#dom matthew gray gubler
reidsfilm · 2 months
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divider credit: cafekitsune
PARING: spencer reid x fem reader
WARNINGS: SMUT!! (18+) porn with plot (more plot tbh), soft !dom spencer, oral (fem receiving) praise, aftercare, fluff, spencer being a dorky nerd, a teeny tiny bit of angst. pet names; sweetheart, pretty girl, baby
SUMMARY: You've taken some time off work after nearly getting killed in the field. So you spend your time baking. A sweet and sugary moment between you and Spencer becomes much more...sinful.
Notes: this man is so smexy I wanna smooch all over his face. btw this is more fluff than smut. I got carried away with them being sweet. this is not proofread.
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Three weeks had passed since you were discharged from the hospital, Spencer had been extremely worried, his brain had worked nonstop to come up with ways on how to better protect you. You'd never seen him so on edge, he was usually very relaxed, sometimes a bit awkward, but never anxious.
Spencer had practically forced you to stay home and rest, the wound still wasn't healed and you had to take care of it. He left a first aid kit right next to the bed and he made you promise you'd apply the ointment every few hours.
You had spent the weeks catching up with your favorite shows and reading some of the books that belonged to Spencer. And all in all just trying to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally.
As you continued to mix the batter of the cupcakes, the silence in the home became almost deafening. Being away from work for so long didn't help, you wanted to be out in the field again, fighting crime, working with Spencer and the team. But you also knew that you had to listen to Spencer and stay home a little while longer.
The sound of keys in the lock pulled you out of your thoughts, and you knew instantly that Spencer was coming home.
The front door opened and Spencer stepped trough the door, immediately he could smell the cupcakes that you were baking. Taking his shoes off, he placed them neatly on the shoe rack before he hung his jacket away.
Slowly he entered the living room, his gaze falling onto you in the kitchen. You didn't look up, your back turned to him as you continued to mix the batter. He could recognize that body language, you were upset.
"Hey," he spoke gently, walking into the kitchen, taking off his tie as he made his way towards you. He didn't touch you yet, knowing how you were feeling. Stopping right behind you, he leaned in slightly. He smelled good, he could smell the familiar scent of sugar, and he knew that you had stolen one of his shirts again.
He gently placed the tie on the counter next to you, quietly observing you as you worked. The silence between you was tense.
After a few moments, he gently touched your hips, his touch light, as if he was scared he'd hurt you, he slowly turned you around, his eyes meeting yours.
He observed you, noticing your slightly flushed cheeks and how you avoided his gaze. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" he muttered, one hand slowly moving up to your face, cupping your chin, his thumb stroking your skin.
He tilted your chin up gently, forcing you to make eye contact with him. He could see the emotions flicker trough your eyes, the frustration, the insecurity, the restlessness.
Slowly, his other hand caressed your hip. "Talk to me, baby," he whispered, his voice soft and comforting.
He observed your expression carefully, noticing how your forehead was slightly creased, your jaw clenched. He knew that you were holding back, trying to keep everything bottled up inside of you. He was worried about you, he knew how hard it was for you to be home and away from the BAU, but he also knew that your health was more important.
His hand on your hip slowly moved up to your stomach, his large hand feeling over the healing scar.
Your heart clenched at the gentle contact of his hand on your stomach, the memory of the stabbing still fresh in your mind.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. Looking up at Spencer, you swallowed, trying to find the right words. "I'm just... I'm feeling frustrated. I want to be out there, helping the team, doing what I love," you finally admit, your voice laced with frustration.
Spencer nodded, a soft expression crossing his face. He understood how you were feeling. You were a determined, hard-working person, and being forced to stay home and rest was probably the last thing you wanted to do.
"I know you're frustrated, my love," he said, his voice still gentle, his thumb rubbing soft circles on your hip. "But you have to give yourself time to heal. You were badly hurt, we were all worried about you..."
He gently pulled you closer, his other hand moving to rest on the small of your back, keeping you close to him.
"I know it's hard, but you need to focus on your recovery right now. Healing takes time, but I promise it'll be worth it in the end." He spoke, his brown eyes locking onto yours, trying to reassure you.
His touch was warm and comforting, and you couldn't help but lean into his embrace. He was right, you knew deep down that you needed to focus on healing and recovering, but it was so hard to be patient when you wanted nothing more than to be back at the BAU.
"I just... I hate feeling weak," you admitted, your voice quiet and vulnerable. "I feel like I'm letting everyone down by being home like this."
"You're not weak," he said firmly, his grip on you tightening slightly. "You got hurt, yes, but that doesn't make you weak. You are strong, stronger than you know. And you're not letting anyone down by taking time to heal. If anything, you're helping us all by focusing on your health."
He gently threaded his fingers through your hair, his touch soft and soothing. "We all want you back at the BAU as soon as possible, but we also want you back healthy and whole. And that means taking the time to recover properly."
He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "You're a valuable member of the team, but your health and well-being are more important than anything else. So please, be patient and take care of yourself. For us, for me..."
His words were like a soothing balm to your frustrated heart. You knew he was right, and you knew that taking the time to heal was the right thing to do, even if it was hard.
Nodding slightly in response, you leaned your forehead against his chest, breathing in his familiar scent. "I'll do my best," you mumbled against his shirt, your voice slightly muffled. "It's just so hard to wait."
He held you close, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm beneath your forehead. "I know it's hard," he said, his voice quieter now. "But I'll be here with you every step of the way. I'll help take care of you, make sure you're eating and resting properly."
His grip on you loosened slightly, and his hands began to glide over your back, rubbing soft circles. "And I know the team misses you too. But they understand that your health is our top priority right now."
You couldn't help but smile a little at his words, feeling a small sense of comfort. You knew that Spencer would be a constant presence in your recovery, and the thought of that helped to ease your frustration just a bit.
You tilted your head back slightly, looking up at him. "You're right," you said, your voice almost a whisper. "I just need to be more patient. And I know you'll be there to take care of me, even if I get annoyed with you."
He chuckled at that, his chest rumbling softly with the sound. "Oh, I'm sure you will get annoyed," he agreed, a small smile appearing on his lips. "But that's okay. I've learned to deal with your grumpiness over the years."
He gently pinched your side in a teasing gesture, causing you to let out a small giggle. "And just so you know, I plan on spoiling you rotten while you're recovering."
Your heart skipped a beat at the mention of him spoiling you. Spencer had a tendency to dote on you at the best of times, and you knew that while you were recovering from your injury, his spoiling tendencies would likely be heightened even more.
You raised an eyebrow, a small grin on your lips. "Oh really? So you're going to wait on me hand and foot, bring me food and drink whenever I want, and generally treat me like a princess?"
He smirked at your question, and the corner of his mouth quirked up. "Oh, most definitely. You're going to be pampered like a princess," he replied, his tone slightly dramatic. "I'll bring you tea, pastries, chocolates, anything and everything you desire. And as a bonus, I'll give you foot massages, back rubs, and anything else you might ask for."
You couldn't help but laugh a little at his display of melodramatic affection. It was so typically Spencer - overly grand and dramatic, yet utterly charming.
You gave him a playful swat on the arm. "You're ridiculous, you know that?" you said, shaking your head in amusement. "But I'll admit, the idea of being pampered with sweets and massages isn't too bad."
As the banter between the two of you continued, your mind drifted back to the cupcakes you were baking. You glanced down at the messy batter, which was still in the mixing bowl.
"Anyway," you said, pulling out of Spencer's arms to grab the bowl. "I should finish these. Can you grab the muffin tray for me, please?"
Spencer, ever the ever-helpful boyfriend, immediately did as you asked. He moved to a nearby cabinet and retrieved the muffin tray, bringing it over to the counter and setting it down next to the mixing bowl.
He watched as you began to scoop some of the batter into the tray, a small smile on his face. He loved watching you cook and bake. It was always a soothing and comforting sight for him, especially after a long day.
As you continued to fill each of the muffin cups, you could feel Spencer's gaze on you. It was subtle, but still present, his eyes on you. You knew he was observing your every move, admiring you quietly.
Despite your earlier frustration, a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. You couldn't help but feel comforted by his presence, by his silent support.
While you continued to work on the cupcakes, Spencer leaned against the countertop, watching you silently. He found himself admiring the way your fingers moved, the way your eyebrows furrowed in concentration as you filled each of the cups with batter.
He knew that you were still frustrated about being home, about being away from the BAU, but he could also see that this little moment, this simple act of baking in the kitchen together, was a small comfort. It was a moment of normalcy among the chaos.
Soon enough, all the cups within the tray were filled with the cupcake batter. You placed the tray into the oven, setting the timer before turning back to Spencer.
He was still standing against the countertop, watching you intently. You could practically see the gears turning in his mind, the way he was studying you, analyzing your every move.
You rolled your eyes in response. "Stop analyzing me, Spence," you teased, a small smirk on your lips. "I can almost hear the gears in your brain churning."
Spencer chuckled sheepishly at your comment, caught in the act. "Sorry, it's a habit," he admitted, a sheepish grin on his face. "I can't help it, it's what I do. Besides, you know I love studying you."
You laughed lightly, shaking your head. "Yes, I know you do," you replied, walking closer to him. You stopped when you were in front of him, placing your hands on his chest. "But maybe try toning down the analytical observations for a few minutes, okay? Just treat me like a normal person, not a case to be studied."
He reached up and placed his hands over yours, gently rubbing his thumbs over your skin.
"Alright, I'll try," he promised, his voice quieter now. "I'll try not to analyze you so much, just be... normal. Although, for the record, I think you're anything but normal."
You playfully swatted his chest, rolling your eyes again. "Gee, thanks," you said sarcastically, though a small smile tugged at your lips. "But seriously, just try and focus on the moment, on us. No analyzing, no deducing, no profiling, no solving puzzles in that genius brain of yours."
Spencer chuckled again, his eyes meeting yours. "Okay, okay, I get it," he said, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "No more analyzing, no more profiling. I'll try to focus on just us, I promise."
He wrapped his arms loosely around your waist, pulling you closer to him. "And maybe, just maybe, we can talk about something other than work or injuries or any other potentially depressing topics."
You smiled, relieved that he was willing to take a break from his usual intellectual pursuits. You leaned in towards him, resting your head against his chest.
"That sounds nice," you said, closing your eyes for a moment. "How about we just... talk about anything? Whatever comes to mind, just nothing too serious or work-related."
Spencer hummed in agreement, his fingers beginning to run idly through your hair. "Alright, anything but serious topics," he repeated. "So... let's see..."
He thought for a moment, trying to come up with a light-hearted conversation starter. Suddenly, his expression brightened, an idea popping into his head.
"Hey, did you know that honey never spoils?"
Your eyebrows raised at his random fun fact. You tilted your head back to look up at him, a small smile on your face. "Honey never spoils, huh? That's something I didn't know."
You chuckled softly, shifting to rest your chin on his chest. "What other random trivia do you have hiding in that brain of yours, Spence?"
Spencer chuckled at your response, his fingers still playing with your hair. "Oh, I have a ton of random trivia stored up here," he replied, tapping his forehead lightly.
He thought for a moment, trying to remember another fun fact. "Oh, I got one. Did you know that there are more possible combinations in a game of chess than there are atoms in the observable universe?"
Your eyes widened at his next random fact. "More possible combinations in a game of chess than there are atoms in the observable universe?" you repeated, impressed.
You looked up at him, a bewildered expression on your face. "How do you even know that? And more importantly, why do you know that?"
Spencer shrugged, a grin on his face. "I read a lot of random things," he answered simply. "And my mind seems to just retain all this information for some reason. I guess it's just how my brain works."
He paused for a moment, his tone turning playful. "And as for why I know that particular fact... well, maybe it just stuck in my head because I like chess."
You rolled your eyes at his comment, a small smile on your lips. "Of course you like chess," you replied, pretending to be exasperated. "You're a total nerd."
Spencer feigned offense at your comment, a mock-offended expression on his face. "Hey, I'll have you know that liking chess does not make me a nerd," he protested. "It's a strategic game of skill and intellect. It's a perfectly respectable hobby.
You couldn't help but laugh at his response. "Oh, right. My mistake," you teased. "Liking chess definitely doesn't make you a nerd. And neither does knowing random trivia about the size of the universe or the properties of ancient artifacts. Nope, definitely not nerd-like behavior at all."
Spencer chuckled at your reply, conceding defeat. "Fine, fine, you have a point," he admitted, his tone slightly sheepish. "I guess I do have a few nerdy tendencies."
He continued to stroke your hair, a small smile on his face. "But in my defense, I think my knowledge and interests make me charming in my own unique way."
You couldn't help but smile at his confident statement. "Oh, charming, huh?" you replied, teasing him. "Is that what we're calling it now? Your endless stream of trivia and random facts is considered charming?"
Spencer feigned offense once again, his hand still playing with your hair. "Hey, I'm not just some nerd who spouts random facts all the time," he protested. "I have charm, intelligence, wit, and a sarcastic sense of humor. Those are all attractive qualities, you know."
You laughed softly, feeling a wave of affection wash over you. "Alright, alright, I admit it," you said, still gazing up at him. "You're charming, intelligent, witty, and you have a sarcastic sense of humor. Not to mention your adorable boyish good looks."
Spencer's cheeks flushed slightly at your compliment, his smile broadening. "Adorable boyish good looks, huh?" he repeated, pretending to be unaffected by your words. "I'll have you know that I'm not just some cute, baby-faced boy. I'm a mature and respectable man."
You laughed again, not fooled by his attempt to play it cool. "Oh, really? A mature and respectable man, huh? Sounds very official, Dr. Reid."
You reached up to playfully pat his chest. "It's okay to admit that you're an adorable genius sometimes, you know. It won't make you any less mature or respectable."
Spencer rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face. "Fine, fine, I'll admit it," he said, feigning resignation. "I am an adorable genius. But don't let it go to my head, okay?"
You chuckled, knowing that it was already too late for that. "Don't worry, I won't let it go to your head," you teased, leaning up to brush a kiss against his jaw. "Well, not too much, at least."
Spencer's heart skipped a beat at the brief press of your lips, a small shiver running down his spine. He tilted his head down to meet your gaze, his eyes locking with yours. "You're enjoying this a little too much, y'know," he murmured, a mock pout on his face.
You chuckled, a mischievous gleam in your eyes. "Oh, am I?" you asked, feigning innocence. "Am I enjoying making fun of my brilliant but adorable boyfriend a bit too much?"
Spencer huffed playfully, although a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Yes, you are," he replied. "You're really milking this, aren't you? I'm not sure if I should be amused or annoyed."
You chuckled again, enjoying the banter between the two of you. "Hmm, let me think," you said, pretending to consider it. "Maybe a bit of both?"
Spencer raised an eyebrow, his expression bordering on mock irritation. "Both, huh? I suppose that's fair," he conceded, his tone still playful. "I can be both amused and annoyed at my girlfriend's relentless teasing. Seems like a typical day in our relationship, really."
You laughed, your hand still pressed against his chest. "It's all part of the fun," you replied, a warm smile on your face. "You know you secretly love it when I tease you."
As your conversation continued, a sudden sound interrupted you both. The oven timer went off, signaling that the cupcakes were done. Well, that was fast.
Spencer's eyes flicked towards the oven, then back to yours. "Looks like the cupcakes are done," he noted, his fingers still idly playing with your hair.
You smiled up at him, realizing that your little distraction had made the baking time fly by. "Looks like it," you agreed, gently untangling yourself from his embrace to attend to the cupcakes.
"Stay there," you instructed, giving him a warning look. "You're not distracting me again with your adorableness, I need to take these out before they burn."
Spencer held up his hands in mock surrender, a playful pout on his lips. "Alright, alright, I won't distract you," he promised, though his eyes followed you as you moved over to the oven.
He watched as you opened the oven and carefully pulled out the tray of freshly baked cupcakes. His gaze lingered on you as you set them down to cool on the countertop.
You laughed, shaking your head at his dramatic response. "That's right," you replied. "Just sit there and keep your charm to yourself, Dr. Reid. Let me finish these without any further distractions."
Spencer pouted slightly, crossing his arms in mock disappointment. "Alright, alright," he said, leaning back against the counter. "I'll be the epitome of patience and restraint, I promise. No more flirting, no more distractions. I'll just... stare at you from over here and admire your baking skills."
You chuckled, appreciating his mock-disappointment. "You flatter me, Spence," you replied, setting the tray of cupcakes on the counter to cool. "But I need less staring and more silence if you don't mind. This frosting isn't going to do itself."
Spencer held up his hands in surrender, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Okay, okay, no more staring. I'll be the model of obedience and silence, I promise. I'll just... be over here, quietly admiring your frosting skills." He paused, his gaze drifting towards the cooling cupcakes. "And trying not to drool over the fact that I can't eat them just yet."
You laughed again, shaking your head at his eagerness. "Patience, Dr. Reid," you said, moving to collect the necessary supplies for the frosting. "You have to wait until they're cooled off properly before you can devour them like a hungry puppy."
As you busied yourself with the frosting, you stole glances at Spencer, amused by his barely contained excitement.
Spencer did his best to contain his excitement, his eyes following your every move as you set up the frosting supplies. His fingers drummed idly against the countertop, and his bottom lip was caught between his teeth as he tried to keep from drooling over the cupcakes.
"How long until they're cooled off, again?" he asked, his voice slightly strained. "Just... curious."
ou shot him an amused smile, continuing to focus on the task at hand. "A few more minutes," you replied, your tongue peeking out of the corner of your mouth as you carefully swirled the chocolate frosting onto one of the cupcakes. "And no touching, no trying to sneak a taste."
Spencer groaned, the sound more of a half-whine than anything else. "But they look so good," he protested, his knuckles whitening as he gripped the countertop to restrain himself. "Just a small taste? Please?"
You shook your head, your smile broadening. "No, no, no," you said firmly, playfully wagging your finger at him. "You have to wait, just like the rest of us mortals. No special treatment for hungry geniuses."
Spencer let out an exaggerated sigh, his shoulders slumping in mock dejection. "But... but I'm hungry," he whined, a pout forming on his face. "And I'm a genius. Surely that counts for something."
You chuckled at his pitiful display, your resolve starting to waver. "You're adorable when you pout," you admitted, placing the pastry bag down and turning to face him. "But you still have to wait, I'm afraid. No special privileges for genius boyfriends."
Spencer leaned forward, resting his chin on his hands, and continued to pout like a child. "It's not fair," he protested, his puppy-dog eyes begging for a taste of the cupcakes. "Why can't I get a little taste, just a tiny one? I'll be good, I promise."
You laughed, your resolve weakening further. "You're really laying it on thick, aren't you?" you teased, unable to resist his pathetic puppy-dog expression. "You're not going to give up until you get a taste, are you?"
Spencer shook his head vigorously, his pout only deepening. "No, I'm not," he replied, clasping his hands together, as if in prayer. "Please, please, please, can I have just one taste? Just a tiny bite, that's all I ask."
You rolled your eyes, trying to maintain a stern expression, but failing miserably. "You're impossible," you said, shaking your head in mock annoyance. "But I can never seem to say no to your puppy-dog eyes."
Spencer's face immediately brightened, his pout melting into a hopeful smile. "Does that mean you'll let me have a taste?" he asked, his voice brimming with anticipation.
You sighed, knowing that you were completely whipped by his adorable pleading. "Alright, fine," you relented, a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. "You can have a taste. But just a little one, okay? Don't go eating half the batch before the rest of us get some."
Spencer's face lit up like a child on Christmas morning. He practically bounded over to the counter, his eyes fixed on the cupcakes as if he'd never seen anything more delicious. "I promise, I'll only have a small taste," he declared, although, from the eager way he was eyeing the cupcakes, you had your doubts.
You chuckled, watching him with amusement as he hovered impatiently by the tray of now-cooled cupcakes. "Easy there, tiger," you said, playfully swatting his hand back. "I meant it when I said just a small taste. Don't get greedy."
Spencer sheepishly withdrew his hand, chagrined. "Sorry, sorry," he muttered, his eyes still glued to the cupcakes. "I won't get greedy, I promise. Just a little taste, that's all I'm asking for."
You nodded, accepting his apology, and handed him a cupcake with a healthy dose of frosting. "Alright, here you go. One small taste, as promised."
Spencer carefully accepted the cupcake, cradling it in his hands like it was a precious artifact. He brought it up to his mouth, his eyes fluttering shut in anticipation as he took a small bite. A satisfied moan escaped his lips as the frosting hit his tongue. "Oh, god, that's good," he murmured, his eyes opening again as he savored the flavor. "So good."
You chuckled, watching as his expression went from eager to blissfully content in an instant. "You look like you're in ecstasy," you teased gently, leaning against the counter. "I take it you approve?"
Spencer nodded fervently, swallowing the bite he'd taken. "Approve is an understatement," he replied. "This is... this is a religious experience. It's like a fluffy, sugary cloud of joy exploding in my mouth."
You laughed again at his dramatic response, touched by the simple joy a single bite of your cupcakes had brought him. "Well, I'm glad it's living up to your high standards, Dr. Reid," you quipped, leaning in closer to steal a tiny bit of frosting from his cupcake.
Spencer barely seemed to notice the loss of frosting on his cupcake, still caught up in his food-induced euphoria. "It far exceeds my high standards," he mumbled, taking another bite and letting out another moan of pleasure. "I might have to marry you just for these cupcakes."
You chuckled, his declaration both charming and comical. "Oh, really? Is that the only reason you'd consider marrying me?" you teased, enjoying the way his guard was completely down in his blissful cupcake-induced state.
Spencer looked up from his cupcake, meeting your gaze with a goofy smile. "Well, no," he admitted, a bit of frosting smeared on his lip. "But these cupcakes definitely make the list of reasons why I should marry you."
You reached out, wiping the bit of frosting from his lip with your thumb. "Good to know your stomach is a major consideration in your decision-making process," you teased, a soft smile on your face.
Spencer chuckled, licking a stray bit of frosting off his lip. "Hey, it's an important factor in life decisions, you can't fault me for that," he replied, his eyes sparkling. "Good food is a non-negotiable in any relationship."
You rolled your eyes, amused by his priorities. "Alright, I'll give you that," you relented. "But what about love and commitment? Those still make your list of must-haves, right?"
Spencer's expression softened and he reached out to take your hand. "Of course they do," he said, lacing his fingers through yours. "Love, commitment, trust, all the important stuff. But good food is definitely a big bonus."
You smiled at the touch of his hand and pulled him closer to you. "I guess I can live with that," you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his waist. "Especially since I plan on keeping you well-fed."
You quickly snatch a huge bite into the cupcake in Spencer's hand, your mouth getting frosting smeared all over.
"Hey!" he protested, a mix of shock and amusement in his eyes. "That's cheating!"
You couldn't help but laugh at his flabbergasted expression, your mouth still filled with cupcake goodness. "I couldn't resist," you mumbled, through your mouthful of frosting and cupcake base. "Besides, sharing is caring!"
Spencer tried to pout, but the corners of his mouth were twitching with suppressed laughter. "That was just greedy," he protested, but his tone was playful. "You could've at least asked first!"
You swallowed the bite of cupcake, a cheeky grin on your face. "But where's the fun in asking when I could just steal a bite?" you teased, sticking your tongue out at him, still covered in frosting.
Spencer rolled his eyes, but he couldn't keep the smile off his face. "You're wicked, you know that?" he said, reaching out to smear some of the frosting onto your nose.
You let out a squeal as the cold frosting touched your nose, giggling at his antics. "Hey, no fair!" you protested, trying to dodge his frosting-covered thumb. "You know I'm ticklish there!"
Spencer chuckled, relishing in the joyful moment. "Oh, I know," he replied, a mischievous grin on his face. "It's just so adorable when you squeak." He attempted to dot your nose with more frosting, laughing at your attempts to evade him.
You continued to laugh involuntarily as he kept trying to smear frosting on your nose, the feeling both ticklish and cold. "Spence, stop, stop!" you gasped, trying to swat his hand away. "You're going to make a mess!"
Spencer ignored your plea, laughing at your attempts to keep him from decorating your nose with frosting. "I thought you were the one who said sharing is caring," he teased, continuing to dab frosting onto your nose. "Now you're trying to deny me the opportunity to share with you!"
You finally managed to grab his wrist, stopping his frosting assault on your nose. Instead taking his thumb covered with frosting into your mouth.
Spencer's eyes widened as a shiver ran down his spine, and a flush of heat crept up his neck. He let out a soft gasp at the unexpected feeling.
Your tongue swirled around his thumb, licking off the frosting. You looked up at him through your lashes, a playful gleam in your eyes. His breath caught in his throat as he watched you, his face growing redder by the second.
He slowly pulled his thumb from your mouth, reluctantly breaking the contact. His pulse was racing, his throat dry. He swallowed hard, trying to regain control of his racing heart. "That... that was a bit of a dirty move," he managed to splutter out, sounding strained.
You smirked at his flustered state, enjoying the effect you had on him. "I just didn't want you to waste any more frosting," you replied, feigning innocence. "You were making quite a mess, after all."
Spencer's brain was having a hard time forming coherent thoughts, his mind hazy with the sensation of your tongue on his skin. He shook his head, trying to regain his composure. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" he asked, his voice a bit huskier than usual.
You bit back a laugh, the sight of him so flustered was highly amusing. "Maybe a little," you admitted, shrugging. "It's not every day I get to see the great Dr. Reid rendered speechless, after all."
Spencer huffed out a laugh but couldn't argue. "Okay, you got me there," he admitted his cheeks still a little flushed from your earlier actions. "But I feel I should warn you, I don't shy away from retaliating."
You grab a napkin, wipe at your mouth and nose, getting all the frosting off, before throwing it into the trash bin.
A thrill of excitement shot through you at his warning, your pulse quickening. "Oh, really?" you challenged, raising an eyebrow. "And what, pray tell, does this retaliation involve?"
Spencer could definitely be dominating if need be. But he was a soft dom. He had tried being more rough and demanding with you during sex, but he didn't like it. Didn't like degrading you or being awful to you despite it only being for the act.
You watched as the corners of his mouth tugged upward into a mischievous smile. "Let's just say," he said slowly, his voice dropping an octave. "I could think of a few ways to get payback that don't involve pastries."
You felt a shiver run down your spine at the sudden low timber of his voice and the look in his eyes. A mixture of anticipation and excitement fluttered in your stomach. "Is that a threat or a promise, Reid?" you asked, your voice slightly breathless.
Spencer stepped closer to you, the gap between you diminishing rapidly. "Both," he replied, his tone dropping even lower. "A threat of what I'll do to you, and a promise of enjoying every second of it."
You shivered again, your body responding to his proximity, the heat in his gaze. "Careful, Spence," you warned, your voice softer than you'd intended. "I might just call your bluff."
"That's all the invitation I need," he murmured, his body now flush against yours. He reached up, gently wrapping a hand around your chin, tilting your face up to look at him. His brown eyes were nearly black with desire. "You have no idea the things I've been wanting to do to you, sweetheart," he murmured, his thumb brushing against your lower lip.
His touch sent a jolt of electricity through your body, your breathing growing ragged. "And here I'd thought you were a perfect gentleman," you managed to tease, your voice betraying your own desire. "Little did I know you have a deviant side too."
"Oh, you have no idea," he murmured again, his eyes roaming over your face. His finger ghosted over your neck, the skin there heating under his touch. "I'm not a saint, sweetheart. Not by a long shot." His lips twitched into a small, almost predatory smile. "And when it comes to you, I'm practically a sinner."
Your knees almost buckled at his words, your body reacting strongly to the mixture of his proximity and his voice. "Well, if that's the case," you said, your voice trembling, "then I suppose I'm damned too."
A low growl escaped Spencer's throat, his grip on your chin tightening slightly. "Damned? No, love," he murmured, before swooping down to claim your lips in a bruising kiss. His mouth was hot and demanding, his kiss rough with pent-up desire.
Your gasp was swallowed by the fervor of his kiss, your arms immediately going around his neck to pull him closer. His tongue licked its way into your mouth, claiming every inch with an urgency that belied his earlier restraint. His hands moved to your hips, his fingers digging into the flesh as if he was afraid you would slip through his grasp if he didn't anchor you to him.
The kiss between you was hungry, a clash of lips and teeth and tongue, spurred on by the weeks of missed intimacy. Spencer pulled you closer, his fingers digging into your hips as if he couldn't bear to let go. When he finally pulled back for air, both of you were panting heavily, your cheeks flushed and your breaths mingling. "You drive me insane," he muttered against your lips, his voice gravelly. "You have no idea what you do to me, baby."
"The feeling is mutual," you panted, your breath stuttering in your chest from the kiss. You could feel his desire rolling off him in waves, his body pressed tightly against yours, the heat from his skin burning through the thin barrier of your clothing. You ran your fingers through the messy curls at the back of his head, tugging lightly. "I don't think I can wait any longer, Spence," you admitted, your voice low and hoarse. "I need you. Now."
Spencer shuddered at your words, a low moan escaping from his lips. The need in your voice, the desperate wanting, was like an aphrodisiac. He captured your mouth again in another hungry kiss, this one more urgent than the last. "I don't want to wait either," he muttered against your lips, his hands roaming over your body, pulling at your clothes, seeking skin. "I've missed you so much."
Your own hands began to wander, pulling at buttons and zippers, desperate to feel his skin against yours. "God, I've missed you too," you gasped, your fingers finally finding their way under his shirt, running over the bare skin of his stomach and chest. "Please, Spence. I need you. Need you now."
With a gentleness, Spencer lifted you and settled you down on the cool countertop of the kitchen. He kept most of his weight off of you, placing his hands on either side of you so he could hover over you. "Is this okay?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. "I don't want to hurt you."
"I'm fine," you assured him, reaching up to cup his face in your hands. "I just need to feel you, Spence. All of you." You pulled his head down to yours, kissing him fiercely, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him closer. "I need you," you repeated against his lips, your fingers running over the bare skin of his back, feeling the muscles flexing beneath your touch.
Spencer groaned at the feel of your legs around him, the sound deep and primal. He slid his tongue into your mouth, the kiss turning heated and desperate. His body trembled with the need to be closer to you, to feel all of you against him. "I'm right here, sweetheart," he murmured against your lips, his hands roaming over your body. "I'm not going anywhere."
Your heart was pounding, your body arching into his touch as he caressed you. "I need you naked, Spence. I need to feel you against me. All of you," you panted, tugging at the hem of his shirt. "Now. Please."
Spencer didn't need to be told twice. He quickly removed his shirt, then leaned down to pull yours off as well. Your skin was warm and smooth beneath his fingers, his own body thrumming with need. He pressed himself against you, his bare chest against your chest, the feeling of skin against skin sending a shiver through him. "God, sweetheart," he muttered, his voice guttural. "You feel so good."
"So do you," you gasped, your hands running over the bare planes of his chest and stomach. You could feel the heat of his skin against yours, the weight of his body pressing you into the countertop, and it only served to fuel the desire burning within you. "Touch me, Spence," you begged, your voice ragged. "Please, I need your hands on me. Everywhere."
"I'm not going to make you wait any longer," he murmured, his hands beginning to wander over your skin. He touched every inch of you that he could reach, fingers skimming over your shoulders, your collarbone, your stomach. "You're beautiful," he repeated, his voice low. "So damn beautiful." His hands continued to roam, finding every sensitive spot on your body, setting your nerve endings on fire.
He placed his palm against your stomach, pushing you carefully to lay down flat against the countertop. Spencer's hands were shaking slightly, his eyes dark with desire as they roamed over your body. He gripped the waistband of your shorts, his knuckles brushing against the sensitive skin of your stomach. He began to pull them down, his movements gentle but insistent, your underwear following closely behind. "Lift your hips," he murmured, his breath hot against your skin.
You did as he said, lifting your hips off the countertop, his hands pulling your shorts and underwear down your legs and discarding them on the floor. You were completely bare before him now, the cool air causing gooseflesh to rise on your skin. But Spencer's heated gaze made you feel anything but cold, his eyes trailing over every inch of you with a look of reverence.
He ran a hand up your inner thigh, the movement gentle yet possessive. "You're so beautiful, pretty girl," he said, his voice thick with emotion. His fingers traced the curve of your hip, his calloused skin sending shivers through you. "I've missed seeing you like this." He leaned down, his lips trailing over your stomach, his mouth moving lower...
The feel of his lips against your skin sent a rush of heat through you, your body already responding to his touch. You reached down, running your fingers through his curls, holding him close. "Spence," you gasped, your voice ragged with need. "Please. I need you."
Spencer's eyes met yours, his gaze burning. "I know, sweetheart," he murmured, his fingers digging into your hips. "Just a minute. Let me taste you first."
Your breath hitched at his words, your body already arching towards him in anticipation. You watched as he lowered his head, his mouth moving to the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. The feeling of his lips and tongue against your skin was intoxicating, his mouth leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
He took his time, his kisses slow and deliberate, his tongue tracing patterns against your skin that had you writhing beneath him. He worshipped your body with his mouth, his lips moving ever closer to where you needed him most.
You were panting now, your hands clenching in his hair, your body arching off the countertop, seeking more of his touch. "Spence, please," you pleaded, your voice strained. "I can't take any more. I need you, now."
"Just a little more, sweetheart," he murmured against your skin, his breath hot against you. "I want you to come like this. I want to taste you when you're falling apart for me."
Those words, that low, gravelly tone in his voice, almost sent you over the edge alone. But then he moved his mouth to where you needed it most, and a cry tore from your lips as he began to taste you, his tongue and lips moving against your folds.
He tugged you closer to the edge, making you squeak as he chuckled between your legs, draping them over his shoulders.
It was hard to form coherent thoughts, your mind filled with nothing but sensations — the feel of his mouth against you, the heat of his breath, the possessive grip of his hands on your hips. You arched off the countertop, your body taut as a bowstring, each flick of his tongue against your clit bringing you closer to the edge.
"God, sweetheart, you taste so good," he murmured against you, his voice rough. "So sweet. I could do this for hours and it would never be enough." He increased the pressure, his tongue moving with a purpose, driving you higher and higher.
It was too much, the pleasure building to a peak that you knew you couldn't hold back from. "Spence, I'm...I'm coming," you panted, your body trembling. "I'm coming, oh god."
''Come for me, come on my tongue, pretty girl,'' Spencer muttered against your clit.
He didn't let up, his mouth and tongue continuing their relentless assault until you were crying out his name, your orgasm ripping through you, your body arching up off the countertop. He held you there, his mouth against you, his hands steadying your hips until you were spent, your body boneless against the countertop.
You lay panting, your body still trembling from the intensity of your orgasm. Spencer moved back up your body, his eyes dark with desire as he looked down at you. "You're so beautiful when you come," he murmured, his voice thick with need. He leaned down, capturing your mouth in a deep kiss.
After a few moments, Spencer pulled back, his breathing still labored. He looked down at you, his eyes roaming over your flushed face and disheveled hair. "You okay, sweetheart?" he asked, his voice filled with tenderness.
You nodded, your body still feeling boneless and sated. "Yeah, I'm okay," you murmured. "That was...incredible." You reached up to touch his face, your fingers tracing over his stubbled jaw.
Spencer leaned into your touch, his eyes closing at the feel of your fingers against his skin. "Good," he replied, his voice soft. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" He glanced down at the countertop, realizing just now where he had taken you. "I wasn't too...enthusiastic, was I?"
You laughed, shaking your head. "No, you were perfect," you assured him. "But, you did just eat me out, right next to the cupcakes.''
Spencer's eyes widened as he looked down at the countertop again, realizing the exact same thing. "Oh. Right," he said, a sheepish expression crossing his face. "Well, I guess we did." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I got a little...carried away, I suppose."
You laughed again, amused by his reaction. "It's okay," you reassured him. "I don't think it's the first time we've...defiled the kitchen countertop.''
Spencer smiled at that, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "No, you're right," he agreed. "We have been known to...christen multiple surfaces throughout the house."
"I don't think there's anywhere in this house that hasn't been defiled by us yet," you teased, a grin spreading across your face.
"Well, we have been living together for a while now," he reasoned, his hand running idly over your bare hip. "It's a wonder we haven't broken any of the furniture yet."
You let out a small chuckle, ''The day will come.''
Spencer laughed at that, ''Oh, I'm waiting for that day.''
After a moment of comfortable silence, Spencer spoke up again. "We should probably clean up," he murmured, his hand still running over your hip. "You're a little..sticky."
"Yeah, you're right," you agreed, a smile playing on your lips. "And we should probably do something about all the...evidence that we just did what we did right in front of the cupcakes."
Spencer chuckled, his eyes meeting yours. "Yes, that too," he agreed. "But first, I need to take care of you." He shifted his weight, gently lifting you off of the countertop and into his arms.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, allowing him to carry you out of the kitchen and down the hallway toward the bathroom. "Taking care of me, huh?" you teased, nuzzling your face into his shoulder.
"Of course," he replied, his arms tightening around you. "I need to make sure you're comfortable and taken care of, especially after I essentially manhandled you on the kitchen countertop."
You laughed, enjoying the feeling of being held in his strong arms. "I think it's safe to say I didn't mind the manhandling," you assured him, kissing his neck.
He chuckled, his grip loosening as he set you down on the bathroom counter. "I'm glad to hear that," he said, his hands moving to your hips as he gazed down at you. "But still, I want to make sure you're okay. That I didn't get too...carried away."
You met his gaze, seeing the concern and tenderness in his eyes. "I'm okay," you reassured him, cupping his face in your hands. "And you didn't get too carried away. I enjoyed every moment of it, I promise. And I know you'd never hurt me."
A relieved smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, and he leaned into your touch, pressing a kiss to your palm. "Good," he murmured, his breath warm against your skin. "I just want you to always feel safe and comfortable with me. I never want you to feel like I'm taking things too far or being too...forceful."
Spencer reached for a washcloth, turning on the sink and running it under warm water. He squeezed out the excess water, his eyes never leaving yours. "I know I can get...carried away sometimes," he admitted, his voice low. "Especially when I'm with you. But I never want you to feel overpowered or uncomfortable."
"I know," you assured him, reaching out to brush your fingertips against his cheek. "And I don't. You always make me feel safe and cared for, even in the most... intense moments."
He smiled, leaning into your touch. "Good," he murmured, taking the washcloth and gently wiping away your essence. His touch was tender and careful, his movements slow and methodical.
"You're always so gentle and caring," you observed, watching as he cleaned you with the cloth. "Even when you're being...dominant."
He chuckled, his eyes meeting yours. "I may be dominant, but that doesn't mean I don't care about your comfort and pleasure," he said, his tone low and steady. "I would never do anything to hurt or diminish you. I love you too much for that."
You smiled, a warmth spreading through you at his words. "I know you do," you murmured, reaching up to brush your fingers through his hair. "And I love you too. I feel safe with you, no matter what we're doing. You always take care of me."
He set the washcloth aside, his eyes full of tenderness as he looked at you. "I will always take care of you," he whispered, resting his forehead against yours. "You're the most important thing to me, and I will always do everything in my power to make sure you're happy and safe."
You melted at his words, a wave of affection and love washing over you. "You're such a sap," you teased, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "But I love it."
He chuckled, a mock offended look crossing his face. "Hey, I'll have you know that I am a very rational, logical FBI agent," he protested, his tone light. "I cannot possibly be labeled a sap."
"Oh, of course," you agreed, laughter in your voice. "Because FBI agents are known for being rational and logical, and definitely not sappy at all when it comes to their partners."
He tried to maintain his mock offense, but a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Alright, alright," he conceded, his eyes sparkling. "I may be a little sappy when it comes to you. But I blame you for making me this way."
''Mhm.. definitely my fault.''
Spencer's hands came up to cup your face, pulling you gently against him as he leaned down and captured your lips in a tender kiss. The kiss was slow and sweet, full of affection and tenderness. As the kiss deepened, his arms came around you, pulling you flush against his body.
You melted into him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you lost yourself in the feel of his mouth against yours. As the kiss finally ended, he pulled back just far enough to look into your eyes. "I love you," he whispered, his voice rough with emotion.
Your heart fluttered at his words, your entire being filled with a sense of love and security. "I love you too," you breathed, your fingers tracing over his stubbled jaw. He pulled you closer, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"You're everything to me," he murmured, his breath hot against your skin.
You closed your eyes, relishing the feel of his arms around you and the sound of his voice. "You're everything to me too," you replied, your fingers running through his hair. "I can't imagine my life without you." He lifted his head, smiling down at you. "Good thing you don't have to," he said, his tone light.
"You're stuck with me forever, sweetheart."
''I don't mind.''
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rynwritesreid · 9 months
A night to remember-Spencer Reid
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A/N: Okay, firstly thank you for all the love on mind-games, honestly I might post the next chapter next week but I am not sure. Also, for some reason even if you @ is correct and everything, some times tumblr won’t let me tag you :(
Summary: Spencer is back from prison, and he’s changed but not in all the ways you want. You discuss with Spencer something you’ve been wanting to try and he is willing to give it a shot.
Content: Post prison Spencer. Fem!reader. Mean dom spencer. Sub!reader. Pet names/name calling. Degrading kink. Overstimulation. Orgasm denial. Begging. Established relationship. Smut (and some fluff). Spencer asks a lot of time for your consent (as they should, especially if you are in BDSM dom/sub relationship). Begging. Sex toys. Virginal fingering. Handcuffs(slight bondage ig) 18+
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It wasn’t a secret that prison, and the whole Cat Adams situation, had changed Spencer. It was evident in the way Spencer carried himself, the hardened glint in his eyes that pierced through the darkness. The weight of his experiences behind bars had etched lines on his face, transforming him into someone unrecognizable.
He seemed darker; he didn’t seem to mind having to kill in order to protect anymore. He had told you on several occasions that he would kill for you, well his exact words were; “you I’d kill for you. I mean if anyone ever tried to hurt you, I would make sure that’s the last ever thing they’d do.”
Though Spencer had always been protective, this was new, and while the rest of the team knew what he had been through recently had changed him, they had no idea just how much it had changed him.
Spencer had also changed how he was at home; he was no longer ‘vanilla’, but he wasn’t exactly rough. He treated you like a princess; he would not let you go to sleep until he had at least made you cum twice. And while you loved this, you wanted him to be rough with you, degrade you, to spank you and to deny you the pleasure he so often gives you.
But you didn’t know how to bring this up with him. You didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable, or like he wasn’t good enough and that you weren’t enjoying what he was doing. However, you also knew nothing would change if you didn’t bring this up with him.
One evening, as Spencer cooked dinner for the both of them, you couldn't help but find the perfect opportunity to broach the subject. The room was filled with the aroma of his signature dish, a comforting reminder of the old Spencer, and you felt a pang of nostalgia.
As you sat across from him, you took a deep breath and began, "Spencer, I know things have changed since your time in prison, but I need to tell you something that's been on my mind."
He halted mid-stir, his knife-wielding hand trembling slightly. You could see the cogs turning behind his eyes, trying to process the implications of your words.
"I want to try something new in the bedroom. I want you to be rough with me, to dominate me, to make me feel as if I'm entirely under your control. I mean don’t get me wrong I enjoy what you do now, but I want this, I’ve wanted this for so long.”
Spencer set the knife down carefully on the cutting board, wiping his hand on his apron before turning to face you. The look of concern had faded, replaced by a hint of curiosity and intrigue. He had always been good at reading people; this was no different.
"Is that all?" he asked, eyebrows raised. "You want me to be rough with you? To dominate you?"
You nodded, glancing down at your own hands, fidgeting nervously in your lap. A sudden surge of heat filled your cheeks as you spoke, "Yes, Spencer. I want you to control me. I want you to take me in a way that I've never been taken before. I want to feel completely vulnerable and at your mercy.
It was a request he had never received before, but he saw the raw desire in your eyes. He could sense the urgency in your voice, and the hunger that was burning deep within you.
"Alright, but I need you to trust me," he said, taking a deep breath. "This will be different, and it might be intense."
You nodded, your heart racing with anticipation. You had never felt this way before, this desperate need to be dominated, to give yourself completely to him. The thought of it made you shudder with excitement.
“Well, we can’t do anything now, we need to eat, so you just sit there and look pretty for the time been while I finish dinner, okay?” Spencer chuckled under his breath, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. The look in your eyes told him that this wasn't just some fleeting desire, it was something that had been simmering deep within you for quite some time. He knew that he had to tread carefully, as this was uncharted territory for both of them.
Spencer continued to prepare the meal, his thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. He knew that he had to show you the intensity and control you craved without truly hurting you. He needed to make you trusted him completely, and only then could he truly take control.
As dinner was ready, Spencer dished up the meal and served it onto the plates. Sitting down, he took a moment to observe you. Your eyes were filled with a mixture of anticipation and a slight hint of trepidation. He knew you were scared, but he also knew that you trusted him enough to explore this new territory.
"You have my word," he said softly, looking directly into your eyes. "I'll take care of you, and I'll make sure you feel safe and cherished throughout this whole experience. But you have to trust me. Can you do that?"
You looked into his eyes, feeling a wave of relief wash over you at his promise. Trusting him was easy, you knew that. You trusted him with your life, and that was no small thing.
"Yes, Spencer," you whispered, your voice trembling slightly. "I trust you."
He smiled; relief evident in his expression. "Good," he said, taking your hand in his. "Then let's eat, and we'll talk about what this entails later."
As you ate, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within you. This wasn't just about trying something new; it was about exploring a side of your relationship that you had never dared too before. You knew it would be intense, but you trusted Spencer to guide you through it.
After dinner, you both sat on the couch, the dishes cleaned up and put away. Spencer turned to face you; his expression serious but gentle.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked, his eyes searching yours for any sign of doubts.
You nodded, taking a deep breath. "I trust you, Spencer. I know you'll take care of me."
He smiled, reaching out to cup your face in his hands. "I won't let you down," he promised, his voice firm and reassuring.
With that, he leaned in and kissed you lightly, a tender touch that spoke of the trust and affection that had always been the foundation of your relationship.
You watched as he moved closer, his eyes never leaving yours. He kissed you again, this time with more passion, his lips lingering on yours. You could feel his hand gently brushing your hair off your face, his touch sending a shiver through your body.
"You're mine," he whispered, his voice low and intense.
You smiled up at him, your heart racing. This was it, the moment you had been waiting for. You knew that it would be intense, that it would test your limits, but you trusted him completely.
"I'm yours," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
Spencer slowly pulled away, his eyes never leaving yours. He traced his fingers along your jaw, his touch gentle but firm. He could feel the heat radiating from your skin, a testament to the desire that was coursing through you.
He stood up, towering over you, his body tense with anticipation. You could see the change in him, the alpha male dominance that had been dormant for so long beginning to surface.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked one last time, his voice deep and commanding.
You nodded, your heart racing. You were ready for this, ready to explore the darker side of your desires.
With that, Spencer reached down and grabbed your hand, pulling you to your feet. He led you to the bedroom, the air thick with anticipation.
As you entered the bedroom, Spencer turned to face you, his eyes burning with intensity. He was no longer the gentle man you had known before, but a powerful and dominating presence that filled the room.
"Kneel," he commanded, his voice thick with desire.
You quickly obeyed, your heart pounding with excitement as you looked up at him. He stood over you, his muscles tense, his eyes fixed on your face.
"You're mine," he repeated, his voice a low growl. "And you will submit to me completely."
You nodded, your eyes never leaving his. You were ready for this, ready to give yourself to him completely. He reached down and grabbed your wrist, pulling you to your feet.
"Take off your clothes," he ordered, his voice firm.
You did as he commanded, feeling a thrill of excitement as you stripped down to your underwear. He watched you intently, his eyes never leaving your body. He knew what he wanted, and he was going to take it.
He took a step forward, touching your skin for the first time. His fingers traced the curve of your hip, the soft skin of your stomach, and the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs. You shivered, feeling a flood of pleasure course through your body.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered, his voice rough with desire.
His hands moved up to your breasts, cupping them in his large palms, kneading them gently. You moaned softly, your desire for him growing stronger by the second.
Spencer's lips met your neck, his tongue tracing the curve of your throat, and his teeth gently nipping at your skin. He moved down to one of your breasts, taking it into his mouth and sucking it gently. You arched your back, thrusting your chest out to meet his lips, and he took the other breast in his mouth as well.
He stood up, undressing himself as he did so. You watched, mesmerized, as his body revealed itself to you. He was everything you had imagined and more.
He stood in front of you, his erection hard and ready. You reached out to touch him, but he stopped you.
"No," he commanded, his voice firm. "I decide when you touch me.”
You looked up at him, your eyes pleading. You wanted so much to touch him, but you trusted him enough to follow his lead.
"Turn around," he commanded, his voice low and seductive.
You complied, your heart racing as you did so. You knew that this was the moment you had been waiting for, and you were ready to give yourself to him completely.
Spencer stood behind you, his hands resting gently on your hips. He leaned in and whispered in your ear, "You're mine, and I'm going to take you in ways you've never imagined before."
He slowly began to touch your skin, his fingers tracing the curve of your hip, the soft skin of your stomach, and the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs. You shivered, feeling a flood of pleasure course through your body. His fingers moved up to your breasts, cupping them in his large palms, kneading them gently. You moaned softly, your desire for him growing stronger by the second.
Spencer's lips met your neck, his tongue tracing the curve of your throat, and his teeth gently nipping at your skin. He moved down to one of your breasts, taking it into his mouth and sucking it gently.
"You ready for this?" he asked, his voice low and seductive.
"Yes," you whispered, your voice shaking with anticipation.
As you spoke, you felt his hands on your waist, pulling you closer. His erection was now pressed against your back, a reminder of what was to come.
He guided you towards the bed, gently placing you down on the soft sheets. You could feel the anticipation building inside you, your heart pounding with excitement.
Spencer climbed on top of you, his body hovering above you. He looked into your eyes, his expression intense and full of desire.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked one last time, his voice deep and commanding.
You nodded, your eyes never leaving his. "I trust you," you whispered. "I'm yours."
With that, he leaned down and kissed you passionately, his lips crushing against yours. His tongue slipped into your mouth, exploring, and tasting you, as if to mark his territory.
You could feel his breath against your skin, hot and ragged, matched only by your own. His hips moved against yours, his erection pulsing with desire, and you knew that this was it. This was the moment you had been waiting for, the moment when you would give yourself completely to him.
He slowly pulled away, his eyes never leaving yours. He traced his fingers along your jaw, his touch gentle but firm. You could feel the tingle of his fingers on your skin, a reminder of the journey you were about to embark on.
He reached down and grabbed your wrists, pinning them above your head. You felt the rush of dominance that flowed through him, a primal instinct that had been dormant for so long but was now fully alive.
"You're mine," he growled, his voice thick with desire. "And you will do as I say."
His eyes bored into yours, filled with a fierce intensity that made your heart race even faster. You could see the animalistic hunger in him, the raw desire that couldn't be contained any longer.
He leaned down and nipped at your neck, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin, causing you to moan in pleasure. You could feel the heat of his body against your own, and you knew that there was no turning back now.
Spencer's lips moved up to your ear, his breath hot against your skin as he whispered, "You're going to love this."
You felt his erection throbbing against your thigh, a reminder of what was to come. You were ready for this, ready to give yourself completely to him.
He slowly moved his hand down your body, trailing his fingers along your side until they reached your inner thigh. You could feel the heat and desire radiating from his body, and you knew that this was the moment you had been waiting for.
As his fingers brushed against the sensitive skin near your core, you felt a surge of pleasure and arousal coursing through your body. You arched your back, pressing yourself against him, wanting more.
Spencer's hand continued to explore your body, moving lower and lower until he finally reached your most intimate place. He slowly slid one finger inside you, feeling the warmth and wetness that welcomed him.
You moaned softly, your body trembling with pleasure as his finger moved inside you. He pulled it out and brought it up to your lips, smearing your essence on them.
"Taste yourself," he commanded, his voice deep and authoritative.
You complied, licking his finger clean, savouring the taste of your own desire. It only fuelled your desire for him even more.
"You taste delicious, don’t you," Spencer whispered, his eyes burning with desire.
With his other hand, he slowly pulled your legs apart, spreading them wide open for him. You could feel the heat between your legs growing, and you knew that this was the moment you had been waiting for.
As his fingers continued to explore your body, you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you like a tidal wave. You knew that you were completely at his mercy and that he was going to take you to places you never thought possible.
Spencer's hand continued to move between your legs, teasing and taunting you with its every touch. You were more than ready for him, your body trembling with anticipation, and yet he seemed to want to savour this moment.
Your heart was pounding in your chest, your breath coming quicker and quicker as you felt his fingers slowly enter you again. This time, he didn't stop, pulling out and plunging back in, faster and harder with each thrust.
"Fuck, you're so tight," he groaned, his voice ragged with desire. "I want you so bad."
You could feel his erection pressing against your thigh, throbbing with need, and you wanted nothing more than to feel him inside you.
"I'm going to make you scream my name," Spencer promised, his voice low and sultry.
As he continued to thrust into you, his fingers moving in and out of you in a rhythm that was both maddening and intoxicating, you couldn't help but moan softly, your body arching in response to his touch. You could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, your desire for him growing stronger with each passing second.
“You look so beautiful like this, surrendering yourself to me, letting me make you moan like the slut you really are.” He whispered; his voice filled with lust.
Your body trembled in response, your arousal increasing with every word. You knew that you were completely at his mercy, and you loved every moment of it.
Spencer's fingers continued to move inside you, pulsing rhythmically with his thrusts. You could feel his erection growing harder and thicker against your thigh, and you knew that he was close.
"I want to hear you scream," Spencer hissed.
Just as you were about cum, he pulled a way, a small smirk on his face.
“Did you think I was going to let you cum that easily?” he asked, his voice filled with amusement.
You gasped, your body flush with disappointment but also anticipation. He knew exactly what he was doing to you, and it was thrilling.
Spencer leaned down, his lips brushing against your ear. "I'm going to make you beg for it," he whispered, “and remember when you are begging for it, you asked for this, you wanted this.”
He slowly put his fingers back in you, but his pace no longer fast, it was slow, and it was deliberate.
"Please, Spencer," you whimpered, your body craving the release that he was denying you.
“Is that all you’ve got baby? And is this all it’s taken me?” he taunted, his lips still brushing against your ear. "You're going to have to do better than that, little one."
His fingers moved in and out of you, teasing your most sensitive spot, and you knew that he was going to make you beg for it. You could feel yourself getting closer to the edge, your body trembling with the need to cum.
And just like before he stopped, he wasn’t going to give in even though it was killing him not too. Your eyes were pleading with him, begging him to continue, but you both knew that wasn’t going to happen.
“Now if I remember correctly, you brought toys to replace me while I was gone, didn’t you?” he smirked, his eyes locked on yours, “I think it’s time to put them to use.”
Spencer’s eyes were scanning the room, trying to see where you might have put them, he knew it wouldn’t have been in any of the normal places. That’s when his eyes landed on the wardrobe, and he looked back at you.
“I can see that look in your eyes, baby. You’re so desperate for it, aren’t you?” he murmured, his voice low and seductive. “Now did you hide them in there, princess?”
You nod yes, unable to form any more words as you feel a surge of anticipation and desire.
Spencer walks over to the wardrobe and opens it, revealing a small collection of sex toys that you had purchased while he was away. He grabs a vibrator and a pair of handcuffs, his eyes never leaving yours.
"I knew you couldn't resist," he smirks, his voice filled with victory. "Now, let's see how much you can take, shall we?"
He walks back over to you, the vibrator in his hand, and secures your hands above your head with the handcuffs. You struggle slightly, but the desire coursing through you is too intense to resist.
You watch as Spencer approaches you, his eyes burning with hunger. He runs the tip of the vibrator along your sensitive skin, teasing you mercilessly.
"This is going to feel so good, baby," he whispers, his voice thick with desire. His tone is commanding, and you have no choice but to obey.
He turns on the vibrator and presses it against your clit, and you let out a soft moan. The sensation is intense, and you can feel your body responding to it.
"That's it, baby," Spencer encourages. "You're so wet, so ready for me."
He pushes the vibrator inside you, and you feel it pulsate against your inner walls. "Take it all, you slut."
Your eyes roll back as the sensation overwhelms you, and you let out a loud moan of pleasure. Spencer smiles slyly, watching as you lose control.
"There's my good girl," he purrs. "You're such a dirty little slut."
He increases the speed of the vibrator, and you arch your back, trying to get closer to the pleasure. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer, your body trembling with each pulse of the vibrator.
"Please," you whimper, your voice barely a whisper. "Don't stop."
Spencer grins, his eyes locked on yours. "Not yet baby. I want to see you beg for it."
He pulls the vibrator out of you and turns it off, leaving you desperate for more. You look at him in desperation, your pupils dilated, your breathing ragged.
"Please, Spencer," you beg, your voice shaking with need. "Please, I need it so badly."
He smirks at your desperation, his eyes never leaving yours. "You want it?”
With a sly grin, he takes the vibrator and runs it along your outer lips, teasing you mercilessly. You can't help but moan softly, your body arching towards him in response.
"Beg for it, baby," he commands, his voice a mix of desire and amusement. "Tell me how much you need it."
Your breath hitches in your throat, your desire for him growing stronger with each passing second. "I need it so badly, Spencer. Please, I'm begging you."
He chuckles softly, his eyes never leaving yours. "That's my good girl. You know exactly what you want."
And with that, he pressed the vibrator back inside you, and you let out a loud moan of pleasure. It felt amazing, better than anything you had ever experienced before. He continued to tease you with the vibrator, moving it in and out of you, and you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.
"Please, Spencer," you pleaded, your voice shaking with need. "Please let me cum. Please make me cum."
He smirked at your desperation; his eyes locked on yours. "You're going to have to beg for it, my dear," he said, his voice low and sultry.
But you didn't care. You needed this. You needed him. And so, you let out a desperate moan, your body trembling with the need to cum. "Please, Spencer," you pleaded, "I need it so badly. Please make me cum.”
You were past the point of no return, Spencer's commands and denial only adding fuel to the fire. Your body was on fire, desperately craving the release he was denying you. You knew you could take it no longer, and yet, you found yourself begging for more.
"Please, Spencer," you moaned, your voice pleading. "Let me cum."
He chuckled, a wicked glimmer in his eyes. "Not yet baby. I want to draw this out," he said, running the vibrator over your clit, sending shivers of pleasure through your body.
"Please, Spencer," you begged, your voice hoarse. "I need it so badly."
He smirked, a devilish look on his face. "But you're forgetting something, you asked for this. You wanted to be treated like a slut, but now you’re begging for me to make you cum?”
You knew you needed to beg for it. You needed to surrender to him, to let him have control over your body, your mind, your very being.
"Please, Spencer," you whimpered, "please make me cum. Please, I can't take it anymore.”
He took the vibrator and ran it along your outer lips, teasing you mercilessly. You could feel the pulsating sensation building up inside you, your body arching towards him in response.
"Please, Spencer," you begged. "I need it so badly."
He chuckled; his eyes locked on yours. "You really are a dirty slut, aren't you?"
You nodded, your mind reeling with the intensity of the experience. Spencer did take some pity on you; he could see your eyes were filling with tears and he did love to watch you cum.
"That's it, baby," he whispered, his voice full of desire. "Beg for it, let me hear how much you need it."
You choked out the words, your voice rough with need. "Please, Spencer. Please make me cum. I need it so badly."
He smirked, his eyes never leaving yours. "Well, aren't you the perfect slut?"
With that, he turned on the vibrator and ran it over your clit, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You arched your back, your hips bucking against the vibrator.
"That's it, baby," he urged, his voice filled with command. “Cum for me, letting me see what I can do to you.”
And with that, you felt the orgasm building up inside you, closer and closer until you couldn't take it anymore. You let out a loud moan of pleasure, feeling the waves rush through your body as you finally succumbed to the desire that had been building up inside you.
"That's it, baby," Spencer said, his voice filled with triumph. "You're mine, every bit of you, and you'll never forget this moment."
You lay there, panting and sweating, feeling completely spent. Your body was trembling, your mind was still reeling from the sensations you had just experienced. You felt like you had been pushed to the limit and beyond, but you also knew that you had never felt more alive.
As you lay there, basking in the afterglow of your orgasm, you couldn't help but feel a sense of submission, a feeling of being completely under Spencer's control. You knew that you had begged for it, and you had enjoyed every moment of it.
Spencer leaned down and kissed your forehead, his breath warm against your skin. "That was incredible, baby. You'll always be my dirty little slut."
You couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of pride in the role you had played in this scene. You knew that you had given him exactly what he wanted, and that feeling of power was exhilarating.
“Now I am going to go get some water, because that was intense.” You watched as Spencer got up to go get some water, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for him.
You knew that Spencer was also going to need so aftercare, because that was his first time doing something like this, but you also knew you were going to have to drink before you could do anything.
~join the taglist~
@iluvreid @nomajdetective @drspencieee@katieeeee314@evvy96 @oliviah-25 @starkid024 @emalynvtgtgfhvgg @krokietino @xohoneybun @spencerreidwifeee @purplepistachi0 @pleasantwitchgarden@bitchassbecky691 @piperb400@queermaxwooo @gemofthenight @topguncultleader @luvpiercethekaty@anna-belle-xd @catsareawesomek @drreidsfavwhxre @oureternalbond@beth-gallagher22 @keiva1000 @k3nzxx@lookingforgodintheclouds @firstunmannedflyingdeskset @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @r-3dlips @keiva1000 @peppersapro @just-a-harmless-patato @miss.daianaa
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godsfavdarling · 4 months
Do you want me to take care of you?
my masterlist
pairing: Spencer Reid x gn!reader words: 1.3k summary: Spencer and reader love some morning love. warnings: handjob, soft!dom!gn!reader, soft!sub!spence, no use of y/n (tell me if I forgot something) praise kink? 🤭😝 a/n: i was feeling a bit inspired. maybe i'll come back to my spencelle fic soon but for now hope yall enjoy this!
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You woke up to find Spencer nestled against you, his head resting on your chest as you both lay on your sides, facing each other. 
His messy curls tickled your face, and you could feel his steady breathing against your skin, the soft exhales warming you. Your leg was draped over his hip, drawing you two as close as possible.
He had returned late, long after you had drifted off to sleep. Despite your efforts to stay awake to greet him, exhaustion had won out.
Sometime during the night, you felt the mattress dip as he settled beside you, seeking comfort in your presence. Though you briefly stirred, sleep quickly reclaimed you, leaving you both to enjoy the peaceful intimacy of the moment.
He had been gone for over a week, and the lack of communication had made you miss him even more. Especially during the quiet moments of the night. Falling asleep and waking up next to him was your favorite part of the day, and now that it was happening again, it felt almost surreal.
You ran your fingers through his hair, gently scratching his head as you savored his scent, careful not to disturb his slumber. It was his favorite shampoo, the same one you used. He had a habit of using your cosmetics, often remarking how they smelled like you and how comforting it was to him."
Suddenly, he shifted slightly, and you felt it—him, pressed against you, his hard length stirring an immediate arousal within you. 
There was an undeniable allure to morning intimacy, especially with Spencer. It seemed almost routine that he would wake up already excited, and you found it exhilarating.
Part of you couldn't help but hope that you were the cause of his arousal. While he may have just been the type of guy to experience morning wood, you preferred to believe it was your presence beside him that elicited such a response. 
Sleeping next to you seemed to consistently awaken him with desire, a notion that thrilled you. Initially, when you first started dating, he had been embarrassed and tried to conceal it from you. However, it didn't take long for you to reassure him that you had no issue with it. In fact, you welcomed morning intimacy eagerly, willing to sacrifice a few extra minutes of sleep if it meant indulging in each other's desires."
And now, you found yourself in the place you loved most: cuddled up to your boyfriend on a peaceful morning. His hard cock pressed into you.
You began to stroke his hair with a bit more bravery, aiming to gently rouse him from his slumber.
"Spence...? Baby..." you murmured, your voice soft against the morning quiet.
"Mhm...." he responded, shutting his eyes tighter as he hugged you closer.
"Are you waking up?" you whispered into his tousled hair, your fingers trailing gently along his scalp.
"Mhm..." he replied, his voice still heavy with sleep.
You traced soothing circles on his back with your other hand, allowing him to gradually emerge from his dreams. After a while, you started to slowly grind against him, earning a soft whimper that escaped his lips, betraying his arousal.
Pressing a tender kiss to his forehead, you teased, "Someone's excited?"
"Mhm..." he murmured again, his desire evident in his response.
"Do you want me to take care of you?" you whispered, your lips brushing against his skin.
"Yeah? I need words, Spence..." you teased playfully, seeking verbal confirmation.
"Please," he finally managed to articulate, his voice tinged with need.
"Okay," you chuckled softly, feeling a surge of affection for him as you reached your hand between your bodies, gently caressing the skin above his boxers.
"Mhm... please," he pleaded once more, his eagerness evident in his tone.
"Someone's needy, huh?" you teased, your voice filled with warmth and affection.
Since you hadn't seen him or felt him in too long, you decided to forgo the teasing and get down to business. He deserved to have everything he wanted, to feel everything he wanted. No more teasing or playing around for now.
You dipped your hand under the waistband, firmly grasping his hard cock, eliciting a breathy exclamation from him.
"Oh god," he gasped, his voice muffled against your chest.
"That feels good?" you inquired softly, seeking confirmation.
"Very good," he murmured in response, his breath warm against your skin.
As you continued to stroke him, you reached for his hair, gently playing and pulling, adding another layer of sensation to the intimate moment.
Placing tender kisses on his forehead, you felt your hips instinctively beginning to move, responding to the rhythm of your shared desire. 
It was irresistible, especially with Spencer softly moaning and whimpering against your hot skin, his lips brushing against you, and the warm breath escaping his lungs tickling your skin, intensifying the intimacy of the moment.
His velvet skin felt like a dream, large, hot, tip leaking profusely, your hand slid easily. With your fingers tracing along the veins and around the pink head, Spencer's hand slid around your back, pulling you closer.
"Spencer, honey, you're holding me too tightly. I'm trying to make you feel good," you gently reminded him.
"Sorry," he whispered, loosening his grip.
"It's okay," you assured him, continuing to massage the swollen, taut flesh as Spencer trembled beneath your touch.
You reveled in the feel of his length in your hand, delicate yet powerful. "You're doing so well, my pretty boy," you encouraged him softly, watching as his lips parted, barely glistening with saliva, and his whimpering grew louder.
Starting with your thumb against his slit, you applied pressure, eliciting a moan from his lips, before moving to the pre-cum pooling on the tip. Smearing it along the bottom vein, you used it as a guide as your hand began to move up and down, utilizing the small amount of lubrication present.
His nose scrunched as you picked up the pace, his body responding eagerly to your touch. You twisted your hand, using your nails to tease the head of his manhood, causing him to tense uncontrollably.
"Look at you, Spence. You want it so bad it hurts?" you teased, your tongue between your teeth.
"Please..." he pleaded, his eyes shut tightly as your hand continued its relentless motion.
His head turned to nuzzle into the pillow, his moans muffled as he neared his peak.
"Come on, baby, finish for me," you urged, and Spencer complied, his loud groans filling the room as his release coated your hand, warm and sticky.
He went limp against you, his hands bringing you closer as if he couldn't bear to be apart from you. You softened, stroking his hair with your free hand after helping him come down from his high.
"That's it. You did so well," you praised him, giving him a few more gentle pumps before kissing him tenderly on the lips.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice still trembling with the remnants of pleasure.
"You're welcome," you replied, your tone tender and filled with affection as you looked into his eyes.
"I love you," he confessed, his gaze filled with adoration as he searched your face for reassurance, sweat glistening on his forehead and his curls tousled from the intensity of the moment.
"I love you too," you responded, your heart swelling with warmth at his words, feeling the depth of your love in every syllable.
"Let me take care of you now," Spencer murmured softly, a gentle smile playing on his lips as he shifted his focus to you. He was ready to reciprocate the love and attention you had just bestowed upon him.
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reidsdimples · 4 months
Testing the limits
Hard Dom Spencer Reid x Wife!Reader
18+❤️‍🔥 MDNI ‼️
Saw someone say they needed a mocking Spence saying”aw you just want me to give you some attention” and came up with this 🥵
You cross a line in an attempt to get Spencer’s attention.
TW: Hard Dom Spencer, choking, squirting, restraints
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You pace back and forth in front of the door to Spencer’s home office. He had been in there for four hours at this point. After working a full day! It was admirable, his work ethic. But often left you feeling neglected.
An hour ago you knocked and he said “just a minute.”
You knew he wouldn’t be out in a minute. You also you knew you weren’t to go into his office. Something about the classified files in there and what not.
You push the door open to see him with his face still in a file at his desk. He didn’t even look up at you.
“I need more time,” he said dismissively.
It had been exactly 15 days since he touched you. Eight of which he was gone on a work trip, the rest were like this. Home but now home.
You knew what marrying him entailed but times like this when you got so wound tight, it was hard.
“Spencer,” you whine and stomp your foot.
He glanced up from the file briefly to see you standing there in one of his shirts with the buttons open and a thong.
“My love I have to get this done,” he asserts.
You pad away. You needed another plan. You would get him tonight before he worked so hard he fell asleep without so much as a word to you.
For a while you make considerable effort to stomp around upstairs above him, to clash pans in the kitchen, and blast music to get him to at least acknowledge you.
Finally you make a decision. You look back into his office to see him pacing behind his desk, on a phone call. Hotch from the sound of it.
You had a feeling that what you were about to do would get you punished. But you would take a punishment over the absence of him. Seriously, you were so pent up that the mere friction from your panties could make you moan.
He doesn’t see you stroll into his office as his back is turned. You pluck the three files off of the desk and make a break for it. He hears you scurry away.
“Hotch let me call you back,” you hear him throw the phone on his desk.
You make it upstairs and hide the files in a bookshelf in the library before running to your bedroom.
“Y/N you know better,” he calls as he approaches the bedroom.
Your heart hammers, you bite into your lip and pull yourself further under the bed. Excitement courses through you as you see his converse enter the room.
“Poor thing, so desperate for attention,” he mocks and circles the bed. “Pretty girl, I can hear you breathing,” he tutts.
When he reaches one side of the bed you scramble out of the opposite side. He takes long strides to the bedroom door and slams it closed before you reach it.
He was pissed, but he looked so fucking good. The top two buttons of his purple shirt were undone, it was only partially tucked now, and his hair was a mess. His eyes trailed over your mostly naked body as he chewed on his lip.
“So attention starved?” He steps slowly towards you. His deft fingers start to undo his belt buckle causing your cheeks to heat.
“Answer me,” he snaps the belt out from around his waist in a swift motion. You swallow hard.
“I missed you,” you look at him with wide eyes.
“‘I missed you,’” he mocks with a laugh as he shakes his head.
Oh yeah, you had crossed a line.
“Where are the files?” He folds the belt in his strong hands. You shake your head ‘no’ and don’t break eye contact with him.
One thing most people don’t expect about Spencer, is for him to have extremely refined needs sexually. He’s a sadist. You can see his heart rate increasing in his throat as you defy him.
He needs to inflict pain on you, for pleasure of course. You work well with him because you can take anything he dishes out. You get off on the pain, on watching him find pure elation in hurting you.
“You don’t scare me,” you huff, deciding to full send since he’s so far gone now.
You dart for the bathroom which is joined to another room entirely. The room you wanted him in the most.
You hear his calm and collected footsteps enter the room where you keep all of the toys for moments like this. He grabs you by the back of your neck and turns you towards him. You can’t help but laugh.
“I see now. It’s not just my wife that misses me, but my little whore,” he brings the belt down and it clashes with the backs of your bare thighs. You yelp and he pushes you further into the room.
“I need you,” you whimper and look up at him through long eyelashes.
He grips your throat hard, sending pulsing need to your clit as he backs you up against a wall.
“Where are the files?” He asks again, his mouth near your ear now.
“Not until I get what I want,” you pout and reach for his crotch. He seizes your wrist and pins it to the wall.
“Fine,” he huffs.
He reaches upward and brings leather cuffs down which are suspended to the ceiling above.
He suspends you there, your ass just barely touching the cherry wood wall behind you. This room, all fine crafted wood, soft carpet, and many surfaces for fucking. You had designed it together. You loved it.
You watch him move over to a rack of toys and grab a spreader bar, ah shit.
He latches each side to your ankles and spreads you as wide as your legs will go. You’re barely on your tip toes now.
He slowly unbuttons his shirt as his eyes darken, you watch him shift into the headspace you want him in. A primal look in his eyes that makes your mouth drool.
His shirt falls free and his slacks hang low on his hips, giving you a view of his perfect body and his hard cock straining against his pants. You whimper but you can’t move.
He brandishes a wand with a wicked grin and turns it on.
He approaches you but he doesn’t touch you at all. He won’t give you the satisfaction after what you did. He brings the head of the vibrator wand to your pussy and presses hard. You let out a restrained moan and try to move but you can’t. The raw sensation overwhelming, and you can’t close your legs around it.
“Fuck!” You scream as your body starts to shake. “Please,” you’re begging him to touch you. You need him.
He shakes his head as he watches you take it, his mouth agape. Your climax is building, winding painfully tight in the pit of your stomach. Your moans turn to screams and then…
He pulls away. You deflate in the restraints and glare at him.
“Where are the files,” he demands.
Your body is on fire, shaking with need.
“You’re not cumming until I know,” he crosses his strong arms. You shake your head, stubbornly.
“Fine,” he brings his belt up and wraps it around your throat.
It’s loose at first, the belt buckle allowing it to act as a slip knot. The long part of the belt hangs down your back.
He yanks it hard and it tightens around your throat. You fucking love it, you struggle to breath until your vision darkens and the he releases it. You gasp for air just as he brings the wand back to your throbbing pussy.
“Please,” you howl and then he pushes the wand harder against you as he tightens the belt once more.
Again, you reach the precipice of your orgasm and he stops, allowing you to breathe too.
“Fuck, Spencer!” You grind out.
“That wasn’t a safe word. And I still don’t know where my files are. Tell me. I’ll make you cum like the slut you are if you just fess up,” he taunts as he drags the head of the vibrator over your nipples. Arousal drips down your thighs.
“The library, one of the bookshelves on the left,” you pant at hang your head.
He gives you a cocky grin but drops to his knees before you.
He kneels between your legs and stares into your eyes. Then he’s sliding his tongue into your cunt greedily until you’re crying out his name. You try to rock against him but the restraints give you no leverage.
He presses the wand against your clit as he angels himself better to tongue fuck your pussy.
“Fuck!” You scream which prompts him to grab the belt and tighten it.
The sensations are too much, too good. His face is buried in you, the belt chocking you, the wand massaging your clit… you can’t even see straight as you violently begin to shake.
You erupt and you know you’ve squirted. He releases the belt just as your vision blackens and allows you to scream. He discards the wand and grips your hips as he sucks on your pussy like it gives him life. Your cum is pouring down his chin and chest below you, making his skin glisten.
Fuck, he’s so beautiful.
You could never get enough of him.
“Such a good girl for me,” he kisses your forehead as he carries you to bed. “Rest now,” he whispers as he tucks you in.
You almost protest, wanting to have sex but your body is limp with exhaustion from the edging and the orgasm that followed.
He disappears to the library to retrieve the files and return to work.
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matthewsgreybubbles · 6 months
I feel like we need a group for us softdom Spencer truthers - come on that boy is such a sassy little bitch who like to practically inhale the person he’s kissing, he wouldn’t utter the word mommy
Alright baby, take a drink because this is going to be LONG.
Because I don't think that soft dom Spencer is that much out of character. Honestly, I find it more accurate than some of the sub! Spencer I saw. Spencer is a worshipper, he's sub in that way but he is dom in the way he handles things. I'm not sure this is clear so let me explain-
Mentally Spencer is a sub, physically he's a dom.
Let's talk about early seasons Spencer first. Because that Spencer was not confident nor experienced enough to dom. He was supposed to be a chronically virgin. BUT, but, but- listen- have you seen the way he kissed that girl in the pool in season 1? Lyla? I think? Anyway, Amber Heard. The way he kisses Amber Heard in that pool SCREAMS dom. I think he always had that dog in him you know? He was just not expressing it. But oh boy-
The more we go through the seasons the more he becomes confident and cocky. Remember that episode in season 3 with the kid shooting the people from his school? Where he disrespected Hotch's orders and just sent everybody to fuck themselves? Or the "This is calm, and it's doctor". See what I'm talking about? He becomes sassy and cocky and he let his little "dom side" out.
But that being said Spencer is not violent or whatever and even "soft dom" is a bit too harsh for him. It's "really really really soft soft dom Spencer". It's dom Spencer in the bedroom who puts his whole heart into the deed, hm?
NONETHELESS, Spencer is a hot mess, he whimpers and cries, he's needy and putty in your hands. Soft dom Spencer is a worshipper. He wouldn't utter the word "mommy" no- But he would ask for your praises. Dude, he has such a praise kink. I think it's more the type to ask if he's making you feel good, if you love him, if you love what he's doing, etc. And boy he learns fast on that field so YES.
And it gets worse after prison. Post-prison Reid is even more "soft dom", it grows. He becomes more clingy, more firm in his touches, his hands are always on you, he's always needing reassurance, always needing you to listen to what he says to you because he is an anxious little bean. He will do nasty things to you while worshipping just to hear you tell him he did good. After prison he's rougher in his touches, he becomes more manhandling. But it's still Spencer so it's not that much violent but.
Soft dom Spencer is just a worship sub. He doesn't degrade or whatever. He just needs to be reassured by your obedience and he puts PASSION in rewarding you.
I think he's heavy on foreplay and stuff, even more than in the deed itself. I mean, once again, THE KISSES PEOPLE THE KISSES. The way he fucking kissed Cat against that door? I swear to God OPJFGHIOEZK. I am SPIRALLING.
Am I going too far again? Yeah probably.
Sorry for the rambling lmao.
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badathumanemotions · 15 days
Elle's Pursuit
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Elle Greenaway x Spencer Reid MDNI Master List Category: Smut CW: Seducing a Co-Worker, Use of Good Boy, Dom/Sub Undertones, Spencer Alludes To Being a Virgin,Corruption Kink, Masturbation, Wearing Revealing Clothing, Overhearing Someone Masturbate, Panty Steal, Dubious Consent, Towel Dropping, Oral Sex (fem rec), Vaginal Fingering, Outercourse, Riding, Unprotected Sex, Cum as Lube, Hopeful Ending. WC: 7,975 Requested
Elle wants Spencer. When the opportunity arises Elle puts a plan in action to seduce the shy genius. (Not Proof Read)
Elle Greenaway felt a shiver of excitement run down her spine when she found out she'd be sharing a hotel room with Spencer Reid. It wasn't just the thrill of being on a new case. It was the tantalizing mystery of the man himself. There was something about his shy, awkward demeanour that she couldn't quite put her finger on, something that made her want to coax out the hidden layers beneath that stoic exterior.
The hotel room was bland and unassuming, like always. But she had a plan that would make this stay anything but ordinary. She tossed her bag onto the bed nearest the window and announced, "This one's mine."
Her eyes gleamed with mischief as she began laying out her most provocative pajamas. Spencer hovered by his own bed, unsure of what to make of her sudden territorial claim. He was too polite to argue, though, and took the one by the door.
Once she was in the bathroom, Elle slipped out of her clothes and into a pair of shorts and a short, silky camisole. She looked at herself in the mirror, a smirk playing on her lips. The fabric clung to her curves, leaving little to the imagination. She knew this would catch Spencer's attention. She took a deep breath and stepped out, the cool air making her nipples stand at attention.
Spencer's eyes widened as she slunk into the room, her hair falling on her bare skin. He tried to avert his gaze, but it was like trying to ignore the sun. She could see the flush creeping up his neck, the way his eyes kept darting back to her. He was trying to hide his erection, but it was as obvious as a neon sign in the dark.
Elle took a step closer, watching his reaction. "Spencer, is everything okay?" she asked, her voice dripping with innocence. She knew he was nervous, could almost feel the anxiety fall off of him in waves. It was endearing, really.
He gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. "Y-yes, I'm fine," he stuttered, his eyes darting to the floor.
Elle couldn't help but chuckle softly. "You know, Spencer, you're acting like you've never seen a woman in her pajamas before."
Spencer's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red. "It's just… I wasn't expecting… I mean…" He stumbled over his words, his thoughts tripping over each other in a mad rush to escape his mouth. It was adorable, really.
Elle felt pity for the poor guy. She took another step closer and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm just messing with you, Spencer," she said, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "You don't have to be so nervous around me."
The tension in the room eased a bit, and Spencer's shoulders slumped in relief. "Oh," he murmured, his cheeks still aflame.
Elle slid into her bed, the sheets cool against her skin. She lay there, watching him from the corner of her eye, her heart racing. She knew she had planted a seed of curiosity in his mind. She was playing a dangerous game, but the thrill of the chase was too tempting to resist.
"Goodnight, Spencer," she said sweetly, flipping the switch for her bedside lamp.
"Goodnight, Elle," he replied, his voice strained. She watched him disappear into the bathroom, the sound of the door clicking shut echoing in the silence.
Elle waited, listening for any signs of movement. The water in the sink turned on and off, the faucet squeaking slightly. But it was the time that ticked by that had her eyebrows raising. Spencer was in there for what felt like an eternity. She couldn't help but wonder what he was doing in there. Was he trying to compose himself, or was he indulging in a private moment of desire?
Her thoughts raced, painting vivid images in her mind. Images of Spencer, his hand sliding under the waistband of his pants, stroking himself to the image of her lying there, half-exposed in her bed. It was a heady thought, one that made her bite her lower lip. She had to admit, she was getting turned on by the idea of him getting turned on by her.
Finally, she heard the door to the bathroom open and close. Spencer padded quietly across the room in the darkness. She held her breath as he climbed into his bed, the mattress groaning slightly under his weight. The room was silent once more, save for the distant sound of traffic outside.
Although the evening had been uneventful, Elle felt a strange sense of victory. It was a start, a crack in the wall she was determined to break down. As she lay there, she contemplated her next move. It was clear that subtlety wasn't going to cut it with him.
The second night, she decided to kick things up a notch.
When they got back to the hotel room after a long day of interviews and evidence collection, Elle was ready to test the waters further. She unbuttoned her shirt just enough to show a tantalizing glimpse of the swell of her breasts. She watched Spencer from the corner of her eye as he took in the sight, his eyes widening slightly before darting away, his cheeks flushing a darker shade of red.
"Could you hand me that notebook?" she asked, bending over the bed and giving him a clear view down her shirt. He swallowed hard, his hand shaking as he reached for the notebook. His knuckles brushed against her skin as he handed it over, and she could feel the heat radiating off of him. She straightened up, smiling sweetly, and pretended not to notice his reaction.
Elle decided to take a bigger, bolder step. While getting ready to shower, she purposely left the bathroom door ajar. She wanted to make sure he'd hear this next part. She turned on the water, letting it heat up.
Once in the shower, she let her hands wander and tease her body, her fingertips gliding over her soapy slick skin with a deliberate slowness.
Elle knew that Spencer could hear the sound of the shower from his bed, and she didn't hold back. She pinched her nipples, gasping at the sensation that shot straight to her core. The water cascaded down her body, making her skin tingle and her breath hitch.
Her hand slid down between her thighs, her fingertips dancing lightly over her clit. She moaned softly, the sound echoing off the tiles. It was a performance, a seduction in the purest form. She knew that Spencer would be lying in his bed, listening intently, his imagination running wild.
Her other hand found its way to her breasts, her fingertips teasing the sensitive skin around her nipples. She pinched and rolled them, the pleasure building with each twist. Her breathing grew heavier, and her moans grew louder, no longer bothering to hold them back.
As her fingers slid down from her clit to her hole, she felt the slickness of her arousal. She was wetter than she had ever been, and she knew Spencer could hear it all. The thought of him lying there, listening to her pleasure himself, made her even wetter. She slid one finger inside herself, her eyes closing at the feeling. It was tight and warm, and she could feel the beginnings of an orgasm building within her.
Elle began to pump her finger in and out, her hips moving with the rhythm. She added a second finger, feeling the slight stretch, but it wasn't quite hitting her g-spot. She bit her lip, trying to find the perfect angle.
Still unable to reach her peak, she decided to switch things up. Leaning against the cool tiles, she bent one leg, lifting her foot onto the edge of the tub. This new position allowed her to penetrate herself more deeply, and she gasped as she found that sweet spot. Her moans grew louder, echoing through the small bathroom.
Her other hand abandoned her breasts and moved to her clit, rubbing it in fast, firm circles. She leaned her head back, the water going forgotten as she lost herself in the sensation. The pressure was building, her toes curling in anticipation. She knew that with each loud gasp and whimper, she was driving Spencer wild. The thought of him lying in his bed, listening to her pleasure herself was all the motivation she needed.
Elle felt her orgasm approaching, but she forced herself to slow down, to draw it out. She didn't want it to end yet. She wanted to make him suffer a little longer, to make him crave her even more. But her self-control was waning, the need to cum was too strong.
With a guttural moan, she gave in. Her body shook as the orgasm washed over her, her muscles tightening around her fingers. She threw her head back, her eyes squeezed shut. The sound of her moans filled the small bathroom, echoing off the tiles.
Elle caught her breath and quickly finished up her shower, washing away the last of the soap and her own arousal. She stepped out, wrapping a towel around herself, her skin still tingling.
After drying off, she pulled on a pair of pajamas that were just as revealing as the night before. It was a tight-fitting, lacy number that barely contained her breasts and hugged her hips in a way that left little to the imagination.
As she stepped into the main room, she saw Spencer sitting on his bed, his back to her, pretending to read a book. His posture was rigid, his shoulders tense. She knew he'd heard everything.
Elle walked over to her bed, swinging her hips slightly. Spencer's face was indeed beet red, and he had a pillow clutched tightly in his lap. He couldn't hide his erection from her anymore, not that he ever really could.
"Did I disturb you, Spencer?" she asked. "I hope I didn't interrupt your…reading." She arched an eyebrow, her tone dripping with knowing.
Spencer's eyes darted up from the pages of the book that hadn't moved since she'd started her shower. "N-no," he managed to say, his voice hoarse. "You didn't interrupt anything."
Elle smirked, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Good," she said, while crawling onto the bed. The way her pajama shorts rode up, revealing the roundness of her ass, was not lost on him. She knew he was watching, could feel his gaze burning into her.
For a moment, Spencer's eyes remained glued to his book, his knuckles whitening. But eventually, the silence grew too much. He looked up, and their eyes met. There was something in hers. It was a challenge, a promise of something more.
He swallowed hard, the pillow in his lap doing little to hide the obvious bulge. "Elle," he began, his voice shaking slightly. "I…uh…" He trailed off, his brain a whirlwind of thoughts and desires.
Elle watched him, her expression a mix of amusement and excitement. She knew she had him on the edge, and she wasn't about to let up. "What is it, Spencer?" she asked.
He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. "I…uh, I think I'm just going to turn in for the night," Spencer stuttered, his voice strained. He quickly set his book down on the nightstand and practically sprinted to the bathroom. The door slammed shut behind him, and she heard the sound of the lock clicking into place.
Elle couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. She'd hoped for a more substantial reaction from him, but she knew that patience was key. She'd made progress, and she wasn't about to give up now. As she lay in bed, her mind raced with ideas for what she could do tomorrow to push him even further.
After a few minutes, she heard the bathroom door unlock and open. Spencer emerged, his face still flushed, looking slightly damp. He cleared his throat and took a tentative step towards his bed. "Goodnight, Elle," he murmured, his voice still husky with restrained desire.
Elle returned the sentiment with a knowing smile. "Goodnight, Spencer," she said. She watched him slip into his bed, the tension in his body palpable.
As she lay in the darkness, her thoughts swirled with visions of Spencer's reaction to her little show. She imagined the look on his face, the desperation in his eyes. It was a powerful feeling, knowing she had that kind of effect on him.
On next night, she played it a little more subtle. No more blatant displays of seduction. Instead, she opted for a soft, almost innocent approach.
Elle did her usual night time routine in the bathroom, brushing her teeth, washing her face, and changing into her pajamas. But this time, as she slipped out of her panties, she decided to leave them on the floor. It was a small gesture, but one that she knew would get Spencer's attention.
"Spencer, bathrooms free," she called out. She stepped out of the bathroom, her pajama bottoms riding low on her hips, exposing the bare skin of her stomach.
He looked up from his book, his gaze flickering over her barely-there attire. She noticed the way his eyes widened slightly before quickly looking away, his cheeks flushing. The sight sent a thrill through her.
Spencer took a deep breath, gathered his toiletries, and stood up. "Thanks, I'll just…uh…head in now." He couldn't hide the tremble in his voice, the evidence of his internal battle.
Elle watched him walk into the bathroom, her heart racing. She'd left her panties in the middle of the floor. It was a bold move, but she knew he'd seen them. The moment the door clicked shut, she could almost hear the gears in his mind turning.
She waited silently, her ears straining for any sound that would give her insight into his reaction. The silence was maddening. What was he thinking? Was he embarrassed? Aroused? Annoyed?
Finally, she heard the shower turn on. Slowly, she got out of bed and tiptoed over to the bathroom door. Pressing her ear against the cool wood, she held her breath.
At first, all she could hear was the steady flow of the water. But as the minutes ticked by, she began to detect something else. It was faint, almost imperceptible at first. But as she focused, it grew clearer. It was a soft, rhythmic sound, one that sent a thrill of excitement through her.
Finally, she heard it. A low, almost inaudible grunt. Spencer's breathing had changed, grown heavier. She bit her lip to keep from smiling. The sound was unmistakable. He was jerking off in the shower, and she had driven him to it.
Her own arousal spiked at the thought, and she had to force herself not to touch herself. Instead, she remained by the door, listening intently. She savoured the sounds, letting them fuel her imagination. In her mind, she could see him, his hand moving rapidly over his erection, his eyes tightly shut as he thought of her.
Spencer's breathing grew more ragged, and she knew he was close. The image of his hand pumping away at his shaft made her wetter. She wondered what he was picturing, what fantasy was playing out in his mind. Was he imagining her on her knees, begging for his cock? Or perhaps she was riding him, her breasts bouncing in his face?
The thoughts made her dizzy with lust. She had to bite her lip to keep from moaning out loud. What would he do if he knew she was listening? Would he be mortified or would he be turned on by the idea that she knew his secret?
Elle's mind raced with scenarios. Perhaps he was imagining her naked, her legs spread wide as she begged for his touch. Or maybe he was picturing her in her underwear, the fabric barely covering her. Or was it something darker, something she hadn't even considered?
The thought of what Spencer's mind could be conjuring up made her wet. She could feel the slickness between her thighs, her clit pulsing with need.
As she listened, the noises grew more pronounced, and she heard him climax, his quiet groan barely muffled by the sound of the shower. She quickly got back into bed, trying to compose herself. She didn't want to give away that she'd been spying on him.
When Spencer finally emerged from the bathroom, his face was flushed, his hair wet and sticking to his forehead. He avoided her gaze as he climbed into bed, his movements jerky and nervous.
Elle feigned ignorance, rolling over to face the wall as Spencer returned from the bathroom. Her heart was racing, her body still humming from the erotic sounds she'd heard through the door.
But she knew she couldn't give in to her desires just yet. This was a game of cat and mouse, and she was the cat, enjoying every moment of the chase. She had to keep her cool, maintain the façade of innocence.
The next morning, she couldn't resist checking the bathroom floor. To her satisfaction, her panties weren't there. Had he picked them up? Was he keeping them? The thought made her cheeks heat up, and she had to hide her giddiness. She decided tonight was the night she was going to do something bold. No more subtle hints or teasing smiles. She wanted to see how far she could push him.
When they got back to the hotel room after another long day, Elle immediately made her way to the bathroom. "I'm just going to wash the day off," she called out over her shoulder, her voice light and casual. But she knew it was anything but that. She had a plan, and she was going to see it through.
Once the water was running, she stepped into the shower. She took her time, soaping up her body with care, her eyes closed as she imagined Spencer's gaze on her. She knew he was out there, waiting, wondering. She lathered her breasts, feeling the slickness of the soap against her skin, her nipples hardening from the anticipation.
Elle took her time, making sure every inch of her body was soft and smooth. She wanted to be perfect for him, to drive him wild with just the sight of her.
When she stepped out of the shower, the air was hazy with steam. She took a deep breath, the scent of her body wash filling her nose, and reached for the towel. But she didn't dry herself completely. Instead, she left her skin slightly damp, the fabric sticking to her curves as she wrapped it around her body.
With a mischievous smile, she left the bathroom without a change of clothes. She had a plan, and she was going to stick to it. Spencer's eyes shot up from his book as she entered the room, his gaze lingering on the towel that barely covered her. She pretended not to notice, walking over to her bag.
"Oops, I seem to have forgotten my clothes," she said with feigned innocence, turning to face him. "I hope you don't mind. It's not like we haven't seen each other in our PJs before."
Spencer's eyes widened at her boldness, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. He was torn between his desire to avert his gaze and his inability to tear his eyes away from her glistening skin.
Elle bent over, her towel riding up, revealing the curve of her ass and the soft, pink folds of her pussy. She pretended not to notice his stare, her heart racing with excitement. The anticipation was thrilling, the power she held intoxicating.
Spencer's eyes were glued to her, his breath coming in short gasps. He knew he should look away, but he couldn't. Her bare skin was drawing him in despite his better judgment.
Elle took her sweet time rummaging through her bag, her ass swaying slightly with each movement. She knew he was watching, his eyes devouring every inch of her. The thought of it made her wetter, and she had to fight the urge to spread her legs and give him an even better view.
Once she thought he had enough time to commit the view of her pussy to memory, she straightened back up, her towel barely covering her.
"Here we go," she murmured to herself, tossing the pajamas on the bed with a deliberate flourish. She pretended to fuss with them, smoothing out the fabric.
Spencer's eyes were glued to her every move, his breathing shallow and erratic. She could see the struggle in his eyes, the war between his desire and his fear. It was exhilarating, watching him fight his urges.
Elle decided she'd waited long enough. If she wanted to break down his walls, she had to go all in. She turned to face him fully, her towel dropping to the floor with a soft thud.
Spencer's eyes went wide, his breath catching in his throat. He stared at her, his gaze moving over her body hungrily. She was naked, and she didn't even try to hide it. Her breasts firm, her nipples erect from the cold air and the excitement of the moment. Her hips curved gently, leading down to her pussy, already glistening with arousal.
Elle stood there, letting the moment sink in for him. She watched as his eyes took in every detail, the way his pupils dilated with lust. She could feel it crackling in the air, like lightening ready to strike.
"Elle…" Spencer's voice was strangled, his eyes flicking to hers briefly before darting away again. "I-I'm not sure this is appropriate."
"Why not?" she asked, her voice low and sultry. She stepped closer to him, the towel at her feet forgotten. "We're both adults."
Spencer's eyes snapped to hers, his breath coming in shallow gasps. She could see the conflict in his gaze, the desire warring with his innate shyness. He was torn, but she knew she had him.
He stood up, unsure of what to do with himself. His eyes darted to her bare skin, then back up to hers, filled with a mix of shock and arousal. He looked like a deer caught in headlights, frozen in place.
"Elle, are you…are you doing this on purpose?" Spencer's voice was filled with confusion and need. He couldn't fathom why she'd be so brazen with him, of all people. Was it a game to her? Did she know how much he craved her?
Elle stepped closer, the scent of her body wash and freshly showered skin filling the space between them. She placed a hand on his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart beneath her fingertips. "What do you think, Spencer?" she whispered. "Do you think I'd be standing here, naked, if I didn't want you?"
His eyes searched hers, looking for any sign of a joke or a trick. But all he found was raw, unbridled desire. He swallowed hard, his own body responding to her touch.
Elle could see the war raging inside him, his desire and his fears locked in a fierce battle. Without another word, she closed the distance between them, her hand sliding up to cup his cheek. She tilted his face towards hers, her lips finding his in a soft, lingering kiss.
But Spencer didn't remain passive for long. His hands surged up to her face, taking hold of her cheeks and deepening the kiss. His fingers dug into her skin, his kiss becoming more demanding, more insistent. It was as if he'd been holding back for so long, and now that the dam had broken.
When they finally broke for air, Spencer's chest was heaving, his eyes searching hers. "I don't know what I'm doing," he confessed, his voice shaking. "I've never…I need you to take charge, Elle."
Elle's smile grew wicked. "With pleasure, Spencer," she whispered.
His tie was the first to go, her fingers unknotting it while her mouth explored the sensitive area just below his ear. She felt his breath hitch as she nipped and kissed, her tongue flicking out to taste his skin.
Next, she quickly got rid of his shirt. Only unbuttoning a couple buttons before pulling it over his head, revealing the expanse of his chest. Spencer's eyes were on her, wide and unsure, but she didn't let his nerves slow her down.
Elle took a step back, and with a knowing smile, she placed Spencer's hands on her breasts. His touch was tentative at first, but she didn't let that deter her. She guided his hands, showing him how to squeeze and massage them gently. His fingers brushed against her nipples, and she gasped, her body responding to his touch.
Encouraged, Spencer grew bolder. He let his thumbs circle her nipples feeling them tighten even further. His palms cupped her breasts, his thumbs flicking her nipples with increasing pressure.
Elle's eyes fluttered closed as she moaned softly. She took a moment to enjoy the feeling of his hands on her before she worked on his belt. The moment she slid the belt out of the loops, his pants fell to his ankles, revealing his boxers, tented with his erection.
Spencer's slim hips were unable to keep his pants up, and she found that incredibly adorable. She couldn't help but smile at his awkwardness. It was endearing, and it only made her want him more.
Elle took the opportunity to push him down onto the bed, her hand on his chest. She straddled his hips, her wet pussy pressing against the fabric of his boxers.
"I want to see what your mouth can do," she whispered, her voice a soft purr. With a devilish smirk, she rolled over and sat against the headboard, her legs spread wide.
Spencer stared at her, his eyes wide with shock and lust. He knew he was inexperienced, but the sight of her, wet and willing, was too tempting to resist. His mouth watered at the thought. He turned over onto his stomach and groaned at the pressure of his cock being trapped between the bed and his stomach.
Elle grabbed a handful of his hair and guided him to her pussy. He took a deep breath, his heart hammering in his chest. He'd never been this close to a woman before, especially not in this way. The scent of her arousal filled his nose, overwhelming him in the best way.
Without warning, Spencer dove right in, his tongue lapping at her clit with eager enthusiasm. It was clumsy, all over the place, but the raw passion behind it was undeniable. She gasped, her body jolting at the sudden sensation. It was clear he was a novice, but his hunger more than made up for it.
Elle gripped the sheets, her legs trembling as he explored her with his mouth. His tongue darted around her folds, occasionally finding her clit and sending liquid heat through her body. Each misstep was met with a gentle guide from her hand on his head, her breathy moans directing him to the right spot.
"Suck on it, Spencer," she instructed, her voice firm yet gentle. "That's it," she coached as he tentatively took her clit between his lips and applied suction. The sensation was new to him, but his instincts took over. He could feel her body responding, her hips rising to meet his mouth. Her moans grew louder, and Spencer felt a surge of confidence. He knew he was doing something right. His tongue danced around her clit, teasing and flicking.
Her hand tightened in his hair, and she began to rock her hips against his face, setting a rhythm that he eagerly followed. Spencer's own hips began to move, his cock straining against the fabric of his boxers as he felt her growing wetter with each stroke of his tongue.
But it wasn't enough for Elle. Her orgasm was building, the pressure coiling tightly in her core, but she needed more. With a gasp, she pulled Spencer's head back and looked at him with a fiery gaze. "Use your fingers," she breathed.
Spencer nodded. He'd read about this in books, seen it in porn, but never experienced it firsthand. His hands shook as he reached out and slid his fingers through her wetness. He marvelled at how warm and soft she felt.
He watched as his fingers entered her, disappearing into her tight pussy. The sight was mesmerizing, and he felt his own cock twitch with excitement. He started moving his fingers in and out, watching as her pussy gripped onto him, begging for more.
But it was when he angled them upward, pressing against the upper wall of her sex, that she reacted. Her body jerked hard, her eyes squeezing shut. He knew he'd found it. Spencer's mind raced with the knowledge he'd gleaned from anatomy books and scientific journals.
"Oh, fuck," she breathed, her voice filled with pleasure. "Just like that."
Spencer's eyes widened at the explicit language coming from her, but he didn't stop. He focused on her clit, his tongue moving in sync with his fingers. Her hips bucked upwards, meeting his every move. He could feel her getting closer, her muscles tightening around his fingers. She tasted sweet and salty, a heady combination that made him want to devour her completely.
Elle's grip on his hair grew tighter, almost painfully so, but Spencer didn't mind. Each tug was a signal that he was doing something right, and it only served to make him more eager to bring her to climax. He could feel the tension in her thighs, the way she held her breath as he applied more pressure to her sensitive bundle of nerves.
And then it happened. Her body shuddered, her legs locking around his head as she let out a loud groan that echoed. Her pussy tightened around his fingers, and she bucked her hips into his face. It was a sound of pure pleasure, one that seemed to vibrate through him.
Spencer felt the moment she came, her muscles clenching around his fingers. The feeling was indescribable, a mix of power and awe. And then, the realization hit him. He had made her cum.
With a shocked gasp, he realized his own release had come as well. He had blown his load in his boxers, his cock pulsing against the fabric as he moaned against her. The pleasure was so intense, so overwhelming, that he couldn't help but be a little embarrassed.
Elle looked down at him, her eyes dark with satisfaction. She couldn't help but feel a smug sense of victory. Spencer had come from just eating her out. The knowledge was intoxicating, stroking her ego in a way she hadn't anticipated. She'd never had a man so lost in her that he couldn't control his own body.
"Looks like you enjoyed yourself," she said with a smirk, her hand still gripping his hair.
Spencer's cheeks flushed, his gaze dropping to the bed sheets. He couldn't believe he'd lost control like that. But when he met her eyes, he saw not mockery but excitement. It was a thrilling revelation.
Elle didn't give him a chance to overthink it. With surprising strength, she flipped him over onto his back, straddling his hips. He felt a rush of excitement and fear. Her hands roamed over his body, touching him in places that made him squirm.
Spencer's refractory period was a mere afterthought as she worked him over. She slid down his body, her mouth leaving a trail of kisses from his chest to his stomach, and then lower. She pushed his boxers down, revealing his still-hard cock. The sight of him so ready for her was thrilling.
Without hesitation, she wrapped her hand around his shaft, feeling the stickiness of his release. It was a heady sensation, knowing she had caused that. He tensed up as she slid her hand up and down a few times, using his cum as lubricant. The feel of it was different, warmer and more personal than any other substance she could have used.
Spencer's hips jerked, and he let out a high-pitched whine. It was a sound that would have been comical under any other context, but in this moment, it was the sound of the power she had over him. He was so sensitive that even the slightest touch was too much, and she revelled in it.
Her hand kept moving, her grip firm and steady. She watched his face contort in pleasure, his eyes rolling back in his head. His body was begging for more, even though he hadn't fully recovered from his last climax.
Elle knew she had to be careful. She didn't want to push him too far too quickly. Her ultimate goal was to get him to the point where he couldn't resist her anymore, where he'd want to fuck her as badly as she wanted him to. So, she waited, her hand continuing to stroke him at a leisurely pace, watching his reactions with like a hawk.
When she felt his cock begin to harden again, she knew it was time. She positioned his cock along his stomach, laying it flat against the warm skin. Then, with a seductive look, she lowered herself, pressing her wet pussy against him.
"You like that, don't you, Spencer?" she whispered, her voice low and husky. "You like feeling how wet I am for you."
Spencer nodded, his eyes glazed over with lust. The sound of her voice, the explicit words coming from her mouth, was like nothing he'd ever experienced. It was filthy, and he loved every second of it.
"Tell me, Spencer," she began, her voice a sultry purr. "What do you think about when you're all alone?" She leaned in closer, her breath hot against his ear. "Do you think about this?"
Her words sent a shiver down his spine, and he couldn't help but whimper. "Elle," he managed to get out, his voice strained.
"Tell me, Spencer," she urged, her voice a seductive whisper. "Do you think about me when you're alone at night, stroking your cock?"
Spencer's face flushed an even deeper shade of red, his eyes blinking with shock and arousal. He nodded, unable to form coherent words. The thought of her knowing his most intimate secrets was unbearably erotic.
"What do you think of?" she pressed, her voice a gentle coax. "When you're all alone, with just your thoughts and your hand…what do you imagine?"
Spencer's eyes darted to hers, and he swallowed hard. "I-I don't know," he stuttered, his cheeks burning.
Elle leaned in closer, her breath warm against his skin. "Don't lie to me," she whispered. "Tell me what you think about when you're touching yourself."
With a shaky exhale, Spencer gave in. "I-I think about you," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I imagine it's your hand on me, your mouth…everything."
Elle's eyes gleamed with victory. "And what else?" she urged, her own breath quickening. She knew she had him now.
"I-I imagine…us," Spencer stammered, his eyes flicking to her breasts before darting back to hers. "Together."
Elle leaned in even closer, her breath fanning over his face. "Be more specific," she demanded, her voice a seductive whisper. "I want to know exactly what you picture."
Spencer's heart raced as he tried to put into words the images that usually remained locked in his mind. "I imagine you," he began, his voice shaky, "straddling me, riding me hard, squeezing your b-breasts."
Elle's eyes filled with excitement, her hips grinding down on his cock harder. "Is that what you were thinking about in the shower last night?" she asked.
Spencer's eyes snapped to hers, his mouth hanging open in shock. "You knew?" he gasped.
"Mhm," she hummed, her eyes showing mischief. "I also noticed a pair of my panties are missing. I wonder where they could have gone?"
Spencer's eyes widened with realization, understanding that she had set a trap for him. He was too aroused to feel shame, his body craving her touch and the closeness they were sharing. He knew he'd been caught, but his mind was too foggy with lust to care.
Her pussy slid along his shaft, leaving a trail of wetness as she moved up and down. Each pass of her lips over his cock was agonizingly slow, teasing him with what was to come. His body was on fire, his senses overwhelmed by how close his cock was to being inside her.
He felt his tip catch on her wet hole, and his hips bucked up involuntarily. "Elle," he whimpered, his voice a plea. He was so close to begging, but the words stuck in his throat. He was still too shy to voice the dirty thoughts that filled his mind.
But Elle was tired of waiting. She knew what he wanted, and she was going to give it to him. "Do you want to fuck me, Spencer?" she asked, her voice low and demanding. She watched his face closely, looking for any sign of hesitation.
Spencer's eyes snapped to hers, his pupils dilating with shock. He hadn't expected her to be so blunt, so forward. But the look in her eyes, the way she was moving on him, it was like she'd read his mind. He nodded, his voice a hoarse whisper. "Yes!" he said, the word coming out like a choked gasp.
Elle smirked, feeling high on the power she held. She positioned herself, his cock poised at her entrance. "Will you be good for me?" she purred, her hips tilting slightly. "Let me ride your cock for as long as it takes for me to cum?"
"Yes," he managed to say, his body begging for her to take control. She felt his cock twitch against her wetness, eager to be sheathed inside her.
With a wicked smile, Elle leaned down and whispered, "Good boy," before sliding down his length with an agonizingly slow grace. Spencer's eyes rolled back in his head as he felt himself fill her up. It was tight, so tight, and the sensation was unlike anything he'd ever felt before.
For a moment, she let him get used to the feeling, his cock buried deep within her. Then, she began to rock her hips, setting a steady pace that had him groaning. Her breasts bounced with every movement, and Spencer couldn't help but reach up to cup them, his thumbs flicking over her hardened nipples.
She watched as his shyness melted away, replaced by raw, primal need. The intensity in his eyes was something she hadn't seen before. Elle leaned in and kissed him again, her tongue delving into his mouth. Her hips gaining speed, her pussy enveloping his cock with a warm, slick embrace.
Every thrust brought Spencer closer to the edge, and he could feel it in the way her walls tightened around him. He had never felt anything so perfect, so all-consuming. It was as if he had been waiting for this moment his entire life, and now that it was here, he never wanted it to end.
Elle watched him with a smug smile, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. She had worked hard to break through his walls, and now she was reaping the rewards. Her hips rolled with each downward movement taking him deeper.
She leaned forward, placing her hands on his chest for leverage. She began to bounce harder, her breasts jiggling with the motion. Spencer's eyes were glued to them, his mouth open in a silent moan.
"You like that, don't you, baby?" she purred, the words rolling off her tongue with ease. "You like feeling me tight around your cock?"
Spencer groaned, his eyes squeezing shut as he nodded frantically. He had never heard anyone talk like this before, let alone to him. It was like someone had seen into his brain, and suddenly, every dirty thought he had ever had was coming to life.
"Tell me how much you like fucking me" she urged. "Say it, Spencer."
Her words hit him like a rock, and he choked out a strangled sound. "I-I like it," he managed, his cheeks burning.
"Mm, that's not good enough," she taunted, her voice a seductive purr. "I want to hear you say it, Spencer. Tell me how much you love fucking me."
Spencer's eyes dilated with a mix of arousal and embarrassment. He'd never talked like this before, never heard such explicit language from his own lips. But the way she said it, the way her pussy tightened around him with each word, it was exciting.
"Say it," she whispered, her hips crashing down on him, emphasizing each word. "Tell me how much you love fucking me, Spencer."
Her words were like a match to dry kindling. Spencer's eyes snapped to hers, his cheeks flaming. "I-I love ff-fucking you, Elle," he finally managed, the words sounding strange and yet incredibly right coming from his lips.
Elle leaned her head back and let out a guttural moan, her body arching with the pleasure of his confession. Her pussy clenched around him, and she felt his cock swell even more at the sound. "Again," she demanded. "Say it again."
"I love fucking you, Elle," Spencer repeated, his voice stronger this time. The words seemed to resonate within him, giving him a newfound sense of power. He hadn't realized how much he enjoyed saying them, how much it turned him on to hear her react to his voice.
With a triumphant smile, Elle took his words as the permission she needed to let go. She called him a "good boy" again. Then, she began moving her hips impossibly faster, her body moving like a blur above him.
Each thrust stole Spencer's breath away, as if she were pulling it from his lungs and leaving nothing but pure, white-hot pleasure in its wake. Her pussy was a vice around him, so wet and warm that he couldn't even think of anything else. The friction was heavenly, and the way she took him in left him dizzy.
And then it happened. Without warning, Spencer's orgasm hit him. He didn't even have a chance to gasp out a warning before his cock pulsed, releasing his seed deep inside her. The intensity of it took him by surprise, and his whole body tensed as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over him.
Elle moaned, her eyes rolling back in her head. Even though he had already cum once, there was still so much. She had never felt so full. Spencer's gripped her hips, his fingers digging into her flesh as he tried to hold her down.
Her movements grew erratic, her breaths coming in short pants. Spencer watched her, his cock still buried deep inside her, as she chased her own release. It was mesmerizing, the way she moved, the way her body responded to him.
Elle threw her head back, her hair cascading down her back. Her eyes fluttered closed, and Spencer knew she was close. He could feel it in the way her pussy spasmed around him, in the way she was grinding down on his cock. He felt himself starting to grow sensitive, the pleasure turning almost painful, but he didn't stop. He held on for her, needing to give her everything she needed.
And then, she was there. Her eyes snapped open, and she looked down at him with a fiery gaze. "You're going to make me cum," she panted. "You're going to make me cum all over your cock."
Spencer watched the way his cock disappeared into her, the way his cum was leaking out around the base. The sight was too much, the overstimulation hitting him like a ton of bricks. He began to whine and whimper at the painful pleasure, his body writhing beneath hers.
"You promised, Spencer," Elle said, her voice low and sultry. "You said you'd be good and let me use you until I'm satisfied." She began to rock her hips again, riding him through it. The feel of his cum mixing with her own wetness was driving her wild. She loved that she had him at her mercy.
Spencer bit his lip, his eyes squeezed shut as he nodded. He hadn't realized how much his body was capable of, but with Elle, he was discovering a whole new world of pleasure.
And then, it happened. Spencer couldn't hold back anymore. He let out an unexpected curse, something he'd never done before, especially not in the presence of a woman. "Fuck," he yelped out, the word slipping from his lips.
Elle's eyes shot open, and she stared down at him, surprised. That mixed with the look of pure, unfiltered pleasure on his face was what pushed her over the edge. Her own orgasm crashed over her, and she dug her nails into his chest, leaving red marks behind.
Her pussy clamped down on his cock, the walls pulsing around him as she rode out her climax. Spencer could feel her arousal dripping out onto his pelvis, soaking his pubes. The sensation was overwhelming, and he was surprised by how much he liked it.
Elle collapsed onto Spencer's chest, boneless and panting. Her body was a mess of sweat and sticky fluids, but he didn't care. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly as the aftershocks vibrated through her body.
For a moment, she let her guard down, allowing the tenderness to show in her eyes as she looked up at him. "You did so good," she whispered, her voice filled with affection. It was the first time she'd ever praised anyone during sex, but she meant every word.
Spencer felt himself falling hard, his chest tightening at the sight of her flushed cheeks and sated smile. He had never felt so alive, so connected to another person. As she lay on top of him, their hearts beating erratically, he realized that this was likely more than just a fling or a case of lust. This was something deeper, something that scared him and thrilled him in equal measure.
But the moment of tenderness was short-lived. Elle's expression grew serious, and she began to move off of him. He felt the loss of her heat immediately, his body already craving her touch. She slipped his cock out of her, the sensation of her tightness receding, leaving him feeling empty. He watched as she got off the bed, her legs wobbly and her pussy leaking their combined arousal.
The sight of his cum dripping down her thighs was like a call to Spencer's basest instincts. It was something so primal, so raw, that he couldn't tear his gaze away. He'd never seen anything more erotic in his life. It was a reminder of what they had just done, and the possession it stirred within him was overwhelming.
Elle reached out a hand to him, her smile playful yet filled with an underlying seriousness. "Come on," she said, her voice breathless. "Let's get cleaned up."
Spencer's heart leaped at the prospect of her wanting him to join her. It was as if she had read his thoughts, knew his insecurities, and was actively working to dismantle them. He took her hand, his own trembling slightly, and allowed her to pull him to his feet.
Once on his feet, she kissed him again, this time with a gentle, lingering passion that seemed to melt away any remaining tension. It was a kiss that spoke of comfort and connection, not just the raw desire that had driven them to this point. Then she turned and led him by the hand to the bathroom, her grip firm and reassuring.
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mggsv · 1 year
Daddy (Matthew Ver.)
poc f!reader x Mgg (18+)
summary: he’s there when you need him. he makes sure you’re living perfect and comfortably. he’s your daddy, and you’re his perfect little girl.
warnings: dom!matthew, sub!reader, poc!reader, praising, oral (m receiving), slight masturbation
if you like my work please consider buying me a kofi! <3
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“That’s it..you’re doing perfect sweetheart.
Your lips suck the tip of his thick cock, curious eyes desperate for approval looking right up at him. Matthew’s beautiful, everything you’ve ever wanted, anything you’ve ever needed… “Fuck..that’s it.” You watched his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. He lets out a small, desperate breath, moaning out into the quiet air of his living room. “My perfect girl” he relaxes into your mouth, cock slipping further past your perfect lips.
“So big Daddy..” you gasp around his leaking cock. Your thighs rubbed against one another, your cunt wet from his finger being inside of you just moment before, that and the way his cock filled your mouth turned you on so much. “That’s it..fuck, take it baby.” He grunts as you pulled back, licking your lips. You kiss his tip, hands running up his thighs. You lick a long strip alongside his cock, staring up at him. “So big..” you whisper. Your pussy throbbed just thinking about how well Matthew was going to fill you. You take his cock to base, hand coming up to cup his balls, and squeeze. He moans, instinctively reaching for your hair. He stops however, knowing you had on your bonnet- he’d never attempt to do such a thing. Instead, he adjusts, sitting up a bit so that he could grab the back of your neck. “I wanna feel my cock touch the back of your neck, understand?” You glance up at him, eyes fluttering as you took him just the way you wanted. There dripped saliva down your chin as your eyes water. You gag just a bit, choking. As you pull back you slap his tip against your lips. You loved his cock in your mouth more than anything. “You were always a cock hungry little thing.”
He shudders, pushing your head further. “Gonna cum baby..” He fucks your throat faster. Your hands coming up to grip his thighs. “Mph-“ his cum hit the back of your throat. You choke but his hand stayed planted behind your neck. The tears leak from your eyes as he came. “Fuck fuck fuck-“ He moans. “That’s it baby..swallow it for me my good girl. So good” his words slurred slightly. “Good..”
He sighs softly as he sits back, taking time to admire you. Your plump lips swollen from kissing and taking his cock, your forehead sweating just a bit, his cum and your saliva dripping down your chin as your frantically tried to keep it in your mouth and swallow. It made him chuckle as he motioned you forward, “You don’t want to take it off?” He reaches for the pink satin material on your head, in which you lazily swat his hand away. You swaddle his lap, cock still just as hard right against your dripping sex. “No..not my bonnet.” You give him a look, and soon afterwards felt his dick twitch beneath you. “Okay baby..” His hands guided your hips to rock, gripping your ass was his favorite part of anything.
His head leaned back into the surface, adam’s apple bobbing while he moved you against his sensitive cock. “Fuck..that’s it baby. Shit..” he moans.
“May I..daddy?” your hands itches to touch yourself. He peered at you, smile on his lips. It turned him on knowing just how much you wanted it all. He’s your daddy after all, he had no trouble giving you what you wanted when you weren’t being punished. “What? Use your words baby.” You whimper feeling his tip brush up against your sensitive clit. You grind against him , your hand going over to grip his shoulder. “May I touch myself daddy?” His hands grip your ass even harder, earning a desperate moan from you. The friction felt so good between you too. Your eyes rolled a little as they closed. His cock slipping easily along your wet pussy. “..please”
You hear him groan, hips thrusting up. You felt his cock prod at your hole, your slick coating him perfectly. “You may sweetheart.” He grunts. Your fingers glide over your nipples first. They were hard, waiting. Your pinch one, moaning. Your other hand reaches down between your legs to rub your sex. You shiver at how wet you were, wetter than you imagined. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard” he breathes, cock slipping inside of you with ease. “Yes daddy-“ you gasp, head tucking between his neck while he pumped you full.
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poetessmuse · 5 months
Hard dom!reid concepts don’t make any sense to me. He is a switch (definitely whimpers) (never had a stable parental figure) (I will be the daddy that never leaves him)
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pinkcoffeecup · 2 years
three doors down, part three
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part 3, the nickname
story summary: In which Spencer’s terrible cooking skills almost burns down a building, but also gives him a chance to get to know the girl who lives three doors down.
word count: 2,491
Spencer was exhausted. When the clock struck 4 am, Y/n ushered Spencer out of her apartment and into his own, telling him how important sleep was, and how crime would skyrocket unless Spencer got a couple of hours of sleep at the very least. She had apologised for keeping him up, and despite his polite reassurance that she in fact was not to blame for his sleep schedule, Y/n could not help but feel bad.
When he stepped out of his apartment that morning, he was once more met by Y/n as she came back from her morning run. Spencer had already established her loyalty to the various routines that her days consisted of, but he couldn’t help but be shocked by her standing in the hallway. “Oh, good morning,” She breathed, still somewhat out of her breath.
“Good morning Y/n,” Spencer greeted. “I can’t believe you went on a run after only three hours of sleep,”
Y/n let out a laugh and Spencer couldn’t help but smile at how carefree she seemed. There was something about her, and just being around her gave him a burst of energy, like he could concur the world. “I always go for runs in the mornings! I can’t let a little lack of sleep stop me,” She laughed, “I’m no baby, Dr Reid,”
“We could use a little of that mentality in the FBI,” Spencer joked, “I swear, the annual fitness tests we have are un-passable, Morgan has to be the only one who still manages,”
She raised her eyebrows at the supposedly “impossible” fitness test, secretly curious if she could ever pass it. “How hard can it be?” Y/n challenged, “I mean, if this Morgan guy can do it, it’s not impossible,”
“As I said, we could use that mentality in the FBI,” He repeated, “Derek Morgan is no average Joe, he’s absolutely massive,”
Y/n looked Spencer up and down. He was dressed in a black suit, looking as formal as ever, a vast contrast from last night's scruffy hair and wrinkled shirt. “Are you sizing me up?” Spencer laughed, “I’m taller than him you know,”
“So you’re just weak then? Is that it?” She teased, watching as he let out a painful scoff.
“They make exceptions for me,” Spencer said, “What I lack in muscle mass I make up for in brains,”
“Aren’t you cocky?” Y/n laughed, “Hyping yourself up there Dr Reid,”
Once more Spencer scoffed, “I can’t win here” He chuckled, “I'm going to be late because of you, which I was fine with by the way, until you start completely shredding me to pieces,”
Y/n smiled at his choice of words, which I was fine with. “You’re a menace Y/n,” He joked as he walked past her, turning around and walking backwards so that he could still see her. “Have a good day Lucifer,”
“Good luck with your case Sherlock!” She called as he turned the corner.
“Sorry I’m late,” Spencer muttered as he sat down in his seat. He was the last one to arrive, everyone was already seated around the table.
“Who’s the pretty girl?” Morgan cooed, a wide grin on his face.
He had probably said it as a joke, but Spencer’s mind travelled directly to Y/n and their conversation in the hallway. “Shut up,” Spencer sighed, causing Hotch to quickly begin the briefing.
The day was long. Every so often Spencer would find Y/n at the forefront of his mind, having to force himself to focus on the case in front of him. But he just couldn’t help himself. He wondered if she’d be in the hallway when he came home, asking him about his day. Or if maybe he’d run into her in the parking lot, where she would crack a joke and invite him in for another night of leftovers and wine.
Eventually, the team cracked the case. It was the combined effort of Spencer’s mind and Garcia's computers that had found the final puzzle piece. In the satisfactory haze of success, Spencer had even found himself agreeing to drinks with the team, something he rarely did.
As he sat down in his car, he contemplated ignoring his promise to meet his colleagues at the bar and just going home instead, remembering how badly he was wondering if he’d cross paths with Y/n. But he didn’t, instead, he turned the keys in the ignition and headed towards the bar.
“You just lost me ten bucks!” Morgan exclaimed as Spencer walked through the doors, handing ten dollar bill to Prentiss. “I didn’t think you’d show up,”
Emily gladly accepted the money and shoved it in her pocket, “I never doubted you, Reid,”
Even Hotch had made it to the bar before him, another participant who usually sat these things out, “I never break a promise,” Spencer smiled, trying to ignore his urge to turn on his heels and drive back home.
The team sat together in a booth. They always did, at least for the first part of the night. After thirty minutes, Morgan would spot a girl he liked, and pretend he was going to get a drink. Then shortly after, Garcia would pull JJ and Prentiss out of their seats to dance. Once everyone had dispersed, Rossi would complain about the music and go home. And once he had made sure everyone had a safe way of getting home, Hotch would leave too. “Spence,” JJ said, “It’s your turn!”
She glanced at the empty glasses on the table and back up at Spencer who rose from his seat, heading towards the bar. He ordered a round of drinks for the table, about to turn back to the team when he heard a voice next to him.
“Hi, could I please get one beer and two margaritas?” The voice politely ordered, and Spencer couldn’t help but smile as he listened to the girl order. The bartender muttered the total amount, and as the girl fished through her purse for money, Spencer reached his card to the bartender.
“Wha-” She interrupted herself as she glanced up at the man next to her. “Spencer!” She pulled him in for a hug, and despite Spencer’s shock, he gladly wrapped his arms around her. “I didn’t know the famous Dr Raid was a party animal!”
Spencer let out a laugh, “I very much am not,” He admitted, “I’m here with work,”
He nodded towards the booth in the corner, watching as they all laughed at some joke Morgan had made. “Shit, I have to warn everyone the feds are here!” She joked, starting to hurry away.
Spencer placed his hands on her shoulders, as to keep her from running, “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that,” He said, “Being one of the feds and all,”
She laughed, leaning her head against his hand on her shoulder. It was clear that she was already somewhat drunk, tipsy as Garcia would say. But Spencer didn't mind, he couldn’t help but find it adorable. “What? Is snitching a crime?” She grinned.
“It can be,” Spencer informed her, “And if you commit a crime I have no choice but to arrest you,”
Spencer’s flirtatious tone even surprised himself, it was a tone he didn’t think he was quite capable of. “I was called Lucifer by my neighbour this morning,” She said, referring to Spencer’s words, “So for all you know I might be a criminal,”
Right as Spencer was about to open his mouth to speak, another voice interrupted him. “Hey Reid what the hell is taking so long?” Morgan called from behind him. It wasn’t until Morgan was close enough to peer over Spencer’s shoulder that he could see Y/n. “Oh hello there,” He grinned.
“Is this that Morgan guy?” Y/n asked Spencer, holding back a laugh as she earned a nod from Spencer.
“Wow pretty boy, you’ve told her about me? I’m flattered,” Morgan joked, Spencer already annoyed with his best friend for interrupting his time with Y/n.
“Yeah,” Y/n laughed, “Spencer thinks you’re jacked,”
It was as if Y/n had made it her personal mission to embarrass the man in front of her. “He called you massive and muscular,” She giggled, only lying a little bit.
“Thanks, Reid, I’m glad you feel that way,” Morgan grinned, placing a hand on Spencer’s shoulder, a hand that Spencer quickly shoved off.
Spencer let out a sigh, “this is Derek Morgan, as you know,” He said, deciding to introduce the two, “And Morgan, this is Lucifer,”
Y/n reached her hand out, “I’m Y/n,” She shook Morgans's hand, an innocent smile on her face, almost as if she was trying to dispute Spencer's nickname. “Nice to meet you Y/n,”
“I’m gonna leave you two alone,” Morgan grabbed the drinks on the bar, heading back to the booth and the team, earning a small cheer once he arrived.
Spencer only now realised how very close he and Y/n had been standing to each other. She had to tilt her head up to be able to look at him. Looking down at the girl in front of him, Spencer's flirtatious tone returned. “Massive and muscular, huh?”
Y/n let out a loud laugh, throwing her head back slightly. “Is that not what you said, Doctor?” She teased, batting her eyes up at him.
“You really are Lucifer,” Spencer grinned, “The worst of the worst,”
Spencer shook his head playfully as Y/n laughed once more. It was a sound he loved to hear, and he loved that he made her make it. “You know me so well,” She giggled.
She turned her head for a second, gazing at two girls behind her, “I have to give them their drinks,” She said, a small flash of disappointment on her face. “Could you help me carry?”
Spencer nodded, grabbing two of the drinks, and letting her hold the last one. Y/n led the way, Spencer following close behind. It gave Spencer an opportunity to get a good look at her and the beautiful dress she was wearing. It was a short blue dress, the fabric flowing beautifully around her thighs as she walked. Half of her hair was clipped up at the back of her head, but a few strands of hair had escaped the clip and were resting softly across her face. “I come bearing gifts,” Y/n handed the beer to a dark-haired girl, and through the process of elimination, I handed one of the margaritas to the other girl, earning a small thank you from them both. “You come bearing more gifts than drinks I see,” The dark-haired girl grinned, glancing between Spencer and Y/n.
Y/n turned to Spencer, grabbing the drink from his grip and wrapping an arm around his waist. “Yeah,” She smiled, glancing up at Spencer next to her. “This is Spencer,”
“Oh this is the hot neighbour,” The dark-haired girl said, “I’m Astrid, this is Violet,” Astrid motioned to the girl next to her, who gave a shy wave.
Spencer looked down at Y/n, enjoying the way her face turned a bright shade of red. “I am indeed the hot neighbour, a pleasure to meet you both,”
Spencer felt a sense of pride fill his body at the thought of Y/n telling her friends about him, even more so as she described him as the hot neighbour. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever been referred to as just that, hot, but the thought of it made a wide grin make its way to his lips. “You’ve made him cocky,” Y/n groaned, rolling her eyes, “Don’t let it get to your ego Spencer,”
“Too late for that,” Spencer chuckled. He peeled Y/n’s arm off his body, deciding that it was time to make his way back to the team. “I’m gonna leave you girls for a bit, make sure you talk more about that hot neighbour of yours Y/n” He smirked before leaving the group and Y/n.
When Spencer had made his way back to the team, the table fell silent with anticipation. “So?” JJ said, waiting for Spencer to tell them all about the girl he’d just been caught with.
“What?” Spencer said, hoping that somehow they’d drop the topic and ignore how his cheeks were slowly turning red.
“Lucifer seems nice,” Morgan grinned, watching as Spencer turned a bright red.
“Lucifer?” Prentiss questioned, yet unaware of the nickname.
Morgan was happy to tell them about how that was how he’d decided to introduce her, and Spencer silently cursed himself for being so wrapped up in the moment.
The team continued to question Reid, but as they realised how little they were getting out of him, they decided to finally drop it. Soon enough, they had all returned to their regular bar-behaviour. Morgan had run off after a girl, Garcia had pulled JJ and Prentiss up to dance, and Hotch and Rossi were long gone.
As Spencer sat by himself in the booth, watching his friends as they drunkenly made their way through the bar, a finger poked the back of his shoulder. Spencer turned around, seeing a surprisingly nervous Y/n behind him. “Are you okay?” He asked, worried about her change of mood.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” She smiled, trying to add a careless touch to her body language. “I was just wondering if, uh, maybe you could, I don’t know, I was just thinking, since you’re sober-”
Spencer interrupted her, “You need a ride?” He asked, finding it adorable how nervous she had been to ask him. “If it’s not too much of a bother? We don’t have to leave right now if you want to stay,” She assured.
“No, we can leave right away, sit down here, let me just say goodbye to my friends,” He said, and she did as she was told, sitting down at the booth as Spencer moved through the bar to the dancing women in the middle of the room.
Y/n watched as he said his goodbyes to the women, before moving towards Morgan as he talked to a girl at the bar. Morgan grinned at Y/n as Spencer spoke to him, causing Spencer to roll his eyes before heading back towards a now smiling Y/n. “Let’s go,” He sighed, Y/n standing from her seat.
Spencer looked at her for a second, watching as Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed slightly with confusion. He pulled the suit jacket off his shoulders, wrapping it around hers, “It’s cold out,” He said, earning a shy thank you from the girl in front of him. He watched as she placed her arms through the jacket, shoving her hands in the pockets. The jacket looked massive on her, reaching right above the hem of her dress.
The two left the bar, Spencer ignoring Morgans's smirk as they walked out the front doors. “Thanks for giving me a ride,”
“Anytime,” Spencer flashed her a warm smile, opening the passenger side door for Y/n. “We do live in the same apartment complex after all,” Spencer hopped in at the driver's side, taking a second to look at Y/n in his car, wearing his jacket, before he started the car.
The ride was mostly silent, Spencer could see how Y/n was practically fighting to keep her eyes open as the streetlights lit up her face. She was pretty like that, as her head rested against the seat, her dress inching up her thigh slightly as she got comfortable in her seat.
Soon they had reached the parking lot outside the apartment complex, “Taxi has arrived ma’am,” Spencer joked, earning a tired giggle from Y/n as they both hopped out of the car, heading inside together.
The two walked to Y/n’s door where she stopped. She began taking the suit jacket off but was interrupted by Spencer. “Keep it for a while,” He said, pulling the jacket back up her shoulder.
Spencer looked down at her as she smiled, his expression all too serious in contrast to hers. “What?” She asked, watching as Spencer smiled once more. “You’re really pretty,” He said, feeling nervous despite his coined nickname as the hot neighbour.
“Don’t fall victim to the doorstep effect,” She giggled, only being met by Spencer’s confusion. “The doorstep effect?” He questioned.
“Yeah, it’s when the guy feels like he wants to kiss the girl because of the whole romance cliche about kissing on doorsteps,” She explained, “It’s a very real thing, Spencer,”
“I don’t think it’s because of the cliché,” Spencer admitted, taking a small step closer.
“But you want to kiss me?” Y/n asked, almost as if to confirm.
“Can I?”
Y/n didn’t answer, instead, she placed a hand on each side of his face, pulling him down to meet her lips. Her lips met his, and Spencer was quick to hold her face as he deepened the kiss. He hadn’t been aware of how much he had craved this kiss until her lips were on his.
Slowly, Spencer pulled away, loving the look in her eyes as she craved more. “Good night, Lucifer,” He said, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head.
“Good night Spencer,”
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cherryspence · 2 years
people who only write dom spencer fics scare me
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godsfavdarling · 7 months
my masterlist
pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader words: 1.7k summary: Spencer just came back from a tough case and you and him indulge in some adult activities, but during it you find yourself feeling a little anxious. warnings: bondage, edging, overstimulation, fingering, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, use of safe word, aftercare, dom! Spence, (tell me if I forgot something)
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You and Spencer have been dating for a few years now, and somewhere along your sexual journey, you both admitted that exploring rougher sex is something you'd like to try. Things started out easily with activities like blindfolds and tying you up, while still maintaining a sense of tenderness and love.
From there, you experimented with choking, which you enjoyed, and found even more pleasure in having your hands around Spencer's neck. Your boyfriend was also very eager to explore the world of edging and would often have you begging and crying for release before finally letting you cum. And he was also more than happy to let you have him wrapped around your finger.
You didn't understand how he was able to do it. How was he able to hold himself back from giving you what you wanted? He was patient yet greedy. If he wasn't edging you for what felt like an eternity, he was on a mission to overstimulate you. Using not only his mouth and fingers but also toys, he'd have you shaking and crying, begging for him to stop.
In order to ensure both of your safety, you always discussed everything in detail and established safewords or signals for when communication might be difficult. You settled on the simplest system of colors: green if you wanted to continue and everything was good, yellow if you wanted to pause or change what you were doing, and red if you wanted to stop completely.
None of you had ever used the safewords, except for green. Spencer often asked for you to check in and confirm that everything was okay.
One night, when Spencer returned from a very long and tough case, he wanted both of you to indulge in one of his favorite activities: tying you up. You were more than happy to participate and help him take his mind off work. You loved making him feel better and enjoyed seeing him lose himself while he had complete control over you.
As soon as he came back home you both discussed what he wanted and you said that you were okay with everything. He tied you up like that before and you enjoyed every moment. You couldn't wait to repeat that night. 
He asked you to get naked and sit on the bed, and you complied, awaiting his plan. He entered the bedroom with a couple of ropes in his hands and skillfully began to wrap them around your body. He positioned your hands behind your back, securing them with the ropes around your breasts to ensure you couldn’t move them.
“Is it too tight?” he asked.
“No, it's okay,” you confirmed, and he continued. He instructed you to kneel on the bed, and he proceeded to tie your legs together. You could feel yourself getting wet, with him still in his suit and you completely naked before him. His tender yet confident touch drove you insane, even though nothing had happened yet.
“Now, lay down on the bed, face down, ass up,” he said sternly, and you obeyed.
Your face pressed against the sheets while your center was up and waiting for him. You tried to shimmy your hips, seeking some friction, but he quickly intervened.
“Stop that,” he commanded.
“Sorry,” you replied.
“It's okay. Someone’s needy.”
For a few minutes, he simply stood there, his gaze fixed on you, taking in every inch of your body. Despite his lack of action, your inner walls were already clenching with anticipation, and your breathing grew heavier with each passing moment. You felt an overwhelming need for his touch like never before.
As he stood beside you, you noticed the tent forming in his pants. He was likely just as affected by the situation as you were, yet he showed no outward signs of it.
Suddenly, his hand was on your back, trailing lightly down to your ass and then your thighs. His caresses elicited a moan from you, causing you to instinctively squeeze your legs together. He undoubtedly noticed but chose to ignore it.
Next, he firmly grabbed your ass, squeezing each cheek a few times.
As he finally gave in and stroked your wet folds with only one finger, you couldn't help but whimper.
"So wet for me," he whispered, his gaze fixed on your pussy. He sat beside you, continuing to stroke your heat lightly and slowly, his touch moving from your entrance to your clit with barely any pressure.
"Please," you pleaded, your desire clouding your ability to articulate your wants.
"Please what?" he asked, his voice teasing.
You whimpered again, unable to express your desires clearly. All you knew was that you wanted to climax, and you wanted him to be the one to bring you there.
He began to play with your entrance, teasingly circling the tip of his finger before pushing it a little further inside and curling it. Adding another finger, he placed his thumb on your clit, still maintaining his gentle touch, yet you felt like you were on the brink of falling apart at any moment.
But just as you were on the edge, he stopped and pressed his face against your center, giving it one long lick with his tongue.
"F-fuck," you moaned, your voice trembling with need.
He placed both hands on your ass, squeezing more firmly now as his hot breath washed over your folds. Watching how wet and desperate you were for release, he took a few deep breaths, the contrast of hot and cold air only fueling your hunger as he teased you with his slow pace.
Finally, he put his mouth on your clit and sucked, causing you to moan in ecstasy as the vibrations ran through your body. His tongue danced skillfully over your nub, sending shivers down your spine as you felt yourself nearing the edge. The knot tightened in your stomach, your moans becoming shorter and more urgent, signaling to him just how close you were.
You prayed silently that he would let you cum in his mouth, allowing you to ride out your orgasm against his face, feeling his lips against you as you reached the peak of pleasure. You longed for him to lick up every drop of your release and then kiss you deeply, letting you taste yourself on his lips.
But just as you were on the brink of ecstasy, he stopped abruptly, leaving you groaning in frustration. How much longer was he going to keep you waiting?
Before you could gather your thoughts, he unzipped his pants, releasing his throbbing erection, desperate to finally feel you. He wasted no time, standing behind you and filling you completely. As he slid in effortlessly and your walls clenched around him, he moaned in pleasure, relishing the sensation of being completely engulfed by you.
Pulling out and thrusting back in with a quick pace, he leaned in to kiss your spine, his arms wrapping around your waist as he maintained a steady rhythm. "You feel… so… good…" he murmured against your skin between gentle kisses, his hands finding yours, still bound behind your back.
"Spencer," you moaned, sending a shiver of pleasure down his spine. He grunted and gasped, his hands tightening on your hips as he buried himself deeper in your core, grinding against you.
But suddenly, a surge of emotions overwhelmed you. It all felt like too much, and you struggled to catch your breath, not in a good way. Tears welled up in your eyes as you whispered his name, your voice trembling with unease. “Spencer…”
"Yellow" you whispered, and he immediately pulled out, concern etched on his face as he appeared before you.
"Is everything okay? What is it? Do you want to stop?" 
Tears streamed down your cheeks. 
"Hey, it’s okay," Spencer said, gently wiping your face. "I’ll untie you, okay?" You nodded and allowed him to guide you to a sitting position. As you sat on your heels, he skillfully worked the ropes around your body, your breathing evening out as you tried not to feel foolish for interrupting.
"I'm sorry," you whispered.
"About what? You have nothing to be sorry about. I’m glad you told me," Spencer reassured you.
"Yeah, but I was feeling good… before… earlier, and then just… I don't know what happened."
"It's okay. I just want you to feel good. I'm happy you told me that it didn’t feel right anymore."
With your hands now free, you hid your face in them while Spencer gently helped you to sit on the edge of the bed and untied your legs. Then, he inspected your skin for any signs of marks from the ropes.
Once he was satisfied, he cupped your face and whispered, "I’ll bring you some water." You nodded and curled up on the bed, glancing at your wrists and ankles - relieved to see barely any signs of the ropes. Thankfully, Spencer knew what he was doing, and you hadn't been tied up long enough to leave big marks.
When he returned with a glass of water, he handed it to you and draped a blanket around your shoulders. You took a few sips while Spencer undressed, discarding his clothes and throwing on a T-shirt.
Sitting beside you, he wrapped his arm around you, offering his comfort and the warmth of skin-to-skin contact. You sat together like that for a while, his hand resting on your knee, silently reassuring you that he was there for you and would do anything to make you feel better.
"I'm sorry," you whispered again.
Spencer looked at your face. "I'm not upset… or mad, okay?" 
You nodded. "I don’t know why I said yellow. I thought maybe… I don’t know."
"Did you maybe get overwhelmed?"
"Yeah… I think so…"
He kissed your temple and hugged you tighter. "I'm glad you told me to stop. I always want you to tell me if something is wrong. I'll never get upset. I promise you that."
"Okay… thank you."
"How about a bath? To clean you up and maybe help you feel a little better? And if you said yellow because you still want to finish tonight, we can continue later, only if you’ll want to, okay?"
"Okay. A bath does sound good," you smiled softly.
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reidsvest · 10 months
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(gif is not mine,credits to @hotch-girl )
Hello!I'm completely new to this so first things first.My name is Avra,my pronouns are she/her and I am 21 years old.I'm currently on my third year of college, studying away from my home which sadly means traveling a lot, so i'm not sure how much or often i will be able to upload fics but I will be trying my best.Also my native language is not english and while I will be proofreading my fics before posting,I apologize in advance for any mistakes.I have a really big rambling problem as it has already become evident.That will probably be showing in my fanfictions and in the actual rambles i wish to post about whatever episode of criminal minds I'm watching so I feel like I want to apologize in advance for that too and I hope that it's not too boring/annoying.I promise my thoughts follow a logical order😂
Like I mentioned in my description I love everything spencer reid (and cm in general), jay halstead (same for cpd) and charles leclerc (you guessed it roughly the same applies to f1).Honestly what I'm trying to say is that I love most characters on chicago pd,criminal minds and many many drivers from formula 1 but the ones I mentioned are my top favorites.I have watched almost every single film that matthew gray gubler has acted in,i pride myself for making it through some really weird scenes but at the end of the day it was worth it for more mgg content to feed the obsessive monster.I also absolutely adore elizabeth olsen/wanda maximoff but i will not be writing for her.This is also a great moment to state how much i love Taylor Swift and her music!I am tho completely open and would love to talk with anyone about wanda or any of these topics.
My fanfictions for starters will be of the above mentioned characters (mostly spencer reid as he is my current biggest obsession) and will be female reader x character fics.I will be writing angst and nswf content (probably a mix of both) so minors please do not interact but I will also be writing fluff too. I'll try to post my first fanfiction soon-ish but I just wanted to write a quick introduction to my blog and say hello!If you read this whole essay,thank you so much!I cant wait to start!🧡🌼
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matthewsgreybubbles · 6 months
On the topic of softdom Spencer the “this is calm and its doctor” carries some of that energy for me. Like this man is so petty and snarky sometimes I feel his brain would get wired at flexing a similar “muscle” in bed (and by muscle i mean it purely metaphorically)
The "This is calm and it's doctor." sends me into orbit every time. FUCK THIS- I'M LIKE "YES SIR 🧎🏻‍♀️"
"sit back down."
"i'm sat. 🧎🏻‍♀️"
Anyway, another example is that Spencer is still sweet but you don't fuck him over.
He is no sub because sub Spencer would have been like "Yes sir.". But he is no harsh dom either or else he would have snap for real or would have been more menacing.
So this shows soft dom Spencer pretty well I think. 😌✨️
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badathumanemotions · 2 months
Feelings of Ecstasy
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Spencer Reid x Fem Reader MDNI Master List Category: Smut CW: Spiked Drinks, Sex Pollen, DubCon, Drugged Sex, Vaginal Sex, Sort of Dominate Spencer, Breeding Kink WC:2,195 Summery: Spencer and reader go out for a drink after work. Their drinks are spiked with a sex pollen like drug. (Not Proof Read) You know what, Spence?" Y/N said, tossing her hair over her shoulder with a tired smile, "I think we've earned this." She held up two cold beer bottles, the condensation beading like tiny diamonds in the neon light of the bar.
Spencer chuckled, his eyes lighting up with a hint of relief. "Agreed, Y/N," he said, taking the bottle she offered. "Cheers to another successful case."
Their clinking bottles echoed through the bustling bar, mingling with the chatter of the patrons and the jukebox playing an old rock song in the corner. The scent of stale beer and faint whiff of greasy food filled the air, but to them, it was the sweet smell of victory and a well-deserved break. They were off the clock, and the weight of their jobs at the BAU had been temporarily lifted.
In the midst of their celebration, a sudden crash jolted them out of their conversation. A group of rowdy patrons had knocked over a chair, sending it skidding across the sticky floor. The commotion drew their eyes, and in that split second, an unseen hand reached out from the shadows. It was swift, almost ghostly in its precision, and by the time their gazes returned to their drinks, their beers had been adulterated with a clear, odourless liquid.
Y/N took a sip of her beer, unaware of the potent concoction now swirling within it. The first few moments were unchanged—the cool, bitter taste of the ale sliding down her throat, the bubbles tickling her nose. But then, it hit her—a warm, tingling sensation that spread from her fingertips to her toes. She looked at Spencer, his cheeks slightly flushed, and realized he was feeling it too.
"Do you feel… strange?" she asked, setting her bottle down with a shaky hand. Spencer nodded, his gaze unfocused. "Yeah, I… I don't know what's happening."
Within minutes, the bar swirled around them like a kaleidoscope, the colors bleeding into one another, the faces of the patrons distorting into a blur of smiles. The music grew louder, the lights brighter, until the only clear thought was escape. They stumbled out, the cool night air slapping them in the face, sobering them just enough to realize they needed to get away from the there.
Somehow, through the fog of their minds, they managed to make it to Y/N's apartment. The journey was a series of disjointed moments—a cab ride, Spencer fumbling with his wallet, the sound of her keys jingling in the lock.
Inside, the safety of the familiar surroundings did little to abate the confusion. Spencer's thoughts swam in a haze of doubt and need, his instincts telling him that he should be concerned about their compromised drinks, but the drug whispered seductively, pushing those worries aside. The room was a whirlwind of sensation—colours more vivid than ever, the fabric of the couch feeling like the softest velvet under their fingertips, the scent of Y/N's perfume intoxicatingly potent.
Spencer's body felt hot, his heart racing in his chest. He looked up at Y/N, her eyes meeting his with a sudden intensity that made him feel like he was drowning. The fire grew stronger, and with it, an overwhelming need to touch her, to claim her in a way that was both primal and utterly consuming.
Y/N's cheeks flushed, her breaths shallow. She licked her lips, and Spencer could see the desire reflected in her gaze. The atmosphere in the room shifted, charged with something neither of them could ignore. They both knew what was happening, but neither spoke of the sex pollen like drug that they had been dosed with. It was as if the very fabric of their reality had been altered, and all that remained was the raw, unbridled lust that now ruled them. Finally able to give in and act on their mutual desire.
He took a step closer to her, and she didn't back away. Instead, she leaned into him, her breasts pressing against his chest. He groaned, his hands instinctively reaching for her hips, pulling her closer. The friction of their clothes was unbearable, the need to feel her bare skin against his own driving him to the brink of madness. He kissed her, hard and deep, his tongue invading her mouth as if he could taste the very essence of her soul.
Their kiss grew more frantic, more desperate. Spencer's hand found its way under her shirt, his rough touch sending electric shocks through her body. Y/N moaned into his mouth, her own hands fumbling with the buttons of his shirt. They stumbled backward, knocking over a chair in their haste to be closer, to feel more of each other. When they reached the bed, Spencer pushed her down, his hands already working at the fastening of her pants. He needed to be inside her, to feel her warmth enveloping him, to fill her completely with his desire.
Y/N's breath caught in her throat as he pushed her legs apart, his gaze never leaving hers. He lowered himself onto her, the weight of his body pressing her into the mattress. The need to have him was like a living thing inside her, demanding to be satiated. She reached down, her hand wrapping around his erection, guiding him to her entrance. He paused for a moment, savouring the anticipation, before plunging into her with a force that made them both gasp.
Their bodies moved together in a dance as old as time itself, driven by the potent pollen that had taken over their senses. Spencer's thrusts grew harder, more demanding, as if he was trying to reach a place deep within her that no one else had ever touched. Y/N's nails dug into his back, her legs wrapping around his waist, pulling him closer. The world outside the room ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the friction between their bodies, the sounds of their passion filling the space.
Their climax was explosive, a crescendo of pleasure that seemed to shake the very foundation of the building. But even as they rode the waves of their release, the hunger for more didn't abate. Spencer pulled out of her, only to push back in again, his movements relentless. He was going to fill her with his seed, mark her as his own, no matter how much she begged for mercy.
Their moans grew louder, echoing through the room, their bodies slick with sweat. They were lost in a world of pure, unadulterated lust, and neither wanted it to end. Every stroke brought them closer to the edge, only to pull them back, prolonging the sweet agony. It was a battle of wills, a struggle for dominance, and yet, they were both equally enslaved to the desire that consumed them.
The room spun around them, the air thick with the scent of arousal. They were a tangled mess of limbs and passion, each movement a declaration of war against the invisible force that had taken control of their bodies. And as they reached their peak once more, their eyes locked, the intensity of their connection reaching a new level, they both knew that the night was far from over. The sex pollen had only just begun to do its work, and they were both powerless to resist its siren call.
Spencer pulled out, his cock glistening with their combined juices, and rolled Y/N onto her stomach. He grabbed her hips and slammed into her from behind, his hands digging into her flesh as he claimed her with renewed vigor. She screamed his name, her voice hoarse from the moans and pleas that had already spilled from her lips. The bed frame creaked under their weight, a testament to the frenzied pace they had set.
Her pussy tightened around him, squeezing him in a vice-like grip that had him seeing stars. He knew he was close again, his balls tightening with every thrust. He reached around, his fingers finding her clit and rubbing it mercilessly. Y/N's back arched, her body responding to his touch like it was programmed to do so. He could feel her walls fluttering around him, her orgasm building.
He didn't let up, pushing deeper, harder, until she was on the brink. With one final, brutal thrust, he sent her over the edge, her pussy convulsing around him. He roared his release, filling her up with hot spurts of cum, his hips jerking with the force of it. They collapsed onto the bed, their bodies spent, but the lust still pulsing through their veins like a drug.
For a moment, they lay there, panting, trying to catch their breath. But the respite was short-lived. The pollen's grip on them was unrelenting, and soon, their hands were roaming again, their kisses growing more urgent. They had become addicted to the feeling of each other, unable to get enough, as if every touch was a lifeline to sanity in a world gone mad with desire. And as the night grew darker, their cries grew louder, their bodies moving in a symphony of passion that neither of them could ever forget.
Spencer's mind was a haze of need, his thoughts consumed by the single goal of impregnating Y/N. He rolled her onto her back, his eyes burning with a fierce possessiveness. He had to see her stomach swollen with his child, her breasts heavy with milk, her body forever changed by the life they would create together. It was a primal urge that overrode any rational thought, reducing him to his most basic instincts.
He kissed her again, his tongue exploring the depths of her mouth as his hands moved over her curves, memorizing every inch of her. His cock was already hard again, demanding more, eager to fill her once more. He positioned himself between her legs, his eyes never leaving hers as he slid back inside her. The heat of her body was like a brand, searing him with the knowledge that she was his, and always would be.
Her hips bucked up to meet him, her nails scoring his back, urging him deeper. He knew she felt it too, the all-consuming need to be one, to create something new and beautiful together. They moved together, their bodies in perfect sync, their hearts racing in time with the rhythm of their lovemaking. The room was a blur of sweat and heat, the only reality the feeling of skin on skin, the sound of their breaths mingling in the stillness of the night.
And as they reached their climax once more, their eyes locked, Spencer knew that nothing would ever be the same again. They had crossed a line, succumbed to a desire so intense it had stripped them bare of all their defences. He continued to thrust, his seed spilling into her, marking her as his in the most primal way possible. He whispered her name over and over, a mantra that echoed through the room, a declaration of ownership that was as fierce as it was tender.
Their bodies shuddered with the power of their release, the force of it leaving them trembling and gasping. But even as the intensity began to wane, the need didn't. They were trapped in a cycle of passion, driven by the sex pollen that had taken over their senses. They had become slaves to their desires, and there was no escape.
The night stretched on, a never-ending tapestry of pleasure and pain, of love and obsession. They didn't speak of the future, didn't whisper sweet nothings into the darkness. They didn't need to. The bond that had formed between them was stronger than words, stronger than anything they had ever known. And as they lay there, their bodies entwined, their hearts beating as one, they knew that no matter what the morning brought, they would never be the same again. The pollen had changed them, bound them together in a way that no one else could ever understand.
Spencer brushed the hair from Y/N's face, his eyes filled with a mix of wonder and possession. He wanted to see her grow round with his child, the thought made him hard again, his body responding to the idea of claiming her so completely, so utterly. He leaned down, capturing her mouth in a kiss that spoke of forever, of a bond that could never be broken.
The pollen had done its work, and now they were truly one. And as the first light of dawn began to creep into the room, they both knew that the night had only just begun. They had so much more to explore, so much more to experience together. The world outside had ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the here and now, the passion that burned between them like an eternal flame. They were bound by lust, by love, by the promise of new life growing within her. And as they drifted off to sleep, their bodies still intertwined, they were already planning for the next round, eager to see if the next time would be the one that made their deepest desires come true.
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mggsv · 1 year
PLEASEEEEE write a second part (and more if u want) of the daddy fic? maybe a fic about him having to punish reader not extremely hard dom preferred but it’s your fic so take the reins ofc! i love love the first one so so so much ughhhh i loved it. def need more about it pls!
i’m so glad you enjoy Daddy Matthew sweetheart! i’m enjoying him SO much and it’s SO fun to write! <3
Daddy (Matthew Ver)
poc!f reader x mgg
warnings: dom!matthew/spencer, sub!reader, spanking, edging, water works ! , crying, sassy Matthew, fingering, overstimulation
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You yelp as your legs itch to close. Matthew sat on the bed to your right, hand between your legs. He gave you a stern look, and you hesitantly opened them back up. Your cunt dripped as he spanked your sensitive spot. Your legs shook while he rubbed the inside of your thigh to soothe you. His thumb brushes over the sensitive bud- earning a small cry from you- while his fingers slip back into your hole. “Please…” Your back arches at the curl of Matthew’s fingers pressing that spot inside of you. “M’sorry Daddy-“
“You told me that, yes.” He murmurs, fascinated by just how wet you were. His cum leaking from your hole, all the while you squirted over his fingers. “Fuck-“ you gasp, feeling the wave of another orgasm. “I can’t hold it Daddy.” You whimper. Matthew pulls his fingers out, smirking up at you while he rubbed your clit, “I don’t see why not. You’ve done it before..when you were being my good girl. Now you’re being uncooperative during your own punishment.”
He spanks your cunt once again, “Four!” You moan out. Your hands fumbled to grip at the sheets beneath you. He cooed softly, leaning down to take your nipple into his mouth. He sucked softly, fingers making their way back inside of you. His tongue swirls over the hard tit before he pulls back, kissing your tears away. “Is it too much?” he whispers softly, fingers slipping deeper while his thumb worked your clit. Your eyes roll shut as you shook your head. “It’s okay- it’s okay Daddy..gonna cum-“ you babble out.
“Yeah?” he groans into your ear, knowing how much you loved to hear him make such a sound. “Gonna cum for me?” His fingers speed up. “Yes…yes yes please!” Your back arches, eyes flying open as that wave hit you. Your legs shook violently as you came hard on your daddy’s fingers. You hear him chuckle, fingers pulling out only to rub your clit again. He pecks your lips while you pant. Shaking hands releasing the sheet.
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fandomscombine · 2 years
2023 really started and had me at the palms of these chaotic, charismatic, funny men fr.
Yungblud/Dom Harrison :
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Matthew Gray Gubler:
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All of January, they would occupy my mind.
Chaotic, charismatic, with a sense of humor and a bucket of geekiness. Fictional or real, that's a guarantee.
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