#doing the absolutely most to take the attention away from leedo so he could have a few moments to catch his breath
candescentkpop · 9 months
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Oneus: Valkyrie
Oneus Part 89 / ∞
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
ONEUS Reacting to Someone Hitting on Their S/O
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Summary: How would ONEUS react to someone hitting on you when you are out in public together?
Word Count: 2,654 words
Pairing: Reader x Members / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Kim Youngjo (Ravn); Lee Seoho (Seoho); Kim Geonhak (Leedo); Lee Keonhee (Keonhee); Yeo Hwanwoong (Hwanwoong); Son Dongju (Xion);
Rated: E / Warnings: Jealousy / Genre: GenderNeutral!Reader; Fluff;
《 ONEUS Masterlist 》
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Kim Youngjo (Ravn)
Youngjo would obviously trust his S/O with anything and everything. But seeing or hearing someone hitting on you would make his blood boil. He would get so aggressive, but not physically. He would want to intimidate the other person and scare them off. Or maybe he'd just start being very affectionate toward you in front of them.
You make eye contact with Youngjo across the CD shelf, and he smiles softly at you. You've come to look at CDs with Youngjo on both of you guys' day off.
"Look, I found one that reminds me of you!" you say, holding up a CD on your side of the shelf. It has a colorful album art with a black cat drawn on.
Youngjo smiles brightly. "Cute. Let me find one that reminds me of you."
He moves to a spot further down the CD shelf, searching for another CD.
After you continue seeking through the CDs for a couple minutes, someone reaches past you and grabs a CD right in front of you. They stumble and almost fall over, but they stop themself with their hand on the shelf on the other side of your body. They bump you a bit, and you hell as your stomach hits the edge of the shelf.
"Sorry," the person says, placing their hand on your shoulder in apology.
"No worries." You smile politely as you rub your stomach, and you can see Youngjo is watching you from a distance.
Are you okay? he mouths at you. You nod gently. You're fine.
"Hey," the person says, clearly checking you outaa. "How about, as an apology, I take you out to coffee?"
You shake your head. "I'm sorry, I'm not interested."
"No, really, I insist!" the person says.
You open your mouth to speak when you suddenly feel a hand snake around your waist. Youngjo is standing right next to you, holding you to him. When you look at Youngjo, he's smiling down at you softly.
"Hi," Youngjo says to the person. "I'm Y/N's boyfriend. Can you please respect when they say no?" His words are respectful, but his voice is very aggressive.
The person swallows. "Sorry. I didn't realize you had a boyfriend. Sorry, sir. I'll get going."
The person leaves immediately, vanishing around the corner, and Youngjo nudges you gently.
"I found you a CD," he says, grinning as he holds up a disk. You smile and kiss his cheek.
"Love you, Youngjo," you say.
Lee Seoho (Seoho)
Seoho would be so very upset. He would definitely be very possessive, and might try to be a bit intimidating, but you would know exactly how frustrated he was feeling and would undoubtedly have to comfort him afterward.
Seoho smiles as you both walk through the park together, cold drinks in hand. It's the first sunny day in a while, so Seoho wanted to take you outside.
"My legs are a bit tired," you mumble, almost to yourself.
"Do you want to sit for a second?" Seoho asks, gesturing to a bench nearby. You nod, and the two of you sit on the park bench.
"It's hot out," you comment. The past few days have been rather chilly and cloudy, and so today you were pleasantly surprised to find it was warm.
"Yeah." Seoho nods in agreement. He looks at his drink. "I'm finished. I'm going to go throw my cup away, I'll be back, okay?"
You nod. "Alright!"
Seoho gets up from the bench and walks away, waving sweetly at you before turning to search for a bin.
After a minute of waiting alone on the bench, someone sits down on the other side of the bench. You glance over, and it's a man around Seoho's age.
"Hey," the man says. You blink and nod politely.
"Hello," you say.
"Nice day out, huh?"
"Mhm." You nod awkwardly in agreement. You can feel the man's eyes on you, waiting for more of an answer. "It's very warm out."
"It really is." There's a pause, and you look over at the man. He's definitely checking you out, and you shift in your seat uncomfortably. "Can I buy you a cold drink?" he asks.
For a second, you're shocked. Almost speechless, you search for the words.
"Oh, sorry, I have a boyfriend," you say. You glance around, looking for Seoho, but he isn't anywhere in sight. You know you can deal with the situation on your own, but having your boyfriend with you would be a big help.
"Oh, I'm sure it wouldn't be too much of a problem if I just bought you a cold drink," the man says.
Yes, it would be.
You shake your head. "That's kind of you, but--"
"Actually, it is a bit of a problem."
You turn around and see Seoho standing beside you. You can see from the way that his fist tightens, his jaw thenches, that he is very unhappy.
"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to offend you," the man says. "I just thought they might be able to have a friendly cup of coffee."
"As their boyfriend, no you may not," Seoho says. He reaches for your hand which you enthusiastically give him. "Let's go somewhere?" he asks you. You nod and let Seoho lead you away, barely sparing a glance at the man left on the bench.
Kim Geonhak (Leedo)
Geonhak, upon seeing someone hitting on you, would be so frustrated and furious. He would try to be intimidating--probably by lowering his voice much more than necessary--and would possibly be very affectionate and possessive. but you would absolutely be able to tell that he's feeling insecure and frustrated. 
You and Geonhak are sitting at a table near the back of the library. You're taking care of some studying you have to do. You sigh and stand up quickly, and Geonhak looks up at you curiously.
"I'm just going to return some books and find some other ones," you say quietly. He smiles and nods.
You take up your books, put them on the return cart, and walk over to the bookshelf where you found your original books. You can still see Geonhak from there. Maybe you'll be able to find just the books you need this time. A man wearing an employee badge is standing next to the bookshelf, placing books into it. As  you find a book that looks good, you grab it.
"Oh?" The employee is staring at you. "That's an interesting looking book." He looks up at your eyes and you nod politely.
"Yeah. I need it for my studies."
You explain the topic to him a bit, since he seems curious.
"Oh, that's cool. Hey, I get done in about an hour. Maybe, perhaps, we could . . . talk more over coffee?"
You blink, taken by surprise. So that's why he's been looking at you like that. "Oh, sorry. But no."
"No? Why?"
"Well, because I have a boyfriend," you say.
"Oh? I'm sure I could take better care of you than he." The man suddenly freezes, and you frown in confusion. Suddenly, you feel someone's arms wrap around you, and you feel a familiar kiss placed on your neck.
"Hi baby," Geonhak says, his voice about an octave deeper than usual. He pulls away and speaks to the man in his deep voice. "Please excuse me. I'm not sure if you heard, but Y/N has a boyfriend."
The man blinks and opens his mouth to say something, but he stops. His face is red with embarrassment. You can tell that Geonhak is giving him an evil glare.
"S-s-sorry," the man says, backing away. "I'll get back to work." He exits the aisle to organize a different shelf.
Geonhak looks at you and kisses your neck again, before nuzzling his face into your neck. You can tell that he's stressed, and run your hand through his hair.
"Let's go sit down," you suggest. Geonhak nods, looking at you like a puppy.
"Okay," he says, smiling softly.
Lee Keonhee (Keonhee)
Keonhee's personality is usually carefree and friendly, so seeing how cold he'd act toward someone would be possibly intimidating to not just them but to you as well. He'd be so possessive, and would definitely want to signal physically to the other person that you're taken, by putting his arm around you or something.
"Wait here, I'll go order our drinks, okay?" Keonhee asks, smiling his sweet smile that makes your heart flutter.
"The usual?" he asks.
"Mhm!" You smile, and he pecks a quick kiss on your cheek, before heading away from the table to the line to the coffee shop's counter.
You stare down at your phone, scrolling through social media, absentmindedly reading the news as you wait for Keonhee.
"Excuse me, is this chair occupied?"
You look up and see a man with his hand on a chair at your table. You note that it's one of four chairs at your table, and you only need two: one for yourself and one for Keonhee.
"No, you can have it," you say with a nod and a polite smile. 
The man pulls out the chair from the table, pauses, and sits down across from you, and you can already tell this isn't going to go well. 
"Can I buy you a drink, beautiful?" the man asks. In all honesty, he isn't bring creepy or disrespectful. But you already have a boyfriend and are not interested. 
"Oh, uh, sorry," you say. "I, uh, I have a --"
Suddenly, a cup of your favorite drink is placed in front of you. You look up and Keonhee is smiling down at you, his drink in his other hand.
"Hi, angel!" he says, the most pleasant smile on their face. You can tell that he's purposely not paying the man any attention.
"Hi Keonhee!" you say. "Thank you for getting the drinks."
"Of course, lovely!" He leans down to press a kiss to your cheek, and you can see that he shoots a quick glare at the other man, and you quickly tug at Keonhee's sleeve.
"Keonhee, let's head home," you say quietly. 
"Sounds good!" he says. "Let's go, my lovely," he says, taking your hand and leading you out of the coffee shop. You don't miss the final glare he gives the man, who is sitting surprised and alone at your table.
Yeo Hwanwoong (Hwanwoong)
Hwanwoong wouldn't try to be intimidating or anything. He'd definitely be possessive, and would show if physically, like his arm around you and neck kisses. He'd act very confidently, even if he wasn't feeling it. But he'd need a lot of comforting.
"Ready to head home?" you ask your boyfriend Hwanwoong. He looks up from where he's sitting on the floor, taking a breath after his practice on the other side of the practice room. A grin spread across his face.
"Sure! I need to gather my things, so how about you head out to the lobby and I'll meet you there, alright?" he says, gesturing to the room. His water bottle is against the wall in the corner farthest away from him. His jacket is in a separate corner.
"Alright, see you in a bit Woongie," you say, pushing yourself to the feet before heading out to the lobby to wait for your boyfriend.
You walk through the hallway and stand outside the elevator, waiting. As the elevator rings and you walk into the elevator, someone walks in behind you.
"Hello," the person says. You nod politely in greeting. You swear you've seen this person before, perhaps the hallway or something.
"Hi," you say. "I've seen you around here often. Are you a trainee?"
"Oh, yes. Yes I am."
You can feel this person's eyes on you, even when you look away. Their gaze is very intense.
"Are you a trainee here?" the trainee asks. You shake your head. Suddenly the elevator shudders, there's a ding, and the doors slide open. You and the trainee step out into the lobby.
"Oh, uh, no." You chuckle a bit. "No, I'm not a trainee."
The trainee raises an eyebrow at you. "Really? I see you around here often enough," they say. "What do you do around here, are you a staff member?"
You shake your head. "Oh, no. I'm not. My boyfriend works here."
The trainee pauses. "Oh? Who's your boyfriend?"
You feel an arm snake around your waist, and for a second you're surprised. But you can recognize your boyfriend from the slightest touch.
"I'm their boyfriend," Hwanwoong says, pecking a kiss to your cheek. The trainee looks absolutely mortified, and you really aren't surprised. A trainee? Trying to hit on Yeo Hwanwoong's significant other?
"Oh," the trainee says. "Well, that's great. I've got places to be. Goodbye."
The trainee quickly rushes away, and Hwanwoong nuzzles his nose against your cheek gently.
"Can we go get something cold to drink?" he asks.
"Of course," you say, running your hands through his hair a bit. "Let's get some bubble tea, how does that sound."
He smiles. "Sounds great."
Son Dongju (Xion)
Dongju would want you and him out of that situation as soon as possible. He'd be very firm and calm, but would not want either of you to engage with the other person. If he had to, he'd be very calm and stern with them, maybe even a little passive aggressive.
You examine the two noodle packages in your hands, debating which one to get for you and Dongju's movie night tonight. Dongju should still be getting veggies.
As you decide and put away the one you've rejected, someone walks past and accidentally bumps shoulders with you, causing you to almost drop the noodles in your hand, but manage to catch them. You do, however, drop the box of popcorn you had under your arm.
"Oh sorry." The man who has just bumped into you stops and picks up the fallen popcorn as you stabilize yourself and your noodles. You smile and nod as he hands you your popcorn.
"Thank you," you say.
"Maybe you should have a basket," the man says.
"Yeah." You laugh a bit and nod, too lazy to tell him that you did in fact have a basket, until Dongju took it with him to the next aisle.
The man doesn't move away. It seems as though he wants to keep the conversation going, but you don't.
You place the noodle package back on the shelf and fix the things in your arms so that they're easier to carry. You are overly aware of the man still standing next to you, watching you.
"Sorry, is there something you need?" you ask him.
"Uh,  was just wondering if I could get your number?" the man asks.
You, surprised, find it difficult to find a detailed response, and can barely manage to say, "No, sorry."
"No?" the man chuckles nervous. "Why?"
"Because . . ." You're about to tell him that you already have a boyfriend when suddenly someone behind you clears their throat. You turn your head and see Dongju approaching with the basket in his hand and a concerned look on his face.
"Y/N, did you get noodles? Ah. Let's see if we can find you that candy you like," he says quickly, grabbing your hand and squeezing. He looks at the man, and his eyes narrow a bit. "Sorry to interrupt. I'm Y/N's boyfriend, and we have to get going for our movie night."
Before the man can say a word, Dongju drags you away, out of the aisle and down to the candy aisle. You watch him grumble under his breath as he looks among the candies for your favorite. He's fuming, so you walk over and plant a kiss on his cheek. You can see him smiling dumbly.
"I love you, Son Dongju," you say.
"I love you too," he says softly and shyly.
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mirror-juliet · 4 years
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Shedding Season-Kim Youngjo X reader
Warnings: Hybrid! Youngjo. Mentions of waxing (If you have a problem with that) Dating hybrid. Large cat hybrid. Drama queen Youngjo. Hybrid!oneus. This was supposed to be a smut but now it's not and that is my ted talk.
Shedding season, the worst time of year between spring and summer. Normally people love springtime,its a chance for new beginnings, tidying up your life. Endless possibilities. But not for the life of a hybrid master-especially a large cat hybrid-Male hybrid. All spring is to me is coming home from work to find Ravn in one of his many moods thanks to the hormones rushing his veins. I never know if i am going to get a sad, angry, happy, or horny hybrid. Yea, horny. And to make matters worse he's my boyfriend, so it's only the polite thing to do to not smack him upside the head with a frying pan. Though a spray bottle will get the trick done just fine.
And the hair-God the hair is such a nightmare. It's everywhere and there's so much of it. No matter how much i sweep this forsaken house or vacuum or lint roll, THERE'S ALWAYS HAIR. So today i decided to stop by the convenience store and grab some more wax beads for my hot pot. It's time for the big guns. We've tried shaving his hair only for it to clog expensive and disposable razors. Pre waxed strips are far too cheap and would probably make his kitty skin break out. At least with these beads i can do a test sample without wasting a whole strip. He better hope this wax isn't harmful to him or else he's going to the groomer's.
He hates the groomers, in his words. "They don't care about what shape my nails are in. What dreadful person would have square nails!?" I swear if we had a fainting couch he would be on it all the time. I looked up reviews about the wax and it all of them say it's the best for cat hybrids. For how much i spent on it it better be liquid gold.
"Ravn i'm home." He has a birth-name, Youngjo, a fine name if you ask me. But to him it hold too many burdens, so the legal name for my ownership of him is Ravn. "Ravn~ C'mere." Strange, usually he's all over me before i can get my shoes off, so it's unusual to say the least. "What are you doing?"
The large man sits on the bathroom counter, his legs criss cross in the sink. A pondering look on his face. "It's such a shame." I place a comforting hand on his back as he touches his reflection in the mirror. "I look so pretty today and no one even got to see me."
"Oh Jesus Christ Ravn." The drama queen himself chases after me once i walk away, rolling my eyes i'm sure they've logged in the back of my head at this point. "I'm serious Y/n. It's absolutely dreadful what you're doing to me." He falls onto the couch dramatically, a hand draped over his forehead. This is the soul reason i've invested in a lounge chair of my own. Because he takes up the whole couch with his lanky body like he's in a tella-novella. "How could you keep me locked up in this apartment for another day!"
"Until your medicine comes in the mail i can't let you around others. You know this." His pouty expression tells me he doesn't give a damn. "But i want to see Keonhee and Leedo. Even Hwanwoong, even if he does steal your attention away from me." His last sentence is bitterly thrown at me with no real hate behind it. "How could anyone resist his cuddles though~ He's a soft pursan and you're just a big ol gruff black panther."
"Oh now you're just being mean Y/n!" He pulls me off of the chair and into his chest on the couch. "This is only proving my point hun. A big. Old. Gruff. Panther." Between words i poke the bridge of his nose. He retaliates and pins me on the couch by my shoulders, his pupils growing into slivers. "This is why you and Leedo don't get to hang out without your medicine. Way too much stupid boy hormones making you dumb." Ravn growls once more before falling and rubbing his forehead into my chest. "But you're mine~" The kitty whines, hugging onto me even tighter.
"I know baby. I'm yours." We shift on the couch, wiggling my arms out to rub on his back; enticing cute purrs from him. His overgrown nails kneading into the cushions, thank god for thick couch covers.  I try to get up after a few minutes, Ravn somehow dropping even more body weight on me. "I have things to do Ravn!"
"Just stay with me for a bit. Please?" How the actual hell am i supposed to say no to him. His voice is so small and vulnerable, like he's going to break if i get up. I know it's probably just him being over-dramatic, but that's just how he feels. Soon the rumble of his chest lulls me into a sleepy state.
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A rustling of a bag rudely awakens me from my sleep. The heavy force on my chest no longer present. "Ravn? what are you doing?" On the floor, crouched much like a cat, Ravn messes with the bag from the store with an angry look on his face. "You were gonna wax me weren't you?" He holds up the bag of wax beads accusingly, a hand now on his hip. "Mmhmm."
"No?" I giggle at the look of him, thinking of all the times he's said he's not a drama queen. "I'm being serious Y/n. I don' need to get rid of it." How did i know this argument was going to happen. "You need to. Your hair is all over this apartment and you wont let me take you to the groomers." He crosses his arms. "That's because they get my nails wrong. No matter how many times i say how to shape them!"
"Ravn, that's just the standard shape they're required to do. Not most owners like to have sharp claws on their cats." "But you're not like other owners. We tell them this every time y/n." If it wasn't for his large exterior i would probably mistake him for a toddler with the way he's throwing a tantrum. "Ravn. That is just how they have to do it to avoid lawsuits. Now it is either the groomer's or you let me wax you." Now i'm standing up with both hands on my hips. Most owners would be afraid to boss their large hybrid like this without a trainer. But i know he would never hurt me, no matter how mad he gets. We glare at each-other, both filling the room with endless drama. "Fine." He gives in and stomps over to the island where he's made steak for himself. Petty cat, not making me anything.
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"Why is it warm?!" Ravn shouts, being startled by the new sensation on his arm. "Because i heated it up in a hot pot." I guess i'm just gonna have to take this l and accept he's never going to get used to the idea of waxing. After an hour of explaining exactly how it works. Ye, an hour. I'm pissed about it too. I thought starting off on his arm would be less painful than his leg hair. Or his armpits. "Ouch." He monotonously grumbles after i rip the first strip off. "Oh i bet that just hurt so bad." He lets me do his arms without much problems, only adding a snarky remark a few times.
"OW." The first strip of his leg is ripped halfway, it had slipped out of my hands before i could get it all the way off. So that means i wasn't able to press down on it after it ripped. "No, we're not doing this anymore. You've had your fun. but no. Nu uh. I'm done." He tries to get up but i jump on him too quickly. "I'm sorry Ravn! Please let me do the rest!"
"Unhand me woman!"
Sorry this is late, i wasn’t in the best mood yesterday so i didn’t get this edited fully. Thank you fro understanding. It would also be appreciated if you would maybe reblog to help my page out.
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plasticflowering · 4 years
Top Ten Songs
I’ve gotta stay up until 7 p.m. KST for a fansign call (not with ONEUS, I’m not that lucky), so I’m finding things to hold my attention and keep me awake. One of those things is writing about my Top Ten ONEUS songs at slight length. 
10. “Hide and Seek” from In Its Time 
I love that dirty bassline, what can I say? As another Cosmic joint, I have to admit this feels like Now, the Sequel, but better (Now: ”Who are you?” Hide and Seek: ”I’m you, but funkier”) Bonus points for cute Ravn rap. Favorite part: The pre-chorus! What is UP, melodic subversion?? Also excuse me, hello to those ad-libs over the lead-in on the final chorus. Seoho, could you calm down for like three seconds, sir??
9. “Dead or Alive” from Lived
I could write essays on this song. Dead or Alive is what I desperately wanted from TBONTB. The vocal arrangement is risky, which is what I kind of expect from ONEUS at this point, and it is so satisfying for that. Not that I don't love TBONTB, but oh my ever-loving GOD, Dead or Alive!!! I only hesitate to rank it higher because I always try not to rank new songs too high without breaking them in for a few months (spoiler: another song from this EP ranked higher). If my ears do not deceive me, this song uses the full chromatic scale in the refrain, and that alone is worth like +500 points from me. And the storytelling in this song...? My heart!! The way it takes elements from every other song on Lived and rolls it up into one? Seriously think about THAT and then come back and tell me that Dead or Alive isn't the most incredible song on the EP. I could keep going. I could talk about this song for a long time. But I'll stop here. Favorite part: "Shigando geoseulleo galge" fucks me up every time because it opens my third eye about the lore of this whole EP. 
8. “808″ from 808
808 goes harder than JP releases usually have a right to, and I absolutely love it. I would say it's all down the production/arrangement (whoever had the idea to include epic violins in this song deserves all the money), but the chorus vocals are also legendary. Woong, Keonhee, and Seoho nail this song to the WALL. Favorite part: All that said about the chorus vocals, my favorite part of this song is simple but non-negotiable: it is definitely "sudeni ready to aim for the stars!" thank you Xion bb for my life. 
7. “ZigZag” from Light Us
I love cute poppy songs, what can I say? This song does great things with the melody, though. It really reminds me of an early MMM song - it's definitely RBW, and ONEUS brings something unique to it. Favorite part: The way the synths go absolutely crazy in the pre-chorus. 
6. “Dizzy” from Lived
My top ten is really dominated by the bright ONEUS songs, isn't it? I just feel like this is where they all shine as a vocal ensemble. Their personalities all come through in Dizzy, and I'm a sucker for that emotive sort of performing. Also, local Seojo trash continues to push Seojo agenda. Really though, how incredible does everyone sound in this song? Keonhee's honey vocals especially send me over the moon (hm... ToMoon... much to think about). Favorite part: The fact that you can literally hear Seoho grinning while he's singing before the last chorus. But also (this is a trend with me) Ravn coming through with the cutest rap in the world that still manages to have a killer flow. 
5. “Plastic Flower” from Fly With Us 
Give Xion more lines!! This song is proof that he is capable and adds a very interesting sound to the group whenever he's allowed to sing! Also I'm soft. I love this song so much I named my blog after it, okay? This was also, I remember very clearly, the first b-side of theirs that caught my attention (I started to stan and listen to full EPs with Lit), so I also have sentimental attachment. GOD Fly With Us is such a good EP, DANG. Favorite part: As previously mentioned, I'm Seojo trash, so of course it's "Annyeonghaseyo, jeo jeoneun Kim Young… :/ "
4. “Blue Sky” from Fly With Us
Oh my god, Blue Sky. Okay. This song defies classification to me. I hesitate to call it a ballad, because it goes so hard. The first time I heard it, I was blown away. It has some of my favorite vocals AND two of my favorite raps in their discography - I love Leedo and Ravn's "ballad raps" in general but these are my favorites. Leedo in particular sounds so amazing in this song, and Xion's lines!! Xion HAS lines, first of all, and he absolutely kills them. Favorite part: The entire last verse leaves me breathless every time. The way Ravn, Seoho, Leedo, and Keonhee's voices weave together is so powerful and unique, aaaaahahhhhhh.
3. “Lit” from Fly With Us
Everything a K-Pop song should be. Absolute king shit. It's well-structured, it's catchy from the first listen, it has an iconic refrain (whom amongst us did not immediately start singing along with "Eolssu! Eolssu!", I ask?) I've gotta say, this song may not rank as high if I'm talking from only the musical standpoint. But can we talk about the MV? Can I say how much this MV reflected their personalities and elevated the song because of it? I think it's a package deal, personally, Lit and its MV. Favorite part: Ravn's rap, yes absolutely, I owe it my soul. But more than that, going deeper (Inception noise), I cannot stay mad whenever I hear that little "yekki!" 
2. “BingBing” from Raise Us
So full of personality. Such an earworm. Emotional and kinda unsetlling lyrics. Xion speaking French? OKAY. It's title track worthy, for sure, but luckily this song seems to have legendary status among ToMoon. I'll admit, it took me a while to warm up to BingBing, but once I did it was like a tidal wave of appreciation for it. Another marvel of production - the layering of the vocals goes DEEP and gives it so much texture. Favorite Part: I'm a simple person. I cannot resist the "Neoneun gaeya? Neukdaeya?" There's so much attitude there. I know I say this a lot about ONEUS, but they didn't have to go that hard.
1. “Valkyrie” from Light Us
This song goes places. It's the one that made me fall in love with ONEUS and it's still my favorite, oops. The tempo changes are ridiculous and the song is so rewarding to get to know well. I should have known I'd be in deep for this group when I said "what the fuck" at least three times during my first listen to this song. It's produced SO WELL - I still find new things to hear in this song.  It also helps that the whole thing starts off with a guitar riff. I gravitate to good guitar and/or bass riffs. Favorite Part: The bridge on this song is absolutely jaw-dropping, and I'm a sucker for a good bridge as it is. 
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