#dogo kennel
banamine-bananime · 6 months
the blues dogified according to me
tldr: caboose = komodor (or great pyr), tucker = mini bull terrier (or westie or fox terrier), tex = cane corso/dogo argentino, church = australian cattle dog, kai (and grif) = english bulldog, wash = malinois. bangs gavel.
caboose: i see great dane i do. i get it. it makes sense. however caboose refuses to make sense so i think it's way funnier if he's an LGD breed with the most baffling temperament for an LGD. why is he so cuddly and human-attached and goofy and Making Poor Decisions?? he's got the guarding drive but it's like AUGH SO SMALL I MUST. PROTECT IT. WITH MY MOUTH. WHY IS IT NOT MOVING ANYMORE. UHHH IT WASN'T ME. great pyr would be good but consider: komodor
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photo: Laszlo Balogh
tucker: absolutely a horrible little terrier. annoying, cocky, mischievous, extremely yappy thing with no trainability that seems totally useless for anything but humping pillows, until, suddenly, he locks onto some goal with terrifying singleminded determination, persistence, scrappiness, and competence that you would never fucking expect. and then it's done and he's an idiot again. mini bull terrier or westie or fox terrier
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photo: Otsphoto
Tex: powerful, large, extremely active, and will play rough and assert dominance and test boundaries. got a healthy dose of "chill, total doofus" in her, too. the kinda dog some moron (i'm not talking about the director nooooo /s) gets as a guard dog, not realizing she's less made to be singlemindedly, territorially dedicated to one person and one place and more to - despite being very loyal and affectionate to her people - not be tied down to them, needing the thrill of running and chasing and catching prey. the kinda dog some asshole gets for bite sports and his ego, not realizing one day she'll get fed up with his chains and shock-collars and cesar milan-ass "training" and play bite-sports with his organs (<- me being extremely Normal about tex getting bloody revenge). i was caught between cane corso for the looks and dogo argentino for the historical purpose of hunting and catching large game, so let's say a mix of them.
vvv tex's silly side and scary side battling for dominance vvv
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photo: cannot find source :(
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photo: Dogo Argentino Kennel Club
church: i thought about husky for the aloof pissiness, needing a job but assigning it to himself and being fucking crazy about it, and unrelenting loud and weird complaining, but i think husky assignments should be reserved for characters with a very particular and truly insane kinda energy. australian cattle dog works quite well imo: WILL NOT SHUT UP (lol "Potential for excessive barking, often in a high-pitched voice"), velcro dog to His Person, super smart yet also somehow extremely dumb and gets dumber the longer he's left without stimulation to spiral, STUBBORN, suspicious of strangers and Very Not Friendly
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photo: Sandra Caldwell (lmao this dog looks so done with it all.)
kai: i considered her and grif together and have decided: Old English Bulldogs. for grif, the sleepy laziness and messiness. for kai, the happy, outgoing friendliness. for both of them, the lack of any trainability or motivation to do what someone says to do Just Because and thus seeming to be dumb as hell to humans who base that on how well they Do What Human Wants, until suddenly there's a way to get out of doing something they don't want to do or of getting something they actually care about and suddenly they're the smartest dogs on earth.
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photo: IrynaKabuliuk
wash: he is SO cop-dog coded. i don't mean that like oh he's like a cop so as a dog he's a cop-dog. that would be boring and also incorrect. i mean cop-dog coded like having someone look at your suspicious, reactive nature, resulting anxiety and difficulty living In A Society because everything is a potential threat or insult and you have to defend yourself and deal with the Anger through violence, and say, "Oh yeah we can enhance and exploit the fuck out of this". *points* MALINOIS. if malinois had opposable thumbs they would throw a lot more knives and if wash didn't have a helmet he would bite a lot more people. anyways, i can't put it better than "Sometimes playing the mischievous clown, yet more often serious, the Belgian Shepherd is highly observant with strangers, typically reserved and aloof, and has strong protective instincts. As such, Belgian Shepherds need more extensive socialization than most breeds so that their watchfulness doesn't become suspiciousness or sharpness." also the athleticism.
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carolina: don't have an individual breed assignment for her bc church and tex are the same breeds as the director and allison. she's got the ACD/general herding breed athleticism (it skipped a generation) and FASSSSSST and bidability and eagerness to Achieve and Win. she's got the cane corso/dogo argentino aggression and power and loyalty and guarding instinct. supermutt as in like superwoman.
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strangeswift · 1 year
@astrobei gave me permission to info dump so… if you guys ever wanted to learn more about pit bulls on a st fandom blog... your resident dog nerd, vet tech, and former animal control officer is here to school you.
The first thing you should know is that in the U.S. “pit bull” is used colloquially as an umbrella term for several breeds. These breeds are the American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, and American Bully. American Pit Bull Terriers (APBT) and American Bullies are not recognized by the AKC (American Kennel Club) but are recognized by the UKC (United Kingdom Kennel Club) and ABKC (American Bully Kennel Club.)
Some dogs that are commonly mistaken as belonging to this group (alternatively called bully breeds) include American Bulldogs, Dogo Argentinos, and even Cane Corsos.
The majority of dogs labeled as pit bulls are some mix of the breeds previously listed. However, the term “pit bull” historically referred to APBTs. Pure APBT are rare, though the majority of dogs in U.S. shelters have at least some APBT in them. All of the other breeds were derived from the APBT, with American Bullies being the most recent by far, being bred purely as companion animals in just the 1980s, and only picking up in popularity in the last ten years or so.
There is some controversy regarding using pit bull as an umbrella term, and here’s where that comes in. APBT have extremely high bite statistics, which has led to them being demonized and banned in many places, as I’m sure everyone is aware. It’s also led to a lot of dogs being euthanized. Here’s the thing though. Because of pit bull being used as an umbrella term. whenever a dog labeled as a pit bull bites someone, it is reported under the APBT’s bite stats. 
That would be like grouping all shepherds together, so anytime a german shepherd, australian shepherd, dutch shepherd, belgian shepherd, etc. bit someone, it would all be logged under one breed. That breed would have INSANE bute stats, and that’s exactly what’s happened with pit bulls. So many people prefer “bully breed” as the umbrella term and “pit bull” referring only to the APBT. That being said, I do sometimes refer to my American Bully as a pit bull for brevity, but he is properly labeled on his vet records, and if he were to bite, I would make sure he was reported as an American Bully. If you’re not sure what your dog is, “mixed breed” is always a safe call. The worst part is, many of the dogs labeled pit bulls in shelters aren’t even any of these breeds, they’re just dogs with boxy heads, they could be boxer mixes, hound mixes, etc.
So that’s the labeling controversy, now onto history:
As I said, the term pit bull was originally used to refer to APBTs, which were derived from old “bull dogs.” These bull dogs didn’t look like the English Bulldogs we keep as pets in the modern day, these dogs were leaner with longer legs and snouts, and they were bred primarily for “bull baiting.” Bull baiting was an old dog sport where the dog would be released on a bull and the dog was supposed to lock onto the bull’s face with their mouth, and stay there as long as possible without being shaken off. Obviously, this was a very cruel practice for both the bulls and the dogs, and many dogs died. 
From bull dogs, “pit bulls” were bred. Originally the term “pit bull” referred primarily to what we now call American Pit Bull terriers (APBT), which were bred for an even worse sport: dog fighting. Hence the name, the “pit” being the dog fighting ring. Now you may have heard a myth that actually pit bulls were bred to be nanny dogs!! Not fighters!! This just isn’t true. Though their gentle disposition with people can make them great with kids, APBT were bred for dogfighting, and we shouldn’t shy away from that by trying to make up stories to "soften them". If we want to help these dogs, we have to take them for what they are, including what they were bred for. Which brings us to how important are breed traits when it comes to individual animal behavior, and the answer according to research is: pretty important.
Most pure APBTs will show moderate to severe dog aggression, it’s even listed in their UKC breed standard. That being said, a dog with dog aggression (DA) does not translate into “bad dog.” And on top of that, APBT have a wonderful disposition with people and are eager to please, and this isn’t by chance, it has everything to do with their breeding. Dog fighters didn’t want dogs who showed aggression toward their handlers. The dogs needed to be obedient and eager to please. A fighting dog who showed human aggression didn’t get bred, they got shot. So those lines didn’t get passed down, resulting in very sweet dogs with people.
That being said, they often show animal aggression particularly towards dogs, which isn't a problem if you know how to handle them and don't need a dog that is social with other dogs. It's not something you should try to train out, it's in their genetics. That being said, as with any breed traits, there are always exceptions, so it’s not a hard and fast rule. Also, it's nature vs. nurture. It isn't "ALL in how you raise them," because genetics play a huge role in behavior, but how you raise them plays a big role too. Any dog of any breed can show aggression. Trust me on that, I've seen it firsthand. 
NOW, most people with "pit bulls" don't have pure APBTs, so the things about dog aggression don't apply. The other breeds that fall into the category are far less likely to be dog aggressive, and it can often be managed when it is present. American Bullies especially tend to show no dog aggression at all if they are well bred. But pure APBT aren't especially well suited to be pets for the average dog owner, though they are fantastic for dog sports (the fun and humane kind of sports, like bite work, lure coursing, etc.) They were bred to be sporting dogs (as horrendous as it is, dogfighting is still a sport) so they are incredibly high drive and need a lot of exercise, similar to a german shepherd, but with a lot of dog aggression. If your “pit bull” is lazy like my American Bully is, it’s definitely not a pure APBT.
Some other things to know:
Lock jaw is a myth. There is no mechanism in the jaw of a pit bull that allows their jaw to lock. They do have an incredibly strong grip, but their bite force isn’t even in the top 5 highest when you break it down by breed. 
Statistically, bully breeds/pit bulls are common among low income households, which don’t often have the resources for training and proper care. They are also an attractive option for criminals who want an “intimidating dog.” Both of these things play into their bite stats and reputation as well.
And lastly, in my personal experience working with pretty much every breed of dog in every capacity for the last four years, bull breeds/pit bulls are the bestest <3 which is why when i had the opportunity to get a dog of my own, that's what i wanted!
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Here is a picture of my boy. He is my whole heart.
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girlhorse · 9 months
gosh im recalling the time the first shitty dog kennel I worked at tried to board an extremely DA and HA dogo argentino. First of all what rhe fuck was the owner thinking bringing a bite risk dog like that to a fucking KENNEL to board. second of all why was my boss such a massive idiot. That place is highly regarded by the community but it's absolutely a dangerous place to work and dangerous for the dogs. She insisted her facility and "training" were up to standard for her to take in dogs regardless of temperament. but i recall several instances of employees being bitten, one so badly he lost use of his hand for months. There were dog fights and the issue that got me fired was an incident where the extreme HA/DA foster dog she had kenneled for *months* bit and punctured a small dog.
Wasnt my fault btw but she needed a scape goat.
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beauceronn · 1 year
tell me about your favorite breed from each akc group!
WAH thank you for the ask, I'm glad I wound up saving it for today <3
Herding Group - You're never going to believe this, but. Beauceron. They may or may not be (are) the best breed of all time (imo, lol). I loved them so much as a kid but never thought I'd be lucky enough to meet them and was terrified that I would meet them and they wouldn't be what I expected them to be - which I suppose is true, because they aren't, they're 10,000x better. They have the sweetest expressions, such big, kissable heads, the funnest little ears (I prefer cropped but some of the naturals have such somber, doleful expressions. Love it), and so on. They've usually got kind of rough, wavy fur on their backs, and they're the perfect size to hug and love on. They love to sit on you and lean on you and get so, so offended when you (God forbid!) pay attention to something else. They're fantastic dogs, and I wish I could describe them better. They're unreal. (Honourable mentions - Collies (beautiful, no thoughts, head empty, very loud, more screams from the Collie kennels than from the Sibe kennels), Tervs (sweetest to ever do it), Cardigan Corgis).
Hound Group - Cirneco dell'Etna; second is probably Ridgebacks. Cirnechi are, imo, the cutest ever. They look like little bunnies, and it doesn't hurt that they're sweet, the perfect smallish size, and they're so so so soft. I admittedly haven't met a ton because they're not super common where I live (only one or two at each show, but at least those counts are consistent. There's like one (1) total Dogo that shows in my state lmfao). Ridgebacks are just as sweet, just as soft, and God they're gorgeous dogs. The males get REALLY big, especially compared to the females though, which I just haven't seen in any other breed.
Toy Group - All of them, bless. Really it's probably Chihuahua - Italian Greyound - English Toy Spaniel for me, just because I've been so consistently impressed with their temperaments. Chihuahuas are so stinkin cute, Iggies are so cuddly, and English Toys are Not my personal taste but they have no right being so sweet and gentle and soft. I probably wouldn't ever own a toy breed but one of my favourite non-Beauceron individual dogs I see around here regularly is Tucker, a smooth coat Chihuahua and the most dapper little man I ever did see. He's the best ever. English Toys are really rare where I'm at but I've been seeing a few of them recently, and I like them A Lot, which is weird because I'm not big on CKCSs (love them to bits, but they're not my kind of dog). Might be because they're not as spaniel-y.
Non-Sporting Group - SCHIPPERKE! Second is Finnish Spitz. Schips are such fun little clown dogs that never fail to make me laugh. Their vertical jump is insane. Their dance moves are unmatched. They are violent little bundles of fluff and teeth and sparkly eyes. They're little demons and I'm obsessed with them. I'm always so excited to meet them because they're just the funniest, and they're so compact while being so strong and so motivated that it's just like. I cannot believe that you're a small dog, they're big dogs to me. Finnish Spitzes are just as fun. I wasn't a spitz guy until I met some and now I totally understand the appeal lol.
Sporting Group - Uh I genuinely don't have any really strong feelings on the sporting group, they're all pretty likeable, I wouldn't ever own a Golden, a spaniel (besides a Clumber), or any kind of Pointer, but I'd be down for a Chessie, Curly-Coated, or a Clumber, so I suppose those are my three favourites. I love the wedge-shaped retriever head (field Labs, beloved, however,). I really like Chessie temperament, and I love the look of Curly-Coateds (haven't met many). Clumbers have always been my favourite spaniels - they're SO cute, they're so sweet, they're so silly, and they're so so so soft. I'm sad that they're not more popular.
Terrier Group - Probably wouldn't own a terrier besides maybe a Rat Terrier/American Hairless Terrier, but I love them all. Rat Terriers/AHTs are so sweet, so funny, and so smart. They're such a blast to work with and hang out with, and they're that perfect size and build that they're not too big but not too fragile. Plus they come in every colour ever (Ratties, at least). I like Bull Terriers a lot as well but they like to use their skulls for violence, lol. Skyes are also awesome but you don't see many of them and that's A Lot of hair lmao.
Working Group - Dogo Argentino. One of my dream dogs. They're genuinely such beautiful, cool dogs. As I mentioned there are almost none in the shows around here (only one is ranked in my state for the year the last I checked), but the one I have met consistently has been the sweetest dog with humans. Every time I see him he says hi and gives me many hugs and kisses. A lot of Dogo people are really. I don't know how to put it. There's a lot of gatekeeping being done by people who really have no business gatekeeping other people. There's a lot of irresponsible breeding and ownership in the breed right now and it's definitely not awesome. I also super love Dogues de Bordeaux, German Pinschers (a dog I would own in a heartbeat), and Tibetan Mastiffs. If Presas were recognised by the AKC here, they'd be tied for my second pick with the Pinschers.
Anyway! Sorry for rambling! Have a lovely day!
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Cell #1 - a little beauty of a staffie girl - all wags and desperation to please.
Cell #2 - handsome staffie lad, grey and white - with a resigned demeanor and tremendous grief at the loss of his family.
Cell #3 - Daisy the utterly un-adoptable pittie. So traumatized by her losses, she will bite first and ask questions never..
Down the corridor of tragedy are Shepard mixes, collies, a madly barking Labrador, something small and shaggy, and this big strapping lad. He sits in front of the bars. Looks up at me with huge yellow eyes, and places one paw up against the mesh so I can stroke his soft pink pads.
Katherine says he was picked up almost a week ago. He’d been found living in an abandoned house. “Somebody called to say she knew who the owner was, and to tell us the dogs name is Diego” (Seems a strange moniker for an Irish dog….)
“He’s a Dogo Argentino” says Katherine. Brian sorta laughed at this as it seemed a bit lofty to credit this scrawny, dirty, smelly white beast with an actual breed - but more on this later.
As this was my pony ride from the beginning, I wanted to see him out of the kennel - and Katherine had to literally drag him along the corridor - he is terrified and won’t stand up.
But he looks up at me, and I am toast.
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blackstarkennels · 6 months
Dogo Argentino Price in India- Black Star Kennels ♥️
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If you’re considering bringing a Dogo Argentino into your family, understanding the price range is a crucial starting point.
This majestic breed has gained popularity in India due to its striking appearance and loyal nature.
In this guide, we’ll delve into the various factors that influence Dogo Argentino prices in India,
Provide you with insights to make an informed decision and answer common questions about this breed’s cost.
So Let’s start & explore with us some unique information about Dogo Argentino!!
For More Info!!
Like & Follow Us For More !!
Thanks ♥️
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revcleo · 8 months
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American bully XLs are being added to the list of banned dogs in England and Wales, making it illegal to own one without an exemption from 1 February next year.
From January the dogs will also have to be muzzled and on a lead in public.
There will be a longer deadline for owners to ensure the dogs are neutered.
It follows a number of attacks involving the breed, although owners insist the dogs, despite their appearance, make lovable pets.
From 31 December 2023 it will be against the law to sell, abandon, breed from or give away an American bully XL, or have one in public without a lead or muzzle.
If your dog is less than one year old on 31 January 2024, it must be neutered by 31 December next year. If your dog is older than one year old on 31 January 2024, it must be neutered by 30 June.
The guidance is similar to that issued for the four breeds which were banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991: the American pit bull terrier, the Japanese tosa, the Dogo Argentinos and the Fila Brazileiro.
Published by Defra, the new rules also give details defining an American Bully XL, which is not a breed recognised by the Kennel Club in the UK.
According to this, the dogs are a "large dog with a muscular body and blocky head, suggesting great strength and power for its size. Powerfully built individual".
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the breed would be banned following a series of incidents.
These included the death of a man after a suspected attack by an American bully XL in Walsall on 14 September. Days earlier, an 11-year-old girl, along with two men, were attacked by an American bully XL in Bordesley Green, Birmingham.
In 2021, 10-year-old Jack Lis died from severe neck and head injuries after he was attacked by an American bully XL in Caerphilly. His mother, Emma Whitfield, has been calling for the dogs to be banned.
The new guidance does not apply to Northern Ireland or Scotland.
Both currently ban the pit bull terrier, Japanese tosa, Dogo Argentino and Fila Braziliero.
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chapel-hounds · 1 year
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Made some nice clean refs for two of my guys!
Mimori's exact breed is not specific, but I imagine her as a mix between Azawakh and Borzoi. Japan doesn't really have any native sighthound breeds that I'm aware of, so I just pulled from some of my favorite breeds in other parts of the world. Her spiked wolf collar is purely a fashion statement, though it could feasibly serve as some form of neck protection.
Moloch's breed is also known as the Dogo Sardesco, or Dogo Sardo, a native Italian pastoral dog which is not recognized by any international kennel clubs. Phenotypically, he doesn't have a strong molosser-like appearance, and is assuredly not a purebred by any definition. His leather collar is reminiscent of traditional Kangal collars.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Hundreds of pups unleashed at Southern Harvest Cluster Dog Show
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/dog-news/hundreds-of-pups-unleashed-at-southern-harvest-cluster-dog-show/
Hundreds of pups unleashed at Southern Harvest Cluster Dog Show
GULFPORT, Miss. (WLOX) – A good show dog is groomed for competition early.
“It all starts with training,” said Carl Grotton with the Mississippi Gulf Coast Kennel Club, co-sponsor of the Southern Harvest Cluster Dog Show. “You start training a dog from the time they’re three months old to start becoming a show dog. They can enter the show ring at 6 months, and from there, the sky is the limit.”
They got to show off their skills Mississippi Coast style. The dog show held this weekend at the Harrison County Fairgrounds had competitions in seven categories.
Carriere native Russ Bergeron treats his AKC grand champion Pomeranian like royalty.
“This is Kate, and she is indeed a princess,” he said.
Bergeron likes Pomeranians.
“The cliché is absolutely true,” he said. “They are very big dogs in very small bodies.”
According to Bergeron, he enjoys shows like this because it creates a special relationship.
“It’s a wonderful hobby,” Bergeron said. “And when you work with the dog in the ring, it builds a wonderful bond between the handler and the dog.”
Callie Hernandez has a similar description for her award-winning Chihuahuas.
“They are little dogs, with mighty attitudes,” she said with a laugh.
After more than four decades of showing dogs, these little nuggets are her favorites.
“As we get older, our dogs get smaller.”
The 850 entries this year represented some of the 200 breeds approved by the American Kennel Association.
One of the newest breeds in competition is a Dogo Argentino.
“This was actually my husband’s dream for the past 10 years,” said Louisiana resident Heather Daney. “He researched the breed and decided he wanted Dogos for their heartiness, for how strong they are and just overall a good family dog.”
In fact, most of these dogs have double duty.
“They are show dogs first, they are pets second,” Grotton said. “And in some cases, some of these dogs even have jobs around farms and things like that: herding cattle, protecting flocks.”
When all is said and done, this is where is where Hernandez wants to be.
“Dog shows are my happy place,” she said. “I get away and I enjoy my friends. I don’t show dogs for a living; I show dogs to make me happy.”
The show also was co-hosted by the Mississippi Gulf Coast Working Group Club.
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d2thac · 6 years
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Credit to @dogoargentino : Puppy love #getyours#dogo#dogoargentinodr #lazenda#kennel#dogolove#delablancadama# (at St. Louis Lambert International Airport)
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girlhorse · 8 months
weirdly the akc has dogos listed as moderately dog friendly and fairly stranger friendly
akc really isn't always the best source for information, the breed clubs and breed standard are sometimes more reliable..But tbh the AKC refuses to acknowledge the fact that plenty of the breeds they have listed have a history in dog fighting
i don't know for sure if argentinos were intentionally dog fighters from the start but one of the foundational breeds used in their creation was the old fighting dog of Cordoba (viejo perro de pelea Córdoba)
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nowadats they are used for hunting board and fking leopards but also sometimes for livestock guardianship. i dont believe they were bred as explicitly for protection works as dobes but there's a history of it and of their suspicion of strangers
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^AKC standard
i will say in the FCI standard it states that they are not supposed to be human aggressive, similar probably to a lot of fighting dogs that are dog aggressive but not human aggressive..However, it is still like. a thing. there's a lot of evidence that HA exists in certain lines. anecdotally speaking the most aggressive dog i have ever seen was a dogo that my employer agreed to board at her kennel lol
tldr I'd just take the AKC fact sheets with a grain of salt given that they can often be misleading
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edix-worldwide · 4 years
Reposted from @frenchie.shop 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿BRAVEHEART 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 . . . #presacanario #dogo #pitbull #Türkiye #canario #elpresacanario #dogocanario #Spain #dog #doberman #king #puppies #puppy #mother #mom #kennel #rottweiler #frenchbulldog #bandog #akbaş #alabai #bullykutta #wardog #family #friend #friendly #guarddog #gamedog #presalovers . Repost by @ejup2009 (en Malasaña) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0zd7yDq-C/?igshid=1ll3n8frrew30
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casorasi · 4 years
Hello, dogo: 2 new breeds get the American Kennel Club's nod
NEW YORK (AP) — A powerful Argentine big-game hunter and a sociable French water dog have made the American Kennel Club's list of recognized breeds. Hello, dogo: 2 new breeds get the American Kennel Club's nod
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doberbutts · 3 years
There's so many people mixing various guardian breeds together and I cannot help but wonder why.
Flashback to when I lived in that BSL area in southern MD/northern VA where everyone who wanted a pit bull just got a fucking molosser to not socialize or train instead, and the various fucking molosser megamixes that would come out of that mindset.
Corso x pit bull was common and then they'd just claim the dog was pure corso or corso x american bulldog to dodge legal complaints (and then all the local corso ppl wonder why ppl think their super out of standard probably-not-purebres corsos are bbms)
But we also had like. Dogo x presa or presa x boerboel or my favorite dogue x nea which was honestly a nice dog but mostly a pile of wrinkles. There was one shar pei x bullmastiff that again was actually a relatively nice dog despite looking like a shar pei on steroids.
Coworker's husband got a dog to supplement his fragile masculinity and she was actually a really cool looking dog that was unfortunately a monster but she was boerboel, presa, bullmastiff, american bulldog, german shepherd, and american bully all mixed together and I do not understand why anyone would do that to themselves or willingly bring that dog home. Thankfully neither human nor dog aggressive, but she was very prone to redirection when frustrated and easy to frustrate besides, and was mostly kept on a chain or in a kennel 24/7. I put a lot of training into that dog to get her to be a mostly liveable pet but 🤷‍♂️ the husband wanted his manly man dog so he undid most of the wife's and my work. I don't know what happened to her after I washed my hands of it and moved north.
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puppyexpressions · 4 years
Meet Two Newly Recognized Dog Breeds
Say hello to the Barbet and the Dogo Argentino! These two breeds are the newest to be recognized by the American Kennel Club, gaining full recognition and competition eligibility as of January 1, 2020.
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The Barbet (pronounced Bar-bay) is a French water dog with a rich breed history going back to 16th century France. Originally bred for hunting waterfowl, the Barbet is a true Sporting breed and thrives on regular exercise and training routines. 
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These medium-sized dogs are family-friendly, loyal, spirited, and love working with their humans! Barbet have dense, curly, waterproof coats designed to protect them from cold water and harsh conditions they may encounter when retrieving waterfowl. Their coat comes in a variety of black, grey, brown, and fawn colors with the potential for white markings.
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Dogo Argentino
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The Dogo Argentino is a large hunting breed from Argentina with roots going back to 1928. While the Dogo Argentino is not a breed for inexperienced dog owners, they are a loyal, strong, courageous, and protective Working breed. 
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Dogo owners need to be prepared to establish a respectful, controlled relationship through regular training and obedience practices so the dog can learn boundaries from the beginning. They are highly trainable, but stubborn.
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The breed was developed from the Great Pyrenees, Pointer, Great Dane, Dogue de Bordeaux, Boxer, Spanish Mastiff, Bull Terrier, and the extinct Dog of Cordoba. The Dogo Argentino have short white coats and are known for their striking athletic build.
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justslowdown · 4 years
Isn't Brad Anderson the one with the Nenets Laika? He seemed pretty cool, though I can't help but to feel weird at the sheer amount of dogs he has, especially really intense breeds like Dogo Argentinos and I think a couple Boerboels. Unless you meant someone else!
Yep, that's the guy. A lot of ppl don't like talking about breeders publicly, which I get, BUT I try to be open about everything so:
We're Facebook friends, have talked, get along. I know a couple people who've met him and have good things to say. But I don't have the full story on any of this. And I'll be clear, I respect the work he's put into importing breeds and preserving some of the Nihon Ken etc in the US. And I also admire how he's handling his "backwoods companion" cross project--he knows exactly what he wants, has had dozens of breeds, and knows he can't find it in any single breed. So he's doing it himself without the goal of creating a closed studbook style breed. He's breeding individuals and lines, not concepts of what the breeds he's using should be like. I also aim to do that
For me it's not so much the number that bothers me. His entire family pitches in and he works from home. A lot of very popular show and working breeders have 20+ dogs, and Kiwi's breeder has at least 12. But yeah, he has. a lot. lol and I can see how that would bother some people. But he also knows them as individuals, has a lot of land and an active lifestyle that his dogs are a part of
I believe he's rehomed and moved out of short coated mastiff types and LGDs entirely in 2019? after his family sold their livestock and realized the winters weren't good for the single coated breeds. There may still be a few around but he's not breeding them (only planned 2020 litter is the Nenets). The dogo litter he has rn is from a friend who couldn't raise it
A lot of people also don't like how much rehoming he does but tbh, again, show breeders retire dogs too. I plan to. If a dog would be better off someplace else he finds that
Essentially what I'm not a fan of is that he doesn't do a lot of health testing on his breeding dogs. V. common for the breeds he's in but not... good. lol. I've heard other health rumors but nothing substantial. The Nenets for example only have genetic testing, not hip or eye. His WSL doesn't have hip x-rays, don't know how many actually do? I also am unclear on what his socialization for puppies entails besides just the family handling them and his non-DA dogs interacting with them. And good socialization is really key if you're raising any litter, let alone breeds or mixes prone to reactivity, that you keep past 3 months old
And unfortunately, since a lot of his breeds tend towards dog aggression or selectivity, he does have to break up a lot of fights that lead to minor injury--I can't help but wonder if his kennel system and rotating play groups are as safe as they could be
Anyways my point is I guess, I'm not saying he's a bad breeder and plenty of "reputable" people do similar things but have more money and show ribbons. But there are things I'm not a fan of, just like with most breeders tbh! For ex. some English shepherd breeders I follow do things that bug the hell out of me but I still respect them
Looooong long answer hah but yeah, I'm going to be trying my damndest to find a co-owner for a Nenets laika puppy from him! Cause there's no way I'm importing one hah
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