#dogs on Tumblr
funbearer · 1 year
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margaretcruzemark · 24 days
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Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes?
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homemadehorrors · 10 months
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Fury was very brave for the vet today!
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2woofs-1meow · 7 days
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sendhelpls · 2 months
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Why he staring like that?
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andersam5 · 3 months
Dog help/advice desperately needed
Is anyone out there a dog behaviorist? I'm desperately looking for advice and I don't know what to do anymore. One of the family dogs is terrified of me due to an accident and I'm tired of being bullied by him.
I'll try to keep the backstory short. I live with my parents and they have two dogs; Freddy and Lucy. Like all dogs they have their quirks but Freddy and I, sadly, didn't get off on the right foot.
About a week after we adopted him I was going to put him out when he ran away. He nearly got hit by a car and it was a terrifying experience for both of us. Thankfully Freddy was unhurt and we were able to get him home safely. That was about 2 years ago.
To this day Freddy still associates me with this horrible incident and doesn't feel safe around me. He doesn't let me get close to him, he barks at me when I enter the room, he constantly had his tail between his legs when I gently gesture towards him and won't take treats from me. I don't blame him for feeling this way, and I've been trying to be hands off with him and let him come to me.
But 2 years later and I'm starting to get tired of being barked at when I leave my room to brush my teeth and can't help with taking care of him because he refuses to go outside when I offer him to and he ends up peeing in the house. It breaks my heart that he feels threatened by me when I just want him to be comfortable in his own home.
The other dog gets along with me just fine and is actually cuddled up to me as I type this. Sadly moving out isn't in the near future so we're stuck together. I'm at my wits end and I need help!!!! I don't know what to do anymore!
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wishfulthinkingshort · 10 months
Welcome to ✨Wishful Thinking✨ ! A magical short film coming in 2024! Our small team has spent the year pouring so much love and hard work into making this film possible, and we are beyond excited to finally be able to share it. Please stay tuned for more shenanigans featuring our characters, Djinni and Kalb, as well as future updates!
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magic-space · 15 days
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pistola dog<3
casi nos matas en el cerro, pero aún así tkm
canon eos rebel t100
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angelophelias · 9 months
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yunkert · 7 years
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th3-0bjectivist · 1 month
End-O-Summer 24' Page Update w/ Springin’ Chip!!!
Heya, folks! Page mascot Springin’ Chip here with a real quick update, after all, it’s what I’m paid for around these parts. While th3-0bjectivist is away on vacation I’ve been charged with acting secretarial duties, and I just wanted to play catch up.
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Hoooo boy what a crazy ass year it’s been, eh folks!? What with attempted assassinations and people losing their minds over elections, it’s been kinda slow around here! But to keep matters light today, I just wanted to let everyone know I’m nearly a year old. I’ve been eating lots of trash lately if I can help it, and I’m getting a little overweight on three square meals a day + anything I can find in the trash. These days, I feel more like a Chunk than a Chip, but I am very, very happy. Oh, and I’ve got a girlfriend these days, name is Romi. Check it out!
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Anyways, enough poppycock. The main reason I’m here is to announce that th3-0, to the end of the year 2024 and hopefully into 2025, will be putting out a series of paintings of cities based in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world. There are two things we REALLY like to do on this blog, and that’s paint and write. I don’t know about you, but with all this election stuff going on, I’m in desperate need of some escapism! And you’ll find it on this page in the coming months! Every few weeks or so, th3-0 will put out a new painting based in a fantasy world, a World he has created from scratch, and underneath the painting will be a short piece of written lore to bring context to the larger story of the World and its history. It’s gonna be ambitious, and experimental, so please join us on this page for more art in the future. Really excited about this series!
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Just want to remind everyone also, we have high definition art-gifs, an online store and a full gallery over at Deviant Art. Links are below. You can also check out the th3-0’s dead YouTube channel! We are currently looking at options to restart some recording operations sometime next year. And to all of you stressing over politics, relax. Seriously, I’m a dog. I know, okay!? It’s gonna be okay. Relax please. For fuck’s sake, relax.
That’s about it fellow literate dogs. You’ll no doubt see me again soon, I’m a page mascot after all. Chipper signing off, got a play date with Romi.
¬ Springin’ Chip
The 0bjectivist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2sONH8IwzL_2sZie0ZNSnw/
I’m also on BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/uvKfJpNkzkIL/
FULL ART GALLERY on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/th3_0bjectivist_gallery/ <—- screw that garbage website, anything connected to Failbook is poison!
FULL ART GALLERY on DeviantArt at: https://www.deviantart.com/th3-0bjectivist/gallery
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funbearer · 1 year
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margaretcruzemark · 4 months
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Dean Karr. Secret Magazine, 2001.
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2woofs-1meow · 11 days
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sendhelpls · 2 months
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Why don’t teenage boys respect their elders no more???
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mxmorbidmidnight · 2 months
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My stinky (affectionate) old boy :33
This is how I imagine my caninekin friends are looking at me behind the screen.
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