#don't get shy come drop me asks anytime u want
glaivenoct · 2 years
Sending character(s)= Noctis & Nyx
Thanks for sending one, friend! :D (Character Ask Meme here)
Once again Brina fails to answer things without rambling at least once ;u;
1.) sexuality headcanon: Gay, gay. He gay. I also find ace Noct very valid. 2.) otp: NyxNoct, of course!!! <3 Shocker, I know :p 3.) brotp: Heh, this is silly but, let me die on my niche crossover hill of princely best friends Noctis & Zagreus from Hades. NoctZag? ZagNoct? Prince BFFs for life!! ;u; 4.) notp: I- imma just keep those to myself QuQ 5.) first headcanon that pops into my head: Stand by Me is actually a lullaby Aulea would sing to Noctis in the short time she spent with him when he was a baby. 6.) favorite line from this character: Hmm... that's a tough one. I'm gonna list a few lol "Dad... Trust in me." "Kings of Lucis! Come to me!" "Walk tall, my friends." "What can I say? I'm worth the wait." (my inner NyxNoct heart SCREAMED) "Talk about backseat fishing..." "Hey! I got muscle... you just can't see it." ANYTIME he nerded out in the Assasin's Festival DLC Whenever he talked to the cat at Galdin The entire scene where he meets with Cor at the first Royal Tomb
7.) one way in which I relate to this character: I, too, get overwhelmed thinking about my responsibilities that are looming on the horizon and just want to go back to a hotel room with friends and vibe and play video games while traveling to new places IsThatTooMuchToAsk :')
8.) thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: I don't know if I'd necessarily say it gives me second hand embarrassment, but it mostly just makes me snicker and go "omfg you little NERD" but probably his "Sharp erryday" line. This isn't necessarily my embarrassment either, but I LOVE in the ChocoMog Festival when he follows the Moogle dance all "Huh? Like this?" and then rubs the back of his neck all shy and goes "Can't believe I just did that." *clutches chest* I just lovehimsomuch ;u;
1.) sexuality headcanon: Listen. This man is bi as hell 2.) otp: *bangs pots and pans together* NyxNoct NyxNoct NYXNOCT 3.) brotp: There's no way I CAN'T mention Libertus and Crowe! But also, I have a soft spot for some PelNyx! Both platonic and romantic. I just think there's a lot of mutual respect and trust between them and there's part of me that wants to explore it more sometimes! 4.) notp: Again, gonna keep to myself ^^; 5.) first headcanon that pops into my head: While Nyx was given the moniker of "Hero", his own personal Hero is his Mama. He has the highest, utmost respect and love for his mother and would drop EVERYTHING to help and give her whatever she needed. She raised him right and well even if he was a troublemaker at times. Nyx looks like his Papa, but gets all the charm from his Mama! 6.) favorite line from this character: Hoh there's a few, listing them all too - "I'm worth the wait!" (HOW CAN I NOT LOVE THIS ONE) "To hell with your power! I'm not here for it. I only came to tell you: You are no kings." "Rule well, young king." "Besides, didn't anyone tell you? I'm the Hero around here." "What, you got wings underneath that dress?" "Nifilheim took your home. Took all our homes! Nothing will ever change that." "Give Prince Noctis my regards." 7.) one way in which I relate to this character: I think, overall, probably his sense of loyalty and selflessness.
8.) thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: HMMM, I got nothin' for this one friends ¯_(ツ)_/¯ unless maybe there was a time Nyx ripped his uniform pants because his butt was just Too Thicc. @ me all you want on that one, because it could very easily be canon if you ask me!
9.) cinnamon roll or problematic fave? What constitutes a fave being problematic though, I'm genuinely curious lol. It's funny, because I think from the perspective of OTHER CHARACTERS in FFXV, they'd dub Nyx problematic fave in a heartbeat lmao. Me personally, though? The smug cool Hero dude who, at the end of the day, thinks his life is worthless? Your honor that is my battle hardened cinnamon roll, who, SURE, can at times be a smart-mouthed trouble-making asshole. I take no criticism on this, thank you. (also if you ask me, he looks like he can kill you and will actually kill you. but still my battle hardened cinnamon roll)
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calicoups · 5 months
seungcheols reaction to reader getting a lip piercing? (slightly suggestive if u can 🤭❤)
i love lip piercings u read my mind anonie. also, i lowkey didn't know how to make this suggestive but i hope you still like it <3
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seungcheol walks through the front door, kicking off his shoes and calling your name while dragging himself to rest his body on the couch for a few minutes. you don't answer and looking at the time, which read 11:23pm, seungcheol just figures that you're in bed and instead walks towards the bathroom to clean up.
what he doesn't know is that you're hiding in your room with the fresh lip piercing, facing away from the door to the room and duvet wrapped around you. that's how he finds you when he walks into the room as he rubs in moisturiser on his face. cute, he thinks. seungcheol slides in next to you with his back resting against the headboard and he calls out your name once more in a hushed voice.
with the duvet still around you and now carefully covering your lips, you turn around to face him. out of curiosity as to why you're so covered up, seungcheol tilts his head.
"what are you doing?" he questions before laying his phone on the night stand and plugging it in.
the duvet makes a rustling sound when you shake your head no but seungcheol gives you a knowing look, repeating his question in teasing tone.
"didn't do anything. what do you mean?" you answer back with a question, poking his leg from underneath the covers to which he doesn't even flinch. seungcheol raises his eyebrows and his hand is now on the edge of the duvet which rests above your nose. you brace yourself for his reaction as he pulls the duvet down slowly, very slowly.
the piercing glints under the harsh light of the room and seungcheol's jaw drops as soon as his eyes land on it. he's in utter shock. the only piercings he's ever seen on your body are on your prettily decorated ears which he adores so much to the point that anytime he sees an adorable pair of earrings that remind him of you, he'll buy then for you.
your lips stretch into a sheepish grin when he doesn't say anything, "surprise?", it comes out more as a question rather than an exclamation because you can't tell what he's thinking in this moment.
"baby, your..." he points at your lower lip, at the silver object that had been piercing through your skin. his mouth opens and closes like a fish with the way he struggles to form a sentence and you snicker at him.
"what? you don't like it? it's still new so if you want me to take it out now, it's okay because it'll heal fa–"
seungcheol panics and sits up even more, "no! i didn't mean that, it's just..."
you smile up at him, also sitting up to face him, "then what?"
"i'm just a little surprised. didn't think you would get a lip piercing..." seungcheol trails off as he reaches a finger out to touch your bottom carefully so that he doesn't touch the new piercing.
you lean into his touch, watching him inspect the piercing from a distance, eyes full of wonder. "it's pretty," he breaks the silence, "so pretty on you, doll, i love it."
you shrink under his adoring gaze, mumbling a shy 'thank you'. then, seungcheol's expression changes, a bit of sadness blooming on his gorgeous face. you gesture at him, silently asking what's wrong.
"i can't kiss you, though."
the pout on his face paired with the little disappointed comment makes you giggle, "you're so cute. yeah, you can't for now."
the both of you are quiet until the silence is broken again but by you this time, "you can kiss me lightly, though. how about that, hm?"
"as long as i can kiss those pretty lips," and he presses his lips with great care against your own, taking care to not disturb the piercing. seungcheol smirks against your lips before pulling back, "but i do wonder how it would feel on my c–"
"i'm not kissing you anymore."
his eyes widen (god forbid you take away his kiss), "what? no, i didn't mean to– baby!" seungcheol drags out the pet name when you turn away, immediately grasping onto your hand.
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sanjiaftersex · 3 years
Hello! I'm a new follower, love the blog. I'm shy tho so I'll be on anon for now.
I have a couple fun basic questions. Do you ship anything besides SNS (or NejiNaru)? Do you ship characters based off of canon chemistry or just how fun/nice they look together? Also are their any characters you never ship with anyone?
(If you don't mind I can share mine after you)
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okay obviously sns is my OTP, the next close one is hashimada (they started homosexuality in konoha YES). for the other ones : narugaara, naruneji, itachi-shisui, itachi deidara, sasodei, inosai, naruino,sasuke ino, kibahina. I'm pretty open to any ship except sasusa*u or naruh*na.
i think my reason behind shipping two characters is a mix between both canon logic and visuals! but sometimes purely because shipping is super fun! 《《o(≧◇≦)o》》
also idk if you've seen this, naruto can be shipped with almost every character cz he whore he has such amazing relationship with everyone!
i like sasuke x ino, they had the most potential among other sasuke ships beside sns! (not from Sasuke's part,he gay but ino had genuine feelings towards him and it makes me really soft. also they look AMAZING together,sasuino fanarts are my guilty pleasure!)
for the itachi ships (except itashisu/shiita), i do it simply for fun and the visuals. itachi faced a lot of unfortunate events, that didn't let him explore his romantic life properly, he was gay shisui isn't his cousin they were sitting on a tree KISSING so obviously itachi ships are for fun.
i like kiba x hinata too, the dynamics are NEAT!
naruhina would be good too, if kishimoto didn't kill off neji to build them, now nh gives me bad flashbacks and stress 💀
I don't like the sakura ships cz she doesn't need a partner,she needs therapy (canon Sakura's personality makes me very uncomfortable, so I don't post much about her I'm sorry sakura fans 🥺)
i don't post much /like ships about shikamaru too, his personality makes me LIVID. he is very disrespectful towards women GUILLOTINE. and i think characters like shikamaru's shouldn't be on a children's show cz he subtly promotes misogyny.
i don't like shipping hidan with anyone, cz he needs therapy and some jailtime
there are just so many characters in Naruto and many have such interesting dynamics! i love it!
Curious to hear about your favourite ones and if you don't mind, I'd like to know your opinions for the above questions as well!
Have a great day
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tyongxnct · 3 years
𝐅𝐔 - 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐒𝐮𝐡
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pairing: Johnny x reader
summary: You wanted to be all alone with your boyfriend on New Year’s Eve, but after a heavy fight, he left you before the clock struck midnight. You were all alone the whole night while he was with another woman. The woman he told you not to worry about. One day, after forgiving him for leaving you alone, you find out that she was texting him, that he cheated and you breakup. But breaking up with the love of your life was hard and you couldn’t stop yourself from loving him.
song: FU - Miley Cyrus
genre: established relationship, angst, smut
warnings: smut, cheating, swearing, alcohol consumption
word count: 5.7k
A/N: first of all thank you so so much for 900 followers!! You have no idea how happy and thankful I am. I hope you enjoy this!! 💖💖💖
taglist: @aesthetichrj @bvbyxuxi @bitchenderyy​ @chitaphrrrr​
this is fiction!
© tyongxnct on all platforms
Oh, you broke my heart I told you I was weak for love But then you went around And did what you wanted to do And now I'm crying, crying
“Don’t you fucking get it Y/n?! There’s nothing going on between me and her! Why are you always so fucking insecure?!”
“Are you being serious right now? I just-“
“Just what Y/n?! Huh?! Do you always have to ruin everything?! One night, one fucking night and you can’t keep your mouth shut! You’re so damn frustrating. It’s fucking New Year’s Eve and you just have to annoy the shit out of me!” Johnny yelled at you. He closed his eyes to calm down, but all he saw was red and he needed to go.
“But Johnny-“
“No! I don’t wanna hear anything. I’m leaving. Happy fucking new year.” He cut you off, he didn’t care about your feelings at that moment. All he wanted was fresh air and be far, far away from you.
“No please don’t go I’m sorry-“
You tried to apologize, but Johnny simply didn’t care.
It was almost midnight and you didn’t want the night to end like this. All you wanted was spend the night with Johnny. Just you, Johnny, wine, and a great dinner. This was your third New Year’s Eve with Johnny and your first New Year’s Eve alone with him. You had spent the last two years with your mutual friends at some party, but this year you wanted to be just with him.
Things escalated quickly.
First he was distracted, he was on his phone the whole dinner and then, while watching a movie he chose, he was also on his phone. Then, he got a phone call and was in your shared bedroom talking for almost an hour.
Your special night together suddenly turned to a shit night for you.
You were suspicious about his behavior. Always on his phone, always talking to someone and whenever you asked whom he was talking to he answered with a simple ‘a friend’.  But you knew exactly who that friend was and when you had enough, you confronted him about her.
Johnny left your apartment, he was slightly tipsy, the wine you drank was in his system and he knew that his next decision was stupid, so dumb and would destroy everything you had built, but in that moment, he didn’t care.
So his next move was to call her and ask her if she was free. It was New Year’s Eve, she was probably at some party or with her family, but she quickly dropped her friends and the party she was at to meet Johnny at her apartment.
The clock struck midnight and instead of kissing you, Johnny’s lips were on her lips and you were finishing the second bottle of wine. You sat on the balcony and watched the firework with tears rolling down your cheeks whereas your boyfriend was kissing another girl, pleasing another girl, and breaking his promises.
That night, you celebrated New Year’s Eve with tears in your eyes and pain in your heart.
Johnny woke up in the middle of the night.
He looked to his left to see you sleeping next to him but when he saw someone else next to him in bed, he remembered what he did. He remembered how he told you that there was nothing going between her and him and then he remembered how he fucked her, how he cheated on you.
“Fuck.” He mumbled as he looked at the clock on the wall.
He didn’t kiss you on midnight. He wasn’t with you, you weren’t in his arms, someone else was.
Johnny left the apartment without thinking and rushed home to you. Johnny couldn’t describe how much regret he felt, how guilty he felt. He wanted to cry, he wanted to delete last night from his memory.
He unlocked the door and it was dark inside of the apartment, you were probably sleeping. Johnny’s heart was beating against his chest, he didn’t know what to do. Should he tell you what happened last night? Should he tell you he cheated and broke his promises?
Johnny saw you curled up on the couch, your eyes closed but swollen, you wear wearing his hoodie and hugging the pillow tightly. The balcony was still open and the winter breeze entered you apartment. Your body was cold, hands formed to fists and brows furrowed. Two empty bottles of wine on the coffee table and one used wine glass.
Johnny got on his knees and pressed little kisses on your forehead, your cheeks and nose. He wanted to kiss your lips so bad, but his lips still tasted like the other woman he had been with that night.
“B-Baby?” he whispered softly, “Baby, come on let’s go to bed.”
You didn’t react.
Johnny carried you softly to your bedroom and tucked you in your bed. After getting ready for bed, he also got under the covers and pulled your body closer to his and held you tightly in his arms.
“I’m so sorry.” He cried out. Johnny felt terrible, he couldn’t lose you, the only option was to keep it a secret and delete last night from his memory. Johnny fell asleep crying.
You woke up between Johnny’s arms. He was holding you tightly and it didn’t look like you could get out of his arms anytime soon. He was soring softly and you could tell he was tired.
You stayed in bed for another hour and Johnny slowly woke up.
“Can you let me go?” you asked coldly. You were still hurt.
“S-Sorry.” He let go of you and you were about to leave the room but Johnny stopped you.
“Listen… I-I know you’re mad and I know I made a big mistake. I shouldn’t have left. I’m the biggest idiot on the planet, I’m so sorry I left you alone last night and… and the things I said. I didn’t mean them. I love you. Only you.”
Your hand was on the door handle, holding tightly. You didn’t answer, you didn’t know what to say. Were you still mad? Yes. Were you still hurt? Yes. You just wanted to be alone.
“Y-You left me alone o-on New Year’s Eve. You just left me all alone, I wanted to be with you. You know that I don’t have anyone. You know that I’m all alone and you still left. I only have you but you left me too.”
That was true. You had lost your parents a couple years ago and you don’t have any siblings. You don’t have any family left and you have only Johnny in your life. You were never the person to find friends easily, but Johnny was different. You were friends with his friends, but you were too shy and insecure to call them or text them. You hated it.
“I know- I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you, baby. Do you want to have dinner again tonight? I’ll cook. Or we can go out to that restaurant you love, let’s go on a date, hmm? Tell me baby. Tell me what you want.” He got up and walked closer to you. You stepped back on reflex.
Johnny stopped on his tracks and looked at you, worry written all over his face.
“D-Do you hate me that much?” he whispered.
You didn’t know what to say.
“I think I need to be alone.” And then you left your bedroom and locked yourself in the bathroom and started crying.
Johnny knew he had to leave you alone, you had to calm down and he needed to find a way to make it up to you. He knew the fucked up, and the secret he carried was haunting him. Whenever he looked at you, he felt his heart ache.
Maybe you were blinded by your love for him or maybe you were just stupid, but you couldn’t be mad at him any longer.
You entered the bedroom and saw Johnny looking on the ceiling like a lost puppy. He instantly got up and looked at you. “D-Do you want me to leave?”
You were still crying and playing with your fingers. “I-I want to go o-on a that date with you. B-But that doesn’t mean I forgive you. I’m still hurt.” You sobbed.
“Okay baby, anything for you. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I left you alone. I’ll make it up to you, okay? I love you so much.” He stroked your tears away and cupped your cheeks. “I’m not going to hurt you again.”
Ooh, it seemed like everything was going fine I found the love that I thought was gonna last Then I accidentally saw a few things in your cell I even LOL'd, man, I should've known Why, why you're doing what you do You, you might as well just tell the honest truth See, I'm not really down with this This ain't no texting shit Know I got no biz, But it is what it is
I don't really have much to say I was over it the second that I saw her name
The first couple weeks of January, Johnny acted like the perfect boyfriend. He did everything he could to make you happy, to make you smile brightly at him.
You could see that he tried to make his mistake up to you and you enjoyed how he showered you with love. You were sure that he was the one, that Johnny was your future.
But that one night, January 31, changed everything.
You were waiting for Johnny to finish his shower. It was date night and you decided to go to the movies. While you were scrolling through your Instagram feed, Johnny’s phone ringed non-stop. He received text after text and even two calls and the sound annoyed the shit out of you. You got up to turn his sound off, but when you accidently saw the last text he got, you almost dropped the phone. You didn’t want to go through his texts, but you couldn’t stop yourself from reading the text she sent him.
19:27 Sujin: hey baby, I miss u
19:27 Sujin: are you free tonight? My pussy missed your dick!!!
19:28 Sujin: *picture attached*
It was a picture of her, half naked, you could fully see her breasts.
You should’ve known. You should’ve known that he lied when he told you that there was nothing going on between him and her.
You couldn’t cry, all you could do was laugh. Laugh at how stupid you were.
Why did he lie to you? Why didn’t he just tell you the truth? You were done with him and with his lies. Maybe it was your own fault. You knew that there was something, but you still believed him and took him back that night on New Year’s Eve. He said so much mean and disgusting things to you, Johnny acted like you were crazy and just out of your damn mind. He called you insecure. Johnny called you so many things and in the end, you were right.
You went to your shared bedroom and started packing a couple of your things. You needed to leave. Now.
You couldn’t cry. You wanted to, but you couldn’t. There were no tears left.
You packed some clothes, you weren’t going to move out. He cheated, he broke your heart and he has to leave. But you couldn’t stand being next to him. You would come back when he was gone.
Johnny entered the bedroom with a towel around his waist. His hair was still wet and little drops of water glistened on his body. Suddenly all you could see were her traces on his body. Love bites on his neck, down to his chest.
You realized you were staring at him a little too long, the love bites were gone and Johnny came closer to you with a smirk.
“We can skip the movie if you want to.” He put two fingers on your chin and leaned down to kiss you, but you pulled back. Almost tripping over your bag.
“Babe? You good?”
“Cut the bullshit Johnny. I want you to leave and take all of your fucking shit with you. We’re done. I’ll come back when you’re gone.”
Johnny looked at you with so much confusion written all over his face. “Babe what are you talking about?”
“Go to your whore. She probably has enough space for you two.” You said with no emotion as you grabbed your bag.
Johnny still didn’t understand what you were talking about. “W-What are you saying? Baby I really don’t understand- What do you mean? Whore?”
You started laughing, “Come on, you know exactly who I’m talking about. She misses you so much Johnny. Poor girl needs her hole filled with your fucking cock. Go to her. She’s waiting for you.”
Johnny still didn’t get what you meant. “Fucking hell, I saw her texts Johnny! I’m leaving.”
It took Johnny a minute to realize what just happened.
You were about to leave the room when he stopped you. “Listen- please just listen to me.”
You scoffed, “There’s nothing you could say, Johnny.”
“T-There was nothing serious. S-She just texted me shit like that-“
“No Johnny! This isn’t just you and her texting, this is about you being not loyal to me. You lied to me, you called me names, you broke all your promises and you still cheated. You cheated on me with her, you don’t have to lie anymore. I won’t stop you anymore. Feel free to do whatever you want. Not that I stopped you from doing whatever you wanted before, but now you don’t need to come back to me anymore.”
You voice was filled with venom, Johnny knew he fucked up and he thought you would never find out, but now that you did, he didn’t know what to do or what to say to keep you, to make you stay.
“No no no don’t go. L-Let’s talk about this. Baby please don’t leave me. I love you.” Johnny started crying. For the first time in your life, you saw him cry.
You didn’t know how to feel about seeing him cry, but you listened to your brain and not to your heart like you always did and your brain told you to leave. You were done with him. So you left without looking back.
I got two, ooh, ooh letters for you One of them's F and the other one's U 'Cause what you gotta do, is go get yourself a clue Only two, ooh ooh letters to choose One of them's F and the other one's U SMH, I'm pressing send on you
Johnny texted you about thousand messages every day since you left. He called and left thousand voicemails. After two weeks, you also got mail with letters. Letters filled with apologies.
You hated him so much, but you couldn’t stop listening to his voicemails or stop reading his texts and letters. Maybe it was because you missed him or maybe you felt better now that he ran after you like a lost puppy. But you couldn’t let go of him if he keeps sending you things like that.
22:04 J: I won’t stop trying.
22:05 J: I love you too much to let you go.
You laughed at that. He loves you? Is cheating his way of loving you? You decided to answer him.
22:10 you: Fuck u Johnny. You don’t know anything about love so just stop and don’t embarrass yourself.
22:10 J: I can’t believe you texted back. I knew you were reading my messages. Please, let’s talk.
22:13 you: Don’t you get it? I don’t want to see you.
22:14 J: Okay, then answer the phone. Let’s just talk.
Your phone started ringing and you almost answered. It rang and rang and he called you again and again, but you never answered.
22:50 you: stop calling. Stop texting. Just leave me alone.
You shook your head angrily.
He left you alone on New Year’s Eve, why was it so hard for him to leave you alone now?  
Could've been this, could've been that We done been there, we done been back You ain't with it, could've said that Why you tripping, let me hit that I ain't trying to argue more. I do it all for you, You know you're my right eye Baby, let me show you
Johnny was about to lose his mind.
After you left nothing made sense anymore. He was lonely. Lonelier than ever. Johnny has many friends but he never left the apartment to hang out with them.
There was no point in going out and coming back to a lonely home.
He missed you, he missed everything about you. He realized, after you left, that he loved so many small things about you. For example, the way you sneezed, that was the cutest sound he has ever heard or the way you always fell asleep with a little smile on your face. A smile he missed.
Johnny missed to see you on the couch, a pillow between your arms because you couldn’t hug Johnny, he had to take a shower or for whatever reason he couldn’t watch tv without you.
Oh, how he wished he could just drop everything and cuddle with you on the couch. You could’ve been in his arms right now, you could’ve been kissing him like you always did. You loved kissing him and he missed the feeling of your lips on his.
He regrets cheating on you. He regrets it so much and there’s not a single day without him crying about that.
Johnny rarely cried, you knew that, but after you left, he couldn’t stop his tears.
He had to show you how much he loved you, how much you mean to him. Johnny had to show you, that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. Johnny would do anything to get you back.
Oh, I know what's been going on Don't even try to act like Mr Super Nonchalant What makes you think I'll stick around I'm not as stupid as you sound And you sound really dumb right now From A to Z, ooh I got a lot of nasty things flowing up in my head But none of them are worth my time You're not even worth this rhyme And I don't, I don't give a flying
It was hard for you to find a place to stay and Johnny knew that, but even though he wanted to be with you, he left your apartment so you could stay there. The only friends you had were Johnny’s and it was hard for you to ask them for help, you hated to ask other people for help, because you didn’t want to be a burden. That’s why you stayed in a hotel for two days, until Johnny texted you that he left the apartment. It hurt you a little, the fact that he was gone but you tried to ignore that feeling, just like you tried to ignore everything else he did. You overthink everything and you were scared to annoy his friends with your presence, which wasn’t even the case. After Johnny’s friend heard about what Johnny did and how he broke your heart, they lectured him and were angry. Yes, he was their friend but you were their friend too and what Johnny did was unacceptable. A couple of his friends reached out to you, they wanted to be there for you and help you go through the pain.
A month after your breakup, you met Johnny again. One of your mutual friends held a BBQ party and she insisted for you to come. Of course she told you about Johnny also being invited but you didn’t care about him at that moment. You wanted to have fun, but now, with him right in front of you, you wanted to go back home and hide under your bed. But you wouldn’t show him that.
You felt his eyes on you, no matter what you did or where you were.
Playing beer pong outside, his eyes were on you.
Cutting tomatoes in the kitchen, his eyes were on you.
Drinking your cocktail in the living room, his eyes were on you.
Not like a creep, of course. He watched you like someone who saw the love of their life for the first time and he saw the love of his life for the first time after the breakup. He thought about ways to approach you, to talk to you and apologize, but the timing was always bad.
Except for now.
Your turned around as soon as you heard his voice. The others were inside whereas you went outside for fresh air. Johnny followed you, he saw an opportunity to talk to you and he wouldn’t let go of that.
“Don’t walk away- please.”
“Why would I stay here with you?” you scoffed.
“Just listen to me, just once-“
“You think I’m stupid? You think I don’t know what you’re going to say? It’s always the same shit. Oh, I’m so sorry. She doesn’t mean anything to me. Please forgive me. Blah Blah Blah.” You said in a mocking tone.
“But it is the truth! She doesn’t mean anything to me. I just love you, it was a mistake-“
“Johnny, come on. You sound so dumb right now. Just stop. Whenever I see your face, I just want to punch you and her, but you aren’t worth it. She isn’t worth it to be in my head. Fuck you and fuck her. Oh, wait, you did that already, right?”
Maybe you were being a little pathetic right now, but you didn’t care.
I don't really have much to say I was over it the second that I saw her name
“I don’t really have much to say. I was over it the second that I saw he name on your phone.” you said, looking him straight in the eyes. Your voice was so cold, just like your eyes.
“But I have things I need to tell you. I need to tell you how much I love you and how sorry I am. Just listen to me, just this once and If you’re still done with me, than okay, I’ll leave you alone.”
“Fine. I’m so fucking sick of this.” You mumbled.
“I didn’t lie to you on New Year’s Eve. There was really nothing between me and her. She would text me but I never really replied to her. We went out a couple of times, but not just us. We went out with other friends and I barely noticed her. We were just friends, even less than that. On New Year’s Eve you pushed my buttons, I’m sorry to say it like that, but something inside me switched and all I wanted to do is to h-hurt you.” He looked down, ashamed, “I was drunk and angry. A really bad combination. I called her, she invited me to her home and before I knew it, I woke up with her next to me.”
You closed your eyes, you tried to imagine little butterflies and the sea, but all you could see was Johnny with another woman.
“As soon as I woke up, I came home and I-I didn’t know what to do. I hated -hate- myself for what I did that night, for hurting you and leaving you alone like that and for c-cheating on you. I know it’s not an excuse but I was so drunk and I didn’t know what I was doing. It just happened. When I saw you at home, asleep on the couch, it broke my heart. I wish- I wish I could turn back time and stay at home with you that night.”
“I’m not done. I deleted that night from my memory. I know it’s stupid but I couldn’t lose you. I was selfish and I thought that you would never find out. B-But that night you saw her messages, you only saw her messages. It looked like we were still texting and s-sleeping with each other. But here-“ he pulled out his phone and showed you their conversation.
“I always told her how much I loved you and that she should leave me alone. That I did the biggest mistake in my life and that you’re the love of my life. I swear Y/n, I am so sorry, so fucking sorry that I hurt you like this. But I mean it when I say that I only love you and that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know I did so many mistakes and I totally get that you h-hate me but I want to show you how much I actually love you and I know that you love me too.”
You scrolled through their texts. He said the truth, he always told her to fuck off and leave him alone, she was also blocked now. Johnny told her that he wants only you and that he would spend the rest of his days regret hurting you, but he’d also spend the rest of his days loving you.
“I-“ you didn’t know what to say.
He was right, you still loved him.
“Johnny… can you take me home?”
I got two, ooh, ooh letters for you One of them's F and the other one's U 'Cause what you gotta do, is go get yourself a clue Only two, ooh letters to choose One of them's F and the other one's U SMH, I'm pressing send on you
Johnny was bigger than you and stronger, but right now you felt like you were the stronger one.
You pressed him against the wall as you pressed your lips on his. You caught Johnny off guard but not even a second later, he kissed you back and put his hands on your waist.
“Don’t touch me.” you pulled away to say this and when he thought it was over, you kissed him again. Your hands were on his shirt, slowly pulling it up. When you were done, you pressed your hands lightly on his chest. You loved every inch of Johnny’s body.
Johnny was obviously stronger than you and he could push you away easily, but he couldn’t, until your hands landed on his belt. “N-No, Y/n wait-“ he said as he pulled away.
You ignored him.
You kissed right above his jeans, slowly going up leaving wet kisses on his belly and chest. You couldn’t reach his neck, you wanted to leave love marks, and that made you mad.
“Fucking big asshole. Why do you have to be so big?!”
“Y/n- I thought you wanted to talk? I don’t want you to do anything you might regret later.”
“Just shut up and let me do what I want to do.”
“You’re drunk.” Johnny said. Yes you had a couple cocktails but you knew what you were doing.
“Fuck you, I’m not drunk! Do you want to fuck me or not?!” you yelled now, annoyed that he hesitate so much.
“Of course I want to fuck you but-“
“No buts. Take off your pants.”
Johnny didn’t move. He didn’t know what to do. On the one hand he wanted to feel you close again, on the other hand he was scared to push you further away after having sex with you.
“Fine I’ll do it myself.” And you did. You unbuttoned his jeans, pulled it down along with his boxers and kneeled down.
His cock was semi-hard. The way you acted turned him on and now you’re on your knees looking absolutely beautiful and sexy.
You slowly started pumping his cock and Johnny bit his lip as he watched you. His tip was leaking with precum and you used it to make it easier to pump him. You put your lips on his tip and kissed it and then you licked it like a lollipop. You twirled your tongue on his tip, your hand still pumping him up and down. When you put his cock in your mouth, Johnny’s hands softly gripped your hair.
You pulled away, “No touching.” And he let go instantly. He was going crazy, he needed to touch you.
You put his cock back into your mouth and bopped your head. Johnny’s cock was big, you couldn’t fit all of his cock inside your mouth but the way he hit your throat turned him even more on. He was a moaning mess. You softly played with his balls and you felt him twitch. He was about to cum and right before he could, you stopped and pulled away.
“Fuck- What why did you stop? Are you alright?” he asked you. First frustrated that you stopped him from coming and then worried that he hurt you.
“Lay down.” You ordered him.
Johnny listened. He laid down on your bed and watched you take off your dress and your underwear. A sight he had missed so much, so fucking much.
“You’re so beautiful.”
“Stop talking.” You ignored the butterflies in your belly.
You crawled on top of him and slowly put his cock inside of you. You were definitely wet enough. Johnny lost his mind, he missed being inside of you. He missed being this close to you.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He moaned and his hands landed on your hips.
You grabbed his hands and pressed them down on each side of his head. “I said no touching, Johnny. No. Fucking. Touching.” You didn’t stop moving your hips as you said that you knew it turned him on as you felt him twitch again.
You weren’t going to lie. You felt amazing. You were embarrassingly close, all you did was sucking his dick and riding him for not even a minute.
You kept your hands on his wrists as you rode him faster and faster. The way you clenched around him, the little sounds that left your from kissing bruised lips, he loved it. Johnny loved you.
“I’m going to c-cum.” He moaned out.
“C-Cum inside of me, I want every drop of your cum Johnny.” You were so close and when Johnny came inside of you and closed his eyes while moaning your name out loudly, you came too.
You let go of Johnny’s wrists and collapsed on top of him as he pulled his cock out of you.
Chest against chest, heartbeat against heartbeat.
Your head was in the crook of his neck and you were breathing heavily. You tried to catch your breath and stop yourself from crying, but Johnny heard you sniffle and not even a second later, you started sobbing in his arms.
“Y/n? Are you crying?” he rubbed your back softly, not sure what else to do.
“Fuck you. I’m not crying I’m dancing you i-idiot.” You cried out.
You couldn’t stop the tears from falling, you didn’t notice how hard you were crying until it got hard to breath.
“Hey hey hey, I’m sorry. Look at me. You have to calm down.” Johnny softly pushed you up and you wrapped your arms around your boobs, suddenly feeling completely exposed and vulnerable.
Johnny was about to move away and you immediately hugged him tightly, you were scared that he would leave after fucking you. You were scared that you were just imagining this and that he wasn’t actually here. But Johnny actually just wanted to give you his shirt.
“Fuck you. I hate you. Y-You broke my heart.” You cried out as you hid your face in his neck.
Johnny slowly stroked your hair and with his other hand he held you tightly. “I’m sorry. I don’t deserve you, but I love you so, so much.”
He was crying too.
“Y-you really don’t deserve me. Fuck you for hurting me, fuck you for cheating on me and fuck you… I-I still… love you.” You finally said it. It was so hard but all the weight on your shoulders vanished and you felt relieved.
“I love you. Only you. Please forgive, please let me love you again. Please I need you so much.” Johnny said and left little kisses on your shoulder.
You pulled back softly and looked him in the eyes. Your eyes were as red as his and full of pain and love.
“Please don’t hurt me ever again, please no matter how much you want to hurt me, just yell at me o-or I don’t know throw something at me… b-but don’t do that again…”
Johnny’s heart ached, he would never forgive himself for hurting you like this, for breaking your heart. It was a punch in the face to hear your words. Was he really such a monster? Yes he was. He was a monster who hurt his better half for something so stupid and now you were suffering. You were always right and he would do anything to make you happy. How could he even get mad at someone as kind and lovely as you? How could he even think of hurting you?
“D-Don’t say that. I will never hurt you again, I promise. I could never get mad at you, Y/n. Everything was my fault, I did this to us and you never deserved this. You are too good for me and I’ll make sure to show you how much I adore you, how much you mean to me. I’ll never let go of your hand.” He took your hand in his and placed a kiss on your knuckles, “I love you, Y/n. Can you give me a second chance?”
You looked him in his teary eyes. You were going to follow your heart and your heart told you to try again. You could see his love for you in his eyes and you could hear it in his broken voice. You were ready to give him a second chance, you could forgive him but you would never forget what he did.
You nodded softly “Y-You have to make it up to me and it won’t be easy.”
“I’ll do anything.”
“Okay.” You breathed out.
“Thank you.” He looked you in the eyes with his brown puppy eyes and you couldn’t stop yourself from pecking his lips. You pulled back and watched his reaction. Johnny smiled softly and both of you slowly leaned in and kissed. A soft and slow kiss, with so much passion and longing.
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lucky-draws · 3 years
hi so i wanted to ask u for art blog recs! specifically metal gear! i've been looking for blogs like yours but none are really very active anymore sadly so if u know any and could direct me to some that would be awesome!
ohh hello!!!! ok, i can list some ppl who i like, some of them are more active than others bc yeah ur right it's hard to find lots of super active metal gear blogs sadly...in my case i just happen to have too much time on my hands right now xD
i guess i won't like. actually tag them bc i don't rly know most of them to talk to jggjjg so i feel shy doing that but I'll just list some urls, some of these will probably be people you've already seen tbh jgjg problems of a smallish fandom
- bigmonsteras is someone whose art i love, they do a lot of peace walker stuff that's rly good! - daydreamycrustacean posts quite a bit of mg stuff and i rly like their art too, they've done some great comics. - 730chocolate has a really unique style, so i like their stuff a lot, altho they're not super active. - pyersiki is also someone i rly like, they draw a lot of kaz content lol which is great. - sgushyonka has some rly good mg stuff, they did some cool pieces as well as funny stuff. - someone who is pretty active is the esteemed ba7land ...they draw a lot of uh. bara stuff like Very Big Tits big boss but i mean good for them. they do a range of stuff actually some cute snake eater content tbh. - pe4cewalker is doing some rly nice art of, uh, surprise surprise, peace walker related stuff, some very good kaz content. - kokirby has a cool style and did some great ocelots although i don't know how active they are metal gear wise. - berserkbrandee seems to be fairly active, they do some cute otasune stuff. - littlenim does some lovely art, cool style and does mgs3/pw as well as otasune era stuff. - jxthics has some great stuff although they're not as active now mg wise i think, but i like them a lot. - crybabimeiri has done some really lovely pieces but not as active mg wise at the moment either. - groznisad has a really fun art style, they posted recently so i hope they're somewhat active. - pejuad has some very cool stuff, i love their solid snake pieces, v interesting style - truthful-tidings used to do mgs stuff, i think not as much now, but their ocs and other stuff looks cool lol - gncbigboss posts mgs art occasionally, they did some cool sniper wolfs i seem to remember - wingedtrumpet is a blog i just noticed the other day, they did a post with some funky looking raidens, so one to watch maybe
i guess also just keep checking the mgs tumblr tag for new posts/new artists cropping up! i know tumblr messed up the search so that if you go to the 'recent' section you get a load of stuff unrelated to mgs, but if you click on the 'tagged' section instead, then you actually will get recent posts that are almost all mgs related. (that's what i’ve found on mobile anyway lol)
im sure there are many good artists i’ve forgotten or not come across, these are the somewhat active/current mgs ones that come to mind though anyway. i’m only on tumblr for fandom stuff, not twitter, so i guess there’s good stuff on there i might be missing. (u won’t catch me posting on the light blue hellsite anytime soon tho LOL)
actually, for art in general, i keep seeing a bunch of disco elysium related fanart on my dash and all of it looks so good...i’ve never played that game or know anything abt it but everyone into that seems to be doing amazing art lmfao ...not relevant in the hunt for mgs blogs but it’s something i was just thinking the other day lol
i hope this was somewhat helpful, or alternatively if u already knew most of these blogs on the list then my apologies jjgjh, anyway thanks for dropping by!
and actually, i guess if anyone else wants to rec any blogs i didn’t mention - or even to plug ur own blog lol, nothing wrong with that - then feel free to drop an ask i guess and i’ll answer that here too!!
(also feel free to take a shot every time i used the words “cool” “stuff” and “lol” in this post jjjhhhghg)
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xengsu-the-devil · 4 years
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Big Bad Wolf
Pairing: Dutch and Male Reader
Tags: Smut, Werwolf x Human Sex
Rating: Teen and up audience
You and Dutch are in a deserted cabin. Both of you are a couple since five months now. You know his secret since two months. At first you didn't belive him, and as he showed it to you, you were afraid. But now you got used to it. He would never harm you. And he would never allow the wolf in him to do something to you. Dutch and you share a heated kiss. Today you want to try something new. You are a lot scared and excited. Even Dutch is scared and excited too. You want him to take you in his wolf form. But he's huge in his wolf form. A huge black wolf with bright yellow eyes. He's so huge and well built, that you could ride on his back without having to fear, that your legs would hit the ground anytime soon. He could easily crush you in his wolf form. Then he seperated from you. Both of you look deep into each other's eyes.
,,I make some things clear before we start schatje." Dutch say worried.
You nod in excitement.
,,We stop whenever you say. And if you do, I'm not disappointed then! And say if you want to stop. Don't be shy about it." He start.
,,Of course." You smile.
,,Good. And if I hurt you, show me. Cause I don't want to hurt you. And remember, yes I'm a big wolf then, but I'm still me. I also want to remind you, I knot in both forms. But it's difficult for you to take my wolf knot, because I'm bigger there. I don't force you to take it. But if you do, I can promise you that it will hurt more than usual." Dutch say.
,,I will Dutch. I always take your knot cause I want it. I love it. And I promise you, that when I'm gonna take your wolf knot, that I want it to 100 percent. Maybe, it isn't that bad, and we can do it more often." You smile.
,,Maybe. Well good then. That's all I needed to know. Uh, we should probably use some blankets on the floor. I think the bed isn't a good idea. Although, I could rip the sheets and mattress with my claws. But I have some old blankets we can use as a comfy nest on the ground." He answers.
Dutch leave the cabin, and come back with a like of blankets and a bottle of lube. You will need it. Defenetly. He place the planets on the flor opposite the ved and fireplace. After a while it looks like a comfy nest to lay in. Then he lay the lube down in the middle of it, before he get up again to lock the door. Then he come back to you.
,,C'mon baby. Get undressed. U need to be well preped if you wanna take me." Dutch whispers seductively.
That tone in his deep voice send shivers down your spine, and your cock twitch in interest. You open your vest and shirt, and drop both next to you on the bed. Your gunbelt, underwear, jeans and socks follow. You put your boots next to the bed on the ground.
,,Mhhm that's it. Now lay down on your back, and prep yourself, while I'm gonna shift into my wolf form."
You do as he told you. You slick for of your fingers. Then you push one into your needy hole. A gasp ledve your mouth. You take it knuckle deep. Then you can see as Dutch change. He kneel on all fours on the ground. Without his shirt and vest on. Then black fog sourround him. He slowly get huge. His face turn into a huge wolf head with razor sharp teeth. The rest of his body turn into a huge wolf body. And then after a few seconds it's over. He can set the speed of the transformation. It's cool. You moan, and your back arched, as you add another finger. He watch you with a lustful gaze. His black fur is so shiny and soft. Sometimes he shift in his wolf form, and you use him as a pillow. It's amazing.
Then you add a third finger. Meanwhile Dutch is towering over you. He lowers himself a bit, so he can lick at your neck. A deep grunt leave you at that. You search for his cock with your other hand. But it's to far back. He shift a bit, and then you finely can grab it. It's thicker and longer than his human cock. But not impossible to take. And it wouldn't rip you apart too. Wich is good. He let out a lustful growl. You decide to add a fourth finger. A jolt went trough your body, and a low moan leave your mouth. Meanwhile your other hand didn't stop to massage him. After a while you pull your fingers out. You can feel Dutch's hard cock touching your own. You take it, slick it with lube, and then you slip the tip inside you. You let out a long deep groan. Your legs are bend a bit, that it's easier for him to fuck you.
Right now, your glad you took a fourth finger while you preped yourself. With a smal rock of his hips, Dutch is seated to the base inside of you. A low growl leave Dutch's snout. But he give you time to adjust. You carefully run your hand trough his four at his belly. He's so tall, he had to lower himself quiet a bit to breach you. But he dosen't seem to be uncomfortable.
,,Mhhm now baby." You Moan after a while.
Right now, it feels so good. Your in heaven. At first it hurted like hell. But after you adjust, it start to feel so good. He carefully and slowly trhurst into you. After a while, he speed up. You let out a loud moan. It feels so good. You can feel that you are really close. Theres that familiar tingling in your lower belly. And after two more hard thrust you cum loud moaning on the blankets. You can hear how Dutch's sharp claws rip one of the blankets. And then you can feel his thick knot short before the end of his shaft, who pushing against you with each thrust. It isn't THAT huge. So you decide to give it a go.
,,Baby knot me! C'mon goddamn." You Moan.
You can feel Dutch's ryrhem falter for a second from shock. But then he stops flush against you. And then he thrust harsh into you. A jolt went trough your body as his knot entered you.
,,AHH fuck." You moan.
After a while, he shoot his load deep inside you with a loud howl. His knot and the feeling of being filled, is simply amazing. It hurt for a few minutes, a bit longer than his human knot, but after that it's just amazing. You hug Dutch as best as you can, and then he carefully turn both of you arround. Now he's laying on his back, and you on top of him. Both of you breathing hard.
,,Fuck. We should do it more often. It's amazing." You gasp after a while.
You feel so damn full. But not in a bad way. Both of you are tied like that for an good hour. Then you can get of off him, and he shift back.
,,Yeah we should. You alright?" He ask.
You softly kiss him.
,,Yeah I'm perfectly fine. I love you."
,,Ik hou ook van jou schatje." Dutch smiles.
He clean you, and then both of you settle down for sleep. It was really exhausting but totally worth it.
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