#doesnt mean you'll have him be buddy buddy towards you
disastrousduckss · 3 months
SJSNSJSJJS scene from chapter 12 from "We Are In Sync"
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lovelikealcoholic · 2 months
Do you think you could do sibling alien stage head cannons?? Like if the alien stage characters had little siblings, how would they act towards them?
i love all the ideas im getting I hope I don't let you guys down, I'm so hungry for Alien Stage content....
im imagining this as you being a child but if you want like a little sibling in the same age range uh I can do that if u ask....
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I feel like he'd cherish his sibling a lot, especially a younger one.  
He loves caressing your head, playing with your hair, 100% 
Or hold your hand and rub circles on the back of it while looking at you with a smile. 
He is always by their side, no matter what. If you're crying, he's there. If he chooses to run away, he takes you with him.  
The way he comforts you is by pressing your head against his chest and running his fingers through your hair before placing a small kiss on it, whispering quietly to help you release all negative emotion. 
He's a bit of a hypocrite when telling you what to do. He wants to send you on the right path in life because you deserve the best in the world, so of course, he's always giving you advice, caressing your head, and telling you via story books. 
He still manages to rub off on you, if you’re a ray of sunshine you have a serious look on your face and people get scared off and you don't mind much as long as you have your brother. 
You’re unafraid of the big dog like aliens who bare their teeth at people. You brainlessly put your head in its mouth or put your forehead to its nose and close your eyes, feeling a connection to it. 
Every time he finishes a song you run up to him which makes him smile, remembering partly who he is doing this for.  
If he ever had a friend to talk to, he’d always mention you, i mean, you’re all he has. 
And in return he would tell you about the people he knew, when you asked about Till he would tell you, but his head would be in the clouds. 
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She doesn't lie to their sibling at all. You will know the situation, and she won't hide anything from you.
You need something? She always has your back. You're spoiled rotten.
She raised you to be tough and headstrong so that you could live your best life when you grow older.
She gets so excited every time she notices you growing older that she shakes or hugs you while jumping and showing you off to everyone. only to her close friends because shes a bit secretive about you.
gets really mad when someone she doesnt like mentions you
Loves to kiss your cheek, mwah mwah mwah! Before biting it playfully.
She wants you to know that you own yourself and don't have to please anyone to be happy! If you do something, it's because you want it!
When she notices that she's rubbing off on you, she squeals and tells her buddies, telling them she's so proud before rubbing your head to mess up your hair because you can't be cooler than her.
She'll hug you whenever you feel down and tell you it's all going to be alright, that no matter what, she was always there, and she'd kick anyone's ass for ya.
she's not a fan of getting all cheesy, so she'll squish your cheeks and tell you to raise your head high.
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He wants you to be independent so he does the worst thing he could possibly do. ignore you.
He thinks it will make you strong, so you'll be capable of handling things if he ever disappears, but it just makes you wish he'll acknowledge you.
You get everything that you want except your brother's attention.
So you do everything to try to impress him, even starting to practice singing and accomplishing every task given to you.
And when you're standing next to your brother in front of your owner, when the alien leaves, he just rubs your head and walks away with a small smile.
When he notices he's rubbing off on you he either frowns because who do you think you are? or he smirks and doesn't say anything.
He never talks with you, only really short talk
Whenever you show that you feel down, tears in your eyes as you call for your brother, he gets a bit angry. You shouldn't be showing that; you won't survive in this world if you do.
He'll probbaly slap you........
He's not good at caring for you; he doesn't know how much it would affect you.
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She'll do anything for you. She wants you to smile always.
Everything she does is for you. She always thinks about you every second, wondering when she'll get to see you.
She buys you many gifts, so don't ask her how she got them; she has her ways.
She sings you to sleep, picks flowers for you, and hugs you daily.
If anyone knew her, they know you're her number one priority.
If you ever feel down, she will sing you your favorite song and gently rock you to sleep, trying not to cry, too, because she's supposed to look strong for her sibling.
When you show similar behavior to her, she smiles and gets so happy she'll tell the whole world, similar to hyuna but she brags to everyone.
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He tries, he really does but he's a bad influence and tries to distance himself from you so you'll be safe.
another part of him is too love sick to have anyother resoponsability
But you dont know that nd so you stick to him as much as you can, showing off anything you made or just anything you learned to impress him.
all he does is nod not even looking your way before saying "yeah great job."
He yells at you only to protect you. he wants you to not be seen with him so you don't SEE how much trouble he is, how horrible he is.
he loves you, but hes let you go for the best........
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sorry if Luka and Till's werent good, if u wan ill remke.... any ideas are welcomed , maybe part 2s
its 2 am........ ill catch up with the other requests soon/..
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chiiyuuvv · 10 months
could you do something similar to ur yechan realisation one with seeun
A friend. That's what you were. A best friend even, considering how much you talking to each other. That's what you were. That's what you'll ever be.
So why does it feel like his heart is about to escape his chest? Why does your small touches linger in his brain? Why does he smile so much?
You were the only thing in his mind and he doesnt know whether to like it or hate it. Was he falling? He didnt know what was happening,  absentmindedly nodding at your words, his hands on his chin, a big grin.
He didnt even know what you were talking about, his mind too fussy to understand. "Oh! You need to have a little talk to Yujun.. he keeps stealing. My. Snacks!!" You hands bang on the lunch table at every word, a frown on your face.
"Okay okay I'll talk to him about it.." seeun grins in his natural sarcastic tone, waving his fork around his now cold lunch food. "I shouldn't have given him my locker combination.." you say, more so to yourself as seeun raises his eyebrow.
"You.. gave him your locker combination..?"
"Yeah well I mean.. how can I say no to that little fluffy ball?"
"Let me get this straight.." seeun shakes his head, pointing his fork towards you. "You gave him your locker combination — where you keep your snacks by the way — and now YOUR mad that he took your snacks?"
"Seeun your making me sound dumb."
"You ARE dumb!" Seeun cackles, making you scoff in return. "Could you get them back to me? Pleassseeeeee??" You put your hands together, giving him the biggest puppy eyes.
Seeun rolls his eyes, sighing loudly. "What do I get in return?" He mutters, admitting defeat as his head drops.
"OMG YAY!!" You jump in your seat, clapping your hands as a big smile appears on your face. He'd be lying if he said his heart didnt jump, a shy smile appearing.
"Okay I'll give yo- oop bye!!" You laugh as the bell rings, waving your hand and picking up your bookbag, running out of the cafeteria.
"Wait!!" Seeun stands up, watching your figure run away. "Aishh this girl.." he tries to sound mad, but really a smile formed. His heart was fluttering, he was giggling??? How did you turn him into this?
Shaking his head, he tosses his bookbag over his shoulder before walking out of the cafeteria, heading towards your locker. "Now where would I find a yujun.." he says out loud, looking around the empty hallway before landing on a cotton candied haired boy.
"Ah ya!" He smirks, running towards the figure that seemed to be eating. The latter's eyes widen as he watches seeun run to him.
"Yujun!" Seeun yells, his hand landing on the boys shoulder.
"I DIDNT DO ANYTHING!!" yujun quickly putting his hands up in defeat, the bag of chips in his hands now dropping to the floor.
"I think you stole someones snacks.." seeuns arms cross, an eyebrow raises. "Oh.." yujun laughs. "You scared me there for a second."
"Answer the question."
"But you didnt ask a question.."
"Okay okay fine.. so what if I took a little bit to much of her snacks?"
"You know you're going to have to give it back to her right?"
"Give back what?" Yujun puts the final chip into his mouth, picking the bag off the floor and throwing it away in a trashcan next to them. "I don't know what your talking about."
"You can buy her another one cant you? You do like her after all.."
"What.. did you say?" Seeun stops, his eyes widen as his heart beat quickens.
"You like her." Yujun states in a matter of fact tone.
"Am I that obvious?" Yujun nods his head.
"Just go confess to her, I'm sure it'll go well buddy." Yujun pats his shoulder before walking away.
Seeun takes a deep breath, a new bag of chips in his hands as he tries to (not so calmly) walk towards your locker. He had texted you a few minutes prior to come to your locker.
He stands there for a few minutes, feeling a little dumb as he tries to push away his nervousness, playing with his fingers.
Where are you? He wonders as he pulls out his phone, a new notification popping up.
"Sorry.. the teachers being strict on using the bathroom. You can tell me later yeah?"
But he wont have the courage to tell you later. He sighs, banging his head against your locker. Wait.. its unlocked?
Seeun opens the door, finding that your locker was indeed unlocked. It was surprisingly very neat considering you were a overall messy person. A picture of the two of you catches his attention as he grabs it, a small laugh bubbling out his throat.
He sits it back down, going through the small space as he finds some loose leaf paper, along with a pen.
If he cant tell you now, he could write it, right?
He quickly writes down his long recited confession before drawing a small heart next to it, folding it up and placing the bag of chips beside it:
Hey.. I know this might be a little weird and random but..
there, I said it. I like you ♡. Seriously I dont know how you do it but I always feel like I'm going to melt whenever I'm with you.
I love you.
-Seeun ♡ (your bestfriend lover)
A/n: that was another long one 😩. I was inspired by my previous headcanon, "when xikers like you" (or whatever it was called). Although I'm not feeling to GOOD about it.. (I like it i just feel like my writings bad) thank you person for requesting, and I hope you liked it too. I used the pronoun her in my writing, but you can use whatever you want. Also legendary yujun feature right? XDD
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cum-villain · 7 months
it’s me. a hate anon. i’m being incredibly annoying about my take on fictional characters.
anyways who is a*am or whatever i want all the tea
lol oh buddy you have no idea. its been so many years of bullshit and, granted, its been a while since ive been in the trenches, but i have ALL the tea to spill. okay, so,
Sk8 the Infinity was a shounen sports anime that aired in early 2021, January to April. It followed the protagonist Reki Kyan, a 3rd-year in high school who was a skater. But this isn't just an anime about skateboarding. The grand majority of the skating took place at "S", an illegal skating course in an abandoned mine. The important races are "beefs", and there are no rules to beefs; you can injure your opponent in any way, and there's no consequences.
Some other relevant characters are: Langa Hasegawa, nicknamed SNOW, the deuteragonist; Ainosuke Shindo, ADAM, the antagonist; Tadashi Kikuchi, supporting character. Not sure whether to place him as an antagonist or protag, he kinda straddles the line.
The thing about ADAM is that he's the subversion of an all-too well known anime trope: Pedophile villain. See, while he does not in fact have those feelings towards minors in the show, he. Is very complicated. He has a whole thing where he thinks love is a good thing but also pain, because his aunts beat him and said it was because they love him and he believed them. He's also still grappling with the trauma of being "betrayed" by his childhood friend, Tadashi.
He's trying to find the EVE to his ADAM, because he hurts from being betrayed by the person he cares for most, but in reality, what he really wants is Tadashi back. But he's confused, and thinks that wanting to hurt someone means loving them. So he doesn't know what love feels like. If he thinks he "loves" himself, he hates himself and wants to hurt himself. Which. He kinda does try to kill himself sort of in the finale. It's a whole thing.
(Notice how I put "betrayed" in quotes. If you read scum villain, its a similar situation as with QiJiu. One party wanted to protect the other and failed, so they stay silent and do all they can for that person out of guilt. The other thinks the other really did betray them, and is hurt that that person is so much colder now, that the other person doesnt love them anymore.)
So, anyways. Adam is confused about what love is, and his arc in the first season was learning to not "love" people the way he does, and to accept care, even if he doesn't know it's love. When he reconciled with Tadashi in the final episode, he said "You'll be my dog for the rest of our lives", and I and everyone else in the Tadaai fandom understood he said that because 1. kinky fuckers lol 2. more relevantly, saying he loves Tadashi would be a red flag, because his definition of love is completely warped. Regardless of how he said it, the "be mine forever" was the important part. And Tadashi understood.
But most of what I'm referencing happened in the later episodes. Like I said, he was a subversion, which means that first he had to be slotted into the role before undoing it. Now I bring up The Langa Thing.
Langa was half-Canadian, and grew up in Canada. But when his father died, his mother took him back to Japan so she would have family around her in her grief. He ended up in Reki's class, and the two quickly became friends.
Reki taught Langa how to skate, but because Langa snowboarded since he was 2, he picked it up rather quickly, and even showed extreme talent. This extreme talent caught the eye of most of the skaters at S, and he earned the moniker "Snow". It also made the founder of S notice him. And that founder is Ainosuke Shindo, Adam.
Remember how I said he's trying to find his EVE? He thinks he wants an equal in skating, his only escape from his suffocating life, but he really wants Tadashi back. But he sees this genius in skating, and really is excited to skate with someone new. But he doesn't recognize it for just that, he thinks he found his "Eve". There's plenty of things he does, calling Langa "Langa-kun", being very excited to skate with Langa, giving him a bouquet of roses at one point (though one would argue that it's perfectly in line with his dramatics, hes essentially a drag king whose show is skateboarding).
All in all, there's a lot of suggestions he's attracted to Langa, but later episodes disprove that. There were other sketchy things (him saying to a middle schooler "I'll love you when you're older", but this was in reference to skateboarding, and by his definition of love, he means "yea you're too young for me to beat the crap out of you kid". Which is a perfectly normal sentiment, he just has an extremely weird way of saying it.) But... here's the thing.
There were weekly episodes.
Meaning: People pegged him as a "pedophile anime villain" type for months before his true nature was revealed. And when that evidence showed, people weren't inclined to believe it. People also thought he was Tadashi's abuser before the true nature of their relationship was revealed.
So, Adam isn't a pedophile. His relationship with Tadashi is rough, but Tadashi has full autonomy and chooses to be a part of it, and they're getting better. Adam is weird, sure, but he has reason to be that way. But the fandom lacks reading comprehension and hates to be proven wrong. So, people still think of him as a pedophilic abuser.
And like. I harken from ye olden days of Black Butler, okay. I'm not exactly put off by edenshippers (adam x langa). But for gods sake the show disproved it. Why are y'all acting like this.
So. Being known as an Adam fan is a one-way ticket to getting a bunch of harassment. Was back then, apparently still is now. I can't wait for season 2 to prove these assholes wrong.
sorry for the essay sprung on you bestie
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hwascomfort · 2 years
Pairings: Ateez x gn!reader
Genre: headcanon
Warning(s): uhhh, spiders? established relationships, maybe cuss words??
Notes: completely inspired by the fact that I've had six spiders crawl onto me within a week 🥲
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his inner mum instincts come out
especially in the summer
lets say you two are at the dorm or something
he's off making some food
and youre being you
that means laying on his bed, in the dark, on your phone
and out of nowhere
you feel something crawl on you
so you turn your flashlight on and look
lil spider buddy is crawling on your arm
you literally flap it off and nearly fall off his bed
poor guy nearly gets hit into the counter when you come barrelling towards him
honestly doesnt expect the tears on your face and the shaking
manages to make you tell him what happened
heres where the mum role comes out
literally has you clinging onto his arm as he gets some bug spray and a wad of toilet paper
he lowkey does NOT leave until he knows he's found the spider
because he knows that if he doesnt, you'll just sleep in the living room and not be willing to set foot in his room for at least a month
when he does find it
absolutely no mercy
flushes it down the toilet for good measure
changes the sheets while you have a shower (you felt disgusted)
definitely goes on spider hunts whenever he knows your coming over
just in case
part of me sees him being scared too
and another part of me sees him putting on his big boy pants and killing it
if its a jumping spider or a daddy long leg
mans will be sure to trap it and let it out
if its not either of those...
well hes either killing it
or getting someone else to come in and do it for the both of you
if he sees you on the verge of a panic attack
or he sees you run out of the room as soon as you notice it
wont hesitate to grab the bug spray
you know how youre only supposed to spray things once?
yeah well
he does
but that spray is like 10 seconds long
will do a double shot though
just to be sure
discards of the spider
sprays the spider path with glen 20
100% makes you a drink after that
and lets you cuddle up to him in a different room
no because he's literally just become the spider hunter
like seonghwa in the sense that he looks for spiders every time he knows youre coming over
but in the times he goes to yours
he cant
so when he hears you screaming from upstairs
doesnt hesitate to drop eveything and grab some tissues
sees you crying on the floor outside your bedroom
heart drops
gives you a peck on the forehead before going inside
man is a man on a mission
get it?
he honestly finds so many spiders
doesnt tell you that though
but he makes sure to get them all
flushes them down the toilet
has to physically pick you up
if the spider was on you, he helps you clean wherever it was
if it wasnt, he still gives you some of his clothes to feel better
takes you out for a bit to help you calm down
its a 50/50 chance of him helping you
honestly, he probably saw it first
and freaked
but then you see it
and his freak out seems like nothing
gets over himself depending on what type it is
will probably hit it with something
and then later realise he shouldnt have because now he has to clean
or spray it with whatever's closest
if hes too scared
you both bolt out of the room in search for someone else 😀
has you ask for help though
will never let any of the boys see him being scared in front of you
hides in a different room while someone else gets it for you
acts like nothing happened when its gone
but he does let you hold onto him after
puts on your favourite movie just to distract you
wont admit it but he spends the entirety of the movie looking around the room
you dont even realise because youre honestly doing the same thing for half of it
no way in hell is he helping
definitely not as scared as you though
has to go around where the spider is to pick you up and take you out of the room with him
has you in his arms as he asks either Seonghwa or Yunho to get the spider
lowkey too scared of being alone after seeing that thing
definitely doesnt let go of you
keeps holding onto you
sits in the living room with you on his lap
even if the spider gets killed
he probably wont be willing to go back in for a while
wont tell the manager that he fell asleep on the couch
still holding you to him
but the manager definitely saw
and wooyoung or yeosang probably recorded the two of you
thats great
also a big no
but he'll pull through if you start crying
honestly scared to death though
is screaming and crying with you
with a damn shoe in his hand
probably goes towards it after a bit
but then it moves and he screams
comes back to you and youre both clinging onto each other
yunho probably comes in
and asks whats happening
tries to grab the shoe out of Mingi's hand
but Mingi decided to be manly
"no, i'll do it! i'm supposed to be a protective boyfriend >:("
aggressively wipes tears away
pushes Yunho towards you and rolls up his sleeves
spoiler alert, no sleeves get pushed up because he's wearing a baggy shirt
successfully manages to kill the spider ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
exactly when seonghwa comes in
has to clean it up under hwas watchful eyes
proceeds to sleep in the living room with you for a couple days though
literally screaming inside
runs into the room because he heard you practically scream his name
stops short when he sees you pressed into the corner of his bed
looks to where youre pointing at the center of his bed
screams when he sees a giant spider
honestly feels his heart wrench when you start crying though
the reason of your tears?
mr spider decided to crawl closer to you
woo has to slap himself
proceeds to grab an empty sushi container from his dresser (dont ask)
traps it
helps you off the bed and leaves the room wih you in his arms
hwa has to go in and get it though
literally refuses to leave you alone for a couple hours
only goes to get his blanket and wash it
doesnt leave your side until he knows youre feeling better
just no
thats it
he might help you get out of the room
but there is no way hes going in
literally will leave you if youre not willing to go past it
but he will run to one of the other members and ask for help
still wont even go remotely close to where the room is though
feels kinda bad when you finally leave the room
makes you food and a drink
because youre giving him silent treatment
and as much as he hates skinship
it all goes out of the window
because as soon as you start crying over how scared you were
his heart breakes
will wrap you up in his arms
and apologize over and over again
makes sure to give you anything you want for the next week
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lladyariall · 5 years
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*Ms. Honeybunny winking at Sam* ;) ;) ;)
*jealous lagomorph boyfriend steps in* you should really get that eye checked out! ^-^*
Look at that ANGRY little face Max makes, right before putting on a fake smile! Holy shit- he's so pissed off about Sam and Ms. Homeybunny flirting that it I'm crying from laughing too hard to even write this blog x'D
Nah, I'm good, though. Once again, this is just my silly opinion blog about this particular interaction between these three and comment if you have any opinions to share too! :) please enjoy the characters and comics regardless of my ideas. Love y'all😘
To say the least, we all know Max is obviously in love with Sam throughout thee entire t.v. and video game series; possibly the comics, but we'll get inside of that little history later. The main focus of how Max protrays his feelings towards his best friend and police partner, which is quite open in a rare way, Steve Purcell places out their relationship to be after all they've been together and will be when they die. It's a heart wrenching, violent story of pure friendship, and/or.. maybe more?
We're going to dig into that right now, beginning with Sam's jelly rabbit Max behavior.
When we take a look at this scene, Max only has a smile on his face to carry up an "innocent act" for the sake of his companion and this lady's (bleh) reassurance. He doesn't want to actually scare off both his colleagues to create a giant dilemma of drama and end up on being Sam's quiet side. So, the lagomorph decides not to give into his natural instinct to rip her wig off. Instead, he wiggles out his little bunny charm to do what he can to come between on Ms. Honeybunny's intentions on his best friend.
Meaning, his goal is to remain on Sam's good light so he doesn't have his canine friend to look down on him when he would have scared someone off who clearly didn't do anything wrong; in society's eye, anyhow.
The lagomorph just wanted to claim his terrority because that's HIS 6ft talking dog! He has to tear down the competition then and there, baby. Or else they're gone for life and that's never going to happen in Max's life!
Oh no, and that's why this scene is so interesting even more. Because we also get a small sequel to their, ahem, lady competition for Sam.
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It's super clear how gayly in love Max is with Sam in the t.v. series and the doggo scoundrel is super aware of what his best friend is feeling. Sam is a dog with super intelligent detective skills to sense if there's something going on, especially if its coming from Max, he is on the case to solve his mysterious canine instinct itch! with the bond of them they've always shared since they were merely babies.
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But this scene just proves how much of a sassy girlfriend this little lagomorph can truly be, and I love it!
He just downright called her a whore in a kid friendly manor so the censors don't kick their asses off the program too soon (even though, they did last one season) and being told, "don't worry, miss. A boat will be by to pick you up, and that means sailors! Yup, you'll get picked up, alright." ... is clearly not friendly!
That rabbit knew what he was doing. His jealously became a perfect revenge to tell her to stop her shit on them, and try it on someone else. It's classically performed here and I applaud for Max, once i was done watching this episode. Ms. Honeybunny may or may not have received the hint that they're not available, but Max has tried making it clear as day, twice now. He knows Sam doesn't get a clue; so, all that matters is that SHE understands the message:
"Sam is mine, don't flirt with me or him, go make out with a sailor, blah blah blah."
In Max's terms to this scene, he nailed it perfectly! So I believe the whole reason Sam didn't even try to say a word to her is because he clearly knew better than to try and to help Ms. Honeybunny when Max OBVIOUSLY showed no interest; he decided to take the smart choice and go to Team Max's side for silent support. And probably so he wouldn't die, either.
Later on, Sam finally decides to say something:
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Sam: "you crack me up little buddy."
Max: "whatever."
Uh.. that doesn't help, Sam!
Max probably dissed off Sam like that is because he knew he won, but he hadn't truly received the main prize: having Sam understand he belongs to only Max. His big hound still doesn't get the picture between two love rivals. Sam just doesn't realize Max still remembers when he and Ms. Honeybunny batted-eyes with each other til his REAL bunny came into the picture. His feelings must have been a little upset when he saw the lady appear again, after finding her on the boat and dressed as Geek. She was unmasked by Sam and Max's joke about calling for help on the walkie talkie was.. a little TOO panicked to me.
Like he was in a nightmare.
Like if Max saw them flirt or even remotely get near each other again, Sam would definitely have to call help from a rescue team away from Max's rage. Max knows some shark sword fighting skills to teach them both a lesson about Max being possessive as Hell, and Sam needs to wear a collar with the lagomorph's name on it. (Also, they're in the middle of the ocean. I'm pretty sure Max would use a shark as a sword somehow.)
In conclusion, this was still a fun filling jealous rival we got to see come out towards Sam and Max reacting to it. It was perfect, but I do personally wish we could have seen a jealous Sam in the series. She's just a slut and Max knew it from the start. Even if he didn't, that wouldn't change anything on how Max handled it. He stayed calm for Sam, tried to forget about Ms. Honeybunny during the rest of their mission, and she just came back out of nowhere! She keeps ruining everything by my getting the hint that Max does not care HOW she goes away- she needs to leave for good.
Max will never let anyone try to split their Freelance work and it certainly would not be their last encounter with other flirts, or crazy infatuations (*coughs* momma bosco). Max cooperated well and acted more maturely in an adult manner than he normally would be in. Like, he'd probably crush her skull on the desk or go to Geek about a sexual harassment groping from Ms. Honeybunny, so it'll get her fired.
And that's what's crazy bout all these things is Max is always up for any challenge out there. Violence, poker, best shooter, best at taking shots, the list goes on. But the emotionally ones are always backing him up in a corner to run away from and hide. Max doesnt like the emotional encounters that other people bring and it's not Sam&Max world quality.
In truth, Max may might as well be possessive, but Sam is pretty crazy about him too. It only shows their love for each other more, and I'd say that it'd be awesome if they could only be a little more open with each other. It's just super rare for Max to want to be able to share what he desires from Sam, or what's going on when someone tries to steal Sam away like Ms. Honeybunny would have done.
Sam and Max are going to have to admit more open feelings and fluff if they ever reboot the show. Seriously. It'd be a perfect opportunity to see their love grow and see more of Steve Purcell's humor again.
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