#don't let the husband murder fool u
Have an unneeded word vomit on worldbuilding for the httyd tribal courtships for my fanfic.
[btw I have not heavily researched courtships but I've some fan ideas and tiny specks of actual courtship traditions.]
There are a few things that vary from tribe to tribe in my worldbuilding but let me word vomit it all anyway:
The requirement to begin a courtship is a weapon made by the courter or paid to be made with a design the courter asked for, it is in my head a way of giving the other a way for protection and saying they wish them to be well-protected.
Through what sort of weapon one gives also says a lot, if its an unfit weapon than there is a lack of attention put into it and it is, unfortunately for unobservent lads, an offensive gift that says they do not know the person they want to court beyond physical appearance.
Heavy jewellery is never a good gift, as a courtship gift should be practical even if it's only for show and much of the characters have duties to deal with in their day-to-day lives. Light earrings, bracelets, armbands, etc. Majorly, things that do not disturb them but still show that the person is in a courtship. These gifts usually go on to be worn even after marriage.
This is a more true to life courtship point but the father of the bride (in this case groom works too I suppose) asks for hand in marriage in place of their children. In my world, it's seen as a show of good-will between in-laws to be and an acceptance of the joining of two families through marriage.
The courtship requires the two courters to have one advisor each personally and one that works between the two as a counselor of sorts. This is to insurance no misunderstandings happen that lead to a dissolve of the courtship and build better relations between the two. As majority of times the courtship can happen between previously unknown parties but also between previously friends to courters.
Courtship requires the two to spend much time together, which means they are either together during events or alone away from others. Spending time to get to know each other better, come to an understanding of what they might require from this marriage, etc.
When one is ready to move the courtship to a marriage, which usually takes a year or two at the most to happen unless the courtship is broken off, then the two come to an agreement of when, how, where through their advisors and are given a day to spend together before it is announced. This is a last effort to insurance that the marriage is a good choice through private discussions and time spent together.
So, this was my—very unneeded but wanted word vomit on—courtship ideas and how this will very likely come into play in my fanfic.
An added fact, anything made by either of the courters is seen as a sacred gift because the person spent time and effort to create it. So, Jack with his sewing and Hiccup with his smithing go a long way in this fanfic later on.
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gorogues · 2 years
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Spoilers for this week’s episode of Stargirl!
A lot happens in this episode, as can be expected in a series finale. Let's go through it! This is long and spoilery, so it's behind a cut.
There's a flashback to the Ultra-Humanite's brain being put into Sylvester's body nine months ago…and it's even more horrible than anticipated. The Dragon King and Icicle actually revived Sylvester from death, so he was alive but strapped to an operating table, and then they cut into his skull while he was still conscious and fretting about what they'd potentially done to Pat. So he clearly did care about Pat, even if he was kind of an ass about it sometimes. And things get worse: near the end of the episode, we see that someone's preserved Sylvester's brain somewhere and it's reliving his last moments of worrying about Pat and screaming in pain over and over. Holy shit is that ever dark.
Jordan Mahkent tells Cameron that Pat Dugan was murdered by the Ultra-Humanite, and Sofus says in Norwegian not to lie to the boy. Lily tells him in Norwegian to shut up and that he's an old fool, which is surprisingly hostile of her (for all her cruelties, she seemed to care about him), but Jordan continues manipulating his son and asks him to call Courtney and tell her that Starman is at the junkyard. Cameron knows he's not being truthful to her but does it anyway, presumably due to his family's prompting that the group of them can end this war if they team up to fight the Ultra-Humanite.
Meanwhile, Pat thankfully digs himself out of his grave. And Cindy, Jakeem, and Mike are pursued by the Dragon King in the Ultra-Humanite's body. Cindy takes on her dad with her blades, but she's little match for someone in such a large strong body.
Thanks to Cameron's phone call, the JSA goes to the junkyard and meets the Mahkents + the Ultra-Humanite (in Sylvester's body). Jordan and the U-H tell Courtney that Pat is dead and want to team up with her to get justice, but she doesn't believe them (good judgment, honestly). Fortunately Pat soon shows up in S.T.R.I.P.E., which causes the U-H to flip out with rage and attack, very much blowing his cover. There's soon a knock-down brawl between the Mahkents and the JSA, and between Pat and the U-H. Sofus and Beth square off again, but both quickly admit they don't want to fight, and Lily is furious that her husband doesn't want to kill the kids. She threatens to kill him herself if he doesn't join the battle, but she ends up crushed to death by a fallen car.
Jakeem channels the power of the Thunderbolt and saves Cindy from near death by transforming the Dragon King into a stuffed toy, proving that he's the rightful owner of the pen by being able to wish effectively despite his recent wishes being vague.
Jordan threatens to kill Courtney if she won't join him, but Barbara intervenes by shooting him with the crossbow Paula Crock had been teaching her to use. It doesn't kill him, but Courtney takes the Staff back due to Barbara's urging; it seems that the U-H was able to use it due to Courtney's belief that it belonged to him. Once she accepts that he isn't Sylvester and that it's hers, she's able to retake it from him. She uses the Staff to burn Jordan's face.
Pat and the U-H nearly kill each other in their brawling, but finally Pat brains his enemy with a rock and knocks him unconscious. It's extremely upsetting to him to see his friend's body being used for evil by a monster…I don't know if it's for the better or the worse that he doesn't know Sylvester's last (and continued) thoughts are for his well-being.
Cameron's clearly terrified about what his father will do and tries to stop him from hurting Courtney, but Jordan tells him not to force him to do what Brainwave did: kill his own son. Courtney tells him what a piece of shit he is for saying that, so Jordan says that either Cameron does what he has to, or Jordan will. Cameron attacks him with a blast of power and we see Jordan enveloped in a ton of ice/snow before some kind of icy version of him seems to rise out of it, screaming.
Sofus isn't looking too good, so Cameron tells the JSA that he's taking his grandfather to safety and he's leaving forever. He acknowledges that he betrayed Courtney and his own family, which is obviously very hard on him, but Courtney says she can help. Regardless, he and Sofus disappear in some kind of explosion of ice/snow.
And the rest of the episode is about wrapping up most of the loose ends. Rick apologizes to Beth's parents for acting like a jerk, and Beth officially asks them to help her and be her sidekicks. They're very enthusiastic about it, and end up giving themselves codenames.
Sylvester's body is still alive in hospital, but had a serious brain bleed and the Ultra-Humanite's brain is basically dead. Pat decides to keep him on life support in the hopes that the real Sylvester can be recovered somehow, and as we see, his brain is still alive elsewhere in shocking condition.
Rick goes to Grundy's grave in the woods, saddened that the big guy hasn't come back despite all the others returning from the dead. However, Grundy's arm suddenly digs its way out of the grave, possibly due to his friend saying he misses him.
Courtney gives the Gambler's daughter the letter written for her, which is clearly an emotional experience for her and she thanks Courtney. Yolanda sees everyone happy and calls her mother to admit she'd been lying to her, and hopefully explains why she did it so her mother will ideally chill out…we don't see her do that, though she seems tearfully happy afterward so it appears to have gone well.
And Courtney stands outside the Mahkent home, looking on while it begins to snow. Cameron is there and asks if she really can help him, and they hug. Mike meets up with his biological mother for the first time in years and has an enjoyable chat with her, but he still calls Barbara "Mom" when he returns.
Then there's a flash-forward to three months later, in Copenhagen. Jordan's out alone when he hears someone whisper his name, and then steps in some weird sticky goop. Artemis is there, and tells him it's a flammable substance her father used to put it in his explosive hockey pucks, and then she lights it. Jordan is burned alive, and as she says, he shouldn't be able to come back from this. She's almost certainly correct, as we saw that some of his ancestors were burned in Europe, and it probably doesn't allow them to turn into water or escape as some kind of cold/ice vapour like he'd clearly done in the junkyard. Jordan is probably dead.
And then there's another flash-forward to ten years later, at the JSA museum. The Shade is cheerfully giving a tour and telling the visitors about the history of the modern JSA. Courtney is now Starwoman, Cindy is now Dragon Queen, Todd and Jennie and Sand are part of the team, as are Icicle and Artemis (presumably Cameron and Artemis Crock). As are Jakeem, the Shade, Damage, and an unknown Stripe 2.0 (Mike?). Rick and Beth are soon to be married by the Shade himself, and Solomon Grundy tags along with them. The JSA have rescued the Seven Soldiers of Victory from the Nebula Man in an adventure which will presumably go unseen, and it's a nice nod because we never did see the Shining Knight after he went off to find his old teammates at the end of first season. And, the JSA has somehow brought the real Sylvester Pemberton back to life.
Then a rift opens, and Jay Garrick (John Wesley Shipp) runs right through the big JSA table. You may recall that Jay's helmet was seen during the fatal ISA attack in the premiere episode and he was presumed dead, but clearly he wasn't! Shade is surprised to see him, but Jay says that he and the JSA are needed, at which the Shade grumbles that their adventures are never over. The series finishes with "Never the end", so maaaaaaybe I'll get my wish that there'll be a special later on, or perhaps a comic which tells more stories in this `verse. We can hope.
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A pretty satisfying finish, in my opinion. One wonders how they rescued Sylvester's brain and how he's doing now after that awful experience, which would be traumatic for anyone. It's good to know that Artemis and Cameron will become heroes (Cindy and the Shade too), but I wouldn't want to be around if/when Artemis ever told the others about what happened to Jordan. Artemis and Cameron are a couple in the comics, but there'd be a lot of uncomfortable family baggage if they ever got together in the show. I still want to know if the Mahkents are Frost Giants :] And while we don't get to see the adventures of Jennie, Todd, the Shade, and Sand working and learning together, they obviously do meet up and form bonds and become JSA members in their own right, which is a good feeling.
I'll really miss this series, as it's the show I've enjoyed the most over the past few years. I'd love it if DC made a standalone episode or movie to give us some more adventures, but maybe that's what fic is for. It is nice to know there are relatively happy endings for most of the crew, at least as of ten years from now; one never knows what fifteen or twenty years later have in store for superheroes. But I'm glad they were able to rescue Sylvester after all the terrible things which happened to him, and hopefully he and Pat made peace as friends. He was a jerk sometimes in life, but didn't deserve any of the torture Icicle and co dealt to him.
Also: while I'm sorry we didn't get more Jay in the show, it's great to have him return at the end! That was a hell of an entrance.
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daandyli0n · 11 months
About He Came Back au... could you tell us a bit about the "missing" children once they grow up? We know about Gabe, Cassidy, and Charlie, but I'm a bit curious about the other kids! Love u and this au <3
aw, thanks man! yeah i have. Many Thoughts on these lil guys <3
so! they all kinda had to recover after y'know. almost getting murdered. but depending on what happened to them, they either took less or more time to recover (Cassidy took the shortest, Charlie took the longest, out of the main group). this only strengthened everyone's bonds.
now! onto the kids!
- she becomes a dog mom :] she gets another golden retriever that she names Lucky II, after her first dog :] she has three dogs at any given time.
- she also adopts a child later on, and becomes a single mother (she's aroace). she names her daughter Clover, another reference to Lucky :]
- she gets into baking. she has shown up on her friends' doorsteps multiple times with either cookies or cupcakes. depends on the day. she works at a bakery.
- just a really bubbly and happy lady, despite everything. she's still got some sass, though.
Fritz (Jr.):
- his and Jeremy's bio parents get back together and he and Jere get a baby sister (Tabi)!! woo!!
- he gets sent to therapy for. a multitude of things: anger issues, the abuse he and Jeremy suffered from their stepfather, and The Incident.
- he mellows out after a few years, but he's still the brave, outgoing kid he was back then.
- they think his scars make him look more badass.
- Cassidy Introduces Them To Being Nonbinary, And He Could Not Be Happier.
- You Bet Your Ass That He Started Wearing A Pirate Eyepatch After Losing Their Eye.
- he is the guy that got Tabi into being a Foxy fan :]
- funnily enough, he grows up to be a child psychiatrist. he wants to help kids like him and Jere, y'know?
- they end up marrying a genderqueer person. good for him :]
- he's still very much into pirates (they're a special interest for them), and he makes that pretty clear. his therapy office has pirate related decor, sometimes he'll talk in a silly pirate voice to cheer kids up, and they still go to see Foxy shows at the Pizzeria. he doesn't care if the kids look at him weird, it makes him happy. :]
- yeah, uh...he kinda lost his voice after Being Repeatedly Stabbed In The Throat. the doctors honestly thought he wouldn't make it.
- he learned ASL :]
- you thought losing his voice would stop his clownery at school? you fool.
- he got into playing guitar later on, and he owns a music store :].
- he teaches kids ASL when he goes over to the pizzeria to check on Gabe :).
- he confesses to Gabe in '94 by signing out 'I love you.' Gabe got real flustered.
- you don't wanna know how Overjoyed he got when he learned gay marriage got legalized. like, Gabe and Jere were just known as being unofficial husbands, sorta like how Cassidy and Charlie were known as being unofficial partners. but now!! they can Make It official!!
- he still has nightmares pretty often :(
- he gets more confident over the years :)
- he gives the vibes of an awkward kid who felt embarrassed for being awkward and a lil goofy, but upon growing up just acts as silly and goofy as he wants. let him be a little silly and awkward!! the guy deserves it!!
- when he finally inherits the pizzeria after turning eighteen (long story: i have a hc about there being a Third business partner along with Afton and Emily, and this is Gabe's dad), he does really well, and gets along well with his customers. he is also the only person in Fazbear Entertainment, other than his father and Henry, who seems to have morals, because Jesus Christ.
- he doesn't follow the rule of Fazbear Entertainment where "We Are Not Liable For Anything Bad Happening-" because no!! tell him if something bad happened!! he wants to help fix it!!
- just a really sweet, goofy, and anxious man.
- he's also literally the only person besides Phone Guy (Daniel) who warns people about Afton (O'Hare/Springbonnie). because That's Kinda Some Important Info To Know.
- when Cassidy finally sealed Afton behind a wall, in a slightly illegal way, Gabriel promised not to say anything and also cover for them should word get out (he'd just claim that he asked them to do it).
- Freddy's is still open to this day, it's just moved locations around every few years or so.
- Gabe my beloved <3
the kids, when the og restaurant was still open, always felt uneasy about O'Hare after everything with Afton. is...is he really looking at them, or are they just being paranoid?
yeah, those are the kids i've spoken less about. Cassidy is on a quest to get rid of Afton once and for all, no matter the cost. Charlie is concerned for her partner, but willing to help where she can.
also, bonus!! The Afton Kids!!
they all have. Really Mixed Feelings on their father:
- Elizabeth feels kinda guilty about this whole thing, and really doesn't like thinking about it. she typically tries to change the subject if people talk about her father too much. she doesn't want to think about how her father tried to kill a bunch of kids, effectively because of her. as she's told Michael before, "If hadn't been so fucking stupid and actually listened to him for once, maybe none of this would've happened.." so yeah, she ain't doing well!
- Michael both hates his father for what he did, but can't help but miss him. regardless of the universe, Michael's got some Daddy Issues™️
- Adrian also doesn't wanna think about it too much, mostly because he can't wrap his head around why. it's also because of some weird, kinda traumatic nightmares where his father tries to reach out to him, but that's an entirely different post.
as far as Adrian's concerned, it's out of sight, out of mind. thinking about it brings up Bad Thoughts, and he'd like to Not have those, thanks.
but yeah. It's The Kids! minus Cassidy and Charlie, cause those two are practically their own post.
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a-different-player · 2 years
!!Read at ur own risk! This is only for entertainment purposes, plz don't take it seriously-, and if you feel offended from anything by this please let me know!! This is just based off the clown motel meme, don't get mad at me for the words put in here it was in the video- ;v;
Characters used in this is Deform, Mo, Soleil, and Player! The pink text is just some random kid- Idk-
" Hi. Welcome to the clown motel. How can I help you? We're running on a weekly special right now, we have the roach room and the murder room. "
" Uh— We have a little boy who's scared of clowns- Do you have anything for him? Look at him- He's scared. "
" You're scared of clowns, are you? Come here, come here kid. "
" It's ok, go on now. "
" Yeah, don't be- Don't be shy. "
" He gets up his father— "
" My dad told me to tell anyone who says that uhm- 'I am what I eat'- "
" Alright, that's enough out of you- Hehe—.. Sorry- Yeah, now go sit down- Sit down, you've done enough- Sorry about him- "
" Would you guys like to buy a room, or are you just wasting my time? "
" Listen, listen. I'm sorry about my family dawg- That's- That's my sister there- and that's her husband and her kid- Uhh- We'll take a clean room, how boutta clean room? You got a clean room? "
(Player, u have no siblings-)
" Yeah, let me check if I have a clean room. Oh, look at that, I don't. Would you like the roach room or the murder room? "
" What happened in the murder room exactly? "
" Uhhh- A couple of days ago some bitch ate some kids crayons and he threw her out the balcony and cut her legs off- Would you like the murder room or the roach room? "
" Listen fool, If you can't get us a clean room, we're not staying here. "
" You're not gonna find any better rooms than the clown motel pal- "
" The fuck kind of motel is this? "
*insert random wheezing and snickering in the background-*
" C'MON- "
" Listen fool, If you can't get us a fucking room, I'm gonna give you one star review on Yelp, bitch- "
" What the fuck did you just call me dawg? I'm going full Mexican on your bitch ass- "
*insert Player just threatening in Spanish to take Deform's eyes out if he doesn't give them a room-*
*wheezing background noises intensifies*
*insert Player just proceeding threatening Deform-*
*spanish player noises intensifies*
*To be continued-*
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dvlwthn · 4 years
“  we’re  one  with  the  sea  .  ”
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Is that NOAH CENTINEO? No, that’s just ATLAS LAVEAU. They were born on 09/05/96 and are a MERMAID living in Northknot Town. They work as a SWIM INSTRUCTOR at Good Vibrations Gym. Some say they're PROTECTIVE and INTELLIGENT, but I’ve heard others say they're EMOTIONAL and BLUNT. When you think of HIM, don’t you think of SUNSHINE AFTER RAIN, OCEANS SO BLUE YOU CAN’T LOOK AWAY, LOYALTY SO STRONG IT CAN’T BE BROEKN?
swimming  to  the  bottom  of  the  ocean  .  peace  in  the  silence  .  the  sound  of  clicking  from  a  keyboard  .  mind  always  wondering  .  leaving  words  of  poetry  behind  everywhere  .  carrying  a  notebook  around  for  no  one  to  see  .  stopping  in  the  middle  of  something  to  write  something  down  .  unbreakable  loyalty  .  kind  smiles  ,  forgiving  nature  .
“  you  must  always  remember  this  :  have  courage  ,  and  be  kind .  you  have  more  kindness  in  your  little  finger  than  most  people  possess  in  their  whole  body  .  and  it  has  power  .  more  than  you  know  .  ”   –  brittany candau. “  i  see  myself  forever  and  ever  as  the  ridiculous  [ person ]  ,  the  lonely  soul  ,  the  wanderer  ,  the  restless  frustrated  artist  ,  the  person  in  love  [  with  love  ]  ,  always  in  search  of  the  absolute  ,  always  seeking  the  unattainable  .  ”   –  henry miller. “  i’m  with  you  in  rockland  . . .  where  we  are  great  writers  on  the  same  dreadful  typewriter  .  ”   –  allen ginsberg .
M U S I C    P L A Y E R
“   and  i  can't  sleep  .  i'm  up  at  night  ,  you're  in  my  ear  and  i'm  alright  .  i’m  trying  not  to  put  it  on  the  line  .  and  i  am  so  tired  of  losing  sleep  .  i  just  want  to  keep  you  around  .  you  make  me  feel  alright  .  you  make  me  feel  alright  .  you  make  me  feel  like  everything  is  gonna  be  just  fine  .  ”   just fine by spookyghostboy. “   je  veux  de  l'amour  ,  de  la  joie  ,  de  la  bonne  humeur  .  ce  n'est  pas  votre  argent  qui  fera  mon  bonheur  .  moi  je  veux  crever  la  main  sur  le  cœur  .  allons  ensemble  ,  découvrir  ma  liberté  .  oubliez  donc  tous  vos  clichés  bienvenue  dans  ma  réalité  .  ”   je veux by zaz. “   sometimes  there's  bullshit  that  don't  work  now  .  we  all  got  our  stories  but  please  tell  me  what  there  is  to  complain  about  .  when  you're  happy  like  a  fool  ,  let  it  take  you  over  .  when  everything  is  out  ,  you  gotta  take  it  in  .  oh  ,  this  has  gotta  be  the  good  life  .  ”   good life by onerepublic.
+ intelligent, protective, and kind
- sometimes too optimists, blunt, and emotional
atlas has been through a lot of hurt. however, unlike most people he hasn’t let it change him. people take his kindness as a weakness but he see’s it as a strength... that he won’t let anyone change him no matter how cruel they can be. he wants to believe that people aren’t all bad, sometimes he tries a little too hard to believe that. but he isn’t naive either when it came to what he expected from other people. the man isn’t oblivious, he just likes to try to have hope. to not expect the worst from people until they give him no other choice to. sometimes, he also can’t help himself and is a little blunt. he never does it to be rude or hurt anyone’s feelings... it’s just he is protective and will call someone out on something in order to protect them. also the little pretentious writer in him sometimes makes him unable to stop himself from just saying certain things as they are. 
001. atlas henrik laveau never knew his father, not that he ever cared about that. the boy was a huge mama’s boy. his mother was the strongest person he knew. growing up with only his mother, and his two step sisters. . . atlas grew up seeing the strength in women and couldn’t be prouder of his family.  002. however, being the only boy, atlas did always want a little brother. and he found that in a young boy whose family lived near his. it started with him just being asked to watch the young boy (eric) but eventually turned into him adoring the kid like his little brother. his family and friends all know how atlas saw the young boy and welcomed him themselves as well. 003. atlas prided himself on learning as much as he could on anything and everything. about his world under the sea and the world above. human, vampires, werewolves, witches, etc. he wanted to be ready for when he moved to the land above, it was always part of his plan. plus, he wanted to help his hybrid best friend as much as he could. 004. when he was younger, atlas’ favourite thing had always been writing and telling stories. he was always a creative person and enjoyed sharing all of his ideas. due to this, atlas was known for always thinking outside the box. 005. he ended up going through a hard time when eric was killed. it had been a day that he was asked to go watch the young boy, but he couldn’t do it. so eric’s parents moved their day around and stayed with him. atlas had finished his day early was was going to go surprise the boy and maybe offer to help out so the parents could do whatever else they could. however, when he arrived, he found the entire family had been murdered. atlas took it really hard and blamed himself. he even stopped talking for a couple of months. he spoke to NO ONE and the only person who could get some type of reaction out of him had been his best friend. 006. at the right age, atlas wasted no time in getting his ring so he could travel above land. he didn’t make the move just yet, cause he wasn’t fully ready to leave his family. but mars and him traded off on who was visiting who. he loved the land and wishes his family felt the same, but they loved the ocean too much. so he stayed for awhile longer before eventually making the move all together. though he does visit his family still. family is everything to the man. 007. he’s currently working at the gym as a swim  instructor, but he only does that while working on his book. everything is looking well for him, he already has publishers who want to work with him. he just needs to make a choice and small changes to his book that he feels he didn’t write correctly. he’s very excited about what’s to come.
BEST FRIEND. these two grew up together and have always been close. they’ve always seen each other as family and don’t keep secrets from one another. atlas knows he can tell mars anything and never be judged, just like she can do with him.   [ TAKEN ; marcelline ]
CLOSE FRIENDS. these would be the people he goes to that isn’t mars. probably someone who is a little more like him. at least in the sense where they are more kind and forgiving compared to most of the people in town. they could meet when atlas got to town and kind of just hit it off. or just sometime since he’s been around and just grew close kinda quickly. i just want him to have a couple of people he’s really close with.   [ 1/2 (could be down for three) ; tabitha ]
CO-WORKER. ever hear of a work wife/husband? that’s what this person is to atlas. they are very close and are always there to help each other. their other co-workers tease them about acting like a married couple at work, but it really is just a platonic friendship.   [ OPEN ; xx ]
EX GIRLFRIEND. i would really love one of those obvious jealous exes who broke up with their boyfriend due to him being so close to their best (girl) friend. so this person, whom atlas loved so much, really didn’t like how close atlas was to mars and grew tired of people making assumptions about him and mars. it eventually got to the point of them telling atlas to pick between them and his best friend. they didn’t realise how much atlas actually LOVED them. now, however, atlas can’t see them the same and they act very bitter toward each other.   [ OPEN ; xx ]
CRUSH. someone atlas has a bit of a crush on. they don’t need to return the feelings. this is just someone he really admires but never acts on his feelings because he doesn’t want to ruin their friend ship. *bonus points though if they do return his feelings and they are thinking the same way he is. that they are worried about ruining the friendship too.   [ OPEN ; xx ]
EX BOYFRIEND. they were friends first and things kind of just happened. it was one of those relationships that just made sense. however, after a few months, this person decided they just wanted to be friends. while it hurt atlas, he understood and agreed. yet since then, the two are just awkward around each other. atlas still has a soft spot for this person and wishes they could actually be friends again.   [ OPEN ; xx ] 
DISLIKE. atlas tried to get along with everyone, he really does. but this person just DOESN’T like him and atlas isn’t too upset about it. they rub him the wrong way anyways. or maybe it’s vice versa. . . atlas can’t stand them? they rub him the wrong way and he just CAN’T see past it.   [ OPEN ; xx ]
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alkhale · 5 years
Hello hello miss!... Uh, I think that's how you identify??? If not, please tell me!!! I don't wanna misgender you on accident or something Q-Q Anyways, I've been reading Memo, and I! Really love Hoku, and the way she interacts with the world, and her relationships with everyone, it's just really well written. Plus, she sounds REALLY pretty and I'm weak for that. That aside, are you up for getting ideas for Memo!AUs people've had, or headcanons? If not it's cool, just wanted to ask :> ~ Vira
omg u good, dw anon. 
I’m guilty of already having a lot of AU ideas for Memos and I might just start a story on AO3 for a collection of them so they don’t clutter the actual story or I can go more in depth or explore some other things hahaha. I’ll start putting them in little omakes and stuff, but Memos chapters have been hella long so I’m worried about overbogging stuff but y’all seem chill with these crazy counts so i hope u don’t mind
- School AU, this one’s just fun shenanigans and I love modern AUs. School Council President Sabo, Ace being Ace, Hot teacher Shanks, for some reason Kid and Hoku both have the same art class in basic architecture and metal welding because he’s a grease monkey and Hoku likes designs. Straw Hat crew in school, Brook’s a popular soul musician. Franky and Robin are teachers. 
- MODERN AU. I have so many ideas i wanna hash out for different Modern AUs, hahaha, i’m so attracted to these and was this close to writing it out instead as its own kind of story but Memos won over. 
ASL+Hoku living together and their daily life (together its HASL like hassle and that’s exactly what it’s like with these idiots)
Started to live together once Ace and Sabo were in their third year of high school, it’s been awhile now. (Hoku’s family passed away when she was young, Garp was doing marine work stationed in Hawaii and took an interest in her but before he could find her, she went to live with ‘someone else’ until he managed to shove her in with Luffy, she’s technically an emancipated minor)
Ace is a construction worker/part time fire fighter and picks up all sorts of odd jobs and errand runs.
Whitebeard took him in on several occasions when stuff happened. Ace is super close to the group even though they’re lowkey high profile crime bosses. Marco’s a doctor underground and professional, Thatch is a chef (whitebeard’s crew always sends gifts and visits and hooks them up with deals at random places)
“Ace! Can you call Marco? I think Hoku’s anemic again.”
“I swear to god, put down that phone he’s going to give me all those pills and I don’t wanna pay the hospital bill–”
“But it’s free.”
“God damn it.”
Sabo works for a high fashion brand design/political activist group (somehow these two meshed and Dragon runs both so)
Hoku and Luffy are students almost finishing up with high school. 
Sabo is designated most put-together-has-his-shit-ready, if you can’t find your paint brushes Hoku, ask Sabo. Ace, Sabo put ur laundry away already. He’s usually in charge of meals and making sure the bills get paid. (Their apartment is spacious but a little dingy and random stuff breaks or falls apart but Ace and Hoku are really handy and always fixing shit)
Ace can only make pasta and grilled foods. He’s great with the barbecue. Luffy can’t cook. Hoku cooks pretty damn well but she’s clumsy in the kitchen so she tries to cook before Sabo or Ace get home and they scream something about her cutting off a finger and needing stitches again
House is always decorated with flowers or something nice like a painting or photos or tapestries. Hoku always does that.
They have a small garden plot by the apartment complex. Hoku and Sabo take care of it. Ace and Luffy eat from it a lot and run out animals trying to steal the tangerines from the tree Nami’s adopted mom gave them as a house warming gift.
The three of them fill out a lot of her pages in her sketchbooks and easels. “Is that Sabo again?” “Yeah, he fell asleep reading and he looks too perfect so I wanted to draw it.” “That kinda pisses me off.” “Me too, we’ll do something about it when I finishl.”
Her art classmates are always super eager to see her stuff and ask about the hot older guys in her drawings and please ask them to model. Hoku relents. Ace comes in to model because he gets paid. That’s a story for another day.
Hoku has regular poker nights for awhile now with a group of people Ace and Sabo didn’t think about (they always thought it was the girls or some friends like their friend group) until one night Luffy goes to hang out with the others and they’re like?? Hoku??? and Luffy’s like?? Hoku doesn’t do poker nights with us you dummies.
This sends them into a panic attack and Sabo has Hoku’s location at all times because he did something permanent to her phone (Hoku does not know this) and they visit (stalk) her at one of her poker nights. Find out its in some weirdly shady fancy club body guarded by a bunch of ridiculously macho looking guys (it’s actually Daz, Vergo and some others) They stake out and froth at the mouth, nearly dying when they see Hoku walk out surrounded by GIANT MEN DOUBLE HER SIZE AND AGE, HOKU HONEY, WHAT? It’s Crocodile and Doflamingo, usually Mihawk, and sometimes Jimbei comes.
Hoku’s like ?? I’ve played poker with these guys for forever. (They’re big crime syndicates and totally into illegal business and Sabo knows this and Ace is ready to murder) but apparently Hoku weaseled her way in and she’s a good player so they have fun and like gambling with her. They always suggest taking her to Vegas with them because they’re high rollers but Hoku’s always like nah i got school and work.
Sabo and Ace after herding her home try to convince her to stop meeting with them and Hoku’s just like lmao no and takes out huge wads of cash from her pockets. “They’re ridiculously rich and I win a lot.” They also pay for a lot of good food and Hoku’s not about to pass that up. (She sneaks leftovers for Luffy all the time ((but the older men already know and usually just have shit boxed up for her anyway))) 
“But they’re older men and dangerous!”
“It’s not like I’m going on a date with them. It’s just gambling.”
“You like older men!”
“Oh, yeah, huh.”
Law and Kid are classmates and Luffy and Hoku hang out with them a lot when its not with their crew and Ace and Sabo are always like cant you hang out with better people. Kid and Law never feel welcome in their house but Hoku’s just like dw if they bother u i won’t talk to them and then they get upset and yada yada. Doesn’t stop Ace and Sabo from being super mean looking and scary. Kid and Law are hard to ward off, unfortunately.
Law’s studying to be a doctor, well on the way. Kid’s a mechanic and works at a shop and does street racing. Hoku wants to design a car interior for him.
People always say Sabo seems like the prim and perfect gentlemen of the three and he’ll make a good husband and they just laugh and Hoku tells Koala and she laughs because they always wave their hands and say nah nah, Sabo’s secretly the most sneaky and lowkey scary/sadistic/a tease out of all of them, don’t let the pretty face fool you
(and he really is, sometimes he makes Hoku beg for the pretty cakes he brings home from work from clients because he thinks its cute when she’s trying to reach them over his head)
Shanks is a famous traveler/explorer, always known for doing crazy stuff and his team of explorers climb mountains, explore caves, travel all around the world and take beautiful shots and Hoku and Luffy always tune in. Shanks saved Luffy once from a freak accident and he’s his hero and Hoku has such a hopeless crush on him.
Modern AU where Law is Luffy’s partner in college for a project and he goes to Luffy’s house. Hoku’s a TA for Shanks and stupidly stupid for him and Law meets her and feels things.
Modern AU where Strawhat crew goes on a road trip.
Monsters AU. Hoku’s a ghost.
Hanahaki AU. Red flowers.
Marines AU.
Genderbent AU.
Some other ones but i gotta go finish that essay i mentioned hahaha, hope these were fun! the modern HASL one ran away with me
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dalyunministry · 4 years
Word Ministration
Topic: Is God with you
By. Evangelist. F A Elijah
You are all welcome. Pls let someone pray for us.
Our father, we thank you very much for the grace of this teaching. Father as we gather to learn at you feet, father enlighten our eyes of understanding, quicken our spirit to hear and act in faith. Release fresh oil upon us and fill us with your Spirit to overflowing in Jesus name. Amen.
Firstly I thank God for the grace given to me. Secondly I appreciate the host of this group. Thirdly I say big thanks to all members.. God bless u all
Holy ghost come and talk to your children in their own language.
¶ Topic: IS GOD WITH YOU...??
I want everyone to ask himself...??. I know people will say yes..... but let see this word...Let see...
Some people think God is with them while God is not..... some family think God dwell in them but HE didn't.... some Chorister think since they are singing in church... God is with them..... i pity you... some ministers and some members think God is with them... while almighty God is not will them at all.....
How....She wasn't your wife, you had sex with her, she became pregnant, you made her abort. Illegal relationship + murder, committed by you alone and you are boasting ..... "I've conquered that babe " it is time for us to stand right in God. Mal 3:5
He is not your husband, you are having/had sex with him, collecting money from him and you think you are a sharp girl.
Even so married women, You are an armed robber, robbing people with your body. 2 Cor 5:10......
You and alcohol drink in now a friend.... even you best friend that you must see and take it a day.... and you say God is with you.... haaaaa.. you are deceiving yourself......
How can you be a drunker, fornication, adultery, fraudster... and you think God is with you.. never i repeat.. never... i not with you... see forget that you are a workers in church or minister... if you are into such think.... God is not with you.....
Some guys now a days now take yohoo as the professional job... I saw even told that lady too are doing it......Where this life is going with all this bad attitude.... everybody want to become a millionaire..... you now choose 419 as your job... why can't you wait for God and your time...
I don't know how oyinbo in mean white people.... is s fool that you will now ask him/her 20million Naria and he will give you... is a lie you are using charm... your suffer start from the cham you are using.....
Oh my God... am I talking with someone....????
Let take a look a general people in Bible...
king Saul and King David: 2Sa 3:1 KJV Now there was long war between the house of Saul and the house of David: but David waxed stronger and stronger, and the house of Saul waxed weaker and weaker.
According to that verse... David family waxed stronger... if you look another version... say David family are more steadily stronger....... WHAT MAKE DAVID FAMILY BE A STRONGER AND STRONGER. This where am going... Is beause God is with David family....
Look to your own family now... are you strong in spirit??.. if not.. GOD is not there.
Some family are even weaker and Saul family am telling you...
Is not recorded that Saul is fornicated or adultery. We can even see that David sin more than Saul....But in your own family there's thief, fraudster, fornication, adultery, anger, not paying tithe, going to church late hour, bad attitude. Haaaaa... all these in your own family....
And you are saying God is with you, Because your daughter is among choir... choir that is singing for the not God,.. you are a worker in church all because of money...No matter how you are talented or capable if you are not doing God will.... you are nothing you are zero...
Are you getting me.. pls let me know ???
She's not properly dressed, instead of you to preach or correct her, you are shouting "WOW!!! you look sexy.... Brothers and sisters u are part of the problem the world is facing on indecent dressing, repeat before the judgment of God will fall upon you. Matthew 11:24
Oh boy! Oh baby!! see Venza, Chai see house, damn! see that babe" Bros the world is just a play & illusion, its beauty doesn't last, don't be carried away, seek. Seek first his Kingdom. Repent
Wisdom, people will be naked, but the fear of judgement will not allow u look, have that fear now and stop asking, uploading or downloading nude pictures.
Repent! Is God will you now, or did God dwell in you... because hoe can GOD dwell with you and go hotel to sleep with another woman.... is a lie... GOD is not with you... how can do dwell in you and go to club or bar house to have a bottle of bear.... stop deceiving yourself.... GOD is not with you at all...
Am coming to an end. Hope am communicate???. Let me stop here... before i touch where i DON'T want to touch..... because if i start with this topic i will be upset.....
Is God with you.... check yourself now before is too late... Jesus is coming soon.. If God is not with you now..... quickly go back to God...
I believe you can answer the question by now.... IS GOD WITH YOU..I pray to the person that can say and type amen... The grace move closer to God will dwell in you..
Thank you all.
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My worse trait is making up animatics in my head when I find a Instagram reel with the sound that just hits me full force—the reason is because I don't have the will nor motivation to make animatics, let alone finish digital drawings.
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