antidrumpfs · 10 months
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“I like people who weren’t captured.” - Donald Trump
“I like presidents that weren't arrested.” - antidrumpfs
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themirthofanation · 1 month
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nedsecondline · 3 months
Open Thread | What’s At Stake In Ukraine | 3CHICSPOLITICO
Ukraine is England 1940. But, instead of being the last country standing, it’s the first. We need to help it because helping it, helps us fight Putin. And, he needs to be fought at every level. Sadly, I realized that nothing is going to change with Ukraine until after the November 2024 Election. Putin is hanging on, in hopes that Dolt45 will win. And, of course, Dolt45 being Putin’s lapdog, he…
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figmentpez · 3 years
I made this post on Facebook, and I want to post it here, too: Nazis broke into our nation's Capitol building. Literal Nazis. Genocide advocating, swastika flag waving, actual Nazis planted bombs in our nation's capital. They threatened the lives of our duly elected officials, and even chanted that they wanted to hang the Vice President. They killed, stole, and destroyed. They did this and were told "We love you. You're very special." by the President.
I'm stressed and agitated because of this. Not just that it happened, but that there are people who want to sweep it under the rug. People who want to pretend it was unforeseen and unconnected to the words and deeds that led up to it. Despite Nazis trying to overthrow our government, there are many people who do not want to investigate the crimes that happened surrounding this. There are people who think it would, somehow, be better for our nation to pretend that this did not happen, that it would somehow be healing to pardon those who enabled violence.
Make no mistake, the violence that happened was planned and encouraged by people within our government. It was fostered by lies, and kindled by rhetoric deliberately using violent terms. There is growing evidence that not only was the lack of police response intentional, but there were officers who gave aid to the violent insurrectionists. Our allies in NATO already consider this a coup attempt, and I see no reason to think otherwise.
The violence of Jan 6th was planned, and the Department of Defense is warning that there is more being planned for the future. The same people that encouraged past violence are encouraging yet more. White Nationalism is currently the greatest threat to freedom in America, and yet there are leaders who think we should seek unity with those who advocate genocide. There are certain viewpoints that are simply intolerable, and cannot be compromised with. There is no halfway point to meet them at that is acceptable.
I see that many Christians have sought to wash their hands of politics; saying "both sides!", thinking they be done with it. That's not acceptable. This is not an issue that we can stand to the side and let be. We must demand that Nazis be driven from politics, and that any who used them as a political base be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for their part in the violence that has been done in our nation. We can do no less, because Christians are called to care for minorities. We are called to take care of "the least of these". We are called to stand up against racism, against hatred, and protect those are most vulnerable.
Men and women of faith do not stand side-by-size with racists. Too long the church in America has pretended that racism has a place in The Church, in the Body of Christ. Too long we have allowed leaders to take the Lord's Name in Vain; falsely swearing by the name of the LORD, but then going out and courting the votes of white supremacists. Make no mistake, any leader who can see Nazis in their crowd of supporters, who can see white supremacists, Q-Anon, "Proud Boys", or any other groups founded on the evils of racism, in their crowd of supporters but does not immediately chase them out, is not a man who is following the Jesus Christ I know. "There is neither Jew nor Greek...." in the body of Christ. There is no place for racism in Christianity, and there is no place for genocide in any political system.
Do NOT turn a blind eye to this. You cannot wash your hands of this. Your action is required. When the next wave of violence starts, and I can see no way to stop it from happening at this point, there will be a choice to be made by every single adult in this country. The choice will be between white nationalism, and righteousness. There is no other choice. Standing by and letting things happen is siding with white nationalism. Advocating for pardons and cover-ups is siding with white nationalism.
The only morally acceptable course of action is to drive racism back into the shadows, and then pursue it with the light of justice as far as we can. We must take every legal action we can to purge this nation's politics of white nationalism, and every form of racism. There must be investigations of the D.C police, the Department of Defense, every branch of the Military, and every law enforcement agency in the country. Any and all who have ties to white nationalism must be removed from positions of power. Genocide and slavery are not valid political views, and should not be considered protected speech, any more than murder and theft are.
There is a choice coming. Do not wait until the last minute to make it.
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alcar-ancalime · 5 years
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stephenhines67 · 4 years
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If there’s another toilet paper shortage our neighbors have this ridiculous, cult-mind obscenity that we could use. #dolt45 #CheetoRambo https://www.instagram.com/p/CDcLJLfhoBR/?igshid=9zo49dmsoerk
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fnckyeahshirts-blog · 7 years
Flush the PoSotUS!
Keep America Beautiful - Flush the #PoSotUS! Limited Edition #tshirt #hoodies available exclusively here-> https://teespring.com/posotus Annoy the Trumplodytes and raise money for the #ACLU! 
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antidrumpfs · 10 months
“That was a massive amount of papers and everything else talking about Iran and other things.”
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"When I said that I couldn't declassify it now, that's because I wasn't president," Trump said. "There was no document. That was a massive amount of papers and everything else talking about Iran and other things. It may have been held up or may not, but that was not a document. I didn't have a document, per se. There was nothing to declassify. These were newspaper stories, magazine stories and articles."
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themirthofanation · 2 months
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nedsecondline · 4 months
Open Thread | The 2024 Election – Election Season Is Now Really Beginning | 3CHICSPOLITICO
It’s been obvious that the MSM is desperate to put Dolt45 back in office. They miss him. I have said for awhile that they resent the competence of President Biden and his Administration. He’s bad for their grift. Nothing that they can hold back with this Administration that they can later put in a book. If you don’t publish the stories about the WORK and POLICIES that this Administration is…
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nd2tx97 · 4 years
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alcar-ancalime · 4 years
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And conservatives want us to think America is respected under trump. So much for that! #election2020 #dumptrump #dolt45 #rememberinnovember #bidenharris2020 #ridinwithbiden https://www.instagram.com/p/CFyGRHUBh15/?igshid=6rmwsoxqkjaz
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digitaldiscipline · 4 years
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Context for those not on Twitter:
Dolt45 and his campaign declared that Joe Biden was “a threat to God.”
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tkrr · 5 years
Gaylors, YNTCD Part III
Let’s talk about evidence.
Despite my disgust at the testosterone-poisoned hellscape the skeptic movement has collapsed into, I still consider myself a skeptic. I came to the Kaylor world based on evidence leading to a conclusion, specifically E! putting its collective neck on the line to out them as a couple. Forget coincidence, gaydar, fanfic, all of it. In entertainment journalism, access is key. If they betray Kaylor, it becomes a warning to other celebrities that E! can’t be trusted. Goodbye respect, hello to the gutter where the Enquirer and TMZ live.
That, my friends, is solid evidence. That tweet, and the implications behind its existence, is better than a thousand cutesy “coincidences” on Instagram. We know a thing happened, we know the potential effects of it happening, and it’s still out there for all to see. (Karlie’s subsequent selfie with the hickey makes it even more solid, given the timeline.)
(There is the matter of Taytaysbeard and their sources, especially ♠️. I find their case persuasive, but ultimately TTB is the only one who truly knows how solid those sources are. My point here is that you don’t need TTB to make the case here.)
I was a closeted baby trans who was deathly terrified to come out until the fear of losing my mind outweighed the fear of losing friends and family. I see Taylor as being in much the same situation as I was, but with far, far more on the line. *Something* happened to make her call a halt to the coming-out train at the eleventh hour, and likely she’s trying to protect Karlie from public scrutiny at a time when they’re both going through some serious shit. (I’ve feared all along that there’s potential for Dolt45 to get involved with this because of Ivanka’s connection. I fear now that this may have happened.)
So... we wait. The case IMHO is conclusive, but the concerns of their reality are outweighing everything else at the moment. Let’s back off on Karlie and focus on the new album and Taylor’s support for a community that she isn’t publicly a member of, but which she clearly cares more about than a mere ally would.
Occam didn’t create his razor for us to be weak Kaylors.
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kimfluence · 6 years
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Don't argue with these dumbfuck #dolt45 nut-huggers about their morangutan leader... give em the 🖕🏼 with your #vote !! #FDT #AmeriKKKa https://www.instagram.com/p/BpXmTjnHFXz_I6M0XIc_mgK_yKDLJajCgK32lM0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1q46quhxih9ly
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