#dongmin scenario
hyunjungjae · 2 years
[4:53AM] Cha Eunwoo -Lee Dongmin-
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bom, você pediu aqui está JJDKEJDKW, escrevi num surto da madrugada, plm, juro preciso dormir, mas enfim, as fotos não tem nada a ver, porém gostei das fotos quis usar então usei, espero que goste 😘
Contém: Eunwoo big!dick(?), n sei como isso chama mas eunwoo prende seus pulsos e tampa seus olhos com gravatas, dirty talk, apelidos como “lindinha” e “minha gatinha”, mano seila mais oq to com um sono da porra KKKKKKK
Mais uma noite você foi dormir na casa de sua querida amiga, porém como uma amiga muito queridíssima, ela dormia cedo, já você só dormia lá pra umas 3:30 da manhã…
Como o esperado ela te deixou sozinha, porém ouviu alguns clicks que vinham do quarto ao lado, do irmão dela.
Estava em dúvida se realmente iria até lá, já que você não conseguia passar 10 segundos perto do garoto sem suspirar e simplesmente virar um tomate de tão vermelha que sua pele ficava.
Porém, como não havia nada para fazer, resolveu ir até o quarto do garoto. Encontrou ele lendo alguns papéis, então bateu na porta 3 vezes mas bem baixo para não acordar sua amiga que dormia, e perguntou também baixo se poderia entrar.
Ele deixou ainda sem desgrudar os olhos dos papéis, que provavelmente eram coisas do trabalho dele, e por um momento você pensou em voltar, o garoto estava lendo, concentrado, nem iria querer conversar contigo agora…
Porém, mesmo assim entrou, e sentou na beirada da cama. Após deixar a papelada de lado, ele te olha e vê que seu pijama estava curto demais, coisa que passa despercebido por ti, Eunwoo te tranquiliza com um sorriso dizendo que você poderia ficar mais confortável na cama caso quisesse.
Após alguns minutos, o garoto vai falar alguma coisa e vê que você está quase caindo no sono, “Ei” ele diz um pouco alto, te assustando e logo em seguida te acordando. “Quer fazer uma aposta?”
“Pode ser…?” você diz desconfiada, “Quem dormir primeiro, perde.”
Você concorda, e não tinha ideia de como faria isso, sendo que a segundos atrás estava cochilando. Passando algumas horas conversando com ele, já que para passar seu tédio e seu sono, precisava fazer algo. Você boceja e diz “To com sono já, vamo’ dormir já…”
Ele não diz nada, apenas desvia o olhar do seu rosto para o próprio armário, se levanta e vai até lá.
“Já que não consegue se manter acordada, acho que eu poderia te ajudar a te manter acordada….”
Ele diz enquanto tira duas gravatas de lá, “Deita” ele não pede, ele manda você deitar.
Claramente não o tardaria em fazer. “Levanta os braços.” Você levanta, e Dongmin pega seus dois pulsos, e os prende com a gravata “Vai ficar um pouquinho apertado, mas é necessário, okay?” e logo a outra gravata, vai de encontro aos seus olhos, tampando sua visão. Você concorda murmurando um “uhum” e balançando a cabeça.
“Desde que apareceu aqui no meu quarto com essa roupinha curta, tive que me conter pra não tirar ela toda e te arrombar.”
A fala do garoto te molha, mais do que acaba de ficar. “Se você não fosse tão gostosa, eu juro que conseguiria me controlar mais, mas olha isso…não dá!” ele diz abaixando seu shorts junto de sua calcinha, fazendo você sentir a brisa gelada que vinha da janela aberta, bem na parte que acaba de ficar desnuda.
O Lee apenas enrola sua camiseta do pijama, deixando os peitos a mostra, “Olha isso…meu amor, você é gostosa, como eu nunca percebi isso antes?”
“Sempre esteve aqui, você que não queria enxergar…” você disse baixo, esperando que ele não ouvisse, mas logo após escutar a resposta, descarta a possibilidade dele não ter ouvido. “Sempre o notei na verdade, mas não tive atitude porque nunca tínhamos um tempo a sós, já que você vive fugindo…” ele diz se posicionando por cima de ti, beijando seu pescoço, você conseguia apenas se deliciar com a sensação.
E podia admitir que não ver o que estava prestes a acontecer, te excitava, e não era pouco.
Eunwoo abre suas pernas, e logo sente algo molhado e pontudo passando entre seus lábios, fazendo uma espécie de massagem, extremamente excitante, enquanto os dedos se encarregavam de fazer uma massagem no seu pontinho também.
“Eunwoo…” você geme, querendo tirar a venda de seus olhos apenas para espiar o que acontece, porém impossibilitada de executar a ação.
Sente a cabeça do pau dele entrando e a massagem no seu ponto mais forte, você começa a gemer mais e mais alto, “Ei ei, mais baixo, não quer acordar minha irmã aqui no quarto ao lado né? Ou quer deixar saber que a amiguinha dela veio visitar o irmão e acabou amarrada na cama dele?” balança a cabeça que não desesperadamente, e logo fecha a sua boca, gemendo apenas entre arfares enquanto ele se enfiava.
“Caralho, por que você é tão apertada? Tão…boa.” ele diz após conseguir finalmente se enfiar dentro de ti, parando com os dedos.
Você choraminga, parecendo uma gatinha chorando. “Que lindinha…minha gatinha chorando.” Eunwoo ia lento, sem pressa, não queria a machucar, e só queria sentir cada vez que se afundava, você apertava ele.
Você sente uma mão do garoto passar pelo teu peito e apertar com gosto os dois, então sente ele descer com as pontas dos dedos, e chegar até sua intimidade, novamente, estimulando seu pontinho de prazer enquanto ia com mais força e mais rápido.
Suas paredes o apertavam fortemente, as fontes de prazer que recebia parecia que iria explodir, então Eunwoo começar a ir com mais força, chegando a algumas vezes enfiar tudo e apenas deixar ali dentro o mais fundo que conseguia chegar, te acertando em cheio, enquanto os dedos faziam uma massagem rápida em seu pontinho.
Passou a apertar mais, fazendo com que o garoto soltasse arfares pesados, e quando ia soprar o ar para fora, fazia questão de mirar em sua buceta molhada a fazendo arrepiar com o vento, Eunwoo leva a mão que estava em sua intimidade, até a gravata que estava em seus olhos e a tira, te dando visão das gotinhas de suor que fazia a ponta do cabelo do garoto ficar molhada, e também as bochechas rosadas, pelo prazer que sentia, também podia enxergar algumas gotinhas molhadas no abdômen definido do garoto.
Apenas de ter essa visão conseguia sentir um orgasmo próximo, e logo chegou ao seu ponto extremo de prazer.
Eunwoo se retira de dentro de você, deixando você esguichar, se molhar toda, molhar todo o abdômen e cama dele, gemendo descontroladamente e deixando suas pernas tremerem, deixando o corpo livre para que sentisse o que precisava sentir. Enquanto, ele não tirava a mão de sua intimidade, e se tocando com a outra que anteriormente apoiava o próprio peso ao lado de seu corpo.
Após você se molhar inteira, ele joga toda a porra, nos seus peitos e na sua cara. Quando vocês terminaram, você olha no rosto do garoto e vê um sorrisinho ladino e uma carinha quem teve exatamente o que queria. “Caralho gatinha, olha bagunça que você fez, molhou tudo…” você se sente envergonhada, mas logo solta um sorrisinho, e o Lee pega a porra que caiu em seu queixo e em seu peito com o dedão, levando até a sua boca e fazendo você engolir.
Após isso, ele te soltou e perguntou se queria voltar ao quarto da irmã, mas você negou, ele sorriu e foi até porta apenas para tranca-la, voltou com um sorriso maior e isso era apenas o começo de muitas transas que iriam ter pela frente.
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boy, ki nem eu disse tô morrendo de sono, espero q tu tenha gostado minha querida dudinha
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blissfullsvn · 4 months
between the lines
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pairing. academic rival!taesan x reader genre. fluff word count. 1.3k warnings. reader is sick, reader calls taesan a prick, he is kinda a prick (but fluff triumphs all 🙏) a/n. it's necessary for their dynamic but no actual rivalry is emphasized here... (for my fellow academic rivals-to-lovers enthusiasts... ill cook up sth soon) pt.2 | masterlist
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taesan is flustered.
you and taesan had never really had an amicable relationship. to put it into perspective, you'd rather spend hours editing the mess of a report your equally-messy groupmates wrote, than spend hours working together with han taesan—the student well-known for submitting flawless and only flawless pieces of work.
it wasn't always like this. of course it wasn't. who in their right mind would prefer to add 'babysitting adults' onto their plate that's already filled to the brim, instead of making their life easier by grouping with an academic weapon?
but working with han taesan is not for everyone.
actually, scratch that. working with han taesan is not for you.
you don't know what you did, but you're almost 100% sure he has a personal vendetta against you. for such a pretty face, his mouth only spits out the nastiest of things, at least to you.
actually, scratch that again. han taesan only does that to you.
because you shared all the core modules with him, you had foolishly decided to group up with him for all the assignments you had in your first semester of university. to put it simply, that was probably the worst decision you’d made in your life.
why? for every idea you gave, he'd step over with another. for every suggestion you offered, he'd pinpoint every aspect to shut it down. sure, he may have had better ideas, but you didn't think it was necessary to stomp at your input so readily. you definitely didn't think it was necessary to smirk like he'd won a battle after every instance.
you thought you'd be able to escape his belittling remarks and irritating smugness after that one semester, but why did he have to share the same plans as you as well? the day you stepped into the student council office and saw him sitting in the seat next to yours, you already felt dread clawing at you.
fast forward to the present, you're both running for student president for the next year. you had already lost the role of vice president to him this year, so you're determined to not let him pick at you again. not that he could even if he wanted to, because you practically transform into an iron shield whenever he enters your vision (which is more times than you'd liked, considering you share the same environment with him everywhere. he seems to enjoy this, though).
you've been preparing diligently for your student president pitch, but that's also on top of having 5 tight assignment deadlines and planning the biannual festival happening in the next month. for the past weeks, the student council office had turned into your place to work, eat, and even sleep, though the last was never intentional.
today, again, you're sitting at your desk, your laptop opened in front of you, but it’s unlike usual—a cup of hot-turned-lukewarm tea next to you, a pile of tissues scattered around the table, an oversized hoodie draped over your frame, your sniffles echoing across the empty room, and your body which felt heavier than usual.
you've tried your hardest fighting the urge to fall asleep, the dimness of the room not helping, but when the clock struck 3, you decide to give yourself mercy and lean forward, resting your head on your arms over the table. it's far from comfortable; your back is aching, your neck is sore, your nose is uncooperative, and the screech of the door is hurting your head.
you open your eyes briefly at the intruder by the door. they're frozen for a beat, as if surprised to see you there, then they’re tilting their head in what seems to be confusion. soon, they're taking small steps towards you. you should be alarmed, but your defenses have shut down from the fatigue, so all you can think is that if you die, you hope you die a climactic death.
the intruder, thankfully, does not appear to have any intent of killing you. they are, however, intent on disturbing you.
“y/n?” there's a soft tap on your shoulder. you squint, trying to decipher the blurry face in front of you before deciding against it. your act of protest comes out as a small whine that unintentionally escapes the back of your dry throat.
the figure stands there in shock, hand hovering your back. they blink a few times, as if trying to register what they just heard, before they decide to squat next to you, patting your shoulder again.
“y/n? don't sleep here.” the voice is familiar, but uncharacteristically soft. and fond. why is it fond?
you open your eyes again. seeing han taesan mere inches away from your face is something you'd never expect, but you're too tired to even be shocked. instead, you blink slowly, as if you're a newborn reacting to stimuli you've never experienced before.
“han taesan,” you mumble against your arm. your voice comes out nasally from your cold and as a result, more whiny than usual.
“y–yes?” he ignores the stutter and moves his hand to brush away the strands of hair covering your face. it comes so naturally that he freezes when he realises and quickly pulls his hand back to himself.
“prick.” you shut your eyes as you say this, missing the widening of his eyes. “annoying.”
he frowns, “i'm annoying?”
“very.” you don't miss a beat to reply. “why do i have to see you everywhere . . . .” you trail off, your voice decreasing in volume as you speak.
taesan is silent for a few moments, during which the only sounds that can be heard are the tick-tock of the clock and the whirs of the air conditioner. he takes one glance at your hoodie and the tissues around you before promptly turning off the AC.
“fine,” he huffs as he stands up. “i’ll be annoying for a bit more.” he taps your shoulder again. “go home. you can't sleep here. it's so late.”
the deprivation of sleep is getting to you, because your immediate response to him is to let out another whine that would immediately shatter your image of the cool senior and president-to-be if anyone heard you.
which, of course, brings us back to the first line.
taesan is flustered.
he's never seen you this… babyish before. ever since the first semester, all you would entertain him with were glares, furrowed eyebrows, and the occasional roll of your eyes if you were really salty. you had never been this defenseless around him, to which he feels something tug at his chest.
he stretches his lips into a line and squats down again. “what do you want me to do then?” his voice is soft. too soft. “i’m not letting you sleep overnight here.”
you slowly open your eyes, sniffling as you look at him in disbelief. “if you're not willing to carry me home, just go.” you shut your eyes again.
it's silent once again. at this, you dig your face deeper into your arms, having zero expectations. you furrow your eyebrows slightly when you hear shuffles above you, followed by the clash of stationeries, the crackle of the plastic bag used as your trash bin, the sudden cease of the whirring of your laptop fan, and finally the sound of a zipper.
you open your eyes in time to see taesan cupping your face in one hand and pulling your arm with the other to make you sit up. you let yourself be handled without evident resistance, though your confusion is blatant. once he sees that you're up, he quickly squats down in front of you, back facing you.
“climb up. this annoying prick will carry you home.”
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a/n. this may or may not be insanely self-indulgent due to a cold i may or may not have. i also may or may not have thoughts about a pt. 2. (edit: pt. 2 is out!)
anw, first post! just fitting for it to be about han taesan bcs this man (read: bnd as a whole) has been living in my brain for the past month (case in point: me literally writing this note at 3am when my headache is killing me).
i hope this was as enjoyable to read as it was for me to write <3
© blissfullsvn 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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slytherinshua · 2 months
genre. fluff. warnings. a lot of kisses. maybe slightly suggestive in sungho's. not proofread. pairing. ot6 boynextdoor x reader. wc. 830. (around 140 per member) request. no. a/n. i have so many requests to finish rn but the brainrot was too strong for this one... net. @onedoornet
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this romantic ass man… forehead kisses ughhhh. before he leaves for work, after he comes back, in the morning when you wake up, at night before you fall asleep, you name it. neverending forehead kisses, and they’re always so delicate and soft. chivalry isn’t dead because park sungho is still alive!!! when he kisses you on the lips, it’s either a very short peck because he’s in a rush or he makes it last a long time when he’s free to do so. and he loves to take his time. unless you get more desperate first, sungho could easily kiss you for minutes at a time, feeling your soft lips against his even without any tongue. he’d definitely hold your waist as he kisses you, or even your jaw, tilting your head up gently so he has the best access.
this cinnamon roll is such a kisses stan. he could be having the worst day ever, but 1 kiss from you suddenly changes everything. he’s honestly addicted, almost as much as his donut addiction. but he’s too shy to ask for kisses most days (unless he’s desperate beyond belief), so he’d stare at you until you take the hint. literally happiest man alive after he’s received kisses, it’s so freaking obvious that the other members just know after a while. he loves when you pepper his entire face with kisses, and of course, he would return the favour. you have a habit of kissing his cheek or top of his head while he’s distracted just scrolling on his phone. he’ll look up at you like you hung the moon in the sky, silently asking for more with just his gaze.
jaehyun is so playful when it comes to kisses. he’ll tease you with just a short peck or pull away too fast for your liking, just to have you pulling him back in for more. he knows that once he starts kissing you, you’ll never get enough of it, and he uses this to get a flustered reaction out of you. once he’s giggled and cooed over how cute you are, he will kiss you properly just like you want, savouring the taste of your lips desperately just like you do as well. if he’s just cuddling with you or low energy after a long day, he likes to kiss your neck. it’s relaxing for him to just press small kisses on the skin there, smelling your perfume and letting it soothe him completely.
he’s such an introverted and private man, so the only time he’s kissing you is probably behind closed doors skskjs. listen, he’s not willing to run the risk of possibly giving the members something to tease him about for eternity. plus, he’s so romantic with you, but he wants only you to see that side of him. hence, most of the time he kisses you after he’s home from work. he loves to nuzzle his nose against yours, softly giggling amidst kisses with you. it’s so intimate to just hold you close, alternating between soft short kisses and talking. he’ll ask you about your day while he kisses you, leaving you to have to answer him with each word being interrupted by another quick kiss. he’s truly so down bad for you, giggling like a lovesick puppy as he tastes your lips.
leehan is a firm believer that kisses are just as essential as food and water. he will not leave the house without getting his kiss goodbye. he also does an overdramatic “mwah!” whenever he kisses you, laughing if you get embarrassed or roll your eyes at it. or he’d ask you to kiss him, only to jerk his head back when you try to, teasing you by the fact that he’s taller and you can’t reach. he’s so cheesy, but he’s so good at kissing in reality that it drives you insane. whenever he’s actually being serious instead of goofy, his kisses are so passionate that your brain will turn to tv static. and he probably uses a really nice flavour of lip balm too, just to make his lips more inviting, so that you’ll kiss him more.
give this boy his kisses and give him lots because otherwise he’ll feel robbed and start complaining and/or get pouty. if you ever refuse to give him a kiss, even if you’re just teasing, he’ll probably think this is the end of the relationship. he’s just so cute and simple. kisses = happy woonhak. no kisses = sad woonhak. he loves nose kisses or any light kiss around his face that tickles. he’s probably way too shy to even hold a kiss on the lips for very long. he tries, but he honestly just gets so flustered from it after a few seconds that he has to pull away. he’s definitely not the best kisser, but he makes up for it with how eager he is. you can tell he’s absolutely obsessed with you and your lips.
↳ boynextdoor taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @rizzshimura,, @captivq,, @icyminghao,, @eternalgyu,, @metalchick529,,
@schmocolateschmchip,, @kpoprhia,, @candewlsy,, @weird-bookworm,, @blossominghunnie,,
@kangtaehyunzzz,, @snowflakemoon3,, @lovialy,, @lecheugo,, @okshu,,
@wccycc,, @seunghancore,, @ujisworld,, @sobun1est,, @emmylksblog,,
@talkingsaxy,, @talking-saxy,, @nicholasluvbot,, @cupidslovearrows,, @dimplewonie,,
@hrtsvivis,, @50-husbands,, @hursheys,, @kristianities
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g0niki · 4 months
through your window ── h.ts & k.lh
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pairing: sneaky link! taesan x afab!reader x voyeur!leehan (used their real names for plot purposes)
word count: 964 (shorter than usual)
contents: no protection(do better.), taesan's a bit rough, leehan is a creep... non-con voyeurism, mmm pretty tame lmk if i missed anything!
a/n: not my best,, but i need to get out of this writer's block 🤸 @jwonsite helped me with the ending🖤
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donghyun hated the way he touched you. he hated the way his hands ran down your curves, the way he pushed his lips against yours, how he firmly pushed you down onto the soft material of the mattress. 
but what he hated most of all was that he wasn’t the one in your room with you, only ever an observer.
he had the perfect view into your dorm from his current position. the flowers and leaves of the bush hiding him in the dark. 
donghyun had only ever seen you from afar; the first time was an accident, he swears it was. he had found himself walking around the dark campus, taking a late night walk to ease his mind during the hectic exam season and then he saw you. 
lying with your face pushed into the pillows and your ass up, using an unimpressive toy to get yourself off. the sheer curtains doing little to cover you. 
he couldn't look away.
it had been around 3 months since then. he never interacted with you outside of these moments... (if you could even call it an interaction.) opting to be an observer and continue living your life without ever coming into contact. 
he did his best to avoid you, feeling guilty after every late-night viewing. standing in the shower trying to wash away his impure actions, telling himself that he wouldn't dare go back. he did his best but fell into temptation each time. 
it didn't help when you started bringing a third party into the equation.
donghyun envied dongmin. he should be the one making you feel good, your lips should be uttering his name, and your legs should be wrapped around his waist.
not dongmin's. 
he even envied the older's name, shamelessly getting off as you uttered the almost identical name. he couldn't hear you, but the way your lips mixed and the syllables rolled off your tongue would make him shamelessly grip his needy member.
tonight was no different. dongmin had entered your dorm not too long ago, pinning you against your room door and wasting no time, pressing his lips against your neck. 
the entry faced the window directly, meaning donghyun's view was obscured by dongmin's frame. he could only see your upper articles of clothing tossed off and the taller male marking your neck. 
your head leaning back on the door as your small hand grips the back of dongmin's hair, his lips marking all over your neck and shoulders leaving no space unmarked. he watches as dongmin grips your thighs and hoists you up in the air, pushing your small frame against the door. 
the older’s hips pushing up into yours as his lips come in contact with yours, leaving you breathless. 
god, how he wishes that were him. 
donghyun watches as dongmin tosses your figure onto the mattress, bending you over the bed and giving him the perfect view of your blissed-out face. he watches as dongmin kisses down your back and slides your underwear off, giving himself access to your sweet center. 
dongmin dives down, spreading your legs to eat your cunt from behind and donghyun watches. his brows pressing together as he watches your jaw drop open, imagining the sweet sounds leaving your lips.
the thought of your essence dripping down his lips and staining his t-shirt. the scent of your center being so close, he could only dream of getting a taste. no matter how badly donghyun wants to lose himself to his pleasure, he wouldn’t dare look away from you. he couldn’t let dongmin have you all to himself. 
dongmin stands up, towering over your bent figure as he presses his groin against your ass, gripping your hair and yanking you up. 
donghyun groans. he couldn’t care if anyone heard, your body being on full display for him and leaving none to the imagination was everything he could ask for. 
hands gripping your chest, tracing your figure. his cock sliding between your thighs and bumping your clit, making your body jump with each touch. 
donghyun feels his face turn red, he doesn’t know whether or not to be angry at the fact that he isn’t experiencing this or if he’s turned on just by watching something so private. his grip around his length tightens, his pumps slowing down as his teeth grit down. he wouldn’t dare cum before you. 
the stretch of dongmin’s cock has you biting down on your lip hard enough to draw blood, donghyun’s thumb brushes his tip, he knows he could fill you just as good if not better. wanting to brush against your cervix and fuck you full, make you his instead. 
“dongmin! dongmin! dongmin!” the words leaving your lips make him even harder, he’s so close to being the one you like,  yet so far all at the same time. 
dongmin pushes down your upper body, using his grip on your head to bury your body further into the mattress, drool leaving your lips and staining the sheets.
your hands gripping onto the plush material.
“fuck.” donghyun is panting hard now. how he needs to be in you, needs you wrapped around him milking him of everything he has to give you. 
and he watches you shake. watches you finish. watches you clench around another man. he watches it all. 
and dongmin watches him watch. 
locking his eyes with the younger boy he pulls your head up to give donghyun a good look at your blissed-out face, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you pant rapidly. and he smirks.
he has exactly what the other can’t have.
dongmin flips you onto your back and bites down on your shoulder, his eyes still locked with donghyun’s, claiming you as his own.
donghyun can’t look away from the scene unfolding in front of him, eyes locked in on how dongmin starts to stretch you open.
the hand wrapped around his member speeds up as he watches the older ram into you, grabbing your face to make you look at him just as donghyun is cumming all over his hand, dripping down to stain his pants.
and he becomes aware of the situation, his face and ears turning red when he locks eyes with dongmin again, quickly tucking his member back into his pants and leaving the scene. promising himself he would never come back again, but he knows that isn’t true.
@g0niki all rights reserved. do not translate or post my work anywhere without permission.
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mykoreanlove · 6 months
say please? 🥺
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“Open your legs baby, come on.” You shook your head in disagreement. Your boyfriend’s piercing eyes didn’t leave yours, not even for a second, as he was cowered in front of you, begging on his knees like the good boy that he was. His long fingers softly glided over your shins up to your thighs, but you still denied him access. “Baby, just do it.”
A soft energy surrounded him as he was trying to seduce you. Eun Woo had multiple sides to him, but he knew that you liked his whiny, pleading characteristics the most. Seeing him in such a state of contrast ignited a fire within you, one that would burn you with deep desire.
His appearance exuded an aura of danger, his well-defined physique and tousled hair presenting a captivating, heartthrob allure. Yet underneath this exterior, he radiated warmth and kindness, embodying qualities of compassion and love. “Don’t you want me to make you feel good?” His deep voice was hushed, yet sweet as honey. His eyes were glistening, painfully needy of his one true love. “Open your legs for me. Come on, princess.” You shook your head once more. Eagerly. Eun Woo chuckled in frustration, deciding on taking another route. “So, you don’t want my lips on the insides of your thighs? Pampering you with kisses? Soft, sweet kisses? The ones that are moist? Is that it?” You felt your thighs tingling, immediately responding to his words, screaming at you. “Now open your legs for me, honey.” He noticed you squeezing your thighs together in response and smirked internally, knowing that his tactics were paying off. Eun Woo got up on his knees and propped his arms on both of your sides, leaning in for a kiss but stopping right before touching your lips. His scent was intoxicating. His breath was too sweet. Everything in you fought hard to not give in. “You know that I can make you feel really good, don’t you, baby? The kind that has you high for days? Hooked even?” He watched you cautiously, all his focus was on you. You heard him whisper sultrily once more. “Open your legs for me, darling.” Eun Woo’s eyes darted down to your throat, only for a millisecond, catching you gulping hardly. He knew what he was doing to you, just as you knew what your resistance to him did. But now he was getting impatient. He turned his head to the side and graced your ear with his soft lips. “Let me taste you, baby girl. I really want to fucking taste you. Slide my tongue into your wet pussy. You are wet for me, aren’t you, baby?” He noticed your chest heaving heavily, going all in now. “Let me tell you what I want to do to you, y/n. You are going to open your legs for me, and I will dive head-first into your precious cunt. And I will drink you up like juice. I’m going to circle on your clit, poking and sucking until you’re jelly for me. Let me make that cherry pop, baby girl.” A soft moan escaped your lips, his words definitely painted a picture for you. “Open your legs for me, now.” You felt the heat in your body, but you decided to make him wait a little longer, you needed him agitated for a bit longer. Eun Woo clicked his tongue impatiently; the annoyance was written all over his face. “After I made your cherry pop, I’ll be sliding my tongue into your hole, baby girl. Sliding in and out, in and out while your delicious juices will be drooping all over me. Let me lick your folds. Let me lick you clean. Please just let me tongue-fuck you. Please.” His voice was almost breaking, his need for you too unbearable. Eun Woo turned around to face you again while breathing deeply. He noticed your dilated pupils and flared nostrils; he could even sense your pussy’s heat from up here. Fuck, you both needed each other badly, so he tried one last time. “Open your legs for me, baby. Please?”
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gong-fourz · 2 months
Love on Tour ━ 태산
genre: fluff warnings: long distance relationship, kissing, lots of heartache, nostalgia(maybe), mentions crying, terms of endearment (that's all I could think of, if I missed anything pls let me know) pairing: idol!taesan x fem!reader wc: 3.7k a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAESAN!! also a big thank you to @0310s for beta reading! nets: @blossomnet @onedoornet @k-labels
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Before Taesan left for the tour, your life together was a beautiful, predictable rhythm of love and companionship. You both lived in a cozy apartment nestled in a bustling part of the city. Your days were filled with laughter, spontaneous adventures, and the comfort of each other's presence.
Mornings started with Taesan waking up first, his arms still wrapped around you from the night before. He gently kissed your forehead, causing you to stir and smile even in your sleep. "Good morning, sunshine," he whispered, his voice tender and warm. You slowly opened your eyes, greeting him with a sleepy smile. "Morning, love."
You both had a routine you cherished. Taesan, being the better cook, made breakfast—pancakes on Sundays and omelets on weekdays. You sat on the counter, sipping your coffee, watching him with admiration. "You know," you said playfully, "you're the best chef I've ever known." He laughed and shook his head, flipping a pancake with a flourish. "Only because I've had the best muse."
Your weekends were sacred. You visited the local farmer's market, hand in hand, picking out fresh produce and flowers. You had a favorite café where you spent hours talking about everything and nothing. You loved your corner booth; it was a place where you could watch the world go by and dream about your future together.
One particular Sunday, you were at the café, and the sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a golden glow over everything. You were animatedly talking about a new project at work, your eyes sparkling with excitement. Taesan watched you, his heart swelling with love and pride. He reached across the table, taking your hand in his. "I'm so proud of you. You're amazing."
Your evenings were equally cherished. You cooked dinner together, dancing around the kitchen to your favorite songs. After dinner, you curled up on the couch, watching movies or reading books. Taesan often strummed his guitar, playing soft melodies that filled your home with a sense of peace. You lay your head on his lap, closing your eyes and losing yourself in the music.
As the tour approached, a sense of urgency crept into your lives. You clung to your routines, trying to savor every moment together. One night, as you lay in bed, Taesan pulled you close. "I'm going to miss this so much," he whispered, his voice heavy with emotion. "I'm going to miss you."
Your heart ached at the thought of being apart. You ran your fingers through his hair, trying to memorize the feel of him. "I'll miss you too, Taesan. But we'll get through this. I know we will."
The day before he left, you spent every second together. You revisited all your favorite spots, took long walks, and discussed your future. That night, you laid on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms, tears streaming down your faces. You didn't need words; your love spoke volumes.
The morning of his departure, you woke up to find Taesan already up, packing his bags. He looked at you with a mixture of sadness and determination. "This isn't goodbye. It's just a temporary separation. We'll be together again soon."
You nodded, your throat tight with emotion. You walked over to him, wrapping your arms around him. "I know. I believe in us."
As you kissed goodbye, both of you held on a little longer, a little tighter. The tour bus pulled away, and you stood there, waving, your heart heavy but hopeful. You knew your love would withstand the distance, that you would emerge from this stronger than ever. And with that belief, you turned and walked back to your apartment, counting down the days until Taesan returned.
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Sitting on your bed later that week, your phone clutched tightly in your hand, you took a deep breath and hit the call button. The familiar ring filled your ears as you waited for Taesan to pick up.
"Hey, Y/N," Taesan's warm voice came through, tinged with exhaustion. "I'm so glad you called. I miss you."
You smiled, though it didn't reach your eyes. He wouldn’t know, though. "I miss you too, Taesan. How was your show tonight?"
"It was great. The crowd was amazing, and everything went smoothly," he replied with a hint of enthusiasm. "But it's not the same without you here."
You felt a lump form in your throat. "I wish I could be there with you. Every day feels so empty without you around. I miss your laugh, your smile… everything."
Taesan sighed, the sound heavy with longing. "I know what you mean. I miss waking up next to you and having you there to share all the little moments. It's hard, Y/N. Sometimes, it feels like this tour will never end."
You closed your eyes, trying to keep your emotions in check. "I hate that we have to be apart for so long. The days feel endless, and I find myself counting down the minutes until we can talk again."
"Me too," Taesan admitted, his voice soft. "I've been looking at photos of us, remembering all the good times. It helps a little but also makes me miss you even more."
Tears welled up in your eyes. "I do the same thing. I keep a picture of us on my nightstand, and I look at it every night before I go to sleep. It's my way of feeling close to you, even if it's just for a moment."
Taesan was silent for a few seconds, the weight of your separation hanging heavy in the air. "I wish I could just hold you right now. Talking on the phone helps, but it's not enough. I need you here with me."
You hastily wiped a stray tear away. "I know, Taesan. I feel the same way. It's hard to stay strong when all I want is to be near you. But… we have to keep going for each other."
"We will," Taesan said, his voice firm but tender. "This distance won't last forever. We'll get through this, and when the tour is over, we'll make up for all the lost time."
You nodded, even though he couldn't see you. "I can't wait for that day. Until then, we'll have to hold onto our love and keep each other strong."
"Agreed," Taesan replied. "And remember, I'm always thinking of you. You're always in my heart, no matter where or what I'm doing."
You smiled through your tears, feeling a glimmer of hope. "You're always in my heart, too, Taesan. We'll make it through this together." After a moment of contemplation, you continued, "Do you remember that little café we used to go to every Sunday? I went there last weekend. It wasn't the same without you, but it brought back so many good memories."
Taesan's voice brightened. "Of course, I remember. We'd sit in the corner booth, and you'd always order that ridiculous triple chocolate muffin. How was it?"
You chuckled, the sound bittersweet. "Just as delicious as ever. I saved a piece for you, you know, out of habit. But it was nice to sit there and think about all the times we laughed and talked for hours."
"I miss those Sundays," Taesan said softly. "I miss how you’d scrunch your nose when you were deep in thought or how your eyes lit up when you talked about something you loved. It's those little things that I miss the most."
Your heart ached with longing. "Me too. Like how you'd always hum when you were concentrating, or how you'd reach for my hand without even realizing it. It's the everyday moments that I miss the most."
Taesan sighed again, the sound heavy with emotion. "We'll get those moments back, Y/N. This tour won't last forever. And when it's over, we'll make every moment count."
You nodded, feeling a swell of determination. "You're right. And until then, we'll hold onto the memories and look forward to making new ones. We've got this, Taesan."
"I know we do," he replied, his voice filled with love. "Thank you for calling tonight. Hearing your voice makes everything a little easier."
You smiled, a sense of peace settling over you. "Thank you for being there, Taesan. We'll get through this together."
You lingered on the phone, each finding solace in the other's voice. As you finally said your goodbyes, you felt a renewed sense of hope. The road ahead might be long, but your love was strong enough to bridge any distance.
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You sat at the kitchen table with your laptop open in front of you. The soft glow of the screen illuminated your thoughtful expression. It had been three long months since Taesan had left for his band's nationwide tour. The late-night phone calls and daily text messages weren't enough to fill the void his absence had created. You missed everything about him—the way his laughter filled the room, the warmth of his hugs, the sound of his voice singing softly to you.
Scrolling through social media, you saw a new video posted by his band. The crowd cheered wildly as he commanded the stage with his usual charisma. He looked happy, and you felt a pang of guilt for wishing he were back home. You wanted to support his dreams, but the distance was taking its toll.
As you watched him perform their favorite song, an idea sparked in your mind. What if you could surprise him in a way that he would never forget? The thought filled you with excitement.
Your mind raced with possibilities. You imagined the look of surprise and joy on his face when he realized you were there. It was perfect. With renewed determination, you resolved to make it happen. You would show him just how much he meant to you, no matter the distance.
You began your preparations the very next day, your heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and nervousness. You knew you needed help to pull off this surprise, so you reached out to Sungho, one of Taesan's bandmates and his closest friend in the group.
Sungho had always been a quiet, introspective figure, deeply passionate about his music and art. Over time, you had bonded with him through your shared love of creativity, especially sketching. Sungho, who was initially reserved, gradually opened up to you as you discussed the challenges of artistic expression. These conversations brought you closer, and Sungho came to value your opinions on his work, seeing you as a true friend and confidante. You knew he would be the perfect person to help you with this plan.
"Hey, Sungho," you greeted when he answered your call, "I have a crazy idea and need your help."
"Sure. What's up?" Sungho's warm and welcoming voice comforted you, reminding you of your friendship with the band.
You took a deep breath. "I want to surprise Taesan by sneaking into his hotel room after your show. Do you think you could help me?"
Sungho laughed, delighted by the idea. "That's brilliant! Taesan is going to flip. Let me talk to our manager, and I'll make sure his room is ready for you."
Your heart raced. You couldn’t believe this was actually happening and that you would be meeting Taesan very soon. "Thank you so much, Sungho. This means the world to me."
Within an hour, Sungho had rallied the rest of the band, and they were all on board. You weren’t surprised—each member had become like family to you, and you knew they would do anything to make this surprise happen.
Leehan, the band’s vocalist, who was known for his natural charisma and warmth, was especially excited. Your bond with Leehan had deepened over time through shared experiences, particularly your mutual love for aquatic life and exploring new places. Leehan was always the heart of the group, making sure everyone felt valued and appreciated. He immediately started brainstorming ways to make the surprise even more special, suggesting details that only someone who knew Taesan as well as he did could come up with.
Riwoo, the group’s energetic dancer and choreographer, was equally enthusiastic. Riwoo was the embodiment of energy and positivity, always ready for an adventure. Your friendship with him was filled with laughter and spontaneous fun, and he saw this surprise as the perfect opportunity for another exciting escapade. He offered to distract Taesan after the show, giving you more time to prepare.
Even Woonhak, the youngest member of the group, was eager to help. Despite his youth, Woonhak was thoughtful and mature, often surprising you with his wisdom and insight. He looked up to you as an older sibling figure, and he was determined to play his part in making this reunion unforgettable. Woonhak also offered to keep Taesan occupied during the day, ensuring he had no clue about the surprise waiting for him.
Sungho called you to finalize the logistics. "We'll be in Chicago next week," he explained. "We have a big show, and afterward, I can sneak you into Taesan's room. The band will be hanging out at the venue for a while, so you'll have time to get in and hide before Taesan comes back."
Your excitement grew. "That sounds perfect, Sungho. Thank you so much for helping me with this."
The days leading up to the concert flew by. You could hardly contain your eagerness. You packed your bags and set off for Chicago, your mind racing with anticipation. The thought of seeing Taesan's face after all this time filled you with indescribable joy.
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On the day of the concert, you arrived at the hotel early. You met with Sungho to finalize the details. He chose a perfect spot for you to hide in Taesan's room—between the wall and the bed. He found you in the hotel lobby and led you to Taesan's room, smiling reassuringly. "Are you ready?"
You took a deep breath and nodded. "I'm ready."
Sungho unlocked the room and held the door open for you, smiling. "Good luck. I'll make sure Taesan takes his time getting here."
You grinned back, your heart pounding a mile a minute. "Thank you, Sungho. I couldn't have done this without you." You climbed onto the bed and slid into the gap between the wall and the mattress, squeezing into the tight space. The familiar scent of Taesan's cologne lingered in the air, making your heart ache with longing. You waited, your mind racing with thoughts of how Taesan would react.
After what felt like an eternity, you heard the distant sound of the concert ending and the murmur of fans as they left the venue. Your heart pounded as you prepared for the moment. You heard footsteps approaching the room, and then the door creaked open.
Taesan stepped into the room, looking exhausted but exhilarated. "Man, what a show," he muttered to himself, dropping his bag on the floor. He ambled around the room, tidying up and unwinding from the performance. You held your breath, waiting for the perfect moment.
Finally, Taesan headed to the bathroom, and you heard the sound of the shower turning on. You took this opportunity to slip out from your hiding spot and climb into the bed, pulling the covers up to your chin. You lay there, your heart racing, as you listened to the water running.
A few minutes later, the shower turned off, and Taesan emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. He moved around the room, getting ready for bed. You could barely contain your excitement as you waited for him to lie down.
Taesan finally pulled back the covers on his side of the bed and climbed in, sighing with contentment as he settled down. You waited a few moments, then turned to face him, a mischievous smile on your face.
"Surprise!" you exclaimed, your voice filled with exhilaration.
Taesan's eyes flew open, and he nearly jumped out of bed. "Y/N? What… How are you here?"
You laughed, wrapping your arms around him. "I missed you so much. I wanted to do something special for you." Taesan pulled you into a tight embrace, his voice choked with emotion. "You have no idea how much this means to me."
You lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, as the moment's reality sank in. Taesan's grip tightened around you as if holding you any less firmly might make you disappear. "I can't believe you did this," your boyfriend said, his eyes shining with awe. "You're incredible."
You smiled, brushing a tear from your cheek. "I just wanted to remind you how much I love you and how proud I am of you."
Taking your hands in his, Taesan’s eyes locked onto yours. "You've done so much more than that. You've made me the happiest man alive."
Just then, Sungho peeked into the room, grinning from ear to ear. "Hey, lovebirds! We couldn't miss this moment," he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
The band members stepped into the room, surrounding you both with their warmth. They congratulated you on your brilliant idea, each sharing the joy of the surprise. The room buzzed with laughter and love, a perfect end to an unforgettable night.
As the evening wound down and the bandmates began to leave, you found a quiet corner to yourselves. You sat on the bed, holding hands, and talked about everything you'd missed in each other's lives. You shared stories about your time apart, the little moments that made you think of each other, and your dreams for the future.
Taesan took a deep breath and began, "The tour was incredible. The energy, the crowds—it was everything I ever dreamed of. But every night, after the show, when the adrenaline faded… I felt so alone without you."
You squeezed his hand. "I can't imagine how hard that must have been. I missed you so much, Tae. Work's been hectic—two promotions, believe it or not. I also started painting again, trying to keep busy."
"Painting?" Taesan's eyes lit up. "That's amazing! I remember how much you loved it. Do you have any pieces I can see?"
You nodded, a shy smile on your lips. "I do. I'll show you later. But honestly, everything reminded me of you. Every song on the radio, every city skyline. It all felt empty without you."
"I felt the same," Taesan said softly. "Even in a crowd of thousands, I just wanted to share it all with you. Every time something good happened, I wished you were there to see it."
You looked into his eyes, tears welling up.
You held each other, knowing that your love would always bring you back together no matter the distance.
"I can't believe you pulled this off," Taesan said, his eyes still shining with amazement. "You're incredible."
You smiled, your heart full. "I just wanted to make you happy. Seeing you like this makes everything worth it."
Taesan leaned in, kissing you gently. "You've made me happier than I ever thought possible. Thank you. Thank you for loving me like this."
You sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, knowing that no matter how far apart you were, your love would always find a way to bring you back together.
You stayed on tour with Taesan for the next few days, savoring every moment you had together. The days were filled with laughter, music, and deep conversations that strengthened your bond. You attended his shows, watched him perform proudly, and joined the band for meals and late-night jam sessions. Your friendship with Taesan's bandmates deepened, and they became like a second family.
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One evening, after a particularly fantastic show, Taesan and you found yourselves alone on the balcony of your hotel room, the city lights twinkling below. You sat close, hands intertwined, the cool night air filled with the promise of the future.
"This tour has been incredible," Taesan said, his voice filled with awe. "But having you here makes it perfect."
You leaned into him, feeling the steady beat of his heart. "I'm so glad I could join you. Seeing you perform and being part of this... it's amazing."
Taesan kissed your forehead, a soft, tender gesture. "The distance was hard, but it made me realize something important."
"What's that?" You asked, looking up at him.
Taesan took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto yours. "No matter how far apart we are, you're always with me. And I'm always with you. Our love is stronger than any distance."
You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes. "I feel the same way, Taesan. This experience has shown me how strong we are together."
Taesan smiled, his eyes shining with love. "And it's made me think about the future. I don't want us to be apart like that again. When this tour ends, I want us to build a life together. Wherever the road takes us, I want you by my side."
Your heart swelled with happiness. "I want that too, Taesan. More than anything."
You sat in comfortable silence, watching the city that never sleeps buzz with energy. The journey ahead was unknown, but you were ready to face it together.
As the days passed, you continued to make the most of your time together. You explored new cities, created unforgettable memories, and talked about your plans for the future. You discussed how you would manage the remaining time apart, promising to stay connected through daily calls and frequent visits.
"We'll get through this," Taesan said, his voice filled with conviction. "No matter how far apart we are, we'll always find our way back to each other."
You nodded, your eyes shining with conviction. "Always."
And with that promise, you held each other close, knowing that your love was unbreakable, your bond unshakable. No matter where life would take the both of you, you would always have each other.
taglist: @minkilicious
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harufluff · 9 months
‘she’s all mine’ han dongmin
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warnings - tired minnie lol, reader is mentioned as “my girl.”
genre - fluff, comfort, han taesan x fem!reader, established relationship au, idol x non idol au
wc - 0.3k words
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all bf!dongmin wants to do at the end of the day is crash at your place. some days after long practices, the other members aren’t even surprised when he doesn’t go home with them.
your head turns in the direction of your front door from your kitchen. you had been cutting an orange for yourself as a late night snack.
your face immediately softened when the tired boy dropped his bag and began to walk in your direction.
‘how was practice?’ you asked your boyfriend who was only inches away from you now. he dove his head straight into the crook of your neck, along with his arms circled around your waist. he answered with, ‘mmm, it was ok…jus’ wanna lay with you though…’
you giggled quietly, your hands weaving into his hair, scratching slightly at the nape.
‘c’mon, let’s go, love.’ you took his hands in your from around your waist and led him towards your bedroom. you sat down on the edge of your bed when dongmin came crashing down upon you, his pretty nose poking your collarbone.
quiet mumbles were heard coming from him. you could barely make out what he was saying. ‘what did you say, min…?’
his arms around your waist tightened as he spoke his next words. ‘i’m so happy you’re mine…’
dongmin’s sudden display of love for you caught you off guard, you had to admit. honestly, he was never one for pda or verbal affection.
your boyfriend showed his love for you by quiet little actions. a simple peck on the head or pinkies being interlaced was all you needed to know that he cared for you.
‘i’m pretty happy about that myself.’ you smiled while replying to him. you could feel his lips morphing into a simple against your skin.
‘my girl…she’s all mine…’ he propped himself up on his hands, now hovering over you with a comforting smile. your smile grows even wider as you say, ‘all yours, my love.’
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©️harufluff 2023
a/n - sorry i haven’t posted like at all lmao. there’s a lot of life stuff happening rn, so i hope you can understand. love youuuuuuu!!
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lionhanie · 3 months
han taesan ; back 2 u (series masterlist)
you can’t help but find yourself coming back to taesan everytime
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fuckboy!taesan x fem!reader, college au
...featuring! BFFS jaehyun + woonhak, fuckboy leehan (AND he's taesan's roommate), and lovely roomies sungho + riwoo <3
series warnings: cursing, alcohol/drug mention and usage (woonhak excluded), toxic relationship dynamics, angst, suggestive content but no actual smut (relevant warnings will be included under their respective parts!)
a/n: this series was HEAVILY inspired by everytime by ariana grande, so i highly suggest you listen to it before reading ^_^
likes ♡ and reblogs ↺ always appreciated!
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PROLOGUE (the realization)
word count: ~460
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART ONE (origins)
word count: 1.7k
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART TWO (the aftermath)
word count: 3.1k
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART THREE (hope lost)
word count: 3.7k
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART FOUR (jealousy, jealousy)
word count: 11.1k
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series taglist (updated as of 7/10): @minwrlds @luna2nite @taesancore @cherrytaesan @helpsplease
@taylorluvation @serejae @dimplewonie @nikiismyhb @amarecerasus 
@tkooooop @lilriswife4life @marwoo2sn @brachioswrld @haechology
@skepvids @isabellah29 @nujeskz @xoxocarat @baevsxii
@babyboomysweetiedarling @yunjinluv7 @woorcve
© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
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icequeenbae · 1 year
Translucence (m) | Astro LDM
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Pairing: Cha Eunwoo x Reader (Lee Dongmin x Reader)
A Jinjin cameo? hehe
Established Relationship, slice of life, fluff, PWP, smut
Warnings: glass bathroom you heard me lol, explicit content, unprotected sex, this is smut with minimal plot (it’s becoming my style), a sprinkle of voyeurism, maybe a noona kink, maybe Dongmin's splendid ass is mentioned more than once
Word Count: ~4.2k
Author’s Note: Heyyy~ Finally posting my first ASTRO fic! This has been waiting to be released for a while now, but the timing wasn’t working out… But now that it’s done, I hope that you enjoy this little story! Let me know what you think~ And a special thank you to the lovely @the-boy-meets-evil for looking over my story, I really loved your comments, Jess <3
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Summary: It’s your first short vacation with Dongmin since you started dating, and you get a chance to stay at an extremely fancy hotel in Jeju. The ocean-view suite is perfect, yet there’s a small inconvenience… or a genius design?
Network tags: @superm-net  @exo-writers-net  @bbh-net  @k-vanity @ksmutsociety ​
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It was your first time taking a vacation together.
With the type of hectic schedule Dongmin had to maintain, you barely managed to book the hotel of your dreams for this weekend, which was actually your one-year anniversary. Two days was all you had, and you planned to enjoy them to the fullest, start to finish.
Which was why you’d surprised your boyfriend by appearing clad in a white sundress with a stylish wide brim hat to match. It was a simple feminine look, yet it set the mood from the start.
‘Wow, I’m suddenly looking forward to our flight…’ He smiled at you softly before murmuring, ‘You look beautiful.’
Avoiding his eyes timidly, you chewed on your lip to contain a silly grin. Dongmin took the handle of your suitcase to put it away in the trunk of the car.
‘Let’s get going, we have to be at the airport in thirty,’ Jinwoo’s voice startled you as the window on the driver’s side rolled down. ‘You’ll have a whole hour to exchange your lovey-dovey stares on the plane, children.’
‘Hyung…’ Dongmin mumbled in embarrassment, and you coughed, sliding into the backseat while your boyfriend’s palm hovered above your head protectively.
‘I’m older than you, Jinwoo-yah,’ you scolded, and he hummed in response.
‘Barely!’ He glanced in the rearview mirror, meeting your eyes, and added. ‘Noona.’
You shook your head in disapproval, and turned to Dongmin, who settled in the backseat with you and moved to buckle you up.
‘I can do it! Let’s not make Jinwoo cringe.’
‘Why would he cringe…’ Your boyfriend pouted, watching you tug at the seatbelt.
‘I’m fine unless you start the funny business,’ the leader announced nonchalantly from the front seat.
‘Have you ever caught us doing anything?’ You huffed, and the car was silent for a few long seconds. ‘Have you??’
‘Does hearing count?’ He asked, and your boyfriend’s eyes almost bulged out of his head.
‘Shut up,’ you laughed nervously, only half-assured that it was a joke.
‘It’s actually true. It was when we all stayed at the dorm for a sleepover. You rustle like mice,’ Jinwoo recalled.
‘What?? We weren’t doing anything fu-’
Dongmin’s hand suddenly squeezed your thigh, putting a stop to your protesting speech.
‘Please, just… change the subject, noona.’
Teasing you and Dongmin was Astro members’ favorite pastime, and you noticed from the very beginning. They simply loved making him a flustered mess. Not that you couldn’t relate – the face genius looked almost unbearably cute when embarrassed. You weren’t a stranger to teasing him yourself, just to get your fix of his adorable shy smile and his extensive nagging about how you never let him breathe.
In fact, he loved to nag. It was his way of showing affection.
‘Ah, noona… Your dress is so revealing,’ he kept whining while you were on the plane. ‘D’you know how active the sun is in Jeju? Did you apply the sunscreen thoroughly?’
‘Yes. But you can reapply it if you want an excuse to touch my chest,’ you murmured, making him flush red and lower his voice to a scandalized whisper.
‘That’s not what I meant-’
‘I’m sure it isn’t.’ You hummed, laying your head on his shoulder. ‘But I’d still let you.’
The flight from Seoul to Jeju Island was rather quick, about one hour in the air. And it seemed to be over even faster since you were too busy whispering, giggling like lovestruck teenagers, and ‘oh’-ing in excitement as you looked out the illuminator.
Going on a trip with your boyfriend was something you’d been dreaming of for months now, so your mood was through the roof from the moment you woke up. It kept gradually increasing while you were on your way to the dream destination, and reached its peak when Dongmin rented a car to drive the two of you to the hotel.
‘If anything is better than this view,’ you turned away from the window to look at your boyfriend’s relaxed form. ‘It’s probably this.’
‘What?’ He glanced at you, not catching your meaning.
He huffed, scolding you for being cheesy.
‘What, I’ve told you this before! You look most handsome either when you’re driving or when your hair gets wet.’
‘I shall try driving with wet hair someday. Will that make you explode?’
‘Is that your goal?’ You asked, tracing your index finger down the side of his neck, which made him squirm.
‘Stop it, you know I’m ticklish…’
‘You’re not ticklish, you’re sensitive.’ You corrected, running the pads of your fingers over his skin again to make him shudder. ‘So, who’s exploding now?’
He gave you a reproachful look, and you chuckled, pinching his cheek to annoy him further.
‘Why do you have to be so shameless, noona…’
‘Don’t you love that about me?’ You asked playfully.
‘I do,’ he was quick to admit. ‘I love everything about you.’
Caught off guard by his sudden confession, you fell silent. Dongmin didn’t say things like this often, he was a bit reserved about his feelings. You actually recalled that he’d only said ‘the three words’ twice in the span of your relationship. And on one of those occasions he was actually drunk, so… yeah. He was strangely tight-lipped about it for the romantic that he was.
But you’d learned to accept it. You wouldn’t push him to do something he didn’t want to or wasn’t ready to do. So, you just said nothing before your hotel was finally visible.
‘This is great, we can just drop everything and head out to the beach! I’m living for this weather,’ you said, clapping your hands in excitement.
Dongmin nodded in agreement.
As expected, the hotel was splendorous. You noticed that while your boyfriend was checking you in. Taking those few minutes to look around, you found yourself ogling the crystal-clear glass constructions that separated the lobby and the waiting area. The outer wall was also steel and glass, so you could enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Jeju even from there.
‘Let’s go,’ a low voice called, and you followed the tall figure to the elevator.
You really wanted to give him a back hug as he pressed the button, but decided to at least wait until you were on your floor.
Dongmin took your suitcase, which made you pout, unable to hold his hand.
‘I think it’s here,’ he guided you to the door and used the card to open it. ‘After you.’
And there went your plan to give him a back hug. Up in flames.
You sighed and stepped into the room.
‘Oh!’ You exclaimed, rushing to get rid of your outdoor shoes in favor of slippers. ‘Let’s check the view! Come on!’
Surprised by your eagerness, your boyfriend shook his footwear off as well, reaching out his hand to allow you to tug him towards the balcony.
‘Oh my god, this is even better than I expected!’ You squealed, almost jumping in excitement, and squeezed his palm. ‘My hands are itching to take pictures! Come on, lean on this railing.’
Knowing better than to argue with you, he did exactly as he was told, and posed for you.
‘Ah, so handsome,’ you kept repeating, while preserving this moment in the form of a photograph.
Dongmin lost his patience in about a minute, pulling you closer to his body.
‘Are you interested in the view or in spending time with me?’
‘I see you every other day, and it’s my first time in Jeju, of course I’m interested in the view!’ You exclaimed. ‘Especially when you’re making it even better.’
He allowed you to kiss away his pout, and held you close for a selfie.
‘No, my head looks too big like this!’
You jumped in place to reach the phone, because your partner refused to take likable pictures.
‘I got it, I got it,’ he assured you, angling it to make the two of you look disproportionate again.
When you pinched him angrily, he laughed in the cheekiest way possible, begging for mercy instantly.
At least then you’d managed to finally take presentable photos.
Leaving you to admire the ocean some more, Dongmin headed back inside to unpack your belongings. You needed to change into your swimsuits if you wanted to enjoy the rest of the day on the beach.
‘Uh- noona?’
‘Did you… see that?’
His voice sounded confused, so you followed it back into the room.
‘See wha- Omo! Is this..?’
You turned to your boyfriend, who denied you eye contact.
‘Glass bathroom.’ He noted blankly, without showing what his actual feelings about it were.
Was he shy? Anxious? Excited? Uncomfortable? You couldn’t decipher his expression for the life of you.
‘Yeah,’ you agreed.
It was a simple yet exquisite design, no one could argue that it looked good. But the problem was that the bathroom here had no wall separating it from the main bedroom space. Which could only mean…
‘Well, I’m sure we’ll manage,’ you shrugged, walking past Dongmin to find your change of clothes. ‘Get your swimwear out while I change. And don’t peek!’
He grumbled under his breath and you snickered faintly. Damn, you were going to have to face the bathroom issue at some point today. And you should mentally prepare.
It wasn’t on your mind for long though.
As soon as you hit the beach… The beautiful clear sky, the warm sand under your bare feet, the lagoon blue water – all of it occupied your head and made you forget all of the possible inconveniences.
‘Don’t swim away,’ Dongmin nagged, stretching out his arms to reach you.
‘Why, scared of going in deep water?’ You teased him, splashing him lightly with your foot.
‘Noona,’ he sulked, and you allowed the waves to push you towards your boyfriend.
As soon as you were within his reach again, he pulled you closer to his body, not caring too much about the spectators.
‘What now, giant baby?’
‘Don’t call me that,’ Dongmin murmured, and you instantly knew he wanted a kiss.
‘There’s too many people, Min-ah,’ you responded, placing your palm on his chest, covered by the soaked white fabric of his tee.
‘Just once,’ he badgered, stepping closer to you.
Of course, his feet were still grounded where you were floating.
‘Why should I?’ You feigned a complaining tone, glancing at his plump lips.
Dongmin’s hands seized you by the waist, and your forearms prickled with goosebumps.
Staying still while he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, you’d allowed him to steal this quick kiss before swimming away again.
You had literally spent all day in the water, taking short breaks to let your wrinkled skin get back to normal. And reapply sunscreen again, of course, with your boyfriend being a total worrywart.
‘I don’t want you to get sunburnt. Your skin is so fair and delicate, it’s important to make sure it’s protected. Did you know getting sunburned increases your chances of skin cancer?’
A worrywart and a smartass.
It was hard to be mad at his smart (and round) ass though, when he had brilliant ideas like tonight. Dongmin had suggested ordering a fancy dinner to your room and having it on your balcony to enjoy the view.
‘Wah, the sunset is perfect today,’ you said.
‘Your dress goes well with it. Very chic and minimalistic.’ His eyes followed the curve of your waist down to your thigh.
‘I’ve had it forever, but I have no clue where else to wear a red silk gown.’
‘Don’t.’ Dongmin’s cheeks and lips were both red from the wine. ‘Only wear it for me, noona.’
Chuckling, you rose from your seat and stepped closer to your boyfriend. Using just your index finger, you tipped his head up to meet his eyes, and then you put your right knee onto his chair, right between his thighs.
‘Are you telling me what to do now, aegi?’ You asked, enjoying the sensation of his gentle fingers ghosting over your thighs.
‘It’s your decision, but why would you deny me this request?’ His hand became more confident, creeping up your bare skin now. ‘Are you hungry for someone else’s attention?’
‘How drunk are you, Dongmin-ah?’ You asked, brushing your lips against his. ‘Because it seems like you could do something right here, where people might see us.’
Straightening up, you smiled angelically at him.
‘We need to shower and cool off. I’m pretty sure I have sand where it shouldn’t be.’
It was obvious that he was disappointed, but the night was young, and to fully enjoy the experience you had to sober up a little. But it was nothing a quick shower couldn’t fix.
‘You go first, I’ll get rid of the dishes. Don’t argue,’ you cut him off, nodding at the entrance to your room. ‘Go.’
It took you only a few minutes to tidy up, so when you walked in Dongmin was just starting out. The water was on, and he was in front of the glass door, almost ready to step in.
The realization hit you right then. You were going to see all of it. And you didn’t hate the idea.
You’d watched, as if in slow motion, how your boyfriend shoved his underwear down, revealing his plump butt, and got into the bath. Feeling no shame whatsoever, you stood your ground, staring at his bare back.
The water hit his body, languidly running down his smooth skin like a dozen forest streams. From where you were standing you could see the enticing flex of his muscles and the breathtaking curve of his waist. As he leaned in to wet his hair, you pressed a palm to your mouth. This slight voyeurism was making you quite… hot. And bothered.
Swallowing hard, you took a step towards him. You were a bit uneasy with the thought of how he might react. At least you’d hoped that he wouldn’t consider you a complete pervert. But you couldn’t resist the obvious temptation; it was most likely what this bathroom was built for. After all, you still owed him a back hug in your mind from earlier… Surely, he wouldn’t mind that you decided to give it to him now, you thought.
Easily sliding your dress and underwear off, you stopped in front of the glass that was getting foggy already.
‘Dongmin-ah,’ you called, opening the glass door to join him. ‘Noona doesn’t have to wait, does she?’
There was no way you could get a coherent response to your question as your hands wrapped around him and your cheek pressed to his shoulder blade. You felt him freeze for a moment, probably startled by your actions, and then he sighed under his breath.
‘What are you up to now? I thought you wanted me to cool off.’
‘Did you now?’ You hummed, pressing a quick succession of kisses along his spine. ‘Would you like me to stop?’
He pressed his palm to the wall in order to maintain his balance under the attack of your tantalizing hands.
Snaking your hand down to cup his balls, you smiled at his gasp of surprise.
‘That’s what I thought.’
With your body pressed so tightly to his, you didn’t even think twice before grinding on his ass and urging him to moan out loud as your fingers wrapped around his semi-hard penis.
‘Noona…’ He gritted, glutes flexing against your pelvis impatiently. ‘What are you doing…’
‘You don’t like it?’
Dongmin glanced at you over his shoulder before turning to face you. His hands gripped your sides and pushed you into him.
‘Were you watching me this entire time?’ He scolded in his low, velvety voice.
‘It was just a couple minutes,’ you defended weakly and wrapped your arms around his neck, ready to purr as his palms stroked up and down your back.
‘I see.’
You stood like that for a few moments, soaking in the warmth of your entangled bodies while the water splashed you from the side.
‘Didn’t you mention having sand in places it shouldn’t be?’ He murmured, hands dipping lower to squeeze your ass. ‘Want some help with that?’
‘How naughty,’ you snickered, messing up his wet hair even further. ‘Would you rather help me clean up, or...?’
He responded in a heartbeat, gripping you tight before lifting you up to settle you in the bathroom wall niche.
‘But I can always do both,’ he said, readjusting the shower head to splash you with water again.
You squealed and dragged him in the line of fire as well. Inevitably in ten seconds you were both properly soaked.
‘There was no need to get my hair wet. You look sexy like this, and I look like I need to use a hairdryer real bad.’
He ignored your complaints, leaning close and nearly grazing your lips. With your eyes shut, you waited a few seconds but nothing happened.
‘Were you expecting a kiss?’ He grinned in your face, eyes crinkling in mischief. ‘Aw, what a tiny baby…’
Recalling your earlier interactions in the water, you rolled your eyes at him.
‘So, this is your revenge?’ You asked, not resisting as he wrapped your legs around his waist to move even closer. ‘I don’t find it fair since I did let you kiss me. In public.’
He huffed in response to your statement.
‘You call that a kiss?’
Dongmin’s lips suddenly found yours, and you couldn’t avoid the contact. Tilting your head back you hit the tiled surface, but, thankfully, your boyfriend could predict this move. His palm on the back of your head cushioned the hit, and you could only squeak in surprise, parting your lips invitingly.
He wasn’t the type to waste an opportunity like that. And once Dongmin’s tongue was in your mouth, there was no point in fighting him. Your partner was a little too good at French kissing, and you could easily admit to being hopelessly weak to his talent. He was also a toucher, so whenever a makeout session started, his hands would be all over you.
Moaning as he squeezed your breast gently, you pushed against his chest to break the kiss. Your lips were moist, and you were sure it wasn’t because of the water still running, and you licked them in a failed attempt to gather your thoughts together. Dongmin used your momentary struggle to tease you.
‘That is what I call a kiss, noona. You know this.’
You gulped, trying to think of a good comeback. At this point, you really just wanted to surrender. But him being smug about it was an obstacle: you had no intention of pleasing his ego with instant capitulation.
Grabbing a handful of his hair, you pulled hard. His head whipped back, and you didn’t think twice before latching onto his neck hungrily.
Dongmin’s grunt was the single sexiest thing in the entire situation, not even the sight of his broad shoulders that you were holding onto right now or his curvaceous butt that you loved so much could compete with the sound he produced. It was both surprised and pained, loud and husky with pleasure. You could tell he was conflicted about it just from the way his fingers dug into the skin of your sides, almost scratching at your ribcage, while his cock twitched, pressed between your bodies. He needed to get you off of himself but did he want to?
Pulling away from his flushed neck, you tugged at his hair again just to hear him groan beautifully before he used his strength to tear your hand away from his hair.
‘Noona. You know how heavily it bruises,’ he rubbed his neck with the pads of his fingers. ‘Why would you?’
‘On a scale from one to ten,’ you murmured, brushing wet hair out of his eyes. ‘How much did you hate it?’
You touched the tender skin of his neck, just where the redness was growing, and his breath seemed to get shakier.
‘…s-seven,’ he mumbled.
Dongmin cleared his throat, staring at you through his dark eyelashes.
‘Three point seven,’ he offered this time, and you couldn’t help but smile.
‘That’s more like it,’ you hummed, finding his frowning lips in a quick peck.
Meanwhile, he reached down to wrap his fingers around his rock-solid cock to guide it where you both wanted it.
‘Ough-’ You gasped as he bottomed out in one go. ‘Don’t be impatient.’
Your boyfriend’s hips didn’t slow down one bit, although his next thrust seemed slightly more careful. He loved you but he was also damn stubborn.
The glass wall behind Dongmin was getting cloudier from the hot water, which you didn’t hate. The enclosed space seemed snugger now that you were isolated from your surroundings in a way, holding so tightly onto each other. Your skin was slippery under your partner’s fingers, yet he made sure to secure you in his arms. He liked to make it known that once he got you, he wasn’t letting go.
‘Mm- Dongmin-ah,’ you moaned, clutching his shoulder to ground yourself as he kept thrusting quickly.
‘There,’ he finished for you, already knowing what you wanted to express from the way that you tightened around him.
‘Yes, fuck-’
‘Don’t you wish you were more compliant earlier?’ He chuckled darkly, knowing damn well his hips were steadily pushing you towards your release.
The curses you muttered only spurred him on. He got fired up easily, and wanted nothing more than to see and hear you come undone. Especially when he felt he was denied something – like access to your body.
‘I’m… so close, Min-ah, please- You feel so good.’
You knew he liked to stay in control, so instead of bickering with him mid-sex, you just let him know how great he was at what he was doing. A tiny smile that he couldn’t contain revealed that he was pleased with the option you decided to take. With that, he got slightly more determined and aggressive in his thrusting. Patience was not the virtue that he possessed, so you simply closed your eyes, focused on the grind of your bodies.
‘God, I love you so much,’ he gritted, letting out a curse under his breath.
The words were muffled, but you heard them loud and clear. A pleasant shiver ran down your spine, and you moaned, muscles clenching around his cock. The smooth sensation of his length sliding in and out of you made your legs start to tremble.
‘Dongminie-’ You wailed as his hips kept up the brutal pace that brought you to your release so quickly.
He was still going fast and strong while you yelped, on the verge of pushing him away.
‘I’m there, I’m there… Y/N! Agh-’
Dongmin’s voice reverberated from the walls, not even absorbed by the thickened fog around you that you barely noticed. He groaned loudly as he came, and your pussy quivered while you took all of what he was giving you.
Resting his forehead in the crook of your neck to get a breather, he ran his hands up and down your damp waist. You allowed him a moment to gather his strength, finding his slumped shoulders and stroking them along with his back. There were still butterflies in your stomach – either from your recent orgasm, or from him sneaking in the words you cherished so much, or both.
His hands soon reciprocated.
‘Dammit.’ He cursed, turning his head to kiss your neck that was in close proximity. ‘I feel like I could go again.’
The announcement made you squirm. Going several rounds was more than fine with you, but the bathroom wasn’t really suited for his appetites. You could barely hold your balance on wet tile, and it was also getting too hot and humid for your taste.
‘Are you cold?’ He asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
You realized his palm was slowly caressing your back, feeling almost scorching against your skin.
‘Not too cold. But I’d still prefer to continue after we finish the shower.’ You suggested, hoping that he wasn’t dead set on milking the bathroom thing further.
‘Noona needs to lie down. I got it.’
You were both grateful and annoyed at his answer.
‘Noona can very well be on top if someone lets her.’
He quickly let you down from the niche you were occupying. Just to remind you how much taller and broader than you he was, for sure.
‘Someone prefers to have noona underneath. Nice and pliable.’
‘It has to be your way, doesn’t it?’
You exchanged naughty chuckles.
‘Come on. Haven’t you been imagining exactly this since the moment you saw the bathroom area? I’m not entirely convinced it was my way just now.’
‘Oh well. I guess I’ll have to convince you once we get to the bedroom.’
‘Who said I wanted to relocate?’ He asked, eyes narrowing at you cunningly.
You were positive that next time you should go for a glass jacuzzi to get the best of both worlds. It’s bigger, warmer, comfier… And still see-though. And hot as hell.
Dongmin snorted, inspecting the pensive expression on your face.
‘I’ll give you a five-second head start to reach the bed. If I catch you on the way… We’re doing it here.’
In any other situation you would’ve called him out for his childishness. This time, however…
You were out the glass door in a heartbeat.
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A/N: Thank you for reading!! Please comment and reblog if you'd like to support me ✨ I don't write for fandoms other than EXO often, so feedback is important to me~
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blissfullsvn · 4 months
between the lines pt. 2
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pairing. academic rival!taesan x reader genre. fluff word count. 2.5k warnings. reader is allergic to coffee & shorter than taesan a/n. read pt. 1 before this! but once again, the academic rivals are not academic rivaling here bcs they’re busy being (ironically) stupid 👎 anw, long-awaited pt. 2 is out! feedbacks are vv appreciated <3 pt. 1 | masterlist
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taesan is kind of regretting his decision.
when you had reluctantly stood up and rested your weight over him, he was nothing but nervous. it was the first time you had ever been this close to him, your body directly pressing against his, and it took everything in him to not break into a bundle of nerves. or at least, not enough for it to be visible—he would rather redo that hellish test he took last week than make you see him like this.
his determination had proven to be difficult—extremely difficult—when he felt your cheek land on the curve between his neck and shoulder, the warmth of your breaths tickling his skin. he hoped you couldn’t see the goosebumps on his skin, or the way the hair on his nape stood.
that had been the only movement from you since he hoisted you up, and he was already walking out of the building, which took a considerable amount of time from the student council office. judging from how quiet you had been all throughout, he expected silence to blanket him all the way to your dorm as he assumed that you had fallen asleep again.
that was when his words had bounced back to slap him across the face.
the weight on his shoulder lifted, and he felt your gaze from behind him. “han taesan,” you called, breaking the quietness of the street.
“hmm?” he responded gently, and lifted you up to adjust your position.
you had allowed another beat to pass before you opened your mouth, and that was when the dam shattered.
taesan immediately slows down his steps in surprise, and he merely blinks at what he’s hearing. every single word you utter out only makes him more baffled, because what you’re saying should never be said aloud, especially in public. even now, you’re still throwing out the most creative expletives he could’ve gone his entire life without knowing, not to mention the concern you’re starting to instill in him over his own life.
but despite all of this, he can’t take you seriously when your cold has made your voice so nasal that all he can think about is how adorable you sound, on top of the fact that you’ve dropped your head to his shoulder again in the midst of your life-threatening remarks. your cheek is squished against his jacket, making your words come out in a mumble, and he can’t help but be absolutely endeared. even when you’re cursing at him like your rent’s due.
so, yes, he’s aware that maybe what you’re saying isn’t something which warrants a reaction like his, but how can he help himself when you’re even cuter in this state?
hence, even though you’ve cursed him out a total of 81 times within the past five minutes, he’s not offended. if anything, he’s amused, though he is seriously considering the depth of your feelings towards him.
“did you eat the wrong medicine?” you mumble slowly, eyebrows furrowed in genuine concern. “possessed by another entity?” you sniffle. “or shoved a pipe down your throat?—wait,” you pause, sniffling again. “that’s what i want to do... to you… but i’d be concerned if you did it to yourself….” you trail off, as if thinking about the possibility. “i digress. are you insane?”
taesan can’t hide the amusement that escapes in a form of a poorly-hidden chuckle.
“are you laughing?” your tone is accusing. “there’s seriously something wrong with you,” you say, and he spends another few minutes getting told off for everything he’s done wrong to you in your book. he remains silent the entire time, as he has been since you began talking, until he hears something that makes him feel indicted for the first time.
“...and that one time,” you sniffle, “you gave me a cup of coffee back in our first semester… you were trying to murder me, weren’t you?” you huff, but ironically, you’re tightening your arms around his shoulders.
“i genuinely didn’t know you were allergic!” he lets out almost petulantly, feeling incriminated. “if i had known, i would’ve never done that….” he trails off, then adds quietly, “there’s no way i would.”
you raise your head, looking at the empty roads beside the sidewalk as you ponder for a bit before your cheek falls back on his shoulder. “i’ll admit that was a bit of a reach. i won’t apologise though,” you say, and he can only let out an incredulous snicker. 
“and i suppose,” you add, “if you had such sinister intentions behind your pretty face, i would’ve been dead by now.”
taesan widens his eyes, slows his steps. the tips of his ears are hot, but he plays it off when he asks teasingly, “you think i’m pretty?”
“of course. i’m not blind,” is your immediate response. you say it so candidly that it catches him off guard, and his plan to fluster you instantly backfires on him. he’s just glad you can’t see his face, because he’s sure he resembles the red light ahead the empty roads.
“oh my god, han taesan.” you suddenly raise your head, looking down at him in disbelief. he panics at your reaction, ready to spew out excuses about why he’s full-on blushing, when he hears what you say next.
“did you offer to carry me home to distract me? to make me think about this moment over and over again and lose sleep over this and mess up my speech during the election so you can end up becoming the president? is this your grand plan?”
taesan has noticed that you become, for lack of better words, a yapper when you’re sick, but he didn’t think that your imagination would go overboard in this state too. nonetheless, he easily pushes the observation away when he deciphers the meaning behind your words and he doesn’t miss the chance to spin the tables around.
“i’m flattered, y/n,” he says, biting back his grin with a blush that’s still visible, but a lot more subdued. “i didn’t know i had this much of an effect on you.”
it seems you’ve finally registered what you just said, as he feels you freeze up behind him, and all he can do is try to suppress the smile that threatens to stretch across his face. he’s slowed down his steps considerably because he knows he’ll arrive at your dorm soon, but you’re already jumping off his back before he can realise.
“have a terrible night,” you say with a painfully straight face and walk off briskly, but halt in your tracks almost immediately.
“you left your bag,” taesan says, hiding his amusement behind his hand as he holds up the backpack he’s been carrying together with you.
you turn and stalk to him, grabbing it wordlessly before taking long strides away from him to disappear from his view.
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when you wake up in the morning, it feels just as humiliating as the time you called han taesan when you were drunk (you had ended up cursing at him for fifteen minutes straight, and he somehow hadn’t cut you off once), which had become one of your top miserable moments in life.
no, this is even more humiliating, because at the very least you could use the excuse of intoxication before, but you had been fully sober this time.
it takes a little more effort to get up today, but before long, you’re heading out of your dorm quietly to not wake your roommate. despite being ten minutes later than usual, the student council office is still empty by the time you arrive. you can only be grateful, because the dread that had clawed at your skin as you stood before the door was intense—you really didn’t want to face him.
you find yourself hating the joy you dumbly felt a few moments ago, because the moment you take a seat, the door opens and of course it’s the person you wanted to avoid the most today.
you don’t greet taesan or even spare him a glance as you pull out your laptop and place it on the desk, but you see him inching closer from your peripheral vision. with your eyes lasered on your laptop screen, you pretend to not notice until he’s directly next to you and you have no choice but to address him.
wordlessly, he places a bag next to your laptop and walks to his usual seat on the opposite side of the conference table. your gaze follows him momentarily before you turn back to the bag. you take a peek and immediately raise an eyebrow when you see three different cold medicines, your favorite candies, and a cup of hot green tea—the same one you bought last night.
you look up at taesan, who seems to be darting his gaze everywhere but at you, but the door is already opening again as more members enter the office for the meeting. you keep your eyes on him for a little longer, who’s still adamant on not looking over, until you finally break your gaze when the meeting starts.
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after you’re dismissed, you immediately call out for taesan, who looks up like a meerkat at your voice. you ask him to stay in the room for a little longer and pointedly ignore the meaningful looks from your fellow council members, who quickly file out of the room sensibly.
the moment the door shuts behind them, you raise the bag he gave you, shaking it slightly. “are you trying to bribe me?” you interrogate, straight to the point.
taesan only blinks, as if he's trying to process what you just asked, before his lips part and one corner of his lips quirks up in what can only be a scoff of disbelief. “are you serious?” he shakes his head, but not unkindly. 
“i mean—” you falter, finally realising how you came off. “thank you,” you say, and the way he instantly brightens up reminds you of a cat at the sight of treats. “but,” you add, and he shrivels. “why?”
he swipes his bottom lip with his tongue and flattens the hair on his nape as he says, “you’re sick.”
“i’m… aware,” you reply, forcing down the recent memories that floated to the top of your head. “i just—” you pause, looking down at the bag in your hands to gather your thoughts before you face him again. “people don’t usually do this for those they hate.”
taesan blinks. once, twice, thrice. the immediate rigidness from him is so noticeable that the air almost turns icy around you. you’ve never had a comfortable one, but the silence that falls over you is suddenly too loaded, too overbearing. 
but then his eyes lock onto yours, as if he’s finally seeing you, and the edges of his demeanour instantly melt away. he’s looking at you so softly, reminiscent of his expression in your memories, that it strangely makes you fidgety.
“y/n,” he calls, which suddenly feels too loud in the room with no one else but the two of you. he rounds the table and walks towards where you stand on the opposite side, stopping a few feet away. 
you look up at him, and it’s the first time you’re noticing how tall he actually is. like this, him staring down at you with eyes that hold too much, you feel a little… nervous.
though his expression is still construed as bewildered, you can feel his gentleness radiating from every cell, as if he’s holding a flower in his hands he’s afraid to crush. “i don’t hate you,” he says, voice barely above a whisper. “i don’t think i ever could.”
oh. you think, and you can feel the puzzle pieces start to align in your head. “but… you’re always trying to rile me up.” you find yourself furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, the pieces repelling each other again. 
he caresses his nape, looking down sheepishly. “i thought… we were having friendly banter,” he says, then looks over at you through his eyelashes. “i’m sorry for upsetting you,” he says, and the sincerity in his tone is so evident that it takes you aback.
“oh.” you think aloud this time, surprised by the unfamiliarity of the man before you. “it’s… okay,” you reply. then, you suddenly realise how dramatic you’ve been, and you feel your cheeks heat up uncontrollably. “i’m… sorry too, for all the times i’ve been rude to you.” you lower your head and shut your eyes, too embarrassed to look at him.
taesan laughs, a hearty sound that surrounds you like a warm blanket. you open your eyes, realising it’s the first time you’ve heard him like this, and look up to capture the moment. he’s laughing toothily, eyes crinkled into half-moons as he hovers one hand over his mouth. as you take in the sight of him in awe, you suddenly realise that this may be what has been beneath your emo rival’s irritating remarks all this time.
when you look back at all the times taesan has interacted with you, you don’t know why you thought he hated you. besides his tendency to, in his words, banter with you in class and the student council, he’s always tolerated your ridiculousness—from that call where he had simply asked if you needed a ride home after listening to your insults, to carrying you on his back all throughout the relatively long walk to your dorm just because you said it in passing.
you furrow your eyebrows. the puzzle pieces are moving closer again.
“taesan,” you call out before you can stop yourself. as of this moment, your mouth has disconnected from your brain as you try to fit the puzzle correctly, so you find yourself spitting out the question without a warning. “do you like me?”
the way he stiffens instantly would be comedic if not for the fact that you had asked a question that could break the truce you just formed. the realisation finally dawns on you, and panic starts to set in as you see his reaction. “you don’t have to answer that, i didn’t mean to—”
“y/n,” taesan cuts you off effectively. for a moment, only silence can be heard between you, and you hope he doesn’t catch your erratic heartbeat from your nervousness.
then, he offers a small smile. “give me a chance to answer this properly next time,” he says extra softly, as if he’s afraid of scaring you away. “for now, just know that, even if you drunk-dial me to yell at me again or curse at me all throughout another piggyback ride,” he softens, “i will never be able to dislike you.”
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chewnotchoke · 4 months
i see beauty in everything you do - h.taesan
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requested by anon!
warnings: taesan x fem!reader, reader has low self-esteem, mentions of insecurities, model!taesan x camera shy!reader, extrovert taesan x homebody reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
word count: 1.5k
taesan took you out on a date and it lingered a lot of convincing before he finally persuaded you. you weren’t one who’s fond of taking pictures, going out for a walk, or discovering new places. you were more like a homebody with quite a low self-esteem. your boyfriend, on the other hand, defies the law of harmony—a model, the complete opposite of you.
taesan exudes an ethereal presence. his gaze, piercing and enigmatic; his silhouette, a living canvas adorned with the latest creations of the world's most visionary designers. he was perfect, and from the two years of dating him up to this day, you couldn’t fathom how can one so flawless be in love with you.
“would the art gallery be a good choice?” he asks, making sure you wouldn’t feel even the slightest discomfort like an itch you couldn’t scratch. “hm, yeah. sure!” you timidly answer, knowing that you probably won’t take even a single shot of a picture. he only gives you a reassuring smile. “alright, i’ll make a reservation now.”
taesan knows of it too, he’s your boyfriend after all. he knows of the doubts whispering in your head, and the gloom taking over the landscape of your mind. but he never forgets to reassure you and cheer your spirits up. affirming you with words comes out naturally to him like he was born to praise you, every feature of you. but like the loser you are, you couldn’t help but question if he really means it, or if he’s just saying it because he’s tired of your insecure ass.
“no one could ever be prettier than you.” is what he would always say.
upon arriving at the entrance of the art gallery, your eyes wandered around the people who were there as well. taesan makes sure you don’t cover your pretty face so he tried to stop you from wearing a mask today. you got dolled up for your date, but you still think you didn’t look the best. taesan clasped his fingers onto yours before walking inside the place.
you were welcomed with frames of emotion in picture form hung on the white-washed wall. it felt like the artists were speaking through your soul. you felt a rush of exhilaration and taesan noticed how your gaze were filled wonder, as if the stars themselves had descended to illuminate your eyes.
“you like it here?” you obviously do, but you still answered him “yes! it’s good we went here…” taesan placed a kiss on the top of your head. it wasn’t a while after that moment when a middle-aged woman walked up to you and said, “i think you’re prettier than those paintings.” she left with a smile, and also left you confused.
you looked at taesan, “was she talking about me?” his eyes scanned you up and down, full of adoration, before telling you that the woman was indeed talking about you. you didn’t take it seriously, thinking she must have mistaken you for someone else.
you marched to the next frame and took pleasure in the painting in front of you. taesan stood behind you as he watched you from behind. he loved how the wonders of existence that stand before him, shone brightly, worthy of honor and esteem. and then you heard the shutter of the camera, catching you off-guard. you saw the device on your boyfriend’s hand and ran up to him, asking him to show you the photo. “here, you look pretty.” he says.
“yeah, because it isn’t showing my face.”
“you still do even when it doesn’t.”
while taking a look at your photo, another stranger came up to the two of you with a smile beaming on their face, a lady who’s about the same age as you. before coming, you were prepared with how some people would probably notice your model boyfriend, and so you weren’t surprised anymore if women suddenly surrounded him and asked for his picture.
you thought this lady was the same, she has long legs, big eyes, and a bright smile ‘she looks like taesan’s type.’ you stepped away, giving them space just in case but the lady walked in your same direction and said, “hey! i love your makeup! did you do it yourself?”
you hesitated before answering in case she wasn’t referring to you, but her eyes were glued on you, making you flustered. “uh, yeah! i did my makeup today…”
“girl, you look hella nice!” she waved and left with a smile flashed on her face and did not even bat an eye at your boyfriend, and you knew she really was referring to you. taesan comes over to you, watching your cheeks turn crimson, and cupped your face with his palms.
“my girlfriend really sure is stunning.” you fanned your face, not used to receiving compliments pouring like a rain shower, one after the other. the two of you decided to take a quick rest after all the walking around the room.
“babe, can you take a photo of me? i’ll have to post it on instagram.”
“sure!” taesan posed naturally in front of the frame, making it hard to distinguish which one was a work of art. you looked through the screen with his face on it. taesan’s features were a perfect blend of symmetry and beauty, framed by meticulously styled hair that catches the light with every turn of his head.
his poses exude confidence and charisma no wonder countless brands reach out to him. you have always been a supportive girlfriend and were there for every shoot and schedule he had. you often watch the cameras flash, capturing him in a moment of timeless elegance that will grace the pages of magazines and fashion blogs nationwide.
and there you were, like a shadow lurking in the background fed with comparison, and self-doubt. insecurity wrapped around you like an invisible cloak. but taesan was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for because always brought out the best in you. he’s always there to assure you that there will never be a threat enough to make your palms sweat. in everyone’s eyes, especially in his, you have always been beautiful.
“y/n’s pretty much my muse. she carries an effortless grace that never fails to take my breath away. when it’s just the two of us, her beauty is almost overwhelming, and her beauty stands out above everyone else. when she’s curled in the couch reading a book, or walking downstairs in her pajamas with a messy bun, there’s just an effortless charm to everything she does. if only she could see herself through my eyes, she would know how much she carries a natural charm that touches my heart with warmth and grace. i wish she’s aware that in those moments where she looks at me with unwavering pure love, i know that i’m the luckiest man alive for having the privilege to call her my ‘girlfriend’.” taesan once mentioned you in one of his interviews that you never knew of.
after taking a few shots of photos, taesan invites you to take a photo together. “come here, let me brag about you on my insta too!” you hesitated at first, but you could see in his eyes how much he wanted to capture this moment with you. you barely take photos of yourself but when you do, it’s either always your side profile showing subtle features of yours, or you facing behind. it’s different when you’re with taesan, after all, he brings out the best in you.
you saw this kid, his height barely reaching taesan’s torso, staring at you for a while now. “noona, i can take a photo of you and your boyfriend.” he offers. both you and taesan lightly laughed before handing your phone to the young boy. it’s always during this time when you get self-conscious of smiling in front of others.
“hyung, i want to have a beautiful girlfriend like yours when i grow up.” when the kid caught you smiling from his comment, he took the chance to click the button and take the picture. the photo went out pretty well and you were kinda satisfied, at least your boyfriend looks good. the kid walked closer to the two of you and taesan crouched down to pat his head. “right? but what should we do? i don’t think you can find someone as pretty as her?” taesan teased.
the young boy looks up to you and said, “noona, i hope you know your boyfriend is proud of having you, as much as you’re proud of having him.” then he went back to his parents who were waiting for him with their lips curled. the multiple compliments you got today overwhelmed you in a good way, and you have never felt so good about yourself. you stood in silence, while taesan subtly grips your hand.
“did you hear that? i love you, y/n. and i’m so in love with you.” he pushes the strands of your hair behind your ears before leaning in, gently brushing his lips into yours. there is more beauty in the touch of his lips than in every fashion magazine ever printed. “now let’s go have dinner, shall we?” you agreed and walked together to the exit.
as you approach the exit, a small piece of paper falls from your back unnoticeably.
and there wrote, “please compliment my girlfriend! she deserves all the nice things in the world! -by his loving bf, taesan.”
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i hope you guys loved this one! also, sorry anon if it took quite a while! pls give me your thoughts abt this short fic! enjoyed writing this one please give taesan to Me .
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slytherinshua · 2 months
summary. you invited your boyfriend to help you babysit! here's how he does. genre. fluff. warnings. kids but nothing else. not proofread. pairing. boynextdoor x fem!reader. wc. 675. request. originally a request from lovely 💗 anon for bonedo x baby fever gf reader. i kinda tweaked it a bit to be bnd with kids but implied that reader still has baby fever which is why they babysit <33 a/n. ugh i wish these were a bit better idk i tried my best!! i literally started writing it out as baby fever reader but then i was stumped how to do it differently for all 6 of them so... i hope this is alright ??? net. @onedoornet
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Sungho would do so well with the little girls you babysit. He would be so down to have a princess tea party with them, and they immediately are in love with him from that moment on. I can see them berating you two with questions about your relationship, especially if the girls were around 4 or 5. They successfully get Sungho to admit that yes he’s in love with you and yes he does plan to marry you someday (if he said no then the girls would have said true love was dead). They plead you to invite Sungho over again to play because they had such a good time. 
Riwoo is hesitant. He has no idea whether the kids will like him, much less if he would be any good with them. He hasn’t had much opportunity to be around children or babies, so he’s very cautious. He lets them take the lead, but soon finds that it’s easy to entertain them by challenging them to a dance battle or playing just dance lol. He’d probably win over the kids favour by buying them donut holes as well. Overall, he’s pleasantly surprised at how well it went, and maybe he understands your chronic baby fever just a little more now.
Jaehyun is best with little kids ages 3 and up. His energy matches them so well and he loves to play with them. His imagination also matches that of a little kid, so nothing is out of reach. Whether it’s playing with toys, a board game, or play pretend, he is fully invested in it. Every time he hangs out with the kids you take care of, he ends the day completely exhausted. But you know he had so much fun with the little ones. You just might have to recharge him with a long cuddle sessions cause he swears 6 hours of dance practice is less intensive than 1 afternoon of babysitting.  
Surprisingly he is the number 1 match for your baby fever. He adores babies, especially the infants that you babysit. He loves to hold them, and they love to be held by him even more. His calm demeanour is very soothing for them. I could see any baby falling asleep in his lap super easily. His prior experience with his sister also helps. He knows how to be gentle and patient with kids, and really understands exactly what they need. In his mind there really isn’t anything cuter than babies :( He talks in a slight baby voice to them as well, he really can’t help it. 
I think Leehan would struggle the most. If there’s no common ground between him and the kids, it’ll be hard. But, if any of the kids you babysit are just slightly as weird as Leehan, good luck trying to separate them. I think he would definitely love to draw with the kids, but make sure he is not making any food for them. He’d be unable to say no to whatever they wanted, and they'd either get sick on sweets or sick from impulsively wanting to try his fish food. Then he'll probably be banned from ever going near them again by their parents. Although he doesn’t really get the appeal of little kids, he does admit that it was fun at times to hang out with them. He leaves the babysitting job to you, though.
Woonhak is so good with kids omg!! At the beginning, he matches their energy so well, but he crashes so fast as well. He would accidentally make jokes that the kids take entirely seriously and end up having to comfort them when they cry. But, despite his mistakes, he’s great at rallying all the kids and being the leader for group activities. If you were babysitting 3+ kids at once, he could definitely help keep track of them all and keep them busy. He doesn’t feel confident with babies, though, as he’s worried he might do something wrong. They’re just so fragile and definitely outside of his comfort zone. 
↳ boynextdoor taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @rizzshimura,, @captivq,, @icyminghao,, @eternalgyu,, @metalchick529,,
@schmocolateschmchip,, @kpoprhia,, @candewlsy,, @weird-bookworm,, @blossominghunnie,,
@kangtaehyunzzz,, @snowflakemoon3,, @lovialy,, @lecheugo,, @okshu,,
@wccycc,, @seunghancore,, @ujisworld,, @sobun1est,, @emmylksblog,,
@talkingsaxy,, @talking-saxy,, @nicholasluvbot,, @cupidslovearrows,, @dimplewonie,,
@hrtsvivis,, @50-husbands,, @hursheys,, @kristianities,, @gong-fourz,,
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byeuijoo · 10 months
fake a kiss and heal a heart 𐀔 han dongmin
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pairing — boynextdoor, han dongmin x female reader
genre — fake dating ! au, student ! au, written serie, after break-up situation, angst, fluff
synopsis — if dongmin had known that having his heart broken hurt so much, he would never have fallen in love in the first place. but you managed to fix everything in his bruised heart.
warnings — post break-up, alcool consumption, kissing, angst, sadness, partying, crying, reader is bold, i will mention it at the beginning of each chapter
featuring — apparition of other boynextdoor members
word count — approximately 30-35k or more (currently 15,326)
playlist — makeout with a stranger, bleed, talking body, fast times, into you, cheap wine, crying in the club, treat you better, everytime we touch, love me like you do, the glass, more to be added..
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chapter one. : a broken heart & an unexpected gesture
chapter two. : false emergency & another drink
chapter three. : rain against the window & that thing again
chapter four. : starry freckles on his cheeks & methylene blue stockings
chapter five. : a ridiculous idea & a wasted night
chapter six. : a tune-up & the endlessly spinning vinyl
chapter seven. : wet blue sneakers & the sun through the curtains
to be added..
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taglist — send an ask or comment just below to be added ! @leehanist @hikarii02 @lsmble @wtfhyuck @kjwnsz @en-dream @trashcigs @sulkygyu @florainnie @dazzlingligth @yuma-is-mine @mewhenwonbin @i1oze @snowflakemoon3 @hittoki @lilriswife4life
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emeraldenha · 1 year
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pairing: idol bf!taesan x gn!reader | genre: idol au, established relationship, fluff | warnings: none
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mykoreanlove · 6 months
afraid of love
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Exhausted from the intensity of the night before, you sank into the comforting embrace of your fluffy bed. But even in the tranquility of your room, your mind raced with memories of Eun Woo.
Did he make it so Seoul already?
Images of last night flooded your consciousness like a vivid, intoxicating dream.
Heated kisses on every inch of your body ignited a fire within you, each touch sending shivers down your spine and leaving you breathless with desire. Eun Woo's lips, soft and insistent, traced a path of passion across your skin.
His dark, brown eyes seemed to peer into the depths of your soul, stripping away all pretense and laying bare the raw, unfiltered emotions that lay hidden within. In those moments, it felt as though you were the only two people in the world, lost in a shared intimacy that transcended words.
Your bodies intertwined for hours, moving together in a dance of ecstasy and longing. Every touch was a symphony of pleasure that left you both gasping for breath.
Dirty promises were whispered into your ear, each word sending a jolt of electricity coursing through your veins. In the darkness of the night, with only the sound of your ragged breaths to fill the silence, you reveled in the shared intimacy of your whispered confessions, each promise a testament to the passion that burned between you.
As the night wore on, you both became a canvas for each other's desires, covering each other in colorful marks that served as a physical reminder of the passion that had ignited between you.
And as sleep finally claimed you both, you drifted off in his strong embrace, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat lulling you into a peaceful slumber. In that moment, wrapped in each other's arms, you knew that you had found something special, a connection that transcended the physical and reached deep into the depths of your soul.
Adrenaline flooded your system as you thought off all the things you did last night.
Or three nights prior to that. You matched on a random Sunday, after being abstinent from dating for a long time. Eun Woo was in town only for a couple of days for a video shoot but that didn’t stop him from having a good time.
He had been single for years after having his heart shattered by his first love. Ever since, he toyed with women as he pleased.
The first date was spent in his apartment, eating, and talking, cuddling, and fucking.
He was a passionate lover, even though he was starving for love and affection. The second date was a spontaneous invitation late at night, after all his mandatory meetings had been dealt with.
You repeated the first date’s actions but this time it felt more familiar, already knowing what you liked and needed. Eun Woo gave you his all, adoring you in every way he could.
Until he had to leave.
You remembered the sound of his alarm clock this morning, way too early and too sudden. He shifted in his sleep, groaning as he did not want to leave you.
Kisses on your neck were accompanied by his fingers entering you, sighing in appreciation. “God, you feel so fucking good, y/n.”
Minutes after he was gone, catching his plane back to Seoul. You put your fingers on your lips, looking for the traces he had left. The sudden vibration of your phone brought you back into the present moment.
I landed. Tired as fuck though. How are you?
Missing you.
You didn’t want to get your hopes up – after all he didn’t even live in the same country. This was nothing but a repeated one-night stand, right? You thought back to the conversation you had before falling asleep.
“Do you think there is a future for us?”
He caught you off guard with this question, making you panic to find the right words.
“That depends on how well you treat me, Eun Woo”, you mocked jokingly.
He broke into laughter, loving your sassy side.
“I will love the ground you walk on, my queen. How about that?”
You joined in on his laughter and turned to face him, staring into his beautiful eyes.
“Do you mean it?”
He nodded.
Did you really mean it, though?
Oh, good! Seoul has you back then 😉 Lying in bed and cuddling my plushie since you’re gone…
Did that sound stupid?
Your insecurities churned within you, suddenly you were hyper-aware of everything you said and did.
That’s it?
You felt sick to your stomach as you took that as confirmation. After all, you were right about him. He only used you for some fun during his trip. And now he’s back in his real life, in which you had no place in.
This was nothing but fun to him. Nothing but a repeated one-night stand.
What the fuck?
Barely awake you searched for your phone on your nightstand.
3:33 AM.
Who the fuck texts me at this hour?
You were instantly awake as you realized who it was.
Eun Woo.
I have no idea if you’re awake. You’re probably asleep. And I shouldn’t blow up your phone. But I can’t help myself.
Anxiety formed in your stomach.
What was that supposed to mean?
Are you okay?
It took him seconds to answer.
You’re awake? Did I wake you? I’m sorry.
You sat up in bed, anxiously typing your reply.
It’s alright. Why are you up? Everything okay?
You saw him type his reply for minutes, driving you crazy in your heightened state.
No. Nothing is okay. I can’t stop thinking about you.
You swore your heart skipped a beat.
Did I read that right?
I can’t stop thinking about you and it drives me crazy.
You gasped, trying to think of a reply.
You make it sound like it’s a bad thing…
Countless messages followed.
It is. Because you are not here with me. And I’m not there with you. I… I didn’t want to leave you this morning. I wanted to stay. With you, y/n. I really wanted to stay.
You pinched yourself, unsure if this was real.
Definitely real.
I know I sound crazy. Maybe I am. But I have fallen for you. HARD. The last hours I’ve thought about how I can manage to come back to your city. Or how I could persuade you to come visit me in Seoul. I almost popped a blood vessel thinking of ways. What did you do to me?
You chuckled. Relief washed over you, since he felt the same way you did.
I keep replaying last night over and over. How mesmerizing it felt to look into your beautiful eyes. How amazing it felt to kiss you. How mind-blowing it felt to be inside you. Oh god and speaking of blowing. The way your juicy lips wrapped around my cock? I’m losing my mind here, y/n. I’ve jerked off twice and still I couldn’t fall asleep. Or stop thinking about you. I’m a simp now, aren’t I? Look what you turned me into.
You were in shock.
Hours ago, you thought he would abandon you and go on with his life but here he was, confessing his desire for you. Making it obvious that he wants to continue this and get to know you better.
Now is the time to get my hopes up, right?
Do you want me to fly over?
You felt brave asking, believing in your chance at love for once.
Already checking flights, babe.
A broad smile formed on your lips.
I can’t believe this.
He is serious, isn’t he?
I can’t wait to be with you, y/n. I really fucking mean it. And that scares me the most.
You understood him perfectly, especially since the connection between you was so strong. This was nothing like you had ever encountered before. It scared you just as much, but you were willing to try.
Hey, uhm… Wanna be scared together?
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unhakzlvr · 2 months
03 ; don't fumble challenge go! warnings : nothing i think !!!
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taglist : @downmainstreet @honniebabez @nujeskz @snoozbin @lovaeri @seunghancore @shoberi @sainns @yujinify @haechology @5ofclubs @jlheon @woorcve @love-4-keum @molensworld
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word from wam 🗯️ shud i spam post chps or nawt...
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