#does this tumblr username make me seem like an rp blog?
californianedgeworth · 7 months
sometimes I think maybe californianedgeworth was a bad choice for a tumblr url because I'm gonna be stuck with a fandom/character specific name for a blog that doesn't post only that fandom/character until I change it. also even more confusing branding bcus it doesn't match with my youtube and insta handles
but also who cares. it's kind of funny. sometimes my friend who i've known for years irl will use my full tumblr handle when talking about what i post. it's part of my identity now
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starxlark · 3 years
Given how many people look down on or dislike OCs whose backstories tie them to a canon character, why did you choose to make Laerke a sibling to Loki and Thor?
anonymously ask the mun something you want to know about them, their portrayal, or what they will/won’t write.
The short version of my answer is: I had no idea what I was getting into but it was a decision that just seemed to fit my new character and it seemed an easy way into the fandom.
The very long version of the answer, AKA Laerke's Origin Story, AKA A Defense of Laerke, is:
When I came up with the concept of Laerke, it was the summer of 2012. The Avengers had just come out and I had only recently discovered a love of superheros. (I hadn't been interested in seeing Thor when it was in theaters, i saw Captain America but was mad about it the whole movie [we were supposed to be seeing... Planet of the Apes I think]). So I came onto the scene just as fandom was really starting to do its thing. I also had only been on tumblr as a personal blog for like 6 months at this point. Somehow, and looking back I really can't remember how, I found a bunch of really cool Avengers rpers and followed them on my personal.
This was really my first time being exposed to rping canon characters. In middle school I rped in quizilla chat boxes with the authors of my favorite fics. In high school I was a mod [and later admin after everyone placed out] for a rp forum where everyone was OCs. You'd pretty much make a new OC for every thread and alternate being the male or female character with your writing partner. I think by the end I'd made like 25 characters. One of them, Gwen <3 my original fleshed out lady, at some point made her way to an X-Men rp forum but that was real short lived.
OCs as a whole were what I knew. I didn't know any of the "fandom OC rules" until after I'd committed to Laerke. But Laerke didn't start out as Laerke. She was just this character I created in a doll maker at 11 at night and saved the file as "My Asgardian". I liked this idea of a young lady being rescued from a very dark place and being raised in this glistening city of gold. And then I had to figure out how the heck to connect this OC that I've made and want to explore more into the bigger canon universe. Well we know Odin isn’t above just bringing home kids. Then I could explore this rags-to-riches kinda dynamic and the really interesting family dynamic in the House of Odin. How would having these older brothers shape the kind of person she grew in to? Obviously I couldn’t have Laerke’s existence change anything of canon for Thor and Loki, but I still thought it would be neat for her to be this broken thing for them to learn to care for.
I never originally planned to RP her. I have a whole notebook somewhere in my parent’s basement full of my notes and snippets and timelines for the fic of Laerke’s whole pre-Thor movie life that I was going to write. I got through a couple small chapters and an awful lot of myth and marvel research but at this point all my old rp sites were dead and I was starting to get the itch. I kept reading the threads of the Avengers rpers. I kept getting tempted. Finally, six months after Laerke was born, I made her blog.  Having her be a family OC was my way into a fandom I so desperately wanted to be a part of. 
Of course, I figured out really quickly that I’d made Laerke into everything the fandom hated. I tried filling out character sheets and halfway through they’d be like: does your character only exist to be apart of the canon core group- redo that shit. I still apologize to every canon character’s mun that I get up the courage to introduce myself to. I am diligent about looking for OC friendliness in a blog’s rules, even though I know family OCs are often their own DNI category. I have done a ton of AUs or separate multiverse threads in order to be accommodating. When I moved Laerke to here I changed my username so the shame of being a family OC wasn’t the first impression people had. 
Laerke is the main character in my world. Thor and Loki are lovely and splendid supporting characters. I’m a big sister to a little brother so I love having a chance to explore the reverse of that relationship with Laerke and Loki and Thor. I have been truly blessed to have had three solid Lokis in my time on tumblr to write with and expand Laerke’s experience in the world. I’ve yet to have a Thor write more than two responses with me but I hold out hope that someday Laerke will get to form a ‘genuine’ relationship with him too.
Look, we’re all here to write and have fun. I enjoy writing about how our childhood shapes us, the importance of being kind in a cruel world, what it means to be a Person, how do we fulfill our responsibilities to others without giving up parts of ourselves.
I just don’t think I should be vilified because the character I use to explore those themes just so happens to have famous siblings.
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crispyblonde-arch · 4 years
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        PS fucking A time my dudes
i’m rewriting an old, old post of mine because my dashboards have been a toxic place lately and it makes me want to avoid tumblr altogether. i’ve really gotten sick of all the bs i see floating around tumblr rp lately. bullying and harrassment has to stop. people come here as a place to have fun, write as a distraction from their own issues in their real life.
if you don’t like something about someone’s portrayal, their fc choice, their writing choices/content, whatever else you may not agree with or get offended by, you are always entitled to those viewpoints. you need to do what makes you feel safe. unfollow, softblock, block their username from your dash using blacklist on xkit, close your eyes and love someone regardless of one difference in opinion. 
we all have our own viewpoints and interpretations of characters, which makes one person’s portrayal of a character unique to another’s and that’s awesome. you can always find one or many different interpretations to jive with.
does it make you feel better to send that anon telling someone to kill themself or that they’re a piece of shit over an fc choice? or cast someone as the villain in your story for an unfollow or softblock when they’re trying to make their dash & blog a happy place for them? does vagueing in a way that makes your interpretation of your character seem far superior to another that you don’t agree with really make anything better? NO.
it’s in my rules to be kind and bullying will get you an unfollow. please, try to focus on uplifting others in the shitshow of a world we live in instead of trying to tear others down. respect when people want to make their dash a welcoming place for themselves and please don’t feel bad about doing the same for yourself because it has been killing me to see so many sad beans on my dash.
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donofdepravity · 4 years
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Please read my rules before interacting, weather you are a prospective RP-partner, or a Spectator. All Blog navigation is centralized on my Links page, which is also mobile friendly.
Greetings: -This blog is R18+ because of NSFW. Being upfront. -You can call me Rave. They/Them pronouns. I am 25+ (Timezone is The Future™) -If you interact with me, I will assume you have read these rules in full. (And vice versa if I interact with you.) -This blog is Indie & Private. (No RP group affiliation. If you follow me I’ll check out your blog, but I won’t follow everyone back.) -FF7 characters preferred, but I will consider crossovers. Anons are welcome! -Regarding OCs, I will only be interacting with OCs of current mutuals. Any interactions outside of this are purely at my own discretion. Do not request otherwise. (I used to just be selective with OCs but recently I’ve had a difficult time with an OC mun not respecting that and pushing interactions.) -No drama / rudeness / hostility. I will not publish asks stirring trouble, and will block people if need be. -I lose track of Tumblr IMs easily, so if you are IM only and I seem like I’ve forgotten our convo, hmu again so I get a refreshed notification.) -Discord is available for mutuals. Please, I prefer it over Tumblr IMs!
Spectators, please do not reblog my threads. I’d love to hear from you if you’re enjoying things in IMs or my inbox, though!
Dark Themes: -THIS IS A FUCKED UP VILLAIN MUSE. PLEASE BE AWARE OF THIS. He WILL be gross. -Angst / Violence / Death and other dark themes not limited to the aforementioned will appear on this blog. If these bother you, do not follow me.  I do tag everything, if you are selectively uncomfortable please check my TW tags page to check what I tag. -Anything verging on or in the extreme (Re the above, or within smut topics) will be hidden under cuts. (I don’t hide general NS/FW, but it is tagged if you wish to avoid it.) -Basically, if a post I’m writing or replying to involves what I believe to be a triggering topic, I’ll tag it. -If you need anything specific tagged, please let me know. -I do not have any particular triggers myself for you to tag.
Basis of engagement: -General RP etiquette applies. -No god-modding. Don’t control my muse. Minor implied things can be okay within reason, like opening doors, or if in a character moves some part of another character. But please be reasonable and fair. -Related to above, I have no interest in RPing with someone that has a control complex / Must be the ultimate / best at everything. (There are logical muses that get a pass on this rule, ie Sephiroth, but within reason.) -This is not a multi-muse blog. I try to plan 1-1 encounters in threads. While I don’t mind brief character appearances, please don’t rely on the thread having an ensemble cast. It doesn’t work well with Tumblr’s reply format IMO.
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Ships -Where to even start. Uh. So ironically I’m not particularly looking to ship on this blog since he’s not a primary muse of mine. But ships will be considered within a plot context. -My Corneo is primarily hetero. He won’t knowingly fuck a guy, but he will appreciate a pretty boy, and he’s not above wanking off to, or with other men. Maybe if he were drunk enough he’d fuck a guy. -In general as a person I am a Multi-Shipper. If for some disturbing reason you ship your muse with Corneo, you’re welcome to tell me. But ask first rather than presume. He’s got a rep for one-night-stands with his brides of course, but I will still be selective threading. -Romantic involvement however he is much more selective, so there will be chemistry required. -UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE: ALL SHIPS, EVEN WITHIN A VERSE, EXIST IN SEPARATE MINI ALTERNATE VERSES. -Please do not pre-establish a relationship with my muse without discussing it with me. Talk to me first if you are interested in that.
Smut -Smut will occasionally appear on this blog if my my brain decides it’s in the/a cursed mood. But if you want to write it with me, let’s discuss it a bit first privately. -While I do love me some good horny writing, I can appreciate its not for everyone. I am open to fade to blacks / morning after if you are not smut-inclined. -Once any flirting progresses to smut it will be tagged with: ‘⋙{ ns/fw }’ - It is my general NS/FW tag. Any TWs will be applied additionally.
Dark Themes -As I mentioned dark topics before, I’m not adverse to some borderline topics, acknowledging mun does not equal muse. -I will tag Selfcest or anything grey-zone ‘problematic’ if relevant in case you prefer to block it. -Where relevant dub con / non con or other such triggers will be tagged. Please be aware that any threads containing as such serve a plotted narrative purpose and are not rape fetishization. I’m not changing my content. If you have a problem with grasping this concept, please leave. Your mental health and safety is important, but also your own responsibility.
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I use RP Thread Tracker to keep track of all my threads. Please let me know if you change your username so I can update my settings.
Memes: -I will try to respond to memes / asks! Mutuals, Non-Mutuals, Anons all welcome. -Please don’t take it personally if I don’t answer your ask, sometimes things just don’t click. -Starter-memes, unless I pm you and discuss otherwise, generally these are for smaller-format threads. Just to balance out my lengths of things and make it easier for me to get something back to you.
Reply lengths: -I’m occasionally prone to writing larger Multi-Para starters. It’s just my nature. I don’t expect you to match it. Please don’t be intimidated. (But also, typically my average reply length tapers off after the starter for a more reaction-based format. -Multi-Para style is my main tendency writing with an average of 2-4 para replies. Shorter semi-para may occur at times, particularly in dash commentary or shitpost threads.
Reply Frequency: -This is not my primary muse, so I will only be checking this blog occasionally. Consider it low-activity. -When my threads start crowding I queue posts to help stagger replies. -Neither length nor reply-speed is an indicator of my interest level in a thread. Some threads are intended to be larger formal threads while others are shorter that I want to remain light for enjoyment. A varied thread diet is best. -Please do not compare my threads against each other. I plan my replies around how I know I’ll best be able to manage my schedule, as well as meshing in with my various RP partners schedules. Occasionally this means one person may receive a burst of replies in a short space of time. This is usually because we only have a narrow window to mutually be active as they may only be able to reply every few days. It doesn’t mean I’m ignoring others. I’ll get to you, just chill. Things are fine. Bother me about this? You will be likely dropped. -That said, if it’s been around a month, you are welcome to check with me if I got your reply on a thread! I’m aware Tumblr sometimes eats replies and notifications. Likely it’s sitting in my drafts to write soon. But please don’t demand constant responses. I run multiple blogs, sometimes am in the mood for different muses, and have things I do outside of Tumblr as well of course.
Threads: -If life is getting fairly busy, I can’t promise replying to random starters/tags, so please message me if you want to start something. :3 -I will post Starter/Plotting/Ship calls etc occasionally, so please hmu on those if you see them. -My ‘Open Starters’ are open to mutuals. -If we’re not mutuals and you’re looking to get my interest, you’re always welcome to send something to my inbox and I might answer it. If you don’t know what to send, please check out my meme tag for ideas.
My rules used to be so short, but unfortunately certain encounters, and trying to avoid confrontations has led to it growing into a monstrosity, sorry. If you do anything in breach of them, I’ll bring it up with you. If a reasonable solution cannot be reached, I have no qualms blocking people.
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Theme: OctoMoosey Icons by myself (rave-rps) Icon Frames by myself (rave-rps) Post-Graphics by myself (rave-rps)
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transparentcrescent · 5 years
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Please read my rules before interacting, weather you are a prospective RP-partner, or a Spectator. All Blog navigation is centralized on my Links page, which is also mobile friendly.
Greetings: -This blog is R18+ because of NSFW. Being upfront. -You can call me Rave. They/Them pronouns. I am 25+ (Timezone is The Future™) -If you interact with me, I will assume you have read these rules in full. (And vice versa if I interact with you.) -I am Indie & Mutuals-Only. (No RP group affiliation. If you follow me I’ll check out your blog, but I won’t follow everyone back. I will interact with my inbox though, so check out my memes if you’re looking to break the ice. It’s just threads I reserve for Mutuals.) -FF7 characters preferred, but I will consider crossovers. Anons are welcome! -Regarding OCs, I will only be interacting with OCs of current mutuals. Any interactions outside of this are purely at my own discretion. Do not request otherwise. (I used to just be selective with OCs but recently I’ve had a difficult time with an OC mun not respecting that and pushing interactions.) -No drama / rudeness / hostility. I will not publish asks stirring trouble, and will block people if need be. -I lose track of Tumblr IMs easily, so if you are IM only and I seem like I’ve forgotten our convo, hmu again so I get a refreshed notification.) -Discord is available for mutuals. Please, I prefer it over Tumblr IMs!
Spectators, please do not reblog my threads. I’d love to hear from you if you’re enjoying things in IMs or my inbox, though!
Dark Themes: -Angst / Violence / Death and other dark themes not limited to the aforementioned will appear on this blog. If these bother you, do not follow me. I do tag everything, so if you are selectively uncomfortable please check my TW tags page to check what I tag. -Anything verging on or in the extreme will be hidden under cuts. (I don’t hide general NS/FW, but it is tagged if you wish to avoid it.) -Basically, if a post I’m writing or replying to involves what I believe to be a triggering topic, I’ll tag it. -If you need anything specific tagged, please let me know. -I do not have any particular triggers myself for you to tag.
Basis of engagement: -General RP etiquette applies. -No god-modding. Don’t control my muse. Minor implied things can be okay within reason, like opening doors, or if in a character moves some part of another character. But please be reasonable and fair. -Related to above, I have no interest in RPing with someone that has a control complex / Must be the ultimate / best at everything. (There are logical muses that get a pass on this rule, ie Sephiroth, but within reason.) -This is not a multi-muse blog. I try to plan 1-1 encounters in threads. While I don’t mind brief character appearances, please don’t rely on the thread having an ensemble cast. It doesn’t work well with Tumblr’s reply format IMO.
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Shelke isn’t a muse inclined to relationships. I will never default to shipping her. That said, I am not opposed to characters exploring the possibility emotionally but I will be highly selective when considering appropriate scenarios and dynamics if she is to explore a potential relationship.
Please keep in mind by the events of Dirge of Cerberus, while she is physically 9, she is 20 years old. Shelke did continue to gain life experiences- albeit traumatic ones -during her time in Deepground, and while the setting does affect her capacity to relate to others, that doesn’t invalidate her from such experiences. I won’t tolerate people acting as if she is only 9 years old, both because that would be gross, but also infantilising.
Ships -UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE: ALL SHIPS, EVEN WITHIN A VERSE, EXIST IN SEPARATE MINI ALTERNATE VERSES. -Please do not pre-establish a relationship with my muse without discussing it with me. Talk to me first if you are interested in that.
Smut -Smut won’t appear on this blog. Although I am a smut writer with my other muses, I have no intention of writing it on this one. -If a ship ever did reach a plausible scenario where something ‘more’ would occur, a fade to black will be used.
Dark Themes -While I as a mun am not opposed to dark themes, that only applies as long as due care is given to the subject and it serves a plotted narrative purpose, is not fetishization, and is tagged properly. I’m not adverse to some borderline topics, acknowledging mun does not equal muse. -Due to the background muse I am aware many dark themes would be of an overly sensitive nature, and I do not intend to actively seek out those scenarios and themes. -The inclusion of this segment in my rules is simply to help you understand my perceptions on such topics. If you have a problem with grasping these concepts, please leave.
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I use RP Thread Tracker to keep track of all my threads. Please let me know if you change your username so I can update my settings.
Memes: -I will try to respond to memes / asks ! Mutuals, Non-Mutuals, Anons all welcome. -Please don’t take it personally if I don’t answer your ask, sometimes things just don’t click. -Starter-memes, unless I pm you and discuss otherwise, generally these are for smaller-format threads. Just to balance out my lengths of things and make it easier for me to get something back to you.
Reply lengths: -I’m occasionally prone to writing larger Multi-Para starters. It’s just my nature. I don’t expect you to match it. Please don’t be intimidated. (But also, typically my average reply length tapers off after the starter for a more reaction-based format. -Multi-Para style is my main tendency writing with an average of 3-4 para replies. Shorter semi-para may occur at times, particularly in dash commentary or shitpost threads.
Reply Frequency: -Sometimes I’m actively lurking, sometimes I’m not. My levels of muse, and muse for specific threads will vary day to day. I reckon I consider myself medium-activity at present. -When my threads start crowding I queue posts to help stagger replies. -Neither length nor reply-speed is an indicator of my interest level in a thread. Some threads are intended to be larger formal threads while others are shorter that I want to remain light for enjoyment. A varied thread diet is best. -Please do not compare my threads against each other. I plan my replies around how I know I’ll best be able to manage my schedule, as well as meshing in with my various RP partners schedules. Occasionally this means one person may receive a burst of replies in a short space of time. This is usually because we only have a narrow window to mutually be active as they may only be able to reply every few days. It doesn’t mean I’m ignoring others. I’ll get to you, just chill. Things are fine. Bother me about this? You will be likely dropped. -That said, if it’s been a fair few days, you are welcome to check with me if I got your reply on a thread! I’m aware Tumblr sometimes eats replies and notifications. Likely it’s sitting in my drafts to write soon. But please don’t demand constant responses. I run multiple blogs, sometimes am in the mood for different muses, and have things I do outside of Tumblr as well of course.
Threads: -If life is getting fairly busy, I can’t promise replying to random starters/tags, so please message me if you want to start something. :3 -I will post Starter/Plotting/Ship calls etc occasionally, so please hmu on those if you see them. -My ‘Open Starters’ are open to mutuals. -If we’re not mutuals and you’re looking to get my interest, you’re always welcome to send something to my inbox and I might answer it. If you don’t know what to send, please check out my meme tag for ideas.
My rules used to be so short, but unfortunately certain encounters, and trying to avoid confrontations has led to it growing into a monstrosity, sorry. If you do anything in breach of them, I’ll bring it up with you. If a reasonable solution cannot be reached, I have no qualms blocking people.
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Theme: OctoMoosey Shelke Icons by professordipshit Lucrecia Icons by professordipshit Icon Frames by myself (rave-rps) Post-Graphics by myself (rave-rps)
0 notes
giftofthegodess · 5 years
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Please read my rules before interacting, weather you are a prospective RP-partner, or a Spectator. All Blog navigation is centralized on my Links page, which is also mobile friendly.
Greetings: -This blog is R18+ because of NSFW. Being upfront. -You can call me Rave. They/Them pronouns. I am 25+ (Timezone is The Future™) -If you interact with me, I will assume you have read these rules in full. (And vice versa if I interact with you.) -I am Indie & Mutuals-Only. (No RP group affiliation. If you follow me I’ll check out your blog, but I won’t follow everyone back. I will interact with my inbox though, so check out my memes if you’re looking to break the ice. It’s just threads I reserve for Mutuals.) -FF7 characters preferred, but I will consider crossovers. Anons are welcome! -Regarding OCs, I will only be interacting with OCs of current mutuals. Any interactions outside of this are purely at my own discretion. Do not request otherwise. (I used to just be selective with OCs but recently I’ve had a difficult time with an OC mun not respecting that and pushing interactions.) -No drama / rudeness / hostility. I will not publish asks stirring trouble, and will block people if need be.  -I lose track of Tumblr IMs easily, so if you are IM only and I seem like I’ve forgotten our convo, hmu again so I get a refreshed notification.) -Discord is available for mutuals. Please, I prefer it over Tumblr IMs!
Spectators, please do not reblog my threads. I’d love to hear from you if you’re enjoying things in IMs or my inbox, though!
Dark Themes: -Angst / Violence / Death and other dark themes not limited to the aforementioned will appear on this blog. If these bother you, do not follow me.  I do tag everything, if you are selectively uncomfortable please check my TW tags page to check what I tag. -Anything verging on or in the extreme (Re the above, or within smut topics) will be hidden under cuts. (I don’t hide general NS/FW, but it is tagged if you wish to avoid it.) -Basically, if a post I’m writing or replying to involves what I believe to be a triggering topic, I’ll tag it. -If you need anything specific tagged, please let me know. -I do not have any particular triggers myself for you to tag.
Basis of engagement: -General RP etiquette applies. -No god-modding. Don’t control my muse. Minor implied things can be okay within reason, like opening doors, or if in a character moves some part of another character. But please be reasonable and fair. -Related to above, I have no interest in RPing with someone that has a control complex / Must be the ultimate / best at everything. (There are logical muses that get a pass on this rule, ie Sephiroth, but within reason.) -This is not a multi-muse blog. I try to plan 1-1 encounters in threads. While I don’t mind brief character appearances, please don’t rely on the thread having an ensemble cast. It doesn’t work well with Tumblr’s reply format IMO.
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Ships -I am a Multi-Shipper. Seriously, multi-ship trash. Please tell me your ships. -My Genesis muse is highly openly sexually, and bi. Odds are I’ll be open to ship, just ask first. He’s got a rep for one-night-stands, but I will still be selective threading. -Romantic involvement however he is much more selective, so there will be chemistry required. -UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE: ALL SHIPS, EVEN WITHIN A VERSE, EXIST IN SEPARATE MINI ALTERNATE VERSES. -Please do not pre-establish a relationship with my muse without discussing it with me. Talk to me first if you are interested in that.
Smut -Same goes for smut, which will appear on this blog. If you want to write it, let’s discuss it a bit first privately. -While I do love me some good horny writing, I can appreciate its not for everyone. I am open to fade to blacks / morning after if you are not smut-inclined. -Once any flirting progresses to smut it will be tagged with ‘She guides us to bliss (ns/fw)’ - It is my general NS/FW tag. Any TWs will be applied additionally.
Dark Themes -As I mentioned dark topics before, I’m not adverse to some borderline topics, acknowledging mun does not equal muse. -I will tag Selfcest or anything grey-zone ‘problematic’ if relevant in case you prefer to block it. -Where relevant dub con or other such triggers will be tagged. Please be aware that any threads containing as such serve a plotted narrative purpose and are not rape fetishization. I’m not changing my content. If you have a problem with grasping this concept, please leave.
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I use RP Thread Tracker to keep track of all my threads. Please let me know if you change your username so I can update my settings.
Memes: -I will try to respond to memes / asks ! Mutuals, Non-Mutuals, Anons all welcome. -Please don’t take it personally if I don’t answer your ask, sometimes things just don’t click. -Starter-memes, unless I pm you and discuss otherwise, generally these are for smaller-format threads. Just to balance out my lengths of things and make it easier for me to get something back to you.
Reply lengths: -I’m occasionally prone to writing larger Multi-Para starters. It’s just my nature. I don’t expect you to match it. Please don’t be intimidated. (But also, typically my average reply length tapers off after the starter for a more reaction-based format. -Multi-Para style is my main tendency writing with an average of 3-4 para replies. Shorter semi-para may occur at times, particularly in dash commentary or shitpost threads.
Reply Frequency: -Sometimes I’m actively lurking, sometimes I’m not. My levels of muse, and muse for specific threads will vary day to day. I reckon I consider myself medium-activity at present. -When my threads start crowding I queue posts to help stagger replies. -Neither length nor reply-speed is an indicator of my interest level in a thread. Some threads are intended to be larger formal threads while others are shorter that I want to remain light for enjoyment. A varied thread diet is best. -Please do not compare my threads against each other. I plan my replies around how I know I’ll best be able to manage my schedule, as well as meshing in with my various RP partners schedules. Occasionally this means one person may receive a burst of replies in a short space of time. This is usually because we only have a narrow window to mutually be active as they may only be able to reply every few days. It doesn’t mean I’m ignoring others. I’ll get to you, just chill. Things are fine. Bother me about this? You will be likely dropped. -That said, if it’s been a fair few days, you are welcome to check with me if I got your reply on a thread! I’m aware Tumblr sometimes eats replies and notifications. Likely it’s sitting in my drafts to write soon. But please don’t demand constant responses. I run multiple blogs, sometimes am in the mood for different muses, and have things I do outside of Tumblr as well of course.
Threads: -If life is getting fairly busy, I can’t promise replying to random starters/tags, so please message me if you want to start something. :3 -I will post Starter/Plotting/Ship calls etc occasionally, so please hmu on those if you see them. -My ‘Open Starters’ are open to mutuals. -If we’re not mutuals and you’re looking to get my interest, you’re always welcome to send something to my inbox and I might answer it. If you don’t know what to send, please check out my meme tag for ideas.
My rules used to be so short, but unfortunately certain encounters, and trying to avoid confrontations has led to it growing into a monstrosity, sorry. If you do anything in breach of them, I’ll bring it up with you. If a reasonable solution cannot be reached, I have no qualms blocking people.
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Theme: OctoMoosey Background: By Jeff Kubina (Edit by me) Static Icons by denofwoe Icon Frames by myself  (rave-rps) Post-Graphics by myself (rave-rps) GIF Icons by xgamerxiconsx
0 notes
unattainabledreams · 5 years
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Please read my rules before interacting, weather you are a prospective RP-partner, or a Spectator. All Blog navigation is centralized on my Links page, which is also mobile friendly.
Greetings: -This blog is R18+ because of NSFW. Being upfront. -You can call me Rave. They/Them pronouns. I am 25+ (Timezone is The Future™) -If you interact with me, I will assume you have read these rules in full. (And vice versa if I interact with you.) -I am Indie & Mutuals-Only. (No RP group affiliation. If you follow me I’ll check out your blog, but I won’t follow everyone back. I will interact with my inbox though, so check out my memes if you’re looking to break the ice. It’s just threads I reserve for Mutuals.) -FF7 characters preferred, but I will consider crossovers. Anons are welcome! -Regarding OCs, I will only be interacting with OCs of current mutuals. Any interactions outside of this are purely at my own discretion. Do not request otherwise. (I used to just be selective with OCs but recently I’ve had a difficult time with an OC mun not respecting that and pushing interactions.) -No drama / rudeness / hostility. I will not publish asks stirring trouble, and will block people if need be. -I lose track of Tumblr IMs easily, so if you are IM only and I seem like I’ve forgotten our convo, hmu again so I get a refreshed notification.) -Discord is available for mutuals. Please, I prefer it over Tumblr IMs!
Spectators, please do not reblog my threads. I’d love to hear from you if you’re enjoying things in IMs or my inbox, though!
Dark Themes: -Angst / Violence / Death and other dark themes not limited to the aforementioned will appear on this blog. If these bother you, do not follow me.  I do tag everything, if you are selectively uncomfortable please check my TW tags page to check what I tag. -Anything verging on or in the extreme (Re the above, or within smut topics) will be hidden under cuts. (I don’t hide general NS/FW, but it is tagged if you wish to avoid it.) -Basically, if a post I’m writing or replying to involves what I believe to be a triggering topic, I’ll tag it. -If you need anything specific tagged, please let me know. -I do not have any particular triggers myself for you to tag.
Basis of engagement: -General RP etiquette applies. -No god-modding. Don’t control my muse. Minor implied things can be okay within reason, like opening doors, or if in a character moves some part of another character. But please be reasonable and fair. -Related to above, I have no interest in RPing with someone that has a control complex / Must be the ultimate / best at everything. (There are logical muses that get a pass on this rule, ie Sephiroth, but within reason.) -This is not a multi-muse blog. I try to plan 1-1 encounters in threads. While I don’t mind brief character appearances, please don’t rely on the thread having an ensemble cast. It doesn’t work well with Tumblr’s reply format IMO.
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Ships -I am a Multi-Shipper. Seriously, multi-ship trash. Please tell me your ships. -UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE: ALL SHIPS, EVEN WITHIN A VERSE, EXIST IN SEPARATE MINI ALTERNATE VERSES. -Please do not pre-establish a relationship with my muse without discussing it with me. Talk to me first if you are interested in that.
Smut -Same goes for smut, which will appear on this blog. If you want to write it, let’s discuss it a bit first privately. -While I do love me some good horny writing, I can appreciate its not for everyone. I am open to fade to blacks / morning after if you are not smut-inclined. -Once any flirting progresses to smut it will be tagged with ‘Got any Barrier Materia (ns/fw)’ - It is my general NS/FW tag. Any TWs will be applied additionally.
Dark Themes -As I mentioned dark topics before, I’m not adverse to some borderline topics, acknowledging mun does not equal muse. -I will tag Selfcest or anything grey-zone ‘problematic’ if relevant in case you prefer to block it. -Where relevant dub con or other such triggers will be tagged. Please be aware that any threads containing as such serve a plotted narrative purpose and are not rape fetishization. I’m not changing my content. If you have a problem with grasping this concept, please leave.
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I use RP Thread Tracker to keep track of all my threads. Please let me know if you change your username so I can update my settings.
Memes: -I will try to respond to memes / asks! Mutuals, Non-Mutuals, Anons all welcome. -Please don’t take it personally if I don’t answer your ask, sometimes things just don’t click. -Starter-memes, unless I pm you and discuss otherwise, generally these are for smaller-format threads. Just to balance out my lengths of things and make it easier for me to get something back to you.
Reply lengths: -I’m occasionally prone to writing larger Multi-Para starters. It’s just my nature. I don’t expect you to match it. Please don’t be intimidated. (But also, typically my average reply length tapers off after the starter for a more reaction-based format. -Multi-Para style is my main tendency writing with an average of 3-4 para replies. Shorter semi-para may occur at times, particularly in dash commentary or shitpost threads.
Reply Frequency: -Sometimes I’m actively lurking, sometimes I’m not. My levels of muse, and muse for specific threads will vary day to day. I reckon I consider myself medium-activity at present. -When my threads start crowding I queue posts to help stagger replies. -Neither length nor reply-speed is an indicator of my interest level in a thread. Some threads are intended to be larger formal threads while others are shorter that I want to remain light for enjoyment. A varied thread diet is best. -Please do not compare my threads against each other. I plan my replies around how I know I’ll best be able to manage my schedule, as well as meshing in with my various RP partners schedules. Occasionally this means one person may receive a burst of replies in a short space of time. This is usually because we only have a narrow window to mutually be active as they may only be able to reply every few days. It doesn’t mean I’m ignoring others. I’ll get to you, just chill. Things are fine. Bother me about this? You will be likely dropped. -That said, if it’s been a fair few days, you are welcome to check with me if I got your reply on a thread! I’m aware Tumblr sometimes eats replies and notifications. Likely it’s sitting in my drafts to write soon. But please don’t demand constant responses. I run multiple blogs, sometimes am in the mood for different muses, and have things I do outside of Tumblr as well of course.
Threads: -If life is getting fairly busy, I can’t promise replying to random starters/tags, so please message me if you want to start something. :3 -I will post Starter/Plotting/Ship calls etc occasionally, so please hmu on those if you see them. -My ‘Open Starters’ are open to mutuals. -If we’re not mutuals and you’re looking to get my interest, you’re always welcome to send something to my inbox and I might answer it. If you don’t know what to send, please check out my meme tag for ideas.
My rules used to be so short, but unfortunately certain encounters, and trying to avoid confrontations has led to it growing into a monstrosity, sorry. If you do anything in breach of them, I’ll bring it up with you. If a reasonable solution cannot be reached, I have no qualms blocking people.
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Theme: pirateskinned Static Icons by professordipshit Icon Frames by myself (rave-rps) Post-Graphics by myself (rave-rps) GIF Icons by xgamerxiconsx
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7goodangel · 8 years
Hi, 7goodangel. I am here to ask you about PaperJam as a shy, smol and innocent being (mainly thegreatrouge made him be). There has been some conflicts regarding his trait. Some said his canonical personality is a jerk, like what you wrote in his bio / info and some said that is severely wrong and being shy, (which made him shipped with Fresh), is his canonical personality. What are your thoughts about this? I mean, it is your character and people are taking control of it. Don't you disagree?
Well... I have talked to people and seen publicconversations and this has happened several times to me over months. I guessI’ve gotten a little numb to it now... or maybe it’s due to school that Ihaven’t given it the attention that it deserves. Probably due to school. 
I just can’t update constantly like others - even thoughsome others in school were and are able to update constantly. I can’t keepgoing around and holding up my bio of PJ and police people. It’s exhausting tome... it really takes up the small bit of free time I have. 
I think after I get a solid job that I’ll be able to goaround better... but anyway - back to your question. 
While I love seeing interpretations and do not want peopleto be limited by something and have their imaginations go forth... it’s provingthat a huge con comes with that mentality - which you have pointed out. A lotof people swear that PJ is the cute, innocent interpretation that really, didget PJ popular in the first place. While I did have him as a jerk from thebeginning - I kinda kept that info to my RP blog - so you could say it is myfault this is all happening and I do think that. I could of done something tomake it not as bad as it is now... 
It’s just like the NSFW stuff... people just assume thefirst thing and run with it. And it really does make me feel like I really amnot needed for my own character at points. 
It’s a struggle - I don’t want to have people stopinterpreting PJ within AUs... but I also don’t want people to just see him asan innocent child to ship with Fresh. 
And I’m still trying to find the best solution to it. 
But... I feel like the damage is already done. It’s too latefor me to talk to all of these people going around swearing on their life thatPJ is canoncally like Rouge’s interpretation/AUs. It feels like an hopelessbattle to me. 
And I guess I needed someone to ask me this question so thenI can fully say my thoughts on this. 
So in short, while I love creativity and don’t want to snuffit out (considering some people would probably think I’m doing that alreadywith saying “No Sin”), I still don’t like it. It irritates me, irks me,frustrates me, and I feel like even as the person who thought of PJ in thefirst place, my voice isn’t enough. Communities seem like they don’t care aboutartists unless they reach a ‘certain goal of popularity’ or seem like theyhave a more professional style of art. I know I do not reach either of thosetitles. 
People misspell my username all the time - I actuallyclaimed ‘7goodangle’ on tumblr for that reason.
People still say “I’m too lazy to find who made PJ”when they clearly mentioned they looked at the bio on the wiki. 
People still go around arguing others on the canon ship ofOmniPJ and swearing that FreshPaper is the true canon ship, when all people arepointing out is that they need to keep the canon ship in mind when going aroundwith information.
Even just basic personality traits... and these things arehappening on sites that I do not nor want an account for. 
 I still want others to have fun - to be happy; but I don’tknow... I guess I’m cutting out my own happiness to get everyone else happy? Iwant to eventually write a version of PJ within his own universe and story...and he is more like the version I created within the UT verse. Not exact - butclose. Though who knows... I might shove PJ to the side and replace his rolewith another character. I’m still weighing options.
Cause PJ was the first character I ever put this much timeand thought into... my first character that was balanced, well rounded...
And what happens?
You said it Anon. 
They took it - changed it (initially as an AU but now peoplethink it’s canon) - and I can’t do much about it. Due to school and not muchfree-time... due to how many don’t know the true creator... and just backtalking anyone who is just mentioning it to people who swear by it. 
As an artist and a character designer...
It makes me not want to show designs, characters, andstories ever again online.
Considering if this is how I was treated on the first one...why even take a chance at a second one? If it has brought me so much stress,frustration, and time... why even try it again?
I said I was only going to do fanart so if anyone stole it,it didn’t really matter. I think I should have stuck with that thought process. 
In conclusion, there are some major things to take awayhere. First – that yes, I do not like how it has skewed this far to the pointof arguing over a fandom version with the canon. Canon is canon and I get thedifferent AUs – this is too far. Way too far. I am emotionally drained fromthis – from this whole mess that I have been defending throughout majority ofPJ’s lifespan. I will state this – Paper Jam is my character. He is my originalcharacter that I created more than a year ago. And the UT AU fandom took mycharacter and warped him to something he is not and all of his original meaningis lost. I do not like to hurt others or make other sad – but I must put myfoot fully down. This miscommunication needs to stop. I am tired of repeatingthings over and over and I have past my breaking point time and time again. Ijust want people to see PJ how he really is… and I wish that people could befocusing more on the reality of him instead of the alternate that they allclaim as truth.
Final words: I still like Undertale – I still like creatingcharacters and having fun – but the Undertale AU fandom is ridiculous now. The AminoUT community is insanity in an app, and there is a lot of stuff that has mademany artists and creators to their breaking point and leaving the fandomentirely. Everyone in this fandom needs to take ten steps back and look at whatthey are doing. Go back to the game. Play it again – watch your favorite let’splayer’s videos of it again. 
And just... food for thought… please don’t jump the gun on someone else’s OC’spersonality and actions. 
I do not want anyone to experience what I had.
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