#it would be his full legal name for public accounts
californianedgeworth · 4 months
sometimes I think maybe californianedgeworth was a bad choice for a tumblr url because I'm gonna be stuck with a fandom/character specific name for a blog that doesn't post only that fandom/character until I change it. also even more confusing branding bcus it doesn't match with my youtube and insta handles
but also who cares. it's kind of funny. sometimes my friend who i've known for years irl will use my full tumblr handle when talking about what i post. it's part of my identity now
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txttletale · 6 months
Hey this is only tangential to the AI art thing, but I'm curious how you feel about the distinction between plagiarism and information property infringement?
I take issue with plagiarism (which isn't what AI art is doing anyway) but I don't think copyright law is the place to solve it. IP as a concept and copyright as a practice I feel only have meaning within the bounds of capitalism and are mostly vehicles for capitalists to extract more value from creative labor, but I still think plagiarism would be wrong even if there was no publication-as-means-to-survival element.
Like, passing off someone else's work as your own at the very least feels different from owning the right to profit from that work. But simultaneously it does seem like even that is veering toward an 'economics of clout' if that makes any sense. Like, I would still be upset (albeit, much less so than if I relied on that work to eat) if I made something cool and someone else got the credit, but I think I lack the vocab to articulate why or whether a meaningful difference actually exists.
For clarity, my background is in research rather than art so maybe that affects my thinking?
If you don't feel like writing a full response, name-dropping a book or an article for me to get started would be greatly appreciated too.
yeah i mean i think the thing about plagiarism that differentiates it from copyright infringement is that imo the crucial part of plagiarism is taking the name off the thing. like, plagiarism fundamentally is not a crime of taking or distributing something, it's about refusing to name the author, about purposefully lying about the origins of a piece. & i think it is bad while copyright infringement is not because it inherently muddies the water of truth -- like, to take the recent high-profile somerton case, i think one of the really bad things about his plagiarism was that he was mixing plagiarised research and journalism with ad-libbed nonsense like "the SS was teeming with homosexuals", and without attribution people were led to assume that the well-researched accounts of queer history were from the same source as the insane claims, which lent somerton's editorializing totally uneared credibility.
but yknow i think that in many cases copyright law legalizes plagiarism. like the only difference between ghostwriting and plagiarism is that one is legal -- i often think about how atari didn't credit game developers on their early games, or how game studios still find bullshit reasons to not credit workers now. hell, i screenshot someone in the notes of an AI art discourse post sayting shrek was "the hard work of Dreamworks Studios", which to me is just as much of a misattribution of credit as saying james somerton wrote his videos.
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rainbowsky · 5 months
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Yuehua has issued an update on some of the legal cases they are pursuing on DD's behalf.
Translation under the cut.
Explanation on the progress of Mr. Wang Yibo’s reputational rights protection case
Recently, our company has found that there are still a large number of Internet subjects who continue to publish suspected insulting and defamatory remarks against our artist Mr. Wang Yibo on various platforms, which has attracted the attention, reprinting and comments of many Internet users. The release and dissemination of relevant content has caused Mr. Wang Yibo to his reputation and social image have been seriously affected, and he is suspected of seriously infringing on Mr. Wang Yibo’s right to reputation. In this regard, our company resolutely safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of Mr. Wang Yibo and protects his rights through legal channels. Our company now makes the following explanation on the progress of some of Mr. Wang Yibo’s reputational rights protection cases that have been initiated:
1. The case between Mr. Wang Yibo and Yu ** [Weibo user "Half hawthorn yys!", UID: 7583092450] Internet infringement liability dispute (right of reputation):
Between July 2021 and September 2022, Weibo user "Half Hawthorn yys!" continued to publish multiple insulting and defamatory blog posts against Mr. Wang Yibo through the Weibo platform, seriously damaging Mr. Wang Yibo's personal reputation. After our company and Mr. Wang Yibo entrusted lawyers to initiate litigation and accountability proceedings against the Weibo user’s real-name subject Yu **, the court made a first-instance judgment on November 15, 2023, and ordered that Yu ** be on the Weibo involved in the case (UID: 7583092450 ) publicly apologized to the plaintiff Wang Yibo for 15 consecutive days and paid a total of 28,000 yuan in moral comfort and legal fees to the plaintiff Wang Yibo. [Case No.: (2023) Beijing 0491 Minchu No. 14528]
At present, the defendant has fulfilled its apology and compensation obligations in accordance with the judgment. At the beginning of the rights protection in this case, Mr. Wang Yibo stated that he would donate the full amount of the compensation in the case to public welfare. Our company will donate the full amount of the compensation in accordance with Mr. Wang Yibo’s wishes.
2. The case of Mr. Wang Yibo and Weibo user "Heartbroken but Fascinating" [UID: 5850457719] Internet infringement liability dispute (right of reputation):
Weibo user "Heartbroken but Fascinated" has been posting suspected insulting and defamatory remarks about Mr. Wang Yibo on the online platform for a long time. Our company and Mr. Wang Yibo have entrusted lawyers to file a lawsuit in court in accordance with the law, requiring the relevant online platforms to disclose the real-name identities of the Internet subjects involved. After the information is disclosed by the platform, it will file a lawsuit against the real-name authentication subject as soon as possible, requiring the relevant subject to publicly apologize to Mr. Wang Yibo in accordance with the law, and compensate for the corresponding mental damage solatium and reasonable rights protection costs.
3. The case of Mr. Wang Yibo and Chang ** [Weibo user "Hanhanqvq", UID: 7799836585] Internet tort liability dispute (right of reputation):
In March 2023, the Weibo user "Hanhanqvq" published a related article against Mr. Wang Yibo through the Weibo platform.
The defamatory remarks are suspected of seriously damaging Mr. Wang Yibo’s personal reputation. Our company and Mr. Wang Yibo have appointed Lawyer Tuo initiated litigation and accountability proceedings against Chang**, the real-name subject of the Weibo user, and the case has now been heard in court.
After the processing is completed, the court will make a judgment in accordance with the law.
4. The reputation dispute between Mr. Wang Yibo and WeChat user "Zhu Rui Gabriel Jiumenwu Pictures":
In September 2022, a screenshot of WeChat Moments was circulated on the Internet platform. The content was allegedly infringing content publicly released by WeChat user "Zhu Rui Gabriel" against Mr. Wang Yibo. The screenshot was widely disseminated. Our company and Mr. Wang Yibo have entrusted lawyers to file a lawsuit, and the case is currently under trial.
5. The case of reputational rights dispute between Mr. Wang Yibo and Wu ** [WeChat user “Xinxin”, WeChat ID: W1526896***]:
n July 2023, WeChat user "Xinxin" publicly made allegedly defamatory remarks against Mr. Wang Yibo in the WeChat group. After the platform disclosed the user's identity information, our company and Mr. Wang Yibo have entrusted a lawyer to real-name the account involved in the case on November 27, 2023. The subject Wu ** filed a lawsuit with the court in accordance with the law, requiring Wu ** to make a public apology to Mr. Wang Yibo in accordance with the law, and compensate for the corresponding mental damage solatium and reasonable rights protection costs. This case is currently awaiting court arrangements.
6. The reputation dispute case between Mr. Wang Yibo and Wang ** [Weibo user "user 2233567890", UID: 5777773235]:
Wang ** continues to publish a large number of blog posts that are suspected of insulting and slandering Mr. Wang Yibo through the Weibo account "user 2233567890". The lawsuit between Mr. Wang Yibo and the real-name subject of the Weibo account Wang ** is currently under trial. 10078410
In addition to the above-mentioned cases, there are still other cases in progress regarding Mr. Wang Yibo’s reputation and portrait rights protection. Our company once again sternly warns all network entities to immediately stop publishing and disseminating remarks that are suspected of infringing on Mr. Wang Yibo's reputation, so as to avoid further expansion of the damage and incurring their own legal liability. Our company will also pay close attention to network dynamics, continue to entrust law firms to collect evidence and file lawsuits on suspected infringing content, and resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Mr. Wang Yibo.
Beijing Lehua Guoyu Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
January 15, 2024
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bcacstuff · 9 months
It is not fun and games when real people are involved ! Following this woman for three years is madness. I know you and CRT have DM with MA, but now I am thinking about the plotting and scheming going on behind the scenes. A private video, uploaded , instantly deleted and now you are the only one with a copy???? From a legal standpoint….you are screwed. I contacted a few people in his camp about this. You have crossed a line. It is harassment , defamation and possibly extortion. Why associate yourself with this?
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Ok, as you can imagine, I have an inbox full with all the various opinions and messages you might imagine, and maybe even more. So where to start... ok... starting with a few... well you got it what sort this is.
For the record:
I don't follow her, I wasn't even her on Tumblr at the time she was 'in the picture' so to say. I was alerted by someone in my DMs, not an Anon. An account that I have had DMs with quite some times before and always has been honest with me and very well knows, I'm not just going by any sort of shady message or whatever. She simply sent me a screenshot of the story, I checked it out. So it wasn't 'dropped in my inbox'. The story was on AT's public account, available in all legitimate ways. Everyone could see it. It had been there for more than 3 hours when I saw it. So much for a 'private' video, and it wasn't 'instantly deleted'. AT posted it with a caption and tagged Sam on. it, that is not someone that posts something mistakenly.
I discussed it briefly with my contact, she told me she follows AT because she likes her art. I was confused and didn't really know what to make of it myself, as I wrote in my post. I didn't say I am the only one with a copy, I don't know that. But since AT deleted the video at some point, I reckon not everyone saves a story when you see it. I've done nothing illegal, when you post on a public IG account, you are warned that the content you upload is subject to public domain and people can and may use it, even edit it. You're agreeing with these TOS. But I guess nobody reads the fine print and nobody ever complains when I post pictures or videos from IG here. I haven't had any complains for all the pics and videos I posted about the event of Wednesday. So you might reconsider your 'legal standpoint' Anon.
Plotting and scheming? Are you accusing me Anon? Now that is what I call defamation and harassment. Show me your evidence! And for real, I can show you some real defamatory content about an actress who is married, her husband is constantly defamed, called names in a very disturbing way and has been accused of things, while he doesn't even have a social media account. And there is a 2 year old boy involved, that has been subject discussing his paternity into lengths. Oh and I don't even want to mention a funeral video that has been analyzed for every frame.... I can go one but I think you get it. I agree that it surely is not funny when it involves real people.
Then, last but not least, you make a sort of connection between what I posted last night, a short video, showing his corridor and a painting and you can hear his voice. What exactly is the connection between that and MA? I have never had a DM convo with MA to begin with. I see no connection here, other than that he DMs with people. Well that is no news, he even confirmed that himself. And I see no shame in that. I also do not make any story more out of it. As my contact who sent her screenshot to me and follows her because of her art said last night, when I told her the video was deleted: Why would she do that, it was a nice video.
And I guess, you and some others that I do not post, haven't read my post to the end. Don't shoot the messenger...
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talokanda-forever · 1 year
Oh boy.
I intentionally avoided posting any thing about the allegations against Tenoch yesterday because I require time to process information. I needed time to give my brain a rest. This still feels a bit too soon. I will never be one to say Tenoch or anyone else would, "never do something like that." Because I have no idea. I'm hoping that the allegations aren't true. This post is my way of venting. It is in no way meant to persuade anyone else on what they should think or feel about this situation. And certainly not meant to be proof or evidence of why it happened or didn't happen. I don't know. None of us knows.
1. The framing of the dissemination of this information as "news." My biggest issue is that I've seen a lot of Twitter accounts pick up the same link that appears to be the outlet that first brought the Tweet by Maria Elena Rios to light (reforma.com). I don't know what journalistic standards this outlet follows, so I won't speculate. I did check to see if any well-established US outlets had Tweeted anything (Associated Press, Reuters, CNN, MSNBC), and as of roughly 30 min. ago they had not.
So far, all we really have are glorified Retweets, not a news story. There are A LOT of accounts with well designed pages that have all the hallmarks of looking like "official" news organizations, but they are not. It takes virtually no time or effort to Retweet something and start an avalanche. It's a trend that has bothered me for the last decade or so. Journalism requires independently verifying information you have received. It's going to multiple sources to corroborate the information. It's at the very least attempting to reach out to the involved parties to get their statements. It's reviewing public records and court filings to see what has been officially documented. And not to say that WON'T happen at some point, but it sure as hell isn't going to happen within 24 hours. It will take time and we STILL may never know the full story.
2. We should believe victims. ABSOLUTELY! In this particular instance and from this vantage point, Maria is only his accuser. It has not yet been established that she is his victim. I understand that she is a victim involving another individual, and thank goodness she survived that horific attack. However, as it pertains to Tenoch, I don't think interjecting alleged sexual assault in a Tweet focused on a different issue is enough to automatically leap to saying she was absolutely, 100%, without a doubt victimized by Tenoch. If it happened I would hope Maria would take legal action, given she was comfortable enough to make the accusation publicly under her name. Even then, she is not required to do so (which is why I say we may never know what did or didn't happen). I would imagine navigating the justice system in Mexico is no less stressful as navigating the justice system in the US. There are valid reasons for women not subjecting themselves to (potentially) years of legal struggles. But I also hope she wouldn't be so reckless as to throw out an allegation and not allow Tenoch to formally defend himself, assuming he denies these allegations. Once again, something that requires TIME.
3. To all those I have interacted with over the past few months on this site, know that I luv ya! I value our time together here. Regardless of what you've said or haven't said about this situation, that hasn't changed. I'm choosing to reserve judgement because that's how I am and how I will always be. I respect that everyone is not like me (thank God). Like many others, I will suspend posting here because, if for no other reason, I know how to read a fucking room. Let's all be kind and respectful to one another. To those folks who interact with me regularly, don't hesitate to DM me.
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fallloverfic · 1 year
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Nimona, the 2011-14 webcomic by ND Stevenson, turned into a graphic novel published on May 12, 2015, and adapted into a full cast audiobook on October 4, 2016, has been adapted into an animated movie!
The movie premiered at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in France on June 14, 2023. Netflix released a teaser trailer on May 18, 2023, a clip on June 8, 2023, a full trailer on June 14, 2023, another big clip on June 21, 2023, more footage on June 22, 2023, and another big clip on June 27, 2023. The movie released in select theaters starting on June 23.
The movie released on June 30, 2023 on Netflix for streaming! You can also view the movie for free, legally, on YouTube, until February 26th, 2024. Netflix also released a free-to-read digital-only multimedia 358-page artbook for the movie.
For simplified background, Disney cancelled the movie in 2021, but on April 11, 2022, it was announced that Annapurna would produce the movie, DNEG would animate it, and Netflix would distribute it for streaming sometime in 2023. I'm seeing a lot of confusion out there, so I'll make a summary of what else we know. I also keep the Nimona movie fanwiki page up to date with more info as it releases. Other good places to get news: ND Stevenson's twitter, his Tumblr, his personal site, the savenimona twitter, and the movie page on Netflix. While managing the fanwiki I found that Wikipedia's reference articles for the movie were kind of terrible and often quoted things not being said in the articles being quoted, even in their archive versions, so I would stick with first-hand accounts where possible, particularly what's coming from folks working on the movie and the companies making it. Below is a more detailed summary of info.
Nimona by ND Stevenson began life as a school project while Nate was in college. He was a tumblrite and posted the first pages on Tumblr on December 14, 2011. On June 19, 2012, he began publishing the webcomic in full on its own site. Sometime before November 2012, it was contracted for publication as a graphic novel after completion. The webcomic ended on September 30, 2014, and was released as a single graphic novel in entirety on May 12, 2015. It has currently been translated into 16 languages. Nate adapted it into a full cast audiobook that released on October 4, 2016 (you can hear a preview and purchase it via the link above). The graphic novel and audiobook are still available for purchase.
Apologies for maybe getting studio names wrong, some have changed over time. Anyway: the movie rights for Nimona were acquired by 20th Century Fox Animation in June 2015, to be produced by Blue Sky Studios. In June 2017, Fox scheduled the movie to be released on February 14, 2020. Patrick Osbourne was brought on as director, and it was planned to have the movie in the style of Paperman (Osbourne was animation supervisor of Paperman (2012), and went on to direct Feast (2015), which used the same style). After Disney acquired 20th Century Animation (as it was later called), the movie was delayed to March 5, 2021. There was reportedly pushback for queer stuff in the movie. Blue Sky is publicly stated to have shutdown due to the pandemic and money issues, which isn't relevant here, and I would be careful spreading rumors it was for other reasons. A lot of "successful" US companies shut down studios and departments en masse for other very dumb reasons, particularly in recent years, sometimes just because they aren't making as much money as their parent/shareholders wants them to and cutting salaries makes your profits look better to shareholders. The important part is: Blue Sky was being shut down, and Disney officially cancelled the movie in February 2021.
At some point around the cancellation, a video compilation of early release footage and sculpts seemingly from someone involved in the movie's production was released online. It was later taken down, but put back up by iO9 after the Annapurna, DNEG, Netflix production was announced.
After Disney shuttered Blue Sky, according to Variety, the Nimona crew, "led by former Blue Sky co-presidents Andrew Millstein and Robert Baird, shopped the animatic around town. The film caught the attention of Annapurna CEO Megan Ellison, who was familiar with the film and had been tracking the project. “I think anyone who has ever felt misunderstood or like an outsider will connect with N.D. Stevenson’s story like I did,” she said in press material for the film. “When I watched the storyboard reels I immediately fell in love with it. Nothing about it felt conventional or built off market research. It’s bold and mischievous and full of love. Nimona has such a powerful voice.”
Annapurna stepped in and signed up Millstein and Baird as executive producers. They created Shapeshifter Films so the team could finish “Nimona,” and subsequently joined the company, forming Annapurna Animation.
DNEG Animation was hired in the spring of 2021 to help with the animation, becoming collaborators on the film."
On April 11, 2022, it was announced that the film would be produced by Annapurna, animated by DNEG, and distributed by Netflix. Netflix also shared the first summary:
"A Knight is framed for a crime he didn't commit and the only person who can help him prove his innocence is Nimona, a shape-shifting teen who might also be a monster he's sworn to kill. Set in a techno-medieval world unlike anything animation has tackled before, this is a story about the labels we assign to people and the shapeshifter who refuses to be defined by anyone."
Between Netflix's posts and DNEG's Nimona page, as well as folks involved with the film talking about it, and new info released after the Annecy Film Festival announcement, we knew it would release in Summer 2023. Netflix released a primary cast article with images of what the characters look like from Netflix (be warned, both are very spoilery).
What is also interesting about the cast listings is that Ballister's last name was changed from Blackheart to Boldheart.
Sources for Business Insider said that Blue Sky's work would be incorporated into the film somehow. The second production seemingly wasn't started from scratch, and members of the Blue Sky production stayed on to work on the project. This makes sense, given the art was quite similar to what was in that footage released around the film's cancellation in 2021. DNEG crew have stated repeatedly, though, that although they did have a lot of material from the Blue Sky production, they had to make a lot of things from the ground up.
Quane released an official shot from the film on January 4, 2023:
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It was announced that the movie would premiere on June 14, 2023, at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in France. (Post on Annecy's site, post on DNEG's site)
Two new stills were also released on April 25, 2023, with the Annecy Film Festival announcement:
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On May 10, 2023, Netflix posted a new image for the movie:
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The May 10 article also had a new movie summary:
"When Ballister Boldheart (Riz Ahmed), a knight in a futuristic medieval world, is framed for a crime he didn���t commit, the only one who can help him prove his innocence is Nimona (Chloë Grace Moretz), a mischievous teen with a taste for mayhem — who also happens to be a shape-shifting creature Ballister has been trained to destroy. But with the entire kingdom out to get him, Nimona’s the best (or technically the only) sidekick Ballister can hope for. And as the lines between heroes, villains and monsters start to blur, the two of them set out to wreak serious havoc — for Ballister to clear his name once and for all, and for Nimona to… just wreak serious havoc.   
Directed by Nick Bruno and Troy Quane, Nimona is an epic tale about finding friendship in the most surprising situations and accepting yourself and others for who they are."
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Netflix released another still on May 17, 2023. On May 18, they released their teaser, the movie's first poster, and the announcement of the June 30, 2023 general streaming release date!
Netflix also added a new preview image to the Nimona page on the app, featuring Ballister and Ambrosius facing off behind Nimona.
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And Netflix started selling Nimona plushies! Amazon (and possibly other vendors) are also selling shirts/jackets with official movie art!
Netflix released more footage of the movie on May 24, 2023! (it's around 6:31 in the video).
Empire magazine released another still for the movie on June 7, 2023, as well as an article in their June 8, 2023 issue.
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Variety released a new still on June 11, 2023.
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Netflix released a new poster on Jun 13, 2023!
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More stills were released in an Entertainment Weekly article on June 14, 2023. And Netflix released even more. More teasers were put up on the Netflix app (though these are quite spoilery, so I'd advise avoiding them). The cast and crew did press tours throughout June 2023.
Again, the Nimona movie fanwiki page has more detailed info on all this.
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morallyinept · 1 month
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A full transcribe of JAVIER PEÑA'S dialogue/lines from the TV show NARCOS.
Includes full dialogue, and dialogue from any deleted/additional scenes available.
I've created this as a point of reference when writing for Pedro's characters, and I hope you find it useful. Even if you just want to read the dialogue. 🖤
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☝🏻Dialogue has been fully transcribed by myself using reference to original scripts (if available), audio subtitles and using my own two ears. Therefore, mistakes can be made, however I have tried to be as fully accurate as I can. If you spot an obvious mistake, please kindly let me know. Where audio is not clear, I have marked with *inaudible* Scenes are separated for ease of reference.
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(Narration) War had returned to Colombia. Cocaine cartels are about succession. The number two guys realise that the number one guys are on their way out. So, they decide to speed things up. With Gilberto Rodríguez in jail, there was blood in the water. And blood begets more blood. I told you that Cali ran their empire like a business. Well, when your business gets too big, you start selling franchises. Cali basically allowed traffickers who would normally be their rivals to work under the umbrella of their political protection… to use their cocaine distribution network, and to take advantage of their muscle when shit got heavy. In return they demanded loyalty and a hefty cut of the profits. And for a long time, that was cool. But, as brilliant as Cali’s surrender plan was, it didn’t take into account that nobody wants to retire in second place. 
(Narration) North Valley cartel was ready for first place. Traffickers like Iván Urdinola… Henry Loaiza, Gerda Salazar, and the North Valley boss, Orlando Henao. They didn’t need to retire. They controlled not only the rural North Valley, but the port of Buenaventura, from which most of the world’s cocaine shipped. It was the jewel in their crown. And they did business differently than Cali. Let’s just say they didn't give a shit about public relations. “Fuck the Gentleman of Cali,” they figured. With the port and Cali’s current legal troubles, they had a shot at taking over. It is often said in organised crime… 
…war is bad for business. (Sentence finished by Miguel Rodríguez, in Spanish.)
Minister Botero, with Miguel Rodríguez in charge, we’re dealing with a different kind of cartel. 
This operation could significantly impact the cartel’s day-to-day, stop the bloodshed. 
Well, due to the sensitivity of-
A small team. No more than ten men. 
Actually, sir, we were hoping you would provide somebody independent of General Vargas. 
I appreciate your honesty, sir. 
(Narration) Through intimidation and corruption… the Cali cartel had effectively taken much of the Colombian National Police force… and bent them to its will. But there was one force it couldn’t bend: a man named General José Serrano… whose faith and integrity were exactly what we needed.
Serrano took two things seriously: his service to God… and his belief in the rule of law. He expected the same from his men. For him, it began at an early age. He was a campesino, the son of a dirt farmer. He had never owned a pair of shoes. One day, a group of mounted policemen rode into his village. It reminded him of the holy knights he had read about, religious warriors on a mission from God. He knew then… that he would be one of them.
He joined the force, expecting to find other like-minded men. But instead, he found corruption. From where he could, he rooted it out. When he became chief of his first small town, he fired over two-thirds of the department for being on the take… declaring war on corrupt cops and traffickers alike. Twenty years, and numerous failed assassination attempts later… he was still waging his war. By the book, of course. 
(In Spanish) He’s provided us with Miguel’s location. That’s why it’s urgent we move now. May take a miracle to get this close again. 
(In Spanish) Any chance God’s bestowed the right men to pull off this operation?
(In Spanish) Which the Cartel will know about. 
(In Spanish) Just have to find new ones, General. Your men, General, where are they now?
(In Spanish) The operation from a strategic point of view is a nightmare. There’s a security perimeter. As soon as the lead team hits the lobby, the target knows we’re inside. Agent Feistl and I will be right behind you, arriving by helicopter. We’ll land on the roof and come in from above. 
(In Spanish) Yes. We have an inside man. He’ll be posted right here, giving us our best way in. 
(In Spanish) We’re bringing the fiscale with us. Until we’re on site, no-one else knows the real target. 
(In Spanish) General… one more thing. I’d like to ask you to remain in Bogotá. 
(In Spanish) Which puts your name on the line, sir. If anything goes wrong, and we look like…
(In Spanish) That’s true, but I know the system we’re up against. With your name on the warrant… there’s no doubt the cartel’s watching you. 
This the guy with the warrant?
Yeah, I don’t give a shit, as long as he does what he’s told. 
No, no, no, no. no. Colombian law. 
If you want anything we do in there to count, follow the fucking rules. Van Ness. Where are you? I need the fiscale upstairs. Where the fuck are you? 
Write the address in, right now. That's why you’re here. You decide how you want this to go. 
(In Spanish) Are you Fernando Castillo?
(In Spanish) We’re here to arrest Miguel Rodríguez. 
(In Spanish) DEA. 
(In Spanish) There’s no evidence he got out. 
I think it’s time you called your friend Natalia. Find out what she’s heard. 
Find out what the fuck is going on. 
Where is he?
Wait. Get back out there.
No, I think he changed the one he’s on. 
(In Spanish) Good morning, ma’am. We need to get into your apartment. 
You having fun over there, Van Ness?
What happened here?
It fell over?
Come on, there’s something we’ve gotta do. 
(In Spanish) What are you going to do to stop us?
Let’s go. 
Put it down. We’re done here. 
Give him your passport, Chris. 
We’re on a plane to Bogotá. Meet Crosby tonight, Defense Minister in the morning. He makes the call on our visas. It’s over. We fucked up. 
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iamveronica · 2 years
My Marrissey Musings
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Moz is a lying liar but in a good way, in a way that keeps you on your toes and gives you whiplash. he had once described Johnny as "schizophrenic"(*) with regard to his sentiments towards the Smiths which is rather rich coming from Moz because no one's yo-yoed as intensely as he has what i got from Autobiography and from the open letter is Moz hates to see Johnny weaponized against him in the book, it was the legal team, Joyce and Rourke, the judge, everyone and anyone, that he blamed for using Johnny against him during the Smiths trial(*). in the open letter, it's the media. the letter wasn't so much "don't talk about me" as "don't let them play you" between "I was discovered by Johnny, the guitarist, who came and unearthed me one day (0:25)... he found me, I was just there, dying, and he rescued me" (0:52) and Angel Angel Down We Go Together, i feel like TO THIS DAY Moz harbours a saviour complex towards Johnny, like he feels he owes him that i think, in his mind, Moz has been quite magnanimous towards Johnny yet the littlest perceived slight attributed to Marr gets magnified in his mind to ridiculous proportions such as "Morrissey is a bad smell in the attic", "Morrissey is a death-machine"(*), "an eyesore monster"(**). classic Morrissey language if Moz has truly moved on, would the January 2022 open letter to Johnny Marr exist? some people ask 'why didn't he address it to the press?' or 'why didn't he contact Johnny privately?' well, obviously, Moz cares little about tabloids as a whole but it must cut him deep to see Johnny used against him. asking Johnny privately would put the burden on Johnny to reject the topic so Moz did what he thought best and wedged himself between Johnny and the media. should he be applauded for it or was it as clumsy as could be? In my own sick way / I'll always stay true to you as much as i'd like a Moz and Marr public reconciliation, stuff like the open letter makes me think that perhaps things are as raw, unresolved and unworked out as they were 35 years ago
A week later his Mercedes pulls up outside my mother’s house and we are both briefly united. Behind the wheel, he makes for Saddleworth Moor, and the social unit slots back together again. ‘You really don’t know the full story of what happened at the end, do you?’ Johnny asks me as rain whacks the window screen. If anyone has a right to raise their voice, it is me. So I do. ‘I know NOTHING!!!’ I shout. Does anyone go to war and win? No. ... The seething rot that had shot the Smiths down remained undisclosed by Johnny on this drive to Saddleworth Moor (oh, Saddleworth Moor, so much to answer for)...
(*) In months to come, Johnny will appear on television several times under scorching lights. He struggles with the truth, half-forgetting, he says he split the Smiths up, and then in a later television spot he says he did no such thing. Johnny spits out my name, changing his story as he shifts from foot to foot; he says he had no idea, and then he says he fully intended to ‘move on’. Always saying too much, something has happened to Johnny once again, and each appearance gives an entirely different account. He no longer listens to the Smiths’ music and he criticizes it. Morrissey is a bad smell in the attic. Morrissey is a death-machine. Morrissey is evil and should be stuffed. But as Johnny spouts he looks all wrong. His clothes are crooked and the eyes are in torment. What had happened since the serenity of our drive to Saddleworth Moor, when the coffin-lid shifted and the old spark rose like a small miracle? Someone, by now, is preparing to save Johnny’s soul as the nightmare of the Joyce Case flexes itself in readiness. The petty guidance of advisors are grooming Johnny for his upcoming role as sacrificial lamb – always a hit with judges who demand subservience above truth. Darting schizophrenically in the pursuit of self-interest, Johnny now looks pale on the scaffold – the opportunism of wolves giving him a notably punished look. Revenge is calling, and I am the quarry. (**) You found me inspirational enough to make music with me for 6 years. If I was, as you claim, such an eyesore monster, where exactly did this leave you? Kidnapped? Mute? Chained? Abducted by cross-eyed extraterrestrials?
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tomorrowusa · 6 months
Congrats to Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss on the settlement. ❤️ Make him pay every cent that he owes you.
A Washington DC jury has ordered Rudy Giuliani to pay $148.1mtotwo Atlanta election workers after he spread lies about them, one of the most significant verdicts to date seeking accountability for those who attempted to overturn the 2020 election. The verdict follows a four-day trial in which Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, her daughter, gave haunting details about the harassment and threats they faced after Giuliani falsely accused them of trying to steal the election in Georgia. The women, who are Black, described how they fled, are afraid to give their names in public, and still suffer severe emotional distress today. Their lawyers asked the jury to award them each at least $24m in damages. Giuliani’s attorney said earlier this week that awarding the plaintiffs their sought damages would be a “death penalty” and would be "the end of Mr Giuliani”. The damages included nearly $16.2m and $17m in compensatory damages for Freeman and Moss respectively. It also included $20m to each woman for intentional infliction of emotional distress. The jury also awarded an additional $75m in punitive damages. Giuliani also owes approximately an additional $275,000 in legal fees.
If Giuliani owes $148.1 million because of lies he's spread about two election workers, can you imagine how much Trump would owe for his nonstop dishonesty? I was thinking: maybe in the range of the GDP of Thailand.
The case is the latest in a series of cases in which plaintiffs have used defamation law to push back on lies spread about them since the 2020 election. The voting equipment vendor Dominion settled with Fox for $787m earlier this year in a defamation case. Freeman and Moss also have a pending lawsuit against the Gateway Pundit, a far-right news outlet. Last year, they also settled with One America News, another far-right outlet. Civil rights groups are turning to defamation law as a new tool to ward off misinformation. The lies about both women were a cornerstone of efforts by Giuliani and Trump to try to overturn the election results in Georgia. On 3 December 2020, Giuliani tweeted a selectively edited video that he claimed showed Freeman and Moss wheeling suitcases full of ballots out from under a table after counting had concluded for the night. The accusation was quickly debunked by Georgia officials, but Giuliani continued to spread the lie.
Trumpsters live in an alternative universe where they imagine that whatever comes out of their mouths is instant reality. If anything, it's the direct opposite.
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welldonebeca · 2 years
No Stage (But We Still Have an Audience)
Summary: Cassandra Baratheon needs a rebranding. Uncle Renly finds her a fake relationship with Punk Star Robb Stark. And then, it isn't so fake anymore. A.k.a.: Robb seals their relationship by fucking her on the couch during his band's party. Pairing: Robb Stark x OFC (Cassandra) WC: 4.6k words Warnings: Smut. Exhibitionism, dirty talk, loss of virginity, light angst in the beginning, fluff, multiple orgasms, squirting, overstimulation, cunnilingus, degrading/humiliation kink, alcohol. A/N: Everyone here is British.
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Cassandra tried not to look nervous and awkward as she stood in the very visible VIP cabin sitting to the Wolves' show.
It was all - everything, from top to bottom, from the featured song together to the little fake story they were playing for the world to see while pretending they couldn't - uncle Renly's idea.
The last six months were, to be quick, a mess. She had moved out from her mother's house and into her father, and had just dropped her grandfather as her manager, dyed her hair back to black, and cut all contact with her mother's side of the family.
Cassandra had been the star of King's Landing's idols, and while everything had gone great for a few years, when the discovery of her father's many, many affairs and illegitimate children became public, and the rumours of her mother being involved with her own twin brother became public, it all exploded.
They divorced, and mother had managed to get full custody of both Cassandra and her three younger siblings and limit father's visits to the point that whenever any of them saw him, someone from her side of her family - usually grandfather - had to be present.
It was hell.
Their marriage had always been crappy - she was the oldest kid, she had seen enough to know they were better separated than together - but the divorce became the worst option when she realised mother had managed to cut off every way that Cassie or any of her siblings could use to escape her.
Joffrey didn't seem to care when it happened, and the twins were far too young to know the difference, but Cassandra knew better.
She would rather stay with her father in his messy bachelor pad or live across the street with Uncle Renly and his husband, where she could have easy access to dad and actual freedom, than live in that mansion with her mother and uncle Jaime.
The week after her birthday and with uncle Tyrion's help, Cassandra ripped the plaster off.
The moment mother left to have brunch with her friends, she got her laptop and her phone, every important document uncle Renly and Stannis told her to get, and the suitcase full of clothes she had spent six months sneaking into Uncle Tyrion's home and left.
He was nice enough to drive her all the way to the town where dad lived, and gave a copy of her contract - signed by her mother a little over five years ago - to uncle Stannis, who was a lawyer, to dissect and find her a way out.
The police were called the moment mother realised she wasn't home and wasn't answering her phone, but Cassandra was too busy locking her and grandfather out of her accounts to even care about it.
Uncle Stannis took over as her lawyer, and uncle Renly became her new manager. Her old record company, Casterly Rock - which was legally managed by her Uncle Jaime but pretty much lead by her grandfather - prohibited her from using any of her old songs after the break of the contract, and she was forced to pay a million to them in compensation.
Needless to say, the media had had a field day with the whole thing.
Which was why she was here now.
If she wanted to get back into a good place in the spotlight and be seen as a serious musician, she needed a rebranding.
So Cassandra dropped the Lannister name and became Cassandra Baratheon again, changed her brand, and came out with an album she had been fully responsible for composing.
And was now constructing - or whatever the right word was - a fake secret tabloid relationship with Robb Stark, lead singer of Wolves of Winterfell.
All she had wanted to do was collaborate with them, to make their song and enjoy it, but it wasn't enough for the amount of publicity she needed.
So, uncle Renly helped her make a song that was suspiciously romantic and about a James Dean type of guy, instructed her to give some hype to the Wolves of Winterfell and Robb on her Instagram, with likes, stories and flirty comments, and got them to start sharing pictures of the same places in similar times.
So now she was sitting here, watching the end of his show as a VIP and not just a guest, trying to look entertained by their punk music, like a cool girlfriend.
Which wasn't that easy.
She didn't like punk music. There was nothing too wrong with it, but it wasn't her thing.
Cassandra wanted to experiment, of course. But those wolves... they were so crude.
Half of their songs had something about sex in it, and very explicitly.
Not to mention the few times she had actually talked to them, two out of every five words they said was a curse or crude word.
It was very different from anything she was ever used to before.
It was hard to even understand, in a full way, how those very good-looking men could be so... gross.
So she was ready to head home and recover from interacting with them the whole day when her phone's screen lit up in her hand with a text.
The band had left the stage just a couple of minutes ago, and Theon Greyjoy - the drummer - was already texting her.
Didn't they have anything else to do?
'We are having a party at Robb's,' the text read. 'You should come. Take a few pictures.'
She hesitated.
Most of the times she met them, Uncle Renly was around. He had had to leave earlier today - right after her song was over - to help someone with something.
But Cassandra was an adult now. She should be able to talk to them and meet them without him chaperoning her.
But she didn't like going to places without asking for their permission.
Dad would get worried if he didn't know where she was.
Well, she could send her uncles her location, right?
She exhaled and sent a quick text to her dad.
'Hey, is it alright if I go check out a party at Robb's place?'
She waited a bit, but there was no answer.
Dad always said she could go anywhere inside the country without asking for his permission, though. As long as he knew where she was, it was alright.
Cassandra threw a look over her shoulder when someone opened the door of her cabin, and Robb's security guard looked at her.
"Mister Greyjoy said you need escorting back into your car."
"Oh," she mumbled. "Yes, of course. Thank you."
It was always good to have security around.
So she left with him and gave her driver the address Theon had sent her, waving goodbye to the fans coming to see her in her car.
She wasn't going to stay for too long. An hour or so was enough to post something that would hint them to be in the same place, and maybe grab a little snack.
Robb was going to have his fun, and she wasn't going to annoy him for too long.
She knew she wasn't his favourite person in the world and wasn't going to overstay her welcome.
His building wasn't anything like her suburban home, big and very bright, and the moment she stepped out of her car in the garage, she was informed by a female guard about being searched.
And here she was, thinking her mum was the most paranoid person in the world.
"What's this about?"  Cassandra asked, confused
The woman didn't even look at her face.
"Just to make sure you girls aren't carrying anything."
Cassandra frowned.
'You girls'?
What was that supposed to mean?
The tall guard just gestured for her to go along once she was cleared, and she walked inside, seeing the huge living room with dim coloured light, and a bunch of girls dancing to music playing loudly.
Cassandra looked around, trying to take it all in, confused when she felt an arm around her.
"There is my new favourite popstar!"  Theon exclaimed.
She jumped, spooked at the stench of alcohol hitting her face. Sure, she was used to dad occasionally being drunk around her, but this wasn't him.
Theon Greyjoy wasn't her friend or family, he didn't have such freedom with her.
She backed away, disgusted at his sweat on her skin. He was already shirtless, showing off his tattoos and clearly wasted.
"And where is your cool uncle?" he asked, not phased by her action.
She scoffed at his sarcasm. Uncle Renly was very cool. He was teaching her to drive!
"He is out with uncle Loras," she mumbled.
Theon chuckled.
"I like your uncle Loras," he smirked. "His sister is hot."
She cringed a bit, taking another look around. All of the girls were wearing skimpy outfits or big band t-shirts with apparently nothing underneath.
"Who are those girls?" she asked, confused.
"Groupies," he grinned. "We picked them up after the show!"
Was that why she was searched?
"I like that haircut on you," he reached for her hair. "Short... still easy to pull, you know?"
She flushed, pulling away.
Easy to pull?
What was he thinking?
"It was damaged from the bleaching," she mumbled.
Mother always made her bleach her hair, since she was a kid. It made her look less like her dad - Cas always looked like a carbon copy of Robert.
"I could pull on it hard while you suck on my cock," he offered, crudely. "How about that?"
She blushed deeply, eyes growing wide.
"What?!" she rushed away from him. "Who do you think you are talking to?!"
He laughed.
"It's a party! You are a big girl now!" he remarked, as if she was just joking. "Why do you think I even invited you?"
Her eyes widened in shock.
Who did he think she was? Some girl who would just fuck anyone who just waved a little hand at her? Some kind of groupie?
"What, are you like your mummy?" he teased. "Who only fucks someone if he is her brother?"
Cassandra slapped him the moment he finished his phrase.
Her mother could be terrible, but she would never let anyone use Cersei to disrespect her.
She stomped out in the direction of the door. She shouldn't have come to this stupid party.
"Hey!" she heard and Robb quickly moved to her side, holding her elbow. "Don't go, don't go."
Her face was hot, and she could barely look at him.
"Theon is a piece of shit when he is drunk," he told her.
"And when he is sober too," Jon added across the room.
All the girls laughed, and Robb squeezed her hand.
"Come on," he smiled charmingly. "Just have one beer."
She looked at him, unconvinced, and Robb shot her a little smile.
"If you have that drink, we can take a nice picture," he added. "That will be good for your story, no?"
She pressed her lips together.
He wasn't wrong.
Robb guided her to one of the couches, and she could see Jon on the other side, with his arms crossed and the only guy there with his shirt on, trying to avoid the girls touching him.
Rumour had it he was dating Robb's sister, Sansa, but she didn't know if it was true.
He was just typing on his phone, not caring about anyone, as if the party wasn't even happening.
"Here," Robb gave her a beer can. "One beer, sweetheart."
"Do you know if she even drinks?" Jon asked.
Cassandra looked at him, but he wasn't even looking at her.
"Have you ever drank before, Cassie?" he asked, a little teasing.
Cassandra blushed, offended again, though it wasn't as bad as what Theon had said.
"Of course I have!" she affirmed, feeling the old fury mother always said came from her father.
Robb chuckled, and she raised her chin, proud.
"I can probably drink more than you!"
He laughed, and raised a hand, lowering it when someone put it in his hand.
"On the count of three, then," he opened his beer.
She did the same, now growing nervous.
Well... dad did it all the time, right? It should be easy.
"One," someone called out. "Two. Three!"
She chugged it down the way she did with the green stuff mother used to give her - to keep her skinny - not even tasting the beer as it slid down her throat.
When she pulled the can away from her mouth, Robb was still drinking his, and the party erupted in a big celebration.
"She got you good!" someone shouted.
Robb pulled the can from his lips and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, looking impressed.
"Alright, sweetheart," he grinned. "You got me. You can drink faster than me."
She raised her chin, proud, and he pulled his phone from his pocket.
"You know, we gotta pretend for the groupies," he whispered, amused. "They spread gossip like no one else."
She turned to look at the girls. Two of them were thrown over Theon, taking turns in kissing him, and Robb scooped closer to her.
"Let's take your picture, uh?" he teased. "Show them how good of a boyfriend I am."
She was still trying to understand what he meant when he pulled her legs up to his lap, so close her thighs were over his, and laid his big just an inch over her knee, caressing a long scar she had there, from when she broke her leg as a kid.
Cassandra gasped a little surprised, and tried not to shiver at his warm touch.
"How... uh," she cleared her throat. "How do you want to do this?"
He hummed slowly and placed his hand a little higher on her thigh.
"I like this," he spoke nonchalantly. "Gonna show everyone how you look with my hands on you."
He put his phone aside and took hers, taking a few pictures. She didn't know how to feel, but his rough hand really felt very nice on her skin.
"Let's take one on mine too," he decided, voice still soft.
His hand slid up slowly, caressing her skin and pushing her dress up a little bit before snapping a few photos, higher and higher until his fingers were brushing on the end of the pair of shorts she always wore under her sundresses.
"Shorts?" he asked. "I thought you were a big girl."
Cassandra blushed.
"It's for safety," she mumbled. "Anyone can look up."
Robb smirked.
"Your unkie doesn't want anyone to see your pretty ass," he mocked, making her shiver.
She blushed. It wasn't something uncle Renly ever talked about. She just always did it like that.
"Girl, do you know how many people want to fuck us?" he asked. "Just embrace it!"
She didn't really know how many fans - from her age to old creeps - actually fawned over her.
He showed her his phone and her cheeks flushed as she saw it. Her own photo was a little risqué, but his had her ass almost all out when he had his hand right between her legs.
"Maybe I'll keep this one for myself," he licked his lips. "People would go crazy if they saw so much of little Cassandra Baratheon."
Cassandra licked her lips, unsure, realising how close he was to her. She could feel his breath against her neck.
"We could take one more," she mumbled. "A photo, you know?"
Robb raised his eyebrows, questioning.
"Oh, yeah?" he asked, lips curled in a little smile. "What kind of photo?"
She tried to think. Maybe they should have an official photo, no?
Before she could say anything, Robb cupped the back of her neck, pulling her closer.
"Like this?" he whispered. "I think someone should be taking that for us, uh?"
She shuddered. Of course, she had kissed someone before, but…
"Are you afraid you're gonna like it too much, princess?" he moved his nose over hers.
Cassandra decided to be bold. She wasn't the innocent little girl he thought she was.
So, she kissed him, hard and deeply, grabbing his auburn-red hair and panting when he squeezed her thigh.
She barely had a moment to think before it turned hotter, more desperate, and just spread her legs when he slid his hand right between them and used the free one to pull her closer.
She was fully over his lap before she even realised it.
When they pulled away to breathe, there was a string of saliva connecting them.
"I never knew you had it in you," he smirked. "Nice."
She smiled, a little proud of herself, but looked down when she shifted and felt his erection poking her, blushing deeply.
Robb, completely shameless, turned to shout to the room.
"Anyone taking pictures from this point on is going to be sued and prohibited from going to our shows. If anything leaks, everyone here is gonna be punished."
She was about to ask what he was talking about - what was wrong with pictures of them making out? - but her back was suddenly against the seat of the couch, and Robb was over her, kissing her again.
Robb's fingers pulled on her shorts, tossing them away while he kissed her, and only then moved to kiss her neck.
She was breathless by the time he did so, sucking marks on her neck and collar bones, hand up her dress and lips restless.
"Robb," she squirmed, shivering. "What are you doing?"
He didn't seem phased by her questioning, sucking on a soft spot in her neck, making her sigh.
"Everyone wants to see us," he reminded her. "We are so sexy, sweetheart, and we want their attention too."
Cassandra exhaled, and gasped when he bit her nipple over her dress, and when she turned to look at the side, both the girls who were with Theon were watching them while he kissed one of their necks.
"Who do you think they are jealous of, sweetheart?" he asked, pulling her dress under her breasts.
He pinched her nipple and she squirmed, whining.
"Which one do you think they wish they could be fucking?" he smirked. "You or me?"
Before Cassandra could answer, Robb took her tit in her mouth, kissing it before sucking her nipple into his lips, hungry, making her pussy wetter and her eyes drift closed.
"Beautiful," he whispered.
The heat of his body left hers, and she whined, opening her eyes, but found him standing and   his pants with some difficulty.
"Hey," he pulled a pillow from the seat and threw it on Jon, who raised his eyes with confusion all over his face. "Stop texting and get me a rubber."
She raised herself to her elbows, but Robb just moved to her, putting his hand between her legs and pulling her knickers and tossing them away, spreading them and tapping her clit and then her folds with a single finger.
"Fuck," he hummed slowly. "You're drenched, sweetheart."
Cassandra blushed, embarrassed, and whined when she pushed two fingers into her, slowly fucking her, tilting his head to watch her, causing her to squirm under his piercing look.
"Such a smooth pussy you have," he remarked. "Did you wax for me, sweetheart? For your sweet punk boyfriend?"
She looked away, embarrassed. Waxing was something she did for herself, not for men!
He looked around, but Jon wasn't back yet.
"Let's get you off while we wait for my stupid cousin to find my rubbers, uh?" he offered.
She didn't have a chance to say anything or deliberate about the offer, and Robb just put himself between her legs and covered her pussy with his lips, licking and sucking on her.
The first thing she had done when she got her own room without cameras and with a lock was buy sex toys, and while Cassandra was still a virgin, she had broken her virginity with a nice dildo, and wasn't afraid of using vibrators.
This, however, was new. Oral was very new.
Very hot too, very good.
She cried out with pleasure, unable to keep her sounds to herself, and when she opened her eyes and looked to the side, Theon was watching her with hungry eyes, fingering one of the girls while the other sucked his cock.
Fuck, that shouldn't have turned her on the way it did.
"Robb," she pushed her fingers into his hair, and arched her hips when he curled his two fingers into her pussy.
"Taste just as good as I imagined you would, pretty girl," he spoke against her thigh, sucking a bruise on her skin.
She panted.
"Did you imagine it?" she whined.
Robb smirked, licking his lips.
"I wanted to fuck you right there on stage," he told her, using his thumb to play with her clit. "To make you cum in front of everyone there."
Her pussy squeezed his fingers, the scenario making her feel a little too hot.
"Would you do it, baby?" he half-smirked. "Let me fuck you right there?"
His fingertips brushed against the sensitive spot inside her, making her cry out.
"Show off your wet pussy to everyone?" he chuckled. "I bet they would get themselves off watching us."
His touches quickened up, and Robb laughed when she just cried out in pleasure.
"You already moan so loudly, we wouldn't even need to mic you up," he scissored his fingers open, opening her up, and pushed a third finger into her.
"Robb," she cried, getting closer.
His thumb played with her clit a little quicker, though still too light.
"You gonna cum, baby?" he asked, watching her face, completely enticed.
She arched her hips, wiggling, tense, whining and crying.
"Please," she whimpered. "Harder."
His finger pressed her clit a little harder and in tighter circles.
"Like this?"
She nodded, crying, and he licked his lips.
"That's right," Robb spoke darkly, voice low and eyes boring into her skin. "Cum on my hand, you little slut."
His words flipped a switch inside her, and Cassandra cried out in pleasure, body shaking while your pussy squeezed his fingers inside her, and Robb followed her with his hand when she arched her hips, growing wetter and desperate while he didn't stop.
"Robb," she nearly screamed.
"Don't stop," he grunted. "Keep cumming against my hand, be a good slut."
He moved closer to her, placing a hand over her stomach and sucking on her clit while hammering his fingers into her.
"Please, please," she panted.
Robb was relentless, holding her down, driving her into madness.
And then, she felt something different. Very new.
He held her through her orgasm, holding her down as she came again.
Her body shook under him, and Cassandra didn't even know if she was screaming or crying silently.
Robb only pulled away when her orgasm was over, and his face was completely wet, dripping while he pushed his fingers into his lips, sucking with hunger in his eyes.
"Wait," she heard Jon's voice, and opened her eyes to find him standing right by her side. "You made her squirt?"
Robb didn't answer, just chuckling and smirking, pulling his fingers from his mouth.
"Gimme that," he snatched the rubbers from his hand.
"Good one," Jon said simply, walking away.
Robb just ignored him, pulling his cock from his jeans, and shot her a wicked look before rolling it down his cock, stroking himself for a moment and squeezed her hips.
"Turn around," he licked his lips. "Wanna slap your slutty ass while I fuck you."
Cassandra whined. Those words - this degranding way he spoke to her - shouldn't make her feel like this. And yet, here she was, craving for more.
Robb gave her a pillow, and she turned around on the couch, pressing her face against it and raising her ass.
"Fuck, look at this," he grunted. "You are so fucking messy."
Her cheeks warmed up, and she arched her ass a little more, earning a pleased hum from him.
"Can I take a picture, princess?" he touched her clit gently, just tapping on it. "Can I keep a picture of your messy pussy for myself?"
Cassandra bit her lower lip, unsure, though her pussy certainly got wetter at the offer.
She should be rational. Everyone always said how she was so mature, right?
"Gods," he squeezed her ass. "Did you feel that, slut? The little drop that fell from your pussy?"
She whined, and he teased her sensitive clit with his covered cock.
"Do you want me to share that photo too?" he offered, nearly mocking her. "Show my cock about to slide right in and let everyone what a fucking slut you are for me?"
Cassandra squeezed her pillow, squeezing her eyes closed.
"Raise your ass," he commanded. "Show the camera how wet I make, how your pussy got so messy just for me."
She did as he said, not looking back so that her face wouldn't be caught on screen, and gasped when he rested the head of his cock against her entrance.
"Just another picture, baby slut," he hummed. "And then I'll fuck your pussy, okay?"
Robb snapped another couple of pictures, and slowly pushed his cock inside, snapping another photo, before she heard the sound of his phone locking up and being tossed out of the way.
Her face was burning with the humiliation, but she didn't want it t end.  She liked it.
Very much.
Finally, Robb pushed his cock all the way inside her without any hesitance or resistance.
"Fuck," he grunted.
"Is she good?" Theon asked from his seat.
"Perfect," Robb grunted. "Fuck, her pussy is gripping me, fits like a fucking glove."
She cried when he bottomed out inside her, and Robb groaned, squeezing her hips with a single hand.
"Your cunt is perfect for my cock," he grunted, moving back for a moment and then pushing inside her again. "Fucking drenched slut!"
She cried and mewled as he fucked her, not only not caring about his friends watching her, but enjoying their hungry eyes.
Robb pressed his chest to her back when his moans grew darker and a new orgasm felt closer and closer.
"Cum for me again," he grunted. "Milk my cock with your cunt, slut."
His fingers played with her clit without an ounce of mercy, and Cassandra's blue eyes crossed when her body followed his command, shamelessly cumming and driving him into orgasming with her.
Robb pulled out from inside her without waiting for much time, and she was still panting when he walked across the room and into another room, coming back with his dick already tucked in and pants zipped up.
"Hey," he pushed her hair, matted down by sweat, behind her ear, and cleaned her up with something soft and warm. "How are you feeling?"
Cassandra groaned.
She was so tired.
"Alright," he helped her flip back to face up and picked her up. "Nap time."
She pouted, but just put her arm over his shoulder, bracing herself, and pulled him closer when he laid her on a bed.
"Wanna cuddle," she whined.
Robb laughed and lied along with her.
"I guess this means we are dating now," he embraced her.
Cassandra raised her eyes at him, surprised. Did he mean it?
"What?" he caressed her side. "You think I would let you go after this?"
She flushed, blushing.
"I was hoping you wouldn't," she confessed.
Robb kissed her forehead.
Cassandra wondered for a moment if she should tell him now that this was her first time.
Maybe she could do it tomorrow.
They needed to take that morning photo too, after all.
. . .
“No Stage (But We Still Have an Audience)” was posted on my Patreon on the 11th of April. To have early and exclusive access to my stories, subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month!
. . 
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melonefelone · 1 year
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Okay one more post w/ a shitty doodle bc i wanna talk about how i write their dynamic 💔 They did the dynamic dirty by making Ed try and kill her right away. It needs redemption.
- Enigma calls Riddler Pop, Pops, and used Pop Pop when she was little. He would prefer to be called dad, but she just doesn’t like it.
- Edward is a pushover 🗣️‼️ he constantly worries about ending up like his own father so he is just completely unable to discipline or say no Elise at all. So she is sort of a spoilt brat.
- Since she was homeschooled through her early grade school years, Edward is extremely hands on with her education (more-so than he already would be) and is an absolute asshole over grades she gets in school now that she goes to a private school.
- Elise is held to high standards, and Ed can be a bit of an ass about that too. It is probably the biggest area of tension between the two. Edward would never yell at her, not without breaking down and apologizing later, but he makes snide comments when she doesn’t meet his high expectations.
- Elise does gymnastics, along with a few academic clubs at her school. She wishes Edward would be able to go to her things more, but when he is in Arkham his hands are kind of tied.
- Riddler avoids any and all questions she has about her mother, simply saying it isn’t any of her business (she was a fling when he was a carny) and more or less acts like he somehow is the ONLY parent when asked.
- Elise really likes to ruffle his feathers, using slang, saying words wrong on purpose, etc. just because she thinks it is funny how worked up Edward gets over it. Even if it often leads to long lectures about how he is going to homeschool her again because obviously the school is degrading her intellectual abilities.
- Elise simply does not understand riddles. Never has. Never will. She is better at puzzles and word games, but she is bad at riddles in general. Edward LOATHES this. Will spend hours trying to explain them to her, but she just isn’t able to understand them.
- Elise bullies kids on Roblox. Edward joins her sometimes because he finds her “little scams” entertaining. Gives her pointers on how to make it a full fledged pyramid scheme. However it is just Roblox, so she isn’t going to do it.
- At the moment Riddler doesn’t let her come on heists (no matter how much she begs) but will let her “go out” with Echo and Query for girl time (small robberies) so she can get some experience under her belt (she is the heir to his criminal empire after all)
- Edward cries like a baby at every single one of her accomplishments. Absolutely overpraises because he wished he got that as a kid, etc. again. Elise is lowkey a spoilt brat.
- “why does ______ call you babygirl?” “Listen to the radio, child”
- Elise most often lives with Echo and Query when Ed is in Arkham. They insist on being paid obviously, but Edward trusts them not to accidentally kill his child.
- For the record, I write Enigma as lesbian. She came out to Edward at some point and he probably doted over her telling her he is so happy she told him for days and days as if he a. didn’t already know and b. Isn’t a walking fruit basket himself.
- Elise helps him with schemes and plots by coloring on the outside of his blueprints. He presents them to the gang this way. Flowers and unicorns and all.
- She gets control of the Riddler twitter account once every other Wednesday. Edward wants her to address his public, so they get aquatinted with her.
- Elise’s birth certificate says Elise Nashton. Edward has not told her this, since she was little when he took on the name Edward Nygma (formerly Eddie Nashton) and simply raised her with Nygma as a surname. He doesn’t plan on telling her of the change. Forging new legal documents so she doesn’t find out. He isn’t exactly fond of talking about his life before becoming The Riddler. So she is left in the dark.
- Elise likes to bring wild animals inside because she wants a pet. Edward shrieks and jumps on the nearest piece of furniture until it is out.
- granted when she is older (19-20) he does try to kill her after an argument where he just kind of snapped. It took a while for him to talk to Elise again after that. Likewise, Elise kept some space between them for a while herself. Going on her own crime-wise to make her own statement.
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Men who enter women’s spaces and “call the experience “paradise” and said he was in “boob heaven,” and compared women’s bodies to marshmallows and peaches, using Japanese onomatopoeia to imitate the sound of jiggling. “It was really a 360-degree world full of tits and tight, peach-like buttocks,” Wasada said” are misgendering themselves.
A Japanese trans-identified male YouTuber has prompted backlash after boasting of using the women’s sauna at a hotel in Yokohama last month. 
Nao Wasada, who also uses the name Suzanne Misaki, uploaded a video to his YouTube channel on December 5 titled “What Happened After a Former Man Took Off His Clothes and Entered the Women’s Bath.” In the vlog, Wasada describes his experience entering the women’s section of the bath house in highly sexualized terms. 
As of January 4, the upload has over 2,300 ‘dislikes’ compared to only 290 ‘likes.’
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“I snuck into a women’s bath where women in their natural appearance gathered together,” Wasada says in the video. “For a former man, a women’s bath is a dangerous place because it reveals the male body and if it is discovered that you are a former man, you are in all sorts of trouble.”
He went on to call the experience “paradise” and said he was in “boob heaven,” and compared women’s bodies to marshmallows and peaches, using Japanese onomatopoeia to imitate the sound of jiggling. “It was really a 360-degree world full of tits and tight, peach-like buttocks,” Wasada said.
“I actually went to peachy boob heaven and worshipped marshmallow tits,” he added. “Everyone hides them with a towel, but they’re protruding, aren’t they? Heaven. There are big peaches and small ones. There are peaches, and there are women whose buttocks stick out like pears.”
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Wasada further detailed his experience in the women’s public bath on his Instagram account, where he describes himself as someone who “love[s] spending money on plastic surgery, body modification, and beauty,” and promises tips on “bust enhancement.”
In a December 4 post, Wasada stated that this was not his first time entering a women’s public bath, and again made sexual comments about the naked bodies of women he saw in the bath house. Wasada excitedly compared women’s breasts to a buffet, depicting the scene as “all-you-can-fill boobs while your heart is pounding.”
Wasada has made repeated references to breasts in his videos and social media posts. In June 2021, Wasada tweeted: “I love girls, I love boobs. If you have a sex change, have breast augmentation, and work hard on your clothes, hairstyle, voice, and make-up to look like a woman, you will be recognized as a woman, and that’s okay.”
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Many commenters responded negatively to Wasada’s sauna video, with some asserting that Wasada posed a threat to the women in the facility. The replies which received the most “likes” in response were ones which strongly condemned Wasada’s behavior.
“If you’re a woman at heart, don’t you understand that if you say things like this to a woman, it’s scary and disgusting? I’m not discriminatory and I’ve participated in the Pride parade in the past, but when I saw this video, I honestly thought it was really disgusting. LGBT+ just lost its supporters,” read one of the top comments.
“[This is] a person you don’t want your wife or daughter to encounter in a hot spring or toilet,” said another commenter.
Other responses from women expressed the view that they would not want to enter a public bath if they knew men would be present and watching them. Some replied that Wasada’s behavior was more like a man than that of a woman, with one respondent labeling him “a man who is fascinated by women’s bodies and has changed his body beyond his hobby of cross-dressing.”
Japanese news outlets reported on Wasada’s video, and a lawyer spoke with Yahoo News about the incident. When questioned about the legality of the situation, attorney Ayao Masaki, a member of the Tokyo Bar Association, stated that it could present a “legal issue,” and cited laws related to trespassing with a voyeuristic intent and public exposure.
Following the public outcry, Wasada uploaded a video on December 20 responding to critics. Rather than apologizing for his behavior, Wasada instead claimed that the video was intended for male viewers, referred to himself as a “pervert”, and stated that he could not promise he would refrain from making similar comments about women in the future.
A Japanese feminist who campaigns against gender self-identification policies explained to Reduxx that because bath houses are segregated according to sex, women would not expect men to be permitted to enter the women’s area.
Haruka, speaking under the condition of anonymity, said that despite the laws surrounding sex-segregation, there have been documented cases of men gaining access to the women’s baths under false pretenses. Most of those cases resulted in an arrest. 
Haruka added that she believed some women would refuse to use public bath facilities if they knew that men who identify as transgender were being granted entrance, and especially if they were aware that such men were sexually attracted to women. Haruka explained that in Japan, public bath houses are not considered recreational, but are “a part of daily life.”
Gender ideology appears to now be colliding with Japan’s centuries-long tradition of public bathing and creating legal confusion. While the areas are presumed to be segregated based on sex, the introduction of legal document revision means that males like Wasada who change their gender marker to “female” are technically able to access the facilities.
The Japanese government currently requires “sex-reassignment surgery” in order for individuals to alter sex markers on official documents, though activists are pushing for reforms which would allow for self-identification on the basis of a subjective gender identity with no medical transition.
Last fall, Reduxx reported that several Japanese women’s universities had begun accepting men who self-declare a transgender status as students. 
Japan Women’s University (JWU) was the latest institution to announce it would be adopting a self-identification policy. The measure will be implemented at the start of 2024 despite half of the female students currently enrolled expressing opposition or hesitation.
In response to the female student’s concerns, JWU released a “Diversity Declaration” last June outlining how administrators intended to work towards convincing female students to change their views on gender ideology. According to the statement, female students at Japan Women’s University (JWU) who express skepticism on the topic of gender identity may be asked to speak with “gender-specialist counselors” in order to convince them that men who identify as transgender are “female.”
Policies allowing for men to self-identify into women-only academic institutions come in the wake of internationally-publicized scandals that saw top universities intentionally lowering women’s entrance exam scores for years to deny them admission on the basis of their sex. 
International rankings, including those from the World Economic Forum, consistently place Japan as one of the most unequal countries in the developed world in terms of political representation and economic opportunities for women.
Sexual harassment, upskirting, and public groping are so prevalent in the nation that advertisements on public transportation can be seen warning passengers to be on alert for sexually-motivated crimes, and most major railways offer some form of specially designated women-only spaces or train cars. In addition, voyeurism pornography has been increasing in popularity in recent years, motivating men to install cameras in women’s spaces of undress in order to film them unaware.
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pl9090 · 1 year
House Paradox profile
Name: Paradox.
Chapter: Prydon.
Colour: Black.
Founder: Avus of House Lungbarrow, ("The Voodoo Priest of House Lungbarrow").
Current status: Self exiled and reformed as a polictial/criminal organisation.
(Devised using both The Book of the War and Mr. Bumber’s Crimes Against History timelines).
1,152.B.T.W.= There are irregularities in the loom process of many Houses the reason for which is unknown and due to the nature of Timelord culture it is basically ignored and forgotten about for various reasons. The resulting first, "Affected Generation" includes Morbius and Avus.
Sometime before 403.B.T.W.= The events of, "Cobwebs and Ivory" which strengthens Avus's interest in alter time constructs and change as a concept.
403.B.T.W.= Avus leaves House Lungbarrow and founds the House Paradox appearing before an open High Council audience to formally announce it and it's foundations would be rooted in the loom matrix accordingly, (while allowed under the Protocols however it's seen as unecessary and starting a new family smacked of biodiversity). He takes the traditional head of House title, ("Grandfather") as his new name which is seen as tasteless.
Once it is established the Grandfather publically questions the protocols, speaking in favour of alter time structures and alarmingly implying that change was the most important tool of any culture. The House is ignored out of a combination of utter appalment and the lack of anything in the Protocols to deal with it.
The other four house members, (known as Godfathers) somehow access a, "Abomination's Graveyard" via the, "Heart of the Cladera" from which they take five Yssgaorth tainted Timelord skeletons for use as ceremonial armour.
444.B.T.W.= House Paradox creates the Eleven Day Empire alter time structure and is used as both a bolthole and a reliquary. This and the earlier Caldera trip are undeniable breaches of the Protocols and result in the Grandfther being called before an open High Council audience at which he wears his full Yssgaroth tainted skelteon armour which is seen as: deliberately unthinkable, an offence by it's very existance, and either a show of defiance or a theinly vield threat. He walks free without having to say anything and the House is allowed to continue as the High Council is unable to adapt or accept there was nothing in the Protocols and no legal precendents to bring House Paradox to account.
The House still consists of the a handful of members from dissenting Houses though prepares for a post audience influx of followers.
443.B.T.W.= The Sonatran Invasion of Gallifrey. While a failure due to the Doctor's actions the triples shocks of: 1.Any lesser species being able to access Gallifrey at all. 2.The laughable ineffectiveness of the ceremonial Chancellory Guard, (at least the Capitol's). 3.The 407th President, (the Fourth Doctor) fleeing after only three days in office. Causes some of the House elders to seek sanctuary in the wilderness beyond the cities. The protocols and social rules don't seem to be sufficient to deal with the situation. The Grandfather talkes the opportunity to mock and crow at the Protocols and the High Council.
392.B.T.W.= The Grandfather is caught in the High Council's post Dronid Crisis anti authority crackdown and imprisoned in Shada under the pretext of needing of establishing tighter time theory controls.
151.B.T.W.= The shockwaves from a successfully contained incident on 18th century Earth causing the 411th President, (Romana II) to suffer a nervous spasm of insanity in which she sees appalling future visions similar to that of the 406th President, (Greyjan) and spontaneously release several hundred of Shada's inmates including the Grandfather. Once free the Grandfather uses an ordinary knife to cut off his biodata tagged right arm so as to both physically/temporally and ceremonially cut himself off from the Timelords. While the Grandfather's esacape was noticed it is seen as unimportant compared to the many other contemporary crises they had to deal with. He subsequently orders House Paradox to leave Gallifrey permeneantly and reorganises it into an outside universe political/criminal organisation, (giving up all House priviliges) before, "retiring" by erasing himself from history into non existance using the same techniques one of the Luietent Godfathers will teach the .C.I.A. elite so they can become The Celestis.
Avus might of have worn the House Paradox variant of the Prydonian robes to the first audience as part of the overall, "permissible but disturbing" nature of declaring the House's founding.
There is no mention of any members besides Avus when it is founded, (the act and the subsequent public questioning of the Protocols might have also served as rallying calls). Someone confidently striking out like this would trigger the fears of another Imperator Morbius.
The, "Heart of the Caldera" might be the Untempered Schism near the middle of the crater itself? Timetravel without a capsule is known to hurt Timelords but not to any real extent so such an, "one off" trips are possible.
The five Yssgaroth tainted Timelord skeletons might be from an alternate timeline or failures of Rassilon's regeneration experiments that had been hidden away.
The reference to the House, "hadn't yet created it's first batch of offspring" which means either the House was opposed to looms or the High Council kept delaying the loom installation as long as possible. There is no categorical denial of a House Paradox loom existing though.
The original five members may have initially come together more due to their shared interest in alter time constructs rather then that of cultural change, (Avus might of ben a bit like Rassilon in that regard maybe another example of, "resonance").
It's stated that the Celestis used the same techniques to, "escape" as the Grandfather did to, "reitre" possibly taught to them by one of the Grandfathers. So is the Grandfather, (and possibly the orignal four luietenant Godfathers) also continue to exist as conceptual beings?
As others have noted the Grandfather's self removal from history would mean he was never a Cousin of House Lungbarrow so another was loomed in his place: The Doctor. The universe unknowingly has the Grandfather to thank for unknowingly creating him.
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mariacallous · 1 year
In Estonia’s parliamentary election earlier this month, the ruling Reform Party claimed a landslide victory, while its chairwoman, Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, won re-election with the highest vote count in the country’s history. The 45-year-old former lawyer’s decisive win came despite the fact that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has hit Estonia’s economy harder than that of any other E.U. country. From a political standpoint, this means the country is likely to maintain its current course, which embraces active support for Ukraine, an uncompromising stance towards the Kremlin, and close coordination with the E.U. Kallas is the face of this course, and her political star has risen not just at home but across Europe in the year since Russia launched its full-scale war. According to some, she’s destined for a future in international politics — perhaps even as the secretary general of NATO. Meduza tells Kallas’s story.
Her mother’s forced deportation and her father’s political career
In many ways, Kaja Kallas is a typical northern European politician. She doesn’t have the streets blocked off when she travels by motorcade, and on normal days, she’s comfortable walking, running, and biking right alongside her constituents. She has a Twitter account, speaks English well, plays the drums, and likes to dance.
But like many Estonians, Kallas doesn’t have to look back very far to find a painful chapter in her family history. In the late 1940s, her mother was deported east after the USSR annexed Estonia. “My mom was only six months old when she was sent with my grandmother and great grandmother to Siberia in cattle cars,” Kallas said in an interview last year. The women spent 10 years in Krasnoyarsk, not returning to the Estonian SSR until 1959.
In 1999, Kallas graduated from the University of Tartu, where she studied antitrust law. At 27, she became a partner in the major law firm Luiga Mody Hääl Borenius and Tark & ​​Co. “I thought, ‘Is this really all there is?’” she said later. “The other partners were over 60, and they would play golf for days on end. I played with them too, but the whole time I’d be thinking, ‘Is this really how I’m going to spend the rest of my life?’”
Kallas isn’t the first public figure in her family; her father, Siim Kallas, has been a well-known politician since the Soviet era. A member of the Communist Party, he led the Estonian branch of the USSR Savings Bank from 1979 to 1986. After Estonia regained its independence in 1991, he headed the Bank of Estonia until 1995, then went into politics and founded the Reform Party. He went on to serve as the country’s foreign minister, its finance minister, and, in 2002–2003, its prime minister. After that, he served as the vice president of the European Commission from 2004 to 2014, but he’s since returned to Estonian politics and was elected to Estonia’s parliament alongside his daughter on March 5.
On the one hand, then, Kaja Kallas’s political career seems to have been inevitable. But she insists that her father’s accomplishments scared her away from politics for a long time:
When I applied to university, I thought I definitely wanted to be first in whatever I did. And so, I decided not to go into the fields where my father, my mother, or my brother had already made names for themselves, so as not to be compared to them.
But after her accomplishments in the legal world, Kallas said recently, politics was simply the next logical step: “When you practice law, you see what could be better. And you give advice.”
To Brussels and back again
In 2010, at 32 years old, Kaja Kallas joined the Reform Party, and just one year later, she was elected to the Estonian Parliament, or the Riigikogu, where she headed up the Economic Affairs Committee. Next, she ran for the European Parliament, and won that election in a landslide as well. In the fall of 2017, Politico named Kallas as one of Brussels’s most influential women, and VoteWatch included her on a list of the 70 most influential European deputies.
Kallas’s next election, an intra-party one in 2018, forced her to return home to Estonia. Then, in the following year’s parliamentary elections, she ran as chairman of the Reform Party and won again, prompting the country’s largely ceremonial president to nominate her as prime minister. When she proved unable to put together a majority coalition, however, other parties formed one, electing Jüri Ratas, the chairman of the Center Party, as prime minister instead. Then, two years later, he resigned amid corruption allegations.
After Ratas’s resignation, Kallas’s bid for prime minister found support from a majority of deputies, and her first cabinet began work on January 26, 2021. Kallas became Estonia’s first female prime minister, and her government contained more female ministers (seven out of 14) than any previous one.
From COVID-19 to the war in Ukraine
When Kaja Kallas took office as prime minister, the coronavirus pandemic was raging. The peak of the country’s restrictive measures had passed, but she still had to handle scandals involving the purchase of rapid tests for schools, provide subsidies for businesses, and implement vaccine passports, among other tasks. By all measures, she succeeded: Estonia finished 2021 with economic growth at 8 percent (after a disastrous -0.6 percent the previous year).
Then came Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. From the start, Estonia proved a resolute and generous ally to Kyiv, and Kallas’s personal position played no small role. Estonia donated a higher share of its own GDP to Ukraine in 2022 than any other country and was the only country to donate more than 1 percent of its GDP.
“Every weapon we’ve provided to Ukraine has weakened our enemy and strengthened our own security,” Kallas has said.
Also straining the Estonian economy was the sudden stream of Ukrainian refugees, 122,554 of whom have entered the country since the start of the war (and 66,762 of whom have remained there). The Estonian state budget provides them with temporary housing, one-time rental compensation payments of 1,200 euros, and benefits of 200 euros per month. Meanwhile, in fall 2021, months before the war, Russian gas supply disruptions caused inflation to accelerate, and in 2022, it reached 25 percent (Estonia fully banned the purchase and import of Russian gas beginning on January 1, 2023).
Amid all this, the country’s spending on security increased, resulting in a 1.2 percent GDP deficit for 2022.
And against that backdrop, a domestic political dispute erupted around child and family benefits, causing a split between deputies in the Reform Party and their allies in the Center Party. In response, in June 2022, Kallas asked President Alar Karis to dismiss all six ministers representing the Center Party. Afterward, the Reform Party created a new coalition with the Social Democratic Party and the center-right party Isamaa. In June 2022, Kallas resigned as prime minister so that a new government could be formed, and her second cabinet was sworn in, just days later.
By late 2022, Estonia had undergone a recession, become the only E.U. country whose GDP shrank, and had the highest inflation rate in the E.U. (19.4 percent). Estonia prides itself on its low national debt (15.8 percent of GDP), but the country’s budget deficit forced it to borrow at a fairly high rate (4 percent for ten years). For comparison, Latvia, whose national debt is around 40 percent, borrowed money at a 3.5 percent rate for five years.
So say Kallas’s supporters
One of the biggest reasons for Kallas’s popularity at home is that Estonia has begun to play a more significant role on the international stage under her leadership. She’s become known for her unyielding position both domestically and internationally, even earning the nickname “Europe's Iron Lady” for her refusal to compromise with Vladimir Putin.
The New York Times recently named Kallas as a potential future candidate for secretary general of NATO. The Washington Post described her as a “fluent English speaker and prolific social media user” who is “widely quoted in international media and has been credited with raising Estonia’s influence in the European Union and around the world.”
“Kallas has told Western Europe about the things that worry us here in Estonia [and] about our history and our fears. That’s important because the Western world still underestimates these problems and doesn’t know what life is like for people in the Baltic states and in Eastern Europe,” Estonian journalist Neeme Korv told Meduza.
“If nobody knows about you, nobody will notice if you disappear one day,” Kallas herself has said, presumably referring to her country’s annexation by the USSR, when Estonia’s formal allies didn’t come to its aid. “So, we’re trying to become visible.”
In Korv’s view, “with her popularity abroad and the attention she gives to foreign policy, you might compare Kallas to [popular Estonian writer, director, and former President] Lennart Meri.”
Because Kallas was unable to form a coalition after her victory in Estonia’s 2019 parliamentary election, two years passed between the promises she made to voters and her rise to real power. Nonetheless, she’s already made good on several campaign vows. After years of slow progress regarding the country’s linguistic transition from Russian to Estonian, Kallas’s government recently implemented a radical plan: beginning in 2024, all first-grade students in Estonia will receive schooling in Estonian, and by 2030, no students of any age will receive their education in Russian.
Neeme Korv reflected that the collapse of Kallas’s ruling coalition last year seems to have worked in her favor. “Kallas didn’t have enough experience to solve such complicated problems. But on the other hand, by going through that, she became a mature politician in the eyes of the population and gained voters.”
So say Kallas’s critics
So far, Kaja Kallas has managed to avoid corruption scandals of her own, but not everyone in her circle has been so fortunate (or, perhaps, scrupulous) — including her own father. In the late 1990s, Siim Kallas was hit with fraud charges related to the disappearance of $10 million back in 1993, when he was the head of the Bank of Estonia (he was ultimately acquitted).
Siim Kallas was charged again in the spring of 2014, this time for allegedly issuing 10 letters of guarantee back in the 1990s for a total of about 1.3 billion kroons that weren’t reflected in the Bank of Estonia’s annual balance sheet. The case never went to trial, but the scandal appears to have caused Kallas to delay his return to politics for several years, possibly costing him the prime ministership.
Kaja Kallas’s second ex-husband, Taavi Veskimägi, who heads the Estonian national energy company Elering, has been the subject of some controversy too. Last year, when Estonia was frantically searching for a substitute for Russian gas, Elering sparred publicly with the country’s largest private energy company, Alexela, about the construction of Estonia’s first LNG terminal. And in a recent interview, Alexela majority owner Heiti Hääl called Veskimägi “the person who decides what’s best for the Estonian economy” and pointedly suggested that the interviewer ask Kaja Kallas how this became the case.
Kallas must also manage the frustrations of Estonia’s Russian-speaking population. That much was clear from the results of the most recent parliamentary election in Ida-Viru County, which borders Russia and has a higher share of Russian speakers than any other Estonian county. There, the most popular candidates were former deputy Mihhail Stalnuhhin (who called the Estonian government “fascist” in September for taking down a Soviet-era tank statue in the town of Narva-Jõesuu) and Aivo Peterson, who traveled to Ukraine’s annexed Donbas region shortly before the election.
Due to the nature of the Estonian electoral system, neither Stalnuhhin nor Peterson made it to parliament, but Ida-Viru County is likely to pose a challenge for Kallas’s third cabinet.
At the same time, Estonia’s more radical politicians — whether the openly pro-Russian ones or the Eurosceptic Estonian nationalists — appear to have scared some of their voters away. “I think that, in the end, Kallas won some of the protest votes,” journalist Neeme Korv told Meduza. “Many in Estonia share European values and want to develop along with the E.U. In addition, we love and value our army.”
A consistent Russia stance
Unlike many European politicians, Kallas has taken an unyielding stand towards Moscow since the annexation of Crimea in 2014. In January 2022, even before Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, she proposed supplying weapons to Kyiv. “When the war started, people started to tell me, ‘You were right, and we were naive; we should have listened to you from the very start,’” Kallas said in a recent interview. “But now, I’m hearing once again that I may have been right then, but that now they know better.”
In April 2022, after the world learned about the atrocities committed by Russian soldiers in Irpin and Bucha, Kallas wrote in The Economist that “indifference is the mother of all crimes” and warned that the horrors in Ukraine were not over:
Here I am speaking from the experience of my own country. For Estonia and many others after the Second World War, peace meant the beginning of the Soviet occupation with its huge human cost. It brought renewed suffering through mass killings, repressions, mass deportations, and other crimes against humanity.
Kallas has warned elsewhere that to give in to Russia’s demands right now would be dangerous: “In four years, they’ll build up their forces and do the same thing again. We’ve already been through this — for example, with the Minsk agreements.”
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
News Analysis
OPINION: Kanye let his antisemitism DESTROY his net worth
OPINION: Kanye let his antisemitism DESTROY his net worth
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‘Cause karma is my boyfriend
Karma is a god
Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend
Karma’s a relaxing thought
But for you, it’s not sweet like honey
Karma is a cat purring in my lap ’cause it loves me
Flexing like a goddamn acrobat
Me and karma vibe like that
–Taylor Swift, who’s had her share of beefs with Kanye West, “Karma”
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Started: “I can say anti-Semitic s—- and Adidas cannot drop me,” said Ye (his legal name now) on the Drink Champs podcast earlier this month. Ye had worked with Adidas since 2013 on his Yeezy line of super expensive, super popular sneakers, and thought he was untouchable like most overpaid, over-indulged “artists.”
Going, as of Tuesday:
“Immediately” in adidas-speak translates to “a couple of weeks of silence after we originally said we’d review our relationship with Kanye because we had a whole lot of money numbers to crunch.” Karma comes in various guises, and she often travels with her equally stealthy pal, schadenfreude. What you put out there WILL come back to you, even if it does take adidas a full nineteen days to make it happen.
Adidas didn’t drop Kanye West to stand against anti-semitism.
They dropped him because their stock was falling hard and an analyst told them to in order to salvage their stock value they needed to drop him.
Nothing heroic about what they did.
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) October 25, 2022
It’s been reported that adidas got an estimated 4% to 8% of its sales from Yeezy products, according to investment bank Cowen. For Ye, it was an even bigger deal, accounting for $1.5 billion of his net worth. But I mean, what’s a Jewish life worth to a sneaker company founded by anti-Semites?
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Wow hope this widely available information about the Nazi origins of @adidas doesn’t go viral and cause a massive international boycott in light of their recent silence in the face of violent antisemitism by their partner Kanye West. pic.twitter.com/LTPsKGHYzg
— Bess Kalb (@bessbell) October 24, 2022
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We’d been seeing accountability for Kanye’s hate speech from plenty of others before adidas finally made its announcement Tuesday morning. Gap, Balenciaga, and Vogue Magazine all announced they were cutting ties with Ye. And now Forbes joins them by dropping him from their Billionaires’ List.
Kanye West is no longer a billionaire after Adidas cut ties with him, Forbes reports.
His loss of Adidas has caused his net worth to plummet to $400 million and he is no longer on the Forbes billionaire list. pic.twitter.com/8SzyQqJVjC
— Pop Base (@PopBase) October 25, 2022
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Hopefully, more artists and sportsball people will end their own relationships with adidas. They only did right by themselves, and the last time I checked, there are other companies that make sneakers and track pants. BYE, YE!
Tara Dublin is a woefully underappreciated and unrepresented writer currently shopping a super cool novel that has nothing to do with politics while also fighting fascism on the daily.
Follow her on Twitter @taradublinrocks.
Editor’s note: This is an opinion column that solely reflects the opinions of the author.
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TRUMP HOPELESS: House Select Committee interviews Hope Hicks
RACIST RECEIPTS: We have the sickening social media posts of 'attacked' Rubio staffer
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OPINION: Kanye West’s antisemitic rants are hurting America right now
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Billionaires’ List
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OPINION: Kanye let his antisemitism DESTROY his net worth
OPINION: Kanye let his antisemitism DESTROY his net worth
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Started: “I can say anti-Semitic s—- and Adidas cannot drop me,” said Ye (his legal name now) on the Drink Champs podcast earlier this month. Ye had worked with Adidas since 2013 on his Yeezy line of super expensive, super popular sneakers, and thought he was untouchable like most overpaid, over-indulged “artists.”
Going, as of Tuesday:
“Immediately” in adidas-speak translates to “a couple of weeks of silence after we originally said we’d review our relationship with Kanye because we had a whole lot of money numbers to crunch.” Karma comes in various guises, and she often travels with her equally stealthy pal, schadenfreude. What you put out there WILL come back to you, even if it does take adidas a full nineteen days to make it happen.
It’s been reported that adidas got an estimated 4% to 8% of its sales from Yeezy products, according to investment bank Cowen. For Ye, it was an even bigger deal, accounting for $1.5 billion of his net worth. But I mean, what’s a Jewish life worth to a sneaker company founded by anti-Semites?
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We’d been seeing accountability for Kanye’s hate speech from plenty of others before adidas finally made its announcement Tuesday morning. Gap, Balenciaga, and Vogue Magazine all announced they were cutting ties with Ye. And now Forbes joins them by dropping him from their Billionaires’ List.
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Hopefully, more artists and sportsball people will end their own relationships with adidas. They only did right by themselves, and the last time I checked, there are other companies that make sneakers and track pants. BYE, YE!
Tara Dublin is a woefully underappreciated and unrepresented writer currently shopping a super cool novel that has nothing to do with politics while also fighting fascism on the daily.
Follow her on Twitter @taradublinrocks.
Editor’s note: This is an opinion column that solely reflects the opinions of the author.
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TRUMP HOPELESS: House Select Committee interviews Hope Hicks
RACIST RECEIPTS: We have the sickening social media posts of 'attacked' Rubio staffer
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SHAMEFUL SILENCE: Antisemitic action at Florida football game IGNORED by Gov. DeSantis
DINE ‘N DASH: Guess who Ivanka Trump just had a three-hour dinner with?
OPINION: Kanye West’s antisemitic rants are hurting America right now
News Analysis
Washington Press is a political news websitededicated to providing our readers the most accurate, concise, and breaking political news of the day. Read more about us or contact us.Privacy Policy
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Washington Press is a political news website dedicated to providing our readers the most accurate, concise, and breaking political news of the day. Read more about us or contact us.
Copyright ©2018, Washington Press. All Rights Reserved.
LAST UPDATE: 25 October, 2022
TRUMP HOPELESS: House Select Committee interviews Hope Hicks
Former Ralph Lauren model Hope Hicks, who served as Donald Trump’s communications director, was meeting with the January 6th House Select Committee, CNN reported Tuesday morning. NBC also confirmed the meeting, although the panel hasn’t yet released a statement regarding her cooperation.
Hicks, who was one of Trump’s closest confidantes in his White House, previously refused to answer questions about working for Trump when she testified before lawmakers behind closed doors in 2019.
New: Hope Hicks, a former top Trump White House aide, is scheduled to sit for a transcribed interview with the House Jan. 6 committee today, per person familiar — Luke Broadwater☀️ (@lukebroadwater) October 25, 2022
Hicks, a personal favorite of Trump’s, served in multiple senior roles in Trump’s White House for most of his lone term but left the White House six days after the January 6th insurrection. She had previously served as White House communications director as well as director of strategic communications. Prior to her roles at the White House, Hicks worked for Trump’s presidential campaign, the Trump Organization, and Ivanka Trump’s fashion brand.
Trump blamed the military and law enforcement for giving Hope Hicks covid pic.twitter.com/LxPkRZskQA — MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) October 2, 2020
Throughout its investigation, the January 6th Committee conducted interviews with numerous key Trump officials and cronies such as former Attorney General Bill Barr, former Chief of Staff aide Cassidy Hutchinson, and Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. The Justice Department, which is in the middle of its own January 6th investigation, has also sought the cooperation of Trump aide Kash Patel and Trump’s former “Diet Coke” valet, Walt Nauta.
If you missed it, I wrote a short Thread about Walt Nauta the Diet Coke Man of Trump and Kash Patel. What is this 'news' about them being squeezed? That story is obvious SPIN. Do not fall for spin. We have seen this movie too many times… https://t.co/eRldHaxnTe — Tomi T Ahonen Standing With Ukraine (@tomiahonen) October 25, 2022
Trump and his legal team have yet to announce whether he will cooperate with the January 6th Committee’s subpoena, with the Dhillon Law Group set to mediate his interactions with the committee. Meanwhile, the panel has cited precedents to argue it has the authority to subpoena Trump, and Vice Chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) has already said the Committee is prepared if Trump refuses to comply.
.@CheriJacobus .@glennkirschner2.@B52Malmet .@JudyPete.@BadBradRSR .@jennycohn1 When asked if she thought Trump would honor the 1/6 Committee subpoena, Nancy Pelosi's response, 'He's not man enough." pic.twitter.com/5FXMY4zn8x — ChattJazz 🇺🇦 ☮️ 🌻 (@ChattJazz) October 24, 2022
Other witnesses such as Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro who have defied committee subpoena demands have faced contempt of Congress charges.
#HopeHicks “shaking hands” with Chester the Molester. #TawdryTraitorspic.twitter.com/CfPVO7RbOR — Dave • 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇵🇱🇩🇪🇬🇧Veterans for Joe (@dave911rsr) October 25, 2022
[This is a developing story, please check back for updates on Hope Hicks and her testimony in the days ahead]
Follow Tara Dublin on Twitter @taradublinrocks.
donald trump
Hope Hicks
January 6th House Select Committee
January 6th insurrection
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LAST UPDATE: 25 October, 2022
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