#donbrothers episode 27 spoilers
alpona · 2 years
Donbrothers Finale thoughts:
(I know I'm a week late! Sorry!)
*spoilers ahead*
Aaaand it's actually the end, the finale of Donbrothers!
So how do I feel? Ummm... I don't.. know actually, because it didn't really feel like any finale, rather like episode 27 or something... Ahem cough....
I was worried about how the show will resolve and explain all the interesting plots they introduced, considering how they're always making funny fillers even with few episodes left.
Well, luckily things got going around 45 and some plot was resolved, the real story finally began! but then again, from 49.... Eh, the pace fell off again?
They introduced new and interesting villains at the last moment, would've been great to see them in more episodes.
Didn't answer all questions/plot properly. Like the while deal with Don kaito ( was looking forward the most , I've been curious since the beginning) but at least this question will get answered in the crossover movie, hopefully.
And seriously, what is up with recycled plot points from KR Revice? 😂 First the dual personality thing, and now the 'main character loses memory in the last episode' - which came out so suddenly in Tarou's case! Why THIS of all things, I don't understand. Revice was built on these ideas in a deep way, but Donbrothers watered down and simplified these.
Donbrothers had SO much more potential right in front them, but as if Inoue-san trolled us.
I was joking if they finish the season with 'its been a manga all along!', (I would actually prefer it than memory loss though) and well, it didn't happen exactly like that of course, but still... Considering Haruka did end up making Donbrothers manga in the end, who knows, maybe we indeed watched her version of the story all this time 😉
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27twinsister · 2 years
Sonoi's Poetry Series Reflection
For those who don't know, I write toku fanfiction (mostly Sentai) on AO3. I just finished my series Sonoi's Poetry, a series that I started in April 2022 and wrote in a non-linear order. The first thing that I wrote for that series, The Forgotten Room, is Part 13. (That's the main reason why it's a series instead of a multi-chapter book by the way- reordering chapters in a book seemed like it would make it more confusing.) So I wanted to make a post about my experience writing this series, now that it's finished and knowing who premieres in the next episode of Donbrothers.
I always knew Sonoi's Poetry wasn't going to be canon compliant. In my head, there was always 3 possibilities:
Sonoshi doesn't exist in canon, and therefore is an OC
Sonoshi does exist in canon, but the extremely specific backstory of my series didn't happen
Sonoshi does exist in canon, but has a different personality/characterization as the character in my series
In the end, it seems to be a combination of 2 and 3. Definitely 3.
Still, I went in trying to make it…not 100% canon compliant but following canon events for as long as possible. That's why there are poems referencing specific episodes. But it could no longer be canon compliant after episode 27. I had to go in a different direction, so Impossible (Part 25) was where the series officially stopped following canon. But considering it started in April, and that poem was in October, it was a long time of following canon, or at least trying to.
I want to talk about my process in making the series, especially since I did it for a currently airing show. This involves spoilers for both my series (though not much for Donbrothers itself) so I'll put it under the cut.
The idea from Sonoi's Poetry was simple: There was a fourth member of the Noto (Sonoshi) who was kidnapped and grew up and became…someone.
Originally, it was supposed to be Taro. Sonoshi was supposed to be kidnapped by Jin, grow up, and become Taro. This worked for a while. It's also why there are canon-related poems about Taro (like Dear Stranger). I decided to keep those poems in the series because…c'mon, Sonoi would totally write poems about Taro.
But that idea got dropped, and I didn't add much in June or July as I was trying to figure out who Sonoshi should grow up to be. It had to be someone with little to no backstory, who wasn't in the middle of a complicated plotline. It couldn't be Taro, and obviously couldn't be a Noto. I could just make an OC.
But then there he was: Don Murasame.
I don't remember what episode it was, but I remember waiting for that week's episode to air just to make sure they didn't decide now was the time to give Don Murasame a civilian identity or anything. They didn't, so I continued with my plan: Sonoshi would grow up to become Don Murasame.
I had the plan for Don Murasame and Sonoshi to be the same person in the summer. But I didn't know how to establish a connection between them in a poem form. I posted the poem what mother wants (Part 23) in July to get a poem about Don Murasame in so the reveal wouldn't be completely out of nowhere, and then I decided to go back in the timeline. I needed to establish why Sonoi cared about Sonoshi, which is why I wrote Parts 2-4, and I had to convey how Don Murasame went from being Sonoshi to being Don Murasame. I knew I could use Mother, but Sonoi didn't have a way to interact with Mother. Especially not Child Sonoi.
So I made the Confidential File (Part 28). Not a poem, but a very important piece of text that details how Sonoshi went missing, while still keeping everyone's identity vague. I made a weapon prototype get stolen at the same time, to connect Sonoshi and Don Murasame's sword form. Sonoi discovers this document in the present day, so it's later in the series.
After formatting the Confidential File and really liking it, I had a bit of a block. I knew where I wanted everyone to end up (living together, alive, well-off,) but was struggling to get there in poem format. But it's fine, Sonoshi doesn't canonically exist, the series doesn't need to follow canon anyways, no rush.
And then the preview for episode 37 aired and I really wanted to get the series out before Sonoshi canonically debuted.
There are many types of poems, but luckily there are free verse poems. Free verse poems have no rules. Lines and stanzas can be any length, there's no set rhyme scheme, you can really do whatever you want. 5/6 of the poems posted after the Confidential File are Free Verse poems. I wrote them like that because I needed to get the story out, and quickly. The one that isn't is After (Part 31), a haiku sequence (multiple haikus in a certain order). I like haiku sequences and they come fairly naturally when I know what I want to write about.
I finished writing Sonoi's Poetry on November 13th at 10:26 PM. I posted it over the next few days and ended up posting the final part just after midnight on November 18, my timezone.
And now here we are.
I am satisfied with how Sonoi's Poetry turned out. Writing non-linearly was hard to keep track of at times but reading them in series order they all make sense. It's also a different way of telling a story, using poems instead of prose. I don't know if I'll do something like this again, and I don't think I recommend doing this for a show as it airs, at least not if you want to try being canon compliant, but it was an experience, and I enjoyed every bit of it.
Sonoshi debuts this weekend and he is very handsome and I am looking forward to meeting him.
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gojurt · 2 years
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donbrothers episode 27 moodboard
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scoups4lyfe · 3 years
Ok first, happy birthday to your mom. Second, don't worry it's understandable I hope you had a good day with your mother and family. - SS
thanx SS-anon <33
And yeah LOL. Today I was also out with the fam (bdays are like family reunions adhfdsngdsghadf)
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gojurt · 2 years
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