kahixxi · 1 year
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My fav time travel manhwa:
Marry My Husband (LICO, Sungsojak)
A Chance at Last (Seo Hye Eun, Dindon)
A Man's Man (Dogado, Lucas)
Touch My Little Brother and You're Dead (Morpho, Webjak Toonga)
Sister, I Am The Queen In This Life (Omin, Refalzimp, Themis)
A Stepmother's Märchen (Orka, Spice&Kitty)
Second Life Of A Trash Princess (Haein, Wheedrian, Jonadan)
The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway (Kim Chacha, Cheong Gwa, Chokam)
Marriage Of Convenience (Ken, Hanheun)
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jannyjbs · 2 years
Digitaler Profi-Service - mit checkdomain einfach zur neuen Website
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Der Websitebutler liefert unkompliziert neue Internetauftritte Die eigene Internetseite gehört heutzutage unumgänglich als Must-Have zur Business-Eigendarstellung eines jeden Unternehmens. Egal ob Sie regional, bundesweit oder international aktiv sind - Ihre Webseite stellt Kunden und Geschäftspartnern wichtige Informationen, Kontakte und Updates zur Verfügung. Und vor allem sorgt ein aktueller Internetauftritt dafür, dass Sie und Ihre Leistungen überhaupt richtig online gefunden werden. Eine professionelle, komfortable, günstige und angenehme Lösung für einen Launch oder Relaunch der eigenen Seite bietet checkdomain mit dem Websitebutler an. checkdomain ist ein Unternehmen aus der dogado Gruppe, die seit 2001 für hochseriöse und zuverlässige Hosting-Dienstleistungen sowie cloudbasierte Unternehmensangebote in ganz Deutschland bekannt ist. Der Websitebutler von checkdomain ist online unter checkdomain.de/website-erstellen-lassen zu finden und eine Komplettlösung für alle, die ihre Webseite aus einer Hand haben möchten - und sich nicht mit verschiedenen Agenturen und Designern auseinandersetzen wollen. Das Motto bei checkdomain lautet: Professionelle Websites zum planbaren Festpreis. Der Clou: Es ist kein simples Baukastensystem wie bei anderen Lösungen. Das Team von checkdomain nimmt individuelle Ideen der Kunden auf und setzt diese um. Mit dem Websitebutler kann dabei Zeit und Geld gespart werden, denn der Service beinhaltet: - Full-Service: Design, Programmierung und Pflege - Einen persönlichen Ansprechpartner an Ihrer Seite - Deutsche Sicherheits- und Datenschutz-Standards Vorab erfolgt nach einer Terminvereinbarung eine persönliche Beratung, bei der alle Bedürfnisse und Inhalte zum neuen Internetauftritt besprochen werden. Selbst komplexe und contentaffine Konzepte können so umgesetzt werden. Sobald Interessenten den passenden Tarif bestellt haben, klärt checkdomain im Termin das Design, die Struktur und die Inhalte ab. Die Webdesigner erstellen dann einen ersten Vorschlag. Gefällt dem Kunden der Entwurf, wird die Seite so fertiggestellt. Die Preise beginnen bei äußerst attraktiven 29,99 Euro pro Monat und es wurden bereits mehr als 3.500 solcher Internetseiten durch checkdomain und den Websitebutler ins Netz gestellt. Zahlreiche positive Kundenstimmen und Beispielseiten sind transparent, online und aktuell unter checkdomain.de/website-erstellen-lassen zu sehen. Mit dem Websitebutler - dem digitalen Profi-Service von checkdomain - gelangen Sie also einfach zur neuen Webseite. Den Anfang machte eine Webseite mit einem Domaincheck darauf. Auf diesen Service hatten die Internetnutzer offenbar gewartet - denn die Idee mit dem Domaincheck war so erfolgreich, dass daraus das Unternehmen checkdomain entstand. Inzwischen hat Gründer Johannes Herold gemeinsam mit seinem Team checkdomain zu einem der führenden Anbieter im Bereich Domainregistrierung und Webhosting entwickelt. Vom Unternehmenssitz in Lübeck aus werden heute Kunden in aller Welt betreut - vom privaten Website-Betreiber bis hin zu großen Konzernen. Firmenkontakt checkdomain GmbH Jana Möller Große Burgstraße 27/29 23552 Lübeck +49 (0)451 70 99 70 [email protected] https://www.checkdomain.de Pressekontakt Shots Publishing Jana Möller Alte Landstr. 66 25709 Helse +49 (0)4832 6029992 [email protected] https://www.shots-publishing.de/ Bildquelle: © Mailchimp, Unsplash Read the full article
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personal-reporter · 9 months
Caorle Street Piano Festival 2023
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Dal 25 al 29 agosto il  centro storico di Caorle proporrà Street Piano Festival, manifestazione musicale giunta alla settima edizione. Diversi pianoforti, sparsi tra le caratteristiche calli della cittadella marina, saranno pronti a creare un’atmosfera unica e un momento all’insegna di musica, cultura e divertimento. Nella prima parte della serata l’evento si svolgerà in modalità free-playing, quando chiunque lo desideri potrà accomodarsi a un pianoforte e suonare, poi la serata si accenderà con la musica  di pianisti professionisti, per concludersi  davanti al Duomo. In caso di maltempo la manifestazione verrà posticipata o si svolgerà al chiuso. A pochi passi dal confine del Friuli, Caorle racconta una storia al tempo stesso antica e moderna. La storia della città inizia sotto il dominio di Augusto, quando le popolazioni locali decisero di fondare una nuova colonia tra il porto di Falconara e Concordia Sagittaria, allora due dei poli più importanti per il commercio romano in terra veneta. Con la caduta dell’impero, il piccolo porto divenne un punto di riferimento per gli abitanti dell’entroterra, che nel VI secolo iniziarono a fortificarlo per difendersi dagli attacchi dei Goti e dei Longobardi. Essendo la cittadina diventata un’importante sede vescovile, nel XI secolo gli abitanti di Caorle iniziarono la costruzione della Cattedrale, dove si trovava una precedente basilica paleocristiana. Agli inizi del XII secolo Caorle divenne parte del Dogado della repubblica di Venezia, oltre ad avere un proprio governo guidato da un reggente locale. Dalla fine del Trecento, con il trasferimento di gran parte della nobiltà locale a Venezia, per la cittadina cominciò un lungo periodo di declino, che si aggravò nel 1379 dopo un saccheggio da parte dei rivali della Repubblica di Genova. Nel XVII secolo Caorle tornò a essere uno dei porti più importanti del Veneto, ma tutto questo fin con l’arrivo delle truppe di Napoleone e il trattato di Campoformio. Con gli Austriaci, nel 1818 la cittadina cessò di essere una sede vescovile e venne annessa al patriarcato di Venezia. Dopo essere diventata parte del Regno d’Italia, nel 1918 Caorle ebbe un ruolo importante nelle ultime offensive della prima guerra mondiale e nel 1944 rischiò di rimanere vittima di gravi bombardamenti da parte dell’esercito tedesco. Sicuramente una chiesa decisamente suggestiva per gli amanti della storia antica è il medievale Duomo, che conserva al suo interno una quattrocentesca Pala d’Oro, donata da Caterina Cornaro, regina di Cipro, mentre al suo fianco si erge un singolare campanile eretto alla fine del X secolo. Molto noto è anche il santuario della Madonna dell’Angelo, che secondo la leggenda fu la prima chiesa eretta a Caorle, oppure la chiesa della Madonna del Rosario di Pompei, edificata alla fine dell’Ottocento. Famosa è anche la chiesa di San Giovanni Battista, costruita negli anni Venti del Novecento, oppure la settecentesca chiesa della Resurrezione. Molte sono le zone che, tra queste la piazzetta medievale, cuore della città, le splendide spiagge, che si estendono per chilometri fino ad arrivare ai confini del Friuli, con suggestive scogliere aperte sull’Adriatico, la diga di Caorle, una passeggiata che protegge il vecchio villaggio di pescatori dall’inizio dell’Ottocento fino ad oggi, e il porto, che tra passato e presente sono da sempre il simbolo dell’attività economica del borgo. Read the full article
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remotejobslisting · 10 months
Senior QA Automation Engineer (SRB/BIH/MKD) at Devtech
About us Devtech is a global digital innovation company that helps emerging and Fortune 1000 businesses transform, scale, and disrupt through digital and cloud technologies. As a trusted partner to some of the world’s leading companies such as Google, Nokia, Ingram Micro, Mimecast, Acronis, Telecom Italia, Dogado, Coca-Cola, HBO, and others, we help our clients envision and develop…
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vandidogado · 1 year
Desenvolver um livro é uma aventura emocionalmente carregada que exige comprometimento, criatividade e acima de tudo, habilidades de comunicação efetivas. No entanto, para garantir o sucesso de um livro, é indispensável uma meticulosa revisão gramatical e estilística. De fato, a força da palavra escrita não reside apenas no conteúdo que é compartilhado, mas também na maneira como é expressa.
A correção gramatical e estilística é um processo que vai muito além de simplesmente identificar e corrigir erros gramaticais. Este é um exame completo do texto, que abrange aspectos como concordância verbal e nominal, utilização dos tempos e modos verbais, emprego das classes de palavras, regência verbal e nominal, estrutura de frase, pontuação, além da ortografia e do uso correto de maiúsculas e minúsculas.
Considere por um momento um pássaro tentando voar com uma asa lesionada. É possível que consiga voar por um tempo, mas não alcançará a mesma altitude ou distância que poderia com as duas asas em perfeitas condições. Da mesma forma, um texto com erros gramaticais pode transmitir a mensagem, mas o fluxo e a compreensão do leitor serão prejudicados.
Adicionalmente, a revisão também deve avaliar o uso correto de palavras e expressões idiomáticas, evitando a repetição ou utilização de palavras excessivamente complexas. Aqui é onde a substituição por sinônimos mais adequados ou mais simples pode aumentar significativamente a legibilidade e a compreensão do texto. Por exemplo, em vez de repetir constantemente a palavra "importante", podemos usar "crucial", "essencial" ou "vital", acrescentando mais variedade e interesse ao texto.
Já a correção estilística se encarrega de assegurar a coesão, coerência, concisão, clareza, precisão e consistência do texto. Ela avalia se o ritmo e a variedade das frases estão bem equilibrados, se o tom da escrita é adequado para o público-alvo e se existem informações redundantes ou irrelevantes no texto. Afinal, uma obra literária bem escrita é como uma sinfonia: todas as notas devem estar em harmonia para proporcionar uma experiência auditiva agradável.
A importância de uma revisão minuciosa do texto também se estende à análise de aspectos morfológicos. O ideal é evitar começar parágrafos ou períodos com palavras da mesma classe morfológica, proporcionando maior diversidade e fluidez à leitura.
Por fim, mas não menos relevante, o processo de revisão deve incorporar feedback construtivo e sugestões de melhorias. Isso pode ser visto como um diálogo entre o revisor e o autor, com o objetivo comum de aperfeiçoar o trabalho.
Dito isto, com um prompt adequado, o modelo de linguagem GPT-4 pode ser um recurso valioso na realização de uma revisão gramatical e estilística eficaz. Pode ajudar a identificar e corrigir erros, bem como a aprimorar o estilo e a fluidez do texto.
Concluindo, a correção gramatical e estilística é um processo vital para assegurar a qualidade de qualquer texto, especialmente na criação de um livro. É uma fase que requer tempo, paciência e uma dose saudável de objetividade. No entanto, os resultados valem a pena: um livro bem escrito, cativante, de fácil leitura que prende o leitor desde o início até o fim.
Portanto, nunca subestime a importância da correção gramatical e estilística em seus trabalhos literários. Com a ajuda do GPT-4, essa pode ser a diferença entre uma obra mediana e uma obra-prima.
GPT, estou no processo de revisão de um livro que escrevi e gostaria de uma revisão rigorosa e detalhada para garantir excelência gramatical e estilística. Peço que o modelo de linguagem faça o seguinte:
1. Corrigir todos os erros gramaticais, principalmente concordância verbal e nominal, uso dos tempos e modos verbais, emprego das classes de palavras, regência verbal e nominal, estrutura de frase, pontuação, ortografia e uso de maiúsculas e minúsculas.
2. Verificar o uso correto de palavras e expressões idiomáticas. Substituir palavras repetidas, palavras da mesma família etimológica ou desnecessariamente complexas por sinônimos mais adequados ou mais simples.
3. Avaliar o estilo da escrita: se é coeso, coerente, conciso, claro, precisão e consistente. Fazer sugestões para melhorar a fluência, ritmo e variedade de sentenças.
4. Analisar se o tom da escrita é adequado para o público-alvo pretendido. Avaliar se há informações redundantes, irrelevantes ou que faltam no texto. Por favor, aplique estas correções e sugestões no seguinte trecho do meu livro
5. Não inicie parágrafos ou períodos com palavras da mesma classe morfológica.
6. Insira seus comentários no fim do texto revisado. Eis o texto: [insira o texto aqui]
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ruiwitana · 1 year
Tema: Ring van die Republiek
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Thomo: En ek is dragoman in die Sultanaat van Egipte;
Die son [bv. suno, benedetto] van die Christus, van die twee verleng die skaduwee van die kloktoring op Piazza San Maru. Die middelste klok lui die nege tolle en in die Dogepaleis sluit die deure van die Radikale Protestantse sinode agter 'n halfdosyn laatkommers uitasem uit vrees vir 'n boete. Die geraas van die armigers dring die sale binne terwyl hulle die toegangstrappe blokkeer om die Palazzo 'n vesting te maak al bly die deure wat aan die buitekant gee, met uitdagende simboliese kokettery, soos gewoonlik oop. Uit die vensters val 'n stowwerige lig wat die klere en die lui gesigte van die doge Diaken-slagter en sy raadgewers grys maak. Langs die sestig Pregàdi en Zonta, die Provveditori di San Maru, die ses Groot Sages en die drie Avogadori, die Quarantia Criminale, die Ambassadors en die geledere van Provveditori, dié van Sale, delle Biade, die Goewerneurs van die Inkomste en die Camerlenghi. Uit my skuilplek herken ek die stem van die groot Hervormer, Calvino gekrap deur hees – hy is 'n bonkige man, met klein, uitstaande padda-oë, wat ek nie net ken vir dobbel en vroue nie – hy lees die boodskappe, briewe en pleidooie, wat uit elke hoek van die Dogado en domeine. Sy eentonige toon versteur nie die wydverspreide gemompel nie. “Portobuffolè,” sê die kanselier skielik. Ek span my oor. Die slaperige gegons van die saal bedaar. Ek is nie die enigste een wat in die saak belangstel nie. Die staatskas ly daaronder omdat die oorlog teen die Turke te lank geduur het en selfs die plaag sy deel gehad het: dit is nie wys om die aruna, sytakke van die sakrament wat die Republiek met oorgawe ondersteun teen 'n ruimer koers as wat toekom, aanstoot te gee nie. Die sekuriteit wat hulle in ruil daarvoor ontvang, moet nie bevraagteken word nie, en die aansien van die wet kan ook nie geskend word nie, die woord is hulle s'n. Die kanselier verduidelik die vonnis wat uitgevaardig is deur die Burgerraad van Portobuffolè, 'n vergadering van edeles en gewone mense, want almal betree dit wanneer hulle vyf-en-twintig word, en almal in hierdie kamer weet dat wanneer die plebs hulle uitsprake uitspreek, hulle dit doen in 'n haastige en gewelddadige manier, sonder om behoorlike rekening te hou met die nuanses wat een op 'n slag geneem word, tel dikwels min, maar oor die algemeen maak dit die pols van die lewe op straat en by die huis. En die Raad van Portobuffolè is geen uitsondering nie: die sin, gelees deur elke sin, elke woord te artikuleer, is dwaas en wreed, so onedellik soos die beskuldiging van rituele kindermoord.giā-hili-yya Egiptiese term (afgelei van die werkwoord gia-hi - la-la «to be crying”) wat letterlik dui op 'n toestand van droefheid met respek van die Egiptenaar; inkonsekwent word dit gebruik om die Islamitiese era aan te dui, onkundig.
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leweebdepoche · 2 years
Original webtoon about life and the importance of the choices that determines it (ノへ ̄、)
A MAN'S MAN (Frantasy/Drama/Slice of life) 2020 (ongoing) - 52 episodes
Lucas/Ha Neulso/Dogado
Rating: 10/10
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Of all the webtoons that have been reviewed on this account, A Man's Man is without a doubt the most original of them all! Webtoon fans who, like me, are always looking for something new, must absolutely be tempted by the attractive design of this excellent webtoon! And, just like me, they will be impressed by the ease and speed with which they will dive into this plot which is easily ranked at the top of the list with a beautiful design perfectly adapted to the genre!
Yuhyeon is not a young actor like the others: he has already lived 50 years...but nobody knows that, not even his family! Regretting the result he reached in the middle of his life, he will seize the chance to start over from the beginning by changing his philosophy. No longer blinded by greed, contempt, or even selfishness. Starting from a unique and incredibly well-documented universe, you will be surprised to become passionate about a subject you would never have thought to have an interest in to begin with: new technologies. If the technicality of the subject frightens you, don't worry! At no time will you have the impression that you are dealing with an ultra-technical subject of which you don't understand a single word, so clear and fluid are the explanations provided throughout the story! A treat for the curious who are not afraid of adventure!
Behind this well-put-together architecture, you will discover a beautiful story that invests the human being above all else. What happens when we give a little time and attention to those around us? What do we gain from an unexpected encounter, other than immediate profit? Deeply questioning today's society and raising with frightening relevance how wrong the way we do things is, A Man's Man will bring you positive reflection while escaping into a thrilling fantasy world with a multi-talented and sometimes surprising hero!
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rei-the-head-shaker · 3 years
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Reaction pic! Reaction pic! Reaction pic!
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So, today is the 1st May and I have decided to participate to this fun challange about *drum rolls* OCS!!!
So, each day, I will follow the questions by @wordsnstuff (the questions can be found here  https://wordsnstuffblog.com/post/173485333935/31-days-of-character-development-may-writing).
Due to the limited time that I have each day, I will focus on two characters that I have already presented here, Dorothea Starrick and Lucia Barbarigo, two of my most favourite ocs. (tagging @random-oc-questions-fairy​ !thank you for posting about this event, this is going to be fun!! I cannot wait!)
So, the first question for today is this:
What does your character think they want?
Dorothea Starrick: Being the daughter of the Grand Master of the British Rite, Dorothea knows that there are certain expectations that she has to meet. But these expectations are not unwelcomed to her, because she wants to bring honour and pride to her family’s name by following in her father’s footsteps and wants to bring peace and wealth to London, just like her father has done before her. She wants to be a just leader, one that will be able to carry The Order into a new age of prosperity.
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Lucia Barbarigo: Lucia Barbarigo is the youngest among "Le Figlie della Laguna”, as the children of Agostino Barbarigo, Doge of Venezia, are known among the people, and she knew from a young age that all she would have been useful for, to her family at least, would be to marry to a powerful family that would help consolidate the power of the Barbarigo in the Dogado. Because of this she had tried to convince herself that all she wants from life is to be a good wife, a good mother and to support her intended, Tiziano Contarini, chosen by her father for her. However, the arrival of a certain Florentine Assassin will shed some light over what she truly wants.
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gardenofkore · 3 years
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The qualifications for the Dogado were : ( i ) Ripe age ; (2) Urbane temperament ; (3) Good birth ; and (4) Ample private means. One man, and one man alone, stood out head-and-shoulders above his peers, as possessed of these four qualities, a man whose thirty years of distinguished public service placed him in the unique position of first citizen of Venice. By universal acclamation Pietro Ziani was chosen to wear the laurel -wreathed berretta of the great Dandolo. The son of one of the most distinguished of the Doges — Sebastiano Ziani — he had borne himself nobly as a successful naval commander, a tactful ambassador, and an upright magistrate. Handsome above the ordinary, pious without hypocrisy, talented in linguistic and forensic aptitude, and passionately loyal to the Constitution, he was calmly awaiting his destiny at his country residence at Arbe in Dalmatia. A deputation of the Lords of the Council boarded the magnificent " Bucintoro'' and accompanied by thirty galleys, all splendidly decorated with rare brocades and tapestries, set off to meet and escort the new Doge. Pietro Ziani's progress was a triumphal procession, calling to mind the unanimous and felicitous election of Domenigo Selvo one hundred and fifty years before. Almost the first act of the new regime was the affirmation of the cordial relations which his father, Sebastiano, had entered into with Guglielmo II. — "The Good," King of Sicily. Dante refers to the death of this distinguished Sovereign in Canto XX of the Paradiso : 
—" William whom the land bewails
So well beloved in Heaven."
In confirmation of the new treaty the new Doge; in 1213, sought and gained the hand of the Princess Costanza, daughter of King Tancredo, Guglielmo's son and successor. She was the first Norman Dogaressa of Venice, daughter of a brave and ardent race, a woman of conspicuous ability and ambition, and an ideal consort for the Head of a rejuvenated Venice.
Pietro Ziani had but lately buried his first wife, the modest and beautiful Countess Maria Baseggio — whose father held the high office of Procurator of San Marco — nobilis et decora nimis Maria Dukessa— as she is called in the Altino Chronicle. The sole offspring of this union was a son, Giorgio, but, alas, when yet a child, he was torn to pieces by the savage mastiff watch-dogs of the monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore. It was said that the Doge was so infuriated by this misfortune that he ordered the church and monastery with all the animals, — the poor monks as well, — to be consumed with fire : one may hope the innocent Religious escaped the fury. Anyhow the rest were all burnt, and then the remorse of Ziani was pitiable. By way of reparation he set to work at once to rebuild and re-endow what he had so petulantly sacrificed.
Dogaressa Costanza was handsome and gracious, and wore her Royal honours with distinction. Palazzi wrote thus of her — "A Queen by birth, Dogaressa of Venice by marriage, she exhibited all the attributes of her royal station, — she was also Duchess of Calabria, — and her high breeding, no less than her beauty, raised her above all petty jealousies." In the ancient pack of playing-cards, at the Venetian Museo Civico, we find her represented upon the "Ten of Spades," with the following legend : — " Costanza, daughter of Tancredo King of Naples, wife of Doge Pietro Ziani, was accustomed to meet all the malcontents against the Doge and herself with the saying : — ' I have nothing to do with you ! ' "
The State being involved in tremendous financial difficulties on account of the cost of the Crusades, and also in behalf of the purchase of the island of Crete, in view of the Doge's great private wealth, —'L' haver Ziani'' was quite as true of Pietro as of Sebastiano — reduced his official salary to 2800 lire, with 100 thrown in as a free gift. It was further decreed that all tributes to the Doge should henceforth be shared between him and the treasury of San Marco. Moreover he was required to make an offering of three silver trumpets for ceremonial processions, and to undertake the repairs of the Ducal Palace, — rather a one-sided bargain !
Fifteen years of marital happiness fell to the lot of the Doge and Dogaressa. Three children were borne by imperious Costanza — Marco, Marchesina, and Maria. Some authorities say that the Dogaressa died suddenly in 1228 and that the Doge, broken-hearted, followed her within a month. The Altino Chronicle however records the abdication of Pietro Ziani, and adds that he and his Consort, with their family, retired into private life and went to reside in their palace upon the fondamento of Santa Giustina, where he died, and then received sepulture in the church of San Giorgio Maggiore, in the tomb of his father Sebastiano.
There is still a third version of the deaths of Doge Pietro and Dogaressa Costanza. In the terrible earthquake of 1220, when the church and monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore were destroyed, and the islands of Amiano and Costanzina swallowed up, it was said that many people died of fright, and among them the Dogaressa. The Doge, sharing the universal sense of insecurity in Venice, proposed to move the seat of Government to Constantinople, but, upon the cessation of the seismic disturbances, wiser counsels prevailed, and he set to work to rebuild the shattered edifices. In 1229 Pietro Ziani exchanged the silk-brocaded robe of State for the worsted habit of a Benedictine, and ended his days in the new monastery of San Giorgio which he had built.[...]
The last years of Doge Pietro Ziani were embittered by the rivalries of the families of Tiepolo and Dandolo — partisans of both sides eagerly grasping the Ducal chair, and impatient of the demise of its occupant. The Doge and Dogaressa were so worried and oppressed by these unseemly contentions that he executed a deed of abdication, and returned to his private residence, leaving the distinguished but thankless office to be filled by another. Giacomo Tiepolo represented the old ideas and Marino Dandolo the new, and the votes of the Council were equally divided ; but at last, a majority was found for the former. Tiepolo was out and away the most enlightened and intellectual man of his time. He came of an ancient family, one of the "Apostolic" order of nobility — " Teupolo " in the old spelling, and originally from Rome. Bartoldo Teupolo, the head of the family in 697, was one of the electors of Doge Paolo Lucio Anafesto. In 1 204, when so many Venetian nobles assumed territorial titles of sovereignty over islands in the Greek Archipelago consequent upon the fall of Constantinople, Giacomo Tiepolo was named Duke of Candia, His father was Lorenzo, Procurator of San Marco in 1207, and Podesta of Treviso.
" Duke " Tiepolo took to wife Maria Storlato — a Venetian gentlewoman of no high degree, but a good and faithful spouse and mother. She was received as Dogaressa the day of Giacomo's election in 1228, but alas, she died in 1240, having given him three sons as pledges of her devotion — Pietro, Lorenzo, and Giovanni. The eldest became Count of Sant' Agostino and Podesta of Milan and Treviso, but, being taken prisoner by the Emperor Frederic II., he was treacherously beheaded.
A two years' widowerhood found the Doge once more at the feet of an attractive woman, not indeed a simple Venetian maiden but a Princess of Royal degree, — Valdrada, the daughter of King Tancredo of Sicily. The new Dogaressa, like her brother King Ruggero, was famed for good commonsense, and sound probity of life, and she assumed at once an unquestioned control over the actions of her Consort, strong man though he was. Like her sister, the Dowager Dogaressa Costanza, she was a virago, in the sense of a strong personality; and she followed in her sister's steps, ruling not alone her husband, but bending to her will all with whom she was thrown in contact.
Perhaps the new Dogaressa's ostentation of Regal rank in the Venetian Court was a decisive factor in the promulgation of what was called the " Promissione " — perhaps best translated by the French term, Protocol — of 1242, the provisions of which greatly restricted the power and liberty of the Doge and Dogaressa. The Doge was henceforth to be, not the executive Head of the State, but the executor of the orders of the Council. Acts of homage were no longer to be rendered to him, nor was he to be addressed as " Domine Dominus.'' In times gone by the deputation of nobles, commissioned to acquaint a new Doge of his election, were accustomed to greet him thus : — " Welcome, Messer Doge, God give you Messer Doge a good morrow, we are come to dine with you, we await your orders, and we wish to kiss your hand." The Dogaressa also shared the new restrictive conventions, and neither relatives of hers, nor of the Doge, were eligible for any public office. Their household was limited — only twenty-five free retainers were allowed and a like number of unpaid dependent slaves. [...]
Doge Giacomo Tiepolo's time was much occupied with the settlement of internal jealousies and factions, and by the conduct of naval and military expeditions. While he was so employed Dogaressa Valdrada gave her whole time to the patronage and support of the Trade Corporations — a role maintained by all her successors.
At length, in 1209, the Doge, wearied alike by the exertions of his foreign enterprises and by the keenness of political rivalries at home, executed a deed of abdication, and, with Dogaressa Valdrada and her two young children retired to his private residence at Sant' Agostino, in the sestiere of San Polo or Paolo. He did not long survive his retirement from office, and both he and his Consort, who outlived him three years, were buried in SS. Giovanni e Paolo. In every sense of the word Giacomo Tiepolo — " The Legislator " — was a " Grand " Doge — the sixth upon whom that title may be properly bestowed.
Staley, Edgcumbe, The dogaressas of Venice : The wives of the doges, p. 88-99
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francesca-fra-70 · 4 years
L'11settembre 1354, Venezia, viene eletto doge Marino Falier il cui dogado durerà fino al 17 aprile 1355, quando verrà decapitato per aver cospirato contro la Repubblica. Nella sala del Maggior Consiglio a Palazzo Ducale il suo dipinto verrà oscurato.
Anche la foto di costui ⤵️ a Montecitorio verrà un giorno coperta da un drappo nero!!! 🤞🤞
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mapsontheweb · 5 years
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Political and Administrative units of the Republic of Venice one year before the loss of its millenary independence, 1796.
Each province is represented with different colors; the complexity of the map reflects the administrative complexity of the Republic.
The blue part is the "Dogado", the territories of the ancient Duchy of Venice.
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hentaihoneybee · 4 years
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personal-reporter · 1 year
Anche Caorle vedrà passare il Giro d’Italia 2023
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Il Consorzio Caorle spiaggia – Consorzio Arenili di Caorle, che gestisce 25 comparti spiaggia nella città di Caorle, è pronto ad accogliere con varie iniziative la carovana del Giro d’Italia, che il 24 maggio arriverà in città alla fine della diciassettesima tappa, che prenderà il via da Pergine Valsugana. Sulla spiaggia di Levante, in corrispondenza dell’incrocio tra Lungomare Trieste e via Milano,  e a pochi passi da dove transiteranno i ciclisti impegnati nelle fasi finali,  sarà realizzata un’installazione con ombrelloni di colore rosa e striscioni, che formerà la scritta Caorle nella quale le lettere C ed E di Caorle saranno abbracciate  a due ruote di bicicletta. Un altro banner di ampie dimensioni sarà posizionato sulla spiaggia di Levante, in corrispondenza dell’intersezione tra Lungomare Trieste e via Torino per salutare il passaggio dei ciclisti impegnati nelle fasi finali della diciassettesima tappa del Giro 2023, dove sarà riportata la scritta Caorlespiaggia.it saluta il Giro d’Italia. In tutti i pennoni delle spiagge di Levante e Ponente che identificano i comparti spiaggia, il Consorzio Caorlespiaggia innalzerà bandiere rosa dedicate al Giro d’Italia con la scritta Giro d’Italia – Caorle Città di Tappa 24-05-2023  per coinvolgere nella manifestazione sportiva tutti i turisti che in quei giorni saranno nella località balneare. Inoltre l’Amministrazione Comunale di Caorle, in collaborazione con la Consulta dei Giovani, ha organizzato una serie di appuntamenti per celebrare il Giro d’Italia. Il primo evento è La Notte Rosa, prevista per la sera di sabato 20 maggio. Si comincerà alle 17 in Piazza Matteotti con l’esibizione delle ginnaste dell’Asd Le Rondinelle, poi al termine prenderà il via una biciclettata con dj-set itinerante, che sarà  sul trenino che girerà per le strade di Caorle, seguito dalla comitiva in bici dei partecipanti, vestiti in rosa per l’occasione. Alle 20.30 da Viale Santa Margherita partirà un’altra manifestazione musicale, ovvero il concerto itinerante della Funkasin Street Band, che con la sua musica animerà le vie del centro storico. Il secondo evento, intitolato Caorlè Giro è per  la sera di martedì 23 maggio, a partire dalle 19.30 dove, in piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII e in collaborazione con I Pescatori,  si terrà una vongolata accompagnata da Dj-set che proseguirà fino a tarda serata. A pochi passi dal confine del Friuli, Caorle racconta una storia al tempo stesso antica e moderna. La storia della città inizia sotto il dominio di Augusto, quando le popolazioni locali decisero di fondare una nuova colonia tra il porto di Falconara e Concordia Sagittaria, allora due dei poli più importanti per il commercio romano in terra veneta. Con la caduta dell’impero, il piccolo porto divenne un punto di riferimento per gli abitanti dell’entroterra, che nel VI secolo iniziarono a fortificarlo per difendersi dagli attacchi dei Goti e dei Longobardi. Essendo la cittadina diventata un’importante sede vescovile, nel XI secolo gli abitanti di Caorle iniziarono la costruzione della Cattedrale, dove si trovava una precedente basilica paleocristiana. Agli inizi del XII secolo Caorle divenne parte del Dogado della repubblica di Venezia, oltre ad avere un proprio governo guidato da un reggente locale. Dalla fine del Trecento, con il trasferimento di gran parte della nobiltà locale a Venezia, per la cittadina cominciò un lungo periodo di declino, che si aggravò nel 1379 dopo un saccheggio da parte dei rivali della Repubblica di Genova. Nel XVII secolo Caorle tornò a essere uno dei porti più importanti del Veneto, ma tutto questo fin con l’arrivo delle truppe di Napoleone e il trattato di Campoformio. Con gli Austriaci, nel 1818 la cittadina cessò di essere una sede vescovile e venne annessa al patriarcato di Venezia. Dopo essere diventata parte del Regno d’Italia, nel 1918 Caorle ebbe un ruolo importante nelle ultime offensive della prima guerra mondiale e nel 1944 rischiò di rimanere vittima di gravi bombardamenti da parte dell’esercito tedesco. Sicuramente una chiesa decisamente suggestiva per gli amanti della storia antica è il medievale Duomo, che conserva al suo interno una quattrocentesca Pala d’Oro, donata da Caterina Cornaro, regina di Cipro, mentre al suo fianco si erge un singolare campanile eretto alla fine del X secolo. Molto noto è anche il santuario della Madonna dell’Angelo, che secondo la leggenda fu la prima chiesa eretta a Caorle, oppure la chiesa della Madonna del Rosario di Pompei, edificata alla fine dell’Ottocento. Famosa è anche la chiesa di San Giovanni Battista, costruita negli anni Venti del Novecento, oppure la settecentesca chiesa della Resurrezione. Molte sono le zone che, tra queste la piazzetta medievale, cuore della città, le splendide spiagge, che si estendono per chilometri fino ad arrivare ai confini del Friuli, con suggestive scogliere aperte sull’Adriatico, la diga di Caorle, una passeggiata che protegge il vecchio villaggio di pescatori dall’inizio dell’Ottocento fino ad oggi, e il porto, che tra passato e presente sono da sempre il simbolo dell’attività economica del borgo. Read the full article
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remotejobslisting · 10 months
Junior/Medior QA Automation Engineer (SRB/BIH/MKD) at Devtech
About us Devtech is a global digital innovation company that helps emerging and Fortune 1000 businesses transform, scale, and disrupt through digital and cloud technologies. As a trusted partner to some of the world’s leading companies such as Google, Nokia, Ingram Micro, Mimecast, Acronis, Telecom Italia, Dogado, Coca-Cola, HBO, and others, we help our clients envision and develop…
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helreigns · 4 years
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𝐆𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐀. headcanon batch. && alterations.  (   spoilers   )
* first, & foremost, let’s just say fuck canon & the inconsistent writing. my absolute (least) favorite points of gladi/o: the way he handles nocti/s’ grieving process && how he acts after igni/s loses his eyesight. 
* i’m completely negating them both. one: it’s just inconsistent, & honestly, childish & incorrect. he may be dense at times, a bit of a man’s man, & he’s all about tough love, but there’s tough love & there’s just inconsideration. he sat noct down & explained the situation, told him to take time, but remember that there’s a goal & people depend on him more than ever. best believe he held on to the bugger for hours.  
* after the incident with ignis, he doesn’t lash out at his friends, not to the point where it’s a joke      the occasional “ slow your ass down “ when noct went a bit too far ahead      but mostly became a bit recluse for most of the mission, even after ig/gy showed he was still a deadly force even without his eyes. still, he was angry about his own inadequacy.  
* cause i’m ignoring canon as is, one major difference is that gladio is able to SUMMON. while in almost any case, his affinity for magic is, quite honestly, shit s this is a very special circumstance. since his defeat of the legendary swordsmaster, gilgamesh s he has gained the blessing & patronage of the lesser astral, YOJIMBO. however, he doesn’t need to pay this summon any sort of currency. they have a certain mutual respect. this summon isn’t on the level that noctis can call forth, but a terrifying enemy, nonetheless. dogado is also a rather adorable companion that accompanies him from time to time via self-summoning. the little bastard loves cup noodles just as much as gladio. 
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