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case study of 2 autistic boys being restrained in a mental asylum 1982
my friend showed me a ghastly image of 2 young boys being restrained because they have autism and back in them days it was seen as schizophrenia cause familys were embarrassed of there children's condition
i personally feel when i was a lil boy i never knew why i was the way i was all my life i was never told till i was 10 and my family were in denial of it i can remember all the tests and treatments how i had a assistance teacher
i dove more into my autism and how it works but my family are showmen and there lifestyle is industrial and constantly moving around and i personally never felt i truly have a home
the eyes out side the windows is to represent the anxiety of being viewed as a burden or a disease
the faces i wanted to make it warpped and look in pain and struggle and dispair
not telling my condition is kinda equivalent to putting me in a straight jacket and throw away the key im proud of who i am and always will be till im bone dust
2019 acrylic paints 5 ft tall canvas
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This is so dumb I’m so sorry.
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mu new moc the build us similar to @teridax467smocs exo toa moc i enjoyed this build his name is obsidian harbinger he fits my other moc blackhood and he is a really tall moc my biggest one to date he has a missile launcher on both hands a ai system auto pilot and can nbe controlled by a pilot and is easy to take out i would like @teridax467smocs for the instructions for this moc and would like to give him credit for his mocs
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do pigeons understand the concept of racism when you call them rats with wings HELP
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my new cosplay mallus shakush or the mallas (latin for hammer) im excited about this project
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im bi.so i can have both and thats fine by me ^^
If you are autistic and not straight and/or cis
I’m proud of you, you’re doing great. Others may not see your identities as valid, but you ARE ICREDIBLY valid and you just need to keep pushing through until you find people who love you for you. Happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🏳️‍🌈
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“gay is good”
“gay is great / right on baby”
Washington Square Park, NYC (1970)
see more historical graffiti
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i love this ^^
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happy stimming
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Autistic people are not:
In need of a cure
All children
All male or AMAB
All nonverbal
Brain damaged
Your “missing” normal child
Behaving poorly or being “defiant” simply by stimming or being themselves
Diseased or sick
In need of ABA therapy
Unable to have a voice and speak for themeslves
Cold, callous, unempathetic robots/monsters
Like Sheldon Cooper
What Autism $peaks and TACA tells you they are!
Autistic people are:
Awesome, creative, interesting people
Allowed to stim and act autistic in public without being judged
Good enough as they are
Able to have a voice and speak out against their oppression, whether that be with actual speech or sign language or AAC or the Internet
Able to be adults
Simply people with a different structured brain, that’s it
Human beings with thoughts and feelings
Living breating people who can SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES
Hella cute
Super brave for surviving in such an ableist world
Autistic People Don’t:
Want your pity
Need a cure
Need ABA therapy
Have to speak in order to be considered valid
Deserve the ableist way they are treated
Like Autism $peaks or TACA
Want to be all treated like children
Want to be invalidated and told they’re “not autistic enough”
Want to be called or treated like burdens by their own families
Need “rescuing” from their own neurotype
Autistic people do:
Need acceptance, not awareness
Want ableism to be recognised in society as a legitimate method of oppression
Need support and accessibility
Want to be respected and treated like people
Want to be heard
Autistic people are not silent monsters.
Listen to us.
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my first sleep paralysis experience
right this is sorta like a gaurdians of the galaxy kinda story its sad in the begging gets funny and scary in the mix so yeah basically it happened a yera ago at my first year at college something bad happen family wise not going to discuss it it proper fucked me up for a while and it was fmp final major project where u do u own thing so im in college crying and looking like ahit and the teachers said u can have a day off i said im good so i worked for 3 days straight no food no sleep not even a change of clothes i was so awake i didnt made my bed up it was still made 3 days later so im working on my art and i was tired words cant describe how tired i was so my body decided to fall asleep on my bed and i had a 2 hour power nap i was asleep but i couldn't move i couldn't move anything my arms my legs anything and i could see the front and back of me room i could see all 360 of my room and im like this is cool oh wait is it that sleep paralysis about what i heard whereas the scary stuff AND MY WISH WAS GRANTED all of a sudden a dark mist appears and shortly i can see it take a form like fragments forming into a person and its outside my door forming and creeking and its standing out side of my room it suddenly hovers lioe a ghost and is near my bed im screaming at that moment trying to scream and what it did was push me on my back and got right ontop of me and dug its cold boney hands in my chest and my head is blood screaming screaming my head off i live alone u see so mo one ran to me and its face was so dam close to mine its dark face was touching mine and staring me right in the face next it pucks me up and tosses me around like a rag doll and throw me every where i wake up i went to sleep at 4 and work up at 6 and the first thing that i said was WELL THAT HAPPENED i had a big fuck off bruises on my arms and sholder still hurts when i feel it but the one thing that terrifies me is the pain i feel in my chest and feeling not being able to breath was horrible i have done 8 drawings 4 paintings and a costume based on it i drawed it on the way to the bus and told the teacher and he said its Thursday tomorrow u can all friday and weekend off u done well and u turning u experience into art is astonishing jesus i feel into a deep sleep cause of how much i did not sleep thats my sleep paralysis experience
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abandonment issues
huh abandonment issues suck
have you ever felt where you constantly not wanted
where you feel all your friends leave you
and when u lose your friends you feel your no good
it affects your relationships
im tired of trying to feel abandoned abandonment is terrible
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what styms do you guys like to discuss mine is
what's yours
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to me personally Christmas is another day of the week for me
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can someone tell me how to unistall anxiety
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Your disability doesn’t define you!
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