#dont know lugnut x strika ship name
angelbroad · 1 year
TFA incorrect quotes
Strika: I’ve been dropping him the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.
Lugnut: Wow. He sounds stupid.
Strika: But he's not. He's really smart actually. Just dense.
Lugnut: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… 'Hey! I love you!'
Strika: I guess you’re right. Hey Lugnut, I love you.
Lugnut: See! Just say that!
Strika: Holy fragging shit.
Lugnut: If that flies over his head then, sorry Strika, but he's too dumb for you.
Strika: Lugnut.
*The squad is having dinner together*
Strika: Lugnut, can you pass the salt?
Lugnut: *Throws Marjorie across the table*
Marjorie, Cyclonus, and Blackarachnia are sitting on a bench
Optimus: Why do you guys look so sad?
Marjorie: Sit down with us so we can tell you.
*Optimus sits down*
Cyclonus: The bench is freshly painted.
Megatron: I was born for politics. I have a great paint job and I love lying.
Strika: From now on we will be using code names.
Strika: You can address me as Eagle One.
Strika: Lugnut is “been there done that”.
Strika: Optimus is “currently doing that”.
Strika: Blitzwing is “it happened once in a dream”.
Strika: Shockwave is “if I had to pick a dude/gal/enby”.
Strika: And Marjorie is...
Strika: Eagle Two
Marjorie: Oh thank god.
Shockwave: Hey Marjorie can I get a sip of your energon?
Marjorie: It's not energon.
Shockwave: High-grade, on the job?
Marjorie: It's gasoline.
Shockwave: Wh-Wha-
Marjorie: It's gasoline, COWARD.
Megatron: I think I'm falling for you.
Optimus: Then get up.
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