#doctor jolon
narnianvalkyrieofberk · 5 months
I watched sideways' video on the use of the Dies Irae in Sweeny Todd again, got left to my own devices for too long, and somehow this happened. :P The art is panels from Red's webcomic Aurora (which you should absolutely go check out if you haven't already.) I made the music using BeepBox.
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auroratournament · 10 months
Aurora Tournament Announcement and Other Things
Hey y'all! To celebrate the end of arc 1, I decided to put together a poll with the characters of Aurora facing off against each other for fan favorite :) I'll try to do this at the end of each arc provided I have not died or been abducted by aliens or smth
While I already have chosen the characters participating in the tournament, you will be able to submit propaganda on a google form, or just pop it into my askbox.
Characters in the tournament are listed under the read more. Polls will hopefully go up Saturday (11/25/2023) or Sunday (11/26/2023), along with a proper masterpost of all the polls. For now, there is a list of all the character that will be in the tournament under the readmore. Have a nice day :)
The Collector 
The Void Dragon
Primordial Life
The Twins
The Citizens of Vash
Lady Ilia
Doctor Jolon
Paladin Champion 
The Arenamaster
Lady Huracan 
The Junior Archivist
The Light Dragon
Every Single Cave Crawler
The Glort
Falst’s Dad
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falst · 2 years
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baoshengxianbei · 3 years
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based on @comicaurora
and also based on that one post. you know the one.
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denwood-dragon · 3 years
Aurora - Chimeric Plague Theory
I’ve become moderately obsessed with the webcomic, Aurora. It’s being made by Red from Overly Sarcastic Productions and is very pretty, brightly coloured epic fantasy. So far we’ve got:
- a sort-of-demigod with very little sense of his own personhood
- an elf mage who may or may not have a supposedly deadly plague
- a human mage with a super-powered evil side
- a fiercely loyal, emotionally constipated cat-boy
And they’re all on a mission to stop a primordial threat and save a (so far) rather lovely god from a thoroughly single-minded and destructive mage. It’s emotional and hilarious. The story’s good, the worldbuilding is awesome and all the main characters are wonderful. If you haven’t read it and that sounds interesting to you, the link is above.
One of the main characters is called Alinua. She’s a cloud elf and a Life mage. For about 20 years, she believed she had the chimeric plague, a magical illness that would have made her magic extremely dangerous. If you’ve got this far, I assume you know how that went down.
The thing is, I think Alinua did have the chimeric plague. Everything known about it is focussed on mutation and madness, very much like the beasts Doctor Jolon created. We don’t know how long the chimeric plague has been around but the first known case was 300 years ago. The first time anyone became aware of The Collector was about 100 years ago. It’s not unreasonable to suppose that she’s been around a lot longer than that, given that the results of her actions were rumours at the time. It’s taken her a long time to go after a god like Vash. It probably took her a long time to start experimenting on spirits. If we assume that The Collector started her experiments because she wanted to free Life, then Life has been awake for at least a hundred years. I’m extrapolating from fairly limited data that they’ve both been around for 300 years or more but I think it makes sense. 
If you’d like to humour me and believe, temporarily, that Life has been awake for at least 300 years, then her causing the chimeric plague seems very likely. The Void Dragon made his own rune so he could infect the Elemental Mage (Erin, in this case). He tried that infection on other humans several times and failed. He needed a rune to succeed. (And for Erin to come into contact with it). Life already had her own rune, which appears on the skin of mortals who have the chimeric plague, just like the Void Dragon’s appeared on Erin’s skin. 
Aside from the incomplete timeline, the biggest flaw I can think of in this theory is that Alinua is the only person to survive the chimeric plague and become Life’s Vessel. I have no idea why other than pure chance. After inventing his own rune, the Void Dragon only wanted to infect/possess the Elemental Mage. It’s unclear what would have happened if he’d tried to possess someone else but I bet it would have gone poorly. Erin’s mind, body and soul are accustomed to having access to 6 elements. Adding the Void Dragon might not be much of a stretch. Alinua, on the other hand, has only ever had Life magic.
The possibility that Alinua is Life’s Vessel through chance is interesting to me. Life’s motivations are vague. She rarely interferes with Alinua. The one occasion that she has, she retreated as soon as the situation was resolved. She was angry about Jolon using her to corrupt innocent creatures. But she’s also the reason The Collector is around. If Life created the chimeric plague, she’s killed thousands of innocent creatures herself. 
I’m sure I’m not the first person to consider this theory. Any contributions, including constructive criticism, are welcome. 
Please be kind, and I hope you’re as okay as you can be right now.
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comicaurora · 4 years
Did the squad ever go back to Hilltop? Or are the villagers just going to wake up in the morning and realize that both the new strangers and the town doctor are gone without any explanation?
The people of Hilltop are used to travelers being gone without explanation in the morning (part of that is because of the aforementioned town doctor) and Jolon also had a habit of vanishing off into the woods, so his absence actually won’t be noted for a little while. Gleicann may or may not fill them in if they try asking him what happened.
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ren-of-the-arcana · 5 years
Let me tell you a story...
My apprentice Ren's story before he died of the plague. It's something that I've been working on, slowly, since I started the Arcana months ago. Ren has a twin sister that is featured heavily, as well some other family members. I plan on writing short snippets of what happened in greater detail, but that's not here yet.
This paints Count Lucio as a really despicable person, as a fair warning to Lucio fans...
I'm on mobile, so I apologize in advance for the super long post....
Warnings - death, blood, mentions of unwanted sexual advances
Ren 'of the Sea'
- the apprentice with a point to prove to the world.
Favorite Food - Pomegranates
Favorite Drink - Earl Grey tea with cinnamon
Favorite Flower - Periwinkle
- As children, Ren and Jazmine were regaled with stories of their clan. Of ancient ties to dragons and magic, of desperate battles and travel. Though the Dragons of the West were a peaceful clan, full of magicians, bards, and healers, they were feared by many for thier power and influence. As the years passed, it became sport to see who could defeat them. And though the clan tried to avoid conflict, they were hunted and killed like prey. The Dragons were scattered; but, slowly, faction by faction, they were taken out. Until the only ones left were Ren, Jazmine, and their father, Jolon. Their mother, Illiana, had been murdered at the hands of Morga Eirsdottir of the Scourge of the South, shortly after the twins were born.
It was an understanding between Jolon and Illiana that if either of them was killed, the other would take the children to safety and not seek revenge. And Jolon was always a man of his word, no matter the circumstance. The three settled on the coast, far from any town or city. Jolon thought they were safe. That was until Montag Morgasson found them.
Ren and Jazmine were only five years old when Montag learned of their small family's continued existence. It had been his mother who killed Illiana, and had been unable to finish the job. As a mercenary on the run from Morga, Montag saw this as the perfect opportunity to spite her. Finish what she had been unable to.
It was a chilly spring evening when Montag came to their door. If it had been any other family, he may have succeeded in his quest. However, Jolon had foreseen Montag's arrival, and would not let anything come of his children if he could stop it. Knowing that they would be hunted to extinction, Jolon sacrificed himself. He sent Ren and Jazmine out to sea in the family's small fishing boat, begging the gods to lead them somewhere safe. He stayed behind to face Montag, swearing that it would be the last death in this fickle tirade of clans.
Ren still has nightmares of that night, knowing he would never see his father again. Watching the flames engulf his childhood home, the twisted grin of his father's murderer flashing before his eyes, the vague echo of a promise to keep his sister safe and not seek revenge.
The small boat came upon a terrible storm, rattling it to pieces. Jazmine had been struck by a board, many of her memories fading into oblivion as Ren kept her from drowning, afloat on part of the broken mast. With next to nothing but the clothes they wore, and a tattered book, the twins washed up on the shores of Vesuvia.
They were found by a kindly female magician named Ilana. She took them in, and raised them as her niece and nephew, in her modest magic shop. Under her tutelage, Ren became a master magician; and though Jazmine was just as capable, she found her focus on herbology, and became an expert herbalist.
Ilana was an older, willowy woman. Her dark hair was heavily streaked with grey, often worn in a long braid down her back. She had a grey sheepdog as a familiar, named Fenrir, who was as old and ageless as his master. Though she was strict with the twins, she was lenient enough with them to let them explore and develop themselves, sending Fenrir to accompany (follow) them. This led the twins to getting in trouble...often.
Ilana kept the book that the twins had arrived with hidden in a secret space upstairs, beneath a floorboard, along with many other important things, warded with the strongest spells Ilana could conjure. They would only reveal the contents when the time was right.
Much like their father, Ilana was able to see the future. Often she would foretell the day for the twins, as well as in-depth personal fortunes. Ilana once told Ten that he would die when the beetles came and his soulmate left him. But, he should not worry, for it wasn't his true end, and he would return. It made little sense to Ren, and he struggled with it for years before coming to accept it.
Often, the twins went to the docks to play with the other orphans, or to tell them the tales that were passed down from their father. More so, it was Ren who told the stories to Jazmine, and she recited them for the orphans, due to Ren's social anxiety. It was in this way that the twins crosses paths with Montag again; though this time, his name was Lucio, and he had become the Count of Vesuvia. The twins were around ten years old at the time. Hearing the tales of the Dragons of the West, Lucio thought that perhaps he had failed in his goal of eradicating the clan (which he had). Confronting the twins, as well as a young Muriel and Asra, Lucio tried to start a fight, or at least arrest whosoever they learned the stories from. It came out that Jazmine had learned the tales from Ren, but at that point it didn't matter. Lucio had tried to hurt Jazmine, harming Muriel and Asra as they tried to intervene. That didn't sit well with Ren. He didn't speak much, or even defend himself, but when someone he cared about was threatened, it was on. He attacked Lucio, and in the process, Lucio had clawed at him with his alchemical arm. Three bloody cuts trailed down the left side of Ren's face, close enough to his eye that, due to the magic of the gauntlet, changed the original blue/grey color to a bright seafoam green. Ren attempted to curse Lucio then, to forget the interaction, to forget the stories he heard, and to forget he had even seen the four of them at the docks that day. The curse worked long enough to get Lucio to leave. However, it also caused Asra and Muriel to forget they were friendly with the twins, making then strangers, coming to the docks to tell interesting stories and nothing more. Curses were not Ren's strong suit. The curse backfired, not lasting nearly long enough. Lucio didn't permanently forget his interaction with the twins, and laid in wait for many years to exact his revenge. Ren and Jazmine were able to escape, and Fenrir took them back to their Aunt's shop. Though Ilana scolded them for being so careless, she still attempted to heal the damage Lucio had caused. While the wounds themselves healed effortlessly, the scars would never fade, a constant reminder of the day.
Into his early teens, Ren often hung around the docks. He earned a small wage helping the ship crews ready their ships, rigging and loading cargo mostly, or helping fishermen with making and mending nets. One particular traveler, a wandering bard by the name of Icarus Jobe, recognized the storyteller in him. Late at night, when Ren wasn't needed at the shop, he and Icarus would sit together on the beach, and the bard would tell Ren stories of all the places he had traveled to. They became fast friends, and Icarus became an almost father-figure to Ren. Ren managed to develop a slight crush on the seafaring bard, and learned many lessons along the way.
Nearly a year after their comraderie began, Icarus was accused of high treason against the court by Lucio, though there was next to no evidence to support this. He was sentenced to death via hanging. Icarus wasn't frightened of death, his only regret being that he wouldn't see what type of man Ren would grow into.
Ren was present for the hanging, knowing there was no spell he could find to save his dear friend in time. When the floor dropped out from beneath Icarus, his hat flew into the crowd. Ren caught the hat, placing it on his own head with finality, another blow to Lucio. The old pirate hat served as another reminder that Ren had a story to share with the world that hadn't been written just yet.
It wasn't until after Icarus Jobe's death that Ren learned he had been a close friend to his mother....
Death followed Ren like a lost dog, always begging for scraps, the lives of his loved ones.
When the twins were fourteen, Ilana passed under mysterious circumstances. It was then that they learned that Ilana was actually their biological aunt, their father's sister. They received a modest inheritance, as well as access to the hidden materials beneath the upstairs floorboard of the shop, thier father's grimoire and writings of their clan's history.
Jazmine was heartbroken, and couldn't bring herself to stay at the shop. Despite her fear of the sea, she left Vesuvia on a ship, taking Fenrir with her, to travel anywhere but home. Ren took over the shop, staying to carry on Ilana's legacy. It was in the years that followed that Ren started his relationship with Asra. Jazmine periodically visited, but mostly she sent letters and herbal lore from the various places she had been.
When the Red Plague came to Vesuvia, Asra wanted to leave, and Ren knew he had to stay. With tears in his eyes, he told Asra to go, but it wasn't goodbye, because he knew Asra would return when it was over, of that Ren was certain.
In the months that followed, Ren worked at the Palace under Lucio, in the Count's campaign to find a 'cure' for the plague. Ren became friends with Doctor Julian Devorak, and Jazmine returned to use her herbal knowledge to help. Eventually Jazmine and Julian started a relationship, often fighting and getting on one another's nerves, but somehow made a great couple. Ren could see the red strings of fate binding the two, knowing that they would eventually make it on their own path.
During one particular low point, when Ren was thinking about Asra, and Jazmine had left Julian and Vesuvia for at least the second time, they went to the Rowdy Raven together, and Ren let slip that he was destined to die soon. He ended up erasing that particular memory from Julian's mind, though it would inevitably be returned through his deal with the Hanged Man.
Working in close proximity with Lucio and his courtiers, Ren was constantly harassed by Lucio, who had developed a twisted crush. Ren was still very much in love with Asra, attempting to contact them intermittently, and would have none of it. In his down time, Ren would tell the stories of his people to the children stricken with the plague, trying to keep their spirits up with the tales of magic and dragons. Lucio often listened in, never straying far from Ren.
Ren learned by mere chance that the plague was the result of a deal Lucio had made in his youth, and that the only real cure was Lucio's death. Though the Count had given Ren many reasons to kill him, he was reluctant, and tried to find another way. After one too many times of being harassed and cornered by Lucio, Ren finally snapped, telling him to leave him alone or else. Lucio revealed to Ren that he knew who Ren was and how Ren had gotten his scars. He knew that Ren had discovered his secret, and was paranoid that Ren was going to kill him any day. Trying to escape the library where he had been cornered, Lucio pinned Ren to his chest with his alchemical arm so that he couldn't get away. Lucio crushed a plague beetle into dust and forced Ren to inhale it, knowing it was an almost absolute guarantee that Ren would catch the plague. Ren was so angry that he cast one last curse, knowing that this one would actually take without fail. He cursed Lucio to catch the plague, that Ren's end would be the beginning of the end for Lucio.
Terrified, Lucio locked Ren under the Palace with the other plague doctors to work, accusing Ren of attempting to give him the plague at the same time. Ren was scheduled to be burned alive at the Lazaret if he didn't find a cure in time. It took several days for Ren's symptoms to become apparent, Julian not even noticing until it was too late. Ren tried one last time to contact Asra, but they still wouldn't respond.
Ren managed to escape the Palace, merely wanting to settle his affairs before the guards took him to the Lazaret. At the shop, he was interrupted by Muriel. Ren ended up telling Muriel everything, but then took the memory away so that if the guards found him, he wouldn't be labeled as an accomplice to Ren's supposed murder attempt. Leaving Muriel passed out in the shop with letters for Asra and Jazmine, Ren met the Palace guards at the shop's doorstep and calmly went with them to his death.
While Ren was with Muriel at the shop, Jazmine returned, going immediately to the palace, and learning Ren's fate from Julian. Julian had attempted to stop Ren, but even he knew it was too late. Jazmine felt the moment Ren died.
Asra returned within hours of Ren dying, having felt it themselves, cursing themselves for being too late. Jazmine let Asra stay at the shop, unable to care for it herself with all the death tied to it. She stayed with Mazelinka, coming and going frequently like before.
Once Asra foiled Lucio's ritual, and Ren returned, Asra warned Jazmine that she couldn't see him. The potential that the memory of her might kill him being the strongest factor. But Jazmine, being Jazmine, didn't listen. She let herself be seen in the marketplace, around the city, all but stalking Ren. Eventually they became friends, without Ren realizing that she was his twin, though he had suspicions, especially with his dreams at the time.
It was during Asra's last trip that Ren learned the truth, but he couldn't be mad at Asra. Ren understood why they did it. He kept the knowledge a secret from Asra until the events of the Lazaret, telling Asra he had been ready for a long time to recover his memories, and had been doing so, slowly and carefully over the last several weeks.
At some point after the events of the game, Ren and Asra stumble upon the burned out remains of Ren's childhood home. Inside they found a strange grey egg, that neither could identify. Taking it back to home to Vesuvia, Faust and the stove salamander help Ren hatch it. It turns out to be a dragon egg. That dragon hatches a vivid lavender color, and becomes Ren's familiar, Veritas.
Appearance -
Pale complected, with short, dark hair. Roughly 5'8", with a narrow, sturdy build. Born with blue/grey eyes, but the left eye turned seafoam green after being attacked by Lucio as a child. Many scars from random fights, but the most vivid being the scars near his left eye; he grows the top of his hair slightly longer than the rest to cover them. Usually wears a black three-quarter sleeves shirt, green and blue scarves, black pants and boots. Wears an old pirate hat wrapped with a grey scarf when traveling.
Random Things -
Ren wears a dangling silver sun earring in his right ear, and Jazmine wears a dangling golden moon earring in her left ear to represent their twin and their connection.
At home, Ren is almost always wrapped in a sea-colored shawl, with a cup of tea and a book in hand.
Ren and Jazmine both tan very easily, but of the two, Ren is paler.
When they were young, the only way to tell Ren and Jazmine apart was through their eye color.
Before the plague killed him, Ren identified most with the Moon Arcana, seeing through illusions and the hidden aspects of life.
Ren owns a magical shawl. One side is teal with a compass rose embroidered in it so that they never get lost. The other side is black with a white lotus embroidered on it to protect them from death. When Lucio trapped him and forced him to inhale the plague beetle, the shawl fell from his shoulders, allowing the plague to take hold.
- That's all for now. I know it's a mess, and not always easy to follow, but I will be fleshing out more of Ren's story as I go. As well as other small details and sketches I have made of him.
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recognizedtraining · 7 years
Abogados Para Compensacion Jolon, California, 93928
Abogados Para Compensacion Jolon, California, 93928
Una compensación laboral es un sistema de leyes diseñadas para brindar a los beneficios específicos y un fórum legal en el cual los conflictos puedan resolverse entre los trabajadores lastimados, empleadores y compañías de seguros. Un reclamo de Compensación de los Trabajadores no es una demanda contra su empleador, es simplemente una solicitud para beneficios de la compañía de seguros.
¿Qué pasa si una lesión en el Trabajo?
Si usted se lastimo en el trabajo, un abogado en Compensación de Trabajadores de California lo puede ayudar con sus lastimaduras físicas, enfermedades físicas y lastimaduras que resulten en el trabajo y estaban cubiertos de Compensación de Trabajadores. Un abogado en Compensación de Trabajadores, lo puede ayudar llevando apropiadamente a la junta de apelaciones a una corte designada para casos de litigación para Compensación de Trabajadores. Para poder recibir los beneficios de Compensación de Trabajadores por la ley de California para Compensación de los Trabajadores, debe informar de su lastimadura de Compensación de Trabajadores a su empleador lo más pronto como sea posible después de lo que pasó. Su empleador deberá reportar un reclamo con Compensación de Trabajadores con la aseguranza para que su Compensación de los Trabajadores pagar. Si se lastimo en el trabajo, su abogado de Compensación de Trabajadores no necesitara comprobar que su empleador era culpable de sus lastimaduras para recibir beneficios de Compensación de Trabajadores, si su caso no se deniega el acceso.
Sin embargo, muchos otros obstáculos pueden atravesarse en el camino para cobrar beneficios en su caso de Compensación de Trabajadores.
de Su compañía y la aseguranza de la empresa con el abogado de su empleador, podría decir que sus problemas de salud no relacionados con el trabajo, y puede no estar de acuerdo en la seriedad de su lastimadura, por lo tanto los abogados en Compensacion de Trabajadores de su empleador podrían no pagarle todo o parte de su reclamo. El empleador tratara de evitar que se meta un reclamo de Compensación de Trabajadores, o tratando de vengarse cuando usted cobre los beneficios. Un abogado de California en la Compensación de los Trabajadores puede ayudar a través de este laberinto. En la actualidad, la ley de Indemnización de los Trabajadores es un laberinto complicado de reglas y procedimientos en los cuales los trabajadores lastimados podrían perderse.
Compensación de Trabajadores ¿Qué son beneficios?
Existen cuatro beneficios básicos:
1. TRATAMIENTO MÉDICO:Compensación de Trabajadores
Su abogado en Compensación de Trabajadores le da el derecho para que usted pueda seleccionar el doctor que lo revise en su lastimadura de trabajo y conseguir que todos los tratamientos médicos de Compensación de Trabajadores que sean razonablemente necesarios para curar todos los efectos de sus lesiones de por vida.
abogado de california en Compensación de los Trabajadores asegurara que usted recibirá el pago de las dos terceras partes de su salario bruto semanal, con ciertas restricciones, mínimos y mínimas, se paga cada dos semanas mientras que usted esta sin trabajo y esta siendo tratado medicamente o incapacitado por el Estado fallido si su caso fue denegado.
Si no se ha recuperado totalmente de las consecuencias de la lastimadura, usted califica para una compensación monetaria misma que puede ser firmado por un abogado de california en la Compensación de los Trabajadores. La cantidad de la indemnización (y la tarifa semanal la cual es pagada) depende principalmente en como las lastimaduras laborales le impidan en sus actividades, también afecta la edad, su ocupación, el salario en el momento de la lastimadura de Compensación de Trabajadores ha ocurrido. En conformidad con las leyes de Compensación de Trabajadores, después de que su condición se considera constante y estacionaria, usted podrá calificar para los beneficios de incapacidad de acuerdo a las leyes y calendario de Compensación de Trabajadores.
Si usted ya no puede hacer su trabajo anterior, y su empleador no le ofrece otro trabajo, entonces usted tiene derecho a beneficios de la ley de Compensación de Trabajadores conocida como rehabilitación profesional, que en la actualidad y de acuerdo a las leyes de Compensación de los Trabajadores, el trabajo suplementario y vale de desplazamiento que oscila entre $4000 .00$10, 000.00 dependiendo del nivel de discapacidad en la ley de Compensación de Trabajadores. Bajo la ley de Compensación de Trabajadores del 2004, el sistema de rehabilitación profesional, que, ya no existe.
RECUERDE: Su empleador y aseguranzas cuentan con abogados que los aconsejan referente a su caso. Y usted debe hacer lo mismo.
The post Abogados Para Compensacion Jolon, California, 93928 appeared first on abogados para compensacion.
Source: http://recognizedtraining.net/abogados-para-compensacion-jolon-california-93928/
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comicaurora · 4 years
Well it was revealed that Jolon was the one making the chimeras. And the fact that you somehow built the vibe that there was something weird with the whole situation. all of this to ask, do you have any favourite part of the current arc? or any part you found extra difficult?
We haven't gotten to my favorite part of this chapter yet, but I did have fun with this page's reveal.
Watching the speculation has been equal parts interesting and frustrating! This story isn't much of a mystery (can't believe it was one of the two main suspects smh) but there's still been a lot of red herrings and blind alleys that made me question if I'd made it too complicated anyway.
That "something's off here" vibe was something I really wanted to capture - mostly through Kendal, the only character who realized that this clear-cut monstrous-villain narrative was playing off of assumptions he didn't have. Part of the reason he knew something was off was because Jolon didn't realize he was anything but a standard human fighter-type, and the narrative he crafted wasn't compelling to Kendal's unusual worldview. Of course, the difficulty there was making sure Erin and Alinua didn't come across uncharacteristically dumb while buying into the same narrative that wasn't gelling for Kendal.
This is also the first character I've introduced whose hero/villain status isn't 100% clear-cut, and I think I was a bit nervous he'd skew too strongly one way or the other and subsequently lose people when he acted in unexpected ways. Fundamentally he's self-centered and survival-minded, and that means he does stuff he thinks will benefit himself in the moment without much regard for consequence or collateral. That's a bad thing! But I'm hoping it's also understandable. Not commendable or heroic, but something we can empathize with in a "man, hope you get your situation sorted out" kinda way. Nothing about this character arc works if I've failed to make him sympathetic, but it also doesn't work if I've just made him an all-talk-no-antagonism bad-boy-in-name-only.
This arc has a lot of plates spinning. Fortunately we're starting to get into the much simpler, more clear-cut parts of the story that were much easier to write. Setup is really really hard; payoff is a lot easier. I just hope overall people like it more than they hate the bits I didn't pull off right.
I am a bit surprised that nobody's quite hit on the Doctor's motivation yet, though!
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