xawkward-ariesx · 2 years
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I posted 264 times in 2022
88 posts created (33%)
176 posts reblogged (67%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 264 of my posts in 2022
#ace writes sometimes - 211 posts
#writing problems - 96 posts
#ace writes - 43 posts
#joml - 29 posts
#friendly fics - 24 posts
#doctorrosebingor1 - 23 posts
#ficandchips - 19 posts
#writing meme - 16 posts
#st - 15 posts
#eddie munson - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#why cant i focus on the right things 🤦 its like 30% of my grade‚ my fanfic is not being graded or gonna help me get into next year at uni
My Top Posts in 2022:
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For the @doctorrosebingo prompt fulfillment: secret handshake.
Rose's new Doctor seemed to have adopted a more childlike and playful approach to life to match his more youthful appearance it would seem. Not long after his regeneration he'd come up with the idea of secret handshakes and hand signals to use to communicate with each other when they were in trouble or just didn't want to have their plans overheard.
After all the phones her previous Doctor had bought for such a purpose hadn't always panned out well. The ping of incoming notifications often defeating their secretive intent. And well, they may have gotten through an alarming number of mobiles, their chaotic lifestyle not always conducive for small damageable and easily losable devices.
And this Doctor was even more touchy than her last so the idea didn't surprise her at all. The system seemed to be working well as well. A quick brush of hands as they passed each other or as they walked along to explain their intent to the other and suddenly they didn't need telepathy as they were always on the same page.
They'd gotten used to communicating everything they could never say in words through touch, because sometimes words just couldn't do justice to the depths of their feelings for each other. They didn't need to say it out loud because they were so in tune with one another that they just knew what the other was saying without words tainting the enormity of the sentiment.
But Rose had become so reliant on using touch to communicate that she'd never imagined there might come a time that they were denied it. How foolish of her...
Bonus moodboard:
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49 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
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For the @doctorrosebingo prompt fulfillment: meet the family.
"Hey, Rose?" Ryan called out to the blonde he could just about see from his peripheral as he frowned down at his phone with his latest vlog on it. He looked up at the blonde when he received no response, to see a woman he'd never seen before.
"Sorry not Rose, Jenny." The woman smiled in amusement like she was biting back laughter at something he was clearly missing out on.
"Oh, right. Do you know where she is?" He asked not bothering to question this woman's presence, nobody got onto the TARDIS without the Doctor or Rose knowing so he figured there was nothing to worry about.
"In the galley last I saw her."
"Thanks." He muttered as he left to find the blonde he'd originally mistaken her for, casting backwards glances at her in confusion as he did so.
Yaz was looking for the Doctor, the laundry room had moved again and she desperately needed it. She skirted past Rose who was reading on the steps, her face covered by a curtain of blonde hair, to stand by the Doctor's feet that were just about poking out from under the console along with a tuft of blonde hair that was barely visible from this angle.
"Doctor the laundry room's moved again."
A face popped out from under the console to join the feet with a gold and pink sonic tucked between teeth, a hand brushed the fallen curtain of blonde hair to reveal..... Rose. So not the Doctor then.
She turned to look over her shoulder in confusion to see that the blonde she'd mistaken as Rose was in fact, Jenny.
"Sorry Yaz, she's working on maintenance at the other end. The laundry room should be between the purple swimming pool and squash court three, we had to move it while we were fixing the spatial regulator."
"Uh, thanks." She stumbled over her response still a little caught off guard, she'd forgotten how difficult it was to tell them apart sometimes.
"So you three must be... sisters?" The Lord Province of Yigade hazarded a guess.
"This is my wife." The Doctor corrected pointing at Rose.
"And this is our daughter," Rose added pointing at Jenny between the two of them.
The Lord Province looked very bewildered by this.
"I see... But you all look the same age?" He spoke haltingly uncertain as to whether or not he was overstepping.
Rose smiled tightly, she'd not really thought about the consequences of being frozen at twenty when they'd realised she was immortal, a trait she'd apparently passed onto Jenny when they'd landed on Messaline they'd since realised. It hadn't been half as confusing until the Doctor had regenerated into a blonde woman too, claiming she'd felt left out and it might have affected the regeneration outcome.
"We moisturise." The Doctor explained unhelpfully to Lord Province who nodded slowly but was still just as confused while Rose tried to bite back a laugh at the inside joke.
"Am I seeing things or did one Rose become three?" Jack asked as his eyes flickered between the time travelling trio.
"I did not clone myself, Jack, the Doctor stole my look," Rose grumbled as she nudged Jack's shoulder on the way past.
Jack hadn't shut up about a Rose clone since the whole three Doctors metacrisis incident. He thought he was hilarious, Rose begged to differ.
"You know when Graham said you were a woman now I was kind of picturing some lanky brunette for some reason." Jack mused looking the Doctor over.
"That was three regeneration ago Jack, move on." The Doctor scoffed.
"And you!" Jack spun around to point an accusing finger at Rose. "Why is it that the three of you get to be young and immortal while I'm getting grey hairs? It's not fair." He whined.
Rose rolled her eyes as she helped herself to a mug and some tea.
"I was a little busy with dying I didn't exactly have much control over your immortality Jack. And I've told you, we'd already met future you before we'd met you so I couldn't interfere with that because that would create a paradox. And nobody wants that."
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56 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
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For the @doctorrosebingo prompt fulfillment: "you remember that?"
"You remember that?"
Rose had been back on the TARDIS  for only a meagre three days since she'd found the Doctor with a little help from her dimension cannon. It had taken awhile but there'd been a blip, just a little blip, but it had been enough for her to finally slip through. According to the Doctor the blip had been the result of him rebooting the universe and boy did she have questions about that one. When she'd first started working on the dimension cannon all those years ago she had wondered if she'd ever get back to the same Doctor she'd left or if it would be a future one. It had turned out to be the latter.
So here she was sitting in the galley of the redecorated TARDIS while her now tie-wearing Doctor regaled his companions - Amy and Rory Pond - with tales of their adventures. She hadn't been overly surprised at first, the Doctor had always had an unfairly impressive memory, but it was his attention to details from days long since past that had caught her by surprise. And before she knew it the words were falling out of her mouth to hang in the air between them in disbelief.
The Doctor scoffed, though she didn't miss the amused sparkle in his eye. "I'm old Rose Tyler, not senile."
"Just checking, how old did you say you were now? That's if you can remember." She asked cheekily, raising her mug of tea to her lips to hide her grin. And for a moment it was like nothing had changed, no time had passed at all. They were the same Doctor and Rose Tyler that they'd always been. The Oncoming Storm, Bad Wolf, the stuff of legends, partners in time.
"Oi!" The Doctor squawked in outrage causing the other occupants of the room to burst out laughing at his expense.
Rose had only been back for three days, but it sure was good to be home.
87 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
It was common knowledge that if anyone was going to know something about Steve, it would be Robin. Unfortunately, she was highly unlikely to share any of it, unless it was in front of Steve with the sole purpose of winding him up. So in that case, the second best port of call for Steve related info was Dustin.
So that was how the quartet had found themselves crammed into Dustin's bedroom querying about the whereabouts of their wayward babysitter. Jonathan had dropped El and Will off at Mike's this morning before work so they now had no ride to the movies. Dustin's mom had been going to take him but there wasn't enough room in her car for the five of them. So it was imperative that they found their babysitter, as loathe as they usually were to refer to Steve as such when he was worrying about them like a mother hen.
Except Dustin had no clue where he was. And he received no response from him on the walkie either. Which wasn't all that surprising, Loch Nora was just out of range most of the time for it to not even be that convenient that Steve had one. But Dustin wasn't deterred. He tried Robin next. The girl grumbled something about being disturbed by Steve's gremlins while she was working before telling that Steve had been heading to Max's last she knew.
This game of walkie telephone was getting tedious according to Mike, who'd huffed no less than 5 times in the last 2 minutes. He was cut off from a sixth by an elbow to the ribs by Will.
Unfortunately, Max wasn't picking up either which was even less surprising because she had no respect for the walkie decorum Party rules and frequently had hers off. Deciding there was nothing else for it, Dustin convinced his mom to give them a ride to Max's, now concerned that something had happened to either one of them. El happily sat squished on the floor by their feet for the ride over. She'd giggled something about being able to feel the road better that didn't entirely make sense to Lucas and Dustin but the others nodded sagely along to.
They couldn't immediately spot Steve's inconspicuous car when they arrived, so Dustin took it upon himself to hammer on Max's door until she answered with a shout.
"We can't find Steve." Dustin blurted in the face of Max's ire.
Max frowned at them as if they'd said something completely ridiculous. Which in hindsight they realised they had when she spoke again.
"He's at Eddie's." She nodded towards the other trailer where they could now just about see Steve's beamer peeking out from behind Eddie's van.
"Ohh." They spoke in unison.
"Yeah 'oh' dumbasses. Why'd you think he was here anyway?"
"Robin said the last she'd heard he was at yours." Dustin frowned in response.
"Yeah, yesterday when he dropped me off. Why did you immediately assume he was missing?"
"Because neither of you would answer your walkies." Mike exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air in aggravation. "We'd thought a demogorgan had gotten you or something."
Max flinched at the reminder of the Upside Down.
"Well sorry to disappoint but I'm fine." Mike mumbled a barely audible 'sorry' as Max grabbed her crutches. "No Upside Down stuff here so let's just go check on Eddie so you guys can stop annoying me."
The short distance between the two trailers was made longer by Max's hobbling due to her broken leg, curtesy of Vecna, even with Lucas and El helping along on either side. They allowed Max to bang on the door with the end of one of her crutches as she leant back against her two helpers, as compensation for riling her. The door eventually opened to reveal a flustered Eddie.
"What? What is it? Is someone dying? Someone better be dying after all that."
"Steve's missing!" Dustin blurted once more in a panic causing the rest of the Party to turn to look at him with matching incredulous expression, because hadn't they just established that everything was probably fine?
Eddie raised an eyebrow at Dustin before stepping back to point at the figure they hadn't noticed behind Eddie.
"You mean that Steve?"
"Oh thank god you're fin- is that a DnD manual?" Dustin started before cutting himself off as he registered the book Steve was hunched over with a frown.
Steve blinked confusedly at the kids for a moment as his brain rebooted.
"Eddie's trying to teach me." He murmured softly before looking back down at the book all the while Eddie smirked smugly and the boys erupted into shouts around him.
"What? Since when do you care about dungeons and dragons?" - Mike.
"I swear you've called it basements and goblins before." - Will.
"You wouldn't let us teach you." - Lucas.
"Why did you go to Eddie? I've been asking you for two years!" That one was Dustin, sounding particularly upset that it almost drowned out Max's exclaim of 'I didn't know you could read.'
Steve looked up from the book again with tired eyes as he regarded the kids.
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114 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sometimes Merlin wondered if he'd done something to piss off the triple goddess because he could think of no other reason that on top of being a powerful wizard in Camelot - where such a thing was punishable by death - and the personal manservant to the Prince of said kingdom, he'd also drawn the short straw when it came to soulmates.
Not everyone had a soulmate but your chances were increased if you had magic. And even if you did have a soulmate, that didn't mean you'd have the gift of being able to hear each other's thoughts. It was supposed to make it easier for soulmates to find each other but Merlin didn't consider it a gift when he'd been taught to shelter his thoughts since he was a child, such a skill that was even more essential now he was in Camelot and constantly performing illegal magic. He had to censor himself a lot.
He wasn't always successful.
"Stupid Prince, maybe I should just let him die. See how he likes it."
"Excuse you! You can't say that." His soulmate's voice rang through his head, garbled as always like he was hearing it from underwater.
"What's it to you?" Merlin shot back. He wasn't about to be reprimanded for his thoughts by a stranger. They were the one intruding after all.
"It's regicide!" His soulmate squawked outraged.
Merlin rolled his eyes at the mental shriek returning to his task of collecting herbs from the forest for Gaius.
"Its not regicide, I'm not going to kill the Prince. He's just stupid and reckless. He always ignores the signs and one day I'm not going to be there to save his royal backside and it will be karma for his idiocy when he dies."
The voice spluttered, "Save him!? You can't talk about a member of the royal family like that. Who are you?"
"None of your business." He answered sharply shutting the flap on his satchel now that he had everything that he needed.
"I'm your soulmate!"
"So?" He was picking his way through the forest to head back to the castle barely paying the conversation any mind. "Doesn't mean your entitled to know my life."
It was actually safer for Merlin that his soulmate not know anything about him. He couldn't risk exposing himself or endangering his soulmate by proxy because his mere existence was technically illegal.
So with that he consciously shut off his end of the mental connection. He'd still be able to hear his soulmate but they'd get nothing from him.
"Oi! You can't do that, I'm still talking to you." The words were muffled even further now that Merlin's end was cut off. It was rather satisfying, like shutting a door in someone's face when you no longer wished to continue the conversation.
"You can't ignore me like this!"
Merlin began to hum to himself as he crossed through the lower town to drown the other voice out. Eventually they settled into petulant silence and Merlin was able to drop off the herbs to Gaius before returning to his duties for the Prince. It was just in time for lunch so he went to retrieve his food before making his way to Arthur's chambers.
Arthur was scowling from his desk when he let himself in. Arms crossed over his chest as he glared at nothing, Merlin would almost say he was pouting, but he kept that thought to himself.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked not caring about decorum.
"My soulmate is ignoring me." Arthur grumbled, shooting him a sharp glare. As though it was Merlin's fault that his soulmate didn't want to put up with his prattish ways when, Merlin didn't even know who it was so he could hardly be to blame.
"That must be awful," Arthur seemed to untense minutely at Merlin's words before he continued. "I can't imagine having you for a soulmate. I wonder which unfortunate princess was stuck with such a fate."
"Oi! You can't talk to me like that, Merlin. I'm the Prince."
Merlin snorted at the familiar retort as he set the table for the Prince in question's lunch.
"And we don't know that they're a princess." He grumbled so softly it was almost as though he was talking to himself.
"Why not?" Merlin frowned.
Arthur let his head fall back against the top of his chair with a sigh as if Merlin was intentionally asking a ridiculous question, which he didn't think he had.
"The chances of having a soulmate are slim, the chances of them also having the mind link are even fewer. There are just over twenty kingdoms in Albion, and less than that that have any princesses to speak of. It's just unlikely that my soulmate is a princess."
"You don't know that that though. Have they told you they're not a princess?" Merlin pointed out, trying to helpful if only because Arthur was less likely to throw something at him if he was in a better mood. And definitely not because he looked like a kicked puppy, nope, not at all.
But if anything this just seemed to intensify the Prince's glower.
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181 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rosettyller · 3 years
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For @doctorrosebingo prompt 'Denial'
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sherl-grey · 3 years
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affirmative, mistress
“Does it still count as dog-sitting if the dog is the one watching you?”
(”K9″ for @doctorrosebingo)
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bronzeagepizzeria · 3 years
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@doctorrosebingo prompt: “friends with benefits”
love-acquainted eyes : “And I think we're going to be one of those couples who'll have a long story when people ask us how we found each other. I'll see her every now and then, and maybe one year she'll be with somebody and the next year I’ll be with somebody and it's gonna take a long time...and then it's perfect. I'm in no rush.”
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For the prompt "pillow fort" @doctorrosebingo
"You don't need to keep tinkering with it, Doctor. It's fine."
"You say that now, but what happens when you get cold half way through?"
"Then I guess you'll have to keep me warm."
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Relationships: Eleventh Doctor/Rose Tyler 
Characters: Rose Tyler, Eleventh Doctor, Martha Jones, Rory Williams, Mickey Smith, River Song
Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Idiots in Love, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, DoctorRose Bingo
Rose stared with a gaped mouth at the man, who she could only assume was named John Pond, for a few moments before realising he was waiting for her to reply, on whether he should change his name? 
“Uhh…” She started, but then remembered the folder of medical information she was carrying, and the reason she knocked on the door in the first place (and she was starting to believe it really was take a right on the second corridor, third door of the left, but it was too late to back up now), “Are you the Doctor?”
For the @doctorrosebingo prompt Arctic Expedition
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humiliatedrook · 2 years
Argos. (Doctor Who, G, 762 words)
In the year that Rose leaves with the Doctor “for ten more seconds” and Mickey never returns, having found another maternal figure and a noble purpose, Jackie Tyler learns to live alone.
"Let me tell you something about those who get left behind. Because it's hard. And that's what you become, hard." - Jackie Tyler
prompt fill ”baking” for @doctorrosebingo​
In the year that Rose leaves with the Doctor “for ten more seconds” and Mickey never returns, having found another maternal figure and a noble purpose, Jackie Tyler learns to live alone.
This isn’t the first time Rose has run off with the Doctor; hell, this isn’t the first time Rose has run off, period, but this time feels infinitely longer than any of the other times. In her apartment, Jackie learns to tune out the negative space where Rose used to eat chips on the couch, and she ignores Rose’s bedroom, where the bed is made every day and unused every night.
She busies herself with whatever she wants to do: buying a gym membership that she’ll use…tomorrow; calling Sharon to hear about her daughter Lilian’s promotion at work while steadfastly dodging questions like “where the heck is Rose travelin’ anyway”; visiting her mother who reskins the same lecture about Rose doing nothing with her life, “au pairing in France can’t be that much more lucrative compared to the shop”; doing the laundry with a rickety machine she needs to replace soon; missing her father and her husband and her daughter and Mickey and everyone she’s lost — all things she has convinced herself she wants to do because they feel familiar, repetitive, and normal, especially when crazy monsters attack London every other month, the Doctor can change the past and present and future and time itself with Jackie none the wiser, and Rose feels more alien every time she comes back.
Sometimes there are men, but they never stick around to be anything stronger than polite chitchat and eye candy. When she feels particularly lonely, she bakes, because Rose promised she and the Doctor would come ‘round for tea and biscuits soon, and a proper hostess is always well-prepared. (Timing, Jackie learns, is fickle. The one time Rose had called ahead of time to visit, the TARDIS hadn’t arrived until a month later, and the cinnamon rolls were stale a week too long by then.)
She was never amazing in the kitchen, because Pete would always complain about how she washed the dishes, and those instant frozen meals from the supermarket were just so much easier. But on the first of many days when Jackie loses count of the weeks since Rose last called, she had been window-shopping by a small secondhand place displaying One Thousand and One Recipes, the cookbook. Jackie had had a long day. A lady’s got to treat herself! Since then, it’s become her new favorite book, her own portal to adventure from the comfort of home.
She’s a proper baker now: sticky toffee pudding, raspberry crème brûlée, Martha Stewart-style monkey bread, royal walnut cake with Russian frosting, pineapple cupcakes with coconut cream frosting, you name it. The batch is always too big, and to save her waistline Jackie knows she needs to find some sugar substitutes pronto or reduce the proportions of every recipe, because no way a woman her age can eat all those desserts by herself. If the results are successful enough, she’ll deliver them to Apartment 3A with Mara’s terribly ravenous twins. Sometimes, she wonders whether she learned to do these kinds of things too late for Rose, a young woman now, to appreciate. Maybe someday Rose will have…actually, could Rose ever have children with the Doctor? Will Jackie ever be able to call herself a grandmother? She’s never asked, and she isn’t sure she wants to hear the answer.
More than any other mother (she’ll bet Mickey’s old toolbox on that), Jackie braces herself every day for her daughter to walk through the door at Powell Estates, Apartment 4C, as a shell of the little girl she had raised by herself, come hell or high water: memory mutilated, body transformed, even some entity merged with the giant blue box into something brilliantly heroic, frighteningly beautiful, and wholly unrecognizable. Jackie has watched her daughter age three years in one and wrestles with whether she wants Rose to miss her as much as the other way around.
In The Odyssey, Odysseus’s faithful, aging dog had died with one last smile on its face as soon as his master came home after twenty years. It’s not Rose’s fault, but, as the one left behind, Jackie wonders if that’s her fate, too.
Today, Jackie watches the timer ding and grabs her favorite red oven mitts (a last birthday gift from Mickey) to check whether her banoffee pie is done.
It’s not fully set yet, so Jackie resets the timer and waits another few minutes.
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doctorrosebingo · 3 years
A Note On Masterposts
As people are starting to fill their prompts, we thought we'd remind people that fills will be collected in a masterpost once the bingo is over. (You can find the schedule here).
It would look something like this, although note this example was put together in about 2 minutes:
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It would contain a link to each person's individual masterlist.
We ask that each person creates their own masterlist, containing the links to their individual fills, which we will then collect at the end and compile into the masterpost.
Your masterlist can look however you like; you can have names, prompts, mediums, summaries - include any information you wish. You can also include the card on it, if you wish.
You can mention us (@doctorrosebingo) and tag #doctorrosebingor1 if you wish.
If you get three in a row (vertical, horizontal or diagonal), or a full house, you can also create a Tumblr post for that, (note that it will need to include your bingo card), and we will reblog it.
If you do not wish to create a masterlist, or do not wish your fics to be added to the masterpost (if you do not send us a masterlist link in time, we will create one), you need to send us an ask to let us know before the masterlist links are due.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send in an ask. (We answered an ask on masterlists a while back, which can be found here.)
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xawkward-ariesx · 3 years
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For the @doctorrosebingo prompt fulfillment: meet the family.
"Hey, Rose?" Ryan called out to the blonde he could just about see from his peripheral as he frowned down at his phone with his latest vlog on it. He looked up at the blonde when he received no response, to see a woman he'd never seen before.
"Sorry not Rose, Jenny." The woman smiled in amusement like she was biting back laughter at something he was clearly missing out on.
"Oh, right. Do you know where she is?" He asked not bothering to question this woman's presence, nobody got onto the TARDIS without the Doctor or Rose knowing so he figured there was nothing to worry about.
"In the galley last I saw her."
"Thanks." He muttered as he left to find the blonde he'd originally mistaken her for, casting backwards glances at her in confusion as he did so.
Yaz was looking for the Doctor, the laundry room had moved again and she desperately needed it. She skirted past Rose who was reading on the steps, her face covered by a curtain of blonde hair, to stand by the Doctor's feet that were just about poking out from under the console along with a tuft of blonde hair that was barely visible from this angle.
"Doctor the laundry room's moved again."
A face popped out from under the console to join the feet with a gold and pink sonic tucked between teeth, a hand brushed the fallen curtain of blonde hair to reveal..... Rose. So not the Doctor then.
She turned to look over her shoulder in confusion to see that the blonde she'd mistaken as Rose was in fact, Jenny.
"Sorry Yaz, she's working on maintenance at the other end. The laundry room should be between the purple swimming pool and squash court three, we had to move it while we were fixing the spatial regulator."
"Uh, thanks." She stumbled over her response still a little caught off guard, she'd forgotten how difficult it was to tell them apart sometimes.
"So you three must be... sisters?" The Lord Province of Yigade hazarded a guess.
"This is my wife." The Doctor corrected pointing at Rose.
"And this is our daughter," Rose added pointing at Jenny between the two of them.
The Lord Province looked very bewildered by this.
"I see... But you all look the same age?" He spoke haltingly uncertain as to whether or not he was overstepping.
Rose smiled tightly, she'd not really thought about the consequences of being frozen at twenty when they'd realised she was immortal, a trait she'd apparently passed onto Jenny when they'd landed on Messaline they'd since realised. It hadn't been half as confusing until the Doctor had regenerated into a blonde woman too, claiming she'd felt left out and it might have affected the regeneration outcome.
"We moisturise." The Doctor explained unhelpfully to Lord Province who nodded slowly but was still just as confused while Rose tried to bite back a laugh at the inside joke.
"Am I seeing things or did one Rose become three?" Jack asked as his eyes flickered between the time travelling trio.
"I did not clone myself, Jack, the Doctor stole my look," Rose grumbled as she nudged Jack's shoulder on the way past.
Jack hadn't shut up about a Rose clone since the whole three Doctors metacrisis incident. He thought he was hilarious, Rose begged to differ.
"You know when Graham said you were a woman now I was kind of picturing some lanky brunette for some reason." Jack mused looking the Doctor over.
"That was three regeneration ago Jack, move on." The Doctor scoffed.
"And you!" Jack spun around to point an accusing finger at Rose. "Why is it that the three of you get to be young and immortal while I'm getting grey hairs? It's not fair." He whined.
Rose rolled her eyes as she helped herself to a mug and some tea.
"I was a little busy with dying I didn't exactly have much control over your immortality Jack. And I've told you, we'd already met future you before we'd met you so I couldn't interfere with that because that would create a paradox. And nobody wants that."
"I think a paradox is an acceptable consequence of me staying young and hot."
"You saying you don't think you're hot anymore?" Rose asked brows raised.
"And here I thought your ego was as infallible as you, Uncle Jack." Jenny teased swinging her legs from where she was perched on the counter beside Rose.
"My, my how the mighty have fallen." The Doctor added sarcastically, barely managing to hide her amusement.
"You three are mean, this isn't how I pictured three Roses." Jack muttered dramatically as he flopped back on his sofa.
"There's only one Rose!" They argued in unison, not entirely contradicting him.
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rosettyller · 3 years
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My first foray into gifmaking for @doctorrosebingo prompt 'Recovered relic'
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sherl-grey · 2 years
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one more time
“Hell is a cultural belief, not a place, Rose. To most humans of your time, it’s the Bad Place, a hypothetical afterlife filled with flames and misery and screams of torment. To people on Solaris Major, a planet orbiting a system of not one, not two, but three suns, Hell is, in fact, a place frozen over. To the people on Space Station J82 Iris IV, where a certain crew from Krop Tor is landing sometime in the 42nd century and telling their stories to everyone who will listen, Hell is a prison, Satan its prisoner, and it is falling into the depths of a black hole. 
“To Time Lords… well, most of them never concerned themselves with Hell. Regeneration and all that, plus we’ve got the Matrix, and people being brought back at the whims of political leaders, and… well, needless to say that as much as death could still scare the lot of ‘em, the afterlife wasn’t really much of a consideration. There are, of course, things that would be torturous… Telepathic dampening is always quite painful. Losing access to the time vortex would hurt. Some of the weapons brought out in the War…” the Doctor cleared his throat, shaking out the vacant expression that had taken over as he spoke.
“To me, though, well, my picture is quite clear. It’s not complicated and mythical and half-set on fire. Hell is as simple as life without you. I should know. I’ve been there a few times now.” 
Ever so gently, he ran his thumb over the letters on the memorial the way he used to brush over her cheekbone:
Rose Marion Tyler
“Funny thing though, like I mentioned,” he sighed softly. “Regeneration. It means, Rose, that there is no afterlife for me. Which means there should be no Hell for me,” he whispered, leaning forward and letting his forehead rest against the cool marble. “Well, not permanently. Well, not yet. And if that’s true, and if the universe is kind, then just…. Please. Please come back,” he begged, swallowing hard as a soft spasm wracked through him, golden light jumping from the tips of his fingers. It was starting. He had to get back to the TARDIS. 
“Please,” he breathed out in one last plea. “Just one more time.”
("grief" for @doctorrosebingo)
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bronzeagepizzeria · 3 years
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@doctorrosebingo prompt “weeping angels”
He can feel it.
The timelines churning around him, swirling, changing—
It’s been six months since the Angels and the Ponds and it’s been three months since She came back.
She can’t stay.
“Were you alone?” She asks when it’s just them under the stars, naked and entwined together. “When you...changed?”
She has to go.
She’s been here long enough—too long—and if She never tells the right him about the stars going out—if She never appears on that empty street—if She never gets left behind again—with Him—
“Doesn’t matter now,” he tells her. “You came back.”
He wonders if he’s ruining her life even more.
“I’m so glad I finally found you,” She whispers.
This isn’t the first time, his mind screams. You found me before. The right time. The right...me. You have to go—
“Me too,” he says instead.
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look what you’ve done to my peonys
Hey there everyone! This is going to be for filling the prompt Hanahaki on my DoctorRose bingo @doctorrosebingo Read on Ao3 here
"Can Time Lords even get asthma?" Amy asked one day after a daring escape that had him reaching for his inhaler the second they made it back into the safety of the TARDIS. "Doesn't really seem like something that would affect you, with how you go on about 'superior biology.'"
"No, they don't." The Doctor replied when he was finally able to breathe again. 
"Then why do you need an inhaler?"
The Doctor dug through his pockets and pulled out his inhaler, took two puffs and tried to swallow down the flavor of rotting wood that always lingered in his mouth. The prickly thorns that had started crawling their way back up his throat retreated just a bit but he knew they were getting worse. They were always getting worse. 
The inhaler was only a temporary measure to keep them at bay. Eventually, the flowers would grow large enough to choke him and he would die. Or he’d get himself killed first, which honestly seemed more likely with his luck. 
He coughed into his hands and checked them for petals. Nothing. That was a good sign. There had been petals before he’d thought of the inhaler. Who knew, maybe if he kept it up, they’d die back enough that he’d be able to just live out the rest of this body’s natural life in peace. And then he could regenerate into someone worthy of Rose Tyler’s love.
"Can Time Lords even get asthma?" Amy asked one day after a daring escape that had him reaching for his inhaler the second they made it back into the safety of the TARDIS. "Doesn't really seem like something that would affect you, with how you go on about 'superior biology.'"
"No, they don't." The Doctor replied when he was finally able to breathe again. 
"Then why do you need an inhaler?" 
His first instinct was a flippant reply, something to get her to leave it alone, but maybe it was better to tell Amy about it, so that she could know the symptoms and signs. It wasn't exactly common in Earth's part of the Galaxy, but it was common enough that humans had started working the trend into their stories. "There's a fungus growing in my lungs. The inhaler keeps it at bay so I don't asphyxiate." * In retrospect, the signs should have been obvious.
The persistent, lingering cough that had stolen his breath and made him ache down to his toes, the strange, floral taste that lingered in his mouth like he’d been chewing on flowers. 
But Time Lords were supposed to be immune to all this nonsense. And he’d been sure that he was, until now. And even still, it didn’t make sense. All of his experience with this particular affliction stressed that only unrequited love triggered the pollen. And he knew for certain that the only person he was in love with returned his feelings. Or well, she had returned them the last time he’d seen her. Yes and what had come after that? A snappish voice replied, reminding him of the many mistakes he’d made since losing her for good. He’d nearly murdered a Star Whale for Rassilon’s sake, not to mention all the Time Lord victorious nonsense. At the time it hadn’t mattered, he’d been so blinded by the grief of losing Rose all over again, and then to lose Donna right after… it had been too much and he’d lost himself.
And now he was scrambling to pull himself back together, in a new body that he hadn’t even wanted to regenerate into.
I don’t want to go.
He hadn’t recognized himself, towards the end. And he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about what Rose would think. 
She'd be ashamed of him.
She'd stood between him and a dalek and asked him what he was turning into and at the time, he hadn't known. But he did now. 
He was just as much of a monster as he'd always been, wandering the universe and poisoning everything he touched and hoping for a happy ending.
There was no way she'd be able to love him like this. He'd been better with her around. Not that it had ever been her job to fix him, but she'd held him accountable. Kept him from going too far. 
There couldn't be anything left of who he'd be for her. 
Which meant that there was nothing left about him that she'd be able to love.
This was a terrible idea. But well, he'd needed a haircut and this body's utter lack of coordination made cutting his own hair virtually impossible and he hadn't been able to think of anyone else. 
But sitting in Jackie Tyler's living room while she prattled on about the latest celebrity gossip and the twists on East Enders was dangerous. He wasn't exactly sure what year it was; he'd trusted the TARDIS to bring him to a time that wouldn't result in him running into himself. ~~Or Rose~~ (need to strike though but I'm on my phone)
Jackie had him tilt his head forward and used her clippers to clean up the back of his neck. "Don't get many blokes in here." She commented. "Well, least not ones that just want a trim. Had a fella the other day who wanted me to dye his hair bright pink."
"Did you?" He asked.
"Course I did. Still haven't gotten the pink dye out of my sink, but you should have seen the look on his face, happy as a clam." There was a fond note in her voice that was soothing, until he realized exactly what she was saying.
He was the one who got those pink stains out of her sink which meant that his past self could be dropping by at any moment-
And at that exact moment, in a perfect show of the specific cruel sense of irony that the universe seemed to reserve just for him, the lock on the door turned and Rose came in. "Mum, I'm home!" She called and the Doctor could swear that both his hearts stopped for a few seconds. 
"In the kitchen, sweetheart, I'm with a client!" Jackie called back and then added, in a lower voice. "That's my Rose, she pops in whenever she can, but she's always off traveling."
Something tickled in the back of his throat and he threw himself out of the chair Jackie had put him in, ripping the barber’s cape so he could scramble through his coat pockets for his inhaler. He’d never thought that being around Rose again would make it worse but as his grasping hands continued to turn up empty, he couldn't hold back the coughs any longer, all but heaving up crumpled marigolds onto Jackie’s kitchen floor.
His respiratory bypass kicked in, thankfully, so he didn’t have to experience the lovely effects of oxygen deprivation, but that only worked for so long and the coughing wasn't stopping. He’d run out of air soon, and then he really would be choking. 
Distantly, he could hear Jackie shouting but the words themselves were lost. He needed to get out of here, before his past self showed up and realized what was happening. Or before he choked to death and regenerated in front of Rose and Jackie. This had been a terrible idea to begin with. Had he really thought he’d be able to steal a little more time in Jackie’s flat, pretending he had a family and come out unscathed?
His fingers finally closed around the inhaler and he brought it to his lips, exhaling as much as he could before dispensing three puffs, frantically trying to inhale to pull the ‘medicine’ into his lungs. 
It barely helped. But at least he wasn't coughing up full flowers anymore, just a few scatter petals that clung to his fingers, strikingly orange against his skin and Jackie’s vinyl kitchen floor. 
A gentle hand landed on his shoulder and he tensed all over, squeezing his eyes shut. No. he couldn’t do this, not now. But his legs were still shaky from the force of that coughing fit, there was no way he could run now. “You alright, mate?” Rose asked and it was like an electric shock down his spine. 
He shook his head, doing his best to keep his mouth closed around the new wave of coughing that was threatening to start.
“Not human, then, I take it?” She asked but it didn’t really seem like a question. “Because I know for a fact humans aren’t a good host for the specific brand of psychic pollen that’s responsible for these kinds of symptoms.”
She did? But how would Rose know that? He’d never had to deal with this sort of thing when she’d been traveling with him. He opened his mouth to reply, but just started coughing again, gasping for breath this time, since his respiratory bypass was mostly depleted. 
“It’s alright, easier to just get as much out as you can in one go. Like pruning, you know?” She said, rubbing his back while he kept coughing. “I know talking is pretty difficult right now, but once you can talk, do you think you can tell me what’s got all this started?”
He shook his head again, wiping at his mouth when the coughs finally stopped again. She’d been right. There were more flowers on the ground than he’d expected, but his breathing was clearer than it had been in months. He shoved the flowers and the petals into a only slightly neater looking pile, before turning so he could sit and stop supporting his weight with his arms. He’d run in a minute,once his legs worked again. 
He opened his eyes and dared a glance at Rose, unable to look away when he realized how different she looked. He’d traveled with Rose Tyler for nearly three years, had seen first hand the way she’d changed after they’d spent several years apart, and she’d never looked like this. 
His mouth opened of its own accord to thank her, or to spout off some excuse about being a galactic tourist, but what came out was, “What the hell have you done to your hair?”
Rose blinked at him, looking completely surprised and her hand reached up to touch the shaved side. “Had a bit of a mishap with a seven year old and some bubblegum. What about you though? Your hair’s completely different from the last time I saw you.”
He rolled his eyes. “Yes, and so is everything else, but don't change the subject. Why didn’t you just take the gum out?”
“It’s not like I have a sonic screwdriver with a ‘gum removal’ setting, is it? Mum did everything she could, but it was honestly just better to shave it.” She shot back and he froze. Sonic screwdriver…
“You know who I am.” He said flatly.
She gave him a sad smile. “Mum had you figured out in two minutes. She called me.”
He pushed himself off the floor, standing up on shaking legs. “Right, well, I should go. Don’t exactly fancy running into myself.” 
Rose grabbed his arm, halting his progress. “You and I both know that my hair never looked like this when I was traveling with you.”
Hope bubbled up in his chest, but he quickly smothered it. Even if this was a Rose he could spend time with, she’d be so disappointed in who he’d become that she’d never forgive him. “No I don't. I’d just assumed that I’d forgotten something. My memory isn’t what it used to be.” He lied and watched fresh disappointment grow on her face.
“Is it that, or do you just not want to have to tell me that you’re not in love with me anymore?” She asked sharply and it was like a punch to the gut. 
How absolutely ridiculous, the idea that he’d ever be able to fall out of love with her. No, it would be her that couldn't love him any longer, “Why would you think that?” he asked raggedly. He would always love her, that was just a fact of his being at this point, an unchangeable part of the universe. 
Rose scoffed. “I’m not an idiot. I know how this psychic pollen works. And I told you a long time ago that I love you. Which means you have to have fallen in love with someone else.” 
“What if the issue is me, Rose?” He whispered. “What if I’ve just become so unlovable that it’s not possible for anyone to love me in return?”
“Then I would tell you that’s ridiculous.” She said softly, stepping closer to him. “You don’t get to decide if you’re lovable or not.” He swallowed nervously. “But I’ve done horrible things.”
“So have I.” She replied, taking his hand and lacing their fingers together. “I watched entire worlds burn and die while I was dimension hopping because finding a way to stop the stars going out was more important. I gave Torchwood the go ahead to shoot the Sycorax ship down in Pete’s world because I knew the Shadow Proclamation didn’t exist to help us and they wouldn’t leave any other way. I killed Donna, in that splinter universe created by the time beetle. Because it was the only way to set the timeline back on track.”
“Rose…” He trailed off, horrified that she’d had to make any of those choices.
She gave him a tight smile. “All that, and you still love me, don't you?” He nodded so she continued. “So what makes you think there’s anything you could have done that would make me stop loving you?”
The constant ache in his lungs started to fade a bit. “I nearly broke all of time?” he offered but Rose just laughed softly. 
“That’s a Tuesday for us.”
Something like tears were building in his eyes, but that was impossible because his superior biology meant he didn’t need to cry. “I missed you so much.”
“If anything, that’s just going to make me love you more.” She teased and he laughed, though it was closer to a sob and leaned his forehead against hers. 
“I regretted leaving you behind.” He admitted, only finally able to admit it to himself. He’d been hiding behind the idea that she would have been happier that way for so long that it’d been easy to push aside how much he’d ached with her gone. “I kept telling myself that you were better off, that you’d be happier, but it was like losing you all over again and I would change it if I could.” 
“We were happy.” She said, “Blissfully and deliriously happy. But we both missed the traveling. And we were worried about you. He’d said you might do something stupid. Though I don't think he ever suspected that you’d be able to convince yourself that I didn’t love you.”
“That you wouldn't be able to love who I’d become. It's different.” He corrected and she gave him a look. 
“That’s honestly somehow even more ridiculous.” 
“And you apparently love me anyway.” He said with a mad little smile.
“I do.” 
“Are you two done yet?” Jackie finally said, cutting through the moment. The two of them leapt apart. “I’m happy you’ve found each other all over again, but Rose is supposed to be showing up soon to fix the loo sink and we all know how shoddy the Doctor’s driving is so I need to finish the hair cut.”
The Doctor quickly sat back down, letting Jackie drape the cape around him. Rose made herself a cup of tea and hopped up onto the counter to watch with a small smile. “One thing I don't get, is how did you have this Rose’s number, Jackie?”
Jackie snorted. “She popped into existence on the sofa. Imagine the fright she gave me. And then she started rattling on about ‘timelines’ this and ‘reapers’ that like the entire universe was about to come down on our heads. Nothing happened, though. So she comes to visit every once in a while and I touch up her roots. Or get gum out of her hair, as it were.”
Rose looked down into her tea cup. “Didn’t mean to. Was trying to home in on the TARDIS again. But the memory I used for the telepathic matrix was of that Christmas after the Sycorax.”
“And then you showed up.” Jackie continued, “Looking like some sort of scraggly stray that hadn’t had a kind word said to him in months and looked around the flat like it was your salvation. Not hard to put two and two together. And I felt your pulse while I was looking your hair over.”
“So you just assumed that I would be from the same point along our shared timeline as Rose?” He asked, unable to be upset with the assumption; she’d been right after all.
Jackie pointed to a photo on the kitchen wall that had been taken that wonderful christmas. “The only time your eyes left that photo was when I forced you to look away. You’re not subtle, sweetheart. Knew you were head over heels for Rose the day I met you. And you do the same thing with your other faces, but there’s a bit less naked longing.”
The Doctor felt his cheeks heat up slightly and Jackie set her scissors down. “There. Now get out of here before another set of you shows up and makes a real mess. I can’t afford to replace that many appliances in one go.”
The Doctor stood up and hugged Jackie. “Thank you.” He said, really, truly meaning it.
“Just keep each other safe. I know there’s more that happens between you two that I haven’t gone through yet. And I know I’m not around for Rose now to say it. So I’m saying it right now.”
“Of course we will, Mum.” Rose replied when the Doctor finally let go of Jackie.
The haunting whirl of TARDIS engines made the Doctor startle and he grabbed Rose’s hand. “I think we should probably run now.”
Rose grinned, “Absolutely.” 
They bolted from the flat and Jackie watched them go with a fond smile before sweeping up the marigolds the Doctor had coughed up all over her kitchen floor. She’d always hated the way they smelled. Especially since everyone had gifted them to her after Pete had died. Something about how they represented inner strength. But then only ever remind Jackie of despair and how much it had hurt to lose Pete.
But that didn’t matter because she knew Rose and the Doctor would be okay. Rose had explained the weird, alien sickness that made you cough up flowers well enough that Jackie understood that the Doctor would be perfectly cured now. 
And years later, in a different universe, when Rose lost her husband and discovered that she wasn’t aging all in one go, Jackie would gently nudge her towards restarting the dimension canon project. Because she knew that no matter what, Rose and the Doctor would have each other. As it should be.
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Relationships: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith
Tags: Fluff, Angst, human physiology, Time Lord Physiology (Doctor Who), just a lot of neuroscience/computer science rumblings, Mentions of the Time War, Hurt/Comfort, It gets a little dark, and a little sad, DoctorRose Bingo
Summary: while visiting a museum, the Doctor and Rose run into a robot that the Doctor recognises from his past
For the @doctorrosebingo prompt Artificial Intelligence
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rosettyller · 3 years
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For @doctorrosebingo prompt 'Year That Never Was'
A Year That Never Was AU where the Master gives the Doctor visions of Rose being tortured
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sherl-grey · 2 years
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the less time that I spend with you, the less you need to heal
It’s probably not his first choice, in terms of how he’d imagined this finally happening. 
Not that he’d imagined this exact scenario, per se, only maybe he had in that he’d always imagined he and Rose as more. More than companions, more than partners in crime, more than friends. 
He’d imagined the kind of  more  that led to things like fighting for blanket space and casual kisses and, yes, sharing a bath. That right there was an action that was firmly planted on the “couples” side of the relationship divider, something that would define them as properly together and not leave them stuck in the weird sort of limbo they’d somehow fallen into. 
(It just wasn’t  done,  was it, to fall in love with your human companion? The other Time Lords would have ridiculed him for sure, but even his past incarnations–-save the last one–-would’ve scoffed at the idea of so carelessly giving his hearts away to someone so young, so innocent, so short-lived. And yet he’d gone ahead and done it anyways, thrown himself in with reckless abandon, letting Rose fill up all the empty space in his hearts and make herself at home there.)
At any rate, he’d like to believe that she’s imagined this, too. He’d admittedly not always been the best at reading people–-his ability to notice someone flirting with him often depended almost entirely on how directly they went about it. With Rose, though, he’d been looking for signs even in his last incarnation, gruff and grumpy though he was. 
He liked to think the signs have been in his favor lately, filled with lingering glances, intertwined fingers, and tongue-touched smiles. 
Still–-his imagination usually came up with something a bit more, well, romantic. Candles, music, bath oils, you name it. 
Naturally medicinal water to help heal Rose’s wounds was not exactly one of the potential plans, and she also tended to at least be  conscious  in most of his fantasies. (x)
(Sharing a Bath for @doctorrosebingo)
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