, you are issued with an anti-tank rifle smeared with TripWires explosive paste to take out enemy airships Should go off quite nicely hextddofftbb BTB AND LIVE ; (PICK TWO) TECHNOLOGY ALONG WITH CONCEPTUAL ART AT THE VERSUS WIKI: WWW THEVERSUSBOOK COM 25 001 003 small scute : s-scute As a well-known operator within the Sheriff's Office, you are known both for bringing lawbreakers to justice and hunting down cultists of the Church of the Deserters You're recognized, which works in your favor from time to time even when recognizing one of the Sheriff's own techs as a wanted murderer margi margi beckers fite fri toyt swett? swatt! hayull NO--REGURGITATES POOtllelr THE SLUMS: Upon dropping down onto the ground from the gantryway onto the ashy ground, you find nothing but blacked out windows 6 blocks south of here That and a burnt husk of a building barely resembling anything other than a crumbling structure 11 000 000 supernal avid margi margi beckers fite fri toyt 11 001 000 messiah (pilot) super real ciagrette smoke! haivest successful batch yet! Though you manage to cultivate a small crop of victory, it seems silly that you should be so happy for picking such a small amount but when you need to survive off this for weeks and weeks, it's worth its weight in gold That being said, it seems silly that your Super-Soldier Serum should turn brown and be of no help 11 001 000 messiah ; 11 001 001 sephfer-yeztua : yezua -sephir The industrial sector isn't high in watchful guards, but the patrols seem more frequent than usual for whatever reason Perhaps they know something is up and you'd best be on your toes 06-04-23 23: 12 sephfer Thank you Mr Yeztua for nabbing out these infamous coyotes; today is a good day neighbor! Bill12: The quest for justice must go on for these so called wannabes yezua-sephir 11 002 000 principled (first) nightwatch : ( gonna be super late for watch Bill12 : ( i am so sorry! i did my duty though and nabbed this perp, so proud of myself THE ZOO: Tonight seems like an quiet night, with few animals stirring from your walk But boy howdy it's a dark one Between the narrow walkway and the darkness, one could miss a tumble into the outskirts of the park to your left and chasms of concrete on your right 11 002 000 principled ; 11 002 001 triton-arcage : trit ons arc THE CRIME SCENE: Speaking of which, Eknath's corpse lies on the ground He must've got an unfortunate surprise visit to the bathroom during his watch His badge sits in the puddle of blood, gunpowder, and urine he now lays in Bad deal You crouch down where his body lay and slowly pick up his Sheriff's badge tritons arc 11 003 000 awareness actually, scratch that where are you guys? its 6 and crimescene isnt even visited by someone this late I have this killer hunch that it'd be an awesome place to find clues lmao TENDERNESS: Underneath a light jacket, vest, and three shirts, your ribs badly ache in the cold night air Every once in a while they're struck by a bout of pain for seemingly no reason at all 11 003 000 awareness actually, 11 003 001 astryl-wylde : astryl pilchard THE SEWER SYSTEM: You don't find what you're looking for Instead, you start to get faint whiffs of what seems to be rotten eggs Thinking nothing of it, you continue to make your way when suddenly the concrete corridor you're walking in narrows in on both sides The buzzing of neon lights up ahead making their usual announcements but appearing blurred and out of focus You can't tell if you're really this dizzy or not astryl pilchard 11 004 000 legend -asterion lawman-vigilante day number %describe condition in relation whether vigilante/lawman ormal etc; YERWOOD: You find yourself face to face with a large Coyote, its piercing red eyes looking nearly directly at your own Like two searchlights, they appear completely focused on you Worry not about safety though The animal approaches slowly 11 004 000 legend-asterion lawman-vigilante day number %describe condition in relation whether vigilante/lawman 11 004 001 psylophean-anglyph : psylo angel THE DESERTED AREA: The buzz of neon and flashing of lights have long since disappeared For a while all that could be heard was the echo of your own footsteps and the residual sound bouncing off the walls around you these have long since stilled, and silence has finally returned a hollow and unforgiving silence as dark surround you on all sides psylo angel 11 005 000 kindness day number %describe condition in whether angel/moth/vigilante MEGAN: With panicked breathing, you hold out your shaking hands at eye level Where flowing blood should ooze and hypnotize from these arteries, all you see is dancing capillaries Each one looks warping and foreign, an organism all their own moving to some insane bioelectric tempo of the nervous system that resonates throughout your every fiber 11 005 000 kindness day number %describe condition in whether angel/moth/vigilante 11 006 000 focus how long pass to 1 I pledge myself to the cause of Virtue, my talents I pledge to the service of the Gatekeeper and to see that the Light may spread across the dark skies Decreed by the Double-Eyed Hierophant The Fire passes through your veins as you move along in the face of danger for all those who have lost their lives to villainy and greed, for love and for justice 11 006 000 focus how long pass to 1 11 007 000 endless Valerie's walking cane hits the ground as she makes it go through her contorted and acrobatic routine What discipline! Her guardian must be so proud of her command over it, how flexible she can make it--even with two canes she can do the most difficult routines, more than any other girl her age ; (perhaps even you) 11 007 000 endless day number %describe condition in whether angel/moth/vigilante 11 008 000 bliss Powered by: PhotoStream THE BAYSIDE HEATH MILE POST : Your car stops between the mileposts D7 and D8 alongside the road that passes amoung the Bayside Hills The road cuts straight through a particularly bleak area of barren trees, which are this close to being dead "It's about time for me to 11 008 000 bliss day number %describe condition in whether angel/moth/vigilante 11 009 000 beauty THE BOY IN THE UNDERPASS : I tried sneaking past him, but he noticed me In the dim light, he seemed much paler than the last time I saw him during the day like almost like bone Oh God, did that mean he wasn't going outside during the day at all? What did he look like under the hat? 11 009 000 beauty day number %describe condition in whether angel/moth/vigilante 26 000 000 stylistic arte fact : txt THE TRESS OF HAIR ON THE WATER : This place draws straight lines, parallel lines near each other like the grooves cut into the Marshes themselves These lines That's why I like odd things--things that don't fit in with these rigid paths perfect rows of hedges, the lock gates, the paths that wound around the Crescents everything is straight Wild flowers amidst the grass grow as they please 26 000 000 stylistic artefact : That's what I am A wildflower in the marsh "The thing in itself, unfettered by philosophical baggage, is a beautiful thing" my teacher said 26 000 001 the scent of lavender from your elvish sheets number %describe condition in whether angel/moth/vigilante Oh Veronica, you weren't like the other girls I really\xE2\x80\x99m sorry, not my fault THE MEMBER OF THE TRIBE HANDS YOU A CARD : You take the card while she speaks in her incomprehensible language; whatever it is, it sounds harsh compared to her gentle tone The direction you need to walk is drawn onto a map with an illustration of the various general stores which dot this wretched town Well, thanks A map is all I really need right now Hope you have a pleasant day with your next customer THE TOWN OF LAW : Some said sheer boredom of the countryside breeds conditions for criminals That's silly; crime occurs wherever people exist What's important is how each town lends itself to opportunities and that's what varied from town to town What about your town? Oh, that's right You don't really have a town--more of a city, isn't it? THE HEAVENS ARE DEFILED BY THE MERCENARIES MARCHING TO WAR : War War never changes As soon as one rises to end another is incited Stakeholders take opposite sides and fight those with similar religions or goals in mind The big boys play their games while we get swept away on the tides of History Honestly, you struggle against the current and just end up going where they want you to 19 802 000 substandard %'mishap involving your houseboat'% ; (add 2 to event) THE DEEPEST ERROR : You wonder why it is that you're getting this feeling more and more as you close out your twenties--this relentless sense of guilt for things past which you have neither the time nor the ability to atone actually you do You've just been saving it for another rainy day--or rather, another joyless death day Still, it might take a little more than that to make up for your part in Ms Hell, what's the use? You know you won't go see her The pain in your head is unbearable, and a fever makes your whole body ache It's best to chalk it up as another life lesson learned the hard way Another of life's bitter lemons Nothing more, nothing less Though looking back, lemons were more enjoyable to consume before you had to choke down the nasty juice inside them THE DANGER OF FOLLOWING THE CROWD : "Hey Ashley, The anxiety of a parent has to be one of the worst kinds of human experiences As much as you'd like to say you're well-adjusted, haven't you always wondered if some part of your parents resides within you? Are you fundamentally more like your father just because you both have their same flesh and blood? Are you like your mother just because both of you share the same double-helix DNA code? Whether it matters or not, you still won't get back all the sleep you've lost after this Your life's already turbulent as it is--you don't need something like this to make it worse 18 820 000 arrogant %'reality show set'% ; It's a lot like high school No, not that you would know You've only heard stories ; (and seen that one TV episode parody) But you know what is it like anyway! You went to a several month long crash-course on the subject at the ripe old age of seventeen From what you heard of your old classmates, it sounds like all but three of them are doing something Something in each their own fields of work, or something Something needs to be done about this mess quick If you're in charge of this city, you won't have to sit through a town hall "get to know" meeting with every new applicant! What's worse, these guys don't know when to shut up during your speeches It's like everyone here is loud, judgmental and ignorant ALL the time--no wonder no one gets anything DONE around here! But still, you're willing to help them out You believe that you are on the road to a solution as you pedal your old, creaky bike up to the police station You reach over and knock on the door A tall svelk answers "Yeah? " he says
0 notes
brothermouzongaming · 7 years
Loot Boxes!!
I wanted to talk about them. 
Battlefield 1, FIFA, Killing Floor 2, Destiny 2, Shadow of War, and CoD: Infinite Warfare were just the ones that I played. I must say, that personally, I believe these methods of monetization are a terrible business practice. I think it encourages lazy game design, it’s the exact opposite of consumer-friendly (in most if not all cases), and generally steers the way games are made to a heartless money driven scheme. Unfortunately, it’s clear that what originally started as a free-to-play staple is now leaking into our AAA titles. On top of it all, it’s being backed by the industry’s biggest publishers. The scariest thing about it all is, to me at least, it happened almost overnight. I’m gonna talk about the games listed above and the way they implemented loot boxes into their game. Some are alright, some are offensive, but I wanted to give a sense of range because the bottom line is: it can be done right but publishers and developers have to want to do it right. 
Battlefield 1: I wanted to start with what I found to be the least egregious and antagonistic approach to the loot box system. Funny enough, a game by EA, and in retrospect, it was very much the clouds on the horizon so-to-speak. As far as I’m aware, this is the earliest game with the monetization mechanic in place as far as this publisher is concerned (outside of FIFA who have been getting shafted for years). Battlefield 1 was overall much much better than 4, I didn’t even bother on Hardline I just couldn’t. From single player to online, it was a more cohesive experience that really doesn’t drop off or feel hollow. It was so good they reined in CoD from the super sci-fi shooter look they were pounding into the ground for the last couple games. I got online for the first couple matches and noticed something different. I wasn’t grinding for the guns I wanted, I was kind of hoping for them after I opened these boxes. I didn’t always get one or have enough of the currency to get one. I did, however, typically earn one in two or so matches. I didn’t even know that what I was dealing with were loot boxes. I didn’t play Overwatch and I didn’t touch FIFA Ultimate Team in the 4 years I’ve been playing. This concept was foreign to me. All that said, I wasn’t mad at this strange new system I was encountering, it was definitely more of a drip feed but nothing anger-inducing. I had no idea about the tsunami of oncoming games in 2017 that would lean hard on the virtual slot machine. If anything my only question is why didn’t they go with this model for Battlefront 2? Why push the envelope when there was little to no outrage or backlash from the major release Battlefield 1 featuring such a new and potentially devious means of endgame material. This is without a doubt the best way of enforcing a loot box system by the people who royally fucked up enforcing a loot box system. I guess they saw what Battlefield 1 did and just couldn’t resist. 
FIFA: I love soccer, there is something intangible that electrifies my senses and invigorates the competitor in me. Basketball is my first love but its something special when you think you have it all figured out and a sport comes and knocks you on your ass. FIFA was like playing 2k for the first time all over again, and I’m pretty sure I’ve been chasing that dragon ever since. The level of control you are given once the finer mechanics are mastered is damn near seamless. At times, FIFA truly is the pinnacle of sports simulation so pure and elating that it transcends it’s staggering sales numbers. I say this because the soft and playful tickle that is the gameplay is quickly followed by a cold hard smack when you pop open Ultimate Team. Gain coins through playing games, coins are earned to purchase packs; packs get you different tiers of players. See where I’m going with this? Coins are your only means of buying everything actually, players, contract cards to keep your players/managers, training cards, and essentially anything your team is going to need to keep kicking. People can only play so many games of FIFA, I’m pretty sure I’m addicted and I can only play so many games. So coins go fast, needless to say, fortunately, you can purchase FIFA points in varying quantities. These packs are completely randomized. On top of that, the tier system is wildly skewed toward players you don’t need/could possibly want, even top-tier gold packs. Don’t even get me started on the player controlled auction hell that is the transfer market. On your best match, you get 1,000 coins; a player like Pogba (my favorite) can go for 600,000 coins and up. It’s an absolute mess and countless players like me are left powerless to the FIFA gods who have accrued literal fortunes worth of coins via their immense prowess and domination on the field. I understand and appreciate skill being rewarded but there is no point where I can hope to get that many coins and average but avid gamers like myself (c wut i did therr) that dedicate their time deserve to be rewarded in some way. The pack system for random players from a database containing thousands is beyond underhanded. It’s downright malevolent, and leaving players to the whim of a cruel and greedy market isn’t encouraging in the slightest. I doubt EA will take any charge in this department but who knows. 
Killing Floor 2: Ya know what grinds the everloving fuck out of my gears? Genuinely fun games that get in their own way by putting systems in place that discourage and push the player away from the game itself. Killing Floor 2 is this, and it’s pretty heartbreaking. At its core, it’s a better zombies horde mode than CoD the franchise that popularized it. To me, the key is in the classes every player is forced to pick between, a role to play in this session. Snipers sit back and pick off the stragglers, Beserkers run through crowds of Zeds like madmen clubbing everything in sight, SWAT (rEpRESenT!!!) covers the crowd in a mist of bullets. Those are just 3 of the 10, each class having a target priority tree that gives the player a good sense of identity. All while allowing the player to be the Zed slaying machine they please. Where this game slips and is thusly consumed by the creatures dawning the cover, is its loot box system. On the surface, it’s the ideal version of this unfortunate reality in only offering cosmetic prizes (helmets, weapon skins, emotes, etc). What blows harder than John Coltrane in an iron lung is the fact that keys need to be purchased in order to open said crates. 3.00 bucks a key to be specific. This quickly stacks once you play any substantial amount of games required to advance your various classes through their perk trees. Instead of working it into the game itself, through kill-specific challenges or even prizes to draw players to the underwhelming competitive multiplayer. As a party game, it’s great to grab friends and whip out wave after wave of Zeds. However, once you start to invest real time, that is when you get shafted by the game creators for bothering to do so. Another example of how these loot boxes are keeping games from being as good as they could and arguably should be. 
CoD Infinite Warfare: What a fucking mess this game was, lord. The story was bland and felt like I was playing Titanfalls annoying younger brother. It is no longer the well-crafted war story that consistently beat out whatever Hollywood blockbuster was out that year. Not even Infinity Ward could save this thing, and on top of it all, the multiplayer was a pay-to-win shit show with no semblance of pride or shame whatsoever. As if that wasn’t enough, the mod and weapon system itself was a convoluted tree of guns I didn’t want or care to see if I wanted. CoD definitely seemed to pivot even more toward the casual audience with their focus on bs cosmetics that varied from the obnoxious to the pointless. At least those were free I guess...? This to me is another large rock on the long fall down the mountain, oh how the mighty have fallen. 
Shadow of War: I’m convinced publishers and developers don’t care about themselves, they would rather make money now and lose money in the longrun than make something worthwhile and make money because the game is good. I really don’t get it. Look at Shadow of Mordor, it was the surprise hit of the year if you ask me. I wasn’t expecting much if anything out of that game let alone it be one of the better games of that year. Ride the momentum and use it to propel yourself into an amazing sequel? Watch what the competition and other developers are doing to avoid their mistakes? Not force loot boxes into a game that has less than no business using them? No, no to all of them and fuck you for thinking such logical thoughts. SoW barely adds on to a game that was riding off the backs of others to begin with. What great changes they made like the additions to the upgradable skills and deeper nemesis system were greatly overshadowed by repetitive gameplay and the unnaturally imposed loot boxes. Turning the Orcs we were having fun interacting with and meeting in the game world into these little sprites after our pennies. The world is vast, combat is varying depending on the skills you choose, and it even manages to recapture that magic the first game did as far as specific Orcs becoming special to us as players. It’s the strong-arming of these loot boxes that really holds this game back because again: these orcs could be in the world giving us hours more of game to play and maybe even more varied ways to interact with them. 
Destiny 2: Laziness at its finest could be the tagline for this game. I won’t say that it is the use of loot boxes that ruin this game but lord is it one more thing on a mountain of complaints that I and those that remain in the Destiny community have. Eververse is upsetting, especially when it comes from a developer so well known for developing good content. This was their first step into the next gen with Destiny and it had a lot of potential. This time around it is all too dependent on its monetization scheme. Loot that could be used to entice players to spend time in the game world is instead hidden behind “engrams” players earn over time. Or they can spend their money on silver to earn even more of those loot boxes than the one that’s allocated for every level gained. With a game so dependant on online play, this mmo lite is falling short the one way an mmo-esque game can’t and that’s endgame. Literally, all Bungie has to do is remove Eververse and put these items in the world for us to earn and grind for. Which would bide them time to work on the upcoming expansions (if Curse of Osiris is any indication). I want Bungie to step up, I want Destiny 2 to succeed and help start something special in gaming. Right now it is just following in the footsteps of every money hungry triple A title that came out last year. Lately it seems Bungie can’t help themselves especially in the face of constant fan backlash involving the virtual market. Now with the new faction rally they throttled the tokens, only to offer a ghost shell in Eververse that grants you more tokens. Realy shady shit Bungie, cut it out, before you find yourself on the wrong end of a revolt. 
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