#donghyun drabbles
loserlvrss · 2 months
꒰ 𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓! ꒱ 김동현
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summary : you’ve been bored of your boyfriends calm demeanor, so you decided to prank him just to see if he’d start a fight — however, it gave you something much better
genre : kinda angsty, suggestive, leehan x afab!reader tws : language, kinda toxic behavior, suggestive content author notes : sorry this took a while i’ve been supah swamped but i hope you enjoyed the direction i took your request in !! word count : 1.4k
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you don’t know why you were doing this. even as you applied the black, green and blue makeup, you couldn’t think of a valid reason. yet, here you were, sat on your couch scrolling through your phone, just awaiting the opportunity to prank your sweet, unsuspecting boyfriend.
maybe he’d gotten too comfortable in your relationship. hell, you used whatever excuse to try and justify it. but, the truth is, you wanted to see if he had it in him to get mad at you. he was so damn peaceful all the time — you loved that about him, really — nonetheless, deep down, your heart raced with the thought; the anticipation when he’d finally catch a glimpse of your artwork that he’d deem someone else’s.
this was fun.
you knew it’d work. you’ve never let leehan purposefully leave marks on your skin, not because it didn’t feel good to have him kiss you, but simply because you’ve always found them tacky and a hassle to cover up. you’d wasted so much makeup in the past trying to do so, so whenever he’d come close to leaving purple patches, you’d tell him to stop. he’d even bargained with leaving them in places only he could see, but you still refused. especially if you couldn’t return the favor.
you knew this was an evil way to push his buttons, that you oh-so-desperately wanted to see pushed. it was selfish, really, however at this moment in time the plan was already set into action. you wanted to start a fight, just to see if he could.
he’s never gotten mad at you. he’s never yelled at you. he’s never dared put a hand on you. and that was a dream, but somewhere deep down, you knew it was also just as boring as it was desirable. you wanted him to yell at you — at least once — manhandle you — consensually, of course — you wanted so much, and maybe this wasn’t the right way to bring it up, but it didn’t matter anymore as his voice broke through the silenced air.
“what’s that?”
“what’s what?” you asked, acting obliviously as you scrolled through twitter and instagram in turns.
he shrugged, and you don’t know if it was the fact that he seemingly didn’t care, or if it was that maybe he just brushed it under the rug as anything else, that began to piss you off.
nonetheless, you decided you were in it for the long run. after all, you wanted to see if he’d start the fight.
and throughout the rest of the afternoon you’d catch leehan staring in your direction, shifting his gaze when you’d make eye-contact. he kept a calm demeanor, never asking again what the purple marks on your neck were. he’d even hugged you before he left for practice, getting all up close and personal with the artwork.
you were finding it hard to believe he hadn’t noticed.
maybe he was gathering his thoughts. maybe he was trying to decided why you didn’t smell like another man — why he knew you wouldn’t do that to him. maybe as much as his buttons were pushed, this was it for his stemmed anger. maybe dance practice was his way to relieve the stress you caused from time-to-time. maybe the cool, calm and collected leehan was the only version of your otherwise, smiley, boyfriend.
maybe you were beginning to feel bad because you had no idea the feelings he had towards this prank. did it upset him? you wouldn’t be none-the-wiser to it if it had. he was good at shielding emotions, and maybe that’s where you needed to draw the line. maybe that’s where your conversation should’ve began, instead of whatever the hell tiktok had inspired you to do.
you kept looking at the clock on your home screen, counting down the minutes until he’d come back to you. and just as you had decided to end the prank, opting for a civil — adult-ish — conversation, a text illuminated your dark screen.
it read: we need to talk.
yet you couldn’t decipher the hidden meaning. of course you knew what it was about, that’s the only thing that’s been wrong throughout the last few months between you two. what else could it be? and why, now that you were finally getting what you wanted, didn’t it feel good?
you didn’t answer him, partially because you didn’t know what to say; it was a prank. i just wanted to see if you’d get mad at me. i’m so bored of this. nothing seemed correct, or frankly, truthful.
you also knew that he wasn’t far. he wouldn’t have texted you otherwise, just to torcher you — though it would’ve been deserved. so, you waited by the door for your boyfriend to get back, the thought of washing away the eyeshadow long gone.
then, it finally opened with the pattern of your key code. the air became thick and you found it hard to swallow with a lump in your throat. were you sorry? yes. did you feel bad for being immature? yes. was a tiny part of you still curious to see how this would play out?
"y/n," was the first, and only, thing he muttered for a couple of excruciatingly long minutes. you watched as he put his bag down, eyed him as he took his shoes off, and almost burst when he ran a hand through his hair. maybe leehan was able to torcher you, even if unintended.
his eyes finally met yours, but then they drifted to your neck, and further to your collar bone. he knew. he's known since the first question left his lips hours and hours ago.
"what's that?" his arms snaked between each other, and you found it wrong to think it was hot, but you very much did.
almost like deja vu, the same feeling crept up from down within you. "what's what?" you reenacted. although this time, he didn't let it go. he approached you quickly, too fast to get away before you were sandwiched between the plaster and his body.
his hands were slow with movements. those oh-so-stupid-fucking-hands that had you, literally, at his fingertips. one forcing your head by your jaw to expose your neck, while the other brushed away the hair that disguised the marks from his view.
you fronted being indifferent, but truth be told, if he wasn't holding you up your knees would have buckled already, leaving you as a mess on the floor in front of him.
"you must think i don't know you," he voiced, holding eye-contact as he pushed his thumb between your lips, gathering just enough saliva to then press the digit to your neck and swipe. and it smudged with enough force, despite being labeled as waterproof. "tell me why you felt the need to paint these on. i couldn't think of one good reason all day, princess."
and the nickname he always called you — innocently and less than — had your heart in absolute shambles; the anticipation was just as good as if he'd raised his voice you thought. maybe your vanilla-scented boyfriend had finally gotten the hint that you wanted more, despite going about it in a less than thoughtful way. and maybe you realized that you didn't hate that he was always nice, no you loved that about him, but sometimes it was okay if he wanted to be a little bit meaner with you. after all, he could always say my ... anything he wanted, and that would still mean that he saw you as his forever only.
"i-i," you couldn't think straight when he attached his lips over the previously (fakely) marked spots. his breath was hot, lips gentle then firm as he sucked against the spots he knew you'd rarely let him have his way with. "i — uh, fuck. leehan,"
his voice was low against the shell of your ear, sending a shiver down your spine and a whimper up your throat, "if you wanted something, you could've just asked me, baby. i'd give you anything."
the eyes that you've grown comfortable with always seemed to be there despite the firm placement he had you in. you knew he loved you more than anything, so you knew his words were true. and his demeanor broke when he kissed your lips, almost giving you whiplash.
his palms laid flat against your cheeks, thumbs rubbing sweetly, "if you wanted everyone to know that you're mine, let me do it myself."
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
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blissfullsvn · 7 days
between the lines
academic rivals!taesan x reader, 1.3k, fluff
warnings: reader is sick, reader calls taesan a prick, he is kinda a prick (but fluff triumphs all 🙏)
a/n: it's necessary for their dynamic but no actual rivalry is emphasized here... (for my fellow academic rivals-to-lovers enthusiasts... ill cook up sth soon)
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taesan is flustered.
you and taesan had never really had an amicable relationship. to put it into perspective, you'd rather spend hours editing the mess of a report your equally-messy groupmates wrote, than spend hours working together with han taesan—the student well-known for submitting flawless and only flawless pieces of work.
it wasn't always like this. of course it wasn't. who in their right mind would prefer to add 'babysitting adults' onto their plate that's already filled to the brim, instead of making their life easier by grouping with an academic weapon?
but working with han taesan is not for everyone.
actually, scratch that. working with han taesan is not for you.
you don't know what you did, but you're almost 100% sure he has a personal vendetta against you. for such a pretty face, his mouth only spits out the nastiest of things, at least to you.
actually, scratch that again. han taesan only does that to you.
because you shared all the core modules with him, you had foolishly decided to group up with him for all the assignments you had in your first semester of university. to put it simply, that was probably the worst decision you’d made in your life.
why? for every idea you gave, he'd step over with another. for every suggestion you offered, he'd pinpoint every aspect to shut it down. sure, he may have had better ideas, but you didn't think it was necessary to stomp at your input so readily. you definitely didn't think it was necessary to smirk like he'd won a battle after every instance.
you thought you'd be able to escape his belittling remarks and irritating smugness after that one semester, but why did he have to share the same plans as you as well? the day you stepped into the student council office and saw him sitting in the seat next to yours, you already felt dread clawing at you.
fast forward to the present, you're both running for student president for the next year. you had already lost the role of vice president to him this year, so you're determined to not let him pick at you again. not that he could even if he wanted to, because you practically transform into an iron shield whenever he enters your vision (which is more times than you'd liked, considering you share the same environment with him everywhere. he seems to enjoy this, though).
you've been preparing diligently for your student president pitch, but that's also on top of having 5 tight assignment deadlines and planning the biannual festival happening in the next month. for the past weeks, the student council office had turned into your place to work, eat, and even sleep, though the last was never intentional.
today, again, you're sitting at your desk, your laptop opened in front of you, but it’s unlike usual—a cup of hot-turned-lukewarm tea next to you, a pile of tissues scattered around the table, an oversized hoodie draped over your frame, your sniffles echoing across the empty room, and your body which felt heavier than usual.
you've tried your hardest fighting the urge to fall asleep, the dimness of the room not helping, but when the clock struck 3, you decide to give yourself mercy and lean forward, resting your head on your arms over the table. it's far from comfortable; your back is aching, your neck is sore, your nose is uncooperative, and the screech of the door is hurting your head.
you open your eyes briefly at the intruder by the door. they're frozen for a beat, as if surprised to see you there, then they’re tilting their head in what seems to be confusion. soon, they're taking small steps towards you. you should be alarmed, but your defenses have shut down from the fatigue, so all you can think is that if you die, you hope you die a climactic death.
the intruder, thankfully, does not appear to have any intent of killing you. they are, however, intent on disturbing you.
“y/n?” there's a soft tap on your shoulder. you squint, trying to decipher the blurry face in front of you before deciding against it. your act of protest comes out as a small whine that unintentionally escapes the back of your dry throat.
the figure stands there in shock, hand hovering your back. they blink a few times, as if trying to register what they just heard, before they decide to squat next to you, patting your shoulder again.
“y/n? don't sleep here.” the voice is familiar, but uncharacteristically soft. and fond. why is it fond?
you open your eyes again. seeing han taesan mere inches away from your face is something you'd never expect, but you're too tired to even be shocked. instead, you blink slowly, as if you're a newborn reacting to stimuli you've never experienced before.
“han taesan,” you mumble against your arm. your voice comes out nasally from your cold and as a result, more whiny than usual.
“y–yes?” he ignores the stutter and moves his hand to brush away the strands of hair covering your face. it comes so naturally that he freezes when he realises and quickly pulls his hand back to himself.
“prick.” you shut your eyes as you say this, missing the widening of his eyes. “annoying.”
he frowns, “i'm annoying?”
“very.” you don't miss a beat to reply. “why do i have to see you everywhere . . . .” you trail off, your voice decreasing in volume as you speak.
taesan is silent for a few moments, during which the only sounds that can be heard are the tick-tock of the clock and the whirs of the air conditioner. he takes one glance at your hoodie and the tissues around you before promptly turning off the AC.
“fine,” he huffs as he stands up. “i’ll be annoying for a bit more.” he taps your shoulder again. “go home. you can't sleep here. it's so late.”
the deprivation of sleep is getting to you, because your immediate response to him is to let out another whine that would immediately shatter your image of the cool senior and president-to-be if anyone heard you.
which, of course, brings us back to the first line.
taesan is flustered.
he's never seen you this… babyish before. ever since the first semester, all you would entertain him with were glares, furrowed eyebrows, and the occasional roll of your eyes if you were really salty. you had never been this defenseless around him, to which he feels something tug at his chest.
he stretches his lips into a line and squats down again. “what do you want me to do then?” his voice is soft. too soft. “i’m not letting you sleep overnight here.”
you slowly open your eyes, sniffling as you look at him in disbelief. “if you're not willing to carry me home, just go.” you shut your eyes again.
it's silent once again. at this, you dig your face deeper into your arms, having zero expectations. you furrow your eyebrows slightly when you hear shuffles above you, followed by the clash of stationeries, the crackle of the plastic bag used as your trash bin, the sudden cease of the whirring of your laptop fan, and finally the sound of a zipper.
you open your eyes in time to see taesan cupping your face in one hand and pulling your arm with the other to make you sit up. you let yourself be handled without evident resistance, though your confusion is blatant. once he sees that you're up, he quickly squats down in front of you, back facing you.
“climb up. this annoying prick will carry you home.”
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a/n: this may or may not be insanely self-indulgent due to a cold i may or may not have. i also may or may not have thoughts about a pt. 2.
anw, first post! just fitting for it to be about han taesan bcs this man (read: bnd as a whole) has been living in my brain for the past month (case in point: me literally writing this note at 3am when my headache is killing me).
i hope this was as enjoyable to read as it was for me to write <3
© blissfullsvn 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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dogsd2y · 11 months
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genre fluff established relationship , pair kim donghyun x gn!reader wc. 0.5k words ( boynextdoor ) warnings not proofread, mentions of knives, food (fruits), slightly suggestive, kiss ✿ ׅ ࣪ ⊹ 🧸
authors note donghyun brain rot i need him 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
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donghyun knows he has you wrapped around his pretty little fingers.
a simple touch from him makes you melt and he just loves that. so when he finds you making breakfast instead of staying in bed with him, he knows exactly how to get your attention.
arms sliding around your waist, chest pressing to your back. you feel the weight of his head when he leans it on your shoulder, his hair tickling your cheek.  " you have to take care of me," he exhales slowly, smiling into your neck.
" once i'm done," a large thud from the cutting board. " i wanna kiss you," he whispers into your ear, his breath warm and hot, tickles.  you can't help but giggle at the feeling. you try to do it gently this time, cutting up the fruits.
but his head on your shoulder makes it difficult to move your hands freely but you try not to pay too much attention.
he bends down every time you do, and his hands find their way to your stomach, sliding under the shirt, and rubbing circles on your skin. " hurry up," donghyun says.
and it makes you impatient and annoyed, the way he's touching you, you need to finish this, wanting to hug him, to finally kiss him, but-
his lips on your neck. it makes you roll your eyes, gripping the knife harder. you aren't surprised, you saw it coming a long time ago. And still, it gets you every freaking time.  his touch is lingering, it stings and wet and warm. your breath caught in your throat. donghyun's lips on your neck. slow and soft and loving they trace your skin gently, non-stop.
he knows what he does to you. your soft pleas don't stop him. he doesn't hear you, his lips trailing your collarbone.  his hands slide up your back, pushing back the collar of your shirt leaving a few kisses on your bare shoulders and that's the moment when he reaches the peak of your patience
" stop it," you drop the knife against the cutting board,  a frustrated sigh leaving your list. still, it only makes him smile like when you finally turn in his arms to face him. your eyes shining with annoyance and love. " what are you doing? im trying to-"
donghyun dips his head again, a kiss to your jawline. he holds your head in place, the other ghosting against your body. and you try. you try to whisper but you fall into his trap. his lips meet yours and you’ve melted into puddles. eyes fluttering close you’ve lost, and he smiles, nearly knocking your head back when you finally succumb to his lips.
he hoists you up against the counter, as you yelp at the sudden change of environment. "it worked," his eyes shine too brightly, when he smiles, a toothy grin displayed just for you. " you can't resist me," his head shifts to the side, caressing your bare thighs before hugging your waist, head at your chest now.
and he's right. of course, he's right. you can't resist the kim donghyun. "coming?" you laugh, running your hands through his hair. 
" do I even have a choice?"
© dogsd2y, 2023.
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network. @bndverse taglist. @sngvhs @eumpapas
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taesanluv3r · 6 days
kim leehan x reader
established relationship, some suggestive comments (? ish), leehan argues with a little girl, very very cuteness. lowercase intended, excuse any spelling mistakes / grammatical errors.
wc: 2,248
"you're gonna love it!"
yn smiles at her boyfriend's happy expression, leehan's eyes had turned into little lines, a grin on his face as he went on and on about this neighbourhood fair he had just been dying to take her to. every year, for one whole month during the summer time, the park just down the street magically transforms into some sort of a theme park. the boy had been going there ever since he were a small child, and after dating for the past five or so months, he had been counting down the days until summer had finally arrived onto his doorstep, just so he could share a little bit of his childhood with her.
and that's how they got here. standing with arms intertwined as they waited for heart-shaped their cotton candy to be twirled onto its stick, their stomachs still turning as a result of the thrilling ride they had just gotten off of. "thank you so much" yn says, retrieving the sugary treat into her hands, pulling out a chunk of the soft candy before turning slightly to pass it over into her boyfriend's opened mouth. "ugh" she winced in disgust when his tongue accidentally came in contact with tips of her fingers. the boy chuckles, pressing a chaste kiss against her cheek. "ferris wheel?" he asked, a single eyebrow cocked up as he did so, head tilted over to the large carnival ride. she nods excitedly, "ferris wheel!"
the pair waits in line once again, finishing up the last off their short-lived treat before tossing it into the large silver trashcan to their left. "you know..." yn starts, staring up at the moving wheel that was beginning to slow down to a stop. "i've always wanted to make-out on a ferris wheel" her eyes wander over to him as she ends her sentence, batting her eyelashes almost annoyingly. leehan rolls his eyes before pulling her into his arms, "i feel like you always want to make-out in unconventional places" the couple shares another light laugh, separating from each other as the guard welcomed them onto one of the worryingly squeaky carts of the fair attraction.
"well that was fun" the boy says, wiping the bits of her lip gloss that stained against the grin on his lips. "yeah, we should definitely do that again" his girlfriend responds, slightly out of breath. the young couple get off the ride, holding hands as they waltzed around the grounds of the park once again. "we should play some games now...i need a new plushie for my collection!" yn's statement makes him giggle, "you are such a child" but his actions contradict his words, pulling the girl slightly as he wordlessly makes his way to the row of playing games on the other side of the fair. "which one do you want to play, love?" she ponders for a moment, eyes moving to scan through each and every one of the stands available. yn was about to speak, finally choosing a game, but she is interrupted by his gasp. before she could even ask him what was wrong, the girl found herself being tugged away and over to a light blue stand in the corner.
"where are we going?" her question answers itself when she is met with a large, light-up sign above her head. a sign that read:
fisherman's paradise! catch some fish, win a prize!
a sea themed game. how fitting for her fish-loving boyfriend. the pair watched as two players went against each other. the whole purpose of the game was to use the magnetic hooks to grab as many robotic fish as possible from the small plastic pool in the middle. whoever got the most fish by the end of the 2 minute mark, was named winner and got to choose a sea-themed toy from the prize wall. yn could see the excited smile that begun to grow on her boyfriend's face, his eyes were shimmering like he had just seen his wildest dreams come true. at the same time, leehan looked focused, as if he were calculating every move he would have to make to win later when it was his turn. finally, after what felt like the longest two minutes in the world, the boy was up. a prideful laugh escaped his lips at the sight of his opponent; a little girl, adorned in a thick, red wig and the worst excuse for a mermaid costume he had ever seen. his smile was washed away however when the child in front of him stuck her little tongue out, stained blue from the artificial colouring of the ice cone she probably just had. "you're going down, loser!" her voice was high-pitched and squeaky, as expected from someone that tiny. yn can't help but laugh from behind him, watching in amusement as her boyfriend shared petty trash-talk with a girl who's height didn't even make it past his long legs.
"the only one going down is you, little girl"
the tired looking teenager who ran the booth waved a flag, signalling that their two minutes had begun. yn watched in disbelief as leehan deprived his tiny opponent of all her robotic fish, a nasty smirk on his face as he had fun doing so. the little girl looked horrified, her eyebrows furrowing as the older boy took her victory far far away. ding! their time was up, leehan lifting his fists up in the air at his obvious win. he looked over at his girlfriend happily before pulling her into a hug, she chuckled lightly as she pressed a kiss onto his jaw. now he had to pick his prize, contemplating all too seriously at his choices. "i want the jellyfish" yn whispers, pointing at the angry looking plush toy that seemed to be calling her name. but the boy just scoffs, "what do you mean you want the jellyfish. it's my prize, and i'll take that one" the girl's mouth drops open, a sigh escaping from it as she watches her boyfriend gleefully accept the catfish shaped doll, his favourite, the corydoras. "and i'm the child" yn complains, rolling her eyes at a very joyful leehan, their arms intertwining again as they began to walk away from the game stand.
"STOP RIGHT THERE!" an all too familiarly squeaky voice stops them in their tracks, the couple twirling around to be met with none other than the little girl from earlier. "you, mister! you're a cheater! that prize was supposed to be mine!" her small face was squished into an angry expression, her arms crossed over her chest and her lips puckered out into a dramatic pout. leehan snorts, bending down slightly to be nearer to her. "i won fair and square! so don't be such a sore loser" yn could not believe her ears or her eyes, there was no way her boyfriend who she loved and adored so much was seriously arguing with a five year old! over a fish game! the child's angry face turns into that of a smug look, a spritz of her own spit coming out as she spoke up once again. "you probably don't even like fish as much as me" the girl spat, her eyes closing shut and her tiny head tilting upwards. the tall boy's girlfriend slaps herself in the head, why would she say that? doesn't she know the consequences of her actions? where were her parents at this moment? god, help us all. yn tries to pull her boyfriend away before he could cause any more of a scene, but he just shrugs her arm off, a knowing and cocky look painted over his complexion as he looks the poor child right in the eyes.
"well what's your favourite fish then? since you know so much about them" oh god. the five year old lifts her chubby arms in the air, "obviously flounder from the little mermaid!" her miniature eyes roll to the back of her head, pointing down at her outfit so as to say 'duh!'. leehan is about to burst into tears of laughter, "well what kind of fish is he then?" all of a sudden the chatty child falls silent, and the boy has just about the meanest look on his face. "he's actually, a pterophyllum scalare, also known as an angelfish" in the moment the boy looked like he just won a lottery, smirking proudly with his chest puffed out in glory. his girlfriend let's out another loud sigh, making a mental note to never let her boyfriend around children ever again.
the atmosphere changes however, when a whimper escapes the little girl's lips. the couples' eyes darting straight towards her as she begins to cry real tears. "leehan, you made the poor kid cry!" yn exclaims, finally smacking his upside his head. "why is she crying! i was just telling her a simple fish fact!" the boy yells back in terror, "she's a child?!" amidst the young pair's argument, the red wig wearing girl's wailing gets louder, her cries going from incoherent mumbles to begging for her mommy. the couple is in panic mode, not really understanding what they should do at a situation like this, and not really wanting to get in trouble with the kid's parents. "what do we do?" leehan asks, his hands pressed against the top of his head. "i don't know babe, just give her the doll so she stops crying!" yn responds, her tone getting louder to overpower the sound of the wailing child. "but i won it! fair and square!" the girl rolls her eyes at the stupid frown played against her boyfriend's lips, showing no remorse as she forcefully pulled the fish-shaped plushie out of his hands.
"here, stop crying and take this, okay?" yn's tone became hushed as she bent down to level with the tearful girl, juxtaposing the way she shouted at her partner just a second ago. "don't mind him, he's just a big ol' meanie, right? so stop crying, okay?" the kid takes the doll in her tiny hands, sniffling as her tears came to an end. "mkay" the kid mumbles and yn can't help but smile softly. "i love your mermaid outfit, by the way. you look just like ariel, so pretty" now the little girl was grinning ear to ear, seemingly beginning to forget about the tantrum she just threw. "you're pretty too, lady. but...why are you dating such an asshole?" the wind is knocked out of the girl, and her boyfriend who stood listening closely, at the child's harsh choice of vocabulary. yn stops herself from laughing out loud, sighing as she patted a hand through the smaller one's red wig. "i promise he isn't always like that...he's just...very passionate about sea life, that's all" leehan catches himself smiling unconsciously as he watched his girl make soft conversation with his tiny enemy, but his thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a female voice calling out for their child, it was her mother.
"oh! there you are! you can't just run off like that! oh, i'm so sorry if she troubled you guys" an older, plump woman spoke, her eyes and nose the spitting image of the menacing girl they were just talking to. yn catches a glimpse of her partner's smirk, "oh yeah, she actually just called me an assho-ow!" his words are cut short when his girlfriend's foot is pressed harshly against his toes. "no problem, she wasn't bothering us at all!" yn's tone is sweet, a forceful smile on her lips like she weren't physically hurting the boy beside her right now. "look mommy, the pretty lady gave me a fishy!" the kid cheers as her mother picks her up from the ground. "yeah my fish-ow! stop stepping on my foot!" yn glares at the guy, if looks could kill he'd be six feet under the ground right now. the older lady and her child shoots the couple a perplexed look before thanking them quickly and leaving. the girl smiles, waving goodbye to the costume wearing child as they slowly disappeared into the distance.
"remind me to never let you play games with children ever again!" yn exclaims as they walk towards the exit of the fair. leehan just chuckles, shooting her a cheeky grin as he did so. "but you were kind of hot back there though..." he trails off, stretching an arm out to wrap around her shoulders, pulling her in. "hm?" she asked confused, her cheeks coming in contact with his t-shirt as she looked up at his face. "like you looked so cute comforting that kid...i can't lie it's giving me like extreme baby fever, right now" once again his girlfriend glares at him in disbelief, "after all of that? like hell i'm letting you near my children!" he laughs, partially agreeing with what she was saying. it was silent for a moment, her eyes focused on their surroundings, watching as families, friends and couples alike ran around the park that was starting to get darker. leehan, too, is distracted by the orange tint that began to paint the sky. and then he speaks again, ruining their moment of pure bliss. "can we at least pretend to make a baby" yn rolls her eyes, hiding her blush-y face against his chest as she slaps a hand softly against his arm.
"oh my god leehan, if you're horny just say so!"
the end.
leave the poor kid alone leehan TT idrk what i was going for when i started writing this but i think its so cute nonetheless 🤓 also not leehan getting #𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒚 at the end 🙄 reblogs n feedbacks highly appreciated!! tysm for reading <3
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minkkumaz · 1 year
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your gentle boyfriend left you to care for his most beloved fish, along with the tank he's worked on for awhile. but when you tip over the tank, completely shattering all of his work, he snaps.
PAIRING kim leehan x fem!reader WC 1.6k TAGS angst. fighting. blood mention. cutting yourself on glass by accident. jaehyun showing his leader qualities LMAO. OMI NOTE this setup is so cute considering the heart wrenching angst you are all about to read wink wink.
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leehan had always been an extraordinary boyfriend to you. he was often calm and gentle, while still loving you to his hearts extent. when saying he would walk across the world for you, you know he would without any hesitation.
but another thing about him was that he was quite practical. dwelling on things wasn’t his forte, and he often wanted to come up with solutions as soon as possible. many people relied on him, so he had to be able to deliver an answer immediately.
whenever you did something wrong, or there was a miscommunication, he’d try to reach out and fix it immediately. this is what kept things between the two of you whole. leehan was truly your missing piece. you’ve never caught him in a bad moment.
one of leehan’s many interests was fish. in particular, decorating tanks and caring for the cute aquatic creatures. you thought it was adorable, and have always encouraged it. so while he was away for the weekend to shoot for his groups jacket shoot, he trusted you to care for his corydora.
the instructions he gave you were very detailed, but just came down to simply feeding them everyday. you knew how important it was that his fish was taken care of properly, so you followed to the best of your ability.
everything was smooth sailing for the weekend. a happy and healthy little corydora swam around freely in it’s habitat. you truly admired how beautiful leehan made the fish tank look. he had worked on this one in specific for a long time, gathering all the right materials from good sources to ultimately pull together something beautiful.
when the night that he would be coming home rolled around, you were in a rush home from your classes. feeding the fish completely slipped your mind, so now you were racing to get home before leehan. there was a chance that it still had leftover food hiding in the sand, but you couldn’t be too sure.
as soon as you jammed your key into the door, opening up to an empty apartment, you sighed with relief. sliding off your shoes and placing your bag by the door, you approached the tank with heavy breaths. 
you had left the container of food on the lid of the tank, so you quickly grabbed a little stepstool in order to reach it. lee was giant, so it was normal that you needed a little bit of assistance when doing tasks he’d normally do.
but with your recklessness, the stool folded back underneath you, making you stumble forward. in a failed attempt to save yourself, the entire tank shattered from impact
you fell, barely avoiding the broken glass that slid across the floor from the heavy flow of water everywhere. all of the greenery and sand within the tank scattered everywhere. and to your dismay, the poor fish flopped around helplessly in the middle of it all.
panic washed over you as you scrambled to get the fish back into water. your side hurt like hell and there was probably a little bit of glass stuck to your sweater, but that was the least of your worries. all of leehan’s hard work entrusted to you, and for what?
when you heard footsteps towards the door you almost wanted to start crying. you picked around the floor, pushing the glass away from the corydora to pick it up safely. safely in the palm of your hand, you sprinted to the kitchen to get it in a cup of water. 
the doorknob twisted loudly, the glass you held shakily in your hand was halfway full. after hearing a suitcase roll in and a call for your name, you plopped the fish inside the cup and came out to greet leehan with dread.
“leehan i’m so sorry i can explain!” you heaved, placing the fish down in a table.
“oh my gosh y/n, what the hell happened?” he had a shocked expression on his face, hand slightly covering his gaping mouth.
“i– i forgot to feed the fish so i ran home and–”
“you forgot to feed my fish? are you serious? i barely left you for a couple days y/n!” he didn’t normally yell, but thats the only thing he could express right now. 
“i know! trust me i’ve been doing it lee but it was just this one time and when i went to grab the stepstool i fell and the whole tank toppled over!” you cried out trying to explain.
“i worked so hard on that tank for months, how could you be so careless?” his words stung your heart, you finally let the tears flow.
“leehan i said i was sorry…” you choke, wiping your face with the hand that wasn’t slightly blood stained.
“fuck, did you even care? was it on purpose?” he groaned, tearing up a little also.
“of course i didn’t do it on purpose i swear it was an accident.”
“give me the fish, i have a spare tank at the dorms. i can’t stay here with you tonight.” he mumbled, grabbing the cup and leaving before you could say anything more.
the silence in your shared apartment was now more deafening than ever. all you could do was cry. this was all your fault, if you hadn’t stupidly forgot to feed his fish and rush home. you soon realized there was a much bigger mess that you needed to clean, so you got to work to distract yourself.
your tears mixed with the tank water as you kneeled to pick up all of the glass, too numb to pay any attention to the small cuts it was leaving. except as a much larger piece gashed through your skin you finally got worried.
“fuck fuck– fuck!” you whimpered, running to the bathroom to run your hand under the sink. it made you much more aware of how hurt your hands got in the whole process of cleaning. what made it worse is that you had no bandages, and you obviously couldn’t contact leehan right now.
the scene from before replayed in your head at the thought of him, making your heart ache. you were sure he didn’t mean it, but there was another part of you that believed he did. 
with that, you called jaehyun to tell him everything, still sobbing on the other side. he came to you as fast as he could with bandages. you made him promise not to tell leehan anything, though he really wanted to.
“jeez y/n, i’ve never heard leehan do anything like that.” he sat next to you on the floor of your bathroom, wrapping up your hands lightly.
“did you see him at the dorms?” you mutter.
“not really, i left before he came in.”
“okay.. thank you jaehyun.” you pull away, examining the bandages on your hand.”
“anytime y/n. but i really think you should let me tell him if you aren’t going to yourself.” he sighed.
“i’m just a little scared i don’t know.. it was my fault the tank shattered.”
“but you didn’t mean to! i’m sure he’s just frustrated right now i mean– he cares more about those fish than himself.” jaehyun noted making you laugh.
“i guess you’re right. you can text him. i’ll try to mentally prepare myself.”
“great. i’ll go clean up the fish tank for you real quick and by the time i’m done he’ll probably be on his way.” he smiled at you, making his way out and down the hall. the sound of glass hitting a dust - pan filled your ears.
you went to your room and sat still for awhile, unable to comprehend what happened in the past hour and a half. you missed leehan so much. the spot in bed that was usually filled by a warm body was cold. he didn’t come home as quick as jaehyun said he was, so you let yourself fall asleep with tear stained pillows. 
it was late when the door opened and leehan came rushing to the bedroom. you were sound asleep, cuddled into a bundle of pillows. he found you cute like this, but it was different when his last interaction with you was a bad one.
“y/n, my love.” he whispered, shaking your side. 
“lee?” you stirred awake, blinking away sleep to look at him.
“love i am so so sorry, i really am.” he stroked the side of your face as you leaned yourself up on your elbow.
“i’m so sorry about your fish tank, it really was an accident.” you weep, clutching onto the sleeve of his sweater, before catching your mistake and wincing.
“baby… your hands. i shouldn’t of left you like that to clean it all up i am so sorry. i take full accountability for leaving you in such distress.”
“it’s okay, i was just so worried you’d leave. we always talk things out when things go bad…” he wipes the tears falling from your face.
“i have no idea what came over me, but that’s not an excuse. i was rude and immature. i could’ve been way more understanding about things.” he exhaled, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders, “of course i was angry, but that didn’t excuse any of the things i said about you. i don’t want to lose such a precious girl.”
“thank you…”
leehan takes your hands, placing soft kisses over the bandages, before letting his lips attach yours. it was gentle, something you were much more used to.
“my little corydora is okay, so don’t even worry. at least i’ll have another tank to busy myself with.” he said, going over to crawl towards his side of the bed and give you a much deserved cuddle.
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Sundresses and Strawberry Kisses
written by farewellonedoorland. published: 30 May 2024.
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❀ 549 words. kisses, duh!! sort of detailed? fluff. two people stupidly in love. fancy a different story? જ⁀➴ the library is this way!
❀ authors note — i think leehan would be such a romantic boyfriend. i also think strawberries are delicious and picnics are the best. so, i ended up writing this! feedback is always appreciated. i wanna know your thoughts! enjoy my fairies ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ♡︎
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The soft sun of late Spring rests quietly in the sky above a wide, open meadow.
You’re lying on your stomach on a red gingham blanket, arms crossed so your head can rest on them. Your boyfriend, Leehan, is lazily tracing shapes on your back.
“What shape was that?” he asks you, taking a lock of your hair and twirling it around his finger.
“Hmm…a star?” you respond sleepily.
“Yeah, it was a star” he says.
You slowly turn onto your back and look up at him. His long hair falls in loose waves, and the dusty blue sky illuminates him, making him appear impossibly pretty, like some kind of angel. His smile is anything but pure, though, with one corner of his mouth pulled upwards in a smirk.
“Are you enjoying the view?” he asks cheekily.
You playfully ponder for a moment, pretending to really think about the question, “Not all that much, actually”
He looks surprised, then laughs and nudges your knee, “I'm humbled, once again”
You grin slowly at him. A moment of quiet envelopes the two of you. You take a moment to breathe in the sweet scent of the grass.
Leehan adjusts to lay down on his stomach. He props himself up on both elbows then studies you for a few moments.
“You know, I love this sundress on you," he finally speaks.
“My pretty, pretty girl” is all he says in response.
You feel a blush bloom across your cheeks and you hide your face behind your hands; you’ll never get used to his compliments and sweet words. Leehan just giggles at your shyness.
He picks a strawberry out of the picnic basket and takes a bite. He leans in closer to you to put his warm hand against yours and pull them away from your face.
He does it so tenderly it makes you blush all over again. Leehan looks at you, eyes all soft and sparkling with love. He brings the half-bitten strawberry to your lips, tracing them ever so slightly, painting your mouth the perfect shade of red. The juice seeps through, giving you a taste of the sweetness. It lingers on the tip of your tongue.
Leehan’s hand caresses one side of your face, his thumb brushing your cheek. He delicately grazes his mouth against yours, just barely. A whisper of a kiss.
He leans in again. This time, kissing you deeper. His tongue slides over your lips, tasting the sweet strawberry sap.
He languidly enjoys the last of his strawberry kiss, his tongue tangled with yours. He licks what's left of your makeshift fruit lipstick clean then passionately presses his open mouth to yours once more.
Leehan pulls away from you with one of his hands tangled in your hair along with the forgotten berry. The other hand had found its way down to your hip.
You're stuck in a lovestruck daze, your entire body aglow from the intimacy of the moment. You don’t think he’s been quite so sensual before, but you love it, and find yourself craving more.
He holds onto your hip tightly, pushing his body into yours. He gazes deeply into your eyes, making sure you won’t look away and hide, making sure you hear him when he says,
“My pretty, pretty girl”
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valenriwoo · 9 months
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<--> leehan x gn!reader -- Is this the end of our story..? (title)
genre: angst
synopsis: you and leehan have been broken up for a month already, after trying to move on, you see him hanging out with his new special someone..  + some lyrics of crying.
word count: 408
notes: non proofread b/c I got too lazy + no pronouns unless "you" counts as one frfr
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“한바탕 감정을 다 토해 내고”
It’s been quite some time since you and your ex, Leehan, split apart. A month to be exact. You’ve tried and tried to move on, your friends and family all worried for you. It took a toll on your mental health and you didn’t leave your room, you were as they called it, “Crying like a baby.”
Soon you started to realize, this wasn’t who you were. You used to be a happy and joyful individual, but now you were all solemn and miserable. You finally made a decision to make a change in your life, not worrying about what your ex was doing while you were all up crying in your room.
“사람 감정 진짜 뭣 같아. 오르락내리락 기분이 답답해”
Going through your wardrobe, making an outfit to go out. “A cafe sounds nice to go to to chill,” you thought to yourself. Putting on your jacket as it was a pretty cold day, not remembering the cafe you specifically loved and were going to, had a special type of fish someone liked.
As you arrived at the cafe, ordering an iced americano to go. You picked up your order but from the corner of your eye, there he was, the person you never wanted to see again in your life. It was Leehan, with someone you didn’t know.. Your grip tightened around the plastic cup that held your ice cold coffee, ultimately almost crushing it but your hand shaking from all the memories you remembered of the both of you together.
“진짜 돌아버릴 것 같단 말이야. 다른 사람 옆에서 웃는 너. 그게 더 아파”
You decided to stay anonymous, not trying to bring attention to you and not wanting him to look or even speak at you. Your heart was broken all over again, as it felt like millions of stab wounds attacked your heart. You quickly fled out the cafe, he slightly glanced at you rushing out the building. Taking a small look at your face and recognizing you as his eyes widen. With a small feeling of running out towards you, he ignored all his old feelings for you, brushing it all off. Continuing his date with the new someone he has. 
As you fled, you felt tears trailing down your face. It was uncontrollable, you sat down at a bench outside. You silently bawled, not knowing how to control your emotions. He moved on but you still haven’t..
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ - riwchuu
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lil-elle · 7 months
Leehan Masterlist ♡
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Nothing yet~
Full Length:
Through the Glass - fish lover leehan meets his perfect match at the pet store (fluff!)
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blossom-hwa · 1 year
hi, congrats on 5 years! i only found your fics recently but they're gorgeous, and you're one of the few people writing for golcha :') i'd like to request a golcha donghyun vampire au for the drabble game <3
hey anon, thanks for the request! glad you've been enjoying my fics, and I hope you enjoy this drabble too :)
5 year anniversary drabble game: send me a Stray Kids/TXT/Golden Child/Ateez/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
(this is an exploration of the golcha supernatural convenience store au I thought up like a year ago....... but never wrote. oops)
Title: Convenience Store Shenanigans
Pairing: Donghyun x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 680
Warnings: mentions of blood 
“Y/N, for the last time, please get off the counter.”
“No one else is here,” you retort, earning a snort from Jibeom in the back. “And Jaehyun sits up here in his little cat form every other day, why can’t I do the same?”
“You’re not a cat shifter,” Donghyun argues, though he’s smiling. “You don’t look cute doing what you’re doing.”
You let out a dramatic gasp. “I, Y/N, your favorite significant other in the world, don’t look cute?”
“Shut up!” Donghyun yells at the back. Jibeom and Joochan continue for several more seconds before devolving into stupid snickers that Donghyun refuses to pay attention to for fear of losing more brain cells than he can afford. You’re smiling at him anyway, which is a much more welcome sight than his two friends’ combined Cheshire Cat grins. 
You shift your position on the counter to face Donghyun more completely. “Hey, if you really want me to get down, I will.”
“No, it’s fine.” He smiles. It’s nice to look up at you like this, to see a more than welcome face during his late night shifts at the convenience store. And you’re right, no one really comes at this hour, especially not on weekdays. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Well, I probably should anyway.” You hop off the counter and right into his lap before Donghyun can even prepare himself. His noise of complaint is cut off by your lips smacking against his cheek. Damn it, now his face is starting to feel hot. “You need to eat, don’t you? I don’t want to fall over and hit my head after you’ve finished.”
“Why do you always do the opposite of what I say?” he complains, even as he takes your wrist in his hand. “I tell you to get down, you decide to stay up. I tell you it’s fine to stay there, you immediately come down.”
“Because I know doing either is perfectly fine.” You stick out your tongue. “Now answer my question. Do you need to eat? Otherwise I came here for no reason.”
He pouts. “Is seeing my face not enough reason?”
“SHUT UP, JOOCHAN,” you yell before turning back to Donghyun. “Yes, it is,” you say sweetly, patting his head. “But it’s very late, and I’m not a vampire like you so I unfortunately actually need to sleep.”
Guilt pricks his chest. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” You hit his chest. “I don’t care that we run on different schedules. I just care that you eat as much as you need, and that I get to sleep on your shoulder after.”
“Yes, yes.” Donghyun takes the wrist you’ve outstretched, rolling up the sleeves of your shirt slightly. “I’ll eat. Close your eyes.”
You let your eyes fall shut, then let your head fall on his shoulder. Donghyun wastes no time in piercing through the skin of your wrist. He winces at your initial flinch, but then you settle into him more fully as he carefully takes his fill of blood from your veins. 
When he’s finished, he kisses the puncture wounds in your wrist and licks the blood from his lips. “Done,” he whispers, patting your head. 
“Mmh.” You blink your eyes open blearily. “Good?”
“Yeah.” Donghyun smiles, handing you a bottle of orange juice. “Drink up, then sleep, okay?”
You down most of the bottle without complaint, then rest your head back on Donghyun’s shoulder. “Don’t wake me up,” you mutter, closing your eyes. 
He pats your head again. “What if I need to go and get something?”
“... Make Joochan or Jibeom do it.”
“I don’t remember agreeing to that!”
“Shut up,” the two of you snap in unison, your voice considerably more subdued than his.
Donghyun shifts your head to his lap, patting your head as you settle into his body. “Go to sleep,” he murmurs, not bothering to hide the little smile on his face. “I’ll fend off Jibeom and Joochan for you.”
“My hero.” You yawn, patting his leg. “Good night.”
“Good night, Y/N.” 
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Takes Care Of You On Your Period ~ AB6IX Reaction
A small smile appeared on your face as Woong returned home, watching as he walked over towards the sofa where you were immediately.
“Still suffering?” He asked, tucking himself in just behind you.
“It’s hurt all day,” you whispered in reply, feeling an arm snake around your waist, Woong’s hand being placed just under your tummy.
He felt terrible as he watched you, barely able to lay comfortably for more than just a few moments. “Why don’t we cuddle here for a bit? See if we can take that pain away,” he suggested with a kiss to your cheek.
A hum came from you, trying your best to close your eyes. “I wish I could just lay here without having my stomach killing.”
Woong nodded in agreement with you, “I wish that there was more that I could do to try and make life easier for you Y/N.”
“Just being here helps,” you whispered back to him.
A small chuckle came from Woong, “I’m sure there’s more that I could do, you’re just too nice to tell me what it is.”
“Honestly, there’s not much that can be done, it’s life.”
Your hands quickly reached out as Donghyun came towards you, sniggering at how quickly you moved to try and get what he had.
“Got it?” He laughed with how quickly you took it from him.
“Yeah,” you breathed, sighing in relief as soon as you placed the hot water bottle that Woong had made you on top of your tummy.
Donghyun’s smile widened as he watched you, relieved to finally see you settled after a day full of pain. “You just let me know when you need it reheating again and I’ll be right here straight away to do it for you.”
Your eyes snapped across when you noticed Donghyun walking away from you, “where are you going now?”
He looked back to where you were laid out, “you’ve got your hot water bottle, you don’t need me here to look after you.”
“I need both of you,” you smirked across to Donghyun.
His head shook as you tapped the space beside you on the sofa, “won’t you end up getting too hot with me and that?”
“I’ll be alright, I could do with a cuddle from both.”
A shy giggle came from you as Woojin handed the bag that he had across to you, watching as your eyes took in everything that was inside.
“Is that enough?” He chuckled, taking his shoes off.
“It’s perfect,” you quickly assured him, reaching in straight away and pulling out one of the bars of chocolate that Woojin had bought.
His head shook at how quick you were to open it, breaking off one of the pieces. “Are you planning on sharing that or is it all just for you?” He teased, taking a seat on the arm of the sofa, just above your head.
Your head tilted back to look up at Woojin, “I’m the one that’s on my period, I deserve this with how much pain I’m in.”
Woojin couldn’t help but chuckle at your response, “I’m the one who went to the shop to get you sweet stuff to help you.”
“I guess you could have one piece,” you joked in reply.
His eyes went wide as you broke off just one piece from the bar, “you’re mean when you’re on your period, is this all I get?”
“I guess seeing as you did buy it you can have two.”
A soft sigh came from you as soon as Daehwi’s hands rested on the pit of your stomach, slowly massaging over your sore spot.
“How’s that?” He smiled, peering over your shoulder.
“A dream,” you whispered, settling into Daehwi’s chest as you finally felt your period pains beginning to ease for a short while.
At how content you seemed, Daehwi began to apply a little more pressure. “Is there anything else that I can do for you to try and make life more comfortable for you?” Daehwi asked as he laid back down behind you.
Your head shook in response to his question, “what you’re doing is more than enough, I never want you to move from here.”
A snigger came from behind you, “I might have to move at some point, we’ve got dinner to sort out for a start Y/N.”
“I’m on my period,” you subtle reminded him.
Daehwi’s head shook, knowing exactly what you were hinting at. “Seeing as you’re on your period, how does takeout sound?”
“It sounds as dreamy as this massage I think.”
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heartsforjebi · 11 months
she grins at me, how is she so pretty ?
contains smut ! “!!!”
my personal favorites ! “✧”
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[headcanons - individual] (✧) little things about being in a relationship with boynextdoor — @eumpapas
word count: ???
genres: flufffff
[headcanons (w/ drabble) - individual] boynextdoor as boyfriends — @icyminghao
word count: ???
genres: fluffff
myung jaehyun 명재현
park sungho 박성호
[oneshot] girl next door — @slytherinshua
word count: 2.6k
genres: fluff
[oneshot] (✧) scaredy cat — @slytherinshua
word count: 838
genres: fluff
[oneshot] (✧) stained lips and cheeks — @minkkumaz
word count: 0.9k
genres: fluffffff
lee “riwoo” sanghyeok 이상혁
[oneshot] letterboy — @slytherinshua
word count: 1.7k
genres: fluff
han “taesan” dongmin 한동민
[oneshot] taesan x reader — @dogsd2y
word count: 0.3k
genres: fluffffff
kim “leehan” donghyun 김동현
[headcanons mixed with drabbles] (✧) hey cutie — @lonelystudio
word count: 897
genres: fluff
[oneshot] (✧) fish out of water — @minkkumaz
word count: 1.6k
genres: angst, fluff around the ending
[oneshot] (✧) leehan x reader — @dogsd2y
word count: 0.5k
genres: flufffff
[oneshot] (✧) knocking on heaven's (your) door — @icyminghao
word count: 3.5k
genres: fluff, angst
bonus ↓↓↓
[oneshot] in leehan's eyes — @icyminghao
word count: 353
genres: fluff
kim woonhak 김운학
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loserlvrss · 9 days
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summary : you and your boyfriend were truly opposites, but the saying has always been that they attract, hasn’t it?
genre : fluff, leehan x afab!reader, college!au, slice of life tws : language, zombies (yeah..), pet names, mentions of not eating (could be linked to a eating disorder but also idrk) author notes : cringe couple alert (that should be me) word count : 1.4k
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your hands were covered in clay, grey-brown coating your skin. you could feel the uncomfortable, but familiar feeling of it drying on your wrists, and you were glad you wore something you were okay with getting messy; because today you had done so many pieces, you were covered in muck.
you had just finished a vase, the bottom a thick sphere, tapering off as it furthered to the top. you spread the wire, after picking it up from beside you, and ran it along the stone. you picked it up carefully, grabbing the damp sponge to smooth out any finger prints.
pottery was your hobby, and you were glad you majored in art. you loved doing pieces on the wheel, and you loved sculpting unconventional things. it never felt like homework to do, and you often found yourself forgetting all about time and spending hours in the schools basement; dusty and dirty, haired tied back, back and shoulders sore, and sweats caked over.
that being said, you also often forgot to have meals as collateral to your happiness, spend time with your friends, and do things that people would deem normal. you hated the saying that you weren’t like other girls but truthfully you’d rather be in this dimly lit room than a club, like the people your age were.
but there was also one person who refused to let you starve to death in this poorly decorated room. and truthfully, he hated the flashing lights just as much, if not more than you did.
“y/n,” you looked up, a smile plastering to your features at the sight of your boyfriend who had been doing work on his computer waiting for you to finish for the last however long, “you’re done?” you nodded, moving the piece to the side, preparing to take it over by your others waiting to get glazed and fired. “it’s pretty.”
“i was thinking about painting little fishes on it and putting it inside our apartment after it gets graded, what do you think?”
“only if you eat first.” he stated, making you laugh in response, “going to die in this ugly place one day, y/n. i swear i’m going to find your body, and that wheel’s still going to be spinning.”
you walked over to the sink, opting to listen as you felt your stomach growl at the thought of eating something for, maybe, the second time today.
“my girlfriend would be a zombie, oh my god, an artsy zombie. wait, what does that even mean?”
you tried your best to scrape the clay from under your nails, however you both were used to finding it in weird places — laughing about it like it was an inside joke.
“actually, i think you might be hot like that. imagine all the rotting skin — you’d never have to do skincare ever again because it’d be falling off all the time — messy hair, but i think you’d hate this being your forever ghost outfit.”
you made a grossed-out face at his obvious jokes; however if he had said this to, or around, anyone else, it would’ve seemed genuine due to his monotone nature and straight face.
“you’re so strange, donghyun. if zombies were your type, i could’ve done my makeup differently.” you pinched his cheek with wet fingers, “but i love you anyways… even if you wouldn’t make a hot zombie.”
“what?” he exclaimed, “no way you think this!”
you were taken aback, “i didn’t know you were so serious about us being zombies… we could be a silly-little zombie couple if you want.” you giggled.
he scoffed, “how romantic, y/n. truly,”
“shut up.” you stuck your tongue out at him, “what’d you bring today?”
he took out a glass container; because he refused the plastic ones, saying something about the consumption of microplastics and fish long before you two had even entertained the idea of being in a relationship, to which you replied save the turtles and thrusted your fist in the air.
“leftovers from last night.” he stated, uncovering the pizza you two had shared over a couple episodes of game of thrones. you were late to the hype, but you liked the show nonetheless. he had fallen asleep on top of you after your hand had made its way into his shaggy hair, half an episode in, small snores echoing against the drama.
you two woke up on the couch in the morning.
“do you want me to heat yours up?” you questioned, motioning to the microwave that was probably older than either of you. “you know i’d rather have it cold as leftovers… but if you want me t —”
he took a bite, focusing back on his laptop, “don’t worry about it, love.”
you, too, took a bite, “what are you even working on?” you asked curiously, looking over his shoulder.
his face was inches from yours when he turned, “can you chew any louder in my ear?” you scoffed, pushing his head lightly to the side, and mocking an obnoxiously loud chew at him. it was probably the least sexy thing you could do. he laughed, “it’s my research final. twelve pages. i’m writing about aquaculture and its impacts on the environment — did you know that they’re actually bigger than agriculture? not that either are greatly sustainable.”
you admired how different you two were, but you loved listening to him go on and on (and on) about the ocean and fish, even if you had no idea what anything truly meant. he really did suit being a marine biology major in your eyes. his enthusiasm was your enthusiasm.
you did love his little fishtank though. and despite him denying it, you knew he loved that you named them all.
“my final is much better than yours,” you laughed, watching his eyebrows furrow behind his glasses, “all i have to do is make a couple pots — which we’re gonna use for our herb garden after! our green onions and garlic are getting so big!” you cooed, “i was thinking about using their old pots for our basil and rosemary plants, do you think that they would work?”
he took his last bite, using both hands to type now, “i think that would be fine, love.”
“and we can use our new vase as our table centerpiece? your mom’s going to come over for dinner soon, i think she’d like it — maybe i’ll make her one.”
he knew that once you put your mind to it, there was no stopping you, “i’ll get you some pretty flowers for both of them.” he was just glad that you had eaten something before the idea popped into your head.
you pondered, “what’s her favorite color, baby? do you think i should make her a couple mugs or a vase? or a cutesy little plate collection? or a pot? fuck it, i’ll just do them all, she has a gar —”
“y/n,” he cut your ramble off, “you’ve already made her a cutesy plate collection for christmas, and a mug for mother’s day, and a couple pots last semester.”
you pouted, “but those plates are deco —”
“make her the vase, love. her favorite color is purple.” he smiled sweetly, “i’ll help you paint it after you’re done turning it. we can give it to her as a slightly-early birthday present when she comes over, yeah?”
“we’ll get her calla lilly’s, right?” you pleaded.
his hand rested against your cheek, taking a break from the keyboard, “yes, and you can tell me all about the meaning while we stand in line.”
you grabbed his wrist, “great… now c’mon!” he eyed you as you pulled him up with you, “you made me watch that fish documentary with you the other day, so i’m going to show you how to make this vase now.”
“baby, i have three pages left,” he tried to compromise, but you blocked it out, “i’ll just help you paint it.”
“no,” you whined, which he found more adorable than annoying, “she’d love it so much more if you helped me spin it, don’t you think?”
he knew that there was no use arguing with you — after all if this whole art-thing didn’t work out, law had always been your alternative.
“fine,” he gave in, sitting down on the stool as you happily skipped over to grab him an apron and collect an adamant amount of clay, “but if i find clay inside my keyboard after this, you’re in for it.”
“terrified. so scared. i’m shaking in my boots, donghyun.” you shuddered playfully, “i guess you’ll actually get what you want if that happens — a zombie girlfriend — luckily for you, this zombie girlfriend of yours has a toothpick and a lot of love for her living boyfriend.”
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
172 notes · View notes
jnnul · 11 months
personal faves are italicized.
💛 - well-received - 100+ notes
💙 - popular - 300+ notes
💚 - loved hard - 500+ notes
🤍 - hits - 1k+ notes
nct dream
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mark lee
[2:19 a.m.] - angst, timestamp (💛)
five questions - fluff, short story (💚)
renjun hwang
jeno lee
ready for love - fluff, angst, novella (💚)
ready for love (teaser) - teaser
[6:42 p.m.] (ending) - fluff, timestamp (💛)
haechan lee
nasa - fluffy angst, short story (💛)
jaemin na
lowkey - fluff, drabble (💛)
forgetful - fluff, short story (💙)
chenle zhong
jisung park
in his first relationship... - requested, headcanons, fluff, nsfw (💛)
things he reminds me of - fluff, headcanons (💙)
nct dream in college - fluff, headcanons (💛)
in another lifetime... - fluff, headcanons (💛)
other nct members
jaehyun jung
ric flair drip  - fluff, angst, nsfw, novella (🤍)
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jungwon yang
jnn hard hours #1 - smut, thought bubble (💛)
peaches - angst, fluff, bullet fic
heeseung lee
jay park
[9:12 a.m.] - fluff, timestamp (💛)
jake sim
sunghoon park
where have you been? - fluff, drabble
[12:32 am] - suggestive, timestamp
the right side of wrong. - series, novella (💛)
sunoo kim
riki nishimura
ot7/ot6 (nsfw)
‘i love you’ - fluff, angst, headcanons (💛)
your love is my favorite color - fluff, headcanons
how much love is there between us? - fluff, headcanons (💛)
riding enhypen - nsfw, headcanons (🤍)
you text them ‘i love you’ randomly - fluff, smau (🤍)
you text them ‘i need you’ - suggestive, smau (🤍)
tomorrow by together
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soobin choi
yeonjun choi
beomgyu choi
let me let you go - angst, drabble
taehyun kang
kai huening
new jeans
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minji kim
a phone that won’t ring - angst, fluff, short story (💛)
super shy - fluff, drabble (💛)
hanni pham
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euijoo byun
yudai koga
dating k - fluff, nsfw, headcanons (💛)
fuma murata
nicholas wang
yuma nakakita
jo asakura
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jimin yoo
dating karina - fluff, nsfw, headcanons (💚)
aeri uchinaga
minjeong kim
yizhuo ning
dating ningning - fluff, nsfw, headcanons (💙)
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jaehyun myung
sungho park
sanghyuck lee
dongmin han
falling in love at first sight (x3) - fluff, short story (💙)
donghyun kim
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shotaro osaki
eunseok song
mr. brawn and ms. brain - fluff, short story, first love chronicles #1 (💙)
sungchan jung
it's midnight in paris - coming soon...
wonbin park
seunghan lee
DNA. - coming soon...
sohee lee
anton lee
conceited - coming soon...
first love chronicles - series, fluff, angst, short stories/novellas
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other links!
jnn hard hours [all groups]
jnnul’s [works in progress] - 3/5 completed
jnnul’s [works in progress ii] - 0/4 completed
47 notes · View notes
starry-nights-garden · 10 months
✧ Golden Child Masterlist ✧
main masterlist personal faves in bold
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*✧・゚:* Daeyeol *:・゚✧*
✧ n/a
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*✧・゚:* Y *:・゚✧*
✧ “Can I see your hand?” - “Sure, why?” - “Just to see how well it fits with mine.” | fluff - 1k
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*✧・゚:* Jangjun *:・゚✧*
Scenarios & Oneshots:
✧ Bitter-sweet | fluff, coffeeshop AU - 2.1k Desc.: You’ve been falling for your coworker Jangjun ever since you started working at the same coffee shop as him, thinking he feels the same about you. However, when one day you finally notice how he’s flirtatious around everyone he talks to, all your hopes are crushed to the ground.
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*✧・゚:* Tag *:・゚✧*
✧ n/a
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*✧・゚:* Seungmin *:・゚✧*
✧ n/a
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*✧・゚:* Jaehyun *:・゚✧*
✧ n/a
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*✧・゚:* Jibeom *:・゚✧*
✧ "What's it gonna take to make you smile?" | comfort, angst - 0.8k
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*✧・゚:* Donghyun *:・゚✧*
✧ n/a
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*✧・゚:* Joochan *:・゚✧*
✧ n/a
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*✧・゚:* Bomin *:・゚✧*
✧ "I didn't know where else to go." | comfort, angst - 0.6k
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*✧・゚:* Reactions *:・゚✧*
Making them blush | fluff, reaction
*✧・゚:* Other *:・゚✧*
7 notes · View notes
prttydoli · 2 years
♡ — TRENDZ !
( ♡ ) — fluff
( ❆ ) — angst
( ❀ ) — smut
( ✦ ) — yandere
— cho hankook
— lee havit
— kim donghyun / leon
— lee choonhyun / yoonwoo
— yi taehyun / ra.L
— kim eunil
— jeong yechan
9 notes · View notes
midnightdonghyun · 1 year
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。˚ ° Omegaverse Masterlist
。˚ ° Omegaverse Au focusing more on character development than conflicts. This au has adapted real world religions and made up ones to fuel different character motives and backgrounds.
。˚ ° Characters are in a sort of... therapy? Rehab? Center attempting to reassimilate into a pack dominated society
。˚ ° More on this world can be found on my side blogs midnight-omega
。˚ ° Back to main...
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。˚ ° KDH 。Donghyun is not happy with his presentation and has withdrawn from the world and from the friend he met in the woods as a child. Seeing a reminder of said friend has him out in the forest again... and the two get to talking after a few years of separation.
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World Building
Coming Soon...
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Character Building
Coming Soon...
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Coming Soon...
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