#don't take this too seriously but also i won't be accepting criticism LOL
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My hot take.
Bonus Pic, Leona calling bc he thought he would remember what MC said but didn't and Ruggie is clowning him for it.
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prorevmakeouts 2 months
im considering my other set of OCs today
MISS rhys (no relation) and lee they are like. well budget blake / eve i suppose rhys kind of has blakes body type but eves personality while lee is the opposite. but this is just me having types and i do not accept criticism for this
lee is likeeee super buff with Some fat while rhys is a scrawny little guy... lee tries 2 get her to work out with her but rhys is a noodle-armed little emo girl she would not thrive in a gymbro environment.
lee has a more Chill personality rhys is very high strung. theyre in a band together lee is the drummer and rhys is the rhythm guitar / singer / manager who constantly bosses the Official manager around / marketing guy / PR guy. lee is kind of just along for the ride she didn't even play percussion before rhys started the band she learned it specifically for her. just kind of goes with whatever life throws at her even if that involves now being in an insanely popular alt band
theyre both furries also but Can be human in my mind world (im bad at drawing humans. this is the only reason theyre furries lol) lee is a leucistic spotted hyena and rhys is a brown mutt doggy... lees got some tattoos while rhys likes to dye her fur/hair different colors and takes the showmanship / performance aspect of her job Very seriously. lee just wears ratty wifebeaters and cargo shorts on stage
and of Course they fuck bc this is the entire point of any story i have ever written the "themes" and "message" and "plot" all exist to lead to 2 women fucking. every single time. i cannot change my heart. rhys is basically the exclusive "top" cause her mindset in all things is Check This Off My List Get Shit Done with a sort of intensity to the Finish This Task part even if she does love lee. but shes also impulsive enough to simply initiate WAYYY more than lee does and again, lee just Goes with whatever shes chill like that. she does enjoy it but just doesnt get the chance to initiate often because it's either not the right Vibe or rhys has already beaten her to it. or shes just lazy tbh thats the main reason they don't typically do mutual shit: plus their size difference (lee is tall and beefy while rhys is shorter and scrawny) makes that difficult. lee Would occasionally initiate i think but as a like Special Treat i think rhys also has some insecurity that leads to her not wanting to "bottom" as often (:[)
i say top and bottom in quotes bc i dont rlly think those terms make as much sense for lesbians but when i say "top" i mean "the one eating out / strapping / fingering the other one" for Clarity's sake. and again they dont tend to do mutual shit like scissoring or any of the other hundreds of possible options bc 1. lee is kind of lazy and won't bring it up unprompted and 2. size difference makes it difficult. lee is scared of hurting her lol. also i dont find that shit as hot Sorry i like there 2 be focus on One Person At A Time
their story takes place in a time generally analogous to 90s-2000s usa (though its NOT just normal usa like in sanctuary this is a different Location bc its easier to justify the furry shit that way) erm lots of typical homophobia especially in their Scene and theyre also dealing with not being taken as Seriously by peers and critics as an all-female band with a Very eccentric and gnc frontwoman. lee has slightly Less internalized shit than rhys i think but she still wants to stay closeted just so she doesn't have to deal with the media circus, rhys has Internalized shit where she hates being gay so so badly and wants to stay closeted as to not negatively impact her career. internalized shit leads to things like randomly crying during sex, flipping into emotional coldness on a switch, not wanting to be seen around lee in public but then Also having a freakout because she misses her and has separation anxiety, "i hate myself for liking you too much" shit, etc. i think she gets over it eventually though especially when their band goes on hiatus and she learns to focus more on what she Actually wants to do as an artist instead of maximizing her reach (not necessarily sanitizing herself... she does wild shit for attention all the time, including being openly supportive of gay people which is why she gets the gay accusations thrown at her to begin with. she just doesnt want to be ACTUALLY out because its too personal: the eccentric way she behaves on stage is a persona, and coming out for real would weaken the divide between Stage Rhys and Real Rhys which is scary for her). also on said hiatus lee is basically an unemployed bum living off of savings she had from when the band was super popular and selling out venues selling out of CDs etc. but it also gives them time to have a more Normal relationship since theyre out of the spotlight (well. not FULLY out of the spotlight because the media and fans dont just forget about shit like that, but theyre under less scrutiny). moving in together etc etc. and they can fuck more 馃憤
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papirouge 5 months
Is trans ideology popular in your country? Ive heard there's been a backlash in the UK so now i'm curious about France... My country is unfortunately the type of country that follows whatever trend the USA is doing whether it's bad or good so the ideology did make its way into our schools, universities, politics and so on. But I feel the average person here is much less tolerant of it than the average american, like pretty much everyone believes it's a pretty radical ideology and very few people take the whole nonbinary stuff or neopronouns seriously.
Some serious stuff here has been passed like kids can now transition when they turn 14 (hormone treatment inc puberty blockers and surgery), you can also change your legal sex at that age too no transition of any kind neeeded for that, you just need to request the legal change in your papers from male to female or viceversa. Some dude even got to change his ID to mark X where his sex is supposed to be since he identifies as nonbinary (he's a bio male though).
Like i'm glad to be able to freely express my opinion with others since being critical of trans ideology is quite popular actually, but there are so many laws being changed since people still are very "to each their own". They just care if their own kids get sucked into the ideology but couldn't care less if others do, then they're like "as long as its not hurting anybody". So people tend to act apathetic about the way this agenda is slowly making its way into society since it isn't directly affecting them... Until it does. Then it's just too late.
France is still very TERFy lol
When abortion access got passed in the Constitution, french tra seethed about the fact that the bill didn't even include trans men or "people with uterus" (whatever this is) lol. When female members of the parliament celebrated the bill, they dressed in the "radfem colors" (violet white and green) 馃憖
I think trans ideology will have an extremely hard time invading romance countries because we have an extremely gendered culture. Even our languages are extremely gendered and gender neutral (singular) pronouns are nonexistent (the only attempt I've seen are those mixing the female and male singular pronouns in a single one, but it still puts genderless people in the female/male pronouns box). We don't have the equivalent of "it" or "they" in french. Everything has a gender, even objects or concepts.
Romance countries also have a very deep love for romance (duh), sex/sensuality and the human body. This comes from the Greek civilization they're the offsprings of ofc, but Catholicism plays a big part too. Catholics love some naked people. They couldn't help pulling out countless paintings of Jesus on the cross almost naked SMH lol. The chapel Sixtine is full of naked bodies too....
That's why in the psyche of those countries, trans bodies are unholy atrocities destroying God's work. Trans people won't be accepted like that out there.... And when they do, they have to be impeccably passing. I always found troubling how french people dissed the first lady (who's trans) on her looks, almost more than the fact he sexed the current president when he was still a 14 y.o boy.... Sometimes tells me if s/he was more passing people wouldn't be that mad, and I lowkey hate it....
Sometimes I feel privileged for being able to have critical thoughts about the trans ideology publicly because I know that women lost their jobs for that. One time I was talking to my colleague about a transathletes and we both agreed how men had some damn nerves and no shame for invading female sports like that. Like- it wasn't even a debate for any of us that those trans women were men and we both seethed against male audacity during the whole discussion lol Most women in France are crypto terf yall lol
But the pushing for trans ideology is definitely getting stronger. It's now possible to change your legal sex (but you have to be an adult I think). Not sure about whether minor can access hormones though.
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ambivalent-anarchy 4 years
Defending Peter Parker (Round 2: Tom Holland)
Here <- Andrew Garfield
Soooooo I'm doing this cuz I'm bored to show y'all how dumb some of your arguments and criticisms of the live action spidermen are. I did Garfield already. I'll do Maguire if someone shows me where people have hated on his spidey cuz all I ever see for him is people treating him like he's the most perfect Peter Parker to ever exist. I'd never tell anyone how they're "supposed" to feel about a situation so I won't do that and also don't take this seriously I'm just a dumb teenager. I'm just taking the dumb opinions y'all like to pass as fact and rebutting them with actual facts.
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"hE's OnLy So PoPuLaR bEcAuSe He'S hOt"
馃槓If this is your main critique of Tom Holland's spiderman, pls go find another one. This is so overused. The "they're only famous cuz they're hot" excuse has been used for every hot actor/actress ever. At this point, it isn't even real criticism, you just come off as lame. And yeah, alot of people like him because he's hot, but that's definitely not the only reason.
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"hE's NoT sPiDeRmAn. He'S iRoNbOy!"
UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH okay let's get to it. (If you can't tell, I really hate this argument)
1) Let's be real. The fandom pushed irondad wayyyy more than the actual movies did.
2) If you still use this argument after Far From Home, you missed the whole point of what FFH was supposed to be.
I was scrolling through tumblr and I saw a great point that someone made.
That entire movie was about him coming into his own as a hero, facing his problems head-on, and dealing with the threat by himself. That was the point of the whole movie. Yes, he had the Stark tech to help him make a suit, but he designed it himself, and then he went up against a threat that had incredibly powerful Stark tech at their disposal and still won. By himself. Everyone was asking who the next Iron Man would be and Happy even flat out said "You're not Iron Man." Because he isn't. He came into his own. He is established now.
Peter started the movie a bit lost without Tony and just wanting to deny his responsibilities and get away for a while.
He ended the movie finally accepting himself for who he was and even having to fight against Stark technology. He had to rely on himself and instead of worrying about this title that's been put on him, he has to just go with his own instincts (all the way down to his web shooters running out and having to literally just rely on his mind and his body) and look his responsibilities in the face. Idk a better way for him to have broken out of being "ironboy".
3) Plus, they needed some way to bring Spiderman into the MCU. And Tony is practically the MCU's Bruce Wayne when it comes to "adopting" children. Of course he was gonna be the one to bring him in.
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"He HaS tOo MaNy MeNtOrS! tHeY nEeD tO sToP hOlDiNg HiM bAcK aNd LeT hIm GrOw Up AnD bE aLoNe!"
Hahaha no.
Tony- okie dokie that's only one
Happy- Happy Hogan is not Peter's mentor. He literally helped him out in ONE scene. That is not enough to be a mentor.
Mysterio- He is also not a mentor. Storywise, he was Peter's scapegoat to caste his responsibilities onto because he didn't want them/feel he was worthy of them. And then later he was a villain. Just because the two have one small pep talk, doesn't mean he's a mentor.
I think most ppl that say this stuff really just don't want Peter to have any help. What you guys fail to realize is that getting help does not make you any less of a hero. You can still be a solo hero and get a peptalk every now and then. Batman, Superman, Ironman. They all get help from people in their movies and I don't see anyone complaining about it or saying they need to be alone.
Also, grow up? This dude is literally a sophmore/junior in high school. They talk so much about how he's literally a kid. Alot of the spiderman comics take place with him still being in high school. He doesn't have to be an adult. And as far as maturity goes, it's not like he's a dumb kid. He's just a teen doing what teens do.
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"nO uNcLe BeN!"
Come on guys. How many times have we seen this origin story? We all know it.
The story takes place when he's ALREADY spiderman so Uncle Ben is ALREADY dead. (They even have his suitcase in FFH). Just because they don't really mention it doesn't mean it didn't happen. We don't need to see the same origin story again. I mean, does every Batman movie mention Bruce's parents dying in the alley? No. Cuz we all already know it does. Origin stories are integral but the MCU wasn't erasing his, they were simply just starting after it.
And in every spidey story Uncle Ben always teaches him "with great power comes great responsibility". Well if you watch the movies, MCU Peter learns his lessons in responsibilities sooooo we're covered there.
"When you can do the things that can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you."
Yeah yeah we all love Uncle Ben but him already passing doesn't mean the story's bad. That's just where they wanted to start lol.
"ThErE's No ReAl CoNsEqUeNcEs WhEn If LoSeS!"
Homecoming: If Vulture would've won, there would've been more easily accessible alien weapons available for criminals like the Shocker, the Tinkerer, etc. Also Vulture would have been a criminal loose on the streets. Regardless of his intentions, he was a guy willing to kill for what he wanted.
FFH: What Mysterio was doing, even though it was an illusion, was actually causing casualties. His workers talked about it to him over and over again. Especially if the last attack in London (i think?) would have worked, alot of people would have died. Also the world would have been tricked into depending on someone that actually couldn't really keep them safe.
Lol but regardless, Peter doesn't have to be dealing with a gigantic threat. The whole thing about being a superhero is doing what's right, regardless of how big or small the situation is. He's literally fought with the Avengers. I think he's proven himself.
All in all Tom Holland is the best (for me personally). I never have an issue when he's on screen and he's really just so awesome馃槉
Tagging great ppl: @allegra-writes , @yumings , @spideyyeet , @sunkissedspidey , @tommyunderoos , @chaoticpete , @sovereignparker , @thesherlockianavenger , @bubblebucky , @eridanuswave , @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr , @kidney9-9 , @gwenvrse , @the-weird-bisexual , @kelieah
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queerlymasculine 3 years
Thank you so much for the kind words. They made me cry a little lol. What you said about owning self care not just to yourself but to your owner really stuck with me because sometimes I only do things because of my imaginary owner. I mean, sometimes I tell myself I need to drink water or brush my teeth, I need to take care of myself because my cg isn't here yet to do it. And I tell myself they be so so proud of me of keeping myself well for them for so long.
So yeah, you have dni for ageplayer (I'm an agere, not an age player but I don't want to make you uncomfortable) so I just came here to thank you, won't bother you any longer.
Thanks again for the kind words and best of luck to you.
you're fine, friend - the dni is for NSFW age play (I don't know all the terms tbh, my ignorance is making me cringe rn) because that's like, what's up trauma for me. non sexual ageplay doesn't get my PTSD going, so you're totally fine 馃挐 you're free to follow - I should edit the pinned post to be more specific
what I meant by owing self care to myself and my owner was more along the lines of, I think it would be irresponsible of me to not know how to take care of myself. let me explain that because that feels like "just take care of yourself 4Head." but how you interpreted what I said also deserves to be addressed so I'll get to that too :) I have been on a streak of struggling to express ideas today lol
to me, self-awareness is a critical aspect of self-care and thus a critical component of responsible play. people talk about knowing your limits and communicating them to your partner. this is similar. it's an act of self care to set a boundary or to express a need. it's an act of self care to articulate what you need or want for aftercare. but you can't really do any of those things without knowing what you need and want and also what you don't want. being able to express these wants and needs and boundaries in a self-affirming way - stating "this is my need" vs "is it okay if I need this?" - and in a way that's constructive for your partner so they know how to meet that need -- I think this is necessary to play safely. obviously no one's perfect and we all can improve and learn, but it's important to have those skills for yourself. but to me, I think I owe it to my owner to be able to give hir the information ze needs to take care of me.
tumblr doms are trash. but human beings who want to dom in a compassionate, ethical, and responsible way understand that submission is not a joke. submitting to someone or choosing to accept their care is no small thing. it takes enormous trust. and a dominant who is worth even a second of your time understands that and takes it seriously. a good dominant (I know what you're looking for is a little different, but you know what I mean) wants to take care of the person who is in their care. it's important to be able to give them what they need to do in order to keep you safe and ideally make you feel happy and secure and to give you what you need and want. it helps keep you safe and it keeps them safe by giving them confidence that, even if something unexpected happens, they can keep you safe. and I'm not just talking about physical limits or physical needs, although those are important too. emotional limits are, in some ways, even more important.
but omg doing self care things for someone, either a specific person you know or someone more abstract, is sometimes the best workaround for things you don't want to do or don't feel super motivated to do.
based on personal experience, when you find a caregiver who's worth your time, they WILL be so proud of you and it WILL feel even better than you can imagine right now.
waiting until you meet someone who's worth you time, ESPECIALLY in a kink context, is the absolute best decision you can make, especially when what you're looking for has to do with very basic needs like feeling safe. it takes an unimaginable amount of trust to let down your guard enough to feel safe. I'm speaking from experience. it's a risk, and it's a side of you that not many people get to see or even know about. I don't know how to exactly phrase what a big deal it is to entrust yourself to someone else's care.
I've digressed harder than anyone else has ever digressed in their life. clearly my ADHD meds are out of my system lol. anyway. like I said, you are more than welcome to chill on my blog if you want, but no pressure either way, of course. and I'm always here to lend an ear or offer advice 馃挐 take care of yourself, friend!!
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arasokanbina 3 years
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More comments on Hesitation Before Going to School (My Teenage Girl - After School Excitement)
This is a very long post.
I like the vocal teacher Youngji* I think I've see her before? And dance teacher Aiki is good too, I've seen her lots before not properly but I know of her.
A lot of the teachers are nice, when they are a bit harsh or the trainees get emotional from their criticisms they tend to not go harder and compliment them or encourage them. Of course they're not perfect, like Lisa kinda mocked Jaejoon for getting hyped and I felt super embarrassed for him like don't make it awkward it feels stressful.
I know it's a moment passed and I'm sure he's stronger than I, but embarrassment especially public shaming upsets me a lot. But as I said its whatever, its over and maybe she was a bit rude but it's not that deep. Btw I like Lisa and all the teachers I'm just addressing some issues I've had.
Lee Eunji (sister) is comic relief but it's a bit over done, like I girl I know you're being silly but I've seen your silly twerk 20 times lol. And how many times must they surprise us with mum and sister haha! Like we know it's gonna be them! It's not really a big deal and I like them both a lot.
So far the production has been great, the staff seem to actually give a damn about the girls and I'm still so greatful to mum. I think I'm also soft because she reminds me a bit visually of my grandmother on my dad's side. Of course she's not Asian but you know many people regardless of race have similar faces in some way. Yeah. Anyway enough rambling lol.
*A little tidbit of a rant that I have to mention. Mentions: Blackface
So I looking for pictures of the teachers to add to this post. I started with Youngji as I firstly spoke about her. It was taking me some time for pictures because she's not as big as the other teachers (soon coming Queen Soyeon and my lovely Yuri) and I don't know Korean so I've been searching for the past 20-30 minutes trying to find her name in Korean and so forth.
I could have taken a screenshot but I didn't want it to be blurry and well I was hoping it'd be faster lol. Anyway, so I find she was in a group called Bubble Sisters and that their first album cover art was the members in full blackface. I mean seriously I'm so bewildered (not surprised though) by.
Here a quote by the group about it from generasia:
Bubble Sisters (氩勲笖 鞁滌姢韯办) is a 4 member Korean pop group. Their debut became infamous in the west as on their debut album cover (and it's promotional activities) they were sporting blackface makeup. However, they justified the makeup as being a gimmick after their management agency told them that despite having great powerful voices, they were too ugly and/or fat to success.
I do belive that it was forced upon them however this isn't acceptable at all. I get it, trying to get famous in 'pristine' Korea is a nightmare but that doesn't excuse this behaviour, its not worth it like have some morals. Most even in Korea would probably not even pay attention because even though if offensive (most Koreans probably won't know it's seriously offensive but it's poor taste at least they should know that) it looks silly. Like do you really want to get famous for looking like that?
And the blackface 'makeup' is a proper job! Like I'm gobsmacked, like they seriously went in on the blackface I just... Wow. Like the styling 'artist' put EFFORT in. If the shoe was on the other foot would they be okay with the 'gimmick?'.
Anyway I'm letting it go because its sadly a long line of ignorance that I do believe as a whole they (Korea/Asia) will grow out of and get better with because of the new diversity of eyes they have on them. Perfectionism can work well in this case for them to improve because they won't want to look ignorant and thus it will actually help.
Plus young people are always the best, each generation regardless of the dumb shit we've all done are better because of the teachings of other generations. Btw I'm not looking down upon Korea I love Asia and Korea very much, but like all countries in the world and people there are problems some worse than others that need to be called out.
Btw I'm still hoping it's not actually her lol and say if it wasn't I still wanted to talk about it. I'm not reposting the picture just Google Bubble Sisters group you'll see it. But yeah I like her as a singer, and teacher but not what she did. I'm sure she's probably embarrassed and ashamed by it. I'm very hopeful and do believe things will get better, not just in Korea but around the world as we keep learning more about each others cultures.
But yeah that was a thing! Lol, what a weirdly upsetting route but whatever. But I did finally her name in Korean lol! Gotta take the good you can get! And I found an easy picture of all the Hesitation teachers. It's from [here].
鞓侅 She is pretty, I do believe and hope she and the other members have learned not to do this again even if they can't fully comprehend the full issue. Anyway I'm done back to the show lol. Oh and of course AIKI is a babe.
Just one last thing, I'm half black so I'm not just shrugging it off and even if I wasn't I'm not an idiot and that goes to being blind to reason too which I am not.
馃棐Note: Sorry for any spelling errors this was an unexpected dive lol.
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