#don't rb this obviously
echoesofaheart · 12 days
btw if you make those "reblog if you support x/y/z" posts or put "don't scroll past" and "everyone must reblog this" and anything else of that nature on posts, i think people with ocd, intrusive thoughts, and any other similar conditions should get to beat you to death with hammers
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rejaytionships · 2 months
we're over halfway through the week already, but happy passover to jewish selfshippers! you're a super important part of the community and deserve to be uplifted and supported during this time (and always of course!)
best wishes to you all, and i know your f/os would also want to be there and celebrate this special time with you as well ^^ chag pesach sameach! / zissen pesach!
(also if you're a jewish selfshipper plz feel free to reblog and promo ur blog or anything else under this post! <3 let's get some love and attention going for y'all)
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keymintt · 9 months
bisexual, but not rly in an "i'm attracted to xyz" way so much as a "whatever the fuck happens, happens" way
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ranminfan · 8 months
Gee it sure would be swell if some kind hearted souls would commission an artist such as I so that I'm able to purchase various novels that one might read...
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sergle · 2 years
like my personal Advice To You if you’re a small artist with a modest amount of success selling your designs on RedBubble, like maybe you make a couple hundred dollars... You’ll make so much more money just buying some sticker paper, self-adhesive laminate sheets, stamps and envelopes and just starting a little Etsy shop. 
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mushroom-for-art · 11 months
Reblog with a reference to your Mewtwo or Mew oc/sona and I'll make you a chibi using the poses I've done (using a lovewhilechibi pose as a base template for the Mewtwo pose), I will also accept descriptions of ocs with the colors/palette you want for them and where cause I know not everyone will have art of their oc
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Hey fellow Murdochians, I need something new to obsess over :) So if you have the inclination, please reblog this post and put in the tags (or just normal reblogs) a piece of symbolism or parallel or some other kind of connection you noticed in the show that, even if the creators may not have intended it, makes you go a little insane :)
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purgetrooperfox · 5 months
how come you do post much about gaza?
assuming you meant don't*? because this makes no sense otherwise? anyway
that you don't see my activism doesn't mean it isn't happening. tumblr is a terrible platform for activism, so I don't use it for that
#i won't pull up donation receipts for a fuckign tumblr anon#i won't sit here and try to explain that tumblr activism is typically restrained to tumblr. people rb the posts and never do anything else#people here notoriously do not click on links#so what i do. what i donate. where i protest. my household's boycotting. i do it and i talk to people about it but i don't do it here#because it won't do jack shit here and i'm trying to connect with people who might actually participate. for tangible results#sorry if that sounds Angry. it's because it is.#if y'all want to free palestine then you have to participate more than just reblogging. boosting voices is good but it takes more than that#tumblr rbs don't put pressure on politicians. they don't fund relief efforts. they don't pay for esims. they don't demonstrate organized#support for palestine in a Visible Manner to your city or state or country#they aren't disruptive#that's why you don't see me post on here. i'm trying to concentrate my efforts where they might do something#NOW. before you come for my throat. obviously there is nothing wrong with circulating posts about aid and resources to help#but then you should really consider like. contributing to those resources. that's key. that's the point. and some people here do! great!#i just. am more likely to be able to find and reach people who do in other places#maybe i should've said all that in the post instead of the tags but i really don't want to bring a bunch of misunderstanding down on myself#asks answered#'i wont sit here and explain' and then i did. damn
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sevicia · 4 months
I keep seeing ppl say stuff like "Oh but AI art will create more jobs!" and I just do not think that's like, relevant? to the discussion at all? Cause what jobs is AI art gonna generate for, yknow, artists? It's not even a rethorical question I'm really just coming up empty. Any person who has pursued (or even just considered) art as a career has heard that they're just gonna starve, that it's not a "real job", that they need to give up on it, and the way AI art is being treated by corporations seems to be putting a lot of weight into those statements. Yes, AI art is practically soulless and will never fully replace human-made art, but it's pretty obvious that no organization that's used AI instead of actually paying an artist gives a single shit about THAT.
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austinwehaveaproblem · 5 months
kinda alienating 2 be in the trans community but not have your agab apply to you as accurately, if at all, anymore
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daz4i · 9 months
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once again going through my camera roll looking for stuff that'll inspire a post maybe. so i found this. and let me pose a request here then. what's your headcanon for this part of the story? as in, where do you think dazai was in those 2 years? do you think he stayed in yokohama? in japan at all? did he have any connection to anyone at that time? do you have any other ideas? 👀
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l634 · 1 year
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look all im gonna say is it's a little clownish to imply building your car to suit your 2x wdc and clear team leader is somehow tea to spill or like...not what anyone would do 💀
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halchron · 1 month
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i've been so inactive here, please forgive me y'all
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abubble125 · 2 years
Some Fitz hate just clouded my rbs so I would like to state this is a fitz vacker appreciation blog.
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bittwitchy · 1 year
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burnerofsouls · 2 years
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there is no history in this place anymore! only a future!! i have no story to tell!! i’m no one!!!! from nowhere!!!! belonging to nothing!!!!! she lives in the spaces between everybody else’s stories!!!!!!!!
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