@doesfire plotted things
Ella still wasn’t use to this boarding school, supernatural or not, as it had restrictions she wasn’t use to and freedom she wasn’t sure she knew what to do with. She was quiet, still not saying much to those around her, though Emma was working with her on that- not that she really liked the seemingly kind woman since most psychologist were manipulative and evil in Ella’s book. She was exceeding anyone’s expectations in her magical studies and had even managed to get into more advanced classes as a reward for her adjustments- though she struggled with normal classes. 
She didn’t care though, she had a room to herself to escape to when needed and a library full of books and a running path to distract her. Right now though the 14 year old was not so subtly staring at an upperclassman witch, Wendy, she thought the young woman was tough and smart, and Ella wanted to be like her, she she had her book in her lap but she watched from her corner of the library as the fire witch interacted with a few others. 
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tofeelthecold · 4 years
@doesfire​ hit the heart.
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“I wouldn’t try that if I were you,” Jenny shrugged as she watched the other girl. “Too many people have tried to swipe it apparently so Dr. Saltzman had a spell put on it.” The young heretic wasn’t really sure why so many thought it was wort the risk but now it was protected and no one wanted to try and swipe the old musty book that was probably worth more than anyone thought. “It’s supposed to be some ancient spellbook.”
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becomingbettcr · 4 years
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“--dude, i get it. cabin fever is a bitch. but, you’re annoying me right now and i consciously have to keep reminding myself that killing you is no longer a temporary option,” there’s a teasing lilt to her voice as her eyes glance at her friend, a small smirk on her lips. “i want to get out of here, too, but i highly doubt i can convince josie to siphon a barrier for me again. so, we wait.” jade focuses her attention back on the threads she’s braiding together out of pure boredom and an attempt to keep as clear of a mind as possible. “they’ll let us out. eventually. probably.”
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tribridkissed · 4 years
@doesfire​ liked this for a Hope starter
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Wendy and Jade had been through quite a lot in the prison world, but being back in this world? Well it had to be HARD. There was a lot to adjust to, and Hope didn’t want Wendy to think that she didn’t care. Even with everything else going on around them, Hope was here. “I figured maybe you could use a milkshake? Some time out of the school?”
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prcsopa · 4 years
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❛       ----    i’m  not  sure  what  else  we  can  do  now  besides  keep  moving  forward  ,  right  ?        ❜
@doesfire​  ---  starter call !
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abrokenwitch · 4 years
Walking down the stairs as the school had a weird vibe at least to Lizzie it was. Looking around as she don’t even knowing what to do as she then decided to go to the kitchen to get something to eat. Making making herself a sandwich or a grilled cheese. Opening the fridge as she just grabbed the cheese and then later on grabbed the bread and decided to make a grilled cheese for herself. 
Grabbing a glass to fill it with water and take a sip from the water. Putting a lock of her hair behind her ear. As she then sat down on the counter, waiting for the grilled cheese to be done. 
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hybredtm-archive · 4 years
𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕄𝕀𝕂𝔸𝔼𝕃𝕊𝕆ℕ 𝔹𝕆𝔸ℝ𝔻𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊ℂℍ𝕆𝕆𝕃.         hope mikaelson & klaus mikaelson. ;   doesfire
OF COURSE HE CHOSE THEM. the renegades. the students alaric saltzman saw as a threat and too dangerous for the world. What others saw as dangerous and unstable, Klaus saw as potential to be grand in the world. the hybrid stands proud, his sire hybrids leaving room for him to greet the new students, the first students. It was fitting, that the firsts would be the trinity of supernatural creatures; a vampire, a werewolf, a witch. There is a know-it-all smile on his lips, a grin and a wolfish stance as he looks at the young woman. The magical invitation to the school that had sent her to the building in New Orleans. “So, I see my daughter did her deed. Welcome.” And the hybrid stands before her, a signal of his hand for the hybrids to continue their movement and not bother them. 
“Hope tells me you enjoy a little fire magic. As long as you don’t burn the tourists,we won’t have an issue, sweetheart.” And he stands proud of his little project. “A witch should’ve greeted you but, considering you are one of the first students, you get the special treatment.” And he is confident he doesn’t need introduction.
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restingpout · 4 years
@doesfire​ gets a starter because I said so
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There was a part of Josie that felt guilty about what happened ten years ago. If she hadn’t brought down the barrier, Jade wouldn’t be a ripper, and wouldn’t have been exiled to the prison world with Diego and Wendy... so in a way, it was kind of all her fault. Even though she knew deep down that it really wasn’t. “Hey, I brought some extra blankets,” Josie said, holding the quilts close to her stomach as she bit the inside of her cheek. She didn’t like that they were still being kept out of the school, but at least they had a place to sleep.
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claykiing · 4 years
continued from here 
this town seemed to grow on him he wanted to explore other towns that held that much supernatural wave, a potential new area for witches away from Sabrina and her gang of goody two shoes. Settling in Mystic Falls for over a month he had seen familiar faces plenty of witches, vampires and wolves also a school focused on them seemed significant. Caliban chose to wander about in town seeing small shops “another day.” the prince of hell whispered to himself his eyes scanned the area seeing the friendly witch Wendy, sitting outside alone the wind playing with her face. 
He crossed the street so he can be near HER, glancing at the way she attempted to tuck her loose strands. Caliban chuckled lowly closing his distance he grinned “why are you outside?” his hand reached out taking her loose strands tucking them behind her ear, clearing his throat once he finished he dropped his hand. “No problem.”  
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jadedvampiress · 4 years
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@doesfire​ said: “Shh. It’s okay.”
 since  getting  her  humanity  switched  back  on,  jade  had  become  prone  to  nightmares,  and  most  nights,  she  woke  up  in  tears,  scared  of  what  her  mind  chose  to  replay  to  her  as  she  slept.  she  was  so  thankful  to  have  wendy.  fingers  twist  in  the  other  girl's  shirt,  material  cool  against  her  skin.  ❝  thank  you  for  being  here.  ❞  she  says,  sniffling  and  wiping  away  the  remnants  of  the  tears  she'd  woken  up  to.
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stayliquid-a · 4 years
KAI & WENDY — . *
“ who’s blood is that? ” for kai  //   @doesfire​
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                    a glance down at his shirt,  various blood stain patterns scattered all over it — along with his pants as well.  a small chuckle followed before he lifted his gaze to peer at the brunette.   ❝ do you want me to point out each spot and remember their names, or? ❞   a pause,   ❝ you know i’ve never been very good at remember names,  nevermind those who i only knew for seconds before taking care of them. ❞   another pause,   ❝ all vampires,  if that helps answer the question a bit. ❞  
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joneshead · 4 years
  @doesfire​​ SAID : If only I knew then what I know now.
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“What came first, the chicken or the egg?”
His father used to say that, about wishing he knew the things he’d learned as an adult back when he was a kid. But it was a roundabout way of thinking : no one just knew things, everything had to be learned. And how could you have gone through what you needed to go through to learn it, if you already knew it? A paradox, Jughead knew. But humanity was prone to them. People always wanted contradictory things, and rarely could they see the contradiction.
So his teasing words, said with a tone of mirth and a half smile, were the only reply he offered. He gave the young woman a nudge with his elbow, pressing into her upper arm gently. She’d be alright, okay, he figured. They all would. Whatever that meant.
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tofeelthecold · 4 years
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misery loves company || accepting
@doesfire​ said: “Do the ends justify the means?” for damon
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"Depends on what the goal is,” Damon shrugged as he glanced at the other. “And who you ask.” He took a long pause as he thought about how he wanted to answer her. “I’d say due to recent revelations it probably doesn’t but I wasn’t exactly around for any of it,” he shrugged. “But...why don’t you tell me the answer. So, Wendy, did the ends justify the means?”
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tribridkissed · 4 years
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Hidden Bodies Sentence Starters || Accepting
@doesfire​ said: “ all  of  life  is  slightly  dependent  on  magic .  so  is  death . ”
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Wendy’s words rang true in Hope’s ears, and she chewed on her lip as she thought it over. DEATH was on her mind all the time, but how did one bring that up with someone that they barely knew? Not that she and Wendy couldn’t get to know each other better: since the whole prison world fiasco, Hope honestly wanted to know the three students better. She wanted to understand why Alaric had done what he had done. Only now she was also thinking about how magic was a true constant in her life. “I think every death is somewhat MAGIC in nature. Or at least the ones that I have been dealing with...”
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salvatcrechilda · 4 years
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       𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐁 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃𝐍'𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄   that  was  appearing  on  his  face.    he  held  the  girl’s  hand  &&  he  felt  the  ENERGY  coming  from  her,  the  magic  being  siphoned.    ❛   alright  let’s  do  this.   ❜   jacob  stated,  looking  at  the  person  in  the  middle  of  their  circle.   ❛  phasmatos  plume  levitaté !!  ❜   he  watched,  thinking  of  this  person  being  so  light  like  a  feather  that  they  could  levitate.  ❜   //  @doesfire​
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fashionfangsa · 4 years
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@doesfire​ asked: “There’s no such thing as a bad idea. Only poorly executed awesome ones.”
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“You know,” Ali drawled, tilting her head to the side to stare at the pyrokinetic witch in front of her. “You awfully sound like my father,” Ali continued. “when you talk like that.” Ali stared at her. “Why do you think your idea is going to be good?”
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