#don't mind me gushing
viviraptor-art · 3 months
i am so unbelievably honored to say that i'm working with rex raptor's 3rd voice actor, tony salerno!! he'll be featuring a version of my rex fanart as a signable print at future conventions, and it'll be making its debut in an autograph livestream set for july 19th!
if you like yugioh, wanna support iconic voice actors, or just wanna hang out with me in the chat, save the date and tune in! ❤️
check out tony's streamily page and pre-order a print here!
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pigeonstab · 5 days
I showed my mom a Cross body pillow and she was like 'oh yeah well we can order that for Christmas'
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britishmuffin · 6 months
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oh ;_; this made me really emotional actually... thank you lovely person, I will make more fanart <3
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m00n-elixir · 5 months
My good sir, as a psychonauts 2 enjoyer, i have looked a little through your page and i have a incredibly small, minscule feeling that you like the psychonaut by the name of Compton Boole. Am i correct?
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macadam · 11 months
From here on out when making posts about transformers stuff I love I’m not gonna put in a footnote every time about how much other bad stuff there also is in the franchise/fandom. Cause trying to keep posts well rounded and faithful to the entire tf fandom as a whole every single time is so exhausting and also the tf fandom sucks? Additionally it’s too large. Lastly they are nothing to me. They are nothing. Why am I thinking abt the bad parts of fandom all the time when the original goal was to gush about something I really like.
Anyways I love optimus prime he has so much love in his heart
and also autism
hit post
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lieutenantselnia · 3 months
At this point I feel like the common denominator for my fictional crushes is actually just "people with cool ships"😂
I have a total of 15 romantic f/os on my list as of now (counting mains and secondaries/crushes), and there's already 4 of them who hold the title "Admiral", or at least did so at some point in their life.
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Thrawn, who even becomes a Grand Admiral later on, commands the Imperial-class star destroyer Chimaera (plus he is also in command over the entire 7th Fleet). Ar'alani, who has the heavy cruiser Steadfast. Piett, who reaches the rank of Fleet Admiral later, commands the Executor-class super star destroyer Executor - this ship is fuckin 19km long I kid you not - (plus he is second in command next to Darth Vader over the Death Squadron). And finally Norrington, who commands the lineship Dauntless (I know he used to command other ships too but I think the Dauntless could count the most as "his" ship even though he was still commodore back then).
Not taking a specific rank it's even more than twice the number: of course Captain Barbossa (who captained both the Black Pearl and later also the Queen Anne's Revenge) and Captain Davy Jones (with the infamous Flying Dutchman), but also Commodore Karyn Faro (even though she served as Thrawn's second in command aboard the Chimaera for the most part of her story and didn't have her "own" ship, she was supposed to take over command of the 11th Fleet when she got promoted - possibly a promotion to admiral would have followed eventually as well, however it's unclear if she was able to depart to her new station before the battle of Lothal and what her further fate was). I'm also counting General Grievous and Lieutenant Lyste in because even though it wasn't always the only thing they did, commanding a ship was an important aspect in their respective careers at some point (for example when Grievous commanded the Malevolence).
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So, somehow almost two thirds of my entire f/o list happen to be people who command ships, and I don't quite know what to make of that xD
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tellmegoodbye · 5 months
7x06 is officially one of my favorite episodes ever and it's not just because it made me cry, but it's also because this episode represents everything Madney has had to fight through in order for this moment to be possible.
From the very start of the show, Chimney has always been someone who fights for everyone except himself. Most notably in season 5, he did everything he could to make sure Maddie was safe, and he would have let her go in the end if that was what she wanted. Part of what makes Madney The Ship of All Time is that they always fight to get back to each other, and I absolutely loved the fact that Maddie was the one to ultimately propose, because Chimney needed that. It was also important for Maddie, choosing to do something that didn't end well the first time because she knows she finally found the person she's meant to be with.
In this episode, we see Chimney desperate to get back to Maddie even if he can't even remember her name, and we see him reliving everything traumatic that has happened to him. Bringing Doug back for this was genuis because he represents that trauma, as well as something that is standing between him and Maddie. Whether it be Doug himself, or depression, or in this case, amnesia, Maddie and Chimney not only have had to learn to fight for each other, but they had to learn to fight for themselves. Enter Kevin, and we see Chimney letting go of his guilt and fighting for himself, fighting to get home. Because Chimney is worthy of love and he knows without a doubt that Maddie loves him, despite everything hallucination Doug tried to tell him.
Of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a sweet wedding episode where nothing goes wrong, but I think that this episode was perfect for Madney. After everything they've gone through both individually and as a couple, this was a great way to bring it all back and say "Hey, they survived all of this, not only because they love each other but also beacuse they've learned to love themselves." and I think that is beautiful.
I've seen some people say they feel Madney didn't have enough screentime and that's completely fair, but to me personally it's not about screentime, it's about the story they're trying to tell. I think they've told a damn good one!
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multicolour-ink · 6 days
Going off of this previous ask right here, what do you think would be the noise Sonic and Tails would make?
*cracks knuckles*
Oh, Niyana. I'm very glad you asked this >:3
So for context, this has put me in mind of an idea I've had for the last few days on Sonic and Tails playing together and the noises they make being like real animals. (based on this scene from Avatar: The Way of Water - please hear me out ^^;)
Sonic would start off being all teasing, then as he turns Tails teases back by tapping or grabbing his tail or quills. Sonic turns around, crouches on the floor to Tails' level, then Tails lets out a little yip, and Sonic starts to playfully chase him. Tails turns, yips again, and Sonic makes a non-threatening hedgehog hiss.
So yes I imagine that these two play very much like real animals complete with the animal sounds ^^
Going back to your actual question on how Sonic and Tails would great each other: I think they would just say "Hey!". Sonic would most definitely follow it up with a fist bump and/or a noogie to Tails' head. He would also no doubt add "little bro" to his Hey).
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greywolfheirs · 4 months
Having a cat is so much more fun when you're able to speak their language. I bought this cat bed and my cat wouldn't even touch the thing no matter where I put it. But then I realized she kept hanging out under my nightstand when I was on my computer in bed. I put the cat bed there, and wow, wouldn't ya know it suddenly the bed is her favorite spot!
Evidence of her choosing a paper bag over the bed I bought her (on the left)
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I feel like I'm laying these little traps for her but really I'm just listening to what she's telling me in her own way.
She doesn't even know I would die for her but she loves me anyway <3
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Also I kinda liked the fact that you can tell that Matthew directed plays just by the way the movie is shot. My favorite is probably the Cornbread montage because even though the audience is well aware that Henry is miles away in London talking to Alex on the phone, they were still having this conversation as if they were in the same room and we could see their reactions to the conversation without a classic "rapid-cuts-to-character's-reactions-on-the-phone" montage. Just like they do in plays set in the modern days. Yes, Henry was not actually there in the room with Alex, but the way a sudden rush of intimacy surrounded them in an instant, it felt like Henry was there in the room with Alex. Maybe I just love theatrical antics in general but not only the scene achieved the same thing as a classic phone montage (showing Alex and Henry getting flustered about this unexpected moment of intimacy), it was also refreshing to see from a directorial perspective.
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sshoujo-ais · 24 days
LAY the princess
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thekingofmuses · 4 months
I admire Terry so much. He's got such natural magnetism and charisma. He's just an all around damn good guy! In many ways I would choose him over Kyo.
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cealesti · 4 months
don't pay me too much mind here, i'm just thinking out loud and being a bit of a hater
as someone whose most popular fic is written with a purposeful exaggeration of my normal writing style — which by itself, i think, is already dangerously on the edge of purple prose — i have to say that people in fandom tend to confuse purple prose with good writing
like... i love a good metaphor, i love prose that sings, i love it when a story draws my attention to the characters and the plot and the prose all the same time. there are writers out there whose prose i want to eat (if you're reading this, you probably know who you are. i hope)
but sometimes, for better and for worse, it's exceedingly obvious that fic writing is a hobby and an amateur craft, and is itself often read by hobbyists and amateurs. this is good in that there's a lot more freedom for wacky ideas, off-the-wall concepts, atypical styles and approaches, etc. there isn't a form or a standard we have to obey or stick to and that's fucking fantastic and incredibly fun.
but on the other hand... sometimes you really just have to roll your eyes and move on
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positivelybeastly · 9 months
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All right, so I've decided that I'm going to talk about my favourite comic book of all time, panel by panel - or, well, Beast panel by Beast panel, because they are the best panels (wa-hey!). Because this is the single best that Beast has ever been written. I love Grant Morrison. I love J.M. DeMatteis. I love David Michelinie. I love Chris Claremont. I love Rainbow Rowell. But none of them ever wrote a better Beast than Kieron Gillen. So, starting off with the context - Beast has just left the X-Men. Why? Well, for one, he was suffering from PTSD flashbacks and distracted, not doing well. For another, he kept pushing back against the more extreme measure Cyclops was advocating to keep mutantkind alive, to essentially no effect. And in the end, he just couldn't take it and left. So now he's going to work with his girlfriend, at S.W.O.R.D, which is basically space S.H.I.E.LD. Hank is a giant Star Trek nerd and scientist, so this is basically his dream come true. I like to imagine he had to be talked out of showing up in a blue science shirt with a toy tricorder. Instead, he's wearing this really lovely little suit and tie ensemble! White suit jacket and pants, smart brown shoes, a pink waistcoat, a crimson shirt, and a purple tie - honestly, he looks like a fucking pimp, I love it. I'd also like to note that I've read this maybe thirty times, and taking crops of this for this post was the first time I noticed the starfield is the background for the entire first page Hank appears, visualising just how vast the cosmos is and providing a really beautiful contrast between Earth and the Peak. Also, space shuttle car! So cool!
S.W.O.R.D vol. 1, issue #1 (2009).
Written by Kieron Gillen, pencils by Steven Sanders.
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ice-and-lightning · 28 days
My US account has Himeko and both today and yesterday I've used Welt as support and when they get their Ultimates in a row and get all BAMF in a row, dear heavens.
They're both so powerful and also protective. I mean, even Welt's voice line when added to a team with Dan Heng is him being all dad-mode xD
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chronicowboy · 5 months
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