seoul-bros · 4 months
RPWP First impressions
First impressions excluding Come back to Me and Lost! and before I have time to dig into the lyrics (Genius why the delay today?)
This album feels so coherent there is a thread running through it like some of the best conceptual albums of the seventies and eighties.
Nuts is right up alley. Not sure why but it’s reminding me of Lamb lies down on Broadway (probably the guitar break) and now I want an RM Peter Gabriel collab.
After listening to Little Simz, I knew I was going to like Domodachi and it goes hard. Sax for atmosphere, a real beat, two amazing rappers and a choral chorus. What’s not to like?
Heaven is the change up needed at that point in the album. Late eighties early nineties indie vibes all round. It’s comfortingly nostalgic.
To be honest I didn’t have a lot of expectation for Around the World in a Day with Moses Sumney but you know what that’s an anthem and no mistake.
Post Date: 24/05/2024
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jmdbjk · 4 months
Had some stuff going on these past few days but I finally got to watch the most recent RPWP MV: "Domodachi". The symbolism was too literal for me to just let it pass without commenting.
Young person, living his young person life, two innocent boys riding bikes. The Boy on Bike perhaps represents our Namjoon or a version of his journey.
It's dusk. Maybe a little late for young ones to be out. Where are they going?
Drummer dude is not drumming until Boy is even with him, then commences to bang away. The ever-present drumbeat going on in life.
The road turns from a gravel road to a paved road. Gravel road=rural, less sophisticated, simpler life. Paved road=urban, complicated, faster life.
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An adult enters the scene and allows Boy to proceed. Younger boy is held back. Coming of age when not ready, immature mind getting swept away into adult spaces and places.
Boy on Bike continues on willingly.
Lyric: "I be slippin thru all kinda bullshit"
Boy rides through some sketchy dark place looking for something familiar and encounters other young people playing a ball and cup game, pass the ball to the other, but the image begins upside down, not really what it seems.
When I saw the cups I thought it was adults drinking until the images turned upright and I saw it was kids.
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Lyric: "Ima lead ya to the heaven, play the pipe All my friends wanna get around in 0's (I interpret that as zeros as in lots of zeros behind a dollar sign) All my friends wanna take another pose (I interpret that as "posing" as something they are not)
Kids who might not be who they seem, young people perhaps looking for something more, something they might not be ready for. He is swept away with them.
Boy is thrust into a swirling confusion of adults pointing in all different directions. Boy is confused, doesn't know what to do.
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A hand comes out of nowhere and snatches him out of the confusion.
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A benign guide. Someone of similar age that guides Boy past the chaotic and slightly violent version of the world he finds himself in. Shows him the way to safety through a tunnel.
Lyrics: "We're all friends, let's dance here (I'll dance right now)"
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But then Boy's world turns into some rat-race train-wreck nightmare. He's overwhelmed amongst the adults putting pressure on him from all sides.
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Lyrics (Little Simz rap): "Watch I'ma go all out for my hitta I already told them I'm a gorilla Simz and RM, man it don't get bigger"
All those lines COULD rhyme with the obvious word instead of "hitta" if it was a western rapper's song. But a deliberate choice was made here. That's my take on that.
The train enters a tunnel and it gets dark, slam on the brakes, time to slow this train down and try to get control but it all crashes.
I did snort-laugh when I saw this train driver/person, Namjoon said "fuck you mothafuckin asshole Korail dipshit who shared personal info."
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The train crashes and the eye of the lurking monster is there searching for its next victim.
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The friend appears again to guide him away.
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I think the benign friend of same age is himself. His wits, his will, his mind. He climbs the fence, not a difficult barrier to overcome. He's still able to be on both sides.
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He exits the dark place, back to his previous life. His young friend is waiting. But when he gets there, Boy realizes he cannot go back.
He has lived too much, seen too much. He can't go back to where he was before. Sad but true. Innocence stripped away. He stops just short of the gravel road and turns around and leaves behind his youth and innocence.
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That's what I got out of it from the second watch of this MV. After that second time, I also realized how prescient this is because of all the bullshit going on over at the Hybe building: "Mothafuckas wanna bigger growl, motherfuckas wanna take control... "
FESTA!!!!! BEAR HUGS FROM JIN!!!!! Oh wait, sorry, "light" hugs from Jin. He doesn't want to accidentally crush any ARMYs with his gigantic arms.
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dinhui · 19 days
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stuff-diary · 4 months
This is my favorite song from the album right now, so I'm really happy to see it getting an MV! Especially when it's as enigmatic and artistic as this one.
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iwouldliketoeatrandy · 4 months
bruh Right Place Wrong Person... its unreal. didn't expect to hear this sound from RM and I'm so fucking grateful for it LMAO LIKE WHAT?! bruh this is fucking ridiculous like.... omggggg also was i correct and there was a basoon towards the end of Domodachi?
Also was really interested in the explanation of the wordplay for "domodachi." I thought it sounded like tomodachi and I did wonder if the d was for domo, but I had to look it up to really understand it haha
Was kind of hoping for more experimental stuff out of RM after Changes pt.2 but I didn't expect a whole album of it.... :') I... just cant. I just cant express how much I love this. I really do. I jUST DO
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jungkookiexxx · 4 months
RM <Domodachi (feat. Little Simz)> Official MV
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one for bops one for booty shaking!!
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feeling normal that my dreams for these two collabs came true IN THE SAME YEAR LIKE!!!!
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taetebebe · 4 months
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|| 'Domodachi (feat. Little Simz)' by RM MV
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lizziexmeow · 4 months
[ Namjoon Story 🌟 IG ]
240531 - 00:32 KST - @/rpwprpwprpwp
> @/rkive
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seoul-italybts · 4 months
[✎ TESTO ♫ ITA] RPWP - RM⠸ ❛Domodachi❜⠸ 24.05.2024
[✎ TESTO ♫ ITA]  by RM
  🔥👥 ❛ Domodachi ❜ 🫂🕺
(feat. Little Simz)
~ Amici ~ 
__ 24. 05. 24 | Twitter __
SCRITTA & PRODOTTA da: RM, Simbiatu Ajikawo (Little Simz), wnjn, JNKYRD, Mokyo, Nancy boy, San Yawn, 김아일
Questə figli(e) di puttana vogliono maggiore impatto,
Questə stronzə sono fuori controllo, cazzo
Continuo a sfuggire ad ogni sorta di stronzate
Perfino le mie origini ho dimenticato
Tuttə questə sfigatə vogliono ciò che ho io
Prendetevene un sorso, riempite il bicchiere e tacete
Tuttə questə coglionə vogliono avere successo
Lasciate che vi conduca in paradiso, seguitemi, vai di flauto
Tutti i miei amici vogliono far parte dei circoli giusti
Tutti i miei amici vogliono cambiare il loro status
Già, io non ne posso più, quante stronzate
(Volate basso, cazzo!)
Stə coglionə vogliono rovinarsi
Basta perdere tempo, voglio fare sul serio
Cercherò di avere pazienza quando se ne usciranno con qualche nuova stronzata
Accendiamo il fuoco, corroboriamo le fiamme di questo falò
Amici miei, riunitevi uno ad uno qui accanto
Scaldiamoci, sballiamoci, come fossimo in Saudi [Arabia]
Lasciatemi sfogare, diamo inizio alle danze
Già, non ne posso più, quante stronzate
(Volate basso, cazzo!)
Ora all'attacco
[JPN 🇯🇵 ] Amici miei, balliamo (su, balliamo) Amici miei, balliamo Amici miei, balliamo (su, balliamo) Amici miei, balliamo [/]
Questə figli(e) di puttana vogliono maggiore impatto,
Questə stronzə vogliono prendere il controllo
Cari amici, lì in fila, che vi lagnate, non potete capire
[Se volete] Un'anima libera, fareste meglio a lavorarci su
Senti(te), quando arrivo io, la gente grida sorpresa
Ma state a vedere, son disposta a tutto per i miei amici/chi mi è leale
L'ho già detto, divento una bestia
Simz e RM, non potete chiedere di meglio
Mi potete beccare nel privé con la mia gang di pari/amici più cari
Portate loro rispetto, se lə vedete
Staccatemi un assegno, ne avrò bisogno
E date ai miei soci una mazzetta
Perché sono i miei amici, la mia cricca
Sappiamo entrambi che non sono falsa
Io detto il tono, ascoltate per bene
Sapete il mio nome, ma non mi conoscete
Lo so
Sono con i miei fratelli/sorelle fino alla fine
Non potete toccare i miei amici neppure con un dito
Ogni giorno non facciamo che divertirci
Non osate oltrepassare il limite
[JPN 🇯🇵]
Amici miei, balliamo (su, balliamo)
Amici miei, balliamo
Amici miei, balliamo (su, balliamo)
Amici miei, balliamo
Amici miei, balliamo (su, balliamo)
Amici miei, balliamo
⠸ ita : © Seoul_ItalyBTS | eng: © BTS_Trans⠸
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seoul-bros · 2 months
Joonie at the Hwacheon Tomato Festival
Namjoon spent the day in the public eye playing his saxophone at the Hwacheon Tomato Festival. He posted these photos on his IG.
"🍅🍅🍅" "salute"
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He is getting to be quite good on the sax but we all know this isn't his natural habitat. Counting down the days for him to be back in the studio, writing, singing, rapping and producing.
Twix Link
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It's time for a little reminder of RM's genius. It's time for Domodachi.
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Post Date: 02/08/2024
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dezmoines · 1 month
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bangtanitalianchannel · 4 months
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Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Xina)
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aricastmblr · 4 months
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RM 'Domodachi (feat. Little Simz)' Official MV
RM <Domodachi (feat. Little Simz)> Official MV (https://youtu.be/bZPQImItCEg) #RM #Domodachi #RightPlaceWrongPerson
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iwouldliketoeatrandy · 4 months
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jungkookiexxx · 4 months
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RM 'Domodachi (feat. Little Simz)' Poster
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