nikodavisflores · 7 months
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Happy Valentines!! Domiel Saved this day. 🖌️🎨💝
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skijumpingf1 · 12 days
You know what this means. A re-read of hello Hurricane to torture myself
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la-gazza-ladra · 1 year
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thehumongouskargomice · 8 months
domen following dannys lead and not making it to 2nd round...just boyfriend thingies
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fifdraws · 2 years
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Also... I haven't fully recovered from that Domiel photo :)))
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imagine if we got a domiel podium today
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sparflamme · 2 years
Domeme, what was that look up the hill right there? Making heart eyes at Danny on live television...
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the-starry-artist · 2 months
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Angel who watches over the sea Domiel drowns those who hurt the ocean
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masonjarsmoments · 8 months
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Roadtrip through Norway Domiel edition
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nikodavisflores · 1 year
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Less crushed dread 💀, more crushed by a hug 🫂 @/zelionmane hugging my oc Domiel
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skijumpingf1 · 6 months
Pillowtalk (D.Prevc X D.Tande)
Hello guys. I am back with another Domiel fic. This time it is set before the weekend in Oslo when they are finally reunited. There is a lot of talking happening between them hence the title. It´s kinda set in the same universe as my last one (here) but you can read it independently. I hope you like it. 🥰
Wordcount: 3949
I spot him as soon as I leave the security area of the Oslo airport. This is one of my favourite airports. It’s quiet and airy. But mainly it is the person that picks me up every time I land here, that makes this airport special. He is standing a bit in the back, leaning against a wall, and watching me. I just stop in the middle of the chaos around me and take a moment to look at him. Our eyes meet and a corner of his lips is rising. That small smile is making my heart race faster. God, has he always been this beautiful? His blonde hair is hiding under a grey beanie, but his face is glowing. I can’t do anything against the bright smile that is building on my face.
Suddenly a body runs into me, and I turn around to see who disturbed me. “Shit Domen. Watch out!” Timi is shaking is head at me. Our team and the girls team make quite the entrance. With our skis, teamwear and Lovro who is having his fifteen minutes of energy of the day, we got a lot of eyes on us. It is obvious that we are some kind of sport team, and I am waiting for the first person who is brave enough to come up to us. Over my shoulder I can see how my boyfriend is giggling. Timi follows my gaze. “Ah there was your attention. Why are you still standing here?” I sigh. “Because I´m wearing team gear and we are recognizable that way.” The real greeting would have to wait until I loaded my skis in the team bus. That is the deal with Rob. I could leave with Danny and spend the night with him in his flat when I helped my team with putting everything away. It is a generous offer and I´m sure he is just doing it because I was grumpy the last couple of weeks. Danny already texted me where he parked and there, we could finally be with each other again.
“Why don’t you guys make it public already? This has been going on for years. Wouldn’t it be easier to just do it?” I grab my stuff and shoot a last smile to Daniel. Then I follow my teammates out of the airport. “It is not that easy. There are no other queer male ski jumpers and sadly athletes in a same-sex relationship always get attention and hate. It is a step we can’t take back, you know?” Luckily, it’s not like we are world famous. Normally if I wasn’t here with my team I would have hugged, maybe even kissed, Daniel right there in the airport hall. It is just around ski jumping stuff we have to be careful around. Which still sucks but it is manageable until we decide that we are ready.
Norway greets us with sunshine. The car is already halfway loaded when Timi and I put our skis in the back of the van. Rob, who notices my glances into the direction of the parking lot across the street, nods and smiles at me. “Just go Domen. We will see you tomorrow.” “Thank you so much.” I give my brother a fast pat on the shoulder than I´m off. With fast steps I practically jog to the other side of the street. Daniel is playing around on his phone. When he hears my steps, he puts his phone in his pocket and looks up. From close up he looks even better. His light eyes wander from my face down my body and then land on my face again. I take a deep breath and then I am finally there. Finally, I can touch him again. Be with him. I grab his hand and an electric impulse runs through me. He pulls me into a deep hug. “Hey.”, I mumble against his chest. His chin rests on my head. Daniels hands are firmly griping onto my hips. I missed this feeling. Our bodies fit perfectly together. If it is his hands on my hips, our fingers intertwined or my hands on his cheek. It always feels perfect. “I missed you so much.” Alone hearing his voice in person and not through a phone speaker makes me shiver. “I missed you more.” Slowly we part but I press a kiss on his soft lips. My hands wander into his hair. The smell of Daniel is surrounding me. God, have I missed all of this. “I would really like to continue this but not here, darling.” I roll my eyes when we fully part. “Boring.” That makes Daniel laugh and he throws his head back. My favourite sound in the world. “Oh, come on your teammates are literally still watching us.” I look back to the other side of road. Indeed. The other guys are still outside of the car and observe us. Lovro is even waving to us. Peter on the other hand is grinning which is weird. Normally I feel like he just tolerates our PDA. “I hate these guys so much.”, I sigh. My boyfriend takes my hand and places a kiss on it. “I told you, you shouldn’t lie.” “I want to continue. So, let’s go home.”
His hand is on my thigh the whole drive from the airport to his flat in the suburbs from Oslo. We catch up a bit on light topics. How my flight was, if his mum baked me my favourite cake. Stuff like this. Just enjoying that the other one was there. Daniels flat is in a house with just three stories, but he lives on the top floor and has a good overview of the city. I love it here. It is so airy and open. You feel like you are in the city and at the same time you are in the nature. “I can’t believe I haven’t been here since early December.”, I state when Daniel opens the door to his apartment. “Well, we haven’t even seen each other since January.” January feels like a lifetime ago. So much stuff happened in between then and now. “I hated every second of it.”, I say and mean it. The only thing that helped me not going crazy was the fact that we talked on the phone at least twice a day. I kick my shoes off and hang my team jacket on the hanger. There is still a rain jacket of mine from last season there. Daniel and I are both not really good with our stuff. We forget clothes regularly. At least I forget. My boyfriend probably does it on purpose because he knows I like wearing his stuff. That is the reason why by now I have a full drawer of cloths here and he has the same at my apartment in Kranjc. “If you are hungry, I can put the lasagne in the oven.” “Or we do other stuff first.”
Daniel chuckles a bit and goes into the living room. I follow him in the cozy room. With the sloping roofs, the comfy rug and the furniture made out of wood his living room is my favourite part in the whole flat. The bedroom is obviously not too bad either, but I love spending time here on the couch just cuddling with Daniel and talking. “The lasagne takes almost an hour. I don’t think I can last that long today. Not after one month apart.” “Me neither to be honest. What do you think about showering?” I raise an eyebrow at my boyfriend. After the day full of flights, I probably stink a bit and my muscles are a bit sore from the training yesterday. “Showering sounds awesome.”
Freshly showered I sit at the small dining table which barely fits more than two people. Daniel is getting the lasagne out of the oven and the room already smells delicious. “I can help if you let me.”, I say a second time when Daniel places the tray on the counter and gets something to put the food on the plates. “No, no. You had a long day.” “A long day sitting on the plane.” I stand up and go into the kitchen. From behind I sling my arms around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder. “Please let me help you.” He leans back against me, and I enjoy the feeling of his body pressed against mine. We are both just wearing boxers and a loose Shirt from him. I couldn’t bother picking one of my own from the drawer. Without saying a word Daniel is putting the plates into my hands. A satisfied smile is building on my face. “See was that so hard?” “Yes. I wanted to take care of you, and you are not letting me.” I put the plates on the table and sit down again. Daniel is still in the kitchen searching for something in the fridge. “I thought you already took care of me. Very well if you ask me.”, I wink at him. He groans annoyed and I laugh a bit. I knew that I would get this reaction.
Daniel pulls a bottle of white wine out of the fridge. “Wine?” Normally Danny never drinks the day before he jumps. The same goes for me even though I´m not that strict. If there is a special occasion a beer or glass of champagne is okay for me. “We have something to celebrate, or did you forget?” It isn’t our anniversary, nor one of our birthdays. So, I really don’t know what he means. “Enlighten me.” Daniel shakes his head in disbelief. A few strands of his blonde hair fall in his face. “Your first win in almost five years? The last time you won before that we weren’t even together.” “Oh right. That happened as well.” My boyfriend looks at me like I´m crazy, while he finally comes to the table with the wine and two glasses. “This was the most important thing that happened this year.” I raise my shoulders. “Not going to lie. It was pretty awesome but so much has happened. Also, I don’t think I fully processed it. I haven’t had time to think about it properly.” This season is a lot. Probably one of the hardest one yet. There are so many competitions with so little time between them. A lot of travelling as well. I am already counting the days until the Monday after Planica. That never happened to me. “Then we can process it together.” He gives me my glass and raises his. “To my dork of a boyfriend who even forgot his win.” I stick my tongue out but raise my glass as well. “And to my boyfriend who is too good for me.”
“How is Nika doing?” “Nika?” I lower my fork and look at Danny. He is putting a bit of the delicious lasagne in his mouth. “She is doing good. Why are you asking? Have you heard something different?” He shakes his head and chews. “No, I haven’t. I am just wondering since Eva is getting stronger. Everyone believed it would be pretty easy to win the overall but now with Eva´s form I would be getting nervous.” “Honestly I don’t know.” Nika keeps even more to herself than I do. It is pretty rare that she comes with problems to me. Especially regarding ski jumping. But at least she talks a bit to me. With Pero or Cene there is almost no conversation about ski jumping. “Have you asked her? If someone can understand her it is probably you and not only because you are her brother.” A small laugh escapes me. “Of course, but I don’t want to push too much. I hated that.” Peter was always on my heels when I was leading world cup. He wanted to make sure I was doing okay but that just made me more nervous. Honestly it is one of the reasons why our relationship is still a bit rough sometimes. It definitely has gotten better over the years, but it still isn’t like it used to be. Nika and I are close, and I don’t want something like this ruining our relationship. “I get that but hopefully she talks to someone. It is so hard being that good that young. It is still messing with you and that was almost a decade ago.” “Well, I was a dickhead at the time and not properly thinking. Nika probably thinks too much about it all.” The Norwegian takes my hand over the table and strokes my palm with his thumb. “You weren’t a dickhead. You were just seventeen. I´m sorry that nobody gave you the support you needed. Just think about you wanted to have in this situation and give it to your little sister.” The only thing that I wanted was that everyone treats my normal. Not that hard if you ask me. “I will try to. She would be happy if you talk to her as well, I bet.” “Me?” I laugh and squeeze his hand. “She likes you and maybe it would help if she talked someone she hasn’t grown up with.” Daniel was one of the reasons I didn’t fully loose it back then. He talked normal to me. Not like I was this prodigy. I take a sip of my white wine.
“What about you though? You are doing Oslo but maybe not the full raw air?” He shrugs. “We will see. The best ones will do the raw air completely. But don’t worry. I booked a hotel room in Trondheim already just in case.” I press my lips together. Daniel is always quite realistic with his judgement of his jumps. I am always too pessimistic or too optimistic about it. But he knows where he would land on a normal competition day. Obviously, he is not always right, but the direction is most of the time correct. That he booked a hotel room for Trondheim tells me already that his jumps aren’t on the level he wants them to be. “Oh, come on. You will absolutely smash it in Oslo and do the complete tour.”, I try hyping him up. A bit more optimism wouldn’t hurt him today. “My teammates are getting better so its going to be hard but I´ll try. You can be sure of that. And if it doesn’t work out than it is probably for the best.” I raise an eyebrow at him, and he leans against the back of his chair. “Elaborate please.” Our plates are almost finished, and I want nothing more than to finally go lay down in bed with him and just hold him. But this conversation seems important, so I don’t let it drop. Daniel takes another sip out of his glass. His wine glass is already almost empty. “My jumps are not on the level I wanted them to be. With ski flying coming up, I don’t know if I feel secure enough to do it.” “Not with Planica coming up.” Planica is still a very hard topic for him, but also for me to be honest. Sometimes in nightmares or when he has a rooky flight, I can still feel that feeling I had back then. The unknown how he was doing. If he even was alive. But I train in Planica that often that I am mostly over it. Daniel on the other hand still struggles to come back there. Which is obviously understandable. “Yeah. If it was just Vikersund, I don’t think I would struggle so much with the thought of flying.” “You know that everyone will understand it when you don’t go to Planica even when you are doing the full raw air. If you aren’t comfortable enough with your jumps, then you just don’t go.”
My head lays on Daniels naked chest and I closely listen to his heartbeat. After dinner we both just wanted to get to bed. Of course, we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves and now we are here. Both only dressed in our boxers tangled in between the bedsheets. It is dark outside, and we didn’t bother with turning a light on. A streetlamp is providing enough light for me to see him. With one of my fingers, I draw little things on Daniels stomach, and he shivers whenever I move to deep down. One of his hands is playing with my hair, the other one is slinging firmly around my waist. If I could, I would spend all my evenings like this. Just being with Danny is enough for me. “Maybe I should move here.”, I whisper in the silence of the room. Daniel immediately stops playing with my hair and sits up a bit. “You want what?” I look up to him. His blonde hair is totally messy and falls into his face. Gosh, I can’t believe he is really my boyfriend. I still can’t believe it even though it has been over four years. “Move here. We could spend so much more time together.” Eventually someone needs to move anyway if we want this relationship to last. The commute between Slovenia and Norway is hustle. I want this relationship to last. Daniel is the love of my life. It is easy to say this because it is true. He is my favourite person on this planet. He is the one I want to talk to and spend all of my ups and downs with. “You can’t just move here, Domen. What about your career? Your team is in Slovenia.” I roll onto my stomach and put my head in my hands. “Your team collects strays anyways. One more doesn’t really matter don’t you think.” “Gosh Domen, you can´t just say stuff like this. That’s something we need to think about.” Daniel is putting a hand on my cheek and looks me in the eyes. I lay my hand on top of his. “I´ll admit. It was an impulsive thought but doesn’t mean that I´m not serious because I am. I love this country, you know that. And I love you. For you I would move here.” “But I am not asking you to.” “You don’t have to. I am offering it.” I chuckle because this is Daniel to the core. He would never suggest that I move here. He thinks he would put a burden on me. Even if he deep down knows that it is probably the best solution for us. “And it is not like I would completely abandon my team at home. Obviously, I would still do the trainings camps and travel with them, but my home base could be here. The everyday stuff like getting in the gym. I could do that here.”, I add. Daniel runs a hand over his face and leans his head against the bed. The light of the streetlamp is shining on him and makes him glow. “It would be smarter if I come to Slovenia though. You are younger and your career is going to last longer than mine.” “No talks of retirement, Danny. Not until you actually consider it.” That is one of our rules. Whenever he had a bad competition, he used to joke about retiring. It made me so furious that I made that rule up. After that we talked about retiring just one more time. After his fall in Planica. After that fall I think everyone would have considered retiring. Thankfully he didn’t, though.
“I am just saying. You are not even 25. There at least ten more years for you in world cup. For me its more like five. Even if I stretch it out, I will probably retire before you. And then we will be settled here, and you still have to commute to Slovenia for the training. If we do it the other way around, you could spend the end of your career with your team.” I sigh. In a way he is right. “But my Norwegian is better than your Slovene. Also, I know you like it in Slovenia, but would you like it for more than a vacation? Because I know that I could live here. Maybe it is the right time now that Peter is retiring.” The team won’t be same without him. Even though I always wished that I was the only Prevc in world cup, now that it is really happening, I hate it. Never in a million years I would have thought to even think that. Without him in the team I am kind of scared that no one will try to include me anymore. I am not that close with the others. We are friendly of course but I see the way they are with each other. The way they don’t act with me. I know it is mainly my fault. At the being Lovro for example, tried hard to be closer with me but I kind off blocked it off. I don’t even know why. Peter is annoying but he always made sure that I was included. “Or maybe it is the time that you finally get close with your team. You always say you want to do. From here it won´t work.” I sit up and take one of his hands. “It was just an idea. But we should probably consider one of us moving in the near future because I will freak out at some point if we see each other so rarely.” “Oh, me too. The last weeks were so hard. I always dreamed of doing this.”, he says and presses a kiss on my lips. I lay one of my hands around his neck and pull him closer. “Me too.”
“You know if one of us moves, we probably need to tell the public about us. It will be hard to keep that big of a change a secret.” This time it is Daniel who is interrupting the silence. It is already past midnight, and we should sleep but neither of us is. Too hard is the desire to touch the other or talk about something. I have my arms wrapped around him from behind. His back is pressed against my chest and his warmth is heating me up. “At some point we would have to do it anyways.” My mind wanders to the conversation Timi and I had today. It would be easier if the public knew. I could kiss him at the hill after a good jump. We could be ourselves. “I always thought that at some point there would be a second Tande or another Prevc on the start list and people would find out that way.” A grin appears on my face. “You thought about us getting married?” I place a kiss on his shoulder. He turns around in my arms. Now we are face to face. On his lips is a breathtaking smile. “You didn’t?” “Well, I don’t think you thought that plan through. I did. FIS would never let us change our last names. There would be either two D. Prevc or D. Tande considering both of our first names start with D.” My smile widens even more. Of course, I thought about it. “I mean we still jump for two different nations. They could tell us apart. Or I use my second name as well.” He laughs a bit, and my heart skips a beat. “So much to think about. Moving, which last name we choose. But I really think we should go to sleep now. I want you to jump the full raw air and you need to be rested for it.”
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omi-om · 2 years
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21 notes · View notes
fifdraws · 2 years
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Weil du mir nicht egal bist.
Bad news, I am back with more Hello Hurricane art! I could draw this scene over and over...
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luvsickself · 2 years
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new OC just dropped u guys
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pizzacrustdisposal · 2 years
i need to draw domiel again. figure out how his legs work. give the angel tits some lovin
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beemers-hell · 6 months
So I decided to be funny and host a very quick collab project right lmao
Happy Women's History Month! We are celebrating both female and feminine leaning Madness OCs for the occasion!
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Here are the credit pages for everyone who participated!
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From top left to right, bottom left to right:
EBONY & BANK - Me lmao
PATHOS - @s0uless-b0nes
VALERY - @trashcansienna
GRANK & MAW - @green--y
ROSE - @p1nkm4dn3ss
BISCUIT - @darlingvendetta
BOX - @knightlysnowy
EMILIA - @distressedwalnut
A.N.N.A. & ESTHER - @32lice
ROMPGIRL & WRAITH - @pinkburgerbox
MINETTE - mayhems_spam on twt!
TD - @adoorsocnonsense
HANANOKI - N3VAK1 on twt!
SKULL - @anghelcode
ROSE - savysnakeyes on twt!
DELILAH - Zirik_Fear on AO3!
LIZ - @michabyun
FRUIT HANK - @lil--ichigo
FADE - DoddlesofLab on twt!
ROCK - @arandanoedgy
MARTHA - @cinnamonpatty
TYLER - pinkpumpkinsp2 on twt!
ANNETTE - @phantas-mag0r1a
PROCRASTINATOR - Jxsterings on twt!
TILLY & DOMIEL - @kit-combat
ENVY & IVY - NV_NAVEL on twt!
DAHLIA - @christnarr
IRIS - @pybytes
AKARI - BackupHikarun on twt!
PUANK - bunnieykr on twt!
KITTEN - @pestilencegremlin
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