#don't expect sierra to like him when shes older
makgeolii · 10 months
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fathers day! 🍖
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rouecentric · 11 months
AAAAA okay, so I saw that your requests are open... (this is my first time requesting anything so im a bit nervous)
about your post with the lante x grandkid!reader, IT WAS SO GOOD, and yes, i totally understand the family's shock about lante doting on his grandkid. this is the same man who established that familial love is unnecessary, was it not?
we got lante's perspective of his grandkid... but what about the other family members? will they like the grandkid as well? or will they be indifferent / dislike them?
(this is a bit wordy im sorry ☠️)
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how would the agriche family react to grandchild!reader being doted on by lant agriche? / headcanons, death, typical things you'd expect from a fic that's about the agriche family, gn!reader.
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THE agriche's reactions are mixed, honestly, and they thought that dion having a child was enough of a shock, so to have grandchild!reader being doted on by the lante agriche would mean that the usual "balance" (or what was left of it) in the family would no doubt be thrown out the window.
there would most likely be more hatred and indifference than adoration when it comes to the grandchild, especially once they start taking on some of lante's traits as well, but some of the only people that i could see liking the grandchild no matter what would honestly be maria and sierra, as they most likely took on the role of a maternal figure in the grandkid's life since their mother died while giving birth.
roxana, as obvious as it is, would most likely resent the reader because of how doting lante is when it comes to them, especially since not only did they automatically gain lante's favor, but they also are the child of dion, her brother's murderer. however, she might open up to the reader and eventually get along with them if the reader doesn't exactly idolize the agriche head because of his actions, hell, she might even use the reader against lante.
jeremy's neutral when it comes to the grandchild, honestly, he probably never personally met the child more than twice on his own volition, since he would rather cling to his half sister than interact with some snotty baby. but there is a chance that he would have more encounters with the grandchild once they're around four to seven years old.
grizelda.. it's hard to say on whether or not she likes the kid, really, but the grandchild would most likely idolize her, and grizelda is at least a bit kinder at first when it comes to the kid, so the two of them would possibly be close, with the grandchild seeking out the older woman's attention or help.
however, charlotte hates you without any doubt. charlotte doesn't like you because of how easily you get lante's favor and attention, causing her to usually harass you without lante usually knowing, but she does bite back her tongue whenever there are other people present, however, she mellows out when she's older, and there's a slight chance for her to apologize! but don't get your hopes up, because she's stubborn as hell.
fontaine despises you, as you were not only lante's favorite in th family, but also because your birth reinforced dion's position on the top three candidates for being the future head of the agriche dukedom. hell, he isn't even above trying to get you killed, since all is fair in this household that didn't have any morals, no?
dion, your father, was indifferent towards you, he didn't really care for your mother, either, since it was an arranged marriage orchestrated by lante himself for his own benefit. sure, he may have taken care of you in his free time, but his emotional baggage and childhood trauma definitely wouldn't have made him a good father, most likely being emotionally neglectful, even if he sometimes doesn't mean to be distant.
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rie-092 · 2 years
Man, i love this story really, but what if the reader was yandere too over Roxana? Like the reader have enough power to kill lant/Dion, and Will do it , so she and Roxana can live peacefully. And what's Roxana reaction?
❲ platonic yandere! roxana agriche x older half sister! reader ❳
it's the part two of this :
summary : roxana accidentally found out her older sister's little dark secret.
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alright, to be honest. you were an agriche. and everyone knows how crazy the agriche family is. even if you are quite different from your other siblings. you were still an agriche, you were maria and lant's eldest child. and just like your mother and father, you had your side that only a few people know.
just like roxana, you were a good actress. you were able to hide your other side perfectly. you were able to hide it from your father, mother and the other people on the agriche mansion, even from roxana.
and those people who know about your true nature could only say one thing. you are much worse than lant is. you were more powerful, crueler, and more psychotic than he was. they believe that if you wanted, you could kill your father easily. and they were so thankful that you were someone who wants to live peacefully.
before you met roxana, you were like an emotionless doll. you don't know how to be happy, sad, angry, worried, etc. but after you met her, you were able to express yourself more easily than before. and that's the reason why you were thankful to your little sister.
as a yandere, our dear reader was overprotective, not as much as roxana is to the reader, but it's still unhealthy. you only had one simple dream, and it's to live peacefully with your family (roxana, jeremy, maria, sierra, griselda, and dion) and you are willing to do anything to achieve that dream.
and you had long patience and you are good at controlling your emotions. that's also the main reason why you were able to hide your true nature that long. but do you remember that incident that happened at your mother's tea party? that incident where jeremy released a monster? (I forgot its name, sorry)
when you heard what happened to your little sister and her toy that time. that was the first time that you snapped. you don't care about cassis, but by the fact that there would be a big chance that roxana got hurt because of that incident, and by the fact that dion, your little brother was also involved with that incident, and your father just sent him away for a mission, it angers you.
you were thankful that you were in a mission when that incident happened. because if you were there, you might ended up hurting jeremy, dion or roxana's toy. so, by the time you got back, you immediately go to your father's office.
on your way there, you bumped into roxana whose face brightened after seeing you after almost a month. she tried to invite you to have tea with her, but you declined, saying that you still had some business to deal with. of course, roxana tried to put her sad facade to convince or more like forcing you to go with her but it didn't work. you just apologized to her as you patted her head.
so, after leaving roxana alone, you continued your way to your father's office. but little did you know, roxana was following you.
you took a deep breath as you arrived in front of your father's office. the bright smile that you wore earlier when you saw roxana slowly disappeared, as your bright red eyes became dark.
and roxana was beyond surprised when she saw that. she didn't expected that you, her kind older sister was able to make that kind of expression. she blankly watched you kicked the door of lant's office.
inside the office, the servants even lant and his vassals were surprised at what just happened. with a single kick, the door of his office broke into pieces. and a familiar woman entered the room wearing a dark expression on her face. it was (first name), one of his children.
then, let's just say outside lant's office. roxana could hear the screams of the servants inside there. and her father's angry voice and the sound of the bones breaking.
but what made roxana's heart beat fast, was when she heard your calm yet angry voice inside the office. she was beyond happy, she was ecstatic that you go far on threatening lant for her...
and let's just say after roxana witnessed your true nature and discovered your little dark secret. it just only worsened her yandere tendencies.
“ listen, father. i kept quiet for so long since i just wanted to live peacefully with roxana and the others. i don't care if you don't pay any attention to me. i don't care if you punish or hurt me because of this. but i'm just here to remind you that i have enough power to kill you. and if something happen to roxana, i'll be more willing to give you the most painful death that i know. ”
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I made a post another day about how I can't comprehend those imagines people write about Lip cause they're just describing a totally different character, Lip has never treated none of his romantical partners that way so I just do not understand where that comes from, and therefore I said I can't understand how people are attracted to him.
I do stand by what I said but it kept me thinking, cause I received some answers and now I do see what the appeal is: Lip is a malandro.
I don't know if there's an equivalent translation for the term cause I believe it is essentially a Brazilian thing but a malandro would be this man who always has the upper hand since he's streetwise and has some brains which leads to the ability to take the best of every situation. Like a rascal? A scoundrel?
A malandro lives life kind of freely, lightly; he fits the space he is put in, he is a natural. He would avoid the complicated and to compromise, wants to live an easy life, and his motivations can be perceived as laziness. The term is associated to young criminal men usually — no good thing could come of someone like this —, and there's this appeal of this boyish man, a bad person but not necessarily a bad boy, who knows how to have a good time and is always breaking rules, the men no father desire to their daughter, the way he's a promise of a good time for any women, that leads to his attractiveness.
A malandro also has the gift of the gab (which I love cause in portuguese we say "ser bom de lábia" or "ter lábia" which directly translates to "have a lip" in the meaning of having its ways with words, knowing how to speak and convince and even fool someone easily).
Just from this description, Lip fits it better than any other shameless character.
there's how he made money easily: often scammed people like the northwest guys to work for free, later to visit Fiona's club, then when he was a trainee stealing money and taking their tablets and all, also selling weed and fireworks, selling homework and school projects and then the SAT thing — he never really gets a conventional job or source of income, and when he had aka s5 construction he left it to travel to Miami.
then his dating: he first got with Karen with the whole dirty tutoring and even madly in love with her he never really wanted her as a girlfriend; Mandy was flirting and having sex at his little sister's sleepover, and then she kind of made herself his girlfriend and he let her cause it was comfortable for him; Amanda's parents hated him and later she did too cause he gets sick of her and kind of ghosted her; he was smartfunny and had a quick mouth and got into his professor Helene's pants; i don't really remember Sierra but he was the cute boss younger brother etc.; and Tami was the easy fuck. The point is, he doesn't compromise, he's the promise of easy good sex, he cheats and lies.
and other stuff like he was not only a genius but smart, making good connections with older and powerful people like his professors; the way he never really looked forward to college or any other accomplishments really and he hated the pressure and expectations people had with him; how he was always committing delicts by breaking things, getting expelled from school, stealing, working with JimmySteve, underage drinking, etc.
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thedevilsruby · 1 year
Foe of the Guide (Clierra multichapter fic)
Sierra Rossi's parents died in front of her because of Giovanni Pasini and his family's invention, the Guide. Oppressed by years by corruption and greed, she comes of age to fight against those who have wronged the world she lives in. She just didn't expect to fall in love along the way.
She feels her mother's hand yank her to her bosom, cradling her as close as a mother could her baby.
"No, no, you can't, she's only a child! Please, please-!" A gunshot is all Sierra hears and she feels something warm land on her dress. All she can see is her mother flying to the ground, eyes now dark and lifeless and crimson splattering her once yellow dress.
She screams out for her mother, tears filling her eyes.
"Sierra, baby, listen to me." Her father says, cradling her face in his hands. "Run, run as far away as you can and don't look back. I love you baby, so so much."
"But daddy!" Sierra tries to protest.
"GO!" Her father yells, pushing her away.
Sierra sobs out, running as fast as her little legs can go, before more gunshots ring out and she hears her father's body hit the ground.
She sits up with a loud gasp, clutching her blanket to her chest. She pants hard as she looks around. No blood or bodies, much to her relief.
Sierra sighs, holding a palm to her forehead. That was what, the fifth time this month? The dream has haunted her time and time again since she turned 18.
Her Houndoom Dexel, whines and military crawls to her, calming her down with kisses only a pokemon could provide.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm fine, it was just a dream." She whispers to him, petting him. "A...very bad dream that happened for real years ago."
A knock snaps her out of her thoughts and Houndoom's ears perk up.
"Give me a minute!" She calls out, throwing the covers off her and shivering at the slight chill in the air. She grabs whatever hoodie in nearby and her white pants. She slips them on and walks to her living room door.
"Hey Willow." She hugs the older man upon seeing him.
"Hey Erra, good to see you." Willow replies, hugging his surrogate niece back. "Are you okay? You look-"
"I know, I know." Sierra sighs. "I'm fine."
"You had the dream again, didn't you?" Willow asks, concerned. Ever since she moved into this tiny apartment to be on her own, the dreams of her parents being murdered have been getting worse. He hated to see her like this.
"It's nothing, Will, I'm okay." She decides to change the subject before Willow pushes it. "What's the new plan today? Last plan almost got us found out."
"Not exactly Candela's greatest plan." Willow mutters. "But Blanche has cooked something up and we're gonna try it."
Sierra goes to her coffee pot and brews enough for two cups. "Of course that brainiac made something. What is it?"
"It's something they call a 'drone'." Willow replies, sitting at Sierra's dining room table. "It's a flying camera basically."
Sierra raises an eyebrow. "A flying camera? Like Giovanni won't find that suspicious?"
"It'll be disguised as a Yanma, so it'll be inconspicuous." Willow says. "There are plenty of Yanmas in the city, this one isn't special to him."
Sierra shrugs. "I'll take a look after breakfast, we just gotta be careful with the cameras watching."
Cameras were the normal in the cities. Giovanni's ancestor Armand had the idea to install them in case anyone tried to badmouth the family or Guide in public.
Years ago, the Pasini family invented Guide to try and help humanity, to improve the lives of many. IT was going to help elderly people to their feet when they fell, help movers lift heavy objects, help people who's cars had breakdowns and there were no mechanics around.
Now it was only a tyrannous device, making sure the people stayed in line, beat others if they looked or acted suspicious, report minor crimes and jail people.
Many hated it, but the Pasini family ruled with an iron fist, so there wasn't much that could be done.
Until Sierra's family gave people hope and started a secret rebellion, The Golden Fighters.
The very thing her parents gave their lives for and left for her to continue.
"Well, maybe this time the Golden Fighters actually have a small chance." Sierra sighs, pouring sugar and cream into Willow's coffee. "Let's hope this works."
Willow only nods in response.
Can you tell it's been awhile since I've written? I hope I'm not TOO rust lmao hope you all enjoyed!
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blueberryrock · 4 years
Here is the Prologue to my newest story! It's not a fanfic, it is an original story im writing! I hope y'all like it!
(Also I might change the name in the future)
"Momma" a small five-year-old girl with long brown hair tugs on the bottom of her tired mom's pants "when will daddy come home?" Her big bright brown eyes meet her mom's dull brown eyes.
The tired mom glances at her watch, which reads nine pm. She pulls a curtain back from the window in front of her and sighs "any minute".
She turns her head to look at the little girl "Why don't you go put your jammies on, grab your sister, and we'll play a little game" she warmly smiles. The little girl squeals and runs to her room.
The mom smiles as she runs down the long hallway, she glances back outside to the empty street. "C'mon Rick, where are you" she mutters. She fiddles with her gold wedding ring that has a single, gorgeous, red jewel on it. A "blood-red diamond" as her gemologist cousin calls it.
"Mom, please tell Karlene that I don't want to play some stupid game" The five-year-old, Karlene's, older sister complains. She tucks a strand of her long dirty blonde hair behind her ear.
"Now Sierra, you promised to play a game with her earlier, and as soon as your dad returns from work. You can go back to your room" Sierra's mom finally turns away from the window.
"Ugh, fine, but just one round" Sierra huffs "what game are we playing anyway."
"Cops and robbers!" Shrieks Karlene.
"No. No way am I going to play that stupid game" Sierra angrily crosses her arms.
"How bout a card game?" Their mom suggests.
"Ooh let's play gold fish!" Karlene happily said.
"Sounds good to me" Sierra finally agrees "and it's Go Fish."
"I'll grab a deck of cards, you two clear off the coffee table" their mom dashes out of the room to look for a deck.
"Where do you think dad's at," Sierra asked her little sister as she moves a stack of paper to the ground.
"Maybe he's fighting super villains!" Karlene enthusiastically hits a remote on the ground "oops" she mutters to herself.
Sierra can't help but giggle at her little sister's sheer happiness. "He could be" Sierra puts the last object onto the lower level of the coffee table.
"Really?" Karlene squeals.
Sierra smiles and messes with Karlene's crazy brown hair, she looks around and gets ear level with her sister. "You know dad does have superpowers" Sierra whispers and smirks.
Karlene's blue eyes go wide and her jaw drops "No. Way." Sierra only grins "umm, yes way, he told me"
And as soon as Sierra said that, the girl's mom walks into the large living room, hold a bowl of pretzels, and a deck of black cards.
Before she can set anything down, Karlene leaps to her feet and runs at her mom. "Does daddy really have powers?" She asks excitedly, bouncing up and down.
"Ah, well, I wanted to wait till you were older" their mom sends an upset glare at Sierra, which she ducks behind the glass coffee table.
Their mom walks around the bouncing Karlene and sets the bowl and deck on the table. "But yes, your father has...er..powers"
And at that Karlene lets out the loudest squeal on the planet. "Do you think he can show me his?" Karlene runs up to Sierra.
Sierra only shrugs "don't ask me," she says
Karlene then turns to her tired mom "do you think I'll have powers?" She jumps up and down on the carpet.
"Well, there is about a fifty-fifty chance of you two to get them, but let's play our card game" she pulls Karlene by the hand to sit "please? And once your father comes home, you can berate him with any and all questions"
Karlene grins again. "So six cards?" Their mom asks as she deals out five cards to everyone.
"I'm pretty sure it's seven" Sierra corrects her. They continue to play round after round until the big, old, grandfather clock strikes twelve.
Karlene is passed out in her room while Sierra is reading and her mom is currently pacing back and forth in front of the door.
"Mom" Sierra puts her large book down, "I'm sure dad's fine, he's probably just held up somewhere" her mom stops pacing and shoots her a worried glance.
"Oh, umm, I meant in...like...traffic or something" Sierra quickly corrects herself. But her mom continues to pace.
"But he's never been this late" Sierra's mom throws herself on the nearest piece of furniture, which was a very comfortable armchair.
"I'm sure he's fi–" Sierra cuts herself off with a big yawn "ine" she rubs her eyes.
"You should go to bed, he'll (hopefully) be back here tomorrow" Sierra's mom gets up to plant a kiss on her daughter's forehead.
"R-right" Sierra picks up her book and walks down the hallway to her room. As soon as her door closes, Sierra's mom pulls out her phone to dial her husband's phone.
But on the second to last ring, a sobbing woman picks up. "R-Rose," she sobbing woman says "h-he's go-o-one"
"What! Tina calm down, who's gone?" Rose calmly asks. "R-ri-ick" Tina barely finishes.
The phone nearly slips out of her hand, Rose slides into one of the chairs and readjusts the phone. "M-my Rick?" Is all that she can muster.
Rose slides from the chair to the hardwood floor. "N-no!" She sobs "i-it ca-a-an't be t-r-r-rue." Rose drops her phone and continues to sob hysterically.
After maybe a few minutes or a few hours, Rose's sobs turn into loud whimpers. She shakily picks up her phone, Tina has hung up ages ago.
She tiredly wipes her eyes and looks at the time, one and a half hours have passed. That means she spent one and a half hours sobbing when she wanted to be with her husband.
She shakily pushes herself to her feet. Waves of nausea washes over her as she sits back into the armchair. She decides that she is too tired to walk down the same hallway her girls went.
She instead pulls her knees as close as she can into her chest and wraps her arms around them. She lays her head on them and looks around them empty room.
Memories of her family come flooding in, she glances at the coffee table she and the girls were at, and a memory of them with their dad play a board game makes her smile as more tears form.
She continues to softly cry as she remembers the last time she spoke to her husband. It was before he had to leave for his job.
They were talking about his they were planning on taking their girls out of the country for a vacation. But that idea is now long gone.
Rose continues to softly cry until she falls asleep. She dreams about talking to her husband in a little cafe.
She is rudely awakened by her youngest daughter. "Mommy" she happily says. Rose's bloodshot eyes meet her daughter's beautiful brown eyes.
"Yes, sweetheart?" She croaks, her throat begging for any water.
"Where is daddy?" Karlene asks with a small grin. Tears form in Rose's eyes as the thoughts of last night come flooding back. Perhaps it was a dream?
No. Rose couldn't remember a dream to save her life. "Y-your d-dad's g" she stops herself as her oldest daughter tiredly walks into the room.
She yawns "Karlene, let mom wake up first" Sierra rubs her tired eyes and unceremoniously throws herself onto the couch next to them.
Rose wipes her eyes and sits up straight. "G-girls" she announces "I have something very important to tell you about your father." Both girls sit down and pay attention.
"Your father...he's..." Rose sighs, she takes a deep breath in "he's gone"
"W-what do you mean gone?" Sierra asks.
"I mean your dad is gone, dead, he was...I believe that he was murdered" tears form in her and Sierra's eyes.
Rose looks down at Karlene, half expecting her to be full-on crying and half expecting her to be confused.
But she is the later one. "Daddy isn't coming here?" She furrows her brows as she tries to think "did he leave us?" She looks up at her now crying mom.
"Yes, he left us" she tries to explain, but Karlene starts sobbing "d-di-d he n-not l-o-ove u-s" she cries.
"Oh no baby" her mom says, she gently scoops her up and sits onto the couch next to the sobbing Sierra. "He love-ed us w-with all h-h-is heart" Rose tries not to cry, but she's failing miserably.
"W-will I-I get t-to see h-hi-m aga-ain?" Karlene wails. "Of c-course" Rose reassures her wailing daughter " y-you'll s-see hi-m aga-ain" Rose chokes on a sob.
BANG. BANG. BANG. Rose unwraps her arms that are around Karlene and sets her gently where she was sitting. She quickly walks towards the large dark oak front door. Rose takes a deep breath in, wipes her tears away, and opens the door.
"Hello, Ms. Winster." A tall police officer says in his deep voice. He nervously shifts on his feet. "My name is Dean Sanchez" he holds up his police badge, "and this" he points to his partner. His partner is slightly smaller, with blonde hair and brown eyes. "Is my partner."
"James Riddle" he introduces himself. He politely holds out his hand and shakes Rose's cold hand.
"We've umm...come here to inform you that your husband has be-" Sanchez tries to say but Riddle jabs him in the side.
Rose raises one of her eyebrows "has been what?" She asks, already knowing the answer.
"He's dead," Riddle says bluntly. "James! Be sensitive" Sanchez says. After hours of crying, more tears stream down Rose's face.
"H-how d-id it hap-pen" she sobs.
"We don't really know, it could've been an accident or a murder. We're still looking into it" Riddle explains "but we'll update you on any new information we get."
"O-okay" she sputters out. Sanchez pulls out a tissue from his vest and hands it to Rose. She says a quiet thank you and blows her nose.
The policemen bow their heads and start to walk away. Rose slowly closes the door, leaving a crack to watch them, making sure they left.
Something was off about them, but Rose didn't care enough to question them. She crumbles up the used tissue and places it on the coffee table.
She looks at her two still crying daughters. "How 'bout we get some ice cream?" She offers.
Sierra sneezes and weakly says "okay". Karlene only nods, she does her red and wet face on her soft PJ shirt.
"Go get dressed then we'll leave" Rose calmly says. Both girls get up and head for their bedrooms "and brush your hair Karlene" she calls after the youngest.
Rose looks down at her owns clothes. Pj pants and a hoodie. She sighs and rubs her tired face, she heads for her own room to change.
After five minutes of staring at her husband's clothes, she finally meets the girls in the living room.
"You ready?" She sadly smiles at the girls. Sierra lets out a hiccup and puts her flip flops on. Rose looks at her youngest daughter "did you brush your hair?"
Karlene only nods. Rose sighs and grabs her black leather purse "alright lets go."
Well thanks for reading, I hope y'all like what I do with it annnnd yeah...Oh! Also, I won't be updating this every week as I did with my other fic, the updates will be random
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ravenstyx · 7 years
Heartbreak Grows in the Garden Chapter 5: Don't sink because my heart's not heavy.
Rated M/A for sexual content, substance abuse and language Summary: She’s a stunner and a taker She’s amused; she’s a faker and you like it that way. (This is the story of all the hearts Cana has left in pieces.)
Also found HERE
The window behind her opened and Mira came out without invitation. She sat beside Cana, hip-to-hip without an inch of space between them like there was no trouble in paradise.
"Hey." Her voice was almost lost to the tempest.
"Hi," Cana said cautiously.
"What are you doing out here?"
"Watching the storm." Shouldn't that have been obvious? Of course it was, Mira was just trying to make conversation.
Mira settled back. Cana didn't hear the tinkling of the beads in her hair. She cast a sideways glance and saw that Mira had taken out the braid and stripped the green out of her hair, too. She felt a sick weight in her stomach and knew it was panic. She looked for Mira's piercings and was relieved to see that they were still there.
"Did you figure out which apartment is going to be yours?"
"Yeah," Cana mumbled and looked back out at Magnolia stretching below her, a web of lights and noise alive in the storm.
"You move your stuff in on Saturday?"
Two days from then. Cana grunted another affirmation.
"Well... do you want help?" Mira asked.
Cana almost said no. She took her sweet time getting her words out, they were stuck in her hot and small throat. When she finally managed, she said, "Sure."
"Alright." Mira took some time between subject matters. Picking up loose gravel on the roof and letting it fall, piece by piece. "I didn't see you in Mister Conbolt's office today."
"He canceled." He claimed it was a family emergency but Cana thought it more likely that he didn't want to deal with her. She stretched her legs out and sighed.
They sat in silence for another few moments, the rain, and Cana’s music—Metric tonight, saying help, I’m alive, in her ear—the only things to make what should have been easy—sitting on the roof with her best friend—not awkward. Mira was the first to shatter the thin layer of ice. She said, "You know, you don’t have to worry about moving out. We're still going to see each other." She was so much more perceptive now, getting to the heart of Cana's brooding without much effort. "Nothing's really going to change."
"Everything has already changed," Cana blurted, frustrated. "You're ditching me, I'm getting out of this place, I need to get a job—"
Mira's lips pursed. "I'm sorry I left the other night.”
“You just took off!” Cana said though Mira hadn’t denied it.
“I was just standing there and that guy was touching me and I just thought, is this how I want to live the rest of my life?"
"Wasted in the park, getting eaten out by some stranger. I know. Only sluts do that." Cana tried to say it scornfully and succeeded. Mira still heard the hurt in her voice.
"That's not what I meant."
"It's what it sounded like—"
Mira was still herself enough to speak over Cana sharply. "You know I don't like that fucking word, don't put it in my mouth." She stood. Cana expected her to storm off. Mira hesitated, her fingers clenching and unclenching, and said, "I'll be over early Saturday."
If that wasn't friendship, Cana didn't know what was. She hated Mira for it. She started to feel frustrated tears and drank that shit away.
The problem with getting wasted by yourself was that there was no one there to tell you that your dumb ideas were dumb. Cana didn’t want that voice of reason, either. She threw her umbrella off the tall roof and glanced over the edge to see it hit the soggy ground below. It wobbled in the wind, still open if not a little bent, a red blotch in a sea of green-black. Her heart sped looking at it down there, fluttering and broken. She never thought she was that kind of person before but for just a moment, she let her imagination run wild. What would it be like, she wondered, the fall down? She'd soar through the air less gracefully than her umbrella, definitely. Would she remember hitting the ground?
The umbrella started to tumble away, grabbed by a gust of wind and Cana realized, drunkenly, that she needed to go after it. She found the edge of the roof where the downspout was bolted into the brick with thin pieces of aluminum U’s and planned her route. It wasn’t very large or very sturdy; it squealed beneath her weight as she put one foot over the edge of the roof and then the other and used the U's as footholds. Rainwater made everything damp and slick. The fear of falling made her descent possible, she clung to the little piece of metal with everything she had. Five feet from the bottom, four of the bolts let go almost simultaneously and Cana figured out what it was to fly. She landed flat on her back with her arms outstretched, palms to the sky, and watched rain fall.
Cana turned her head slowly and saw a huge figure come out of the darkness. She wasn’t scared, she was exasperated. “Elfman.”
“Did you just fall? Are you okay?” It had been days since he’d spoken to her but just then, that didn’t seem to matter. He came to her side and knelt, uncaring that his knees were getting soaked. Maybe that was because he, too, was soaked through. How long was he out in the rain for without anything to keep him dry? His T-shirt wasn't going to do the trick.
My umbrella! Cana suddenly remembered and rolled away from him. Her bones felt a little rattled but other than a few bruises here and there, she thought that tomorrow, she’d be just fine.
“I’m fine, Elfman. Geesh.” She looked away well before she could see if she hurt him or not and spotted her umbrella at the edge of the treeline. She made a run for it and grabbed it just before it could disappear. When she turned back around, Elfman was no longer where she left him. She heard Fairy Hill’s door close. Good. She started for the street; one foot after the other sank into saturated grass. By the time she got to the road's gravel soft shoulder, she was like Elfman, totally soaked through, her feet in her ankle boots, her jeans, her tank top. It was a little cold. Cana lifted her umbrella again and considered her destination. Coffin Ridge? She didn't want to know if Juvia still lingered there, waiting for her to show up. The theater? It was a spot that she and Elfman shared and she was afraid of hearing, 'I love you,' in her head again and again, especially if there was no one there to distract her.
Where else was there to go in this shitty town?
Why do you have to stay here, to begin with?
The thought hit with startling clarity. What was holding her in Magnolia? Her years' stint at Fairy Hills was coming to an end, Mira was moving on, Cana was a coward. So... why was she there?
She whipped around on her heel and stuck her thumb out. A truck whizzed by and almost took her arm with it. The driver didn't slow. Then next car honked at her for too long, Cana flipped them off. The next four didn’t acknowledge her at all, like the first. Cana was annoyed but resolved. The next time lights crested the hill, she stepped out in front of the truck and stood her ground. The person was driving carefully enough that they saw her and eased out into the middle of the road, slowing.
 Cana half expected the old Chevy Sierra to keep rolling by but it halted jerkily. She opened the squealing passenger’s door and peeked inside. The dome light ignited everything from fast food garbage to cigarette wrappers and the occasional piece of clothing—a sock, a sweater. The guy behind the wheel was her age or a couple years older. His blue eyes were red-rimmed and judging by the smell in the truck, it wasn’t because he was a sad boy. Cana smiled. “Hey.”
He didn’t return her grin. In fact, he was a little bit twitchy. A paranoid high. Great. “Where are you headed?”
He was also the only one that bothered to stop. “Anywhere,” Cana said.
“I’m on my way to the Patch.”
Magnolia’s assisted housing—colloquially known as the Patch. Of course, he was. Cana tapped the truck’s rusty frame. “You know what? Never mind.” She closed the door and after a moment, the truck started to roll away again. Another car was already coming over the hill. Cana turned her back on it and dug out the bottle of Jimmy Beam she’d convinced some poor old sod to buy for her at the liquor store. She didn’t just sip it now, she slugged it back and waited for her head to spin more.
It was already whirling at top-speed.
It took Cana a long time to realize that the car hadn’t passed her and that its lights were illuminating her way. She looked back over her shoulder and saw that she recognized the Crown Vic. She groaned aloud and walked faster. The car sped up beside her and the window rolled down.
“Hey there, Cana.”
“Go away.”
Did he listen? “I got a couple of complaints tonight about a drunk girl stumbling around into traffic on Route Seven. Know anything about that?”
“Should I?”
He'd finished all the games he was willing to play. “Get in.”
She peered through the window and saw that despite the cruiser, he’d changed out of his police uniform. “You’re not even on duty. You can’t boss me around.”
“I don’t think anyone can boss you around. Just please, get in before Mister Dreyar hears about this and—”
“Oh. What a threat.” She waved him off. “Who cares? I’m out of Fairy Hills in two days anyway.”
“That’s still two days you could spend with your friends before you make the big move.”
She scoffed more, though she didn’t know which was funnier: his assumption that she had a load of friends or the ‘big move’. The Patch was two kilometers from Fairy Hills, though on the rough side of town. “If you haven't noticed, I'm hitching out of this city,” she said as clearly as she could manage. “Now fuck off.”
He adopted his Police Man’s Voice and said, “Get in the car, Cana.”
“No. I’m not going back to Fairy Hills.” She felt like a brat and almost stomped her foot, too. She wasn’t too drunk to be prideful and refrained.
“I told you to fuck off.”
“I’m going to keep driving beside you, telling everyone that even thinks about stopping that you’re trouble with a capital T. Get in the fucking car.”
She squinted at him hard. “Are you allowed to swear at me?”
He quirked his mouth thoughtfully—sarcastically. “I just did.”
Cana walked faster. He sped the car up to match her, protecting her from passing traffic with his red and blue lights on and obliterating every chance she had at hitchhiking. Cana tried anyway, sticking her thumb out at every passing car. No luck.
They went on like that for half a kilometer before Cana got so frustrated, she screamed. "Seriously!"
"Seriously." He was so unapologetic. "Just get in."
She made a fist and imagined hitting him before opening the car’s door and dropping herself inside.
“Thank you.”
“Fuck off.”
He drove instead.
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thedevilsruby · 7 months
Foe of the Guide (Clierra multichapter fanfic)
Sierra Rossi's parents died in front of her because of Giovanni Pasini and his family's invention, the Guide. Oppressed by years by corruption and greed, she comes of age to fight against those who have wronged the world she lives in. She just didn't expect to fall in love along the way.
Chapter Five: Feelings
She watches her parents kiss before her father leaves to check on the newest plans back at the base. She blinks as her mother goes to the sink and cleans up the reminders of breakfast.
"Mama?" She asks in a squeaky voice.
"Yes, baby?" her mother asks.
"How did you and daddy fall in love?" Curiosity sparkles her gray eyes.
Her mother smiles at her. "When daddy met mama, a mean man had bumped into me and knocked my work papers out of my hand."
Sierra's little jaw dropped. "That's mean!" She exclaimed.
"I know. Your father had seen me and helped me clean up my papers. That's when he asked for my phone number." Her mother said, scrubbing left over eggs from the frying pan.
"Did you call him?" Sierra asked.
"Yes, he asked me to meet him for coffee, then nine months later he asked me to marry him and along came you, our little treasure."
Sierra grinned. "Will I fall in love one day, mommy?"
"You could, when you're older." Her mother smiles, rinsing off the pan and setting it in the drying rack. "Maybe you'll even get married."
"Really?!" Sierra squealed.
Her mother chuckles, drying her hands before walking over and scooping the four year old up. "I believe in it, sugar cube. But it isn't always easy." Her mother's smile falls and turns into a stern glare. "You're failing us, Sierra."
Sierra snaps up with a gasp, heart pounding.
She remember that conversation she had with her mother like yesterday, but it had never ended like that.
Her mind goes back to Cliff. She hopes she doesn't see him today.
A small part of her hopes she will.
Dexel wakes at his owner's stretches. He yips and climbs over her to lick her face. She laughs.
"Okay okay, down. I'll get your breakfast and let you out." the brunette pets him.
Dexel jumps down obediently, tail wagging as Sierra gets her slippers on and trudges towards her kitchen. True to her word, she fills Dexel's bowl with food and prepares her coffee while he munches. She sighs as she reflects on her mother's words.
"I'm not failing you if I'm not falling in love." She says to herself. "I won't fail, I promise."
"It's not love," She thinks to herself. "it's...a mild fascination at best."
A knock on her door interrupts her thoughts. Already knowing who it is, she walks over and opens it. "Willow."
"Morning Sierra, sorry to come so early." Willow rubs the back of his neck.
Sierra shakes her head. "It's fine. Coffee?" She offers, gesturing to the fresh pot she just brewed.
Willow nods. "Yes please."
At Sierra's approval, he helps himself to a mug with just a little cream and sugar. They sit on her couch, facing each other.
"So how did it go with Kaito yesterday?" He asks.
"It went well." Sierra nods. "We got seen by a guard but Kaito was believable enough."
"A guard named Cliff?" Willow asks coolly, sipping his coffee.
Sierra freezes. How did he...?
"Spark told me." Willow says, answering her question. "How long have you known him? And why didn't you tell me you knew a guard of all people?"
Sierra glares, making a mental note to throttle Spark later. "I don't know him!" Sierra snaps. "I accidentally bumped into him one day and I guess he remembers me because now he acts like we're best buds!"
"Are you?" Willow asks, cocking an eyebrow.
"No!" Sierra scoffs. "I didn't tell you because I didn't think it mattered. He's just a stupid guard, what's the big deal?"
"Maybe we could use that 'stupid guard' to our advantage." Willow said.
Sierra blinks, processing. "What?" She asks.
"I know, I know, it's bad but...maybe we could use his knowledge of Guide to give us a chance to shut it down. We could finally be free and you probably wouldn't have to see him again after." Willow replies.
Sierra bites her lip. She's never taken advantage of anyone before. It didn't feel right.
But the need to succeed her parents takes over.
"Okay." Sierra says. "What do I need to do?"
The guilt in her gut is churning and making her feel sick.
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