#does anyone hear me. helli
cathackz · 7 months
pikmin spinoff thats a colony management game
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purpleplaid17 · 3 months
Jess Watches // Mon 11 Mar // Day 168 & Tues 12 Mar // Day 169 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Severance (rw with mum) 1x09 The We We Are (s1 Finale)
The team discovers troubling revelations.
Dylan - How did he not cramp up holding those switches for so long? All those fingertraps trained him well. He deserves all the kinky waffle parties he desires.
Irving - From a military family and a whistleblower. What made him start investigating Lumon? and how does his Outie know Burt?
Helly - The jawdropping revelation that she'a an Eagan. The happy office photos were of manipulated situations but Helena seemed genuinely excited to put her faith in her family's work. She is a fascinating contradiction.
Mark - She's alive!!! The tension that built around him piecing together his Outie's life while trying to get a moment alone to talk to his sister still had me on the edge of my seat.
The rewatch has got me even more hyped for s2. Anyone have any theories about it? I'd love to hear them.
Loudermilk (with mum) 1x03 You're Only as Sick as Your Secrets
Loudermilk goes to great lengths to get Claire to open up about her deep-seated issues, with mixed results. Mugsy reaches out to his estranged daughter and finds that some relationships are harder to fix than others.
Mugsy being an absolute idiot parent. I'm glad everyone called out his shitty excuses for abandoning his 9 children (counting the twins ofc). Also, I'm free for frisbee if anyone wants a game?
Six Nations: Full Contact Ep 5 La Défense
Following a rocky start, everything depends on the next game for last years champions, France. Will they find their form or is the title gone for good?
I do not remember France beating England so emphatically. I thought I watched it last year but maybe not this one for some reason.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (rw) 3x13 The Zeppo
Xander experiences an adventure of his own when he encounters a group of reanimated corpses. Meanwhile, Buffy and her friends battle the forces of evil when the Hellmouth reopens.
I used to like Xander. He was a lovable goof. But now rewatching, it is very clear he was a JW self-insert. And I think that's the reason why his 'humour' these first 3 seasons just hasn't landed for me like it used to. So I very much enjoyed Cordelia's takedown "There was no part of that that wasn't fun."
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flamingpen18 · 5 months
Why don't you ditch Dave he's just a useless greedy selfish piece of lard who would cheerfully let y'all rot in the gutter don't even know why he bothers with y'all and vice versa except he is a parasite and selfish in bed and he's a cheating adulterous son of a bitch like for real kick him to the kerb before he gives you the clap
We get this question a lot. I am physically disabled with almost no mobility. I need help. While @helly-watermelonsmellinfellon does a lot to help me, she can't do it all.
She has no driver's license and is unable to get me to the doctor or even to the store. @helly-watermelonsmellinfellon will never be able to get a driver's license due to her poor vision. I should also point out that @helly-watermelonsmellinfellon does have her own health issues. I cannot rely on her for everything.
If there was an apartment open in public housing, I would not need to have to share the household expenses with Dave. As it is, nothing is open in this state as well as the surrounding states. I cannot afford to rent an apartment from a private landlord on only my income. Anyone who lives off of SSD and SSI knows that the system is rigged to keep the disabled in poverty.
Dave has always been self-centered. He raised himself and has some seriously fucked up ideas about life, relationships, raising kids, etc. He does not have a teachable spirit, so he will never change. However, he is my youngest daughter's father. I refuse to put our daughter in the middle of our mess. She has been greatly affected by us being homeless while still maintaining her grades and even joining her school's marching band. Even if I am the only sensible parent she has, I will be sure to give her that.
So, Dave and I are companions. Neither of us can afford to live on our own on our own incomes. So as of now, we are stuck living together.
Dave and I are not married and never have been. @helly-watermelonsmellinfellon 's father and I were married young and he was an abusive prick. I went through hell in that marriage. Understandably, I have very negative feelings regarding marriage. I will never marry again. Of course, that does not mean I am fine with cheating. Cowards cheat. Insensitive assholes cheat. I have chosen to take the high road regarding Dave because our daughter sees/hears everything. For now, us living together is the best option for all of us.
There reasons are many. I am stressed out enough. I try not to think about the backstabbing and so on.
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polina-tvorozhok · 1 year
Through Breeze and Pain/p.2
The sun was slowly coming down, painting the sky in vibrant colors like orange, pink and soft purple while reflecting in soft white snow.
After a hard day Poli was finally driving back to the rescue station. He couldn't wait to tell his friends about everyone's latest news. He has met Cleany earlier that day. She was choosing gifts for her friends Cap, Posty and Spooky for Christmas. Later that day he met Rody, Benny and Mini doing ice skating. As the most experienced out of the three, Mini was skating her way through the ice while doing some beautiful figures that impressed everyone including the police officer. Unfortunately, the ice beneath the car's wheels cracked causing her to fall into water. Luckily, Poli managed to get her out fast and drove the kids back to their homes as it was getting pretty cold.
While thinking about all the things that had happened today Poli didn't even notice how he had reached the station. To be honest, he really like how it looked in winter. With all the flowers withered away and the snow covering the roof, the building didn't look as welcoming as it usually does during the rest of the seasons. At least the inside was always the same, warm and full of cheerful voices.
Once the baby blue car was inside, he was greeted with cheering and laughter. He saw Jin, who was sitting in her usual place, drinking hot chocolate and laughing at stories that Helly was telling her. Roy was listening with visible curiosity to his stories while Amber was making some room for Poli.
-Hey guys. What are you talking about? I swear I could hear you laughing miles away from here.
-Oh, hi Poli! Replied Jin while taking a sip from her cup. Helly was just telling us about that Christmas festival we wanted to organise. So mr. Wheeler and mr. Builder want to participate and they want do a dance similar to that from the music festival. Do you remember? When they were wearing long skirts? Same thing but they will be wearing red Christmas dresses!!!
-Wait really?!? Those two always come up with some crazy ideas.
-Yes! I wanted to film their dance but my camera rut out of battery...said the little helicopter.
-Aw man... Mumbled Amber. Talking about Christmas. I was helping Posty today. Poor thing really burns himself out. Everyone wants to send presents to their families and the Post office is full of packages that still need to be delivered.
-Well why didn't you call me? Asked Roy. You know I'm always happy to help.
-Don't know. Maybe because you were dealing with all that snow at mr. Musty's house.
- Why what happened? Asked Poli.
- Oh, there was an accident. While he was cleaning his garden, snow blocked the door and he couldn't get inside. Anyway, how was your day Poli?
- Well you know, patrolled the city, met Cleany, got Mini out of the lake she fell in while skating with other kids. The usual.
Poli stopped talking for a moment. He remembered something strange that happened today. At Tracky's farm...
- Aside from that. There was something weird that happened today...
- What was it???
- Tracky called to his farm morning. You know that he has an emergency call station near his house. So today he found it almost completely destroyed. Boy was very worried about it.
Everyone was looking at the officer with their eyes wide open. From what it seems, the news had shocked them too.
- Is there any chance that it could be damaged by the storm. Asked Helly
- No. I inspected it and the markings looked like if it was smashed by something. It's the first time I have ever saw anything like that.
- Were there any tire markings?
- No. Even if there was they were most likely washed away by the snow.
- Well I think it was some sort of animal. Tracky's house is placed near the forest so it's very possible that an animal could get lost and attack the call station. Then, why would ANYONE on earth go out during a storm?! Said Jin as of the she didn't anything strange about the situation
- Us in the middle of an emergency? Said the green helicopter
- Except from us!
At this point everyone remained quite, thinking about Jin's question. Maybe she was right. Maybe it's just an accident and nothing serious is going on.
After a couple of minutes Amber jumped of her place
- Oh my!
- What?
- Our parents are visiting us tomorrow! Roy, we haven't prepared anything! Poli, can you please help Jin with cooking?
- Yes but when are they coming?
- Tomorrow morning.
- Holly crap Amber! It's almost night and we haven't bought anything!! Why are you telling me just now about it???
With that being said the baby blue car rushed to do some last minute shopping with his friend and left his crewmates to prepare their house for the great arrival of their parents
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televinita · 1 year
It’s time to play...
The fandom survey that dollsome-does-tumblr so courteously brings over from LJ! a.k.a. the true reason I posted that list of shows and also fave movies earlier. I’ve wussed out on most of the most interesting questions (#11 specifically), but still had a blast writing an unwieldy pile of words.
1. Favorite fictional characters this year
Danny, Lexi, Father Chuck and Aiden Shaw (Blood & Treasure)
Literally the entire original cast of Abbott Elementary, although Jacob is on thin fucking ice with that undercut in season 2, with a special shout-out to the delightful bonkers-ness that is Principal Ava
Both versions of Mark (Severance)
Brad (as played by Danny Pudi) on Mythic Quest
Ghosts Hetty & Pete (CBS Ghosts)
Al & Lizzie (United States of Al)
Alex (and her flippin’ adorable 3-year-old) in Maid
Anyone else listed in question 2
2. Favorite ships this year
DANNY/LEXI (Blood & Treasure)
CLAIRE/OWEN (Jurassic World)
Alan/Ellie (Jurassic World)
Robert/Giselle (Enchanted)
Janine/Gregory (Abbott Elememtary)
Mark/Helly (Severance)
Erik/Helen (Sweet Magnolias)
Jay/Daisy ("Barefoot")
Fell down the rabbit hole of revisiting Daniel/Irene and Johnny/Joyce during the Siberia rewatch
And Densi always, in the background (NCIS: LA)
3. Favorite TV shows to watch this year
Blood & Treasure!, The Amazing Race, The Chase, Maid, Ghosts, Abbott Elementary, The Exes, and an apparently infinite ability to rewatch random eps of Community & Seinfeld
4. Favorite books read this year
Tumblr media
(not necessarily in this order)
5. Favorite song, album, or artist to listen to this year
Taylor Swift ended up my most-played artist on Spotify due to me scheduling 3 of her albums for me-release (a.k.a. I hear them for the first time as if they are new releases: the Taylor’s Versions and folklore).
Tied with Josh Groban, whose music basically comprised all of my listening from April through June, most of which was not via Spotify.
6. Favorite movies of the year
Done :)
7. Favorite TV show episodes of the year
See, this is the kind of thing that’s easier to answer when you watch shows as they air...ugh! All right. I can try this, at least w/ shows that aired this year.
Blood & Treasure: 2x04, 2x06 and 2x08 (Into the Forbidden Zone; Mystery at Poison Island; The Lost City of Sana)
The Amazing Race: season 33 finale
Abbot Elementary: 1x11 (Desking); 2x06 (Candy Zombies); 2x10 (Holiday Hookah), probably more tbh
8. First fandom of the year
It’s a tie between “holy crap I love The Amazing Race” and revisiting Blood & Treasure season 1, which occurred near simultaneously with my random love for the original video game series Uncharted.
(Honestly, watching husband play Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End for most of January, while I sat next to him alternating between reading and paying attention, was one of the coziest times in my life.)
9. Best new fandom discovery of the year
Oh, for sure Abbott; it is not often that a comedy can make me care about the characters and think about them beyond the weekly episode.
Unless we count the fact that this is the first time I actually dove into the fandom aspect of Jurassic World, in which case: that by a mile.
10. Biggest fandom disappointment of the year
A) I honestly can’t think of any bummers except the Blood & Treasure S2 DVD being expensive as hell and having no extras beyond a 2-minute gag reel (that they released online anyway). Which, considering it was locked up on a streaming service while airing, I AM grateful it’s on DVD at all + I do love a gag reel, but...season 1 had deleted scenes on every episode and I really wanted more of those, ideally plus some BTS stuff about filming since this is one of the few shows where I care about every little aspect of the production.
A-2) If I’m being really picky, I am disappointed that the one shippy thing I didn’t get in season 2 was any sort of pillow talk or other snuggling in bed. I got everything else under the sun I could possibly want, sure, but not my favorite.
B) and I am of course generally disappointed in HBO Max for being a little bitch and disappearing so much of its content. None of it was relevant to me and this is the last streaming service I would ever pay for, but that sets a scary precedent.
C) I just learned that DCC: Making the Team has officially been canceled after 16 seasons, the last one covering the 2021 season. Aww. Guess I only have 1.5 left unseen. (supposedly the organization is “in the process of negotiating a new partnership and [looks] forward to continuing to feature the DCC on a new platform,” whatever that means, but that was in April.)
11. Biggest squee moments of the year
I should honestly make a new post about this, because my brain is mostly a  blur of ideas re: --
* The nine thousand seven hundred and forty-four squee-worthy Claire/Owen and general found-family bits in Dominion
* every episode of Blood & Treasure S2 (I really do need to make a new post to count all the shippy bits up -- kisses and I-thought-you-were-dead moments and two other near-death experiences and reunion hugs and, and, !!!)
* THE KISS (Severance)
* Valor giving me exactly what I came for in terms of intense makeout sessions and two gunshot wounds
* too many family and/or shippy bits to count (still) in Disenchanted -- here are some of them -- and also a very unexpected yet soul-fulfilling “I used to be good at things :( “
(sidebar, I am still a MESS OF FEELINGS about the lyric I thought I’d found a place where I could makes things better / but all I did was change where I would fail. GISELLE!!)
* post-danger bed snuggles (NCIS: LA) and adoption joy!
...huh, that is actually more squee than I remember, good to know.
12. Favorite main character of the year (see #1) 13. Favorite villain of the year
"The Great Khan” on Blood & Treasure :)
14. Favorite m/f ship of the year
Danny/Lexi. Not even Claire & Owen took me to the stars like them.
15. Favorite f/f ship of the year
Normally I got nothin’ here but I would endorse the idea of Violet / Lexi in their younger days
16. Favorite m/m ship of the year
I got nothin’. The Klaine Stands Alone.
17. Your fictional true love of the year
Guess. (although, honestly, there were some fantastic dudes in books who could compete in this category too. In fact, here are my four favorites --
A. Joshua Avery (Before I Called You Mine) B. Everett St. James (Very Sincerely Yours) C. Adam Bradford (Lake Season) D. Jack forgot-his-last-name (Lease on Love)
18. Fandom that you never expected to get into
Honestly I’m still pretty stunned I found anything to enjoy about Severance and Mythic Quest at all.
Also, Hit the Floor is definitely not something I’d have been able to stand before I fell in love w/ the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders show. The fact that it is continuing to hold my interest despite having zero ships to root for and a maximum of two arguably handsome men is truly something.
19. Fandom that made an unexpected comeback
SIBERIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (plz watch it) (it’s on Tubi plz plz watch it)
20. Last fandom of the year
Valor or Hit the Floor
21. Overall favorite fandoms of the year (see #22) 22. Your main fandoms throughout the year
2022 will forever be the year of The Amazing Race, Jurassic World and Blood & Treasure* (*part II)
23. The most missed of your old fandoms
I do miss when there was an official @nbcsiberia​ Tumblr that interacted with us all
24. Fandom resolutions for next year
Find/watch more shows with shippy kicks! Finally watch the shows on my watchlist* instead of whatever low-emotional-impact nonsense I can find on a streaming service! #MyGoalsAreVerySpecific.
(*maybe this should also be its own post; I really need to make A Plan)
On a serious note, maybe finish posting my semi-to-entirely complete fics over on AO3. I thought finally making an account was the only obstacle to my inertia and everything would be fine once I posted my first fic, but nope! Still a monumental effort to convince myself to put anything out in the world.
25. Fandom predictions for next year
(I’ve been thinking for a week but I have nothing)
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
Alpha Bakugou x Reader
- So Bakugou is 18+, he has is own agency and he’s currently the number 1 hero, he does have injuries from the recent chapters, and i’m assuming Izuku probably either retired bc his arms are never going to be fixed, or he’s lying in the lower ranks for the rest of his life purposefully.
So how does alpha Bakugou court you?!?!!
- He doesn’t like omegas
- or betas
- or alphas
- he hates everyone
- so one day he just stopped at his favorite book store
- bc mans likes to read
- the reason why he loves the library
- is bc 
- he will never admit this
- he thinks your adorable
- he doesn’t want a mate
- and then you exist
- like he wants to be around you 24/7
- at first he didn’t care about you
- he thought you were hot
- and that was it
- but when a man thought he could rub you through your panties
- then you caught his eye
- you roundhoused his face
- he fell to the ground
- like rly he knew he wanted to be around you
- so he started buying 2 books
- and would give you the other book
- it was him courting you behind his own back
- he didn’t realize his alpha was trying to court you
- but you accepted it
- “Thank you Mr. Dynamite”, you would thank him every day(i can't with his hero name)
- your voice would send his mind into a frenzy
- then he went to a cafe
- and he saw you working as a bartender there
- he stared at you secretly the entire time
- he thought about approaching you
- know he wanted to protect you
- someone was looking up your skirt
- you didn’t notice
- so you kept on working
- then he grabbed your clothed sex roughly
- your head snapped around
- that look in your eyes
- he could sense his rut coming in early
- you literally punched him and knocked at least 5 teeth out
- that’s how he knew you were the one
- but he had to run home bc he was going in a rut
- he kept jerking off to you
- your lips
- your smile
- your voice
- what would you look like underneath him
- what would your lips look like wrapped around his cock
- what your moans would sound
- he was obsessed with you
- and not even in a sexual way
- everywhere he went he could only see you
- it was starting to tick him off
- so he was in front of you
- “Hey, idiot, do you want to go get a coffee with me later?”, he asked
- you tilted your head
- your cheeks were flared up in embarrassment
- he could smell it
- it was just to intoxicating
- “u-um sure, I get out at 5″, you replied sweetly
- inside you were just screaming out in joy
- you always had a small crush on the pro hero
- and know he was inviting you out to talk
- he left
- then at 5 you met him outside the library
- he wore something a bit more formal the the usual sweatpants and sweatshirt
- he had a nice shirt and some jeans
- you both walked to a different coffee shop
- bc he was worried you would know that he knows that you work at that coffee shop
- you guys talk for a few hours
- your surprised he hasn’t shouted once
- in fact
- (he wasn't smiling) but you could sense he was very happy
- he ended up walking you home
- “it’s part of my job you get home safe”, he did not phrase that correctly
- you scowled
- “Your job has nothing to do with me”, you snapped
- he was sad that you snapped at him
- so he did the one thing nobody would ever expect him to
- he apologized
- “Ah, sorry I phrased that wrong, I meant it’s my duty as a hero to make sure you are safe and comfortable”
- on the inside he was screaming
- though he hid that
- the next day he got you a muffin and a book
- now it was regular for you two to go get a coffee at the coffee shop
- he was ecstatic 24/7
- he would go through ruts 1 a month now that he was closer to you
- and one night you 2 were walking to the coffee shop (it’s like 2 miles away btw)
- you guys stumbled past a drunk alpha
- when he saw you
- he was all over you
- groping you
- his knee was grinding against your pussy
- his stanky breath fanning over your marking spot
- Bakugou tried to stop him
- but you already had him pinned to the floor with blood seeping out of his mouth, and you were growling ferally
- and that was the first time he heard you growl
- he was in heaven
- like rly
- he loved ur growl
- it was so dominating and just TURNED HIM ON
- he arrested the man
- and made sure he was locked up for harassing his mate
- but you don’t know that yet
- and one day
- you let him in his house
- he was excited
- you lived alone
- and he got to see your nest
- when he came inside
- he was confined to the living room
- like every time he tried to explore
- you bared your teeth softly in a warning for him to stay
- you weren’t use to people being in your house
- and to be honest you kinda liked the power you had over the top pro hero in Japan
- he was wrapped around your finger
- he was slightly disappointed he could explore
- but he respected your boundaries
- so he sat at the couch and just took everything in
- you appeared with 2 cups of tea
- you continued to talk
- he was happy that he was engulfed in your scent
- but he wanted to make it smell like him
- but he knew you’d probably kick him in the balls and kick him out forever
- he sat in the same spot for hours
- but you were wrestles
- constantly fidgeting
- you were slightly distressed an alpha was in your house at 2 in the morning
- he noticed you were beginning to become overwhelmed with his presence.
- but he was happy no less
- “I’ll so you tomorrow L/N-san”, he purred before excusing himself of your house
- you locked the door behind him
- you didn’t notice but your heart was racing at a thousand miles per hour
- your cheeks were flushed red
- you picked yourself off and walked to the couch
- his scent lingered on the pillow he was resting beside
- a smile creeped to your lips
- you picked the pillow up and snuggled with it all night
- somehow it made you feel like he was sleeping beside you
- the actual thought of sleeping next to him had her squirming uncomfortably
- so the next day you were working at the library again
- you were on a ladder sorting out the books
- “Nice view”, someone underneath you commented
- you scowled and hit the man in the face with your foot
- “Get out”, you hissed
- he left
- then the front door opened
- you climbed down from the ladder and peered around the corner
- Bakugou was there
- he had dark circles under his eyes
- but he was still happy to see u
- he won’t tell u but he jacked off to you again
- again
- as in this is at least the 10th time he’s jacked off just to you
- you smiled softly
- “Helly Mr. Dynamite”, you greeted him
- “Hello L/N-san”
- today he invited you to the park with him
- you agreed hesitently
- you were socially awkward
- I mean yesterday was the first time someone was in your house
- so when you were at the park
- like you were in awe
- you especially likes the lake
- it was closed off to the public for cleaning
- you couldn’t stop gazing into the clear water
- it was so pretty
- just gorgeus
- and then the tree’s
- you had never really admired their beauty
- but here
- the pink blossoms fell from the trees
- and a single one landed on your palm
- it was amazing
- “Can we come to the park tomorrow?”, you asked turning your head around to slightly look at him
- he was smirking
- “Whatever you want L/N-san”.
- you turned around 
- “you call me F/N if you want you know”, you pointed out
- he was flustered at how direct you were
- “i-in that case, whatever you want F/N-chan”.
- you smiled brightly
- he took you to a pond
- baby ducks were swimming in the water
- a little one came swimming over to you
- you reached out
- it clambered onto your hand
- water dripped onto your hand
- you cupped the baby duck perfectly
- a purr emitting from deep into your chest
- you looked so beautiful like this
- Bakugou couldn’t help but smile and sneak a quick photo of you
- Bakugou got you an ice cream
- then you invited him back inside you house to warm up from the cold
- this time you didn’t bare your teeth when he peered around the corner to the kitchen
- you didn’t bare your teeth when he walked in the kitchen
- he turned the corner to try and enter your room
- then he could hear a soft growl come from you
- he then passed your door and the growl stopped
- you started to cook dinner
- just a simple recipe your mother taught you
- it was just rice and chicken
- like it was really simple
- but it made anyone’s mouth water with the taste and smell
- he started to explore every inch except for your room
- his nose knuding into your coat
- he could smell your scent
- this was the strongest he’s ever smelt it
- his eyes rolled back into his head
- you smelled so sweet
- he quickly moved on so he wouldn’t appear suspicious
- he looked to see another room
- you couldn’t see him
- you had a beautiful house
- your house was big
- there was a patie in the middle of your house
- a huge shrine was in the middle of it
- there were lit candles
- he opened the door
- and saw a picture of a little boy with black hair and green eyes
- it looked like he had passed away
- he kept exploring 
- there wasn’t much after that
- just a few extra rooms
- an office
- really not much
- he went back into the living room
- you had finished making dinner
- “Do you want to eat here?”, you asked him
- “That would be amazing”, he replied
- you smiled and prepared 2 plates
- you both ate at the kitchen table
- he loved it
- like it was the first time he's had a home made meal
- since his mom just got pre made shit
- and he doesn’t know how to cook well
- so this was amazing
- in just a few seconds his plate was empty
- so him eating at your house became a thing
- he would walk you home
- you would cook dinner
- he’d probably sniff at everything
- he’d growl at your cat
- bc he doesn’t like you cat at all
- he has been trying to take you out on a date tho
- like he came up to you and asked if you wanted to spend an evening with him
- you declined
- he’s been trying for at least a month now
- you keep saying no
- he wasn’t even asking you directly
- like youd didn’t want to spend any time with him at all
- so he got angry
- stormed up to you in the library
- “You. me. dinner tonight, and you can’t say no”, then he stormed off
- you were in shock
- like he asked you out to dinner
- you were worried at first he would have an extravagant evening planned if you said yes
- and tbh you just wanted to go eat dinner at a restaurant with him
- you wore a red dress and black heels
- like you *italian kisses the air*
- that night he took you to a fancy restaurant
- and you two had a great time
- it was amazing
- he walked you home
- and when you walked inside
- he followed you
- and you didn’t know that
- so when someone spun you around
- and kissed your lips softly
- you were completely shocked.
- he left after that
- you were up all night thinking about him
- the next day you saw him at the library again
- and you were beyond flustered
 - you were a blushing mess
- he smirked and walked up to you
- “WHat did you think of last night?”, he asked cooly
- you could face him like thats how embarrassed you were
- “I-I l-like t-the food, i-it was very n-nice”, you stuttered and looked away
- “Thats not what i was asking about”, he purred
- “What did you think of the kiss?”
- you could’ve died right there
- you just froze
- y/n.exe has stopped working
- He chuckled and shook his head
- “I think you liked it, so know that I know you did, I wanted to ask you something”, he chuckled and grabbed your hand and led you to the storage room
- he brought you to the storage room
- locked the door
- and pressed himself flush against you
- so you could feel his hot breath on your neck
- “Ever since I saw you”, he mumbled softly
- “I knew you were my omega”
- he started to kiss your neck softly 
- “You looked so hot when you beat those men up”
- he kissed your collar bone softly
- you knew he intended to go lower
- and you were OK with it
- it might seem rushed in others eyes
- but to you and him, it didn’t
- I mean, it took him 3 months to get you on a date with him, and it took 1 month of convincing 
- he looked up at you
- “Can i?”, he asked softly
- you were to shy to actually form an answer
- you just nodded your head
- he quickly took your shirt off leaving you in a skirt and bra
- he stared at your body with love
- you were so beautiful
- he kissed your cleavage before going behind your bra and just ripping it off
- your breasts bounced when they were released from their condiments
- you naturally covered up your chest from his eyes
- the audacity
- he was mad
- why would you be shy of him?
- Why wouldn’t you show him your body?
- like he was legit pissed
- he grabbed your hands and pressed them to your sides
- and he quickly latched onto your hardened nub and started to suckle harshly
- you bit your lip to hold back moans
- his other hand massaged the other breast
- he loved your taste
- and how your body slightly jerked everytime he rolled his fingers over the sensitive flesh
- he started to kiss your breast
- and slowly made his was down your stomach
- kissing at your flesh softly
- his fingers hooked around your skirt
- he slowly took it off 
- and know you were only in your panties
- which were soaked btw
- he slowly took your panties off and stared at your exposed heat
- you looked away shyly
- he started to kiss your lower lips
- he discarded his pants and boxers so he was only in a loose shirt
- he quickly picked you up and pressed you gently against the wall
- your wrapped your legs around his waist
- he faqed u in a storage room
- then he marked you
- and you two bonded for life
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ermwhatsup · 5 years
favourite lines from Good Omens
- Crowley: My point is-my point is...dolphins, that’s my point
- Crowley: You’re supposed to thwart the wiles of the Evil One at every turn, aren’t you?
Aziraphale: Well...
Crowley: See a wile, you thwart. Am I right?
- Aziraphale: Well I’ll be damned.
Crowley: It’s not that bad once you get used to it.
- Gabriel: As the almighty likes to say, “climb every mountain”
- Sign in Hell: Please do not lick the walls
- Crowley: The Hell Hound will be the key. It shows up at 3:00 on Wednesday.
Aziraphale: Right. You’ve never actually mentioned a Hell Hound before.
Crowley: Oh, yeah. They’re sending him a Hell Hound.
- Aziraphale, about Warlock: He’s over there writing a rude word on a description of a dinosaur.
- Crowley: Yeah, just checking in about the Hell Hound.
Dagon: He should be with you by now. Why? Has something gone wrong, Crowley?
Crowley: Wrong? No, no. Nothing’s wrong. What could be wrong? Oh, no I see him now, yes. What a lovely big helly Hell Hound. Yes, okay, great talking to you.
- Crowley: Why did the powers of Hell have to drag me into this anyway?
Aziraphale: Well, don’t quote me on this, but I’m pretty sure it’s because of all those memos you kept sending them, saying how amazingly well you were doing.
Crowley: Is it my fault they never check-up? I’m to blame they never check-up? Everyone stretches the truth a bit in memos to head office, you know that.
Aziraphale: Yes, but you told them you invented the Spanish Inquisition and started the Second World War.
- Aziraphale: Can I help you?
Gabriel: I would like to purchase one of your material objects.
Sandalphon: Books
Gabriel: Books. Let us discuss my purchase in a private place because I am buying uh-
Sandalphon: Pornography.
Gabriel: Pornography.
- Gabriel, loudly: Thank you for my pornography!
- God, about War: She’s been killing time for so long now. Time, and sometimes people.
- Janice: Just so that you know, Norman, I’ve registered a complaint with HR about this whole training initiative nonsense.
Nigel: It’s a team-building exercise, Janice. And, um, just so as you know, there’s no “I” in “team”, yeah?
Office guy: But there’s two “I”s in “building”, Nigel. And an “I” in “exercise”.
- Shadwell: You have your own teeth?
Newton: Yes.
Shadwell: How many nipples have you got?
- God: He had heard about talking to plants in the early 70s and thought it an excellent idea. Although “talking” is perhaps the wrong word for what Crowley does.
Crowley: *yelling at and threatening plants*
- Madame Tracy: Are you not here for intimate personal relaxation and stress relief for the discerning gentleman?
Newton: No. I’m here to join the Witchfinder Army.
- Aziraphale: Watch out for that pedestrian!
Crowley: She’s on the street. She knows the risk she’s taking.
- Aziraphale: Crowley, you can’t do 90 miles per hour in Central London!
Crowley: Why not?
Aziraphale: You’ll get us killed. Well, inconveniently discorporated.
- God: Wensleydale’s first name is Jeremy but nobody’s ever used it, not even his parents who call him “Youngster”. All that stands between Wensleydale and chartered accountancy is time.
- God: Every gang needs a Brian. Always grimy, always supportive of anything Adam invents or needs.
- Adam: Get off the torturing swing and let someone else have a turn.
- Aziraphale: Um, are you sure this is the right place? This-this doesn’t look like a hospital and...it feels loved.
Crowley: No, it’s definitely the place. What do you mean “loved”?
Aziraphale: Well, I mean the opposite of when you say, “I don’t like this place. It feels spooky”.
Crowley: I don’t ever say that. I like spooky. Big spooky fan, me. Let’s go talk to some nuns.
- Aziraphale: You know, Crowley, I’ve always said that deep down, you really are quite a nice-
Crowley: Shut it! I’m a demon, I’m not nice. I’m never nice!
- Crowley: He won’t even know it but his powers will keep him hidden from prying occult forces.
Aziraphale: Occult forces?
Crowley: You and me.
Aziraphale: I’m not occult
Crowley: Oh.
Aziraphale: Angels aren’t occult, we’re ethereal.
- Aziraphale, after Anathema and the car collide: You hit someone.
Crowley: I didn’t. Someone hit me.
- Aziraphale: Just a perfectly normal velocipede.
Crowley: Bicycle.
- Aziraphale, about the Flood: When it’s done, uh, the Almighty’s going to put up a new thing called a “rain bow”, as a promise not to drown everyone again.
Crowley: How kind.
- Crowley: Oh, I’ve changed it.
Aziraphale: Changed what?
Crowley: My name. “Crawley” just wasn’t doing it for me. It’s a bit too...squirming-at-your-feet-ish.
Aziraphale: Well you were a snake.
- Crowley: What was it he said that got everyone so upset?
Aziraphale: “Be kind to each other.”
Crowley: Oh, yeah, that’ll do it.
- Aziraphale: Still a demon, then?
Crowley: What kind of stupid question is that, “Still a demon”? What else am I gonna be? An aardvark?
- Aziraphale: We may have both started off as angels, but you are fallen.
Crowley: I didn’t really fall. I just, you know, sauntered vaguely downward.
- Crowley: I wrote it down, walls have ears. Well, not walls, trees have ears. Ducks have ears. Do ducks have ears? Must do. That’s how they hear other ducks.
- Crowley, walking painfully down the church aisle: Sorry, consecrated ground. It’s like being on a beach in bare feet.
- Aziraphale: That was very kind of you.
Crowley: Shut up.
- Shadwell: You are not yourself a witch, warlock, or someone who calls your cat funny names?
- Anathema: I’m fine!
Adam: But you were crying.
Anathema: I know!
- Adam: Look, excuse me for asking. If it’s not a personal question, but are you a witch?
Anathema: No, I’m an...occultist.
Adam: Oh, well, that’s alright then.
- Adam: Nuclear power stations are rubbish.
Anathema: Yes! Yes they are!
Adam: We went to one on a school trip and there was nothing bubbling and there wasn’t any green smoke and there weren’t anyone in those space suits. And it was so dull.
Anathema: Well, yes, but we need to get rid of them.
Adam: Serves them right for not bubbling.
- Adam: Obviously the aliens used to do that. Now they give messages of global peace and cosmic harmony and the government hushes it all up.
Wensleydale: Why?
Adam: It’s what they do. They hush up aliens and nuclear reactors and the people from Tibet who have secret tunnels and are listening to everything we say.
- Lesley the delivery dude: Ours is not to reason why. Ours is to deliver packages.
- Brian: We don’t take sweets from...
Pepper: Witches.
Wensleydale: I do.
- Harriet: Is this because I said the President’s wife looked like a floozy? Because I never said that.
- Shadwell: You are possessed by a demon, and I will exorcise you with bell, book, and candle!
Aziraphale: Yes, uh, fine.
- Fireman: Are you the owner of this establishment?
Crowley: Do I look like I run a bookshop?
- Crowley: Aziraphale! For God’s- For Satan’s- Ah! For somebody’s sake, where are you?!
- Crowley, about to drop his sunglasses on the ground: I shouldn’t litter, should I? I mean, I probably should litter, I’m a demon, after all.
- Newscaster: Motorists are being advised to avoid the M25 London orbital motorway because, in the words of a Transportation Department spokesman, “it’s on fire or something.” What does that even mean?
- Shadwell: This Antichrist of yours, how many nipples does he have?
Aziraphale: Uh, oodles of them. Pots of nipples. Nipples everywhere.
Shadwell: Then I’m your man.
- Crowley: You know the thing I like best about time, is that every day it takes us further away from the 14th century.
- After Crowley drives past in his flaming car and waves
Officer 1: What was-
Officer 2: Right now that’s someone else’s problem.
- USA military dude 1: What the heck?
USA military dude 2: Did you really just say “what the heck”?
- Beelzebub: We built this place for you specially. It shall be your place of trial and it shall be your place of destruction.
“Crowley”: Guys, you shouldn’t have gone to all the trouble.
- Aziraphale: Crowley, he’s got a gun. He’s pointing it. Do something!
Crowley, looking at the burning wreckage of his car: I am having a moment here.
- Aziraphale: We are here to lick some serious butt.
Crowley: “Kick”, Aziraphale. It’s “kick butt”. For Heaven’s sake! Oh, I can’t believe I just said that.
- Pepper, after Anathema says Newt is her boyfriend: Another deluded victim of the patriarchy.
- Beelzebub: Crowley, the traitor.
Crowley: That is not a nice word.
- Gabriel: God does not play games with the universe.
Crowley: Where have you been?
- Aziraphale: Come up with something! Or...or I’ll never talk to you again.
- Uriel: Renegade angels all tied up with strings.
Sandalphon: These are a few of our favourite things.
- “Aziraphale”: Well. Lovely knowing you all. May we meet on a better occasion.
Gabriel: Shut your stupid mouth and die already.
- “Crowley”: I don’t suppose that anywhere in the nine circles of Hell there’s such thing as a rubber duck?
- Wensleydale: How long until they let you out?
Adam: Years. Years and years, I expect.
Pepper: What about tomorrow?
Adam: Tomorrow will be alright. They’ll have forgotten about it by then.
Feel free to add!!! :)
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jungblue · 6 years
OSIDJDJSIEISJS HELLI AGAIN ITS ME THE ANON YOU WANTED!!!! OMFGGGGG WHAT DID I TELL YOU????? I TOLD YOUUUUU !!!!!! THIS FIC FUCKING SCARRED ME PUNCHED ME IN THE GUT RIPPED MY HEART ATTACKED MY SOUL AND THREW ME INTO THE PACIFIC OCEAN I WAS THAT TRAUMATIZED. I was SO sad when the OC ended up alone..I was REALLY hoping she'd get back with either Jungkook or Jimin, or the least make up with Sohee but no...I....I literally have no words. I stopped reading the fic ever since it completed but
I always came back to it and left anonymous comments to the author, mentally wanting to strangle her because of her story left me really upset and I couldn’t stop thinking about it even now. But I always thanked her for writing such a realistic fic, and it’s because it’s written in that way, it makes cheating seem scarier and more destructive that it really is. It broke apart friendship, trust and everything that was binding those friends. I can’t re read the last few chaps because it was so sad
i’m going to reply to every few sections each bc if i try to do this in one go at the very end my thoughts are going to sporadic and messy lmao. but anyways… HOW COULD YOU REC ME THIS. IT LITERALLY TORE MY HEART OUT ONLY FOR THE AUTHOR TO DANCE ON IT WITH SOME METAL CLEATS. LIKE YOUR GIRL WAS HURTINGG. like you said, i’m just upset for the oc. she ended up alone and lost everything. whereas with jungkook he still gets to talk to jimin (well like he’s also stuck in a relationship he didn’t really wanna be in so he got his karma too but still) and it just feels like at the end of it she truly has nobody
And I absolutely hated how Sohee too revenge by getting pregnant. Like what????????? And I literally prayed to God that it was a lie, because she was behaving like a real pain in the ass but at the same time…I really felt how much she loved Jungkook. Her love for him was pure, even her friendship with the OC was pure, but something about Sohee’s past relationships and even how she LITERALLY was the final push to Jungkook’s and Seulgi’s relationship, rubbed me in the wrong way. I felt horrible
NO I DISLIKE SOHEE A LOT. i didn’t like her’s and jungkook’s relationship bc it was all about status to the both of them. she thought that it was alright to help jungkook cheat on seulgi just ‘bc he was hot.’ and whenever she talks about him to the oc she treats him like an airhead jock. she says she loves him so much, but i don’t get why when she thinks of him so simply. like he makes her happy and comfortable i guess, but she doesn’t actually see him. and i’m just gonna say i usually hate that type of plot point. the trapping someone in a relationship through pregnancy plot point, bc i mean it’s just psychotic and usually isn’t done well, bc the character who does it seems cartoonishly evil. but sohee actually doesn’t. she seems like she’s just a real and insecure person who was ready to settle down and marry jungkook before she found out about the cheating and that was her last effort. LIKE I STILL DISLIKE HER BUT WHATEVER
For Jimin a LOT, because he reminded me so much of Future Hearts Jimin, because he was SO selfless and he loved the OC unconditionally really. He was the perfect boyfriend, and I felt my heart sink when Jimin found out about the cheating. I just couldn’t function anymore. He didn’t deserve any of that. He was such a good person, a good brother, a good boyfriend… why is it that all the good people get hurt? ;;;;;;;;;; BUT I HAVEN’T TALKED ABOUT JUNGKOOK YET GOSH. I had opinions about him 
POOR FUCKING JIMIN!!! AND YEAH HE REMINDED ME OF FH JIMIN TOO :( honestly i had a really hard time reading the part where he was going through jungkook’s notebook of poems to the oc. like it hurt to read about him finding out and god it was just awful. he didn’t deserve that at all. he didn’t every possible thing he could to be a good boyfriend to the oc. uhggg it really did make me mildly nauseous seeing him get hurt like that
Because he was such a complicated, mysterious and broken individual. The way he derived his sense of inspiration from his past relationship with his mother hit my heart like a bulldozer. I found myself sympathizing him many times, even though he was clearly in the wrong and the lines between his needs and wants was blurred. I felt so sad for him, and yet I wanted to smack him when he was so ready to leave Sohee even when she loved him so much. But I also understood that Sohee didn’t understand J  
Jungkook the same way as the OC did. I blame Jungkook because he exposed his past and his feelings to the OC first, and he could have easily had done that in the two (?) Years that he has been with Sohee. But I still think Sohee would see him more of a hot jock, nevertheless. I felt so sad for him though, he ended up with someone he didn’t love but it was his fault at the same time. But I still found myself drawn towards him, even if his morals were a bit crooked.
jungkook’s character was so hard for me bc i hated that i liked him. like what he was doing was absolutely awful, but the way the writer wrote his character made me sympathize with him. and the way the author used this along with the build up of the oc and jungkook made me not as angry as i should’ve been when they cheated the first time. instead i thought to myself, but i like them together??? but it wasn’t me liking them together bc their partners were awful, no that’d be too goddman easy lmao, it was bc they just FIT TOGETHER. like jimin’s great and perfect, but she she fit with jungkook so well. AND I’M ANNOYED THAT I THINK THAT BC GOD WHAT DID WAS AWFUL AND I’M MAD ABOUT IT. as for sohee, i again just think that she sees him as a hot airhead jock, so that’s why jungkook didn’t tell her. but it’s like you said he could’ve, and it’s also his fault bc he was more or less with her in the first place so similar reasons of her simply being attractive. their relationship was just messy to me, not like jimin and the oc’s which i fully loved
But it didn’t happen. I legit cried the laat chapter, because I wanted her to be with someone, I didn’t care who it was. I know it’s really shallow for me to say that haha. But instead she found herself, and I was also happy with that too.. because in the end you need to forgive yourself first before you can move on with life right? Ufff I can go on and on about the characters but it’s been months since I last read and I can’t write in a scholarly, fancy and critical way that you can! Okay so
no but same :(( i just wanted her to be with someone, which yeah is probably really shallow of me, but i just read 90k of fic from her pov so how could i not sympathize with the fact that she’s completely alone. i am happy that she found herself but i’m not gonna lie and say that i’m happy that she didn’t end up with jungkook or jimin (specifically jungkook) bc i think that they could have made it work. and lol i promise i can’t write critically without inserting my emotions into this fic. i’m a mess rn lmao
Enough about the characters, now the writing!! Gosh the quality of writing was soooooooo good!! It had the right pace, it had a perfect balance between suspense drama and romance, every chapter was such a ride to read, and the compositions oh my God!! I asked the author and she said she wrote all those beautiful poems! Wow, talk about talent, huh? Her descriptions were so real I literally felt in the moment, i could literally feel the pain from the characters on to me, I could hear their heart
breaks, I could taste the tears streaming down Jungkooks face when the OC told him to leave, I could feel the tension when the OC and Sohee met at the coffee place for the last time, I felt everything crumbling down on me when Jimin fought with Jungkook when he found out..I think the best part of her writing was how she able to make everything realistic. Like cheating is a realistic thing no doubt, but there are sO many layers underneath that. People can just say “oh it’s just a breakup move on”
But NO. Cheating is more than hurtful, it’s something that can break, tear, cripple someone’s feelings and fringesofsanity was able to write that in such very realistically. Anyone who reads this story can able to relate. Fanfic writers always like to put a dramatisized spin to cheating, and it ends happily with the person forgiving the other, but not in this story. Gosh I really hope you, and none of the people on this planet experience what the 4 characters did. It’s too hurtful, too painful.
yes yes yes i completely agree! her take on cheating and how it affects the people around the act was so realistic and beautifully written. and as much as i’m bitching about the fact that the oc is alone, i appreciate that the ending feels real, bc after something so traumatic happening to the four of them, it’s just unrealistic to think that everything would be happy and perfect. BUT I CAN STILL BE SAD ABOUT IT DAMMIT :((
I’m SO happy you liked this fic. And how can anyone not? The whole idea of the story’s imperfect characters, the cheating, the consequences…but the angst was just a way too much on the heavier side for my weak heart..well cheating is pretty heavy so can’t help it. And it just goes to show how love is such a dangerous emotion indeed. The people who loved unconditionally in this story, were left truly heartbroken. All of them loved each other unconditionally, whether it be friendship wise or
Or romantically. Look at Jimin, poor poor soul. I just wanna wrap him up and hug him forever. As for JK, even though I luh him so bad and he’s my bias, I feel really conflicted about his character. But I feel bad for him too you know… Sheesh I must be filling your anon box too much. Well I could write more but I don’t want you to get bored. I’m so happy you liked this fic! Thank you for boarding the ship of pain and misery, my friend!
EVEN THOUGH IT MADE ME REALLY SAD THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR THE REC BC I HAVEN’T GOTTEN MY HEART TORN OUT LIKE THAT IN SO LONG. just oh god it’s just so painful :(((( lmao i’m so sad but i’m happy that i got to read a fic like that ;;;;;;
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purpleplaid17 · 3 months
Jess Watches Final Results - Day 168 & 169 [x]
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Severance wins with 13 of 18 votes!
Dylan - How did he not cramp up holding those switches for so long? All those fingertraps trained him well. He deserves all the kinky waffle parties he desires.
Irving - From a military family and a whistleblower. What made him start investigating Lumon? and how does his Outie know Burt?
Helly - The jawdropping revelation that she'a an Eagan. The happy office photos were of manipulated situations but Helena seemed genuinely excited to put her faith in her family's work. She is a fascinating contradiction.
Mark - She's alive!!! The tension that built around him piecing together his Outie's life while trying to get a moment alone to talk to his sister still had me on the edge of my seat.
The rewatch has got me even more hyped for s2. Anyone have any theories about it? I'd love to hear them.
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