#dont know who they are but man they are my ideals for a perfect fanfic couple
danmeigirl · 5 months
Can someone write a fanfic on them already 😭 ..
Handsome royals in love!!
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syre-stane16 · 3 months
Sorry about how long this took, I told myself that I won't complete this series until I finish and publish another chapter of my fanfic. So I did. Then the exams :,-[
Ok, let's begin.
Cryo is associated with love in Genshin. I believe this comes from the 'the Snow Queen' by Hans Christian Anderson, where shards of a broken mirror corrupts the heart. So I can see an association there…
Ice is used as a preservative which is already perfect for Qiqi.
Ice is pretty, I can make a case for purity, clarity and Knowledge (because of the preservation aspect).
In terms of negative aspects: cold(world shattering idea over here), danger, isolation and slippery(trickster characters or smt)
let's begin.
Pretty boy already has the beauty aspect, however remember that there's more than meets the eye with this man. While I don't believe he's a completely bad person, I do think he could be a pretty dangerous character and so Varka was in the right keep him close.
Of course the slippery aspect works nicely with this man, I will make a case for isolation as well. Even if he does have people he cares about in Mondstadt, the dude that he should be closest to is Diluc, and well...
Also, Kaeya being aware of his role as a spy would further his feelings of isolation. The dude he trusted with that info blew up on him and the only other person we see him genuinely like is Klee.
Him being Kheanrian also allows him an association with the preservation aspect. He was told that his role would be vital for Kheanria.
Kaeya idolises family, he see's it as a very important part of a person's life. This results in one of the few concrete ideals this man exhibits. According to his informant Vile, he doesn't work with people who hurts other's families.
Abandoned by his biological dad [ I don't care if its for a good cause, its still abandonment,] he was adopted by Crepus, who died and had then falling out with his brother. I think we can safely state that he has familial issues.
Received the vision during THE altercation with Diluc. :/
Diona's a bartender, and ice is an important part in cocktail mixing. She's open about her goals to dismantle the wine industry so we'll put her under clarity. She plays this cold, i-dont-care-about-you character, which is adorable when a child does it.
Her reasons for toppling down the wine industry is due to her father, the man is a drunk and though he doesn't become violent whilst under the influence, he still worries Diona with this addiction. Also, imagine the responsibilities that child would have. She has to take care of her father when he's in this state. We know she still loves her father though, so she has a complicated family situation.
She got her vision when she went out on a stormy night to find her father after he went missing while drunk.
She definitely loves her father, and her goals come from that love and desire to help him, even if it doesn't solve the root causes of alcoholism.
Rosaria is cold and pretty isolated. She stays away from the activities of the sisters of Barbathos. She draws away from Mondstadt by being indifferent to the FUCKING ARCHON.
The people she tends to hang around with is Barbara [unwillingly], Kaeya [doesnt really trust him] and Venti[ It's Venti, the dude isn't trustworthy anyways]. Basically, her relationships in the tavern trio is, 'These two fucks are sus as hell so Imma monitor them.'
A brief explanation of her family situation. She was taken in and raised by a group of bandits. After betraying her gang, she had to kill her adoptive father. This is where she gets her vision.
She is taken in by Varka, after her 'family' was taken car of by the knights of favonius. She got the second chance since she was STILL A CHILD.
She stays and serves Mondstadt because she wants to repay the kindness she was shown.
[Ok, so I did the research and notes like 2 months ago and I don't remember enough to elaborate on this part and I'm too lazy to go back to research so.... I'm just typing down the notes.]
Familial problems, knowledge, got the vision in a sticky situation, preservation [May come from the fact the my dude's a cartographer.]
Beautiful, dangerous, cold.
She is forced into isolation by her family and the people of Mondstadt due to her family history which is a fucking crappy thing to do. At least she has people on her side, so she's not completely alone.
I'll make a case of preservation, her family is an important part of Mondstadt's past, even if they were on the wrong side of history. bringing a major clan back this time in a positive light will preserve culture. Girl doesn't even deny her families past.
She got her vision during a low moment of her life, being cast out from Mondtsadt and her clan, unable to trade money for goods and services and left to fend for herself.
Preservation because zombie. I guess she could be lonely, but she doesn't notice it that much. Adopted by baizhu. Whatever the FUCK I wrote here.
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As an adeptus, she has the role and duty of preserving Liyue. She was taken in by Cloud Retainer, and her story quest was her feeling lonely.
Reference to the chill you get when encountering spirits? Also his yang energy situation needs to be regulated via cold, so it could just be for mercy.
Obvious case for cold, isolation and danger. She was abandoned by her father and killed the monster she was sacrificed to. The adoptive daughter of Cloud Retainer. She is close with her new family.
Her clan are one of major players in the preservation of Inazuma. Due to her status, she feels isolated from the people she meets.
I'll make a case for Beauty and I've written down purity , which might come from the princess archetype she has going on? [ What was your logic me from two months ago? T-T]
The death of her parents had a toll on her brother, poor dude had to take over a FUCKING CLAN AND THE RESPONSIBILITIES AT THE AGE OF 16. I know Ayaka was also affected by their deaths as bad. And worst of all, one of her major emotional supports can't be close to her during such a hard time in her life.
I'm not saying she has any resentment to her brother or the people he serves, all im saying is that the Kamisato siblings were dealt a bad hand and I want people to appreciate them as much as I do.
I feel a strong case for love, especially towards her brother. Those two are pretty much all they have left.
All I have written down for her is knowledge. I'm gonna add preservation because her sleepy time conscience leaves a mark of her existence in the form of finished assignments.
It's weak, I know.
The knowledge aspect since he's fatus, Isolation [2 months younger me might have noted that due to his depression, hydrate yourselves btw.] I also wrote preservation down, if I wrote the essay down earlier I would've remembered the reason but I didn't and now I'll write more detailed notes, gods damned.
Love toward his siblings in the House of the Hearth, he also received his vision during a mission gone wrong that nearly killed him.
One of the children of the House of the Hearth.
Knowledge, clarity, preservation [pictures], her camera is an act of love from her father.
Chill guy. this dude LOVES, like have you played his story quest? have you seen his interactions? OH MY GODS.
Knowledge and Clarity may be a reference to the eyes and ears he has around the Fortress of Merropied.
He took measures to protect the people of Fontaine during the Flood, and he does protect the people of Merropied.
Orphan, taken in by a family, found out later that he was going to be sold, killed his 'parents', sentenced to prison, made new family. :)
This one was a lot of guessing and decoding on my end, which is completely on me, my notes should be better.
The broken family before finding a new one trend was interesting to me, it's not all characters but enough to get me wondering.
Is this what the Tsarista feels?
Think about it, maybe she loses her family during the archon war, or she feels disappointed in her first 'family' [ since I doubt a diety associated with love would be oogely-boogely about what the Heavenly Principals have done]. She finds a new family in the form of the harbingers, the leader being a Kheanrian.
Another thing I noticed is a lot of the vision stories I saw was like a helping hand to the users, like, it was granted to show them that there was someone on their side.
They were given a vision when they were the most isolated.
Which I think is sweet. It's loving. Warming my heart as I type this out. The Tsaritsa is going to be an interesting character. I know it.
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salva · 4 years
Im feeling veery bored and nosy so im gonna dare u to answer all of it
oh my gosh hahah ty!! here goes....
1.  What’s your sexual orientation? gay af
2. What are you obsessed with right now? Motherland Fort Salem everyone go watch
3. Ever done any drugs? ive tried the devils lettuce 
4. What piercings do you want? i wanna get my tongue pierced again
5. How many people have you kissed? oh man like 7
6. Describe your dream home. Uhh i want both a country home and like a cottage 
7. Who are you jealous of? both taylor and amalia bc they get to kiss each other :(
8. What’s your favorite show to binge? Schitt’s Creek 10/10
9. Do you watch porn? nope
10. Do you have a secret sideblog? i do ha its @lenakieran its my art inspo and pretty things blog 
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? hhh i think somewhere in europe or vancouver ha
12. What’s one of your fantasies? ha that i get cast in a show but we dont talk about that lol
13. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced? they are :0
14. How would you spend a million dollars? i would buy a house pay off my debt and save everything else
15. Are you in a relationship? no :/
16. Do you follow porn blogs? porn blogs? in 2020?? not on this good christian website (no)
17. Are you angry with anyone right now? w myself!
18. What tattoos do you want? way too damn many tbh
19. If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to? i dont think i would tbh
20. What is something you’re obsessed with? Motherland Fort salem. seriously go watch!!
21. Describe your best friend. super caring, hilarious, charming, a realyl good guy tbh i love him sm
22. Tag someone you think is hot. @but-why-the-fuck-not :3
23. Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists? LP, Hozier, ABBA, Gin Wigmore, the Wombats
24. What are three places you want to travel? Germany, Japan, France (hmmm....Hetalia anyone)
25. Describe your perfect Friday night. Rn hanging out w my close friends at a bar and eating good food
26. What’s your favorite season? Fall!
27. What’s your pet peeve? When i answer a y/n question and people keep repeating it to me like i’ll change my mind. and when people don’t believe me
28. Who is the funniest person you know? @sango-blep
29. What’s the most overrated movie? Any Marvel movie
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message. I message everyone tbh  
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better? does fanfic count as ebooks but tbh i have no preferance but ebooks are easier to travel w
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick? Motherland Fort Salem or Twilight as a vampire
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like? Lots of button ups and suits
34. What’s your coffee order? depends but i like coffee w a lil cream and sugar
35. Do you have a crush on anyone? someone new - hozier  
36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? ye a lil but its ok
37. Have any tattoos? i had 6, down to 5 :( 
38. Do you drink? i dont drink anymore... but i dont drink any less either LOL
39. Are you a virgin? nope
40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals? on all of them 
41. How many followers do you have? woah a lot actually?? hello every1
42. Describe the hottest person you know. women
43. What’s your guilty pleasure?  hmm i dont think i have one? im kinda boring lol
44. Do you read erotica? they’re called lemons and yes 
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on? all the ones w me in them
46. How many people do you follow? 433
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick? katie mcgrath spare hand in marriage??
48. Describe your ideal partner. woman
49. Who do you text the most? oof im a bad bad texter but my best friend probably
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather? if im inside rainy if im outside sunny but breezy, not too hot not too cold
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constellunette · 5 years
I hate when a story pulls cheap fucking tricks but they work so you're sitting there with your logical brain cataloging all the problems while also gross sobbing
and not to name names but. guess who just fucking marathoned bl*ebird.
to back up a step marie lu, one of the authors I owe the most to gor a lot if reasons, was nonethless the first to betray my trust like that with the fucking amnesia twist at the end of champion. I was so pissed because it was a cop out but I was also crying at june reintroducing herself to day like it was the first time, because that shit hurted.
and today, bl*ebird. first off I think it suffered from being a fanfic-- rpf makes me uncomfortable just in general, and there was literally nothing tying it to the actual people in the first place besides their names? this is arguably personal preference but I think it would have been stronger with ocs and without me awkwardly comparing the characters to the real people and getting intermittently squicked.
((speaking of squick, I thought it was impossible for me to get triggered by a story as I have no real trauma in my life but suprise! found one. turns out experiencing friends self harm / threaten suicide in the past makes you sensitive to reading a characters pov of walking in on their loved one bleeding. like, the narrative mentioned the fear and I just went oh god, the fucking fear-- so anyway. that was fun.))
but back to what I was saying my main problem was how fucking codependent and unhealthy the main relationship was. and this is coming from me, who has a problem with kinda idealizing fairly codependent relationships lol-- or at least I thought I did, now I feel a little better. there were all these moments that I could tell were supposed to be sweet or touching or beautiful or whatever and I was just chanting no! no! unhealthy and bad! you are not his answer and he sure as fuck isnt yours!
side note, this fic also made me feel better about aftg, which had been suffering from a bit of rose-tint decay in my mind, so I'm happy about that at least. nora just portrayed the... everything a lot more sophistcatedly, even if she herself had some clumsy spots. but to be fair I'm pretty sure the author of the fic is a teen or a fairly young adult so theres that, and I mean, she did pretty good for what I'm assuming is probably limited life experiences. let me be on record as saying there were parts that were really good! I think it did a lot of what it was meant to do-- it made me do a whole lot of interospection, and it made me cry. a lot.
but the ending? fuck that. fuck that and the horse it rode in on.
I'm definently not in a state right now to be as articulate as i feel discussing this deserves, but man. fuck that. that's not how it should work. that's not a message you should send.
like, I went in knowing he would die, and I started out okay with it (healing slowly and jaggedly but surely after something terrible is, to me, like the very finest of whump wine) but I actually got less fine as I saw how it was developed. I didnt like that the onus for one character's existence was put on another characters presence and love and we were supposed to find it beautiful instead of worrying. had there been even a little in-narrative call out I would have felt better, but there wasn't, and I'm working under the assumption that it's because the author (and from what I can see most of the readers) didnt see the problem. and to be fair, it works as a story-- it pulls dreadfully at the heartstrings, it makes you root for them, it makes you ache when things dont work out. it just also made me dreadfully, dreadfully uncomfortable.
I wish this story had been different. the setup seemed like my jam. something about the portrayal of aspects of the mental illness clicked for me in a way that a lot of works havent, and it made me Think a lot and Realize Some Things-- the parts that werent hella crunchy, anyway. but I wish it had gone differently. I wish the relationship had been healthy, I wish that it would have been treated as like, I dont fucking know, an island to rest on while swimming a triathalon instead of a life preserver in choppy seas. I wish that I think I'm finally happy hadnt been chased with I think I'll kill myself anyway for no fucking reason just for trauma porn. I wish the story would have dared to show some actual healing instead of bullshit coping that doesnt fucking work and just leaves every one broken. it could have been messy and hard and painful and worked and played out in the end to something bittersweet-- nothing perfect, but something better than I am sick and you are the only thing in the world that makes me feel better, live with that, I am sick and you've saved me every time but I'm letting go, I am sick and can't ever get better so I have to die and you have to live with it. this is a love story, dont forget. i wish it had been I am sick and you make me feel better, thank you, but you cant be the one to save me. I am sick and I am going to have to fight for myself and you standing with me might just help. I am sick and I might not ever be better but I can be happy and that can be enough.
most of all, though, I wish it hadnt made me cry.
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teabags4ever · 7 years
@plushbunniie tagged me, thanks binch
the rules are:
✰ post the rules
✰ answer the questions given to you by the tagger
✰ write eleven questions of your own
✰ tag eleven people
1. What is the one thing you want to change about yourself the most??
EVERYTHING, JUST THROW THE WHOLE DAMN PERSON OUT. Yikes, but real talk, I would like to change the way I view myself. I hate myself excessively and that shit has got to go.
2. Where do you want to be in the future??
Ideally, somewhere up north where I can wear sweaters and scarfs because that's all I own, but at this point, anywhere but Florida is truly okay. Fuck a bitch named Florida.
3. What is your favourite seasonal tradition??
Making Tamales for Christmas dinner because I'm hella Mexican and the ones I make are bomb AF.
4. Who is your most inspirational icon??
Beyond all the gay icons like Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross, Madonna, Cher, Britney Spears, Beyonce, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Carly Rae Jepsen, and the Babadook, Im actually really inspired by my great grandmother. She got rid of her cheating and abusive husband, and supported her whole family without a man, which in her time, was absolutely wild. She was a strong woman who I wish I could have met.
5. Are you stanning more girl groups in 2018??
I've been stanning nothing but girl groups and independent girls from day one, men are trash cut and dry. The 2017 presidental election and 60th Grammy Award for Best Pop Solo made it evidently clear.
6. What’s your favourite art style??
On a professional level, I'm really into Renaissance Naturalism, especially works by Michelangelo because I stay on that gay shit.
On a more casual side, I like stuff by these three Instagram artist: vanilla.bambi, symrox_jox, and tinyspectre. I really vibe with their shit.
7. Describe your perfect apartment.(bonus points if you make a visual and post it)
I know I'm going to sound like a really basic bitch, but I'm all about that small, rustic New York/Portland apartment vibe because I constantly daydream about a small, cozy domestic life with my future husband, which of course will never happen.
8. Do you like self portraits/fanart of yourself??
I've never received any of those because I'm not famous and I don't look like a white YouTube twink, but I would absolutely die if someone did something like that. FYI: if someone actually took the time to draw some dirty gay fanfic about me, tag me because I would not mind one bit. That's probably the only action I'll ever see TBH.
9. What is your writing/typing style??
I've only started writing on wattpad a less than two years ago, but I've defiantly grown as a  writer since I've began. I would describe my current style as very "soft" and "melancholic".
10. If you could get an aesthetic tattoo, what would it be of??
I dont really plan on ever getting a tattoo, but if I had to, I wouldn't mind a small sunflower on my right wrist because that's my favorite flower.
12. This isn’t a question. I just wanted to let you know I love you, and to remind you to love and treat yourself!!! 
Alright, question time!
1. Who was your first crush?
2. What is one song you would recommend to somebody?
3. What is one of your favorite books?
4.What language would you like to learn someday?
5.What is your favorite type of tea?
6.What kind of candle scent do you like?
7.Where do you want to live?
8.What is your favorite flower?
9.What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
10. What instrument do you like, even if you don't necessarily play it? 
11. Can you sing?
I'm tagging @emo-boy-aesthetic @adamtots @minityleroakley @kenthegiraffe @eating-ass @c-igarettes @alexander @buruu-berii @jemsxchurch @noisier and @breiinx, even though I don't know half of these people, but whatever.
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