#doggy is grade a tho
applepie46 · 10 months
ex geto still being your roommate getting jealous when reader flirts with other guys infront of him, that caused a big fight between the two of them (and maybe make up sex) <3
no bc I started writing 4 this and it did't save so this is my redo bbg <3. 1/2
warnings: NSFW, toxic geto, low key !stalker geto, !obsessive geto, doggy style, missionary, multiple rounds, literally smut so if u still can't tell if you don't want to see NSFW SCROLL also MDNI I will block you if your I minor and you like or repost.
You and Suguru have been friends since eighth grade, as the years wen't by and the two of you grew closer you began to fall for him. I mean who would't he was so sweet you felt like you would become diabetic. He was carrying and compassionate towards you, always making sure you were ok, and had a healthy meal every day. Shit on school days he would pack you a lunch unless you told him you were gonna go out to for lunch. He was just so... perfect. Since you two were already friends having him as your roommate was just a bonus, he already had an apartment near campus all you had to do was pay half of the rent... but even tho everything was great.
You felt horrible that you fell so hard for him, that you ruined a perfect friendship that you could never replicate because of your stupid emotions. It hurt evreytime you would feel butterflies wen he called you an endearing nickname. Or wen he would hold you close wen you watch movies on Saturday. It wasn't like this before it used to be innocently spending time withe each other. you just... could't help it.
Maybe you feel better if you knew he was the same just without the guilt . Maybe if you knew how he would steal a pair of your used panties wen he did the laundry . Or how he patiently waited for you to go to that little cafe in the morning, before he would pull them out and put them on his face. How he'd get off to the idea of you catching him jerk off with them wrapped around his cock, or watching him cum in the center pretending it was your pussy. But those were nothing but daydreams he would never never let you find out about his little "Daydreams" not even after you started dating.
Wen you two began dating everything felt perfect.You no longer had to hide your feelings you could just love all over him, and he did the same to you. He cooked, and cleaned for you. Never made you fell alone of not loved.He just made you so happy who would ever want to leave. So what he got a little possessive after a bit that's normal. Who cares if he gets overprotective time to time over a couple months that's completely normal in a relationship. Or if he gets mad wen you talk and smile at the waiter "too much". Or slowly try to pull you away from your friends and family saying "I just want to spend more quality time with you can't you cancel some plans" wen you question him, but it's ok that's normal wen you get serious in a relationship...right?
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Does Caper self-project onto his puppet? Even if just sometimes (Talking about the iterator cabin fever). Just curious since he'd have to interact with Sparrows through it and I'm wondering if that would do much.
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ah! i thought about this as one of the first things when considerin their relationship!
Sparrows makes it a point to always bully him off of his puppet like the good Iterator Mechanic/Admin that she is (when they aren't havin a Cuddle Session). when they learnt about these type of things back in school, it actually all horrified her So much that one of her projects was a detailed exploration of ways to prevent mental sicknesses like that. it was... all "too" humane, according to the teachers, so much so that she got a bad grade. she uses these methods with Euros either way tho, gotta make sure her boy is as healthy as he can be
it does often end up with her sitting on the floor of his chamber with the puppet suspended above her, unresponsive, while she converses essentially with an empty room. it sometimes fucks her up a lil cuz like that there is nothing shielding her from the reality of an Iterator's sheer merciless size. it's a one hell of a mindfuck. Euros keeps making fun of her whenever she spaces about it a lil n she kicks one of his walls in response
here's their most common set up for interaction
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one of the preventive methods for Iterator cabin fever Sparrows came up with is basically forcefully taking one of their Overseers (ideally capable of live feed to the rest of the Iterator- Euros Can do that since he's in the Phone Operator Guild) for a walk like a doggy. can't get a cabin fever if u take in the sights and get to interact with your caretaker/friend, Boy
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alpalblue · 2 years
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For all you Capricorn astrology hoes... your symbol literally looks like it’s asking to get railed. 
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soupthatistohot · 3 years
Sk8 headcannons because brainrot
- Langa doesn't know how to swim except the doggy paddle
- Reki wanted a dog as s kid so badly that he made an entire presentation about it for his parents and got his sister involved, too. They had to tell him no, because they couldn't afford it and because dogs require a lot of attention. Reki wouldn't speak to his mother for two days.
- Reki has definitely tried to skateboard in high heels before and he definitely failed
- Miya's YouTube recommended page consists solely of playthroughs and theories for his favorite RPGs
- Kojiro was a pokemon kid
- Langa had braces in middle school but hardly anyone noticed because of how quiet he was. His mouth was almost always closed, and he smiled with his mouth closed for photos, so there is no photo documentation that he ever even had braces
- Langa doesn't take a lot of photos, not at all. If he does, it's of nature or whatever. He has, like, one photo of him and Reki in his phone.
- Reki takes more videos than photos. If vine was around when he was a teen, he definitely would've made a viral video
- Kaoru got the first piercing because Kojiro dared him to, thinking he wouldn't actually do it. After that he just kept getting them because he thought they looked cool. (Though he definitely did that first piercing himself and it got infected. He went to tattoo parlors after that)
- the only person in the past five years who has seen Kaoru in anything but a yukata (or similar traditional clothing) is Kojiro. Apparently Kaoru wears shorts in his own home occasionally.
- Reki has long eyelashes
- Reki always has to remind Langa to wear sunscreen, even on cloudy days. Langa did NOT inherit any genes from his mother that would allow him to tan, and thus was constantly either a) white as a sheet or b) red as a tomato
- as soon as Koyomi learned what "gay" was, she looked at Reki and Langa and decided that they were secretly dating (they were not, but she wasn't that far off, it was just mutal pining!)
- Reki knows that airpods are useful and convenient and he can definitely afford them but refuses to ever buy them
- Reki likes grape flavored popsicles and Langa and Miya agree that this is a crime against humanity
- Miya loves sour candy and once made Reki and Langa eat seven warheads at once with him. He was majorly unaffected, but the other two actually physically damaged their tastebuds
- Miya eats lemons in restaurants (including Sia La Luce, and it drives Kojiro crazy)
- Miya doesn't like lemonade, though. It's too sugary.
- Before "S", Hiromi's persona of Shadow lived online as an internet troll
- Langa gets weirdly invested in internet drama even though he doesn't know the first thing about the people they're about (he could tell you the whole timeline of the Tati and James Charles drama tho)
- Reki's English writing is just as bad as Langa's Kanji, and they try to help each other with it but get a little frustrated
- While Miya has great grades in school, it's not because it comes easily to him (like skating). He actually works really hard, and he struggles the most with reading and writing. His favorite class is art.
- Kojiro is a truth serum drunk
- Reki really likes sunflowers, and just flowers in general. He'd probably never say it out loud to anyone but Hiromi or maybe Langa, but he just thinks they're pretty and appreciates their beauty.
- Langa is not a picky eater, but he will, under NO circumstances, eat anything with mustard on it.
- Kojiro taught himself how to braid hair in middle school using Kaoru's hair (he very reluctantly let Kojiro do this)
- Langa used to have a lisp as a child, but he eventually grew out of it
- Reki has glasses with a fairly weak prescription that he just doesn't use (they're supposed to be "just for school" but he really cannot be bothered. plus, he heard that if you don't wear glasses when you need them that your vision won't worsen and might even improve)
- Kojiro not only speaks fluent Italian, but also is proficient in French and even speaks English well enough to get his point across
- Reki loved reading American comic books as a kid. It was just too bad that he had no clue what the dialogue was. He'd try to come up with the dialogue himself, though, and his mom would always find him muttering to himself in various voices when reading
- Reki's headband was a gift from Oka
- Almost anyone in Reki's school could call him their friend, but he never really hung out with anyone (but his other friend who used to skate) until Langa came along
- Langa is a good dancer, Reki... is not (but he has fun!)
- Kaoru can break dance, but no one but Kojiro knows this (for now)
- Miya never has a huge growth spurt like everyone expects him to, he remains below average in height
- Reki doesn't watch a lot of shows, but he LOVES Avatar: the Last Airbender (I assume that show has been translated into Japanese??)
- Langa straightened Reki's hair once with his mother's iron. He burned both his ears multiple times
- Miya actually has a convoluted haircare routine
- Kojiro got Kaoru into the habit of always carrying around lip balm with him (whenever Kaoru would ask to borrow his, he would make an indirect kissing joke. eventually Kaoru just got his own)
- Reki definitely had a crush on the friend that taught him to skate and just did not realize it at the time because he thought he only liked girls
- Reki sleeps under his sheets and blanket all year round
- Langa had terrible acne in his early teen years and he was an early bloomer
- Reki had a tooth gap before he got braces
- Miya wears Invisalign, Reki and Langa insist that he’ll never know the torture that was having braces and remark how “kids these days” have it so easy
- Langa is good at history, mostly because he has a decent memory
- Kojiro got homesick very often when he was in culinary school in Italy, and he called his parents every Sunday
- Langa had a kindergarten girlfriend who was absolutely heartbroken when Langa told her that he just wasn’t that interested. She threw a temper tantrum and punched Langa in the face.
- Hiromi was in a long-term relationship with a girl in high school, but they broke up when she left for college. It took him a while to recover.
- Hiromi is better at mariokart than Miya and it pisses him off
- no one wants to be in the room when Kaoru and Kojiro play mariokart against each other
- Reki got sick a lot as a kid, usually just the common cold (which was kind of ironic given the climate he grew up in)
- Langa never really held anyone’s hand (not since he was a literal child, anyway) until he met Reki. He then discovered that he liked having his hand held
- Kaoru wears eyeliner to “S”
- it takes Langa a few months to really start to unpack his boxes and decorate his room when he moves to Okinawa
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Man you’re making me time travel back to sixth grade when I was OBSESSED with Twilight. I’m not complaining it’s just a memory lane I was not expecting to trot and fumble down anyway who’s your favorite character? Mine was Jacob Black bc…. d..d doggie
I'm just super hot and powerful that way.
I don't actually like Twilight, but I don't hate it either because I'm an adult and I don't care enough, but there was a time I did. My mum was obsessed with the movies and would watch them several times a week, but would force me to watch it with her. So, a thing that I didn't really like turned to hate because I was forced to consume it all the time. I would say why I didn't like them and my mum would always say that "you can't say anything until you read the books" so one day I went fuck that and read them. But Stephenie Meyer's writing was so poor and Edward and Bella and Jacob were such shitheads that I disliked it more.
Now I have all this unwilling knowledge and opinions about this fandom. And I use it to look at unhinged Twilight memes, because omfg the twihards are hilarious.
I like the Cullens tho.
Jacob pre New Moon was a lil baby and a sweetheart, and I love him.
My fav tho was Emmet cause he was just a Himbo king. He was just vibin'. King.
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chibijamz · 4 years
Fallout 4 Companions as People I Met in High-School
I went to a really poorly funded Australian public school, which is very close to an anarchic post-apocalyptic wasteland. These are all real people but obviously not naming em. I dropped out late 2019, but I would have graduated late 2020. Many great memories tho!
TW: Mention of drugs, alcohol
Ada - Used to drive us to the mall on free periods so we could go clothes shopping. Rich, popular girl that always had Super Smash Bros / bonfire sessions at her fancy house, only invited once. We cried at a party in the bathroom drunk together because moved her bangs away for the first time.
Cait - Threatened to throw this one English teacher out the window and made fun of her moles, making her cry and leave the classroom. Always affectionately called me “little white girl”. Vanished from school after a year without a trace, only to see her the next year trying to beat a grown man up at Hungry Jacks then asked me for a sip of my slushie.
Codsworth - General science teacher that everyone picked on but we loved him. Always wore novelty socks, especially Sesame Street themed ones. Always complimented my new hairstyles when I experimented, and got genuinely happy whenever we noticed his new socks.
Curie - Really sweet biology/French teacher. Had us write our notes quickly so we could watch Bill Nye or Mythbusters. One time I sat in her classroom crying and cause she couldn’t hug me she just kept giving me bags of jelly beans and showing me pictures of her pet dog.
Danse - Nice boy I used to take clothes shopping, had a crush on me for literally one day. Got really drunk at parties, mates performed magic tricks for him for his reactions. Argued multiple times about Fallout 4, especially synth rights and if Hancock is hot or not.
Deacon - Always wore sunglasses and ate raw tomatoes during classes. Used to call his phone while it was confiscated so his ringtone “Panjabi MC - Beware Of The Boys” would play from the teachers desk. Showed me his bright green mankini under his uniform during Economics.
Dogmeat - The emotional support dog that everyone would visit during lunch time. Quite soft. Good doggie.
Hancock - Set my desk on fire during English class, apologised by giving me mystery pills. Suspended for being involved in our grade drug ring with no actual legal repercussions. Made a presentation high as balls about 2 minutes before the assignment was due and acted it out with lots of screaming making the whole class cry from laughing.
MacCready - Tried to steal a TV from a classroom. Always came drunk, because he and his mates had pre-drinks before school to prepare. Once took me and his mates out 4WDing in private property, used an electric circular saw to open a gate and almost ran him over while he was urinating on a bush.
Nick Valentine - History teacher that genuinely loved learning history, very engaging classes. Always told dad jokes and waited for the class to laugh. Took me aside one lesson to ask me for anime recommendations, loved Saiki K.
Old Longfellow - Geography teacher that only ever taught “life lessons” leaving geography to the last 10 minutes. Everyone’s favourite teacher, always rode a motorbike to school and encouraged loving nature / adventure. Had nap times and Tim-Tam Slams in his classes.
Piper - Tall new girl that used to speak, laugh, sing super loud. Always had a coffee during every class, somehow always hot, and packed extra sweets to give to me. Made EVERYONE aware of the fact she was a Gryffindor through and through, only to take the test in front of us and get Hufflepuff.
Preston - Bred lots of pet rats, would play the recorder for them to fall asleep. Had a Bob Ross painting party, looked so happy when I showed up dressed like him. Extremely obsessed with dinosaurs and dog-sized animals that shouldn’t actually be dog-sized.
Porter Gage - First day as the new kid he also tried to steal said TV from classroom (managed to leave the room with it). We dismantled a chair together so we could destroy a computer screen. Put a sheep brain in his mate’s bag during science.
Strong - Really tall guy that used to chase or death-stare me whenever he saw me. Threatened to tear off my limbs and beat me with them. Told me I “don’t deserve a birthday”.
X6-88 - Always organised, always ahead of literally everyone. Judgemental of literally everybody in the school and had no actual friend group. Would search through every classroom to find me and make me try his iced tea.
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50 Questions Tag
Thanks for the tag @dragsraksllib 💜💜
What color is your hairbrush? Black
Name a food you never eat: any kind of meat.
Are you usually too warm or too cold? Always too warm.
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Writing fanfics 😬
What’s your favorite candy bar? Milky Way
Have you ever been to a professional sports game? Yes like six years ago😂
What’s the last thing you said out loud? Shit
What’s your favorite ice cream? Anything from Ben and Jerry’s my man
What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee
Do you like your wallet? What kind of a question— never mind. Yeah I guess so
What’s the last thing you ate? A pb+j. Yes I know I’m so fancy
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Nah but I got some books!!
What’s the last sporting event you watched? An old rerun of a boxing match with Muhammad Ali
What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Buttery and salty as fuck
Who’s the last person you sent a text to? My sister
Ever go camping? I used to a lot. Not anymore tho
Do you take vitamins? Yup. Something for my hair. I can’t remember exactly.
Do you go to church every Sunday? Not every Sunday
Do you have a tan? Nope. I’m pale af
Do you prefer Chinese or pizza? Uhhh pizza
Do you drink soda through a staw? Nope
What color socks do you usually wear? Black
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? Don’t we all?
What terrifies you? The ocean!!! What the hell is going on down there?!?!
Look to your left, what to you see? My doggy 🥺
What chore do you hate the most? Yard work 😫
What do you think when you hear an Australian accent? Cleo from h2o 😂 “Don’t look at the moon emmer!!”
What’s your favorite soda? Vanilla Coke or grape soda
Do you go in fast food or in the drive through? Drive through all the way
What’s your favorite number? 3
Who’s the last person you talked to? My dad
Favorite cut of beef? I don’t eat beef
Last song you listened to? Dumb by Nirvana
Last book you read? The Long Walk by Stephen King
Can you say the alphabet backwards? Let’s see... Z Y X uhhh no I can’t
Favorite day of the week? Friday ofc
How do you like your coffee? Black for hot coffee and with cream for iced coffee
Favorite pair of shoes? Black sneakers
Time you normally wake up? Oh man I gotta expose myself now... like 1 pm. But I got up early today!
Sunrise or sunsets? Sunrise (when I’m up to see it of course)
How many blankets on your bed? Three
Describe your kitchen plates? The nice ones are grey and shiny. But I usually just use the paper plates
Describe your kitchen at the moment? Very messy ( we’re trying to get ready to move )
Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? Jack and coke
Do you play cards? Yes. My family loves to play poker so I usually get dragged into a game or two
What color is your car? I don’t have one, but the one I usually drive is black
Can you change a tire? Haha nope
Your favorite state, province, country, etc.? Favorite state is Colorado and favorite country is Sweden (no not just because Bill lives there. Don’t come for me)
Favorite job you’ve had? I’ve never had a job so.... but I’m trying to get one at target! So there’s that
How did you get your biggest scar? I had surgery when I was in... fourth grade? It’s pretty faded by now tho
I’m gonna tag @harryandthatgayvodka @bloodentitled @zeinnorth and anyone else who wants to do this! I’d like to get to know all of you a little more
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quietlysatan · 5 years
Hear The Wheels As They Roll - crossroadswrite, AO3
Link: Here!!
Rating: T
Favorite Quote(s): God this hurts, my ex-stepdad was like this
Two people want to have a baby, they want to have a cute little thing to show off and call theirs but they don’t want a person. They don't want something that has opinions and talks back and doesn’t thread the thin line they set out for them. 
This reminds me of Actual BDSM, not like, anything sexual, because that’s not what BDSM usually IS, but more the aftercare and borderline codependency thing. I just really wish people actually knew what BDSM was about... It’s not nearly as sexual as media portrays, and 50 shades is an insult to the community.
For however much of a jackass Jackson acts like, all he’s ever really wanted was people who would look after them, he has a need to be supported and support and just be acknowledged and appreciated that might bother on codependency and there’s no bigger codependent relationship than that of a pack.
God I love the way people think when they fall in love
Blue flashing momentarily over his features, his chin tilted up into the night sky so he can watch, mouth a little open in awe with his bunny teeth peeking out, eyes wide and expression lax and unmarred by frowns.
I love kids, and I want absolutely no more than three of them.
“You said we could get curly fries. Mom said I could get curly fries ‘cause I got the best grade in Math after Lydia. When are we getting curly fri- doggy!” he coos, lunging across the back seat so he can smash his face against the window and coo at the labradoodle waltzing down the street.
“Don’t lick the window.”
“I’m not!”
“I’m not! I was seeing the doggy.
Gods, children are shitheads
“I need you to be quiet and stay in the car, okay Stiles,” he starts, “sit on the passenger side and don’t get out of the car no matter what. If you do there’s a world of pain waiting for you, get it.”
Stiles bobs his head vehemently, little hands clutching at the bars separating the backseat from the front.
“Scout’s honor.”
The Sheriff turns the siren off when they get close to the house. It just wouldn’t do for Mr. Martin to straighten things up before he could even catch him at it.
“You were never a scout.”
“And whose fault is that,” Stiles counters
How to make friends according to the McCall half of the Hale-McCall pack
Boyd gives him a bro nod before walking away.
Stiles squints after him before turning to Danny with a raised eyebrow. 
An hour later, Danny’s knocking on his door with everything there is to know about Vernon Boyd.
“Stiles! This is not how you make friends,” Scott complains from his place stretched out on Stiles’ bed and while he eats Stiles’ food. 
Stiles thinks that he has no ground to stand on.
“We’re just making sure he’s not a psycho killer, right Danny?”
“Yeah. It’s still pretty fucked up,” Danny concedes, the traitor.
Stiles makes an outraged noise, “Not my fault that Lydia basically trained us to be criminal masterminds.
Words & Chapter(s): 44,919 words and 2  chapters finished, but sadly no sequel coming, at least not for a while...
Summary: “You can’t be here. This is private property,” someone calls out and for some reason, that voice sounds painfully familiar.
When it hits him why, Stiles almost chokes with the realization, “Derek Hale,” he says, unbelievably happy because he remembers Derek when they were young.
Derek looks grumpier, sadder, angrier. Stiles can’t really fault him for that. He also looks surprised that Stiles knows who he is. He squints/glares suspiciously at him, his nostrils flare for a second before he widens his eyes almost dramatically.
“Stiles,” he says quietly like he can’t really believe it.
Stiles beams, “Yeah, you remember me!”
Score: 13
Pairing(s): Pre-slash Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore, Allison Argent/Scott McCall, background Sheriff Stilinski/Claudia Stilinski
Warning(s): Season one canon compliance technically, as in the bus driver dies, The Hale Fire happens, Peter loses his mind, etc.
Isaac’s dad is a bitchass, but he goes to jail and Stiles saves Isaac so it’s fine.
Jackson’s parents are dick ass cunts that don’t deserve him and casually neglect him like canon.
Lydia’s abusive dad is dealt with. He lives sadly tho. He’s not mentioned again as of this fic.
Scott’s dad is still a dick.
Mentions of Erica’s seizures, and the youtube incident. It’s handled though.
Kate Argent is a creepy fucking pedophile and I’m almost happier that she’s in a coma hopefully slowly descending into a creeping lingering sort of madness never to be truly seen again. Hopefully, she dies. 
Derek, the martyr, gets shot but is nearly immediately fine.
Scott also gets shot and is immediately fine.
Derek goes through the Kate Argent torture thing.
Stiles shoots Kate sort of on accident but he’s fine, no worries.
Pros: The writing is fantastic, in character, and yet original, it’s technically canon compliant so-to-speak at times about like, the main storyline, see warnings.
It’s a fresh take on an old idea, and I love it, especially the little hints of Stiles magic here and there, I think OP was intending for this to be a mate!fic, but I don’t have confirmation of that.
I love everyone in this fic, and the way they’re written is fantastic really.
It’s just such a good story, and I really want everyone to see it.
Gif Aesthetic: It’s Stiles!! in a nutshell but Stiles none the less!!!
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Everyone @ Derek and/or Boyd... Actually, Stiles and Lydia @ everybody
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And also
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crowkingwrites · 6 years
Stay Close
Pairing: Ramsay Bolton X Reader
Fic Request:  Can you write ReaderxRamsay they're friends with benefits with only one rule 'When one of them want it to be over - it's over'. Ramsay never was the one to follow the rules tho. Can you make it angsty but with happy end?
Author’s Notes: This came out a lot longer than i intended to. Oops. I’m feeling angsty anyways sooo... music helped out this fic. Please give it a listen.
Ocean & Keep it Close both by Seven Lions
Words: 3498
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14628660
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Ramsay watched on as you held hands with another. His eye twitched. His fingers itched at his sides to hurt someone. His glare could be felt by the hairs on the back of your neck. You were smiling, but as soon as you felt the chill your head turned. You saw him seething at you.
But that was the deal. It was over. That was the rules.
Months earlier, Ramsay found you at a sketchy frat party. You were drunk and in no shape to consent to anything. A frat boy tried to move you and take you somewhere private, but Ramsay got to you first. He glared at the frat boy and took you away himself.
Somewhere on the road, you woke up in Ramsay’s car. He was driving on a dark highway. The cool late night made you shiver as you sat up. You opened your mouth with every intention to ask where he was taking you, but he beat you to the punch.
“There’s a diner at the next exit. You need to sober up,” he said flatly.
“I don’t need to do anything. You’re not the boss of me,” you said as-a-matter-of-factly. Ramsay tsked.
“You were almost unconscious. There was a guy who looked suspicious.”
“And what? You saved me?” you scolded him. “This is just like high school. You know that? I knew I wasn’t gonna get rid of you after graduation. All of my friends told me. I remember. ‘Ramsay won’t follow you after this. He won’t ever leave this god awful place.’ But guess what? You’re here.”
“I am,” Ramsay pulled into the diner parking lot. Two of the five neon letters didn’t work, so it read ‘DIN’ instead of ‘DINER’. The overworked waitress sat you and Ramsay by a window. You could see how it was, and how bright the lights were. You had a slight headache from it, but nothing you couldn’t handle. Ramsay pushed forward the coffee and you sipped at it.
“You have to stop,” you told him. “You’ve been doing this for years. What are you exactly getting out of this?”
“Drink the coffee,” Ramsay ordered.
“No, answer my question. Seriously, what are you getting out of this? I’m not your girlfriend. We’re not friends. I was nice to you once sophomore year, and you followed me to a different state.” “I got your attention now, don’t I?”
“By stalking me.”
“By being loyal to you,” Ramsay argued. “I haven’t dated anyone else.”
“I wouldn’t care if you did,” you said coldly. “I don’t care about you. I never have. For four years, you’ve been delusional.”
“Have I?” Ramsay whipped out his phone and called you. Your phone screen lit up with Ramsay’s picture and name. “See you still haven’t blocked my number. Just like you haven’t blocked me from Facebook or Instagram. But I still stalk you, right?”
You glared at him. “What do you want from me?”
“What I’ve always wanted,” Ramsay leaned forward. His fingers itching to touch yours. You stared at his fingers and looked away. You knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted the same thing for the past four years. You knew you didn’t feel the same.
For a kid whose father was in the military, Ramsay didn’t have much respect for authority. He had been trouble for most teachers, and a nightmare for your peers. Ramsay was a bully. He and his pack of ‘friends’ picked on, beat up, and hurt anyone who even so much looked at them wrong. It was hard to have feelings for anyone who beat someone to the ground for fun.
But this wasn’t high school anymore. You moved out of state for college, hoping to start anew, but Ramsay followed like you predicted. He always followed you around, stalked your social media, and sent you late night messages that would often go unnoticed.
“Ramsay, you should just give up,” you told him. You were tired of him. Ramsay blinked and shook his head.
“No, I’m not doing that,” Ramsay said, chewing on the eggs on his plate. “I didn’t come all the way out here for you to tell me no.” You put your face in your hands. College hadn’t been that easy to handle. Your part time job made you mildly depressed, and you missed your friends back at home. In truth, you only went to the frat party to make friends, but it seems things got out of hand. An idea sparked in your head, a stupid idea, but an idea nonetheless.
“What if,” you started. “We started a friends-with-benefits type deal?”
“I’m listening,” Ramsay said in between bites.
“No relationship. No feelings. Just sex. When one of us wants it to be over, its over, understand?” you said. Ramsay nodded, wiping off a chunk of eggs from the corner of his mouth. He had a slight smile, but he did his best to hide it from you.
The next thing you knew you were on top of Ramsay and heat was building up between the both of you. His hands held your hips gently, and his eyes never left your face. He wanted to look at you move and moan on top of him. It felt good. It was distracting from everything that was going wrong. You felt your end coming soon, and you rode the orgasm out of him rough which triggered him.
The next few weeks were the same. You would go to work, roll your eyes at people who couldn’t understand why they needed a receipt for a return, and then go to classes. Some late nights you would feel lonely again, and you texted Ramsay. Ramsay fucked you and the loneliness would go away. After you stuck around for an hour or two, and then you went back to sleep in your own room. It was routine.
One Friday afternoon, Ramsay showed off his stash, asking you if you wanted to try it. You had a rough week. After getting fired over a customer complaint and failing an important history exam, you shrugged and agreed. Maybe medicating with marijuana would help.
“So what happened?” Ramsay asked lighting up the blunt.
“A regular customer claimed I had been rude and unhelpful,” you flatly said. “I just think the manager wanted to get rid of me. It’s not fair.” You took the blunt from Ramsay and inhaled. The back of your throat burned and you coughed heavily. Ramsay chuckled at the sight, but then helped you breathe by gesturing you to lift your arms above your head. He noticed your face.
“Are you okay?”
You shook your head. “No, I’m not.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Ramsay shifted next to you, sitting on the ground. The smoke from the blunt wafted through the air. You thought about your grades, what you were gonna do for money, and making friends seemed to prove harder than you thought.
“This is hard,” you said. Your chest felt heavy. “I didn’t think it was going to be this hard. I thought it was going to be easier than this. I mean, high school—
“Was so easy,” Ramsay completed your thought. He passed the blunt to you. “Of course it was, Captain of the cheerleading squad and Prom Queen.” You shook your head.
“I wasn’t Prom Queen,” you corrected him. “That was my best friend.”
“You deserved it more,” Ramsay said.
“Does it really matter though? Does anything about high school matter? I don’t know. I feel like I’m failing,��� you felt Ramsay reach for your hand, but you pulled away.
“My place is hiring. I could put in a good word,” Ramsay offered. If there was one positive thing about Ramsay, it was that he was a man of his word. He did put in that good word for you, and you began working at a doggy dare care center. You’ve never felt happier. Instead of dealing with people screaming in your face, you had older dogs and puppies kiss your face. Most of your day was spent walking, cleaning, and caring for your four-legged guests.
“Y/N? Right?” a guy your age came up to you. His hair was in dark curls, and his smile was genuine.
“Yeah, and you are?” you asked, picking up a colorful leash for Lula, a young Rottweiler.
“Damon,” he smiled and shook your hand. “So you’re friends with Ramsay?” You chuckled. It had been two months now since you agreed to be friends with benefits with him and last night he ate you out like a feast.
“You could say that,” you gave him an awkward smile.
“I’ve honestly never met anyone else whose friends with him,” Damon said.
“You’re friends with him?”
“Yeah, I know. It’s hard to believe. He’s hard to get along with.”
“You’re telling me,” you said somewhat relieved you had someone to finally relate to. Damon and you became quick friends. Both of you worked similar shifts, so Damon and you worked well with one another. Where you would start something, he would finish it. And vice versa. Both of you started talking about music and movies, but you couldn’t stop talking about one particular subject.
“So, let me get this straight,” Damon started while enjoying lunch with you. “Elsa and Anna’s parents survived the ship wreck and landed in the jungle only to become Tarzan’s parents?”
“That’s fucking brilliant,” Damon chewed his sandwich and gestured to you. Ramsay walked into the breakroom and set his things down. He tugged one earphone out of his ear. Damon smirked at him. “You’re late. What’s your excuse this time?”
“Shut up,” Ramsay snapped. You noticed the glare he shot Damon. Something was off. Before you could say anything, your manager walked in to find Ramsay.
“Where were you?” he asked, crossing his arms.
“I was coming here, I swear to God,” Ramsay glared at the manager. You hated admitting it to yourself, but you loved watching Ramsay get angry at others. Something in you loved his aggressiveness.
“Yeah?” “Yeah, I was,” Ramsay continued. “Why do you think I’m such a flake? I love these dogs. I really like this job. I don’t have to deal with people except you.”
“You need an attitude adjustment. You don’t get along with anyone,” your manager berated. He pointed to you and Damon. “You need to be more like these two. Not only do they come in every day with a great attitude and get work done, but they’re peas in a pod. They’re like work spouses.” The words hit Ramsay harder than he anticipated. He narrowed his eyes at his manager.
“Maybe you should marry them then,” he spat out.
“I know I wouldn’t mind. I bet Y/N would make a great wife,” Damon winked at you. You almost laughed. Ramsay and your manager looked on. Damon apologized. “Sorry, just thought I should break the tension.”
“Could both of you leave?” your manager asked. “I need to speak with this one alone.” Damon took your arm and guided you out of the room. You swore you saw Ramsay’s hurt expression seeing you leave with him. Damon started laughing as soon as the door closed.
“Did you see that? He’s so fucked!”
“You don’t think he’ll get fired?” you said concerned looking back at the break room. Damon shrugged it off.
“He’s fine,” Damon looked to you and smiled. “So what do you think? Do you wanna be my work wife?” He wiggled his eyebrows. You laughed and playfully hit him.
“Come on,” you reacted.
“I’m serious!” Damon looked into your eyes, keeping eye contact with you. “Maybe you and I could hang out sometime?”
“Like at Porchey’s? We could get Rams—
Damon touched your arm. “I mean just us. You and me. Maybe we could watch some Disney movies and have some pizza. Does that sound okay?” You blinked. Damon was asking you out. He had been so nice and so much fun to be around. You often forgot about your negative thoughts when you were with him. You didn’t realize he genuinely liked you.
“Okay,” you said. “Yeah, that sounds like a good time.”
“What sounds like a good time?” Ramsay asked, exiting the room. He sniffed and side-glanced your manager who went the opposite direction.
“It’s nothing,” you quickly said.
“Nothing?” Damon scoffed. “Our date doesn’t mean anything to you?” He play pouted.
“Date?” Ramsay’s voice almost squeaked. You never heard him squeak. “You guys are going on a date?”
“Yeah, it’s just a chill one,” Damon’s phone buzzed. He glanced at it. “I’ll catch you guys later. See you tomorrow?” Damon winked at you again before he left. You turned back to Ramsay who now glared at you.
“A date? Really?” Ramsay crossed his arms.
“I’m not allowed to date?”
“No. Not him.”
“Not him? Are you kidding me? Now you want to control who I see?” you started to raise your voice. “That’s not how this works, Ramsay.”
“Do you think I give a fuck about how this works?” he snapped back at you. “You’re mine.” You stepped back. You felt the back of your eyes burning. After all this time, he was still under the delusion that you two were actually together.
“We’re done,” you told him, pushing past him into the breakroom. Ramsay followed.
“What?” he raised his voice.
“You heard me,” you snatched your purse and jacket. “It’s over. We’re done doing this.” You pushed past Ramsay’s chest.
“Y/N! Come back here!” Ramsay yelled at you, but you kept going. “We’re not done! You can’t say that!” Ramsay kept yelling more, but you couldn’t hear him from your car. You watched him come outside. You turned the ignition and drove off. You watched Ramsay from your rear view mirror. You weren’t his. You didn’t belong to him.
You thought about how fucked you almost every night. You thought about how he held you when you cried and cried. You thought about his words when you felt like you lost everything. You remembered them when he held you tight and told you that you weren’t a failure.
“I got you,” he would say. “I’m here.”
“Y/N?” Damon called out to you. You snapped out of the memory. Damon reached for your hand and held it. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,’ you nodded. “Just thinking about stuff.”
“You’ve been weird today. Is it the depression? You can tell me,” Damon said quietly to you. He didn’t want your friends to hear. He knew you couldn’t admit it to anyone just yet. You shook your head. Damon was only trying to help. It had been three weeks since the Disney date. Damon and you hit it off immediately. Unlike Ramsay, Damon made you genuinely happy. He was understanding, supportive, and a really good kisser.
“No, I’m fine,” you half-smiled. “Just having a weird day.” Damon nodded and rubbed his thumb over your knuckles.
“So, we’re on for karaoke tonight, guys?” Damon posed the question to your mutual friends. A lot of them nodded and agreed. Damon turned to you. “Personally, I can’t wait to sing a certain song with a certain someone.”
You smiled remembering how Damon sang ‘A Whole New World’ with you on your Disney date, and then just after the song finished both of you shared your first kiss.
“Hakuna Matata, right brother?” Damon quickly turned to Jack and high fived him. You snorted, realizing he didn’t mean you at all. Then you felt his eyes. You turned around to see Ramsay glaring at you. He was seething.
But that was the deal. It was over. That was the rules.
Later that night, Damon dropped you off at your dorm. He kissed you good night and drove off. You checked in and took the elevator with no problem. You weren’t drunk. After building up an alcohol tolerance from being lonely and depressed, you were pretty balanced when it came to drinking.
You searched your purse for your dorm room keys when you looked up to see Ramsay waiting by your door. He hadn’t spoken to you in weeks. He avoided you at work. He didn’t even bother to send a single message. You felt your stomach, and you quickly searched your bag for the damned keys. Once you grabbed them, you tried to avoid Ramsay as you turned the key in the door.
“Can we talk?” he asked you.
“Now you want to talk? Of course you would because this whole world revolves around you and what you want right?” you snapped at him. He grabbed your arm.
“I’m not asking again,” Ramsay said.
“You don’t have to ask again. You don’t even have to talk to me again,” you turned away from him. Your eyes started to burn again. It hurt even talking to him.
“Please Y/N,” Ramsay tightened his grip on you. “Don’t go in there. Just talk to me. Please.” Ramsay never told anyone ‘please’, he just did what he wanted. You glanced at his eyes. They were dilated when they looked at you. You closed the door, and you followed him outside. The air was cool and the air was still. Awkward was the first thought you had when you stood next to him in silence. Ramsay inhaled his cigarette and exhaled. Smoke left his mouth slowly.
“Why him?” Ramsay asked first.
“He makes me happy,” you answered in short.
“Didn’t I make you happy? What about all the times I held you? When I was there for you?”
“You did, but—
“But what?” Ramsay started to explode. “He’s my fucking best friend. He’s the only person that makes me feel normal.”
“Exactly,” you snapped back. “Damon genuinely likes me. You’ve held me on a pedestal for years. You’ve treated me as if I’m the most perfect thing to ever happen on Earth.”
“Because you are!” Ramsay screamed. “You don’t even remember that time do you? You and your friends always think it was such a small thing. That day you were nice to me. They told you not to. I remember that. They said to not do anything because I was such an asshole. But you did anyways. I was having the fucking worst month of my life.
“It was Valentine’s Day. You were handing out baked goods to people who looked lonely and sad which was nice of you to even fucking do. And you stopped me and gave me a cupcake with pink frosting on top. It had a stupid plastic ring on top. You smiled at me and wished me ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’. It was so simple, but it meant the world to me.” You let the tears fall on your face.
“And then you followed me and stalked me.”
“Yeah, you know what? I did. I was obsessed with you,” Ramsay inhaled his cigarette again. “I’m a sick fucker. I’ve fantasized and done some weird shit, but I hoped that this would turn into something.”
“What exactly did you expect?”
“I just,” Ramsay sighed, letting the smoke leave his mouth. “I didn’t want you to fall in love with my best friend. Was that too much to ask?” You felt your stomach turn. You weren’t in love with Damon. You liked him, but you weren’t in love with him. You reached for Ramsay’s hand.
“I’m not in love with Damon,” you told Ramsay. Your fingers entangled with his. Friends with benefits didn’t hold hands. Not like this. Ramsay tapped his foot.
“Don’t play with me. Don’t do this to me.”
“I’m not,” you said. “There’s a reason I gave you that cupcake that day, you know. Everyone gave you such a bad time. Everyone thought you were an awful person who would never change. I gave you that cupcake because I thought you deserved better.” Ramsay squeezed your hand hard. You watched smoke leave his mouth again. He started shaking.
“Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not,” you closed in the space between you. “You do deserve better.” Ramsay closed in the space between you and kissed you. You felt a whirl of emotions inside. You felt relief and joy rise into your head, but you also felt your stomach drop. Ramsay’s fingers caressed your neck and he deepened the kiss. You separated from him, realizing how you felt.
Surprisingly enough, Damon took the break up very well. He’d hoped both of you could stay friends, and hoped more that there wouldn’t be any hate between the both of you. You still considered him to be your work husband even though your new boyfriend couldn’t stand the nicknames.
Ramsay and you sat in his room late at night, watching a true crime documentary on Netflix. The summer rain pitter-pattered against the window. Thunder rolled while Ramsay wrapped a large blanket around both of you. He nuzzled you close.
“Promise me something?” you said out of the blue.
“Anything,” his mouth next to your ear.
“Stay close to me?”
Taglist: @angelicshinigami @sugarwastaken @carilov09 @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @i-theredqueen @sleepylunarwolf
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ludacryst · 6 years
Survey Says..
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I'm 5'3, but I sometimes wish I was shorter because of how cute it can be in a relationship. I've watched too much anime, okay?
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) Well, @warpedbelief didn't help me figuring this out because his dragon idea was really cool. However... I'll just stick with cats. I love cats. (I also love dragons..)
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? Comfortable. Lol. I mostly wear PJs.
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Final Fantasy series in general. 7 & 9 Specifically. My heart was always with Zelda ALTTP though.
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: Erwin, Wiggles, PoF (Power of Friendship, so my friends/family.)
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Caution : Speaks her mind far too often. No filter. Bossy af. Does not cave easily.
7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? I don't know.
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] Melancholic.
9: Are you ticklish? .....No...?....(Yes)
10: Are you allergic to anything? Lots of stuff. There's a list uploaded somewhere.
11: What’s your sexuality? Heteronormative Bisexual. I used to call it straight with a twist until I figured out there was an actual term for it. Basically, I'm emotionally attracted to men and commonly see myself in a relationship with men. (My Husband, HI.) However, I have similar attractions physically to women, but have never seen myself in a relationship with one other than physically.
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? Cocoa or Tea, but I'll drink any of em.
13: Are you a cat or dog person? Cat. 1000% They're chill just like me... once they're older.
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Elf, probably. I love nature, I hate being allergic to it though.
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? Nah, I just skim youtube from time to time, no favorite.
16: How tall are you? 5'3.
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? I'd probably keep it in the realm it's already in. So, I'm Crystal. I go by Crys (Chris) so probably Christina.. or anything that could shorten it to Chris of sorts. It's just me.
18: How much do you weigh? 175-190, depends on if I've ate fast food recently or not. More averaged at 186, but it's jumped a lot the past few months. Goal weight is 125.
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Sure. I don't disbelieve. Had a thing when i was a kid a few times that make me think something exists.. whether or not we know what it is.
20: Do you like space or the ocean more? Space. Stars. I love water don't get me wrong, but I'm more curious about what we can't physically reach.
21: Are you religious? Nah.
22: Pet peeves? Liars, people who try to grind my gears, people saying "I'm going to do it just to spite you." I'm tired of toxicity of people.
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? Diurnal. I'm defaulted to Nocturnal, so just eat some edibles and we're in bed by 10pm! :)
24: Favorite constellation? Leo ;)
25: Favorite star? Sirius, it shines the brightest.
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? I don't like dolls. They're creepy.
27: Any phobias or fears? Irrational : Dolls, Being around people. Rational : Heights, Closed Spaces t-t
28: Do you think global warming is real? Fucking. Is this seriously a question? Of course it's real.
29: Do you believe in reincarnation? I actually like to. It gives me hope there's something after death.
30: Favorite movie? I'm not sure I have a favorite movie...
31: Do you get scared easily? Nah, but I love a good jump scare.
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? Christina - My first doggie, passed away when I was in 4th grade. She was a mini collie~ Alexi - My green/yellow parakeet. Passed away at roughly 2-3 years old. Jiggy - My gray/white beautiful DHS big boi kitty. (2006-2016) Momma - My loving calico who picked me over everyone. ;o;  (2006-2018) Wiggles - Adopted from my family, he's a tyrant! He loves his dad more than me tho... [rude] (2016-???)
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] You CC please.
34: What is a color that calms you? Blue. Blue is always relaxing, especially softer/darker blues.
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? Travel wise, I want to visit a lot of places. Germany, UK, Canada... more specifically Niagara Falls.. Live wise, if I could, I'd live in Canada. However... I just want to live in the midwest, or east, somewhere more affordable in the US.
36: Where were you born? Ohio!
37: What is your eye color? Blue-gray.
38: Introvert or extrovert? 1000% introverted.
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? I think they're amusing as fuck. I don't believe/follow them 100%. I do like to imagine what it would be like if they were right though. I follow zodiac stuff way more than horoscope.
40: Hugs or kisses? xoxoxo - Preferably hugs, they're for everyone! *HUGS*
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? Scotty! ( @warpedbelief )
42: Who is someone you love deeply? @hyphenhero - My husbando.
43: Any piercings you want? I really dunno any more. The only one I've been considering lately is Daith.
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? I don't dislike tattoos and piercings.
45: Do you smoke or have you ever done so? Cigarettes are disgusting. Be more descriptive of your "smoking." I have marijuana vapes I enjoy.
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! Well, I married him.
47: What is a sound you really hate? Anything pitchy. My ears have been killing me the past year or so.
48: A sound you really love? Meow.
49: Can you do a backflip? HAHAHA No.
50: Can you do the splits? Almost did them on accident the other day. It really hurt. (No)
51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Do voice actors count? Because then I'm between two. Johnny Yong Bosch and Matt Mercer.
52: Favorite movie? Wasn't this asked already? I don't have one.
53: How are you feeling right now? Tired.
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? I really want to bleach it blonde again.
55: When did you feel happiest? Maybe when we first moved into our second apartment? The rent was cheaper, it was nice. I miss freedom. Though, I also miss having a full guild of friends and getting along and having fun together.. Man I'm getting old.
56: Something that calms you down? Marijuana primarily. Hugs. Kittens.
57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] Anxiety, Depression, Memory issues xD Honestly you should just ask if there's stuff NOT wrong with me.
58: What does your URL mean? It's a nickname a friend gave me 11 years ago. Holy crap. It's been 11 years.
59: What three words describe you the most? Sassy, Bratty, Mom-ish.
60: Do you believe in evolution? Yes.
61: What makes you unfollow a blog? Too much spam/boring content. Stuff I'm not interested in. Sometimes inactivity for years.
62: What makes you follow a blog? Stuff I'm interested in typically.
63: Favorite kind of person: People I can just talk to about anything. I like to talk. I don't like to be pestered and felt bad about not responding right away. I enjoy helping people. So I'm mostly a listener. I like to talk about stuff we're mutually interested in. Sometimes I love people I can debate with but not hate after (reasonable debates.) I guess I'm going to be that guy and copy what my friend said.. "Engaging, but not too much that I’m constantly tired. I like doing nothing, but doing nothing with the right person."
64: Favorite animal(s): Cats. All the cats.
65: Name three of your favorite blogs. I don't really actively follow any specific blog in particular! :x
66: Favorite emoticon: :smirk: (use it on discord... though if you played maplestory, it's an F3 equivalent... )
67: Favorite meme: You said that tho?
68: What is your MBTI personality type? INFJ-T
69: What is your star sign? Leo
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? No dog, but you'd be damn right to guess I'd train them.
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? Any of the fluffy pjs with a thin tank top.
72: Post a selfie or two? https://ludacryst.tumblr.com/tagged/me https://ludacryst.tumblr.com/tagged/wedding
73: Do you have platform shoes? Nah. I don't have heels either.
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? My memory is absolutely shit in most situations.  However, in certain and RANDOM AF situations it can be clear as day. If I want to learn/remember something? Forget about it. If I could not care less about something? You'll be damn straight I'll remember it.
75: Can you do a front flip? Lol, no.
76: Do you like birds? Yeah, cept the annoying high pitched ones T_T
77: Do you like to swim? I used to love to. I can't really be in the sun for long any more though.
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Never been Ice Skating! Always wanted to try. I'd probably equally enjoy both.
79: Something you wish didn’t exist: Mosquitoes, Cancer, Violence. On the violence part... It's mostly guns. If we had swordsman style fights - It'd be more interesting.
80: Some thing you wish did exist: Cures to incurables. Cancer, Epilepsy, Autism, etc. (I'm an epilepsy survivor.)
81: Piercings you have? Had an eyebrow piercing, lost it the same month I got it to pink eye.
82: Something you really enjoy doing: Watching television. I miss reading. I have a hard time focusing on reading now.
83: Favorite person to talk to: I have 3! Erwin (@hyphenhero) - My husband~ and my friends Scott (@warpedbelief)  and Brandon.
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? What the fuck is this and why do people use it? inb4 I replaced wordpress with it.
85: How many followers do you have? I don't really check. My Tumblr is mostly for me... and I just restarted fresh these past few months.
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? Maybe if I tried. Used to be able to run one in 6.
87: Do your socks always match? Yeah.
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? HA, Never could.
89: What are your birthstones? Peridot, Sardonyx, Spinel
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? Cat? Yes. Spoil me.
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? Tulips.
92: A store you hate? Umm.... I don't know if I avoid any stores in particular....
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? 1-2. My stomach gets pretty upset.
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Fly. Definitely. I get lost in my own mind enough.
95: Do you like to wear camo? Situationally.
96: Winter or summer? Winter 100%. Hate the heat. Love the snow.
97: How long can you hold your breath for? I don't know. Like 30 seconds maybe?
98: Least favorite person? They who will not be named. It gives them too much attention.
99: Someone you look up to: I used to look up to my mom a lot. Now I'm more-so my own person, I just do what I can to do right by me and my hubby.
100: A store you love? Uhm.. Any cheap store... I don't really have a favorite. I guess amazon for saving me gas?
101: Favorite type of shoes Skechers.
102: Where do you live? California.
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? Nah. I love ham too much.
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? Cubic Zirconia actually. It's so undervalued but so pretty.
105: Do you drink milk? Used to. Not really much any more.
106: Do you like bugs? Sometimes. But not in the house.
107: Do you like spiders? Sure, they get rid of the bad bugs.
108: Something you get paranoid about? Being followed. Bugs crawling on me.
109: Can you draw: Used to be able to. Not any more.
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? I don't know, I usually tell people anything they ask lol.
111: A question you hate being asked? Any question I had previously already answered, and they just weren't paying attention. Anything related to me/my own working/schooling.
112: Ever been bitten by a spider? Not that I can remember.
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? Yeah, it's really relaxing.
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Cloudy, 100%
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: I would like to cuddle Momma right now.. Why you gotta go and make a girl sad for survey thing? (My calico that passed away last year..)
116: Favorite cloud type: Cumulus, Cumulonimbus, and Nimbostratus. Yes I googled them for their names.
117: What color do you wish the sky was? I honestly love the colors the sky is/can be, especially at sunrise and sunset.
118: Do you have freckles? Yes, but you can only see them when I have a tan. So to anyone who hasn't seen me since I was 10, you'd never know I had them.
119: Favorite thing about a person: How they treat people. If they're kind to animals. Eyes. Definitely eyes.
120: Fruits or vegetables? Fruits @_@
121: Something you want to do right now: Play Zelda - BoTW on Hard - but... I'm lazy.
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? Ocean. But they look best together.
123: Sweet or sour foods? Candies or actual food? Food, sweet. Candies, sour.
124: Bright or dim lights? Dim as you can go without causing me to have seizures over tiny little things.
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? I wish. Dragons would rock my world.
126: Something you hate about Tumblr: Yahoo owning it.
127: Something you love about Tumblr: The freedom it USED to have.
128: What do you think about the least? I dunno, I think about it the least... so it won't naturally come to me.
129: What would you want written on your tombstone? Carpe Diem ....heheheh.
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? Why would I name them? Again with the attention thing.
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? My Epilepsy. It's shown me who really gives a fuck about me, but also it's taken a lot from me.
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? No, I hate my teeth.
133: Computer or TV? Computer, it offers more.
134: Do you like roller coasters? Never been on one, definitely want to try.
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? Sometimes motion sickness, never got seasick tho.
136: Are your ears lobed or attached? Attatched.
137: Do you believe in karma? I like to believe in Karma, but I really feel like people don't get their just desserts :(
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? -5
139: What nicknames do you have/have had? Crys, Crysti, Cryssi, Crysii, Ludacryst, Toxie, Punky, there's probably more but effort.
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? I am unsure.
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? Yes. More than one therapist.
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Yes.
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Giving.
144: What makes you angry? Lots of little things. Dumb things. Mostly the way medical/doctors are here... Our president... a lot of things really.
145: How many languages do you speak fluently? I can barely manage English, you want me to learn more?!
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? I kinda answered this earlier.
147: Are you androgynous? No.
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: My eye color.
149: Favorite thing about your personality: I'm more willing to let people go if they make my life worse. I used to be terrible at that.
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. My Mom, Scooter, Matt Mercer.. (shh)
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? ANY ERA WITH KNIGHTS AND KINGDOMS AND WEEEEEEE............ (I like a lot of oldie based shows.)
152: Do you like BuzzFeed? Eh.
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] MapleStory. Not even remotely kidding.
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? Yes. I'm a very touchy person if I trust the person. I prefer hugs on most though. Forehead is pretty sentimental to me.
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? Sometimes, yeah.
156: What embarrasses you? My teeth, my weight, a lot of things.
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: People. Crowds. Planes. Heights. New Doctors.
158: Biggest lie you have ever told: If it's the biggest lie I've ever told, do you think I'm going to out myself on social media?
159: How many people are you following? Fuck if I know... I'm too lazy to check.
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? See #159
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? See #159
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? See #159
163: Last time you cried and why: It's been over a lot of things. My health, my families health, my cat, hurting myself, etc.
164: Do you have long or short hair? Medium?
165: Longest your hair has ever been: Just below my shoulders.
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religion? Neutral mostly, because you can't prove or disprove a god exists. Just because you haven't seen something does that mean it's not there? Also, just because you believe in something, does it mean that it exists really? I'm agnostic. Though Wicca seems like a more reasonable religion in most aspects (I've dabbled in research, I hope that doesn't offend anyone.)
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? Not really. I just care if it's gonna blow up before I die.
168: Do you like to wear makeup? Like? Not usually, it just helps me feel a little better sometimes.
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? Nope.
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? As much as I could.
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ufointhesky · 3 years
If yagoo was really smart he would hire more hololive ppl bc it’s marketing is using animals of every kind except the ocean ones asides gura.. and made ame and korone the doggy ones and miko and botan the ones that put up with men’s shitty fantasies.. it’s sad tho bc the hololive girls and streamers end up being like outlets and inlets of some sorta dream where you believe it will always be the same dream until miko or botan decide to change their avatars to something else like into korone and they fuck everyone’s psyche up. Like in the scanner darkly the man trying to understand the world was in a suit with a million faces and it’s different because that’s marketing behind Google or YouTube... and you see rockstar putting ads on players videos with like 20 thousand views, it’s such a weird thing. marketing is like a spy or a friendly thief, you never know which until you see the work they do behind it.. and for example I’ll use myself... I don’t believe posting lewd is okay but curator is from California and the lifestyle is different so I would assume their tolerance level is higher than most. but in my opinion using miku like a pawn doesn’t mean I want ppl to all become like miku bc there’s differences between them and their previous religions don’t align with the digital type of person that believes in aethiesm even tho it’s not true your killing and making people live with your choices and it’s irresponsible if you choose the same thing over and over the same way that posting lewd would be too if it really was against rules to not post aquas butt or chiaki even if they’re just feelings.. but because the worlds most viewed series is Tom and Jerry and like my hero academia or darling in the franxx I use that fact to try to make people understand the differences between right or wrong... you’re already choosing wrong in the first place so the wrong answer is the right answer for them. We both know the right answer is love, just figuring out what is the wrong type is not. that’s what makes things different bc at higher pay grades or different tolerance levels then those things become less common and becomes a thing of choice between people. if a religion brings people money and not you you’re not in a religion, you’re in a pyramid scheme. if a marketing team has to use pawns to tell you you’re an idiot liar then that’s how it has to be... like for real tho, what’s the point of even being in a religion if you’re just gonna go back to doing whatever and be like on Sunday hey man I did this shit and the guy behind the curtain is jacking it.
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roguetatertot · 6 years
Rules: Answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
IDK who to tag. oAo
Tagged by: @kimievii​
What was your last…
1. Drink: Coffee!!!!
2. Phone call:  My mommy about some cute curtains she got for my Grandpa.
3. Text message:  To my brother about my new modem.
4. Song you listened to: Something on Diamond City Radio in Fallout 4...but can’t remember which one it was.
5. Time you cried: Like two weeks ago when I saw something sad on Facebook about a dog’s final day, and then I cried into my dog (who wanted nothing to do with me at the moment....the jerk)
Have you ever…
6. Dated someone twice: Yep. My first boyfriend. He broke up with me on my birthday and then exactly one month later he came crawling back to me.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope.
8. Been cheated on: I’m like 95% certain my first boyfriend cheated on me.
9. Lost someone special: Do pets count?
10. Been depressed: What? Me? Depressed? HAH! (That’s sarcasm btw) 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope. I don’t like alcohol. 
Fave colours
12. I was so obsessed with turquoise that I got entirely sick of it.
13. My old favorite color used to be red.
14. I really don’t have one right now I guess.
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: Sadly no. 
16. Fallen out of love: Nope.
17. Laughed until you cried: While watching The Disaster Artist, I think.
18. Found out someone was talking about you: No, but I don’t care if people are anyway.
19. Met someone who changed you: Not in the last year, no.
20. Found out who your friends are: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list: Nope.
22. How many your Facebook friends do you know irl: Most! I have a few internet friends on there that I’ve never met in real life.
23. Do you have any pets: Three cats, a dog, a turtle, fish, and I dunno if my 2000+ worms count in my compost worm tower?
24. Do you want to change your name: No way. I love my name. Although I would change my surname to be one of the traditional Irish spellings. It got hacked up and changed when my great grandpa came here from Ireland.
25. What did you do for your last birthday: My brother and I are two years and two weeks apart so we celebrated our birthdays together on my birthday. The family gathered here at my house and we ate our favorite childhood meal that my mom used to cook! And we had a huge black forest cake which was sooooo gooooood!
26. What time did you wake up today: 10:30ish
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Beating Fallout 4 (sided with the Railroad). I feel like I should’ve sided with the Institute after all was said and done, but oh well.
28. What is something you can’t wait for: Getting the FUCK out of San Jose, CA. I absolutely ABHOR living here and want to move to Oregon or Washington. This city has gone down hill and is just one giant cesspool of trash and trashy people.
29. What is your favorite animal: It used to be pigs, but I got burnt out from all the piggy things people would give me. I really don’t have a favorite. I love all animals....except sloths. Ugh.
30. What are you listening to right now: I’m listening to my dog panting. We just got done playing fetch in the yard.
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yep! My grandpa’s name was Tom! Tom Tucker. He was a remarkable man and had some fantastic tales of his youth. He once was flying an airplane and thought he spotted a friend fishing down on some docks, so he dropped his cargo of tomatoes on him. Turns out it wasn’t his friend, but the mayor of the town. Oops.
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: The city I live in. It’s so fucking noisy. Car horns, motorcycles, speeding vehicles, sirens....it’s all giving me bad anxiety as of late. I can’t stand it anymore. I can’t stand any loud noises, or really any noise at all now. Maybe I’m just getting old and grumpy. lol
33. Most visited website: I guess just google to google things. Or maybe Amazon.
34. Hair color: Right now it’s a mix of my natural medium brown with very faded blue and purple streaks. My hairdresser was sick when she bleached my hair and did my color, and so she didn’t do a good job bleaching it at all. It’s uneven and just.....icky right now.
35. Long or short hair: Having had all lengths, I think long hair looks the best on me. I love the ease of short hair, but my hair is so pretty that it’s kind of a waste to have it short.
36. Do you have a crush on someone: Actor Sam Heughan at the moment. But as far as someone I actually have contact with? No, no one. I’ve no interest in having interest, if that makes sense.
37. What do you like about yourself: I guess it’s my McGuyver-like brain. I can come up with some wacky solutions/fixes to issues or problems. 
38. Want any piercings: Nah, I already have enough. In fact, I have three in each ear and I don’t even bother wearing earrings. They’re pointless.
39. Blood type: O+
40. Nicknames: Ziggy, Adriee, Adri, Sissy-Boo, my dad calls me Squirt, and my mom calls me Momma or Mommas. LOL go figure
41. Relationship status: Single and loving it
42. Sign: Pisces
43. Pronouns: she/her, although recently my dad called me Sir for some reason and I was like “Meh cool whatever.”
44. Fave tv show: Bob’s Burgers!
45. Tattoos: I really want one of my kitty’s paw, but I can’t afford it. Nor do I have a design in mind.
46. Right or left handed: Ambidextrous!
47. Ever had surgery: Yup. Microdisectomy on my lumbar spine back in 2009. I actually need orthognathic surgery, but that’s gonna be difficult to have done.
48. Piercings: Three in each ear, and my nose.
49. Sport: Hockey! Baseball is okay too. 
50. Vacation: I really want to go to Scotland, Ireland, and basically all of Scandinavia.
51. Trainers: As in Pokémon or....?
More General
52. Eating: Nothing at the moment. Thinking about raiding my fridge soon.
53. Drinking: Watered down cranberry juice.
54. I’m about watch: IDK not in the mood to watch anything. I’m thinking about firing up Fallout again tho.
55. Waiting for: My workers comp case and Social Security Disability case to come to an end. It’s been going on for seven years and I’m just so over it all.
56. Want: To have my children’s books published. ; u ;
57. Get married: Ew gross no. I honestly can’t picture myself married anymore. That was something younger me used to daydream about, but now that I’m older and much more comfortable with myself, I don’t even entertain the idea. I don’t think I would ever trust anyone to fully love me anyway. 
58. Career: Author. Hopefully a beloved and successful author of a children’s book series.
Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses: Neither, thanks. I don’t even really like when my family hugs me.
60. Lips or eyes: Eyes
61. Taller or shorter: I would hope taller, seeing as I’m short enough already as it is.
62. Older or younger: Older
63. Nice arms or stomach: I have a thing for arms.
64. Hookups or relationships: Neither.
65. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker. I love deviousness.
Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger: Gross no.
67. Drank hard liquor: Yes but ew.
68. Turned someone down: Yep, especially when I worked graveyard at Walgreens. :T Got a lot of creepy men asking me out all the time. Shudder.
69. Sex on first date: Hahaha yeah right. I don’t even really like hugging on the first date. LOL About a year ago I went out on a date with some dude off OKCupid and as we were saying goodbye, he leaned towards me while closing his eyes and I just went “NOPE.” and got out of his car.
70. Broken someone’s heart: Probably.
71. Had your heart broken: Yep. Twice. 
72. Been arrested: Not yet, but hey things could happen.
73. Cried when someone died: I cry when fictional characters die, so yes I have cried when actual people have died. 
74. Fallen for a friend: Nope.
Do you believe in
75. Yourself: As in that I exist? Sometimes.
76. Miracles: I’ve been witness to a few strange things happening, so I guess so. 
77. Love at first sight: Hell no, what am I, ten? Love at first sight is not real. It’s infatuation at first sight.
78. Santa Claus: I mean, why not? What’s the harm in entertaining the idea?
79. Angels: In a strictly mainstream religious concept? No.
80. Eye color: Hazel, gold in certain light.
81. Best friend’s name: Django, my doggie. <3
82. Favorite movie: Pan’s Labyrinth.
83. Favorite actor: Sam Heughan! Nnghgjkhsjdkghsd
84. Favorite cartoon: Toss up between Bob’s Burgers and BoJack Horseman.
85. Favorite teacher’s name: I guess it’d have to be my first grade teacher, Mrs. Little. When I was in the second grade, I would get horrible anxiety when there would be a project (like art or something). I’d cry for some reason, and the teacher got so frustrated with me that one time she kicked me out of the class. Mrs. Little was on a break at the time and so she took me out of school and drove me to her house while she did a quick errand (I’m pretty sure she called my parents and got permission first). She was nice to me and calmed me down. ; u ; Years later I saw her in a clothing store and she recognized me, and was so excited to see me. She told my mom that I was her favorite back then. <3
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harryhandhoe · 7 years
92 truths tag :))
rules: say 92 truths about yourself and when you’re done tag some peeps
tagged by @harryandlouisofficial !!You’re so kind!!
Drink: water
Phone call: momma
Text message: gc with my best friends
Song you listened to: where the skies are blue by the lumineers
Time you cried: um yesterday ((yikes))
Dated someone twice: in fifth grade but does that actually count lol
Been cheated on: haven’t had a legit bf so.. no thankfully
Kissed someone and regretted it: um no I’ve never kissed anyone :(
Lost someone special: sadly yes
Been depressed: no. I’ve been hecka sad but no I don’t think it qualifies as depressed.
Been drunk and thrown up: no
Made a new friend: yes
Fallen out of love: no
Laughed until you cried: yes
Met someone who changed you: yes!!!
Found out who your true friends are: absolutely- my very best friends forever and ever<33
Found out someone was talking about you: yeah that was an icky situation that I like to forget happened
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: 3
Do you have any pets?: yes— 3 doggies and 2 kitties :))
Do you want to change your name?: no
What time did you wake up this morning: I woke up before noon today I was so proud
What were you doing last night: reading a lovely fic ;)
Name something you cannot wait for: I’m super hype to rush when I get back to school (highkey don’t wanna leave home tho) ALSO one of my best best friends come home tomorrow (omg today now that it’s after midnight ahhhh) so I’m pumped as heck to party with her
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: lol yeah my uncle’s name is Tom
What’s getting on your nerves right now: I should be tired but I can’t fall asleep :/
Blood type: umm idk rip I should prob know that
Relationship status: single (highkey wish I had a bf tho ugh)
Zodiac sign: aquarius
Pronouns: she/her
Favorite show: the office, friends, full house, pretty much anything on hgtv or hallmark lol, some other stuff that I can’t think of rn??
College: Virginia Tech #gokies
Hair color: darkish brunette
Do you have a crush on someone: uhh not really atm
What do you like about yourself: i really like my eyes and my smile!! It makes my day when someone compliments me about these things.
First surgery: I had tubes put in my ears a million times when I was little (does that count??) I also had foot surgery in 6th grade bc I had extra bone!!
First piercing: my first ear hole
First sport you joined: tennis when I was a youngin hahah
First vacation: to Charleston, SC when I was still in elementary school!! It was a huge deal haha it was my first plane ride and I got to stay in a house right on the beach ugh I loved it!
First pair of sneakers: hmm I don’t really remember lol
Eating: Christmas cookies
Drinking: water
I’m about to: attempt to go to sleep hopefully ugh
Listening to: the lumineers
Want kids: yes 100%!!! I always think 3?? But I don’t care how many I just definitely want babies :)
Get married: yes yes yesss
Career: hopefully physical therapist specializing in working with kids (I love kids sm gosh dang it)
Lips or eyes: eyes
Hugs or kisses: right now I feel like hugs bc I’ve never kissed someone I love so maybe someday this will change🤷‍♀️
Shorter or taller: I’m kinda tall so taller would be nice but it really doesn’t matter
Older or younger: Older?? But like with height if I love them it doesn’t really matter!
Romantic or spontaneous: I don’t really like surprises bc I get scared easily hahahah so prob romantic and I’m just highkey into romantic stuff
Sensitive or loud: sensitive
Hook up or relationship: relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: I feel like I’m pretty hesitant unless I’m with my friends bc then I’m lowkey a troublemaker hahahahaha
Kissed a stranger: no
Drank hard liquor: no
Lost contacts/glasses: yes
Sex on first date: nope
Broken someone’s heart: I broke my boyfriend’s heart in 5th grade and he didn’t talk to me for the longest time hahahaha that doesn’t really count though
Been arrested: no
Turned someone down: yes
Fallen for a friend: no
In yourself: sorta kinda?? I need to get better at believing in myself
Miracles: yes!!!
Love at first sight: yes I think so??
Heaven: 100% yes
Santa Clause: no… sadly this guy Jacob ruined it for me in elementary school smh
This is so exciting!! I’ve never done one of these before but it seemed fun and I can’t sleep so here she is!! Also I don’t have many followers other than my real life besties, a few other kind souls, and some nasty porn blogs ugh….. so I’m gonna tag a few peeps!!
@giraffehippieharry @lovelyyylukeee @harrycloseups @niallhgifs @reveriehs
Y’all don’t have to do this by any means but it may be fun for you too so here ya go :)
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calfmilks · 7 years
This was a year of renewal for me. A year that shaped me into the thot I am today. I’m glad to say I got through it with almost unscathed compared to the year before, and the year before that year and so on. I’ve become more passionate, as well as more compassionate. I’ve adorned this dying shell in so many different fucking ways and every single one made me happy. I found out I was pansexual. I was lying to myself the years before in saying so, but now I truly understand what having a sexuality feels like. I smoked weed for the first time and it was fucking terrible but also kinda nice. I wouldn’t do it again unless it was free. I learned about Tyler the creator and Khalid and Aminé, and they helped me revisit a world that I had long forgotten lol: fucking Rap and R&B man. I got so bored of music and kpop was starting to fade out for me and then they took me back to my fucking roots without this mask of hyper-masculinity that I’d tend to feel in that genre. They all have these emotions that come out almost femininely. And they give off this joy, unspeakable joy, man. I can’t help but feel like I’m in some coming of age movie whenever I listen to them lol— as much as I want to, I can’t talk ab them this entire post. I fell in love and out of love a lottt with a lotttt of people. Most were bad for my grades and my health but I definitely grew as a person from the experiences. I learned that “all that glitters is not gold” is a real deadass statement. I lost my dog, my little baby max. I’d had him for so long I’d forgotten he wasn’t invincible. He died from heartworms, and I always think I could’ve stopped it. I sobbed all night after my dad buried him. I was so mad at him because he didn’t wait until I got home from school to bury him. I still have his collar hanging from my door, and even though his doggy smells and shedded hair have already faded from the collar, I still open the door and here the collar jingle, and I use it as a reminder of when my little baby’s collar used to jingle. I miss him so much and life seems kind of empty without him. I had a girlfriend for a good five seconds in July. Her name was Jihyo lolllllll. Actually she’s the girl from Twice whose really pretty and that’s how I realized i am sometimes attracted to girls. I kinda spread into other branches of kpop and I’m glad I did cuz I was ab to be a sorry ass bts and exo ass-kissing girl hater if I hadn’t. I still love them tho. I’m still ugly and lazy as shit hence why I’m ending this here. A lot of friends died btw it’s ok tho Jonghyun also died this year which was such a sad time for me and a few of my friends and I kinda feel into a bit of a depression after that but I’m crawled out of it and I’m just reminiscing on the good memories we’ve had with him! I pray my 2018 is as memorable as my 2017 and I wish the same to all who are reading this now ❤️✨
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Okay so you reblog these amazing houses all the time but i have to ask, what would your own dream house look like if money was limitless? Also where would it be located?
Oh man. You sure have asked a question to which I have way too well thought out an answer.
I like our city. We moved here because we wanted to be here and I honestly would not give it up. That said, we live in the more crowded part of it and I wouldn’t necessarily object to moving to another section so that we had more land. I grew up out west and so I’ve always really wanted an acre or two to kinda sprawl lazily out on. I’d want to have it planted with lots of local trees and shrubs and other such things that I can just kind of minimally manage and otherwise leave to flourish on their own.
I kinda miss stucco and clay, but Hubby really loves their New England brick, and I’ll be honest I’ve grown fond of it too since we moved into our current place. So odds are we’d either do something brick and clay, or something stone and stucco. It’d probably depend a lot on how flamboyantly we built the actual footprint of the house.
If you’ve followed me for a while, you may have seen the floor plans I draw up and post from time to time when I’ve been fantasizing. But even those I try to keep to a somewhat existent (if indulgent) budget. If money was no object at all?? Oh boy.
Well, to start, I’d want a fully stocked restaurant grade kitchen times two. I cook for armies and I actually would like to be able to keep Kosher at some point when I want to. So my dream kitchen would be huge. At least 20’x20’. It’d have three large pantries (5’x5’ min) and a cellar (8’x8’ min) attached to it. One pantry for each set of cookware (meat and dairy), and one pantry for seasonings and dry goods. The cellar would be for keeping vegetables cool and dry, as well as for the drinks cooler and the deep freezer because buying in bulk is both responsible and spoons efficient. Aesthetically, picture the worst, most offending McMansion style kitchen full of black stainless steel appliances (2 of each), a massive kitchen island with a huge double sink and garbage disposal and bar stools to boot, and a giant hanging rack in the middle of the room with all my most used pots and pans. The major difference between my dream kitchen and McMansion hell is that my cabinets would be this gorgeous dark red-black cherry color wood, and my counters would be gorgeous black (either slate or granite) speckled with red, gold, and white bits. I’d prefer a nice cream-to-tan range for the floor tiles, but I’ve become so fond of my little Spanish missionary tiles, that I’d probably try to do another lovely little mosaic all around my stove insets and my backsplash. Kitchens should be warm colors, huge, and HIGHLY functional.
I didn’t used to care about having a dining room, but I admit that it’s existence is growing on me. I’d still rather have a less ostentatious one tho. Just enough for a big dining table (has to seat at least 8, I like to entertain) and a hutch for dishware. It’d be awfully nice to have a little bar cupboard set up in there too, locked of course because there’ll be kids in the house. I’m still in love with our first dining room table and sad as heck that it had to be gotten rid of. Assume that whenever I’m talking about wooden furniture I’m thinking the same lovely dark red stain as those kitchen cabinets by the way. It’s a thing.
The dining room frankly shouldn’t be much more than an extension of the living room space which absolutely should also be huge. A giant, soft, squishy couch, one of those U-shaped fiascos with the chaise lounges at either end and lots of pillows. Woodsey colors. Deep browns and rich reds and greens. A giant hutch with the TV/computer/video game console/DVD/Cable set up all wired in, with room to put away all our movies and games. A giant TV. I’ve become so spoiled. We bought a 46” (I think? Something around that number) a while back and I just can’t fathom the idea of going back to anything smaller. Did you know they’ve got stuff even past 60” these days???? I can’t even imagine. I think maybe we’d stick with a nice, indulgent 55” most likely. Only TV in the house. I’m old-fashioned that way I guess. I really really hate hardwood floors, but carpet is allergen heavy and hard to clean, so I’ll probably lay that gorgeous fake-wood-looking stone tiles throughout the house. Everywhere but the kitchen and bathrooms I think. That way it looks all fancy and “traditional” but I don’t have to deal with caring for wood floors. Stone is so much simpler, lord.
There needs to be a big laundry room. Two washers and two dryers, a specially made doggie shower that won’t make my baby boy cry, and a small people shower for when folks come home muddy and filthy as they often do. Another big island in the middle of the room for folding clothes on and a big stone dirt sink that I can use for hand washing. Lots of lighting, and preferably on the first floor by the entryway. I hate this whole “laundry room in the basement” thing.
I want a guest bedroom downstairs with it’s own bathroom en suite. Something simple and functional, but pretty. I actually really like the layout for the bathrooms in our house now, a sink and toilet on one side of the room, and a bathtub/shower combo next to a roomy linen closet on the other. I think the main difference is I’d just like to scale them up slightly, make the shower/tub area roomier so it can be a proper tiled in set up rather than one of those plastic pre-fabs. And lots of counter space in all the bathrooms there’s just no such thing as too much counter space.
I’d want one more bathroom downstairs too. Just a half bath, something that can be easily accessed by anyone who’s over regardless of living arrangements.
Upstairs, I’d want four more bedrooms with bathroom en suites, all built around a lovely, open room that can be a playroom when kids are little, a study space when they’re in school, a sleepover kingdom when they have company. Just…..a space where the kids can really be out of their rooms and have creative license, you know?
And then. There’s my suite. This place is my master piece. It is……insane and impossible, but if I had all the money in the world I would do it because it would be like a dream. The Master suite has got to be huge. It’s a whole floor to itself. It’s got so many rooms. The entry to it at the stair’s landing is a little sitting room with some comfy lounge chairs, bookshelves, and okay fine the only other TV in the house. It’s a place where others may freely enter my domain without invading or violating my space. Beyond this point, no one is allowed without it either being their room too or without express permission from someone whose room it is. The parts to this suite are: the bedroom, the bathroom, the spa, the closet, and the entertaining space. The bedroom will be simple and pretty normal sized. 11’x11’. Maybe 15’x15’ at the absolutely maximum. A bed, the night stands, a comfy chair in the corner, some lamps. The bathroom will be like all the others in the house. Practical and functional but pretty. I like sea colors in bathrooms, so maybe some turquoise’s and crystal blues. Lots of counter space. A double sink. The closet will be gigantic for a closet. The size of it’s own bedroom. Maybe 10’x10’? It’ll have fully built in and beautiful wooden shelving systems throughout it. All our clothes will be sorted and everyone will have their own section to the room. But the spa. My god the spa is my sanctuary. It is the size of the kitchen. Huge. It’s got a personal steam room, ready to be filled with heat and scented oils and the feeling of my muscles not crunching. It’s also got a gigantic open shower, maybe 6’x6’, tiled in, rain shower heads and soft lights, and a bench I can sit on while I’m washing my hair. There’s a hot tub. Party sized obviously. Built into the floor of the spa with stone tiles and jets and those colored lights and this gorgeous stone and fire feature hanging down from the ceiling above it - low enough to be stunning but high enough not to risk anyone hurting themselves in it. The whole room would have built in surround sound speakers and colored dimmer lights and there would be potted plants and glass tile mosaics all around. I want it to look like one of those beautiful, ancient Spanish-Persian bath houses. Lots of soft greens and rich golds and brilliant purples. And then the entertaining space. Well. That’s something better left described on my other blog. But suffice to say that it should be very roomy and with lots of custom built-ins to facilitate the sort of entertaining that a passel of adults getting together in the late night while the kids are at the sitter’s house would get up to.
There’s gotta be a nice big garage to park everyone’s car in, especially during the winter. The driveway would be one of those neat half circle drives that people can park along, and it’d be made of that fancy solar panel stuff that they can make roads out of so that even in the dead of winter it never ices. Plus that in combination with solar roofing tiles will make sure the whole house (and the electric cars) are powered cleanly. There’ll be a generator and emergency power storage unit to round it all out, make sure we’re not dependent on the city power grid for any of our power needs. Central heating and air conditioning (fucking hell do you need both in this place), a whole house multi-step water filtration system (not a fan of the city water, it tastes like hard metals), giant cat playgrounds built into the walls of the house so the fur children can romp. A big, insulated and winterized doggie house and play run out in the yard for BabyBug and his friends to race in. A nice stone patio with a built in grill and fire feature and seating. Swings and a clubhouse out back for the kids. A nice big patch of clover and wild flower lawn that has those fancy sprinklers embedded all through it so we can turn them on in the summer and have a little water park afternoon in our own backyard. I think that’s pretty much everything I’d ever possibly want. The only other thing is kind of a toss-up whether we’d want it or not, and that’s a guest house. A little vacation-y type place, two small bedrooms, two small bathrooms, a little kitchen and living room. That way when anyone’s parents come down to visit they can be safely stashed away in their own little world and don’t have to be to be interacted with when folks aren’t ready to. It might just be better never to have the in-laws stay over tho.
Anyway. I evidently have extremely expensive taste, but not the kind of expensive taste that rich people find fashionable. It makes it challenging to find pictures that exactly represent what I would want. Which is why I reblog so very many fantastically lavish house pictures I suppose.
Maybe I’ll give another go at trying to put together my own photo sets tho. Or at least another round of floor plans. It’s been a while.
This was a great question Anon! I really enjoyed getting prattle on about this!
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handgunz · 7 years
this really long questions meme thing that you can read if you want to get to know me but if not you can continue to go watch rick & morty or whatever shit you’re consuming this fine wednesday night
so many ppl tagged me for this like @shimmy-sham-with-the-fam​ and @www98vikitoo​ off the top of my head but i legit cant remember the rest and i dont wanna change tabs
for any questions i dont wanna answer ill just put “AWAKEN MY BROOD, TODAY YOU WILL RISE, I'VE GIVEN YOU LIFE MY LUSUS NATURAE OPEN YOUR EYES” bc thats the answer to the “last song you listened to/what are you listening to rn” lmfaooo and yall should listen to that creepy ass RWBY soundtrack bc i listened to it to the point where it stopped being really disturbing and actually kinda catchy
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: @proofofhumanity​ it was probably yesterday or today, i dont really remember bc we call like almost every single day. aka im usually the only one talking while she types stuff in response. 
3. Text: it was @ DC like 2 seconds ago
4. Song you listened to: AWAKEN MY BROOD, TODAY YOU WILL RISE, I'VE GIVEN YOU LIFE MY LUSUS NATURAE OPEN YOUR EYES (this is actually the song tho)
5. Time you cried: i dont remember, probably a long time ago
6. Dated someone twice: lmfao worst relationship of my life
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: not really actually
8. Been cheated on: yep
9. Lost someone special: lmfao
10. Been depressed: im too cool for that
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: not that stupid
12-14: silver, black, red
15. Made new friends: i make new friends like every week lmao
16. Fallen out of love: yea
17. Laughed until you cried: wyd??? i do this literally every day. i laugh so fucking much every single hour at the dumbest shit, probably 30% of my life is spent laughing at someone or something. 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: uwu ya
19. Met somebody who changed you: im the only person who can change myself gtfo 
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: AWAKEN MY BROOD, TODAY YOU WILL RISE, I'VE GIVEN YOU LIFE MY LUSUS NATURAE OPEN YOUR EYES
23. Do you have any pets: yea, 2 doggies
24. Do you want to change your name: sorta??
25: What did you do for your last birthday: whatever my mom wanted to do for the occasion, i dont really remember bc i didnt care
26. What time did you wake up: 6am every day
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching rwby chibi, talking to abby, lost, and lotti on discord, was rlly warm under some blankets
28. Name something you cant wait for: im rlly excited about mercury being in volume 5!! i cant wait til he comes on because he’s one of my fave characters ever <33333333333
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 2-3 hours ago?
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: n/a
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i doubt it?
33. Some thing that is getting on your nerves: nothing that i can think of at the top of my mind
34: Most visited website: tumblr or discord
35. mole/s: wtf
36: mark/s: i have a birthmark that kinda looks like a heart on my hand
37: Childhood dream: n/a
38: Hair color: dark brown
39: long or short hair: it’s long ig, it goes down to a little bit above the halfway point in my back
40: Do u have a crush on anyone: i dont have time for that kind of thing
41: What do you like about yourself?: everything lmao i dont have low self esteem, at least i dont think so
42. Piercings: my ears are pierced but i dont wear earrings 
43. Blood type: A+ or A-, i dont really remember
45. Relationship status: single and not available for flirting 
46. Zodiac: aries sun, scorpio moon, aries rising (yeah im the devil)
47. Pronouns: he/him or she/her 
48: Favorite tv shows: rwby, hxh, and nge
50. Right or left hand: both
51. Surgery: no thanks
52. Hair dyed in a different color: i dont do that lmao
53: Sport: too busy with grades for that
55. Vacation: las vegas is my favorite city so i would really like to go there again. french buffets are cool.
56: Pair of trainers: wyd??
57. Eating: popcorn
58. Drinking: citrus tea
59. I’m about to: sleep hopefully
61: Waiting for: rwby vol 5 ep 5 comin out this weekend 
62: Want: to write better and better til im the best. i dont really know what this question is asking. but that’s one of my various goals. 
63. Get married: i believe in prenuptial agreements but if that’s out of the way then sure
64. Career: gonna be a nurse or a physician’s assistant (while writing as a hobby)
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs definitely 
66. Lips or eyes: literally do not remember the last time i cared about lips, so probably eyes
67. Shorter or taller: doooon’t really care
68. Older or younger: preferably the same age honestly ?
70. nice arms or nice stomach: whoooo caaaaaaaares
71: sensitive or loud: anyways i want to die
72. Hook up or relationship: meeeeeeercuryyyyyyyyy blaaaack
73. troublemaker or hesitant: lusus naturae, bitch
74: Kissed a stranger: ugh
75. Lost glasses / contact lens: nope
76. Turned someone down: yea
78. Sex on the first date: no
79. Had your heart broken: yea
80. Broken someone’s heart: yeaaaaaaaaa
81. Been arrested: why are you interrogating me
84. yourself: more than anything else in the world. i’d rather believe in myself than anyone i’ve ever met in my entire life. 
85. Miracles: nope
86. Love at first sight: noooope
90. current best friend name: lost
91. Eye color: brown because im a bitch of color
92. favorite movie: aaaaaaaaaa maybe kill bill? heathers? mean girls? no idea
this took like ten thousand years so maybe @driftingglass​ @decembercamiecherries​ @proofofhumanity​ @smooth-and-skeletal​ @abnirests​ @inspookswetrust​ whoever tf else wants to do this who’s actually read this far just idk say i tagged you or something
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