#dog grooming seminar
opawz · 3 months
Nicole Beckman x OPAWZ Coat Carving Seminar - Mastering Creative Grooming with OPAWZ Dog Safe Dyes!
OPAWZ Creative dog seminar with Nicole Beckman! What an incredible experience at yesterday’s Nicole Beckman x OPAWZ seminar! 🐾 A big shout-out to all the attendees who came, learned, and had fun! A special thanks to Nicole, our amazing educator—your expertise and enthusiasm in grooming are truly inspirational. ❤ 🎨✂ Remember, it’s always the right time to discover new skills. Stay tuned with…
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niyogreatandsmall · 2 months
Some fun things to do for dog therians/dogkins:
Learn! Dive into books, articles, or documentaries about dogs, their behavior, history, and breeds.
Create dog-themed crafts, like adding fake paws to gloves :D
Attend workshops or seminars about dog training, behavior, welfare, or therapy dog programs.
If you have time (don’t overwork yourself, friend!), volunteer at animal shelters, rescue organizations, or dog-related events to help and support dogs in need.
Explore virtual or physical dog sports such as agility, obedience training, or scent work to engage in canine activities!
Play video games or board games featuring dogs, dog-themed quests, or virtual pet simulations! Okami and Twilight Princess come to mind :)
Experiment with dog-friendly recipes or bake treats inspired by canine cuisine!
Learn basic dog training techniques, grooming skills, or canine first aid knowledge!
Engage in outdoor activities like hiking, camping, or picnics, so you get to be in your natural environment :)
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pawsitivevibe · 1 year
Okay I am so conflicted about this job I applied for. I won't hear back for a few more days, but I feel like I need to make a decision now in case they offer me it. I think the interview went well and I have a lot of relevant experience compared to their typical applicants ...
Anyway, it's for essentially a dog grooming apprenticeship.
The problem is, they only pay minimum wage ($15). But typically you might have to pay thousands to attend a grooming school. Or like if you go to the PetSmart grooming academy you have to "pack back" that training by working for them for a certain amount of time. Apparently if you quit before then you have to pay back whatever you "owe" for the schooling. So this apprenticeship is instead paying me to be there, and not charging me anything for the valuable training. So I can see minimum wage making sense to them, right. Considering offering this training is an expense to them because of the time commitment, but they are doing it because they want it to pay off by providing more groomers for their business.
I make $17 an hour right now at the barn. Which isn't like huge, but that extra $2 an hour does go places. I'm not sure I can afford to take the paycut. Especially when my partner is being really cagey about it. Like yeah he says do what I want, but like what does he ACTUALLY think about a losing some money??
BUT I could really make a career out of dog grooming I think. And I could make a lot more than I do now once I make commission and tips. The guy who interviewed me did say that it would likely take around a year to get to that, though. So I might be making $15/hour for a year.
BUT once I'm working there for a year I would be expected to start buying my own grooming kit. So uh a few thousand dollars worth of stuff, right. I would get a discount from their supplier and be able to have it come off my paycheck. But it will still be a big expense. I would get to keep all that stuff forever though....
Another thing too is that I just won a lifetime subscription to all the content from an online dog grooming and showing academy. So I will be watching a bunch of courses and seminars to learn some specialty show grooming stuff. So if I did become a groomer, I could potentially one day offer specialty breed specific grooms and stuff like coat stripping.
Now ... I just don't know if I can take the risk. I do think it could really pan out into a career. But the paycut up front would be a problem. Especially when, like, I can't afford to pay all my bills as it is. I'm constantly broke. I am supposed to be looking for a job that pays more. I have a Communications degree, I'm supposed to get like an office job or something. But nobody wants to hire me for a job like that. Or all the listings for ""entry level"" positions want 3-5 years of experience in the field. That ain't entry level! Tbh I would hate that kind of job anyway. But I always kinda thought I would have to settle for something I hated. I have just been avoiding it for a while by working shitty jobs I kinda like. This grooming thing I could actually love. BUT there's just no money up front. So I don't know what to do. It's probably just too late in life for me to take this chance, I think. I have bills to pay.
Anyway. Advice welcome. Just mostly looking to vent.
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wyatt-06 · 1 month
Brushing Isn’t the Hardest - Techniques of Brushing & Combing
For those who attended the seminar was a life time experience as it was live seminar of 3 hours on the model dog that too by master certified judge Tammy Colbert at the 2nd National Dog Grooming Competition. She taught various brushing techniques which we are going to wind-up to make a note of. Also for those who doesn’t have the chance to come over can study these and try on these techniques. ABK is committed to education and will continue to educate to those who were or weren’t at the seminar. It was a buoyant experience to watch. We will share the videos on our YouTube channel so you can also reminisce the day and if missed something can get through it.  
The first and foremost technique Tammy told us was to use the line brush with a pin brush to comb the model dog and then the sleeker brush later to reach out the left portion to get it all straight.
Always start with a leg and brush the wig when it’s not on the dog as it is easy that way. Comb it with a little portion of comb as you don’t need to brush it all. Don’t rip through it, go easy and hold the dog straight while combing.
You need to make sure you reach your breed standard as if spoil the hair can’t regrow. Keep skimming the comb and brush, don’t dig in and feel the dog continuously. Keep a point in hand to get the structure and position of the dog. Don’t cut the whole bunch, start trimming slowly.
Brush the ears to form the shape and pin them up in case you don’t cut them or include in the chest portion. Corner the eyes and nose.
The biggest trick of all is not to comb too much as each time you comb it, hair would come out diminishing the strength of wig. Once it looks really nice don’t touch it. Also keeping in mind it’s a wig so it won’t regrow, need to careful while clipping and forming the chest shape. So for that do one side of the dog, take a view from different angles and then do the other side. Pull the wig little bit to expose the foot, brush it down and trim the hair upwards and side ward, try to make a nice bubble.
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Once you brush the dog out, you don’t need to go. To do the rear leg move your dog little bit. Make sure its cut round. Make sure you skim and don’t get down in there. Once you start cutting, everything will fall in place which at first was wasn’t clear where to start from.
Visit our YouTube channel and go through videos do get the better and live understanding of the brushing and combing techniques.
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diverselifeinsights · 6 months
The Role of Pet Care Clinics in Ensuring Pet Well-being
In a world where pets are cherished members of families, the role of pet care clinics has become increasingly pivotal. These clinics serve as havens for the health and well-being of our beloved companions, offering a range of services that go beyond traditional veterinary care. This article delves into the multifaceted aspects of Pet Care Clinic, exploring their significance in fostering the health, happiness, and longevity of our cherished furry friends.
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Holistic Pet Healthcare:
Pet care clinics embrace a holistic approach to healthcare, addressing not only the physical but also the emotional and behavioral aspects of a pet's well-being. From routine check-ups to specialized services, these clinics prioritize preventive care, ensuring pets lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
Comprehensive Veterinary Services:
At the core of pet care clinics is the provision of comprehensive veterinary services. Routine vaccinations, dental care, and spaying/neutering are fundamental components. Additionally, these clinics offer diagnostic services, surgeries, and treatments for various ailments, providing a one-stop solution for pet owners' healthcare needs.
Nutritional Counseling:
Understanding the importance of proper nutrition, many pet care clinics offer nutritional counseling services. Veterinarians guide pet owners in selecting appropriate diets based on the pet's breed, age, and health conditions. This proactive approach promotes preventive health measures and addresses dietary concerns.
Grooming and Hygiene Services:
Pet care extends beyond medical interventions to grooming and hygiene. Pet Care Hospital often provide grooming services, including bathing, nail trimming, and coat care. Maintaining proper hygiene not only enhances a pet's appearance but also contributes to their overall health and comfort.
Behavioral Consultations:
Recognizing that a pet's well-being extends beyond physical health, pet care clinics offer behavioral consultations. Experienced professionals assess and address behavioral issues, providing guidance to pet owners on training, socialization, and creating a harmonious environment for their pets.
Pet Boarding and Daycare:
Pet care clinics often extend their services to include boarding and daycare facilities. This ensures that pets receive proper care and attention, even in the absence of their owners. Dedicated staff members oversee the well-being of boarded pets, offering a safe and nurturing environment.
Emergency and Critical Care:
In times of emergencies, pet care clinics play a crucial role in providing immediate medical attention. Equipped with emergency services and critical care units, these clinics are prepared to handle unforeseen health crises, ensuring pets receive prompt and expert care when needed the most.
Client Education Programs:
Many pet care clinics engage in client education programs, aiming to empower pet owners with knowledge about responsible pet care. Workshops, seminars, and informational materials help foster a deeper understanding of a pet's needs, leading to enhanced care and a stronger bond between pets and their owners.
Our Service:-  
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Pet care clinics serve as pillars of support for pet owners, offering a spectrum of services that prioritize the health, happiness, and longevity of our furry companions. Beyond medical treatments, these clinics contribute to a holistic approach to pet care, addressing nutritional, grooming, and behavioral aspects. As the bond between humans and their pets continues to strengthen, the role of pet care clinics becomes increasingly integral in nurturing the companionship that brings immeasurable joy to our lives.
vegan foods for dogs
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splootdogwalkers · 11 months
How to remain competitive in the dog grooming industry?
To remain competitive in the dog grooming industry, consider the following strategies:
1. Stay Updated with Industry Trends: Stay informed about the latest trends, techniques, and equipment in the dog grooming industry. Attend industry conferences, workshops, and seminars to enhance your knowledge and skills. Keeping up with industry advancements will allow you to offer modern and sought-after grooming services.
2. Provide High-Quality Service: Focus on providing excellent customer service and high-quality grooming services. Ensure that your grooming techniques are up to par, and use high-quality products that are safe and effective for dogs. Aim for customer satisfaction and establish a reputation for delivering exceptional grooming results.
3. Offer a Variety of Services: Expand your service offerings beyond basic grooming to cater to a wider range of customer needs. Consider offering specialized grooming services such as breed-specific trims, creative grooming, or spa treatments. Additionally, consider offering value-added services like nail trimming, teeth cleaning, or de-shedding to provide a comprehensive grooming experience.
4. Embrace Technology: Utilize technology to streamline your operations and enhance the customer experience. Invest in grooming management software to efficiently manage appointments, track customer preferences, and maintain records. Leverage social media platforms to promote your services, share before and after pictures of your work, and engage with potential customers.
5. Build Strong Relationships with Customers: Develop a strong bond with your customers by providing personalized attention and building trust. Take the time to understand their preferences, their pet's needs, and any specific concerns they may have. Regularly communicate with your customers, provide grooming tips, and follow up on their satisfaction. Positive customer experiences will lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.
6. Focus on Continuing Education: Continuously improve your skills and knowledge through continuing education programs. Attend grooming workshops, seminars, and webinars to stay updated on grooming techniques, animal behavior, and industry best practices. This ongoing learning will help you provide top-notch grooming services and maintain your competitive edge.
7. Build a Strong Online Presence: Establish a professional website and maintain an active presence on social media platforms. Showcase your grooming expertise, share informative content, and engage with your audience. Encourage customers to leave reviews and testimonials, as positive online reviews can significantly impact your reputation and attract new customers.
8. Network and Collaborate: Collaborate with other professionals in the pet industry, such as veterinarians, pet supply stores, or pet trainers. Build relationships with local businesses that share your target market to cross-promote each other's services. Attend pet-related events, join industry associations, and actively participate in grooming communities to expand your network and gain referrals.
9. Maintain a Clean and Safe Environment: Ensure that your grooming salon is clean, well-maintained, and equipped with the necessary safety measures. Follow proper hygiene practices, use appropriate disinfectants, and implement safety protocols to protect both the dogs and the groomers. A clean and safe environment will reassure customers and demonstrate your commitment to their pets' well-being.
10. Seek Feedback and Adapt: Regularly seek feedback from your customers to gauge their satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. Actively listen to their suggestions and adapt your services accordingly. Embracing feedback demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and helps you stay ahead of the competition.
By implementing these strategies, you can position yourself as a competitive player in the dog grooming industry and attract a loyal customer base.
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projectdiningsblog · 1 year
From Corporate to Casual: Catering for Every Occasion
Catering plays a vital role in every occasion, from corporate events to casual gatherings. Whether it’s a high-end corporate dinner, a wedding reception, or a backyard BBQ, catering can help make the event a success. In this article, we will explore the different types of catering services available and how they can be tailored to suit various occasions.
Corporate Catering:
Corporate catering typically involves more formal settings such as business meetings, conferences, and seminars. The focus is on creating a professional atmosphere that reflects the company's image. Corporate catering Dubai include a wide range of options, from buffet-style service to plated meals. Typically, the menu will include more sophisticated dishes such as grilled meats, seafood, and salads, along with a selection of wines and beverages. The service staff will be trained to provide discreet and efficient service, ensuring that guests can focus on the event.
Wedding Catering:
Wedding catering is all about creating a memorable experience for the couple and their guests. The menu typically includes a variety of dishes that cater to different dietary needs and preferences. Buffet-style service is a popular choice for wedding catering, as it allows guests to choose their own dishes and provides a relaxed atmosphere. Plated meals are also an option for more formal weddings. The service staff will be trained to provide personalized service and attend to the needs of the bride and groom.
Casual Catering:
Casual catering is perfect for more relaxed settings such as backyard BBQs, birthday parties, and family gatherings. The focus is on creating a laid-back atmosphere that encourages guests to socialize and have fun. The menu typically includes classic comfort foods such as burgers, hot dogs, and grilled vegetables. Buffet-style service is the most common option, as it allows guests to serve themselves and provides a casual atmosphere. The service staff will be trained to provide friendly and efficient service, ensuring that guests can relax and enjoy the event.
Specialty Catering:
Specialty catering is perfect for occasions that require a unique and personalized touch. This can include themed events, charity fundraisers, and cocktail parties. The menu will be tailored to suit the occasion, and the service staff will be trained to provide attentive and personalized service. Specialty catering can be as elaborate or as simple as the occasion requires, from sushi and champagne to craft cocktails and hors d'oeuvres.
In conclusion, catering plays an important role in every occasion, from corporate events to casual gatherings. By selecting the right catering service in Dubai, event planners can create an atmosphere that suits the occasion and leaves a lasting impression on guests. Whether it's corporate catering, wedding catering, casual catering, or specialty catering, there are catering services available to suit every occasion and budget.
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truthshield · 2 years
Seven savvy young entrepreneurs launch their business through the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre Summer Company program
Running your own student business is one of the best summer jobs you can have. This summer, seven young entrepreneurs from across Cornwall and SDG are turning their business ideas into reality with assistance from the Summer Company program. The official launch event took place on June 30, 2022 inside the civic Complex main hall and was open to the public.  The mini trade show featured each student business and provided an opportunity to meet potential new customers in-person. All seven Summer Company entrepreneurs will be profiled on the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre website: Hannah Lavictoire – Hannah Lavictoire, Visual Artist Thomas LeGallais – Swish School Neika Noel  – Bear’s Woof & Wag Dog Wash Coralie Adams – Qu’Aura’s Crystals Connor McDougall – Branch Campfire Kits Bobby Robinson – Baler Bob Custom Work Connor Armstrong – Armstrong Stump Grinding and Hedge Removal Funded by the Government of Ontario, and administered by the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre, Summer Company encourages students to start and run their own business. In return, participants will receive $3,000 in start-up funding assistance along with hands-on coaching and mentoring from local business leaders. These young adults were selected to participate in the program after completing detailed business plans, including marketing and financial projections “This program provides a great opportunity for our participants to develop entrepreneurial skills while making money at the same time,” said Shauna Baggs, Business Consultant with the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre. “Through Summer Company, we are helping to develop future community business leaders.” This year’s Summer Company participants will provide services such as: stump grinding and hay baling, basketball school, campfire kits, visual art, custom mystery crystal packs, and a dog grooming service. The Summer Company can be a stepping stone for students to continue their businesses through their high school and post secondary years.  Additionally, several past Summer Company participants who have finished their studies are now operating successful, full time businesses in our community.  Most notably are Essential Esthetics, Crystal’s Beautique Spa and Beauty Lounge and Sandfield Furniture. About the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre The Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre helps small business owners succeed in Cornwall, SDG and Akwesasne by offering information, tools and support. The Centre provides support through seminars, webinars, workshops and networking opportunities that are designed to build a strong entrepreneurial community across our region. Please visit http://www.businessenterprisecentre.ca for more information. The Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre is funded by the Government of Ontario in partnership with the City of Cornwall Economic Development and SDG Economic Development. The office is located inside the Cornwall Civic Complex. https://ift.tt/RUmax8X https://ift.tt/gjWLow7
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inloversmeeting · 4 years
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annnnd more hand scissor grooms. lovely dogs <3
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opawz · 1 year
Red Panda Creative Dog Grooming Design
Red Panda Creative Dog Grooming Design
Creative Grooming Creative grooming can be safe and enjoyable. Professional pet groomers have the unique opportunity to truly individualize and customize their clients’ grooms by adding touches of personal style and even practicality to nearly any pet that enters the salon with pet safe hair color dyes. Adding simple touches of creativity to commemorate the holidays, sporting events, or even to…
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The Wolfkeeper Show live with Jorge Bendersky Today!! Jorge Bendersky has been a lifelong dog lover and at a very young age had a dream of working with animals. Born and raised in Argentina, at eleven years old his passion and hobby was breeding and showing dogs. He became a celebrity dog groomer soon after moving to New York City and today he is one of Manhattan’s sought-after groomers. trimming and fluffing the four-legged children of some of the New York City’s elite. His clients include top models, notable actors, infamous billionaires and popular recording artists. Jorge’s talents have been seen on Animal Planet’s reality show, “The Groomer Has It”, as a Judge on TLC’s Extreme Poodles and as the new Grooming expert on Animal Planet’s Dogs 101. When he’s not preening pups for clients, Bendersky does volunteer work tending shelter dogs and running a grooming program in East Harlem. Jorge’s deep commitment to “giving back” has led him to offer his talents to help those dogs who need the most just to survive. Through a series of pet care workshops in NYC’s inner-city neighborhoods and by conducting seminars to help other groomers carry on this mission. Toriano "The Wolfkeeper" Sanzone will have amazing time with Jorge Bandersky. We will talk about Dog, Dog Grooming and how to be successful with your passion to Dogs! Learn more at: https://buff.ly/3kq4IWb. Connect Socially: Facebook: https://buff.ly/33Egy97. Twitter: @JorgeBendersky #thewolfkeepershow #jorgebendersky #torianosanzone #chicagodogtrainer
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fbwzoo · 5 years
Alright, I wanna hear about your dream animal business!! Every time I talk about mine, I get a couple comments from followers about what they'd love to do too, and it makes me happy. 💙 Small grooming business? Specialty supply store? Breeding business with a small store? A more extensive idea, perhaps, such as a whole business line with grooming, training, and supplies? Tell me about it!! Go as in depth as you want!
Y'all have heard about mine plenty, but to start it off:
I'm gonna start an animal supply store that sells only safe & appropriate equipment and food for animals. Probably some dog/cat stuff as well, but with more of a focus on other animals. Food will include fresh and frozen stuff as well, such as veggie chops and other goodies. I'd especially like to stock stuff from smaller creators/businesses I know, such as Carolina Storm Wheels.
In addition, I'd like to work with rescues in my area to board and feature adoptable animals in the store, as well as maybe having some educational animals.
Also in addition, I'd like for the store to become a community educational center, hosting/organizing workshops for learning to make enclosures, enrichment, and food/treats, training (especially for cats), and seminars on pet care (nutrition, enrichment, simple first aid, etc.)
And it's a stretch, but also possibly working out a way to do some minor boarding services for non-cats & dogs, or else helping to form a pet sitting/boarding network for dedicated area pet owners.
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wyatt-06 · 1 month
On the occasion of 2nd National Dog Grooming Competition, we had two wonderful seminars conducted by Tammy Colbert and Karla-Addington Smith. Second day’s seminar was on a live dog. We learned how to groom the dog by saving the time. Basically time-saving techniques.
At first, the most important point Karla mentioned was to prepare the Workstation. It is the most difficult and at the same time the easiest way to start with. Make sure your table is clean. We learned how to keep the tools and how to keep the table clean in our last blog. Keep the pet secure on the table. He can feel secure only when you comfort him. Share good vibes. If yourself are irritated or stressed on something, a dog can feel that and it’s possible that he might not even come to you.
You have to know the dog before starting anything on him. Look at his teeth. They might have some peroxide which might be hurting him and you didn’t get the knowledge of same from the owner. You will grab his mouth or chin without knowing, giving him discomfort and you might hurt the dog as well on gums and teeth.
Look into his ears. See if there is any ear infection, redness, anything causing him irritation. You have to feel the dog. Look at his paw pet. See if it’s muddy. Take a look at his nails. Check if they are muddy. You have to crosscheck each and every spot and see if there’s anything causing him discomfort.
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Look at his butt. Check if there is any internal parasite or lukewarm. If it’s the female dog, make sure of their nipples. As it is hairy all around and you might not notice and cut off her nipples. Beware to not cut them off.
Evaluate the Dog
You have to evaluate the dog before starting off.
See the coat type.
Check the matting and tangles.
Try on a few hand gestures to ensure if he is aggressive or not. Try to
After evaluating, you will get to what all tools to be used. You can prepare yourself by making an idea in the head as to what look to give, how to start and with which tool.
Prepping is really important
No matter which dog you groom, start with the whole process in a same way. After evaluating the dog, clip out his paw pet. Trim-up around the rectum, clean-up the eyes and around the ears. Use #30 blade for paw pet. If you are clipping outside the paw pet, you have to go in with the left side of the clipper. When clipping inside the paw pet, go in with the right side of clipper. Like this, you are not using just one side of the blade. You have to skim around the paw pet. Always try to start with this first on each dog.
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whimsicalwoofs · 6 years
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How to Bathe Different Dog Coat Types
The people that did the Science of Skin seminar I went to at the grooming expo (and own Iv San Bernard) have a lot of the info from the seminar on their website! It of course includes their products but the How To and Info is still really good. Honestly if I had my own salon I would want to mainly use their products.
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drhardeepkataria · 2 years
Your Trusted Hospital for Vet Services
With Twin Rivers Animal Hospital, you’ll always receive professional, reliable and loving care for your lovely pets. This is a full-fledged, modern, and trustworthy dog and cat hospital Kamloops that delivers the most compassionate services and guarantees to help your animal feel better day by day. Offering a very thorough medical, surgical and dental care for pets and animals, the vets always strive to find a place for your pet. Even if the hospital is always full of animals, the experts strive to help your lovely furry friend providing outstanding services with every visit.  
Thanks to the wide range of pet care services, you and your furry friend can have a lot of memories and enjoyment for the longest time as possible. They are very committed in treating your pet every time he does not feel better and help you know tips and advice to keep your beloved pet healthy, cheerful and alive. 
Twin Rivers Animal Hospital has been established with one aim: to help as many pets as possible so they can live long and happy. The experts take pride in providing very gentle, consistent and intricate Riverside Veterinary Kamloops for your animal. They offer: 
full medical services
diagnostic services
surgical services
in-house laboratory
boarding and grooming
Your animal will get various services because the extensive and state of the art facilities this hospital has includes: 
surgical suite
general dental equipment and imaging
digital x-ray capabilities
daytime hospitalization area
in-house laboratory
comfortable exam rooms
outdoor walking areas
Hardly can you find a better dog and cat hospital Kamloops because this platform will exceed your expectations. Being a competitive animal healthcare provider by taking part in regular trainings and seminars, this team never leaves any pet owner dissatisfied. They use the medical equipment and tools that are the most modern and effective ones and have the highest level of technological advancements available in the market today. They are working so hard to offer you the best Riverside Veterinary Kamloops so that you and your pet would be together at the longest time possible.
Moreover, these professionals also offer emergency solutions to all those animals who need immediate services. These vets make sure that they treat your cats and dogs with tender loving care, just like what you are also doing to them. You can always trust them in such situations and get very effective solutions. This emergency vet has already helped hundreds of animals that have got emergency issues and fought against their faith. The experts have much experience, so rest assured your furry friend is in safe hands. If you’re looking for an exceptional care just visit Twin Rivers Animal Hospital and the vets will do everything for your animal anytime and any day. Please, let them know if there are any certain pet care services you need and they will do their best to fulfill them. 
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Building the monolith may be one of the most positive experiences I have had working on a group project in my life.
I consider myself a team player, and would say that I used collective intelligence fairly regularly in my previous career. I worked in pet grooming, with a small team of other women who had various levels of experience in the field. Animals (and their owners) are unpredictable – some days working in the salon felt like being in the trenches with comrades. It was absolutely necessary for us to pool our skills, whether that meant jumping in to help handle an aggressive dog, delegating cleaning tasks to stay on time, or asking for another set of eyes/hands to achieve a certain “perfect look” (people are picky!).
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Pictured above: Me (and a friend!) at a dog grooming convention in 2017, absorbing lots of pooled knowledge via seminar discussion
When it comes to school projects however, I have always dreaded group work. Oftentimes it is difficult to divy up, less than perfectly coherent when brought together, and it seems like a few people always end up doing the bulk of the labour.
I’m happy to say that I encountered (nearly) none of these problems in Minecraft. So what was the difference?
In her TED talk below, McGonigal argues that games “inspire us to collaborate and co operate […] to be our best selves” (TED, 2010). Prior to this experience, I had not personally participated in much multiplayer gaming, and I would have disagreed with her. Afterall, if gaming brings out the best in people, how come most of what I heard about the gaming community revolved around things like Gamergate? How come growing up I heard strangers online saying such nasty things to my siblings when they played games on Xbox live? That didn’t seem like the better world McGonigal believes in to me.
This project presented a pretty strong case in her favour, though, and forced me to re evaluate how I see community gaming. Even though one of our members was MIA from the beginning, the rest of us seemed genuinely motivated to work together to create something we were proud of. Right away, there was discussion about what we wanted to achieve. Although some members were more experienced than others (Matteo and Tayler), our process rarely involved following the traditional division of labour that I had experienced working on group projects in the past. There was no team leader holding everyone accountable or laying out deadlines, rather, everyone had skills they were willing to offer and creative ideas they were able to build on.
In the end, our treehouse seemed like a perfect example of collective intelligence. Different parts of the “village” featured different member strengths:
Matteo: Complex builds like the big tree, main bridge, and tunnel system Isobel: Simpler but aesthetically pleasing areas like the greenhouse and kitchen Me: Beginner attempts at mid-difficulty builds such as connecting the village, and the upper level home base Tayler: Resource farming (including sheep/cow pen), member support, paths
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Through this experience, I have come to agree with McGonigal… with a caveat. I would argue that a gaming world provides us with the potential to be our best, most collaborative selves, but that (like anything) we have to want to realize that potential. 
I found myself genuinely disappointed as the project period came to a close. Sure, I now had a better understanding of Minecraft and could start my own projects using my new skills, but there was something very rewarding about the collaboration and the social aspect, about creating something that I would not have had ability to make on my own. I looked forward to logging into the server and seeing what new additions my teammates had been working on in my absence. 
I think that the positivity of this experience was largely reliant on the attitude of the group. We managed to create a mini-community, but I would be wary of taking one experience as proof that gaming inherently creates positive spaces. My own (admittedly second-hand) experience contrasts that clearly enough, as does TheMittani’s write up detailing their experience playing EVE (2016).
In the end, you get what you put in. Luckily, my group members seemed to feel the same way -- we were only short one person, and I imagine my feelings would be different if that number were higher. I believe that the collective intelligence literacy is applicable in most situations, and I would like to believe in the sort of future that McGonigal imagines: one where we pool our strengths as a global community to look after one another.  
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