#domestic affection is so goooood
rainbowwolfie · 1 year
You're stars twinkling down through cool night air I'm all sunshine and clover and buttercups You're winter's clean biting air, the hush of snowfall I'm all birdsong and summer thunderstorms You're city backstreets and seedy bars at 2 am I'm crocheting with soft yarn in a breakfast cafe You're power and strength and fiery war songs I'm peace and love and solace by the hearth with a cup of hot cocoa
I'm not so scared of the dark anymore And you're not so scared of love anymore Show me your city lights And I'll show you how different crops grow Teach me your spontaneity and adventure and I'll teach you the security and devotion you deserved all along
We're staying up too late for the Dirty Gerund We're waking up early for the peek of sunrise over the horizon We're avoiding the sketchy corners of Worcester you warned me about We're trying new food that I poured my love into We're snuggling at home together laughing at Youtube We're traveling to far-off places we've never been before, hand in hand You make the world feel so much brighter and fuller And I hope I give you a home you want to return to
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mywritingonlyfans · 2 years
Imagine calling him Mommy and being his sugar baby but like also in a relationship??? Like maybe you were at a really low point in your life and Al was like ‘oof, been there’ and sorta took you under his wing and treats you like a little prince(ss) 🥺🥺🥺 Being more of a mentor at first, taking you out to dinner, buying you things, providing comfort but he can tell you have a huge crush and one night he’s like ‘come here, love’ and kisses you real soft and your heart just stops and you practically melt into his embrace 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and he lets you move in and is all sweet and domestic and lets you braid his hair and you sleep in the same bed🥺🥺🥺🥺
He’d definitely be a soft dom, really caring and attentive, but sorta hesitant like if you asked him to hurt you he’d be really conflicted about it, and it’s practically canon he gives AMAZING head, absolute throat goat, and would make all your insecurities go away and tell you how beautiful you are🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
And also
Literally everyone I know agrees that he’s probably dl transfem, like even my therapist and that’s definitely saying something
okay i feel weird that really into how you mention the "being more of a mentor" lol and soft dom alex, and the way you described it, it really positively affected me jesus, i'm dying to think of a gradual relationship where he is so reliable and good at advice, as well as super welcoming, that there would be no other way out but to fall in love!! (and for some reason I read what you described with a subtle age difference between them and my mind loves that!) goooood just melting in his attention and him calling you and treating you like his little princess i wanna cry in my daddy/mommy issues (and then develop something like only being able to sleep well when you're with alex or after hearing al's voice even if only over the phone!) that'd be perfect PERFECTT
and i love the thought of you actually going to therapy and then talking about alex turner help i love it because i did it a few times too 🥹
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thed4rkhand · 3 years
So today we’re doing Yoongi’s chart and my analysis of it. Let me make it clear right off the bat, that since I’m not a professional astrologer, some things may not match up, further since we’re not super sure of his birth time, it’ll definitely affect the reading. What I can be sure of is that I’ll do my best and I’m completely open to constructive criticism from you all!
Now lets get on with some basic stuff, for those who have not yet read the post with Namjoon’s moon analysis, I’ll again reiterate some principles of Vedic astrology! In the scenario that you’re still confused with all this jargon, feel free to reach out and I’ll be more than happy to help you out.
Starting out, we have to note that while western astrology is usually more advisory in nature, Vedic astrology’s main purpose is to predict. Also, we usually go a sign back from western astrology (24’ back to be more precise) in Vedic astrology, so according to that for example, if you’re a libra rising, you become a virgo rising in Vedic astrology and so on and so forth. All planets will also shift back a sign, so a Capricorn Mercury will become a Sagittarius Mercury.
Now let’s be aware that the chart may be a bit different, but given the main d1 (Lagna) chart remains the same for about 2 hours, let’s focus on that and the moon chart (rashi chart) for this reading. We can also just look at d9 for strength but not house placements as that can be time sensitive. So, we can take a two hour margin of time discrepancy and still predict accurately.
For this reading, we have taken 9th March 1993 as the day and 7:30am as the time of birth, with the location set to Daegu.
Since this is a general chart analysis, we shall be covering topics briefly and discussing the moon, ascendant and sun. For an in depth reading, do pick a smaller and focussed topic as we can honestly keep going on and on about a chart.
Lets get started then-
Right off the bat, we can see that Yoongi is born into Pisces, with his ascendant at 10’35’, within the Nakshatra of Uttarabhadprada, within the 3rd quadrant or pada. He has venus situated in the lagna itself, in Pisces, thus exalted. His lagna lord, Jupiter, is in the 7th house, conjuct with the Moon, in the sign of virgo, where jupiter gains the upper hand despite mercury (lord of virgo) being enemies. The lord is directly aspected by mars in the fourth house. The lord of the birth Nakshatra is Saturn here, which sits in the 12th house, conjunct sun and mercury (dispositer of the ascendant lord). Lastly, moon, jupiter and rahu aspect the lagna of this chart. Of course there is so so much more here, but we’ve got a whole chart to cover!
(p.s I can already see this is such a fun chart to read)
Getting on with the reading, we firstly see that he’s born under Pisces lagna, this makes the native calm and collected, as well as fond of philosophy and psychology. What we often forget is, people born under Pisces are said to have been born under all the other signs in their past life, and cumulatively they use their skills and knowledge from those lives in their current one. Remember how on Bon Voyage trips and just about every RunBts, saga seems like the ‘dad’ of the bunch? cooking, cleaning, fixing stuff Joon broke, producing music and the stuff? And all those times that he is so very understanding of other? He doesn’t scold Jungkook, let alone anyone else? These are typical Pisces traits. They’re very domestic and understanding by nature, because they’ve been there before in a past life, and enjoy taking care of people.
The downside to this? They can be extremely manipulative if they want to be, they know exactly what to say, when to say, to whom to say and so on. They have an alarming grip on people’s emotions, and have a magnetic quality to them. Further, this is mostly an observation, you’ll often notice that most pisces natives are fond of alcohol (could be because they exist in a water sign? Could be because its the natural 12th house ruler of addictions too?)
Coming to the Nakshatra here, we have UttaraBhadrapada, the second last Nakshatra of the series. This Nakshatra is ruled by Saturn, and the presiding deity being Ananta or Ahir Budhyana, the deep ocean serpent in hindu mythology. The deity Ananta represents boundless expansion, be it of fortune, goodwill or knowledge. Ahir Budhyana, is a sattvic (sacred or untainted) form of lord Shiv, and resides at he bottom of the ocean. He represents the liberation from illusions and attainment of spiritual enlightenment and knowledge. The natives of this Nakshatra here embody these qualities of their deities. We see them as philanthropic and reserved beings, who enjoy learning about a variety of subjects and spirituality. Such people are extremely progressive in their thinking patterns, and often a magnetic pull like the deep ocean serpent has.
They’re extremely controlled and calculating in their approach, and think more than speak. This by no means is to say that they don’t speak, because such people are great orators by nature. They stand up for the underdogs and have a unique approach to topics. They are extremely interested in occult and metaphysical practices and theories. They however commonly don’t obtain higher education or do well in fields of fine arts, even their primary education is not something they excel at. (i once read that yoongi really likes reading about a variety of subjects, and also Paulo Coelho, definitely his UttaraBhadrapada here)
The bad side to this Nakshatra? They’re very critical and over-analyze everything and everyone. Sometimes, even unconsciously, they manipulate people to suit their needs and whims. They get side tracked too often and have difficulty focussing on one task at hand, often amounting to laziness in other people’s eyes, even if the native is extremely hardworking in reality. However when in comes to personal care, they tend to do things in a very half-hearted manner. These people are also prone to isolating themselves from others, especially when things get hard. Due to the sign falling in pisces here, people also tend to have many different mental burdens and disorders, which arise from their constant scatter-brained self and inability to make out between the spiritual and real realms.
They can also be heavy drinkers and abuse substances in such a Nakshatra, or enjoy partaking in occult practices while under influences. They might’ve also faced a very rough childhood with such a Nakshatra, neglected and misunderstood by people around him. The natives could also have moved away from their parents during their early adulthood for education or job purposes. Such people can have health issues like hemorrhoids, stomach ailments and hernias. Usually they lead a stable period full of health and success in the latter part of life, say about after 48 years(since the south node Ketu matures as 48).
Since Suga’s Nakshatra falls into the third pada or quadrant, its ruled by libra here. Libra here focusses on balance and cooperation. Such people may make a living working with other people, or in industries related to entertainment. They may make great debaters, and think excessively about what other think of them as. They’re very conscious of other’s opinion, even if they don’t show it, so we often find such people wearing extremely covered up and baggy clothes for example, or keeping a low profile. They may have a very practical and unbiased approach to most things in life. Such people are intensely into spiritual practices and often times fully devote themselves at hours at a time to worship of gods, angel or other beings. They may be the type to attract people very easily, or even be the kind to fall in love extremely easily.
The second placement we come to, is Venus in the first house, in Pisces. Venus here is naturally exalted (most powerful). Sure ill give you the generic explanation in a bit but, do you know which type of people usually have this placement? Actual saints and famed occultists. Sure many people within the entertainment industry too, but this placement can hands down be one of the most spiritual and divine placements of Venus in the chart. First ill go ahead and give the normal meaning and effect, and then lets dive into the crazy stuff (istg his chart is so goooood). Such people usually have really magnetic personalities, and given Venus is in Uttarabhadrapa, these are the people who you don’t notice at first, but then its like a whirlpool of being invested in them, as opposed to being in Revati Nakshatra (another Piscean nakshatra) which would be a more dramatic pull, based off an extroverted personality. These people can be very good looking, more feminine looking, could definitely look like their mothers with this position. Brilliant luck in fields of arts and entertainment and also genius level of creativity and talent. Here, people can have brilliant luck too, like god’s hand on their head kind. Accumulation of wealth and property can also be seen here.
Now onto the really fun stuff. These people are actually rarely concerned with someone’s exterior, because often times such people have such good intuition and spiritual powers (some are literally called mystics because of this), they can literally see through someone. For this reason, they actually don’t like associating with too many people, despite having a very charming personality. These are the kind of people that keep searching for ‘the one’. These people often give up everything and go ahead and become priests. The calling to god with such a placement is very strong. They also don’t like collecting too many material possessions, as they feel its redundancy in this very changing world. These people hold the few people they’re close to, very very tightly to themselves. These people also may have a very low sexual drive actually, (i know, I know, how can a strong Venus do this?) because an exalted Venus is about devotion to god, to one person, and leaving sensory pleasures behind in life. A debilitated Venus on the other hand (eg. Jungkook has one) might make someone very invested in worldly matters. These people are happy with being alone and single for a long time, they’re very satisfied with their own company. Such placements can make someone practice magick or astral projection too. (Venus in 12th sign of liberation, liberation from physical body)
Given that in this chart, Venus is his 3rd and 8th lord, we can make further deductions. Firstly, since 3rd lord is going 11 houses away, its an extremely auspicious placement here. Self made person, making wealth through communication, can also have very witty and intelligent responses to things. Since the third house also represents courage and valor, this can make someone very fearless and say whats on their mind bluntly. Since the 3rd house is part of the Kama Trikon houses (houses of desire), this going into the 1st house, which is a part of the Dharma Trikon houses (houses of morality), gives interesting results here. Firstly, such people are fiercely independent, and hate to be disrupted when there pursuing their goals and working towards them. They hate to take help from anyone, and as a result are extremely competent. secondly, such people have a moral high ground, to which they religiously abide. They’re extremely righteous and stand up for those who wouldn’t be able to for themselves. Since from here, it aspects the 7th house of agreements, such people are great at understanding and signing contracts for work.
Now with the 8th house, we have a bit of a conundrum here honestly. It belongs to 2 types of houses, the moksha trikona houses (houses of salvation) as well as the Dushtana houses (evil houses). While this placement isn’t all that bad, it isn’t he best either. firstly though, this is a placement where the native always wins over their enemies (8th lord 6 houses away from itself), be it enemies as in people, or simply obstacles in their life. This also confers a long lifespan to people, given that his 8th lord is also exalted here. However such people are prone to accidents, given that the 1st house is the body, 8th house is sudden events and the natural 8th ruler mars is a karka or signifactor of vehicles. Such people are also against organized forms of religions, since the Dushtana lord is sitting in a dharma house. The native is also extremely private and secretive given the 1st house of self has the 8th lord of secrets sitting in it. Since it also aspects the 7th house of other people, this person has that aura of mystery about them because of this. Such people are deeply critical in nature but can have extreme wisdom in cases of hidden objects or matters of the occult.
Now coming to his aspects. His Venus is aspected by moon, Jupiter and Rahu. The first two are benefic in nature and the latter is malefic. Moon-Venus and Jupiter-Venus are also mutually aspecting each other in pairs here. Moon here gives Venus the property of being constantly cynical of themselves regards to what others may perceive them as, given moon is emotion and the 7th house here is other people. Their thoughts here are deeply influenced by other people, they may always keep serving other people too, through acts of service. This also makes someone who falls in love very easily, but it is important to engage this person’s mind in a relationship, they just cant do without an emotional bond here. Since Moon also represents fame in a chart, this makes a person very famous, as they receive attention from many people, and people want to analyze them, and enjoy their work and presence.
Jupiter here, makes the person level headed and practical. The person wouldn’t be all touchy feely with people they like, because they would like to remain more in control of the situation here. They’d rather engage in a full blown debate with someone, than hold hands. This also makes them very worldly and teacher like, while also being attracted to very worldly people themselves.
Rahu’s aspect on the other hand, makes someone stand out in a crowd (Rahu signifies an outcast), they may have a rough and cold exterior due to this. They may also have had issues with body image (1st house is self), or mental health here. These people are enamored by all things foreign, and love exploring the other cultures. They may have issues identifying with their own community at large, and may identify with the downtrodden of the society.
Now going to Jupiter and moon conjunction in the 7th house. I wont go very deep into this, as its a super interesting concept, and it’ll be better covered in the second part of the reading regarding the moon itself, so ill keep it short and related to the ascendant. Also the mutual aspect part will be explained in more detail in the miscellaneous section later. Plus this is getting far too long for even me now.
Getting on with the reading for now, moon and Jupiter here are in virgo, in a loose conjunction (one is at approximately 2’ and the other at 18’). This is actually one of the not very yogas (combinations)in a chart, about 15% of people have these. Its called the Gaj-Kesari yoga (the elephant and lion combination), because people with this are so extremely lucky, its like the kings of the jungle are together to support it. They have the wisdom of the elephant and the courage of a lion. This is a raj yoga (royal combination). a native born with Gaj-Kesari Yoga is intelligent, strong, and prosperous. Gaj or Elephant possesses immense strength and is devoid of pride and the Lion is known for his foresight and skillful intelligence as well as his strength, quickness, skillful leadership, ability and courage. Thus, when Gaj-Kesari Yoga is formed then that person is extremely successful. They will be a kind and philanthropic person, who will always have sympathy for others. They will be quite humble regarding work, would like to talk nicely to people and aim to attain spiritual progress in life. Many people will recognize them as their mentor or guide and will act according to their instructions or advice. They may have a tendency attracting people and people being magnetized by them. They will be blessed with abundant wealth and become the owner of movable and immovable property(cars as well as homes). They will establish relationships with rich and reputed people of the society and enjoy all kinds of material pleasures in life.
Since this occurs in virgo, it makes a person intelligent, sharp and gifts them with amazing memory power. Such a person is knowledgeable and can become the head of a large educational institution. He may own incomparable wealth and can earn a good name and money from business as well. Often such people earn a high reputation in the Stock Market and make progress in life by working in any financial institution or insurance sectors.
Here jupiter in particular makes someone extremely cynical in nature, and their mind is always, and I mean always, thinking about romantic relationships or platonic ones. However given that jupiter is also the 10th lord here, they could be extremely focused on work too. Their life is surrounded by contracts, and may work with others for a living(7th house is house of courts and partnership). They could be very interested in the financial sector here, they could be extremely money minded and money means stability to them. Moon here on the other hand makes the person very moody, and extremely dependent on their spouse or colleagues. Since it rules the fifth house here, it signifies that such people are extremely creative in their work, may work for children or young adults, have a lot of past life karma related to work, and also that they’re extremely devoted lovers. They tend to criticize their close friends and loved ones, just because they’re so cynical and blunt, and want the absolute best for people. They may hurt people’s feeling without realizing it sometimes. (this was very brief but refer to point 12)
Now coming to Saturn in 12th, as the lord of the birth nakshatra. Saturn over here signifies working in the fields of music, but given saturn represents electronics, it could mean a producer too. Since its in Aquarius here, a sign of dual lordship, this resents a constant up and down of mood and life spirit. The person with such a placement is confused with what truly makes them happy in life, the spiritual realm or the materialistic realm. They keep going up and down the path of being spiritual, till 36 years (saturn matters at 36). They may face a lot of mental disorders here. They may have trouble sleeping at night. Given saturn is also work, they may earn through foreign sources in life. Such a person invests money into properties (saturn is houses) and lacks liquid cash. The person may have a weak left eye (12th house is left eye). They may earn from multiple sources in life, and have multiple talents. Such people have low sex drives as saturn is a dry eunuch planet, and in the 12th house of bed pleasures, it may not allow native to enjoy it. They may not be interested in worldly pleasures with such placements.
Lastly (finally?), we have to discuss the looks! Pisces ascendents usually have the short to medium height, and tend to appear a little fuller even when they’re very scrawny. (its because jupiter is the largest planet). Uttarabhadrapada natives tend to have a very innocent look to them, a very calming nature and vibe. however, like the deep sea serpant, they have very deep and magnetic eyes, and a very expressive face (yoongi memes). They usually have a very beautiful smile, and can literally attract people with it (again the snake like quality). They tend to have a very blank look usually, and if you ever notice, they’ll have the most stunning eyelashes actually, given the yoni is the female cow. They might also have the habit of moving their mouth around when their thinking, quite like ruminating.
Given venus sits here, is gives the person very attractive, effeminate features. Think extremely renaissance type of soft features. It can give them very delicate hands and feet with such a placement. The moon aspect here, gives them a rounded face and pale skin. They might have sparkly eyes and a roundish appearance here, also the tendency to gain weight around their face, with short necks. They make also look much younger than their actual age.The jupiter aspect again makes the native very other worldly looking, almost like you can imagine them in a dark robe literally performing rituals. It gives people a calm and teacher type of vibe to them. The rahu aspect usually just blows qualities out of proportion. Have you seen how small and angelic suga looks compared to the other? (not saying they’re not angelic but still), thats the rahu aspect. Again, rahu aspects only get better with time.
So this was my analysis! If anyone has any questions or doubts, hit me up! Let me know if you enjoyed it!
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sour--strawberries · 5 years
my opinions about Endgame
includes major spoilers, so don’t read if you didn’t see the movie
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It has been almost four days since I saw Endgame and I am still trying to process it. After almost ten years of being a MCU fan, including seven years as a Stony shipper this all is really tough for me and I don't remember any movie ever before affecting me so much. please remember that those are my subjective opinions, you are free to agree or disagree, but any sort of aggressive comments will be immediately blocked, because this is not me wanting to start a fight, it is just me expressing my point of view and getting my feelings out.
- Tony and Nebula's friendship - the first shots from the space ship made me really smile. Nebula was slowly opening up and letting her guard down, and even if she seemed tense, Tony was trying to ease her in his very own Tony way, which was always so subtle and he had this amazing thing of making people feel comfortable around him, without any overpowering emotions. I was so happy to see them both having fun and enjoying each other company in such grim circumstances. when Tony offered Nebula last scraps of food, and she pushed it back to him, it broke me all over again. the way Nebula was placing Tony into the seat instead of leaving him on the floor. I want to adopt Nebula.
- Steve and Tony reunited again - when Steve rushed to Tony after he got out from the spaceship, oh God, my heart was soaring. for a brief moment, you could see their relief over the other being safe. then the compound scene rolled in, and Tony let out all the frustration he had in himself for all those years. You could see how broken and betrayed he was, and my heart just stopped when he called Steve a liar. the scene with Tony ripping off the arc reactor and pushing into Steve's hands with 'if you ever face Thanos, wear this and hide'. Tony was a terrified, ball of raw emotions, and I kinda hated that stoic expression on Steve's face and I, even more, hated the way he barked at Tony to focus and tell him about the fight with Thanos, like if he was back in military and Tony was his soldier. the man almost died in space, give him time, dammit.
- Natasha's character - this was the most open and vulnerable we have ever seen Natasha. from cold and 'triple spy' Black Widow this was a long way to come. also, after CA:CW I thought that Nat's and Tony's friendship was lost forever, but the way they were lying spread on that desk close to each other while discussing the time heist, fixed my heart again. Natasha will be missed dearly and I know that the memory about her will be treasured in Barton’s family and among OG6 Avengers.
- Thor's character - I heard that some of Thor's fans are disappointed with what Endgame did to their favorite, but I somehow found it so fitting. Thor never lost before, there was no obstacle he couldn't overcome. In this movie, he coped the best way he could, by finding a new home for his people and muting down his pain in alcoholism. this is just so relatable on every level. When the gauntlet was completed, you could see the almost maniacal despair when Thor offered to use the infinity stones, he wanted so much to make everything right again, to feel that he didn't fail. and, that might be my personal preference, but Thor assembling his gear back and when his unruly beard got braided, that was hot af.
- Bruce's character - that was surprising. that fusion of Hulk and Bruce. I guess it was also Bruce's coping mechanism - to become the best version of himself in his opinion. seeing Hulk acting gentle and having Bruce's smile was such a treat.
- Clint's character - I don't have a lot to say here, just I am glad Clint was able to go back to his family and I understand the murder spree he went on.
- Tony's family life - I was surprised he chose to live in a small house, outside city life in rather rural conditions, but I guess it just showed how much he wanted to escape from the genius-playboy-billionare-Iron Man part of his life. I am glad Tony found himself in domestic life and I always wished for Tony to have a daughter. Morgan H. Stark - not gonna lie, I hate the name Morgan, and H. makes me think that her second name is Howard, but I was thrilled to see Tony as a father and a husband.
- The going back in time thing - oh God. OH GOD. it was soooo gooood. it was like getting behind scenes material, just canon. we could see Avengers being a family. Steve being irritated by himself was glorious. The talk about Steve's ass made me wriggle in glee, and when you think that SHIELD designed this costume and all of Steve's next suits were designed by Tony, this scene gets a whole different meaning. Steve saying 'hail Hydra' made me clap like a seal, I know some hate it, but I have a soft spot for villain!Steve and Captain Hydra. when Ant-man gave Tony a cardiac arrest and Thor used Mjolnir to ‘power him up’ again, Tony's smile was so beautiful I almost melted. speaking of Thor, his meeting with Frigga was lovely. I would still prefer if Tony bumped into pregnant Maria and could see how awaited he was and then Howard would stroll along, but Tony and his dad making amends was good too.
- Nebula and Thanos - the pain is back. if somehow Nebulas memories didn't get entangled everything could go fine, and this was some kind of a farfetched thing to do, but fine, I understand everything had to go with a big bang. their stories are filled with pain, and watching the past Nebula struggle with present Nebula was emotional and unfair. I really wanted Nebula to rest.
- the final fight - IT. WAS. SO. GOOOOOD. visually I can't complain about anything. we got to see Pepper in Rescue armor. every Marvel character is back to fight. it was a stunning scene. I was surprised that Steve could lift Mjolnir, but then I whooped in excitement as clearly making amends with Tony made him worthy again (because it was confirmed that he couldn't lift the hammer in AoU because of keeping the truth about Tony's parents to himself)
- Tony's ending - oh God. it has been days and I still keep crying on and off. I can't believe how this ended for Tony. my heart is aching almost constantly and I feel like I lost a friend, someone I looked up to, someone who was there for me all the time and to who I could turn for comfort. and now he is gone. I honestly hate feeling this bleeding hole in my heart Tony's death had left. what I hate the most, is that we never saw Tony become truly happy. we never saw him being properly recognized as the hero he was. we never saw him having a chance to live in a full world again with his beloved ones and his family. I hate that they gave us ten years to get attached to someone, watch him rise and fall repeatedly, make mistakes and fix them, grow as a character and when he finally had a chance to be happy, they took him away from us in a glorious hero like death which crushed everything Tony Stark worked for. Tony wasn’t a fighter, he was a regular dude who got tangled in things he didn’t ask for and did his best to protect everyone and he managed to do it by always sacrificing himself and his happiness. he was a symbol for me that it is okay to make mistakes and fix them, and I always believed that in the end as long as you are a good person there is a happy ending waiting, but no, no, there isn’t, you can try your best, but in the end, it doesn’t matter. Tony was a lamb raised for slaughter. this ending for him makes me want to throw away every Marvel connected merchandise I have and it was one huge slap to all Tony fans around the world. that ending did justice to Iron Man and cemented his positions as Earth's best defender and MCU's greatest hero, but did shit to Tony Stark, and I won’t be over it for a very long time, I don’t know if I ever be over it. my only comfort is that one of last moments for Tony was Pepper smiling at him warmly and telling him that she and Morgan will be fine and he can rest, and it was so incredibly smart, because we all know how much Tony wanted to stay out of the fight and protect his family and I like to think that Tony erased Thanos from all timelines and secured the world forever for everyone. I really need to hear some comment from RDJ on it and someone telling us that Tony was at ease with dying, because it is all so raw and painful right now.
- Steve's ending - when Steve disappeared, my heart beat faster in hope that he will come back with Tony. when he didn't, and we saw Steve as an old man sitting on the bench, it was confusing for sure. I love that he handed the shield to Sam. my heart swelled with happiness when I saw Steve slow dancing with Peggy. but then… then I realized that Steve was in the current timeline all the time and didn't do squat. he knew shit would happen, and chose not to do anything. the man who claimed that 'he could do this all day' and 'when I see a situation pointed south, I can't ignore it, sometimes I wish I could, but I can't' willingly spent his life in hiding and traded everyone's happy ending for one slow dance. I don't like this ending and I want to emphasize that I don't hate on Steve, but I hate Steve in Russos' writing, because since CA:CW they made him nothing but selfish.
- ending thoughts - this movie is bittersweet. there were many good moments, almost clear fan service, but I can't cope with this kind of ending. maybe one day I will, but not now. do you know that scene in Friends when Phoebe doesn't know sad endings to the movies because her mom used to turn the TV off before those scenes could start? that will be me. I will be turning off Endgame after Tony gets the infinity stones and does the snap, and will lie to myself that he recovered and lived a long, full life with his family and friends and Steve got back after returning the stones and passed his shield to Sam and maybe continued to work as a therapist or found happiness in pursuing art and living outside the battlefield. I know they wanted to end Steve's and Tony's plotline, but killing one character and butchering the other is just a lazy way out, so the movie was good, the ending not so good and
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rainbowwolfie · 1 year
Showing love through feeding people I love nutritious things they enjoy makes me feel so happy <3
I made french toast on whole wheat bread (for fiber), flavored with triple sec because it's orange flavored and I didn't have an orange for zest, cardamom, nutmeg, and cinnamon!
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