#don’t u have something better to do than harass trans people on the internet
i-am-the-myrmidon · 2 years
Begging you to not even joke about transphobes being in the closet simply for using pen names. Begging you to recognize "haha you're the thing you hate" isn't a good joke and hurts people actually in the group and in this case just reinforces the terf idea that trans men are just women trying to escape the bad parts of being a woman because she's literally just using a male pen name because she thinks it'll make people take her more seriously.
Hi friend. I’m a trans man making an off-handed comment about my opinions on my 12 follower blog. Bold of you to assume it’s a joke; I was expressing a long held frustration about the way it really feels like she’s displacing and ruining countless lives over it. I think she needs to ask herself some questions about why she returns to masc names. To suggest as such does not imply that all trans men are just trying to escape the bad parts of being a woman, it’s calling into question whether that’s the real reason she’s doing it. Yeah yeah, you shouldn’t assume peoples gender. A Crass statement on my part or not, it’s disrespectful to assume you know exactly what I meant from 12 words on a tumblr post and come onto my tumblr.hell blog and hush and lecture me about it.
I went through a period where I used male pen names and initials only because “u won’t get the recognition under a woman’s name” was the excuse I came up with because I wasn’t ready to confront my internalized transphobia. I don’t have to wonder why I really felt I wouldn’t get the recognition I wanted going by a woman’s name anymore. But someone saying that seems like a logical explanation when you’re young and in pain you don’t have the language for.
Block me if you don’t like it; If you don’t like someone’s opinions that’s fine but stop acting like you have the right to silencing and policing them. You can mind your own business. I have the right to talk about my experiences
there are trans men that fall into TERF rabbit holes and get gaslit out of accepting themselves or blocked altogether because it happened early. I want those men/man-adjacent people who have struggled with that (this even pushes into transfemme nonbinary territory too: anyone that identifies with masculinity can internalize an aversion to it bc terf propaganda and feel the dysphoria of being unable to connect with an aspect of your gender) to have a reference for that sensation. I want them to know that you are not alone in that struggle and to see people who have overcome that struggle. To know there may be another explanation for why they feel that way. I want them to know I am immeasurably happier now than I was back then.
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kay-aryu · 6 years
I was gonna say ur so valid for making those trans keith edits but then I saw u like sheith so nevermind
Ouch. I am so very hurt. How will I ever go on?
Oh, wait. That’s right. I don’t care. I have better ways to spend my time than worrying about some random anon trying to make me feel bad for a fictional pairing.
I feel like at this point it shouldn’t even have to be said, but Shiro and Keith are not related. They are not brothers. Shiro was not a father figure, he didn’t adopt Keith, or whatever other bullshit excuse you antis are trying to come up with. As for their ages, Keith started the series at 18. Shiro started at 25. And, as of Season 6 onwards, Keith is 21 with Shiro at 26. That is a 5 year age difference. They are also consenting adults that, quite frankly, are closer than any other two characters in the show. A 21:26 age difference isn’t pedophilia. It’s a normal adult relationship.
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(taken from this interview with Josh Hamilton [writer] @12:05)
Even if you believe that they aren’t inc/estuous or pe/dophilic, what benefit do you get from harassing someone over a ship you don’t like? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Do you get some sort of satisfaction from it?
Honestly, if people weren’t so militant about ships in this fandom, I wouldn’t mind K/L. But it’s shit like this that makes me not want to interact with any content regarding that pairing or solo characters involved in said pairing. Why? Because people like you can’t stand other peoples’ ships and constantly send hate to other people in the fandom.
Grow up. Go outside. Make some friends. Learn how relationships work. If you see something you don’t like on the internet, learn to ignore it.
(Also - thank you for my first ever anon hate! ♥)
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clan-fuildarach · 7 years
breaking: ursus caught being sincere on main
skip this post if u just want dragon content and if, much like myself, you would rather self-combust than see the words ‘ace discourse’ on a fr blog again
but we have to clear up some misconceptions. for 2 years i sat down here at my desk and created content that i thought would entertain myself and others, with my primary goal being a safe and positive space for lgbt content. writing about our experiences, especially those that normally don’t get media attention (see: every lesbian character i’ve ever written about), with a secondary theme of mental illness and how sometimes it doesn’t always look how u expect it to look. since my break in august for animal care purposes (i got to foster kittens!), this blog and fr in general are no longer my primary creative outlet so things have been admittedly slow. 
in those years since joining fr i’ve met a lot of amazing people, some of whom have different opinions on cishet ace inclusion than me, which i don’t mind about. i still wholeheartedly consider them friends. i remember i got an anon on my old blog in 2015 asking me my stance on the matter and my response was ‘i don’t care’ because that is how i feel. i don’t believe cishet ace discourse is an appropriate hill to die on and i don’t believe it really matters irl. if you’re not a homophobe, ur good in my books. and on a related note, hatred towards asexuals is also extremely shitty. i just don’t believe that saying that an apple isn’t an orange means that u hate apples. if u get what i mean. and yes, i am allowed to make jokes about ace people, because i am an ace people.
this entire debate has trapped people into taking sides and fighting on an issue that holds absolutely no importance to greater lgbt activism. people who describe themselves as inclusionists or exclusionists and run entire blogs dedicated to fighting are people i find very hard to take seriously. i don’t really get why u would do nothing but argue and fight online. i guess ppl just don’t have better things to do. and i know the reason people have crusaded so hard against me and my friends here is because they find it entertaining, which, again, is something i don’t understand. 
throughout this entire one-sided debate i want you to remember who went out of their way to foster a hostile environment for young lgbt people specifically (let’s be real here, there are no cishet people being hounded as aphobes, and discoursers tend to be young), and who did not. if i dislike who someone is reblogging from, i unfollow or block like a grown up and i don’t send harassing anons. the few occasions in the past i’ve made PSAs were about serious issues, like people who fetishise gay ppl. meanwhile, certain people have been all over my personal blog, have sent me truly vile anonymous messages (most unpublished, to save ur eyeballs, but yes there was suicide bait among them), wanked endlessly on anonymous websites about me, whatever. at this point it should be obvious that the drama-starters are in it for the thrill of it and not for any sort of noble reasons.
now to clear up the misconceptions. no, i don’t hate ace people. yes i am ace. yes i am a lesbian who believes straight ace or aro people are not Lesbian Gay Bi or Trans. no i am not going to burst into flames if i see an ace pride dragon. no i am not ok with sexual abuse (??? lads? cmon?). no i am not a harasser. no i am not positing myself as some kind of leader (the fact that u think i am says more about ur attitude towards these online spaces than it does about me tbh). no i don’t care if u dislike me. no i am not going to debate or argue with you, this is a fandom blog. and no, i will not apologise for blandly stating my opinion in a neutral tone in response to an anon 7 months ago. 
i have been treated like a faceless art dispenser for years now and i want u to understand: just because ppl reblog my art doesn’t mean that i’m some sort of public figure who must be polite 24/7 or my ratings will go down or whatever. i’m an amateur artist who shits around on a blog, and ur not entitled to a stranger’s kindness on the internet. if you’re the type to write a Hot Take going “wow :/ ursus is mean i expected better” after i respond snappishly to a rude message, i want to let you know that i don’t care. i’m not here to perform for you, i’m here to participate in my hobby, which i do for fun. 
thanx for reading, enjoy 
if u have questions u can message me. if ur asking in good faith i can explain whatever 
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