#does this count as excessive/spam tagging?
shibaraki · 2 years
Writers conplain about interaction and then complain about spam liking. Make your mind up
I mean… I don’t really like the tone of this but I’ll meet you halfway lol. I know as a reader you’ve probably had to see all types of criticisms and suggestions about how you interact with fic. so I can understand your frustration
some do enjoy and allow spam liking, which is totally fine. when I first started out I didn’t mind it at all either!!! but as my follower count has grown it can become a bit of a hindrance? because I get a lot of notifications now all that does is clog them up, and as a result I will miss peoples tags, comments and replies to me, which makes me feel guilty. so I don’t have that rule in place for no reason
and if you’re liking forty fics in a row within a five minute time frame, you have definitely not read any of them. there’s no need to do it to ‘save’ them for later, bc the masterlist isn’t going anywhere. I do appreciate likes, and as I said I’m usually quite lax about it!! it only bothers me when it’s in excess
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luminull · 2 years
This is the art blog of luminull-space!
This post will be similar to the introduction posted on my main blog, but since this is an art blog, there's a few differences in relevant info.
I do enjoy like/reblog-spamming
If you want to go through liking and/or reblogging a bunch of stuff, feel free! I love reading commentary, it makes my week!
I don't answer instant messages
Please use the ask or submit boxes instead I ignore all chat attempts, and might panic-block if you reach out that way without warning
You can use my art:
As a profile pic or banner with credit link For a tattoo (tell me first, and send pics!) To color in when specified For reference and unposted personal-practice For "Draw This In Your Style" challenges (with credit) Reposts with permission and credit link
You cannot use my art:
Without credit Claimed as your own For profit unless you have commissioned it and informed me in advance To train AI To make NFTs For hatespeech
I occasionally take drawing prompts, which fall into two categories:
Active Prompts I make announcements about, when I'm specifically seeking suggestions These tend to be: characters, challenges, and expressions
Passive Prompts I'm open to gathering all the time, generally for broad inspiration These tend to be: palettes, poses, and outfits
Bear in mind, sending me things does not guarantee I'll draw them, including the active suggestions
I currently am not taking commissions
You're welcome to send me an ask about the possibility, but I do not have any pricing or commission structure set up
I may do art trades
I have some health issues that prevent me from following through on all the things I want to, so I save most of my energy for July to be able to participate in Art Fight You can find me there under the same username, if you want to try your luck!
I don't tag by request
I have nothing against people who want to have content warnings, I just also have to be considerate of my own mental health
I don't draw:
Nudity With Bits Genitalia Nipples of any type
Heavy gore Intestines/organs Detailed wounds Exposed bone (exception for skeletons)
Political art Current events Political commentary
I may on occasion draw:
Clean nudity About as (if not less) explicit than a kid-friendly doll
Scarring All depictions are old healed wounds Some may be of the self-inflicted variety: these are exclusively in the spirit of the character, and not a reflection of personal circumstances or encouragement to do so
Injuries Bruises, clean cuts, and generic blood placement Impalement or lodged items (occasional blood/ichor) Severed body parts (no graphic detail)
Mild to moderate body horror (most often cartoony) Excessive numbers of eyes Insect/spider-like limbs Unnatural growths Large (not gory) gaps Extreme stretching/distortion
Tagging system and their explanations below:
distant chatter Disclaimer: I use the XKit Rewritten extension (specifically the "quick tags" option) to automatically add tags in certain situations, in this case original posts (for the sake of my main blog) My hope is to use this tag specifically for announcements, but there's a strong chance I'll forget to take the tag off regular artwork
the void replies For answered asks, in case anyone wants to chat!
Art Styles:
sketchdump Catch-all for works-in-progress I may or may not ever finish
pixels Right what it says on the tin, my pixel art
palette A post with a distinct limited-color palette Can be artwork featuring a clear palette, or a post of just the palette itself
lineart Whatever sketch I've cleaned up enough to count as "lined", things I've actually lined, and coloring-book-esque art
lineless Not to be confused with painterly Lineless is flat-color with clean lines and minimal texturing (usually just an overlay)
painterly These tend to be messy and on as few layers as I can get away with
animated I don't do animated stuff a lot, but I'm hoping to get more into it! Most of my animations are simple pixel loops, so you'll see a bunch of overlap there
3D At this point, basically whatever I can manage to cobble together in blender
sewing and embroidery Mostly plushies and patches If a plushy, I'll include whatever pattern I'm using (since I only use free patterns, or ones I make up myself) Warning: posts with these tags will probably feature sewing needles/pins
comic This is a pretty loose tag: it covers basically any drawing that has more than one "panel", more than one bit of dialogue, or both
rambles Poetry, one-shot/short stories, bulletpoint-form aus, actual multi-chapter writing if I ever manage it- This blog is primarily meant for visual art, but it's good to keep things open, so I might make individual tags if I do more of these sorts of things
has id This goes on all the art I manage to write an image description for (hopefully all of them, but that may be subject to change depending on my capacity to keep up the extra step) Please keep in mind that this blog is my first attempt at doing image descriptions, and (as you can probably tell by my intro posts) I'm Maybe A Little Wordy
ocs Original characters! I Have A Lot Of These, please ask me about my brain blorbos- Note: some characters featured in the ocs tag belong to friends, I'll link them appropriately
fanart This tag is paired with the franchise(s) it's referencing
au I make... a lot of aus Some of it's for fandoms, sometimes it's just me and my brain blorbos in 10,000 different situations Aus I use a lot will get their own tag, probably
relaverse This is for a specific set of characters that are all grouped together in the same concept Individuals will be listed on a different page, but the tag is relevant (heh) enough that it felt like a good idea to put in this post
/tags This isn't a tag, it's actually a page of tags, containing all the characters I've posted (and some I haven't but are part of the same group), as well as au names
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seoexpertdannyla · 2 years
Google Spam Update: What You Must Know?
Google occasionally rolls out spam updates to ensure that the results on its search engine are not filled with spam. This is necessary to prevent users from clicking on a spammy result every time as it creates a horrible experience. Unfortunately, the tech giant doesn’t provide enough details about the spam update. If you are worried that your website will be labeled as spam, then allow our professional SEO services to audit it.
Professional SEO Services to Find Out If Your Site is Spammy The main goal of Google in releasing the spam update is to reduce spam. It has released multiple spam updates. The recent update didn’t specify whether or not it was overall spam or just a small spam-related one.
Which Sites are Affected the Most? The latest Google spam update impacted news and sports sites. Arts and entertainment and technology are also affected. The reason for this is that they are heavy in content and have no products.
Thin Content Those sites that were affected have thin content. But thin content doesn’t actually mean low word count. Rather, the content didn’t provide a lot of value to the user. When you read it, you didn’t have many insights.
Furthermore, the sites have poor meta tags. Most of the affected sites had duplicate meta tags that were written for search engines, instead of humans. And Google has emphasized over and over again that tags should be used to help human searchers and not crawlers.
Keyword Stuffing Yes, some site owners or SEO “experts” still use keyword stuffing. That is, the sites utilized keywords excessively that negatively affected the reading experience.
Copied Content If you steal third-party content, rather than create new content, then Google considers it spammy. On the other hand, you can prevent it from happening by creating new content to add more value to your readers.
The latest update doesn’t have sufficient data. However, what our SEO professionals are seeing is that the majority of Google’s updates focused on content. It hates keyword stuffing and it frowns upon duplicate meta tags. But Google also looks at other factors when crawling and ranking any site. For instance, it still emphasizes natural links.
How Does Google See AI-Generated Content? Google wants to rank content written for people instead of around SEO. Thus, AI-generated content will definitely hurt your page ranking. Google already states that automatically generated content is a violation of its guidelines. The reason for this is that this type of content attempts to game the search ranking.
However, you can still use AI-generated content but you have to edit it. It means that the content must be edited by a human before you publish it. Most AI-generated content is full of fluff. Before you publish the content, make sure that it is helpful to the users and not the crawlers.
Audit Your Site If you think that your site violates Google’s guidelines, let our professional SEO services audit it. Talk to our experts here for an initial consultation: (855) 605-7361.
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askthreekaios · 4 years
1. Not a rule, just something to be aware of. The answering schedule is as follows: P.K.O. Monday-Wednesday, K.O. Thursday-Friday, and T.K.O. Saturday-Sunday, unless a specific Kaio or all 3 are addressed. Questions for mun should be directed to @bigjbonk , as should any questions about the AU as a whole.
2. This is a blog for the Perfect AU, and any events and reveals past Boxman Crashes (but excluding the P.O.I.N.T. Prep arc) have not occurred, or occurred differently. As such, please keep in mind that any asks addressing such events will be met with confusion and/or denial.
3. No N$FW. This refers to inappropriate content, sensitive topics, excessive swearing (a little is fine), and so on. These questions will not be answered, and repetitive or particularly bad asks may result in a block.
4. No spam. As in, no sending multiples of the same or similar asks one after the other. Multiple asks of the same topic are fine, but please allow time for me to answer before posting a new ask. Spam will not be answered.
5. Do not force the Kaios to do anything. This refers to things such as "shaves P.K.O.'s hair off," or "turns you into a werecat forever." I may allow it if a condition is set (such as lasting for 5 asks, or for the day/week/etc), but otherwise these asks will go ignored. If you're not sure if your ask counts, please talk to mun beforehand.
6. If any Perfect AU fanfics are posted, please do not ask any asks that may spoil them until at least 2 weeks after the upload date. You may ask things relating to them, but no spoilers. They will either be deleted, or ignored until after the 2 weeks are up.
7. Do not harass the blog, or anyone who interacts with the blog, in any way. Anyone who does this will be blocked on sight. So play nice.
8. I reserve the right to ignore an ask for any reason. Sometimes an ask gets eaten up by the site, so feel free to send a second or third time if I don't answer in a few days, especially if I'm clearly still active. But after that, do not bother me about the ask, as I have likely ignored it or put it off for a reason. Continued attempts to make me answer your ask will be treated as harassment or spam, depending on your etiquette and level of insistence.
Note: This blog is AU/RP blog friendly! If you have any OCs, AUs, or other alternate versions of the characters, feel free to interact! (If this ever results in a reblog chain, I will tag it as "perfect chain," so you can block the tag if you don't want potentially long posts cluttering your timeline.) However, I will not be doing any private RPs.
These rules are subject to change as things come up. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send me a PM!
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finestra-rp · 5 years
Our rules have been updated to add some things about starters and memes! I have posted it under the cut. Members, please read and like! 
Also, I am changing my mascot to Jesse Williams now that I need Michael Trevino to rp Stefan! 
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Unless in the case of no starters being available, please reply to atleast three starters before posting one of your own.
Please don’t be excessive with starters, ie, don’t post one every other day and spam the group. But at times when starters are short on the tag, consider posting one to help activity! It’s all about balance!
We would encourage you to give more attention to starters with lesser notes.
Because of the tumblr tags being unreliable, we have a starter side blog, and admins will reblog your open starters there, but incase we miss it, please message the main.
You are allowed to post all kinds of memes at any time, but please don’t post multiple memes at the same time. If there is a meme circulating on the dash, wait till it has died out before posting a new one so that it does not get overwhelming.
Memes do not count as activity, unless they are starter memes to which you are replying in character and turning it into a post.
If you post or reblog memes, you are REQUIRED to send out memes to everyone else who reblog it! We urge you to put in a little effort, scroll through the dash and make sure you send out memes to all, so that nobody feels left out. This is one of the most common ways where rps begin to get cliquey, so please be inclusive. If you cannot do this, do not participate.
Reply to memes which are sent to you! Please do not ignore any memes which come to your inbox.
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talesofwight · 5 years
Character Info | Rufus Wightman
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Full name: Rufus Wightman
Pronunciation:  Ru - fus | wyt - muhn
Nicknames: Ruff, Ruffles, Ruffy, Ruffie, Roof, Roofles, Roofie, Roofus, Raf, Raffle, Raffie, Raffus, Wuffles, Woofy, Wuff, Wuffus, Wuffie, and Garzolthar the Unmaker. (Okay maybe not that last one.)
Height: Comparatively tall for a midlander, standing at around 6″ 2′.
Age: We’re so close to his - and my - birthday (July 16th) that I may as well say 31. Or just ‘early thirties’.
Zodiac: Byregot - Lightning Aspect
Languages: Common Eorzean (Mawil tagged me and put the rest of her stuff under the read more so I will do that here too. Besides I don’t like to spam.)
Hair colour: Dark ash/grey.
Eye colour: Icy silver.
Skin tone: Warm ivory.
Body type: Athletic, broad-shouldered. 
Accent: Not sure about accent, but he definitely has the tone of a middle-class, educated person.
Dominant hand: Right
Posture: Casual, loose, slightly withdrawn
Scars: The most prominent scar on Rufus would be the extremely visible one marring his brow in a diagonal line. Beyond that, his body is covered in a myriad of scars of various origins. From slashing wounds, to claws, to bites, to bolts, to fire/magic, to sheer impalement. Refer to this post for a solid example.
Tattoos: None!
Most noticeable features: If he is seen without gloves, one would note that on the back of his right hand, the skin is mangled and deformed, and seems to resemble the rough shape of the three spears of Halone. In addition, his left hand isn’t even of flesh at all. Instead it is a facsimile of an arm crafted of black metal which seems to be perpetually chilled to the touch.
Place of birth: Ul’dah.
Hometown: Ul’dah, again. In the backstreets.
Birth weight/height: Average
Manner of birth: Natural
First words: “No!”
Siblings: None 
Parents: Drystan and Selene Mercer
Parental involvement: His mother passed away when he was born, so all Rufus knows of her is what he has been able to piece together. His father was not a good one. He didn’t do much to help Rufus grow up. At least, not in the traditional sense. Drystan’s involvement forced Rufus to mature at a far younger age than he should have.
Occupation: Adventurer, Voidsent hunter
Current residence: He presently stays within his Company’s hold in the residential district of Limsa Lominsa.
Close friends: Rufus hasn’t been fortunate to be blessed with a variety of close friends. Many who he had been close with have either since gone far afield, or passed away. This hasn’t left him with mild abandonment issues at all, no.
Relationship status: Single as a pringle and ready to mingle. 
Financial status: Rufus enjoys a life of relative comfort. Obviously he has to spend a fair portion of his wages on weapon/armour repair and maintenance, but what he does have left over goes into the indulgence of his hobbies. Or mass quantities of fancy soap for his bath.
Vices: Prone to wanderlust every few years, excessive exercise sometimes to personal detriment
Sexual orientation:  Straight
Romantic orientation: Heteroromantic
Preferred emotional role: submissive | dominant | switch |  unsure
Preferred sexual role:  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch |  sex repulsed
Libido: Very active. Though he has precious few chances to make use of it.
Turn on’s: Physical strength, ability to use a sword, interest in exercise, can kick his ass, confidence (but not smugness), kindness, honesty, soft touches, neck kisses, and whispers of the salacious kind.
Turn off’s:  Extreme arrogance/narcissism/laziness, lack of respect, being used, being expected to do all the work all the goddamned time, inability to commit
Love language: Despite his usually closed-off demeanour, it doesn’t take an awful lot of tenderness to open the man up. And when he does, he becomes a pure cuddlebug. There will be a lot of gentle touches. Clasping hands, squeezing arms, or leaning his head against the other’s. Soft kisses on the cheek/head/hands also apply.
Relationship tendencies: Often things start out fairly strong physically for Rufus. Expect a lot of time spent being physically intimate. This quickly moves into emotional intimacy wherein the aforementioned behaviours crop up very frequently. Once things have had time to settle, and he has become comfortable in the relationship, then he’s pretty much got. Might as well marry him now.
Hobbies to pass the time: Cooking, fishing, exercising, reading, swordsmanship practice, or simply wandering. Mostly as long as it involves the outdoors, he is up for it.
Mental illnesses: If stress and mild PTSD count? Then those.
Physical illnesses: Well... he is missing his whole left arm. Does that count?
Left or right brained: Probably right-brained. Rufus loves to create, at least when he cooks. He views it as a method of artistic expression.
Fears: Being weak, being abandoned, and of loss.
Self confidence level: Fairly high. The man knows what he can do, and he plays to his strengths.
Vulnerabilities: Prone to bouts of extreme emotion -- at least so far as combat is concerned. Becomes quite shy and reserved around those partaking in alcohol, even if not to excess. His childhood still holds a painful sting to him.
Just an extra bit here, if you perchance wanted to read more I’ll leave a link to my recent LFRP post for Rufus here. Okay thanks bye Felicia.
Tagged by: @meandering-mind, @thegildenheart, and @thorcatte. A rate triple-tag! :o Tagging: @eggplant-xaela @ylaziel @alun-ura @kyrie-silverwings @passage-of-arms @locke-rinannis @a-shadows-kiss @balance-maintained @vysaldhe @caewen-ffxiv aaaaaaand uh... anyone else! Do the thing. Apologies if you were already tagged/have done this ;w;
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realtrafficsource · 6 years
The Best SEO Tips For Quick And Fast Results
If you’re looking for the best SEO tips to get you started down the path towards quick results and efficient website strategy then here’s what you need! I’ve put together the best information, gathered from years of hands-on experience, testing different tactics and trying various strategies. These are the best practices that will enable you and your website to reach a new level, or to get off the ground running right away.
Our best SEO tips
1. Keyword Basics: The most important thing with keywords for your website is that you have to begin the process with proper research. Take advantage of free tools and services at your disposal such as the Google Adwords tool, and consider paying for more advanced and detailed programs.
Remember that keyword density is a thing of the past, there is no density you should be opting for. Instead, focus on natural inclusion of your targeted keywords, working them in where possible without doing it excessively.
Note: The fastest results are seen in targeting a larger number of lower level competitive terms.
2. Create Great URLS: There are many steps that go into creating great URLs. Starting from the beginning, you should pick a domain name that is short, memorable and includes your most important keyword phrase. While hyphens are acceptable, more than two begins to get excessive and spam-like.
For your individual page names, also include a relevant keyword, so that each URL looks something like www.your-main-keyword.com/targeted-page-keyword.html. When possible, avoid using session IDs and other dynamic page variables that add a lot of unnecessary junk to your page URLs.
Note: If you already have a site that you cannot adjust the page structure to accommodate keywords in your URLs, then consider buying additional domains (building mini sites) to support various segments within your niche. These additional mini sites will drive traffic to your main domain.
3. Find Long Tail Keywords: Long tail keywords often are the secret to great search engine rankings. Long tail keywords include at least three words, and when you find ones related to your niche you will be facing much less competition. Additionally, the traffic you see as a result will be much more effectively targeted, ensuring you see better results.
Note: Add longer tail keywords into your URL will help as well (see #2). Do a quick search and you will see most “experts” agree that the buyers are found with the Long Tail Terms. Boost your earnings through driving more of the right type of traffic….buyers!
4. Use Latent Semantic Indexing: Latent semantic indexing, or LSI, is the process of including related keywords and phrases to your main phrases in order to boost your site’s value in the search engines. So if your site was about coffeemakers, you can include other related words, ranging from coffee makers to iced coffee and organic coffee and on down the list to help boost your rankings. This will also keep your site from appearing as spam, as you won’t just be reusing the same keywords over and over again.
Secrte best SEO tips: The more content you have on your site about the general topic, the better your site will do for the specifics within that niche. That’s how a site becomes an authority on a topic.
5. Get Smart with Internal Links: Many websites don’t properly use their internal links to their own advantage. However, it’s an easy way to help each of your pages gain a higher and more targeted ranking in the search engines. Be sure to include each page’s main targeted keyword or phrase in internal links pointing to it, and always be sure to reference your other pages with links within your site’s content when appropriate.
Example: You sell a type of Coffee maker. Make sure that anyplace that keyword is found on your site that it is linked to the specific product profile page. This helps the individual profile page rank higher in the search engines.
6. Dive into PPC: Whereas other SEO strategies take time to work, pay-per-click advertising is a great way to see instantaneous results. Start running a campaign for your website, backed up with all of the keyword research you have already done. Begin small, as costs can quickly get out of hand if you don’t know what you’re doing. Experiment with different ads, different bidding strategies and different targeted keywords until you start to see consistent results, then pick up the pace and run larger campaigns.
Note: One sure way to confirm that the keywords you’re targeting with your SEO efforts will drive the right type of traffic is to pay to get them their 1st. If they don’t buy then target a different keyword phrase.
7. Optimize your Images: Always include an ALT tag for your images that describes what the image is – with targeted keywords and phrases. This ensures that people who can’t see images see something in their spots, but this also helps you get found in image based searches. Additionally, try naming your images with a keyword in the filename, as in, targetedkeyphrase1.jpg.
Note: Don’t overdo it. Some people will read that and then force a bunch of keywords in every image on their site. The idea is to do what you would typically do but this time do it “right”. If the image is relevant – name it something relevant. Oh, and also, if it is a button or something else that isn’t relevant to your niche, name it something with numbers, as in, 1010101.jpg.
8. Optimize your Title Tag: Many people think that anything they put in their title tag will be sufficient but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Your page title provides an excellent opportunity to boost your rankings, as well as draw people into your site to see more visitors.
To begin with, your title should be kept short, no more than 60 or 70 characters in length. Also, ensure that every page has its own unique title, instead of merely listing your site’s name on all of them. Work your targeted keywords into the title and be sure to be more descriptive and exciting than just labeling a page as “Home” or “About Us”.
Secret best SEO tips: When giving each page its own title, try and include product model or product names to help drive targeted traffic..
9. META Tag Notes: The META Keywords tag is no longer used by Google for ranking, although other search engines may still make use of it. More important are the META Title and META description tags. Keep your title to 70 characters or less, and keep your META description to 160 characters or less, anything more will just get cut off by the search engines. Of course, remember to include your targeted keywords in these META tags.
Secret best SEO tips: The META description is what the searcher will read in the organic listing so try and make it sound compelling and give the searcher a reason to click on your site.
10. Link Building, What Not to Do: Many people go in the entirely wrong direction when it comes to link building. For example, buying links or participating in a link farm is a strategy that’s doomed from the get-go. You should also avoid low quality, spammy directories and you must understand that tactics like link exchanges, blog commenting and forum posting have all been devalued as compared to how they used to be viewed. Also remember that when you build thousands of links in a few days, you will stand out as unnatural.
Note: It’s best to build links over time from high value sites. Think of sites that are in your niche that you consider the highest value and work directly with them to get a link to your site (can link out to them – see below).
11. Link Building, What you Should Do: Submitting to high quality, respected directories such as DMOZ (it’s very hard to get accepted), Best of the Web and others can pay huge dividends. You should link out to your niche authorities to help boost your own reputation, and you should focus on providing catchy, unique and engaging content that serves as “link bait” for your site. Social networks can be beneficial when used in the right fashion.
Secret best SEO tips: Link Bait is content that is so good that people want to talk about it. One way to do this is provide content that is controversial.
12. Don’t Forget Canonicalization: If you want to maximize your search engine results while also improving your ability to track your site’s traffic, then you need to ensure that your pages aren’t being counted more than once. Your home page may be coming up in different ways as http://yourdomain.com, http://www.yourname.com and http://www.yourdomain.com/index.html. This can confuse the search engines and impact your tracking stats. Use 301 redirects to move your pages to one home page, and fix any issues with other pages on your site as well.
Secret best SEO tips: Talk to your techie about implementing this strategy. WordPress has a great plug-in for this that makes it really easy….yet another reason why I LOVE WordPress.
13. Stick with HTML: The benefits of JavaScript and other program languages are lost when they aren’t searchable in the search engines. Everything you do you want to be helping your cause of ranking highly, which means sticking to easily accessed HTML for your website. Avoid overcomplicating your site with excess forms, frames of any kind, or any code that isn’t searchable.
Note: As I stated in #12, I love WordPress. Why, well one of the main engineers at Google said it best, “WordPress does 80-90% Google loves without changing a setting”. If you haven’t already I would look for ways to use WordPress in your business.
Like I said at the start of this list. Go through each item and check it off. If you are doing each of these then you’re doing most of what’s required to get good SEO scores. Stay tuned for our next email with more tips and strategies on what you can do to boost your SEO rankings!
View best SEO tips article here:
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2TWgM43 via IFTTT
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community-gardens · 7 years
i got tagged by @scaliegays ! Thank you Pabwo :33
Nicknames: i don't really have any since i pretty much go by Sil now! @ friends name me
Gender: ??? girl-aligned nb?? genderfluid?? bigender?? just a gal??? idk! i'm too busy loving my girlfriend to think about it
Sign: Taurus!
Height: here's a fun thing: i literally can't remember. somewhere in the 170-180 cm zone. 5'7''-5'11''. i don't know my dudes
Time: 11:30 am
Birthday: April, 30th!
Favorite bands: i'm very inconsistent when it comes to music buuuut mcr, Worriers, Bleachers are also good. The Mountain Goats when i'm in the Mood
Favorite solo artists: uhhhh the scary jokes, Ladyhawke, Sufjan, Carly Rae Jepsen. also Hatsune Miku real
Last movie I saw: uhhh does 'Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog' count?
Last show I watched: it was su fhfrhg
When did I create my blog: abooout two years ago?
What do I post: gay
Last thing I googled: i was googling a simple phrase to make sure i english right
Do I have any other blogs: boy do i. i have my old trashcan of a sideblog i used for taz spam and excessive venting, i have my secret blog with a Password for venting and sources, i have my regular vent blog (can you tell i whine a lot), i have that one thing for liveblogging! i also made a separate account a couple of days ago for one thing i'm gonna mention later >:3c
Do I get asks: not really unless it's my mutuals after i reblog an ask meme! That being said I'm always open to all kinds of rants
Why did I choose my url: i love Miku and i love this song
Following: 300
Followed by: 246!
Average hours of sleep: liike 4-6 when school, around ten when not
Instruments: i'm not cool enough fhfgj but!! i'd love to learn how to play guitar!
What I am wearing: jeans, stripped dark blue shirt and a tacky-ass vest
Dream job: candy pulling. lesbianism
Dream trip: i wanna travel around the world and meet my friends and give them big hugs!!
Favorite food: all kinds of pasta, fried rice, desserts
Favorite song: '1/6 Out of the gravity' linked above; 'Open Up Your Eyes'; 'Futile Devices'; some others that I don't remember rn!
Last book I read: 'The Martian'! If we don't count student books
Top 3 fictional universes I would like to join: mlp, Pokemón, Potwór's Silver Sea setting (furry elves!!)
I'm supposed to tag 20 ppl here but uhhhhh i'd die fhggfj. mmmm @lloydbrunel and @raimijenner if you want to!!!
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sword-and-lance · 7 years
Class/Music Meme
Rules: 1. Take your favourite classes that you often play/RP with and take a screenshot of them in action! 2. Find a song that matches both your play-style/character style and label each class!
Dark Knight:
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Umai by Shireen
And you’ll reach for the sky But in this mud you'll die And you will pray When lightning illuminates your face
Daeyona was always a rather violent fighter, prone to near-berserker furies when provoked, but such things apply even more so to her after she delved so deeply into the dark arts--so deeply that it’s debatable whether she counts as alive or dead or something not quite of either. Her darkside in particular, even now or perhaps especially now, is merciless, prideful, and prone to excessively-dramatic displays of force...and believes itself to be a vengeful god, exacting a bloody price on whoever dares to wrong it.
Sometimes, she even gives it full rein to do so, when she doesn’t have to worry about...collateral damage.
She is a vicious and bloodthirsty death to be had, when fighting without reservation, and no amount of pain or threat is capable of breaking through the fury clouding her mind when she does. She experienced so much of it even before the hellish ritual she inflicted on herself that it mostly just serves to heighten her violence instead.
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Archangel by Two Steps From Hell
Not a class that Dae canonically plays - she’s a Dark Knight and a Dark Knight only, in that sense. But, frankly, I play this class often enough in-game on her character that I felt like including it in this meme anyway. It’s pretty much my go-to for DPSing these days. :Dc
There is something oddly satisfying to play about this class, at least once I finally “got it” and started really seeing what damage it could do (instead of cluelessly flailing around like I was for a while, lol). It’s an absolute joy in dungeons and the part of me that enjoys big kaboom just adores getting to wade into a pack of enemies and smite them all into nothing, tbh.
...Kind of a pity I usually don’t get to show off the LB3 except in a small handful of instances and whenever the other DPS just forget to do it.
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Iron by Within Temptation
Oh damn, the war is coming! Oh damn, you feel you want it! Oh damn, just bring it on today!
Again, not a class that Dae canonically plays, but...I’ve grown a lot more fond of this class as of late, changes and all.
I will say it feels particularly amazing in dungeons, just because Inner Release lets you go so completely spam-happy on single target or AOE. Can’t help but feel like I could charge into anything headlong and smack it into submission with an axe on this class... :D
Too bad I probably need SkS melds to consistently hit the appropriate windows with my ping, but that’s another rant for another time
Tagged by: I stole it when I saw it floating around in a few places, lol
Tagging: Eh if you wanna do it go for it, just tag me in it so I can see~
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Subreddit Update and "What Counts as Accidental" 3 - AccidentalCamouflage.tumblr.com [
Hey subscribers, the subreddit's gone through a lot of growth in recent times and a lot of things were clunky remnants of the old system, so I thought I'd go through and do a pretty major update.
Firstly, to fill people in, we've had a pretty strange situation regarding the moderators. Our previous top mod and creator of the subreddit, /u/AlcoholicUnclePete has entirely disappeared off Reddit (not just this subreddit) for about the past 9 months. He did a lot of good work getting the subreddit started, but he did lay out a few things pretty strangely, not to mention it was before the major Reddit overhaul so mobile devices and users on the new layout were stuck with a pretty barren look for the sub. After I confirmed he wasn't responding to messages, I eventually got him removed as top mod through /r/redditrequest. He was the only mod with full permissions, so the other mods didn't even have the power to make basic changes until he was gone - thankfully this has been resolved now. If Pete ever returns to Reddit, we will get him right back on the mod team, but until then, the show must go on. With the increased power for mods, change will be a lot easier, and things should be running more smoothly from here on out.
As for the update itself, in brief-
New Reddit, New Look. Banners, icons, backgrounds and colours have been added to the New Reddit theme, which is also the one used on mobile. It's pretty basic and abstract at the moment, but we have some fun plans for that in the future.
Automod has been configured for this subreddit. Without going into too many details (so people don't work around it), it will remove or report posts and comments that look like spam or doxxing, and has methods to alert the human mods more quickly to violations and generally keep the peace. For example, swearing in the comments now results in an insta-report and a message to the user reminding them to keep the friendly environment of the subreddit in mind: this should help us keep on top of the rare slapfights and political arguments that break out in the comments. You may not have seen them, but they have happened in the past!
Reports have been updated with proper selectable reasons in accordance to the revised rules. This, in combination with certain AutoMod tools should help us much more quickly sort out violations, and make it easier for users to report them.
We have rules now! Pete's original rule layout included only 1 rule: "Don't be an ass". While this has been kept as our number one and arguably most important rule, I have formalized the rules we have been operating by in terms of removals and moderation since pretty much day one. These are visible now on the Old Reddit sidebar and New Reddit "Rules" section.
These rules are:
1.Don't be an ass.
Be nice to each other. Context matters, but generally if people start swearing at each other in the comments, the mods will step in. This subreddit should be a friendly and casual environment.
2.Keep the camouflage accidental.
Check the latest "What Counts As Accidental" thread stickied at the top of the front page for an in-detail breakdown of what we count as accidental and what we don't.
Also, please don't call people out for "not being accidental" if you're not familiar with the rules - half or more of the comments I see saying "looks pretty intentional to me..." or something to that effect are on totally acceptable posts. Similarly, bad posts are not always rule breaking posts! Sometimes, the camouflage doesn't look convincing, but that is not a reason for it to be "not accidental" - just downvote the post, that's what they're for.
3.Don't post irrelevant content.
The one we are strictest on - don't post content that is blatantly irrelevant to the subreddit's theme. This includes joke posts which feature nothing at all (to get people to spend time looking for the mysterious camouflaged item).
Posting irrelevant content intentionally or repeatedly will likely result in a ban to the user.
4.No excessive reposting.
Reposts are allowed, but if the repost is recent (still on the front page) or very commonly reposted, it may be removed to prevent clutter
5.Do not harass the hidden penguins on the subreddit.
They are here for your safety.
The rules should all be pretty obvious, and most of you seem to be operating according to them anyhow, but they are now 100% clear for people to refer to.
Finally, the latest variation of What Counts As Accidental. Some change has been made, so it's worth having a scan through if you plan on posting.
We define "accidental camouflage" as
Two or more items that are so visually similar that they are hard to distinguish between at a glance that are not intentionally designed to be visually similar
As for natural (plant and animal) camouflage, treat the phrase "intentionally designed" to mean through evolution or any alternate mechanism you believe is responsible for living organism's forms.
ie: It does not belong on this subreddit if it is blending in with its natural environment.
However, this does not mean that animals can never be posted - a horse blending in with water or the ever popular dog blending in with the carpet are still totally acceptable: their camouflage is not "designed" to blend in with these backgrounds, so these types of posts are still fine for the sub.
Similar patterns overlaid with each other, such as a checkerboard pattern on a dress matching a checkerboard pattern on a handkerchief are now considered as "accidental" when they were previously considered "not accidental". These posts were generally well received, and the items are not actually designed to blend into each other, so we have changed our mind on how these are moderated.
GOOD: Example 1 - This is a standard shoe design-it was never intended to blend in with a tiled floor or to look like one. This is accidental.
Example 2 - The classic first post that got this sub going. As with the guy's shoes, these were not designed to visually resemble that type of rack, it is just a dotted pattern. This is accidental.
Example 3 - Accidental again: cat's faces are not designed (in our sense of the word) to resemble men's foreheads.
Example 4 - Wait a minute, this is literal camouflage: how can this be classified as good? This type of post causes the most issues, but we actually regard this as accidental. This is because, while military gear is camouflaged, it is intended to blend in with foliage, not old couches-it has not been intentionally designed in order to blend in with these surroundings. You can look at it as the coach being the camouflaged object - it strangely blends into the soldier's uniform when it was not designed to do so.
Example 5 - Compare to "Bad" Example 1. While it's almost certain that the girl wore those clothes to take a photo like this, the clothes themselves were not intentionally designed to mimic sand or water (NOTE: There is no way to know this for sure, but nothing indicates that they were designed with this in mind). This photo is thus counted as accidental.
BAD:Example 1 - The swimsuit is intentionally designed to be visually similar to water at a beach - as opposed to "Good" Example 5, in which the resemblence is a coincidence. Even though it is (most likely) not designed to look like the beach in the photo and quite possibly designed without this type of "camouflage" in mind, this still counts as intentional design and is therefore not accidental.
Example 2 - Blending in with this environment is the reason why girraffes look like that, therefore for the purposes of this subreddit, this is "intentionally designed" and therefore not accidental.
Example 3- While the socks are in all likelyhood not designed to place over cats' faces and blend in with them, they have been intentionally designed to resemble a cat's face. For this reason, we classify this picture as not accidental.
Example 4-This is literally just camouflage.
We are quite lax on the "not accidental" rule since it's a little subjective, and generally I just tag a post "Not Accidental" and leave it up. If you see such a post and you don't want it to be on the subreddit, go ahead and give it a report, if you don't care, do nothing. If certain types get lots of reports, we will take them down and consider enforcing that section of the rules more strictly but as it stands, I'm happy with the "accidental" rule being more of a guideline.
Leave your feedback and suggestions in the comments and as always, try to blend in - or don't...
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whistlenote · 4 years
Web page Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization fundamentals: fundamentals you require for enhancing your site
Here we ll take a look at the fundamental points you require to know in relation to internet search engine optimisation, a self-control that everybody in your organisation ought to a minimum of be aware of, otherwise have a respectable technological understanding.  
 One of our most popular posts of perpetuity is a blog post qualified SEO Fundamentals: 8 Fundamentals When Enhancing Your Site. It still does business for us in regards to web traffic, however it was initial published in April 2013, so you can treat this as its lengthy overdue and expanded upgrade.
Do not turn off your remarks system. Having a flourishing community of regular commenters participating in discussion under your articles reveals that visitors care enough regarding your material to either make their own appropriate points or to applaud it or to ruthlessly eviscerate it. In any case, at the very least people are reading it.   Just be super-mindful concerning straining spam comments, or promptly eliminating any type of that slide with. It s also worth including the nofollow worth to your remarks area so Google disregards any incorrect links that may show up.
Meta summaries and also title tags
Having a meta description won t always boost your ranking on the SERP, however it is something you ought to most definitely utilize prior to publishing a short article as it can help raise your possibilities of a searcher clicking your result.  The meta description is the brief paragraph of message that shows up under your page s LINK in the search results, it s additionally something you should have total control of in your CMS.  Below it is in WordPress:.    Compose succinctly (under 156 characters is great), clearly and see to it it s pertinent to your headline and also the material of the article itself.  There is even more advice discovered here: how to compose meta descriptions for SEO.  Title tags are made use of to inform internet search engine and site visitors what your site is about in one of the most concise as well as precise method possible. The keyword phrases in your title tag show up highlighted in online search engine results (if the inquiry utilizes those key words), in addition to in your web browser tab as well as when sharing your website on the surface.  You can write your own title tag inside the  area of your website s HTML:.      You ought to make use of a couple of accurate key phrases explaining the page along with your very own brand. Just use appropriate key words though, as well as the most crucial thing to take into consideration is that although you are formatting for internet search engine, you must compose for human beings.  There is a lot a lot more useful advice to be discovered in our total guide to title tags.
Web link purchasing or excessive web link exchanging
Thinking about approaching a link ranch? Just put on t do it. It s not even worth it. The most beneficial links to your site are the ones that come from authority sites within your own specific niche.
Why do you require Search Engine Optimization?
Constructing a strong site style and offering clear navigation will aid online search engine index your site swiftly as well as quickly. This will likewise, a lot more notably, offer site visitors with a great experience of utilizing your site and motivate repeat gos to. It s worth taking into consideration that Google is progressively taking note of user experience.  When it concerns how much web traffic is driven by online search engine to your internet site, the percentage is considerable, as well as probably the clearest indicator of the value of SEO.  In 2014, Conductor recommended 64% of all web website traffic originates from organic search, contrasted to 2% from social, 6% from paid search, 12% straight as well as 15% from other referral sources.   This tallies with our own information, with approximately 70-75% of SEW website traffic coming from organic.  Of all organic traffic, in 2015 it was discovered that Google represent greater than 90% of international natural search traffic. So undoubtedly you require a strong existence on Google SERPs, however just how strong?  Well, according to this research study from Advanced Internet Position (which I ve trotted out before when going over exactly how to dominate Google) reveals that on the initial SERP, the leading five outcomes make up 67.60% of all clicks as well as the results from six to 10 account for only 3.73%.    It s as a result important that your website appears in the top 5 results.  Exactly how are you mosting likely to achieve this? With the adhering to tips, which I ve divided into two categories: what online search engine are searching for and drum roll what they re not searching for.
Inner connecting
We ve spoken about the advantages of ensuring your site has clear as well as user friendly navigating, but there s likewise a practice that editors as well as writers can accomplish when publishing articles to assist press traffic around the website and that may bring about greater count on signals for Google: internal linking. (See what we did there.).  Interior connecting has many advantages:.  It supplies your audience with additional reading alternatives. As long as they re relevant and you use clear support message (the clickable highlighted words in any kind of offer web link). This can help in reducing your bounce prices. It aids to boost your position for certain keyword phrases. If we desire this short article to rank for the term SEO basics after that we can begin linking to it from other posts using variations of comparable anchor message. This informs Google that this blog post is relevant to people searching for Search Engine Optimization basics. Some professionals suggest differing your support message pointing to the exact same web page as Google might see numerous similar uses as dubious. It helps Google crawl and index your site. Those little Googlebots that are sent out to bring brand-new info on your site will certainly have a much better idea of how helpful and also credible your content is, the more they creep your inner web links.
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husnainhameez · 6 years
10 Advanced On-Page SEO Techniques to get higher ranking in 2018
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In the period of digitization, taking your business online has been urgent. Nonetheless, simply going on the web isn't sufficient to catch the eye of your intended interest group.  Regardless of whether you keep up a wide range of polished skill in your business site, it would stay deficient except if progressed SEO methods and systems are actualized strategically.  Pondering what those strategies are?  Today, you will know a portion of the best SEO techniques that will help enhance your site's improvement (and activity) astoundingly. These are the correct SEO methodologies that have supported our natural web crawler activity (special guest) by 35.36% in only 30 days. For what reason Do You Need Search engine optimization Services? Presently, when a few bloggers hear the expression "Search engine optimization streamlined articles", they think this is some sort of terrible practice. However, it's not just not terrible, it's essential. Here is some something worth mulling over: For what reason would you say you are not positioning on the main page of indexed lists?  All things considered, there is likely plenty of reasons, yet in the event that you aren't focusing on SEO, at that point that is presumably the most compelling motivation.   So when we do SEO-advancement of a post, we take after a specific arrangement of demonstrated strategies to rank it higher on a web crawler.  Presently, Google doesn't just consider on-page SEO score when positioning an article. It additionally considers numerous different components like web-based social networking signals (shares, likes, tweets, takes after, and so on.), backlinks, area expert, and numerous other off-page measurements.   Our objective with on-page SEO is to advance an article in a characteristic, yet shrewd way, so web crawlers can undoubtedly select the objective watchword and bring our site focused on guests. Here are 10 lesser-known SEO strategies to begin positioning today and multiplying your movement:  
1. Recognize Key Landing Pages 
I put presentation pages before catchphrase looks into. The reason being, it's hard to change your range of abilities and administration/item offering and your business than it is to pick your catchphrases. You have an item or an administration that you exceed expectations of giving. We should influence it to achieve the market.  Distinguishing points of arrival ought to be a really simple exercise since you know the pages you need to rank. Nonetheless on the off chance that you make a beeline for Google Analytics > Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages, you'll see the best pages on your site where guests are really landing.
2. Post Permalink Structure 
Ensuring your URL is shown accurately is an essential on-page metric. Once more, you should utilize your objective watchword in the URL, and abstain from utilizing uncommon characters, images, sections, commas, and so on inside the real URL.  Utilize dashes to separate the strings in your URL structure. These are designated "lovely" permalinks and are bolstered by most internet browsers.   A case of a decent permalink: https://www.domain.com/post-title-isolated with-dashes
3. Heading Tags 
You should utilize making a beeline to feature different headings, sub-headings, and imperative focuses. One is sufficient. For area breaks, stick to H2 and H3 labels. Likewise, don't utilize excessively numerous H2 or H3 labels as Google's calculations won't that way.
4. Keyword Density 
You should keep the watchword thickness of around 1.5% percent with a blend of LSI catchphrases. Be that as it may, as Matt Cutts clarifies in the video underneath, there is no genuine enchantment recipe.  Utilize your fundamental catchphrase once in the main section and again in the last passage. What's more, utilize it in the substance where it bodes well.
5. Meta Tags 
You should include a one of a kind and important meta portrayal with each blog entry.  Once more, you should utilize your utilization focused on catchphrase in the meta depiction, however, don't watchword spam your portrayal. While web search tools get on catchphrases, it's likewise imperative for clients to tap on the post. You have to compose easily to use meta depictions that bode well and are identified with your post.  With respect to meta catchphrases, Google has clarified that they couldn't care less about them. Yet, some web search tools, such as Bing, may in any case mind a bit.
6. Distinguish and Fix 404 Pages
Identifying 404 pages is quite facile. You can utilize a product, for example, SEO Spider from Screaming Frog, or you can utilize Xenu's Link Sleuth device. The more troublesome part is to resolve the problems with those links. Once the crawling is finished and you've recognized the missing links, it's very dreary to go into each post and make corrections in 10 references to the same broken link. Give me a chance to acquaint you with some literally effective search and replace tool. There are 2 techniques you can utilize. I would suggest with preference to utilize the PHP database search and replace script. Another approach to accomplish a similar thing is to utilize WP CLI search and replace script.
7. Programmed Intelligent Redirects 
Over the span of time, slugs will change, URLs will change. It's great to have a type of fallback set up just on the off chance that things go 404. WP Intelli 404 Redirects is a module I wrote to deal with simply that. It depends on a lesser known PHP work that figures the Levenshtein score in light of the post slug coordinate. Furthermore, it works like enchantment.  It attempts to coordinate the slug of the asked for page or post and in the event that you are going to hit a 404, it will consequently divert you to the nearest slug coordinate from a current post. Isn't that cool? This ensures guests hit a 404 page just if all else fails.  As a reward, add a pursuit box to your 404 page. That would prove to be useful. You've recently ensured that a 404 is the exact opposite thing a guest would anticipate that when coming will your site. You, in reality, run a tight ship.
8. Execute SILO content design 
And keeping in mind that you are concentrating on-page SEO, don't leave any stone unturned. Storehouse Information Architecture is a lesser-known SEO method which enables you to rank higher utilizing something like 90% less inbound connections than your rivals. Most brands spend a revolting measure of cash on off-page SEO third-party references. On the off chance that your site does not have the right design, this implies 90% more work, time and cash. Alright, once more… 90% more work, 90% additional time, 90% more cash.  Orchestrating your site content into the specialty, progressive, efficient and arranged subjects will improve regular permeability and positions in SERPs.
9. Word Count Per Post 
Blog entries that don't have a ton of words regularly don't perform well on web crawlers. That is on account of they're generally observed as being "less useful". Of course, there are exemptions, yet for a general data based blog, making posts with no less than 500 words is truly standard.  It's in every case better to be all around investigated and excessively instructive than it is to not give enough data. This is particularly valid in case you're focusing on very aggressive catchphrases.   Proposal: Analyze different posts for your objective catchphrase and perceive what number of words they have.  While there is no "official" check, longer presents tend to rank better on the grounds that there is ordinarily more data there. For example, this post is more than 2,000 words. Yet, be mindful so as not to overdo it.
10. Compose Engaging Content 
You ought to compose connecting with content. Period. In case you're attempting to get by with low-quality substance and "trap" web crawlers, you will definitely come up short. Your post ought to be an entire manual for that watchword. You ought to figure out how to connect with your gathering of people in a way that works for them. Have a go at asking your perusers addresses and noting them. Comprehend what they need to peruse, and afterward compose that.   On the off chance that you can't compose drawing in content, individuals won't invest much energy in your blog, your ricochet rate will increment, and your rankings will dive. The things that rank the most elevated are the things that are the most useful, the most captivating, and the most helpful. So endeavour to make content that perusers love, and web crawlers will love you as well.  The propelled Search Engine Optimization systems and techniques in 2018 are relied upon to enhance the usefulness and nature of an extensive number of sites. With more individuals getting to be instructed regarding the matter, we can expect much better involvement from motors and also driving destinations like Wikipedia, and so forth, to help their diversion and enhance extraordinary compared to other things on the planet: The World Wide Web. Lastly SEO is a philosophical approach. It is anything but a module that you introduce and let go. It's a system and a procedure as long as possible; a power of propensity that you should construct and seek after to prevail in long run.  What are your tips for improving blog entries? Offer them with me! div.bg { padding-top: 2px; padding-right: 65px; padding-bottom: 3px; padding-left: 65px; background-color:#fdf494e8 } Guest Blogger: Laura is a Marketing Manager at WebDigify. She is a resident of UK. Laura is also an experienced in Template Design. She also likes to share her thoughts ,SEO, Digital marketing strategy, and web development techniques. Read the full article
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New Post has been published on http://getblackhatdownload.com/get-tube-sensei-are-you-sick-of-being-stuck-in-slow-motion-when-it-comes-to-ranking-your-youtube-videos-download/
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Look, unless you’ve been living under a rock, I think it’s safe to say that you’ve watched a video or two on YouTube – Probably several each and every day. 
And, I am not much of a gambler… But I’d also be willing to bet that you know that YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world. 
I’ll even go as far to say that you have probably heard all the stories of how easy it is to rank YouTube videos on the first page of Google – and cash in big as a result.
My Only Question to You is This: What is Holding You Back From Doing So?…
In this short letter I will show you exactly how you can rank your videos quicker and easier than ever before.
When I stumbled onto this “ranking secret” everything changed for me.
I went from my videos being nowhere to be found on the search engines, to consistently ranking on the first page of Google and YouTube…
But it wasn’t always like this.
I Struggled with Video Marketing…
A few months ago I was having a hard time ranking my videos online. I would spend my days trying every single method possible to somehow get my videos to rank higher.
I was stressed. I was overwhelmed. I needed help.
At the time I wanted more traffic to my website. I was tired of seeing my daily visitors count at a big fat ZERO.
Traffic is the lifeblood of every business.
Without the ability to generate traffic on command…
You’ll have less subscribers on your email list!
You’ll have less customers buying your products!
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Your business will not be able to move forward and be successful!
I needed to figure out how to rank videos once and for all.
The only problem was, I didn’t know how.
I tried every method for ranking videos that I could find. Everything from…
Messing with complicated SEO strategies
Spending lots of money trying to get high pagerank backlinks
Spamming my video in as many different places as possible
Sadly… None of them worked!
Suddenly Everything Changed…
I went back to the drawing board and decided to take matters into my own hands.
I studied all the leading video marketing experts in the industry and tried to reverse engineer what their secret was for generating tons of traffic from YouTube.
And what I discovered will surprise you.
The key to ranking videos essentially boils down to this: Your video details have to be optimized for the keyword you want to rank for!
This is the most important step.
A big reason why many videos fail to rank is because their video details aren’t properly optimized.
They either are way too broad and the search engines have no idea what you’re even trying to rank for…
Or they’re way too narrow (read: spammy) and your video ends up being knocked out of the search results before it can even put up a fighting chance.
I decided to test out this “video details” theory with my own videos to see how they would do.
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The Outcome was Just Amazing, 
Here Are The Results I Got…
Now you know how important it is to optimize your video details when it comes to ranking videos.
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SEO is Not Hard — A step-by-step SEO Series for beginners
When you look for something online making use of a internet search engine, how often do you go past the initial web page of outcomes? If you're like the majority of people, you do not need to transcend web page one to locate exactly what you want. Which's why your site requires seo, or Search Engine Optimization. Below are a couple of means to make certain your website appears on top of the list. When establishing your website with SEO, understand exactly how search engine spiders see your page. For example, while making use of photos for navigating web links might look attractive to human viewers, it will harm your online search engine rankings. Your rankings, as well as your online reputation for customers with ease of access concerns, will be increased if you use mostly message or at the very least provide a text option for image web links. If you are making use of photos on your website, include your keyword phrases and also expressions into photo tags and also data names. By doing so, you include weight to the engines as well as boost your portion of duplicate weight significantly. Each picture ought to carry some quantity of this phrasing, or it might be a squandered image. With SEO, don't be afraid to earn blunders. If you try something and it doesn't function, you could constantly return later on and make changes. Among the most crucial things is to maintain putting out brand-new material as well as keep your web pages fresh, so also blunders will have a favorable effect on your search engine positions, as long as you care for mistakes as quickly as you discover them. Keywords If your service is not the kind that needs you to freshen the material of your internet site regularly, you should have a blog in the web site to make certain you are generating fresh web content. Internet search engine will place your site greater on search engine result web pages when you on a regular basis generate brand-new web content. Visit the sites of your rivals. Do net look for the key words that are related to your personal business to locate various other sites that relate. It is a terrific way to obtain fresh suggestions for your website as well as to learn exactly what it is that your rivals are doing to have a effective website. Make your site LINK much more SEO-friendly. Incorporate some or all your keywords in your site address, like "www.mysite.com/antique-book-store". This will certainly assist internet search engine discover your site. Additionally, make use of hyphens instead of underscores since hyphens count as spaces but highlights do not. Yet do not do it too much; having several dashes make your web link look like spam and also people could not click them. While acquiring a domain name may feel like properly to go, many internet search engine do not advise it. Some online search engine have a lengthy delay for including brand-new sites to their existing listings, and also the last point you desire is to delay getting new site visitors. Using your existing internet site is extra viable, given that the delay time for some engines is up to a complete year. Session IDs are challenging for the search engines so prevent them ideally. Session IDs make the engine assume that the website they are checking out is entirely new even though it's not. This can create the crawlers to think that you are aiming to spam the index, resulting in a restriction. Keep away from session IDs completely. If you are interested in employing an SEO firm, meeting them, ask inquiries. You deserve to understand exactly how they operate. Also it's important to get specific details about any kind of dangers associated with the process. Do not take just what they state at face value; study the business and also get as lots of questions responded to prior to you begin. Every web page on a site uses an chance for a customer or a online search engine crawler to locate your web site and also review your web pages. When you include a blog to your internet site, you open a great deal of brand-new opportunities for your website to be discovered. Your blog could review really tiny elements of your particular niche that will appeal to a tangent of your target group. That's why adding a blog is such a good Search Engine Optimization method. Beware exactly how frequently you use ALT and TITLE attributes on a web page. If you have 14 images and also little message, the ALT as well as TITLE tags, packed with search phrases can appear to be excessive used and also an attempt to video game the system. Aim to cancel, exactly how often you utilize them versus just how much copy is on the actual web page. Branch out as well as specialize your content to increase your internet site into a metropolitan area of fabulous details. If you have a couple of web pages with wide subjects, you have much less for the internet search engine to index and also viewers will not have a reason to review it because it will not have much information. Numerous pages with very topical details, provide the search engines more to look at and also your target market something worth reading. Try utilizing Adwords about geo-targeting. This can assist you see exactly how site visitors from different areas around the world influence your rankings. Global number conversion can suspicious, yet Adwords does offer you a little insight as to how well you are doing in various other countries. Search engines present your site in their returns by duplicating your web page's title tag. One method to earn your tag stick out in the online search engine returns is to come before the text as well as follow it with a sign. This has the effect of capturing the searchers eye and also drawing it to your listing. Use only released requirements to confirm your markup or website appearance. You need to strive to make use of each and every header tag when possible; as well as structure your site material to ensure that it is presented plainly and also in a rational, hierarchical order. This makes it simpler for different online search engine solutions to assess as well as rate your website. Search Engine Optimization is the most effective method to earn sure your web site reaches web page one of those search engine result to make sure that people will certainly see your site and also hopefully buy your product or service. Complying with these tips will certainly maintain your site increasing until it's primary on the search engine results pages.
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darylpoland3-blog · 6 years
It’s Not One thing We’re Used To
Don’t presumably give your clientele the sense you are additionally awesome for these people. This implies that individuals see you as an authority in your area and offer you their undivided attention. People search for hashtags to search out content material. If needed, rent a devoted writer that can assist you create content material on your weblog. There are free apps available for download in your smartphone that aid you get followers. We go from 50 potential clicks to 10. Our closing reason for Twitter not generating visitors is the fact that persons are at all times throwing hyperlinks of their posts. It really skyrocketed my visitors to my web site. If your link is shrunken you have got the quantity of characters on this sentence to catch your reader's consideration and get some traffic. Be sure you get details about how to stop get more followers on twitter to invite and encourage friends to comply with you instead of forcing them. Maybe an obvious point but it is extremely vital; your capacity to make money and final in your IM business rests squarely on how you put all of it collectively and make it be just right for you. Adhere as near your scheduled time as you'll be able to and profit from any interaction during which you take part.
You'll be able to Add A lot of Tweets into right here to load your jukebox up additional. Listed below are three awe-inspiring hints for aiding your corporation in getting all that it could actually from Twitter and growing it into new areas. You should be sure that they are comfy with who you’re and that you’re going to be completely clear about each thing. For example, if you’re writing your site submit, don’t guarantee it's so niche specific. Twitter is all about finding the right people and the appropriate niche to be seen on. The proper combination which I feel would be proper is: Customers should be in a position to select a number of subjects and at the identical time the system should be capable of detect if a post really belongs to the topic. These similar entrepreneurs certainly didn't wish to study net design or running a blog! On one hand the whole lot seems too good however there are several elements which it's best to watch out of.
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