#( starters )
untitledmemes · 7 months
4-Word Sentence Prompts
Part I An assortment of prompts and/or starters using only four words. Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
“ I don't need you. ”
“ Celebrate while you can. ”
“ It was too much. ”
“ I'm so, so sorry. ”
“ Let me love you. ”
“ Where have you been? ”
“ Why am I here? ”
“ I would love to. ”
“ I tried but failed. ”
“ You'll never forgive me. ”
“ I want to confess. ”
“ I will protect you. ”
“ You don't deserve me. ”
“ I don't deserve you. ”
“ You are safe here. ”
“ You choose your fate. ”
“ I have lost control. ”
“ I don't recognize myself. ”
“ You are to blame. ”
“ You lack the skills. ”
“ Be still, don't move. ”
“ Yet again you lie. ”
“ You are so beautiful. ”
“ Take it off. Now. ”
“ Look at you now. ”
“ Shoot before it escapes! ”
“ You can't do this! ”
“ Please don't leave me. ”
“ Please leave me along. ”
“ Worship me or die. ”
“ Bow before me, peasant. ”
“ Did you make this? ”
“ I can't believe this! ”
“ You are my villain. ”
“ You are my hero. ”
“ I don't take sides. ”
“ Run, don't look back. ”
“ My life is perfect. ”
“ Don't lie to me. ”
“ When is it over? ”
“ What is this madness? ”
“ Cut loose, have fun! ”
“ I hate you all. ”
“ I love you, dear. ”
“ You drive me crazy. ”
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floofhips · 1 year
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🐌 Slurgel > Slurker > Inbrainia
🐜 Pyrant > Formicide > Causticeps
🐋 Whubble > Wharpoon > Cherubaleen
Concept for starters that change their main typing after being infected by a parasite, a mushroom, a ghost...
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trithedragon · 11 months
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Mystery Dungeon Starters!
This is one of my pieces for Mystery Dungeon zine merch! This is a 5x7 print featuring all the possible starter Pokemon in the Mystery Dungeon series.
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norisus · 1 year
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orikiys · 1 year
Silent love (quiet moments):
Reading together. Gently running their fingers through the other’s hair as they read to them in a soft voice. The other one silently listens to them and their heartbeat until they get fully immersed in the story they’re bringing to life.
Cooking together. Backhugging the person that cooks. Smearing flour over each other’s face and making the kitchen a mess. Playing rock, paper and scissors to decide who cleans up. But both end up cleaning together while sharing stories of their relationship.
Walking together. Intertwining fingers, shoulder brushing against each other and shy giddy smiles as they walk. Pulling the one on the road closer so that they don’t get hit. Caressing each other’s thumb and finding comfort amidst the crowd. 
Sleeping together. Hushed breathing and feather-light touched when one wakes before the other. Covering the other’s face with their hand in order to block sunlight. Pulling the other one deeper in their embrace. The asleep one unconsciously rolls over and curls into the other one as if it’s their comfort place.
Watching TV together. Volume turned up just loud enough to be heard for the two. Lights dimmed, wrapped in blankets and aircon switched on. Leaning against each other’s shoulder/ head as they absentmindedly run their fingers over the other one’s arms. Silent giggles and speaking out their observations to the other ones. Staring at each other during an intimate scene. Pillow fights and causing havoc while the now forgotten movies continues to play in the background.
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bunnysrph · 1 year
"I know I should leave, but I can't stay away from you."
"Why did you have to hurt me like this? Don't you know how much I love you?"
"I wish I could go back in time and change everything. Maybe then we wouldn't be here."
"I hate you for making me feel this way. I hate myself even more for letting you."
"I know I shouldn't love you, but I do. And that terrifies me more than anything."
"You've broken my heart too many times. I can't keep forgiving you."
"I wish I could hate you, but every time I look at you, all I feel is love."
"I don't know if I can ever trust you again. You've shattered everything we had."
"I can't help the way I feel about you, even though I know it's wrong."
"Why did fate have to bring us together, only to tear us apart?"
"I never wanted to fall in love with you, but now I can't imagine my life without you."
"You're the only one who can make me feel alive, even though you're also the one who's destroying me."
"I know I should let you go, but I can't bear the thought of living without you."
"You've made me question everything I thought I knew about love."
"I never thought I could love someone so much, only to have that love ripped away from me."
"I wish you could see how much you're hurting me. But you're too blinded by your own pain."
"Why did you have to choose them over me? Wasn't I enough?"
"I thought our love was unbreakable. I never realized how fragile it really was."
"You're the only one who's ever truly understood me. And now you're gone."
"I hate how much I still love you, even after all the pain you've caused me."
"I know we can never be together, but I can't help hoping for a different ending."
"You're the one who's always on my mind, even when I try to forget you."
"Every time I close my eyes, I see your face. And it hurts more than anything."
"I wish I could turn back time and fix everything, but I know it's too late for us."
"You're the one who's always had a hold on my heart, even when I tried to push you away."
"I never thought I could love someone so deeply, only to have that love thrown back in my face."
"You're the only one who's ever been able to see the real me."
"I thought we had something special, something that could withstand anything. But I was wrong."
"I know I'm not perfect, but I didn't deserve to be treated the way you treated me."
"Why did you have to come into my life and turn it upside down? Why did I let you?"
"I keep telling myself that I don't need you, but every time I try to move on, I fall apart."
"I never thought I could feel so much pain from loving someone. But you proved me wrong."
"I can't believe I ever thought you were the one for me. I was so naïve."
"I wish I could erase you from my memory, but I know that's impossible."
"You're the only one who's ever been able to make me feel this alive. And that's why it hurts so much."
"I thought we had a chance at something great. But I was foolish to believe that."
"You're the one who's always been able to break down my walls. And that's why this all hurts so much."
"I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me. But I know it wouldn't change anything."
"You're the one who's always been able to make me smile, even in the darkest of times."
"I never thought I could feel so betrayed by someone I loved so much."
"You're the only one who's ever been able to make me feel complete. And now I'm shattered."
"I wish I could forget you. But every time I try, I'm reminded of everything we had."
"I never thought I could be so lost without you. But here I am, trying to pick up the pieces."
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darksilvania · 2 years
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With Scarlet & Violet finally out, the "Long legged fighting type bird starter trio" is finally complete! They are more legs than bird and they know how to use them!
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hyber-region · 3 months
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Been a long time coming but here are the full starter lines for my fakemon Hyber Region ☘️
Fawna - Deero (lvl 16) - Verdeer (lvl 36) - Grass / Fairy
Kelpup - Sirenori (lvl 16) - Phantide (lvl 36) - Water / Ghost
Burmoo - Cowelder (lvl 16) - Infurnox (lvl 36) - Fire / Steel
Let me know what you guys think :)
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slajii · 5 months
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Banger show
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mymarshlands · 1 month
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After working on them for years, I finally have settled on the final starter evos for my Okeno dex! Yipee! I decided to try making full design sheets for them. It's such a fun exercise to really hone in on the details and making sure the design works from different perspectives. Getting the details to be all "on-model" throughout them is also very rewarding, I hope I did a good enough job! Batornado is Grass/Dark the Salamander is currently unnamed, and it is Fire/Poison Vinagruff is Water/Rock You'll be able to see more of them, dex entries, movepools and such on pokengine! Linked here: Okeno Collection on Pokengine
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inprogresspokemon · 1 year
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#906.5 - Sprigatito are capricious and attention-seeking Pokemon that thrive with attention and will sulk if they’re ignored by people. Their fluffy fur has a similar composition to plants, enabling them to create energy by absorbing sunlight. Through grooming, they can further aid the photosynthesis process. By rubbing their paws together, they can unleash a sweet, therapeutic aroma that mesmerizes anyone near it and causes their foes to stop battling; the scent becomes more potent when Sprigatito is exposed to sunlight. Over time, they learn to stand to better perform tricks and attacks. As these Pokemon age and grow in Leafelino, they develop a mischievous streak that is aided by their intelligence and dexterity. If their Trainers do not give them the level of attention they desire, Leafelino may misbehave by pulling pranks. Their flora-like fur begins to grow a flower bud with a long vine; as Floragato, they can wield the vine with deft attacks.
#907.5 - Floragato’s plant-like fur responds to their mood. Though normally soft and silky, their fur will harden to needle-sharp points when they are prepared to battle. Floragato’s desire for attention stems from an innate loneliness; they can easily develop a jealous personality and a strong attachment to their Trainer. As they evolve into Purrtalo, the leaf growing from the base of Floragato’s neck will develop into a showy cape, while their pink flower bud transforms into a battle-ready flower bomb! The fur lining of their cape has a special property that scatters light, aiding them in illusionary tricks and attacks; however, only fully grown Meowscarada have mastery over this technique. By using skillful misdirection, Meowscarada will rigs their foes with pollen-packed flower bombs, setting off the bombs before their foes even realize what's going on.
Named: Sprigatito - Leafelino - Floragato - Purrtalo - Meowscarada
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untitledmemes · 6 months
5-Word Sentence Prompts
An assortment of prompts and/or starters using only five words. Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
“ I will wait for you. ”
“ Give it one more try. ”
“ Do it now, or else ”
“ Loving you is hard work ”
“ Why am I still here? ”
“ When will I be free? ”
“ What is going on here? ”
“ I don't need your protection ”
“ Keep trying and you'll succeed. ”
“ I will never forgive you. ”
“ All we have is time. ”
“ We just need each other. ”
“ Don't let go of me. ”
“ How dare you do that? ”
“ I only do my best. ”
“ I've been looking for you. ”
“ Don't give up, try harder. ”
“ I want to be loved. ”
“ I don't believe in heroes. ”
“ You better run, little one. ”
“ Don't ever bother me again. ”
“ Stop existing and start living! ”
“ There's no place like home. ”
“ Can you take it off? ”
“ You make such beautiful sounds. ”
“ Let's make beautiful music together. ”
“ I want to be free. ”
“ Leave all your troubles behind. ”
“ Belief leads to great happiness. ”
“ You don't deserve this position. ”
“ All this will be yours. ”
“ Don't stop now, my love. ”
“ Let them see our power. ”
“ Watch them cower in fear. ”
“ You don't deserve to live. ”
“ You don't deserve to die. ”
“ Don't let them stop you. ”
“ You've shown me the way. ”
“ Why can't I do this? ”
“ How is this even possible? ”
“ Let me see you dance! ”
“ I can't stop, help me! ”
“ I'm always here for you ”
“ Where did you get this? ”
“ My god, it's getting worse. ”
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crystaldust · 7 months
the more you let go of the ego, the less it suffers. the more you hold on to it and give it attention, the suffering gets prolonged.
as you start to let go and accept that everything is always perfect and things will figure themselves out, that it's not your burden to bare anymore, things actually start to fix themselves out on their own.
there's no need to try to "manifest something better" because you "care about the ego" and you want it to "have a good life".
that's the ego talking, it's afraid you're going to leave it alone so it's trying to stay in charge.
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Hoenn starters block blinkies (and their shinies!)
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norisus · 11 months
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Lizard lads
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nerdpokemonheadcanons · 4 months
“Spontaneous Combuskin” is a rock band that’s been dominating the Hoenn music scene lately, thanks in part to their drummer, an actual Combuskin named Charlie.
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