#does it make sense for him because his parents were fucking MURDERED for being communists? also yes
lesbianralzarek · 2 years
disco elysium discourse is like:
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i love big fandoms, so im actually 100% down for people joining without playing the game. its great that more de content creators get the attention they deserve! but please dont discourse about nuanced media if you havent interacted with it. ill-informed negativity is neither fun nor helpful. hmu if you want help pirating it :)
(image ID in alt text)
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reaganyouth · 4 years
Merry Easter bitches and Passover alike. Now go say your lords prayer about forgiving your debtors as you get ready to pay your rent, cuz it sure ain’t a Happy one
It's Easter and no ones at church, sacrilegious ! Maybe now people can finally grow up and realize religion is useless today. Priests are more pedophile then they're clerical. They used to be "clerics" in the sense they told you what day it was, church bells gave the hour of day because no one had a watch or read your mail because few could read and write, let alone count. We're told to expect a new "normal". Trump promised us deaths would be down to zero and we'd be allowed out for Easter. Instead only promise he delivered on was handing out hard working taxpayers money to corporate interests,none to individuals expressing their individuality. Only Rothchilds and Hapsburgs are allowed that while Senator Loeffler
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and her husband, who runs the NYSE insider trade away on our misery. Think those fucks have cabin fever stuck inside their cities like some bird locked in a cage,only able to be let out and fly around the room, but never really free. This shit is, was and doesn't have to be the new normal. There are pyramids in Egypt, the Bible tells the "greatest story ever told" and it's so good it's still going on now. Wage slavery and incarceration, just like being an indentured servant is plain ole slavery, and slavery is murder. The White House has it's Pyramid just like there's a pyramid in Trafalgar Square or the front yard of the Vatican. Yes that Vatican that's not doing mass 'live" but on line, so you can't eat Christ's body or even drink his blood. Go out because you're covered in Jesus' blood and that protects you? What does that Bible belter identify with,the centurion that stabs Jesus' side? Now to get us used to being traced. Greenbacks are gonna disappear and your dealer is gonna have your info in their app. Out of town? Then download the app steering you to your closet local drug dealing spot. but until then y om the rich and give to the poor, the last mafioso not state sanctioned, no not Kevin Costner or even Robin Hood, but Salvatore Guiliano. 
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Go watch Francis Ford Coppola's "The Sicilian" if you want to watch a really crappy movie about Guiliano with no mention of that fact. My source, a Sicilian who drove me all around Germany so he schooled me on that. Fuck google search. But rent is going to be due. So what's you gonna do? I know some landlords are smoking crack and drinking while their beautiful daughter stays with them because they're out of work. You can't model now. Thanks landlord of my band mate, for doing that and not asking her for rent. But self medicating ain't gonna help. 99% of Landlords shouldn't die but they shouldn't get paid either. they are not our Lord and it ain’t their land. PROPERTY IS THEFT !. I'm talking about motherfuckers who would charge every human to breath if the could control the air around us. And what to do with them ? I’d suggest the Yugoslavian communist model of having the children of the 1% kill their parents if they want to live in a just society as opposed to Pence wanting U.S. to follow the Italian model of stop counting the dead. Now some will say “But now's not the time! To talk about this”. Too busy in isolation ? Or “We got to come together in this tragedy” By not having enough time to think of an alternative to the new normal ? Or by respecting the dead by ignoring them ? One NYC cop dies it's a big deal and all over the news. When 25 die they're a statistic. As for my view of the police I align myself in the same train of thought as Pier Pasolini. Now today Anarchists have someone like Cody Rutledge Wilson 
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but where are the Leon Czolgosz's ? He treated McKinley presidential the same way Lincoln and JFK were treated presidential. If it wasn't for Leon then we never would have had the only president with the balls to threaten to sic the U. S Army on the Coal Barron's and not striking miners. 
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But that president spoke softly and carried a big stick while today our president talks shit and thought it okay for America to get sick. Sicker then any other country out there today. China sure knew how to play Trump like a fiddle and all they needed was the best chocolate cake Trump ever ate. Don’t snicker at communism, it’s still going strong in China where they didn’t have to renounce religion because they don’t believe in God. God is dead and if you don’t know now you know. Where is our Nestor Makhnov? 
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Allowing prosperity for all while repulsing the 1% and greedy neighbors like Russia and Germany. Was Nestor Maknov the leader? No, just the head amongst equals. And what happened after a president last wielded power like Teddy Rooselvelt,
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Americas most popular president of all time, well by 99% of it’s citizens at his time? Betrayed by Taft which opened the door for the KKK's Woodrow Wilson to be president. He instituted the banking system, The Fed, that insures the rich get richer and the poor get murdered as he presided over WWI plus the Spanish Flu and got rid of many unwanteds. Kinda like what’s going on today. Now History ain’t as big as religion here in Amerikkka so I’ll offer up a sermon or two;
If I were asked to answer the following question: What is slavery? and I should answer in one word, It is murder!, my meaning would be understood at once. No extended argument would be required to show that the power to remove a man's mind, will, and personality, is the power of life and death, and that it makes a man a slave. It is murder. Why, then, to this other question: What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?
— Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What is Property?[I]
That was some new testimonial for y’all
Ending it a real creation story
The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying 'This is mine', and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody."
Peace Unto Us All,.... well 99.9% of us that is ;-)
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jogood-reads-blog · 5 years
Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak: Review
Note: I’m starting this with a quick little note because I know I said that my first review would be Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare, which is coming, but I absolutely HAVE to talk about this book. Markus Zusak never fails to amaze me and I’m going to be diving into how I feel about this book. I’m breaking this review into two parts, the first part is a non-spoiler part for those who are thinking about what to read next, and then a spoiler part for those who read the book and want to discuss it with me! This is my first review (the word review is starting to lose meaning now don’t you think?) so I am completely open to constructive criticism. Let me know what you all think and talk to me about Markus’ books!
Non-spoiler: I want to spoil this book so much, but I will resist so we can all discuss together!  First, let’s talk about what this story is about. There are five brothers, the Dunbar boys, and the eldest, Matthew, is the one narrating the story. While Matthew is the narrator, he is not the star of the book, he is telling the story of the fourth Dunbar brother. This novel follows the story of Clay Dunbar rekindling the relationship with his estranged father, but the novel also simultaneously tells the story of Clay’s parents. The first part of the book tells how his mother comes from Soviet Russia to Australia, and the second part is about his father’s childhood in Australia, and then it’s about how their parents meet and get married and have their children. I know this all sounds complicated, and in some way it is, but trust me when I say that it’s worth the complexity. I love all of the characters. There are five brothers like I mentioned earlier, Matthew is the oldest who looks after his brothers after their mom dies and dad leaves (this is mentioned pretty early on, so I don’t count that note as a spoiler). Then there is Rory, I love Rory with all of my heart. He loves to fight, and drink, and women, but most importantly, he loves his family. Doesn’t really love to admit that he loves anyone because no boy really does, but oh my gosh the way that he shows his love is so amazing and it makes me so happy. Then there’s Henry, who is a lot like Rory, but money-driven. He isn’t greedy though, and I think he’s my favorite. Henry reminds me of William Herondale or any Herondale. Lots of Herondale energy from my sweet Henry. Then there’s Clay, the smiler, he’s very quiet and is always running. At first, when I was reading I thought he might be on the spectrum but as the novel progressed I was able to figure out why he is so quiet and to himself. After Clay is Tommy, he’s the youngest and has a love for animals. All of his animals are names after people, or hero’s, from Greek mythology, it’s so great. This book is so much, and it will hit home in so many different ways for everyone, but it hit home for me as a sibling story. Sibling stories always get me because I’m one of five and I have a very different relationship with all of my siblings. To see this beautiful relationship with these five brothers is so heart-warming, but also heart-wrenching. If you’re on the fence about reading this book I promise that you won’t regret it. I absolutely adore this book. Markus Zusak has yet to disappoint me. I was actually nervous about reading this book because The Book Thief holds such a huge place in my heart, but I am so glad I picked up Bridge of Clay. I hope you all chose to read it and love it just as much as I did.
SPOILER: Alright, if you’re reading this then it means that you finished Bridge of Clay and want to talk about it with me. Which I appreciate because I love talking about books that I’ve read. If you haven’t finished the book please do not read this section, I want you to enjoy this novel in its entirety Thank you, go now if you haven’t read the book, stay if you have. <3
Okay! First thing I want to talk about is Penelope’s luck. I just feel so bad for her, I mean Marks really did her dirty when he thought of this character. When father put her on the train out of soviet Russia my heart broke. Her dad was never really great at showing her that he loved her, but he really did love her so much. When we finally see her in Australia working as a custodian, I felt pretty angry, and I think I felt this way because I cared for her so deeply. She really was a beautiful character and the way Matthew narrates the story and retells everything Clay had told him about his parents, was just beautiful. And when her father dies, again, my heart broke for Penelope. She couldn’t be there with her dad and he had sacrificed so much to get her the hell out of this communist country, but when he died, she finally bought her piano. Which of course lead her to meet the one and only, Michael Dunbar.
Learning about Michael’s past was very interesting to me because we get insight into this character that is called “The Murderer”. Believe me when I say that I was theorizing throughout the entire book as to why he kept being referred to as the murderer. It was interesting seeing his childhood with his mom, going to work with her and sitting in the waiting room of the doctor’s office. While he’s in the waiting room we see a redheaded girl step on something he’s building, which by the way, did anyone else have a feeling that they were going to get married or at least some relationship? I thought they were going to have some relationship, but I had no idea that they would get married. That was kind of crazy to me, but I feel like I totally should have seen it coming. Anyway, I actually enjoyed the relationship that Michael and Abby had. While I was reading it though, it felt like something was missing. Yeah, they loved each other but I didn’t feel any chemistry, honestly, it felt like he really only stayed with her because he was so good at painting her. I think he was scared of change and anything that wasn’t a part of what he was already sure of. When he met Penelope though, I was excited.
I thought this relationship was beautiful. At times I was worried that it also didn’t have a spark, but the more I read the more I felt the love that they had for each other. How much they supported each other and wanted nothing but the best for one another. When Penelope saw the paintings of Abby, she didn’t want to throw them away, sure she was jealous, but she didn’t let that jealousy consume her. To me, it felt very healthy way to respond to a scene like that. If I saw my boyfriend’s garage was covered in portraits of his ex? I might be pretty jealous. Honestly, the love that I had for this relationship was overwhelming. When she was sick and on death's door, he said that he was so lucky, and you could see how much he loved her, and how much she loved him. It made so much more sense to me then as to why he left, and I’m not making an excuse for Michael abandoning his children, but he loved her so much that when she died, he was absolutely destroyed.
The next thing I want to talk about is the relationship the entire family had together. I thought this relationship was beautiful too because it was so authentic. Their family was messy and anything from perfect, I only grew up with two brothers and the house was a mess so I can’t imagine what a house of five boys would look like, and Markus does such a good job at telling that story. He gives the reader insight into the messiness of the house, but also with life in general. He showed the fights, the arguments, the battles, but he also showed the makeups, the love, and the care that this family had for each other. When they all laid in Penelope and Michael’s bed just comforting their mom I cried. It was so heartbreaking but at the same time so heart-warming. And even when all of this was happening, they all still would manage to laugh and make fond memories through the bad ones.
I loved the interactions between the brothers. They all compliment each other so well, and even when they were on their own, they always managed to laugh and stick it out together. My favorite scene I think it the monopoly game. I was on the beach and when Matthew said, “I ate it”, it being the iron, I lost my mind. I was laughing so hard the people next to us kept looking over and my parents pretended they didn’t know me. Then you see how well Penny knows her boys when she tells Rory that it’s in Matthews shirt pocket. When he says, “what are we going to do without her?” *I started crying again. Markus has this thing about making me laugh and then burst into tears and I think that says a lot about his writing.
*I want to talk about Rory for just a second- I fucking love him. He is so tough and hard on the outside that when he said, “what are we going to do without her?”, I cried. I cried because you forget he’s a child. He was about thirteen when all of this was happening, and he felt like he had to be the strong and tough kid that he’s always been. It was heartbreaking.
I mentioned earlier that Henry is my favorite character. Similar to Rory, Henry is very much a tough guy but in reality, he’s a huge softy. He loved Clay so much that he went and got the absolute crap beaten out of him so when Clay did come home, Matthew would be distracted and not beat up Clay. Who does that? A Herondale, that’s who, and like I said earlier, Henry radiates Herondale energy. I just needed to dedicate a little paragraph to Henry because I love him so much.
When Matthew beat up Clay when he got home, I don’t really know how I feel about that. I think because I’m not a boy I don’t understand why boys have to fight whenever they feel emotion. I understood to an extent, but it felt like it was a really bad fight and also didn’t seem like a fair fight since Clay is so much younger. How did you guys feel about it?
Time to talk about another beautiful relationship, Clay and Carey. I loved that they weren’t “boyfriend and girlfriend” but they were in love and best friends. I loved that they had those unspoken rules and when Clay tried to stop seeing her so she could focus on being a jockey, they had their spot every Saturday. She was so supportive of him going and building the bridge and he was also so supportive of her passion. Markus did such an incredible job at conveying the love they had for each other, and having Matthew tell their “love” story was extra special because when an outsider can feel and see, the love two people have for one another, I think that’s amazing. Can you imagine what I did when she fucking died? I died a little bit. That really sucked. And I didn’t even think it was the epic death that it should have been. She was such a cool character and then she just fell off the back of a horse? I had to read that several times because I didn’t comprehend what happened. Part of that thought is because there’s jockey lingo used a lot around that time, and I don’t speak jockey.
Was anyone else uncomfortable that the oddly graphic way told her parents that they had sex the night before she died? I mean, he wasn’t really graphic, but in a way, it was pretty graphic. I also was hurting because every woman Clay has loved, dies. No wonder he thinks he’s bad luck.
I did like seeing the beginning of their relationship though, which is why I liked the going back and forth to the “present” and the past. I put that in quotations because it’s not the present but it’s also not the past-past, you know? Anyway, the way their relationship starts is so wonderful and sweet, made me so happy. Carey was such a comfort for him. They saw Abby together, and it was so sweet that she went with him and was there for support.
As the bridge-building continued, I liked that Clay and Michael were getting closer. When Clay quoted the Quarryman and Michael knew that he had seen Abby (I think that was a little unclear to me) it was like this weight was lifted. I liked that they had something in common, a shared interest. When Clay said that they had to finish the bridge for her, I didn’t know if he meant Penelope or Carey, and it didn’t matter because it had to be finished for both of them. Then when Tommy gave Clay Achilles, oh my goodness, that was emotional. I don’t even know how to talk about that one. And then when the boys came and they all played football, and Matthew almost called Michael dad, I was crying again! It was so beautiful.
I’m almost done but there are two more big things I want to touch on before I wrap this up.
The first one, the scene where Penelope dies. Michael brings her to the backyard to kill her, well help her because she begged him to, and Clay sees that. No wonder he’s so quiet, and the nickname “murderer” had a whole new meaning now. The last thing Penny saw, or what Clay believed, was the clothespin, which is why he carries it around with him. I loved that so much and I can’t even really say why. It just was an insight into Clay’s mind and I really enjoyed that tidbit.
The last thing I want to talk about is when Clay leaves. He tells Matthew everything, all the stories that their mom shared with him, about him and Carey, about the backyard, and then he leaves. He travels the world and all of the boys go off and do their own thing and it’s really cool, but Clay doesn’t come home. Matthew ends up having kids and marrying the boy’s teacher, Claudia. Which by the way, whenever Matthew and she talked and Clay would grin, it was so cute because Matthew got so defensive. Clay had been gone for years, Michael went to find him, and they weren’t sure if Clay was going to come to the wedding. When he showed up and Matthew walked over and hugged him so hard, it reminded me of the years before when they met in the front yard and Clay was met with punches instead of hugs. But Clay and Matthew hugged and then all of them were hugging, and guess who was crying, ME. The last line really got me though. “A Dunbar boy could do many things, but he should always be sure to come home.”
It was such a beautiful ending. Markus Zusak never fails to amaze me with his story-telling. This story was raw and real, but also transcending and beautiful. I feel like beautiful is the most used word in this review, but it’s the word that fits this novel so well.
Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to read this! If you want to talk about the book, please message me because I would love to!
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