angelbroad · 1 year
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"Bombs Away"
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Do you ever think about giving Megatron relatives other than his sparklings? Like siblings or parents.
Because I read a fic, ages ago at this point, that had Galvatron be TFA Megatron's twin and well that turned into my new headcanon. Also, because the thought of the Tron twins being into mechs with two tall structures on their helm amused me because I shipped Megatron/Shockwave and Galvatron/Cyclonus.
I've actually thought about that a nice amount! I've ran plotlines that mention a brother which I think that one was inspired by that exact fic you're talking about (which is probably Battlesleep?) Aaaand I've thought about the idea of giving him a carrier just to have them arrive on earth and let chaos ensue (most of those plotlines involve him having a poor relationship with them)
I ran a ai dungeons story a couple years ago that had Megazark as his older brother, which I think I saw in a tfa fic somewhere else as well?
Also yes you're right that's hilarious as hell actually
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angstyastro · 1 year
wait im new to mass effect and am romancing thane for hot dilf reasons pls tell me all about vakarios, i only ever see people talk about garrus not thane
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Oh BOY anon you’ve got a big thing coming on my vakarios brain rot Okok SO sit back and lemme just word dump on you on why and how I just really love me vakarios so much:
SO first things first don’t get me wrong I am a huge sucker for thane/Shepard, garrus/Shepard and specifically thane/shepard/garrus because i have personal headcanons etc and my canon is always Shakarios BUT vakarios is my thane/garrus part of all this
I love the idea of garrus/thane realizing they have a lot of parallels to eachother and thane seeing a bit of himself in garrus:
Thane talks about being in battlesleep for 10 years after the death of his wife Irikah where he basically went on a revenge quest and killed everyone involved in her murder. He comes to realize he made a mistake in terms of not staying with Kolyat and ultimately revenge not giving him the fulfillment he needed.
Garrus can be labeled as a man who is going through his own battlesleep after Shepard dies. For 2 years he basically said fuck it and went to omega to “clean up” and seek Justice against the criminals that he couldn’t take down in c-sec. It’s implied that he was devastated after Shepard died no matter if fem/bro shep and then it just snowballs when he’s betrayed by Sidonis. Garrus falls into his own small form of battlesleep given you can’t really talk to him much as Shepard until he tells you about his revenge quest for a loyalty mission.
I like to see the Normandy crew in me2 as a ragtag group of people who come together and become something of a family so they all get to see the ugliest and best sides of eachother and I love the concept thane and garrus would become good friends based off being snipers at first but then relating over the histories they’ve had. Thane is able to relate to Garrus’s seeking of revenge and has a different perspective over it.
Now when you play as Shepard and you go the route of stopping him from killing Sidonis consider that you’re kind of replicating the whole thing that thane went through with Irikah. Irikah stepped in thane’s way to stop him from killing someone and Shepard is doing the same for garrus.
It’s not until after this that Garrus will begin to see things clearer and differently and I love the concept of both thane and garrus realizing they have so much in common. This also can happen if Sidonis is killed. Garrus may be filled with that void of it not really helping him solve anything. He killed him via battlesleep and is barely coming out of it with the help of Shepard and crew.
Another thing is Garrus isn’t a stranger to losing someone close to him because of illness. His mother becoming sick etc has him as one of the only people on the Normandy who would probably know how to care for and make things as relaxing/comfortable for someone going through something similar (thane w his keprals) and like consider them just bonding over this in general.
And last but not least thane and his dry fuckin humor would make him and Garrus really close.
All in all I am a fan of every ship/crackship/rarepair etc because It’s fun to pair characters so i know vakarios isn’t for everyone but hell it makes me happy and lots of possibilities for it so :3 thanks for letting me ramble anon.
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thewickedkat · 1 year
Orym falling into battlesleep makes my heart hurt
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The Concierge Greets A Ghost (Part 38)
Once upon a time, a very long time ago, you were more than a mere concierge.
Once, you were considered an assassin deadlier than most others. Bloodthirsty, ruthless, you cared little for the lives of others. The only thing that mattered was the Hunt. And you were very good at that.
Once, there was a man who made you think twice. Were you naught but a mindless drone for the High Table? Or were you a human, with thoughts and feelings and desires?
Once, you helped a man who made you wake from your battlesleep.
Once, you were repaid with blood and scars and useless hands.
It nears midday where you are, standing at your counter, your head buried in reports from your housekeeping staff. Your eyes are glued to the screen, checking rooms, checking reports.
Sharp, crisp footsteps get louder and louder. Someone is coming. Not uncommon for the time of day, it's time for check ins. Briefly, you check the screen for any incoming bookings - none that you haven't already checked in.
So you raise your head, eyes seeking out whoever is approaching the desk.
And promptly freeze.
"Good afternoon," the man inclines his head and takes his hat off.
It takes you a moment to unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth. "Good afternoon. How may I help?" Thank the stars for the reflexive blurting of your greeting.
He looks the same. That's all you can think.
He looks the exact same. As if time had not passed at all.
Head shaved bald, crystal clear eyes, wide shoulders set back, spine straight.
Unable to stop yourself, your eyes drop to his hands. His ring finger is missing.
His eyes likewise drop to your gloved hands, folded over your belly.
He knows what you gave. And you, him.
"You look well," he says softly, pressing his hat against his chest in a gesture of respect.
His voice startles you out of your stunned state. Blinking once, you incline your head politely. "As do you." After all, the last time you saw him, he was worn, bloodied, sweat-drenched. Hounds nipping at his heels, men scouring the streets looking for him. His wide back and bare head getting smaller and smaller as he walked away and onto a boat to escape.
You thought he had died not long after that. After all, you remember his mission. You should have known that the Elder would never let someone so deadly die just like that.
Indeed, his dark suit is pressed, his shoes shined, and his briefcase...thin. Light. Papers only. He's not here for you or for the Manager.
He sits his briefcase on the floor and stands before your desk, his hat placed neatly on the counter, his hands by his sides. "It's been a long time." Those clear blue eyes rove around the lobby. Over your staff, who look at him warily, like prey trapped under a fox's paw. Over your guests, who stiffen like predators catching whiff of a hunter. Over you, who look at him with dead, dead eyes, and a blank expression. "You're no longer an Emissary."
"No." Is your only answer. Your shoulders remain relaxed despite the man's title. "I am not."
He nods solemnly, his sharply chiseled face unmoving. Looks at your hands. Understands. Someone who cannot shoot a gun reliably has no place at the High Table's feet. "Is the Hotel managed by the same owner?"
Now that is an answer which touches less on your shared, bloodied history. "No," you reply evenly. "The Hotel changed hands some six years ago." Just after...all of that.
The man barely blinks, but he does look down at your hands. "I see."
"Do you wish to see the Manager?" Your hands don't move.
Clear blue eyes meets yours. A moment passes, an emotion flicks through that clear gaze, but eventually he shakes his head. "No, I do not," his voice is quiet. Calm. "I simply...wished to lay eyes on you. To...understand."
What he had wrought. What he had caused. The destruction left in his wake.
"Do you regret it?" He asks you, all gentle-like. For all that he had a hulking build, you had always thought of him as a gentle personality. If he were born into a different world, brought up a different way, perhaps he would have a gentler life. As many would. As you would, no doubt.
To answer him, you blink once, and murmur, "No." Better a leash you choose than one that is forced upon you. "Do you?"
You can see him clench his left fist. Relax it. Can see the missing space where his ring finger would be.
He hesitates, his clear eyes never leaving yours. You can see behind them - the same desire for freedom that spurs John Wick on over in New York; the same sadness that you saw when you first met him. For all the effort that he had put in, he is back where he started.
Same as you.
Same, but different.
He doesn't answer you, but he doesn't need to. You see it in his eyes. His silence speaks louder than any words could.
He regrets it, but not.
He doesn't regret it, but does.
You incline your head in a shallow nod. An acknowledgement of all that he cannot say. You know. You know all too well.
"Is there something that I can assist you with today, sir?" In lieu of continuing any topic, you elect for something safe. A question. Your thumb rubs against the top of your hand. A silent gesture that he notices, picks up, his clear blue eyes only dropping an inch before meeting your eyes again.
An old sign that used to mean 'were you followed'.
He shifts his weight from left to right, taking precisely three seconds to do so. An old answer that used to mean 'I am monitored'.
It seems that even six years, a sacrificed finger, and his declared loyalty isn't enough to earn him the High Table's full trust.
"I would like to enquire after the services of your Tailor, please," he rumbles instead, the gentleness in his voice slowly ebbing away like the receding tide. 'Fortify yourself and your safehouse, but don't let anyone know. They will come looking'.
A single gold coin is placed on the counter and slid towards you by two thick fingers. Another silent sign. He is not here on High Table business.
You take the coin with three fingers, the metal scratching over the marble counter. A silent response - 'keep me updated'.
"Of course," you say, turning to look at the calendar. "The Tailor will see you on the hour; please, make yourself comfortable."
The man puts his hat back on and picks up his briefcase, nodding to you. "Thank you. Please tell the Tailor that I am in need of something for an evening function, perhaps something...opulent." To anyone who happens to listen in on your conversation, you are simply taking notes on his request, typing them into your computer.
But you...your blood runs cold. Your fingers move by habit only, your mind transferring his words onto the text box before you can catch up with your brain.
'Evening function'. The appointment of an imperator.
'Opulent'. There is only one person connected to the High Table and its seats whose tastes can be considered opulent.
"I will ensure the Tailor is informed." By habit, by training, by sheer professionalism alone, your tone is even, your smile polite.
The man tips his hat at you in goodbye. "Concierge."
You drop your hands from the keyboard and fold in their customary way over your belly. Less out of habit, more to hide the slight shake in them. In goodbye, you bow slightly. "Harbinger."
For a second time in your life, you see his back retreating as he walks away from you. This time, it will be different. This time, you will make sure it is different.
The Manager must be informed.
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blitzy-blitzwing · 2 years
What are your favorite fanfics?
We’d be here all night, buddy.
But I do like Battlesleep and this. 👀
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pastelpaperplanes · 3 years
Battlesleep? What is that?
Battlesleep is a primarily megop fic that’s been ongoing for guess ehh six years now? Multi chaptered and HELLA dramatic, a bit on the darker side (mind those tags) but a great story and it has interesting take on Cybertronian biology
I think I’d consider it to be a more well-known fic, but maybe that’s just bc l’ve stumbled across more fanart/recommendations for it compared to a lot of others out there. But eh, well-known is relative anyways
Basically the plot picks up after S3, it’s got all that post-war drama, break outs, political drama, hard conversations of buried pasts, and YEARNING
It’s definitely one of the more entertaining fics I think bc it centers around a bunch of different sub plot lines!! like for example Sentinel and Sari’s little escapades are HILARIOUS, the end of chapter logs are so FUNNY and add a lot subtly implied details to backstories and Cybertronian media regulations oh it’s the best!!
I don’t wanna spoil too much but let’s just say the title of the fic alone when it has its context revealed floored me and oh I was hooked. SO MUCH MORE makes sense and again I think this author’s interpretation of warframe and civilian frame dynamics/biology is FASCINATING
it took me long enough to start it but yessss it’s a good megop fic for sure, there’s a lot of humor mixed into the plot, the way Op is written cracks me up (he’s so done. let him have a vacation or I stg), there’s a lot of variety in dynamics, the original characters written in are the BEST, and it’s a good read that will blue ball you like no other talk about a slow burn >:3
eh, those are my ramblings! 10/10 recommend
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rabbitonmoon · 2 years
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"Lugnut deserves a few barrels of high-grade oil as a reward." 
 A gift for  @reyairia @lyresnake from a Chinese reader 氧化钙CaO (Lofter@lanyanyunlin)
About chapter 32 of Battlesleep
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primus-why · 6 years
*loud, maximum gaspage*
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angelbroad · 7 months
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New tfa!Marjorie Brock dropped in the Allspark Almenac
The first one is the version of Marjorie's body he had built from Megatron's arm, while the second is the updates he installed on himself and the paint job he received during his mission-turned-initiation among the Decepticons.
Inspired by "Battlesleep".
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I know this will likely never happen but if any other TF media ever portrays the Autobots and Decepticons as "different builds, one civilian and one military" again like the G1 cartoon and Animated did I would also like the idea of how messed up the idea of a kill-bot being sapient is to be explored. The idea of a sapient being, robotic or otherwise, coming into the universe with a gun in their hands and knowing how to use it well is pretty twisted and disturbing if you think about it!
IDW (and cyberverse in regard to the "perfect Decepticons" to some degree?) Have kinda explored this question, but you're right and honestly it's one of those things that I think should be thought about in greater detail.
I'd love to explore more about tfa's universe as it's got some seriously unique takes on the command structures and history in it, with such a large divide between the Decepticons and autobots. Like weren't the Starscream clones exactly what you described, as well as the s3 finale giant Omega Supreme slash sort of Lugnut clones? There's also Omega Supreme himself which if i can recall was onlined to be a big hitting weapon.
I was gonna cap it off at that but I started tag talking again so here's the screenshots of that (consider some of it)
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labyrithinacouture · 6 years
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pizzazz-party · 3 years
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Gift for you @reyairia @lyresnake! Based on chapter 37 of Battlesleep.
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taimanzano · 7 years
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Super extra mega delayed gift for the awesome @reyairia ! ;w; I wish you all the best and I’m glad and grateful to know you <333
A scene from her and Zuzeca’s awesome fic Battlesleep, which I really love *v* Megs and OP’s interactions are just priceless and the fic always, ALWAYS, makes me laugh a lot and puts a grin in my face for several hours every time <3
Goes without saying, if you’re not reading it —which is unlikely— you definitely need to!!!
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you know like when they uhhhh when uhhhh you know when they ummmmm when they uhh
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pastelpaperplanes · 3 years
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been finding a common genre in some megop fics
gotta love a villain who falls head over heels for the first one who has the gall to back talk them 😔🤌
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