#dont listen to everything you hear on tv kids
pezhead · 8 months
hey pookums ~ im kidding ahah anywayyy animee listen here shmucums if i dont get doonie eating a bug because one if the turts tricked him to eat it ill die (im kidding guys, im on the phone with pezhead guys, im not a criminal)
Guess you'll die~
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Cause Donnie wouldn't need to be tricked~
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mar-thewriter · 2 months
confused connections
dick grayson x f reader
you wake up with your period without dick there and give him a quick call to ask where the painkillers are.
dick finishes a team meeting and hears his girlfriend in pain and panics.
authors note: ok so i truthfully hate the miscommunication trope. but i dont hate it when its used comedically. and this was a funny idea i had on my period. so. have fun. word count: 2.1k tw: blood (put on shoes if ur cleaning up glass), period talk
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There were two things that were the worst to wake up to. 1: your cramps hitting you like a truck, and 2: your lovely boyfriend not being here to hold. Both issues amplified one another as you woke up with a groan. Fuck’s sake, this one was rough.
You barely were able to make it to the bathroom when you decided it was going to be a sleep-in-and-bed-rest day. Especially without Dick there to help bring you water or painkillers (or when he rubs that crease in your back with his thumbs in little circles), you wanted to save your energy, so you’d still be able to help yourself without just collapsing.
You knew Dick would be gone today, of course. You’d had a whole conversation about what the Bats are planning and how they’d be spending the next two days strategizing on best moves. It’s not something they necessarily had to be in person for, but it was clear that Bruce made an attempt to keep these meetings in person, both for safety, and for time with his kids. You didn’t want to interfere. Especially with you and Dick finding a place for you two to live together in Blüdhaven, you wanted to let him spend time with his family. He wouldn’t be able to use the excuse of being in Gotham to see you to also see his brothers, so you wanted to respect his space as much as possible.
You made yourself a quick tea, got a cereal bar for some simple breakfast, and a glass of water. You tried to find the painkillers but with the frequency that Dick leaves the bottles scattered around the apartment, you had no clue where he put them last. You could live without it, you were sure. It’d be fine. You’d turn on some old crime show and be out like a light in no time.
It took thirty minutes before it became unbearable. You were half asleep, so close to finally just passing out, when a new wave of cramps hit you like a train. As much as you didn’t want to disturb Dick, you knew that it was either that, searching the whole place while you can barely move, or leaving to buy a new bottle entirely. A quick call couldn’t hurt, you were sure.
You dialed him quickly, setting your phone on speaker on the nightstand. You didn’t bother turning down the TV or even sitting up, face smushed into the side of the pillow. It didn’t take him long to answer.
“Hey, babe. What’s up?” You could hear the smile in his voice, and that alone eased you slightly.
But only for a second. You groaned softly, trying to be a bit quieter as you spoke, “Hi, hun, listen, do you- do you remember where you put the painkillers?”
“The painkillers? Top shelf of the pantry, little basket next to the spare trash bags. Is everything alright?” You could hear the weariness in his voice.
“Yeah, I’m fine, love, just-“ you were cut off by another soft groan, the loud yelling from the TV drowning out most of the noise. You reached by your phone to grab the remote, reaching around blindly when-
A loud crash took you by shock. You let out a slight gasp, sitting up finally to see your glass of water on the ground, the cup shattered into pieces. Next to it, lay your phone as well. You cursed, reaching a hand out and letting out a slight whine from the stretch as you grabbed your phone.
“Shit. Dick, I’ll have to call you back- I love you,” you hung up, placing your phone back on the nightstand with a groan. This day couldn’t get any worse, could it?
You made your way carefully off the bed, tiptoeing around the bigger chunks of glass you could see. Making it to the kitchen, you grabbed the painkillers and quickly took two, grabbing the broom and a new cup of water (in a plastic cup this time) to set on the nightstand. You made quick work of the glass, sweeping it into the dustpan.
Once you’d walked back to put the broom in the kitchen, you were quickly made aware that you were not as careful stepping around the glass as you’d thought, hissing in pain as you walked back to your room. Thankfully, with your first aid kit and a pair of sterilized tweezers, getting glass out wasn’t the hardest issue to solve. You’d had more than your fair share of pulling glass shards out of Dick that you consider yourself something of an expert.
By the time you’d wrapped your foot, you could feel the painkillers finally start kicking in. You shut your bedroom door, closed all the blinds, and made the room as dark as possible before finally lowering the TV volume. You crawled into bed once more, and it was only a few minutes before you found yourself drifting asleep.
“Hey, babe. What’s up?” Dick smiled as he answered your call. He’d only been away from you for a few hours, but god he was already missing you.
The team-strategizing meeting took a lot less time than they’d imagined. Babs and Tim had figured out nearly every detail before the rest of them had even arrived. The mission wasn’t set to start until next week, during which they’d monitor all criminal activity and freight shipping to make sure their information was actually accurate. Since things had gone by so fast, Dick was already planning to surprise you tomorrow morning by showing up early and bringing you a whole batch of Alfred’s cookies. Hearing your voice was just another reminder of getting to see you.
That elation didn’t last long.
“Hi, hun, listen, do you- do you remember where you put the painkillers?”
He could hear the pain in your voice, and he felt panic rising in him quickly. You sounded slightly muffled, and he could hear a slight talking in the background.
“The painkillers? Top shelf of the pantry, little basket next to the spare trash bags. Is everything alright?” You would tell him if something was wrong. He knew you would. But his mind kept running through scenarios. What if there was an intruder holding you at gunpoint? Were you talking in code? Were you even at home? Did you get-
“Yeah, I’m fine, love, just-“ you were cut off by the sound of people yelling, and he heard you groan in pain again. There was more shuffling and commotion before his heart dropped.
A shatter. You gasping. And a thud.
“Shit. Dick, I’ll have to call you back- I love you,” he was about to plead for you to stay on call before you abruptly hung up. He immediately rushed to the Batcave, nearly walking right into Jason on the way.
“Woah, Birdboy, what’s got you in such a rush?”
“It’s my girlfriend. She’s in trouble and she’s hurt. I have to go, now.”
He worked on getting suited up while Jason spoke, “What are we talking here? How bad is she hurt?”
Dick sighed, “I’m not sure. She was asking about painkillers and then some glass shattered and there were people yelling and she hung up.”
Jason nodded, “Alright, I’m coming with you.”
That made Dick pause for a moment. “You’re what?”
“You said people yelling, and she’s already injured. You need the help. I’ll focus on the people; you just get to your girl.”
Dick nodded, pulling his mask on. “I- yeah, fine. Okay. Not the great first meeting I imagined, but- yes.”
Jason pulled his helmet on, “Don’t worry about the semantics. ‘Bout time we met this girl of yours anyway.”
They went to leave, but they were quickly stopped. By Damian. Already suited up. “I overheard you and Todd speaking. I’ll be coming with as well.”
“Fine, let’s just get going. We don’t have time for this.”
All Dick cared about was getting you to safety as fast as possible. And he’d ensure it.
Things were quiet when they made it to your apartment.
“There’s no sign of forced entry. All the blinds are down. Is there any chance she would have let someone into the apartment?” Damian spoke softly.
“It’s unlikely, but they could’ve pushed their way in if she opened the door. Alright, I’ll give the countdown, it seems quiet now, so we’re-“
“There’s no one in the living room. I’m not getting any heat signatures.” Oracle’s voice came through his comm loud and clear.
“I- You too?” Dick sighed, “Thank you, Oracle.” He fished his keys out of his pocket, unlocking the door quietly.
“Honestly, Wing, you have a key to her place, and you still haven’t let us meet her? That’s just cold, man.” Jason shook his head slightly.
“Not the time, baby bat.” Dick huffed, unlocking the door and walking in slowly. He took a moment to survey the apartment. Nothing looked out of place. The kitchen was a bit disheveled, but nothing completely out of place. Everything looked fairly normal.
“Nightwing. There.” Damian pointed, a splotch of red on the floor.
Dick held his breath, eyes following a trail of bloody footprints across the floor, right to the bedroom. There was no time to think. He rushed forward, bursting the door open, Damian and Jason hot on his feet, all three with weapons at the ready.
He heard a loud scream - your scream - and he whipped his head to the sound. Only to see… you. In bed. Perfectly fine.
“D- Nightwing? What the fuck is going on?”
Jason and Damian both relaxed, slumping in response to the lack of present danger.
“I- your call. There’s- the blood, the shatter on the phone, I-?” Dick was… incredibly confused.
“What? Oh, baby, no. I-“ you paused, looking at the two boys behind him.
Dick turned, giving them a slight awkward nod, “Uh, just… give us a second, guys. You too, Oracle.” He heard his comm click off, and Damian and Jason stepped out, shutting the door behind them.
He walked over, taking a good look at you. He gently gripped your arms as you continued speaking.
“I woke up with cramps. That’s why I needed the painkillers. And the shattering was my cup of water I knocked off the nightstand while trying to turn down the TV. I cut my foot on a piece when cleaning it, I didn’t realize I was tracking blood all over, I guess. I’m sorry to scare you.”
“Oh, babe, no, don’t apologize,” he sighed, sitting on the bed to hug you tightly. His hand lightly carded through your hair, kissing the top of your forehead. “I’m sorry I freaked out. I just- I heard the shatter, and you sounded like you were in pain, so…” He sighed, tension leaking from his body.
“It’s alright, love. I should have clarified over the phone.” You chuckled softly, pulling away to give him a warm, loving kiss. “Though maybe I should scare you more often. That was pretty sexy of you.”
“Oh?” He chuckled, lightly cupping your chin, “Was it now?”
“It was,” you hummed, voice getting low, “All hyped up on adrenaline, in that tight little suit. Maybe next date night, I’ll fake a kidnapping.”
“Oh, god. As sexy as I may look, please don’t. I think I might actually destroy half the city by accident.” He laughed, and even just his laugh brought a grin to your face, your laughter joining his.
He smiled at you like you hung each star in the sky just for him. You smiled at him like he made them shine just for you.
“So,” he spoke softly, “I know it’s your time of the month, which I will be staying tonight and ordering your favorite from the shop on the corner. Now, I know you might not be up to socializing too much, but… want to meet two of my brothers?”
You hummed, brushing some hair from his eyes, “The painkillers are doing their job very well, so I’d be happy to. It’s… Jason and Damian, right?”
He nodded. “It is. Sweet of you to remember.”
“Mm, not hard to remember when one of them was a murderous five-year-old and the other literally came back from the dead.”
He laughed, “Yeah, fair. Just be lucky, you got the normal one.”
You chuckled, standing, and holding his hands tightly, “Normal one. Says the boy in blue spandex.”
He laughed, pulling you to him for a kiss, “You love this boy in blue spandex.”
You sighed wistfully, placing a hand on his cheek, “I sure do.”
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wandaspillow · 7 months
I’m not him.
Natasha romanoff x daughter!reader
It’s a proofread.
Summary: after y/n got diagnosed with depression everything went downhill. 
Warnings: yelling/fighting, ed, sh, depression.
A/n: this is one of the story’s from my wattpad book. (Cuz I’m too lazy to write a new one, but I will soon)
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Y/n's POV:
It's been a few months after i got diagnosed with depression and they haven't been the best. First off my mother forgot my birthday, but remembered Peters and Peters was only a few days after mine, and on my birthday they were already decorating for his, that just made my day worst.
And then my mom forgot me at school but went to pick up Peter, maybe it’s because I’m not him?.
I mean i don't hate peter, but i do at the same time. at dinner oh my gosh all everyone would talk about is Peter and how great he is, most of the time they would say 'did you see peter math test it was amazing' or something like that.
and when they would bring me up in their conversation it would be about how bad my grades are, but their okay, I normally get B+'s or A's. and they would talk about when i get told off for ‘yelling’ or ‘hitting’ someone when they were doing it to other people.
But most of the time I was the one getting hit, punch, and sometimes kicked. And they would always get away with it.
But cause im the kid of the avengers i got yelled at, by everyone, my mum, my uncles, my aunts, and by my teacher and principal, and i don't even think they have seen the bruises or the cuts all over my body from those people.
But sometimes auntie Maria would tell her to hear my side of the story, but my mother would never listen.
That’s one thing I love about auntie Maria, she would actually listen to me.
But its okay i guess, i dont think anyone would notice anyways. but litte did i know that someone went into the school security and saw what they did to me, they saw how those people hit me, punched me, kicked me and those other people.
But they weren’t as bad as me, I took most of the hits.
they saw me putting on makeup to cover the bruise on my face and the ones on my leg, they had a shocked face looking on the screen. They thought about telling my mother but told someone else instead.
Nick Fury.
One of my favourite uncles, everyone knows he has a soft spot for me. And when Maria hill told him what was going on. My aunt found out and she knew that my mum wouldn't do anything and just say 'that's nothing' and leave it there.
When she was telling him she sent it to his iPad, then he called everyone to get into the meeting room right away. Auntie Maria gave him the footage to put on the tv and went to the meeting room where everyone was.
As they showed them the footage they were shocked, you were telling the truth and then they saw the part when you were in the bathroom covering the bruises, and my mother was shocked.
But what they didn't know about was my depression, until fury told them. Him and Maria only knew, and maybe Wanda because your thoughts have been a bit to loud recently and they haven't been the type of thoughts a 14 year old should be having.
After your mother and everyone else found out they were shocked, they didn't know you were struggling. You were always smiling you never showed that you were struggling.
You were in your room all the time, they thought you were doing homework or studying. But you were in your bed crying until you fell asleep, but of course they never knew that. Why would they?
You were never at team dinners after the first time it happened at school. They thought you weren't hungry, but really you thought you didn't deserve to eat, not after what happened and what those people said to you.
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Anyways as school finishes you waited for Lila, cause her classes are a bit longer than mine. I waited around 20 minutes until I got bored and texted her I'm going home, and she said that she had another class after.
As you were walking to the compound you saw a mother and daughter playing at the park. You wished that it was you and your mum, but she's always busy with Peter.
I walked into the compound and looked around and saw no one there, so I thought they were all on a mission or something. So I walked into my room, dropped all my stuff went straight into my bathroom.
I grabbed my kit, got out the sharp blade, placed it on my skin, then started dragging it across my wrist. I didn't even cry, I just pushed it into my skin, and that wasn't a good idea..cause it didn't stop bleeding.
But then I got flashbacks of when they said those words, 'the only reason she adopted you cuz she felt bad', 'she probably doesn't even love you'. Replaying what they said over and over.
I didn't even hear my door open, and my bathroom door was wide open. Then I heard her call my name, my mum, "y/n?.." she said walking in my room then saw me and rushed over to me.
"Detka.." she says I didn't even look at her "why didn't you tell me?" She asked, "cuz your too busy with mission and peter" I mumble and saw tears in her eyes.
"I'm never busy when it comes to you Detka, and I'm so so sorry I didn't believe you" after she said that I just hummed. "Ima just close my eyes for a little bit" I mumble, then she looks at my arms and mumbled something but I can't quite hear.
Then it all goes black.
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Natasha's POV:
"Detka keep your eyes open for me" I say and see her close them, "shit" I mumble "MARIA, FURY" I yell and wait for one of them to come.
I see Maria and she just stands there shocked, then fury came in and looked at her then me. I had tears in my eyes.
"Don't just stand there do something" I sobbed.
My Masterlist.
(Sorry it’s short)
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1eos · 2 years
wait what did you mean by “kardashians brought pop culture to slaughter and bts delivered the final blow”? I SWEARRRRRR im not trying to be one of those “gotcha!” anons but i keep seeing sm ppl posting abt pop culture / counter culture being dead, and a lot of it in relation to renaissance and i’m just confused by it 😭😭 i’m not even a kpop listener i just think u put these things eloquently
i love asks like this bc my initial reaction before and after i realized this is a genuine question was night n day.
anyways the kardashians were a very very calculated rise to fame at any cost nd were maybe the first people to be on reality tv and skyrocket into mainstream fame (unfortunately) and kim's obsession w stealing everything from black people and marketing it out spearheaded the generic insta baddie aesthetic which is responsible for at least half of the desctruction of unique pop culture. if you look at the 2000s the shit was weird but it was unique. go back even further and the shit club kids were doing influenced fashion EVERYWHERE now everyone is passing around the same name brand outfits, everyone's going to the same surgeon to get their unique features changed into the same racially ambiguous lewk, you don't need talent, you don't need charisma you just need to look like you have money and therefore you deserve fans that will die to be scammed by you.
so the kardashians put pop culture on the slaughtering board right? and then here bts comes. also just copying what black ppl do 1 to 1 until they blow up internationally and start producing some of the most generic western bait pop to be palatable enough to all the white children of the world and their token black friends. but this generic music is taking over the world. the hype isn't in the content but its in the numbers. their fans begin to become obsessed with streaming numbers, video views, breaking records etc. the music is irrelevant. its all about the numbers and being on as many unskippable ads as possible. so now the industry follows behind the biggest (and worst) fandom of all time and award shows, journalists, online content curators who could be informing pop culture accurately are just saying whatever these people want to hear. giving accolades to soulless 'hits' bc they want to avoid death threats or just get a cut of the zombie streaming pie. good pop culture is DEAD. if it werent for the few big black girlies in the industry like beyonce who can do whatever we'd be in hell! no one can sing cuz theyre getting ribs removed to fit into corsets and no one is dancing bc the rented mugler bodysuit has to be returned with no damage and it's all just very very generic.
ofc there are rare interesting performers that pop up but bc they dont fit into the mold they get bullied out like poor mitski wants to be an actual artist nd they hate her for it. anyways kris jenner is going to hell for the evil she's brought into the world
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the first line being 'look, you didn't ask to be a half blood' 😭😭 this is the shows equivalent to the good kid reprise
The wooden sword 😂
they have my respect for showing a luke and percy practicing sword fight scene SERIOUSLY the rest of the riordanverse percy still hears advice from luke while swordfighting and that is a plot point that is so special to me okay
the transition from luke to percy as he asks for single combat it's SO CINEMATIC I LOVE IT
The threatening aura of ares after being grumpy and comedic is chefs kiss about dayum time
I wish they kept the scene where percy says something along the lines of "we didn't mention any dreams" when ares yells that gods don't dream but ofc tv!percy knows all
cue one of the most epic sword fight scenes of the century
The camera shots are too good I swear
Ok that was short
I kinda missed the police cars and the sirens in the background and the reporters and all that chaos
sallys in the breeze she's in the trees
Alecto redemption arc wasnt on my bingo card but I actually like it guys
percy staring at annabeth as she makes it harder each day to believe no one cares about him will never get old ❤️
“Wheres the glory in that” lazy ppl dont need glory
Rip lance reddick❤️
the next time hes going to roast zeus’s family percy is going to be older and more intimidating ZEUS IS GOING TO LISTEN and thats something so amazing
the way that percy fell to the ground with his arms on his head by instinct as zeus raised his lightning bolt
”perseus” wait a sec is this the first reveal of percys real name?
Dude was like no hon i aint gon tell bout what i dream about your mother kaboom peace out
huggggg (btw guys im in this show im the camper in the background clapping for the hug) i love that laugh from percy like ‘yep this is how we roll now not bad’
I love that theyre using that position to just ominously talk about clarisse not even letting go, just hugging it out talking about the traitor
Luke and annabeth in the same frame!!! We got a hand on annabeths shoulder AND NOTHING ELSE
Backbiter glowed up fr now he can make interdimensional portals
also percy knows everything as usual.
the girls are fightinggggg
”im sorry” *luke taking advantage to slash percy in the arm* you will always live in my heart
The heartbreak in lukes eyes
the hearbreak in annabeths eyes
also that shot of leah against the bright lights of the fireworks makes her look so pretty
ok we’re just going to gloss over the sadness of the betrayal
Can i just say i love chirons casting SO MUCH im so excited to see him party next season
“I am percy jackson” slay
the way shes just worrying about what it might do to kill her 🥺
annabeth: *Exists*
percy: ❤️🥺😁🥰
bro literally gave us the percy and sally reunion of our dreams
”your survival is the key to my rise” get lost grim reaper
petition to call kronos grandpa every dream
Percy arming himself with the umbrella
Woooooooooooo gabe dieeeeee
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fosermi · 4 months
Shadow is hiding away and avoiding everyone and Wade is very worried about what could be wrong.
Then he hears cries and runs in, to see little wings have sprouted from Shadow's back
Second, enjoy this lil concoction my brain came up with :D
Normal. Wade would call this day pretty normal. A weekend taking care of his three alien kids. Others may say it's not normal but to Wade? This is their normal, and no one can tell them otherwise. He was glad that it was his day off, it allowed him more time to spend with his kids, watching a movie and overall just enjoying a relatively quiet life. A hug from Silver, a soft sound of contentment from Shadow, and the way Eclipse snuggled against him when the other two weren't looking.
Wade was proud of how they all came together as a family despite their... rocky start. He wouldn't change anything for the world.
Wade gently ran a hand through silver's quills gently, assured that they were smoothed down and relaxed. He knew that his sons all liked some form of physical connection with him but he also knew their preferences for when. Silver was just the one to like openly showing such signs of affections. Shadow was more subtle but he still enjoyed a few head pats and hugs every now and again. Eclipse says he doesn’t like such things, but silently craves it.
Everything was normal. Normal and peaceful for once. Yet there was this nagging feeling at the back of Wade's mind- something telling him that this was wrong. Something was severely wrong. He couldn't quite tell what was wrong, only that something was wrong. Today was just a bit too quiet.
Halfway through the movie "Rise of the Guardians", Shadow had let out a quiet grunt and got up and out of his comfortable spot against Wade and headed off towards his and Silver's room. The look that crossed between Silver and Eclipse didn't go unnoticed by Wade. he might not be the sharpest tool in the shed at times but he knew his kids. Silver and Eclipse never did see things eye to eye, except when it came to Shadow. 
Before Wade could even ask what was wrong, Eclipse wordlessly got off of the couch and made his way towards where Shadow had disappeared to. Neither Wade nor Silver went back to watching the movie, having practically forgotten about it by this turn of events. Reaching over for the remote, Wade shut off the TV and allowed Silver to snuggle closer to him. 
“Silver?” Wade finally asked after observing the silver hedgehog closely, taking note of how his ear flicked towards the direction of his and Shadow’s rooms.
“Hm…?” Silver could only let out a small hum, his focus seemingly taken by listening in on what was happening between Shadow and Eclipse.
"What's wrong buddy?" Silver's ear flicked again as he buried his face into his father's arms.
"It's nothing..."
"Come on buddy, you can tell me." Silver looked up to Wade and frowned slightly. Taking a quick glance towards his room, Silver let out a small whine. Wade only ran his hand through Silver's quills again in an attempt to comfort his son.
"Shadow doesn't want me to tell you..."
"Why's that?"
"Shadow said he wasn't feeling good... even Eclipse noticed." Silver admitted, half curling up in Wade's arms. He knew his brother would be mad, but Silver really didn't know what to do. He wanted Shadow to be OK, to be safe. But this was the first time Shadow had said he didn't feel too well and Silver needed to tell someone, but he didn't want to make Shadow mad either.
Wade frowned softly, offering his middle son a comforting hug, telling him that he did the right thing telling him. But Wade also worried for his eldest. He knew Shadow couldn't get sick, so what else could it have been?
That was when both Silver and Wade startled at the sudden loud thud from the other room and a yell from both Eclipse and Shadow. Paling, Wade instantly shot up from the couch, followed closely by Silver, the grey hedgehog's hands glowing faintly in preparation for whatever had caused the other two members of their family yell.
"Eclipse!" Upon turning the corner, Wade instantly rushed over to Eclipse's side, fretting over the alien.
Eclipse was sprawled against the wall opposing the door from Silver and Shadow's room, the door torn from its hinges. Eclipse groaned softly, clutching onto his arm. It was definitely dislocated. "S-shadow..." Eclipse groaned softly, attempting to get up only to be caught by Silver's psychokenisis.
"Eclipse what happened?" Wade demanded, helping Silver set down Eclipse against the wall so he wouldn't rush up again.
"S-Shadow... Shadow! He's not alright!" Eclipse managed to whimper before letting out a yell of pain as he held onto his head, his tail lashing wildly. "Stop!! Make him stop!!" The Darkling whimpered trying to block out the sudden influx of noise in his head.
A second scream tore through the house. Shadow's scream.
Silver froze on the spot, scared of what was happening. Wade however didn't. His son was in pain. And nothing would stop him from protecting his son- no matter what.
"Silver, watch Eclipse." With that, Wade swiftly made his way into the room, scanning everything quickly to find Shadow on the far wall on his hands and knees heaving heavily. His back was facing towards Wade.
Quickly Wade rushed to his eldest side. Worry and panic being pushed down by the determination to see his son alright again. "Shadow?" Wade called out in hopes to get a reaction from the black hedgehog.
He did get a reaction, but not one he was expecting. Shadow's head snapped up towards Wade, a low, intense growl. A growl like that of a hungry, hungry beast.
Wade froze for a second, his eyes widening at the sight. In front of him, Shadow was hunched over on all fours, large tears rolling down his muzzle, his quills all raised and sparking with a similar energy to that of Sonic's. His gloved were discarded off to the side, his claws in full display. On his forehead, a large glowing yellow black and yellow eye. Two lumps on his back began to grow as Shadow suddenly pounced.
Wade only had a millisecond to dodge the sudden attack from his own son. However wade had been too slow as Shadow latched onto Wade's shoulder with his teeth, his claws digging right into his arm as Shadow forced Wade to slam into the wall head first. Wade hissed in pain, biting back a curse and the flash of white in his vision.
Wade winced as pain shot up his arm and head. He was pretty sure he had a concussion and a fractured arm, having been practically pinned down by Shadow's superior strength at full force. Shakily, Wade lifted up his other arm slowly, earning a louder growl from Shadow as he bit down harder.
Wade bit on his tongue to not yell in pain. Instead he forced himself to reach out and gently stroke Shadow between the shoulder blades, where the two lumps grew into strange wings. But Wade didn't question it. He needed to get his son to calm down.
"S-shhh... its OK..." Wade whispered, rubbing gently circles against Shadow's back. "It's alright Shadow, I'm here... I won't let you go."
Wade couldn't tell how long he and Shadow stayed like that, in fact he didn't really care. All he cared about was Shadow's state. But it was starting to get really hard to stay focused. Eventually the pressure on his shoulder disappeared, and in his warm embrace sobbed Shadow, holding on tightly onto Wade and apologising quietly.
"Shh... i-its alright, blackberry... you're safe now..." Seeing how his son's eyes had cleared from whatever frenzy that was made Wade sigh in relief. Allowing himself to slip into unconsciousness. All he heard as it faded to black was Shadow's panicked yell for help and Silver's gasp.
When Wade opened his eyes again, everything was white. White and bright. There was a tight pressure around his arm and shoulder and there was an underlying twinge of pain accompanying any movement. At least he knew he wasn't dead.
His thoughts immediate turned to his sons. He wondered where they were when suddenly a grey and red head peaked out from the corner of his vision.
Eclipse stood there, holding out a bouquet of freshly picked flowers, his eyes wide as he stared at Wade. Dropping the flowers, Eclipse instantly rushed to his side, tears stinging the corner of his eyes as he rushed in for a hug. "Wade!!!"
The sudden exclamation caused a silver head to pop up from the foot of the bed. "Huh?! Wha- DAD!!" his drowsiness disappeared at the sight of Wade being awake.
"H-Hey boys..." Wade winced, his voice was so hoarse. How long had he been asleep?
Silver sniffled and held onto Wade tightly. "You're finally awake!! You wouldn't wake up!"
"Yeah! You were asleep for three days! I got really cold!" Eclipse complained but there was a shakiness to his voice, suggesting his relief.
"Sorry..." Wade couldn't help but smile, but soon his smile disappeared as he looked around. "Where's shadow...?"
Silver and Eclipse exchanged a look again as they continued to cling to Wade. The first to speak up was Silver. "Shadow... didn't leave the room or eated since..." his ears drooped.
Wade couldn't help the frown at the news. He couldn't help but worry. "C-could you call him...?"
With a quick nod from Eclipse, Shadow appeared only moments later. The black hedgehog stood off to the corner, his eyes wide and full of hope. He hesitated for a moment but then quickly rushed forward to hug Wade when Wade gave Shadow one of his smiles.
Shadow was allowed onto Wade's lap, having needed to be comforted more than his brothers right now. It wasn't easy knowing you were the reason your own dad was hospitalised, that's why Wade was going to make sure that Shadow knew well that he wasn't at fault here.
"I'm sorry...." Shadow finally whispered, nuzzling closer to Wade after calming down his sobs.
"And I forgive you, Shadow." Wade smiled offered Shadow a hug while running his fingers through his eldesg son's quills. Gently, Wade cupped Shadow's cheek and made him look at him directly.
Wade was quiet for a moment before a wider smile crossed his face. "Didn't know hedgehogs have three eyes and wings. That's pretty cool!" Shadow's breath hitched and a whine escaped him. Seeing the signs of insecurity, Wade leaned over and gave shadow a small, tender kiss on the top of his head, just above the third eye. "I love you shadow. No matter what."
It was like a dam had broken as shadow began wailing and sobbing harder, clinging tightly onto Wade soon being joined in by Silver and Eclipse on cuddling their dad. Wade didn't mind. His boys were safe and that was all that mattered.
"I love you three. So much..."
"Love you too, dad." Silver replied back sniffling slightly, glad to have his dad back.
It would get some getting used to, but that was normal for Wade. It was normal for their little strange family.
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
When Matty does meet Gigi’s crush, the conversation of music comes up. Turns out he’s in a band with his mates and asks to play Matty some demos. And Matty listens and thinks “…. This is actually very good” and then they get on after that
so this will follow on from this blurb and this blurb.
matty is pacing. the boy will be here any minute. the boy and his precious little girl. he's played his song, stay away from my daughter you shit, to the guys, and they told him he absolutely must not play it at dinner. but he keeps looking at his guitar. he could. he could just not play nice. he could do everything you, gigi and his bandmates have warned him not to do. he could tower over this kid and tell him, hurt my daughter and i will hurt you.
instead, when gigi comes in the front door with him, all sheepish, he doesnt do that. he smiles politely. he holds out his hand to shake the boy's. he makes a point to hug gigi tightly, to kiss her on the forehead, to then look at the boy as if to say, "this is how much i love her okay, this is how much i care." the little girls all swarm around him, handing him toys and asking him questions and he distracts himself by picking up a twin and blowing a raspberry on her stomach while she squeals, then turning her round to see exactly which twin it is. stevie.
"sorry," he says to the boy, "it's a mad house in here."
the boy laughs, "i like it. i'm an only child," he takes a toy from lexie and wiggles it in front of her face.
matty says, "hm," and nods at him. he's not being friendly until this boy earns it. he disappears into the kitchen to finish cooking, while you make talk nicely to the boy and ask him about school. matty stirs spaghetti and listens to make sure this kid doesnt say anything out of line.
valley is standing beside him for a long time before he even notices. he jumps when he sees her and she grins.
"do you need help, daddy?"
"no baby go play."
"i dont want to," she says, "i want to make spaghetti sauce."
"i'm not used to having a boy here," she says, almost shuddering, "feels... odd."
matty laughs, "i love you my girl. okay go get me the tomatoes from the fridge."
"will you let me chop then?"
"haha, absolutely not," matty says.
matty manages to be pleasant the whole way through dinner. he smiles at gigi, to let her know everything is okay, and to be honest, the boy seems nice. matty looks at gigi, he thinks about being on stage, about singing ruins for the first time, about running to the hospital afterwards, about seeing gigi, wrinkled and small and screaming, about the warmth of her laying on his bare chest. he doesnt finish his dinner.
when everyone else is watching tv/playing afterwards, matty excuses himself to put the twins down and get valley in pjs before sending her back downstairs. he pauses at the top of the stairs, about to follow, and then instead he slides into his music room. he has loads of messages on his phone from the guys, hows it going, whats he like, gigi okay?
he doesnt answer them. he picks up a guitar and starts plucking, quietly, so you dont hear and tell him to stop being anti social. he plucks the bridge of ruins. the only thing about us that's easy is love
suddenly there is a noise and he looks up. gigi's boy is here, wide eyed and slightly scared.
"oh sorry, i thought this was the bathroom."
matty smiles at him, "down the hall kid," he says.
"oh my god, that guitar is sick."
"right?" matty says, and explains where he got it, and how rare it is.
"i'm so jealous," gigi's boy says.
"you play?"
"yeah electric, acoustic and bass," he says.
matty nods, impressed. "got all of those here," he says, gesturing to where his instruments hang on the walls. gigi's boy looks around, awed.
"this is SO cool!" he says.
matty finds himself smiling.
"i'm in a band, you know," the boy says suddenly, quietly, shy.
"yeah. me and a few mates from school."
"gigi didnt tell me that."
"we asked her to be in it," the boy says, babbling, "cos she's wicked on the drums. but also because you know, i've had this big fat crush on her since i've known her and it would be a good way to like, get to know her, but she said no, she said she'd rather i take her out for ice cream instead. she's so confident. i love that."
matty is smiling. the boy is blushing. he presses his lips together.
"i'll go find the bathroom," he says. "thanks for letting me see the guitar"
"what kind of music?" matty says. gigi's boy pauses and then turns. "does your band play?"
"erm, indie rock."
"sweet," matty says. "you written anything yet."
"erm," the boy says, and wiggles his phone out his pocket. "there's this. we recorded it the other day."
the song is called crush. matty listens. he hears the mistakes. the bum notes. the bits where the band aren't in sync. but other than that, it's good. for fifteen year olds, its more than good.
"that's... good mate. that's really good."
the boy grins, "really?"
"you write it?"
"i'm the main songwriter. yeah."
"yeah. not half bad at all. you guys should come jam with me and my band sometime."
"no way?!" the boy says, "really?"
"yeah. get gi to set it up."
"okay. no way. awesome!"
there is a pause and then matty says, "dont you need to piss?"
"erm. yes. yes sir. thank you," and then he is gone.
matty replays his song in his head. the lyrics. crush. it's obviously about gigi. its sickly. its sweet. it's a teenage boy crush. its him. years and years ago in ross' garage, crushing on some girl and writing about it.
he's written a song about gigi and now someone else has too. she's not just a muse. she's a fire cracker. a genius. a person. he knows that. but he also knows that if this guy likes her enough to write a song like that about her, the way he did with a teenage crush years ago, then maybe, just maybe, he's alright.
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victorspindrop · 6 months
Music Artists I think the HOA Characters (Season 1 Specifically) would listen to!
Note: First head canon type thing I am putting on here (yay!). This is something I have thought a lot just myself in my lonesome so Id thought Id share it here! If you have any other ideas of what certain characters would listen to I would love to hear!
-> I think we as a fandom have collectively decided that Nina would 100% be a swiftie (and I agree). Her favorite album would be either Speak Now or Folklore, however, her fav song would probs be "London Boy" off of the Lover album though (for obvious reasons)
-> I can see her listening to some other softer artists like beabadobee, Clairo, and Boygenius (shes a softie at heart what can I say)
-> "All American Bitch" by Olivia Rodrigo is her confidence booster song for sure
-> Her and Amber have 2000-2010's pop music dance parties in their room together (which make annoy some of the housemates from them jumping around and dancing; also get in trouble with Victor about it but its worth it to them)
->Ok I need you guys to HEAR ME OUT with this one, but...Nina definitely is a little (just a little bit) of a theatre kid. I mean let's be real, she wrote an entire play for the school AND performed in it,,,my girl def is a little bit of a theatre girl. So with that being said, she listens to some show tunes from musicals (mostly Waitress and Mamma Mia)
-> She would so be a Y2k pop listening type of girl
-> Favorite songs would be "Rich Girl" by Gwen Stefani, "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga, HEAVY ON "Stars are Blind" by Paris Hilton!!!!!!
-> Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Gwen Stefani, Beyonce, if its an iconic pop girl, she listens to them
-> Marina and the Diamonds. IDK IT JUST MAKES SO MUCH SENSE TO ME I CANNOT EXPLAIN. Some of her songs just give that "it girl" energy and if there is an "it girl" of the Anubis house its miss Amber Millington. "Bubblegum Bitch" is blasted in her car with the top down (because she def has a convertible and its pink)
-> Ariana Grande stan. Probably had a stroke when Ariana came out with a makeup line and bought ALL OF IT.
-> Fabian def listens to alternative music old and new.
->LOVES THE SMITHS! Like its almost the only thing he listens to
-> Favorite songs by the Smiths include "There is a Light that Never Goes Out" and "Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want"
-> Listens to the Arctic Monkeys for sure
-> Some other artists he listens to are Radiohead, The Cranberries, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, and TV Girl.
-> Fabian is my favorite awkward loser boy... he listens to Weezer
-> Didn't Alfie call her like a "Punk rock/goth vixen" or something like that? (I can't remember the quote or the episode it is in for the life of me)
-> Regardless of whatever the quote was, this is our punk rock alternative queen right here
-> PARAMORE SHE LIKES PARAMORE (has a crush on Hayley Williams because I said so)
-> Had a Panic At the Disco and FallOutBoy phase for sure
-> Listens to the Smiths a little bit (because Fabian showed her some songs)
-> Also listens to some metal rock, loves Poppy and always liked her weird concepts
-> Alfie listens to anything and everything I feel like
-> alternative, pop, rock, jazz, electronic, DISCO, hell even fucking dubstep.
-> If he likes it, that's all that matters to him. He doesn't care about the genre or style of music it is
-> I feel he would listen to a lot of artists from the 70s and 80s (idk if that's because of Jeromes quote about him being stuck in the 80s but it would make sense!)
->Loves ABBA, BeesGees, Earth Wind and Fire, and WHAM
-> When "Lets Groove" by Earth Wind and Fire was trending on tiktok, he played it every chance he could. That song has been banned from the house since.
-> Like Fabian, he's an Arctic Monkeys fan
-> Favorite song by IDKHBTFM is Choke
-> I feel like he would also love Childish Gambino idk why I just feels right
-> Secretly listens to Mitski. That boy has been traumatized even BEFORE he was at Anubis, he deserves to cry to Mitski
-> The Neighborhood is a favorite of his (especially their song Daddy Issues because of,,, obvious reasons) Second favorite song of theirs would be Single (if you haven't heard that song highly recommend)
-> Hozier feels right for him idk
-> I think as a fandom we have concluded that she is also a swiftie. Her favorite album is Midnights and Reputation imo
-> HEAVY ON OLIVIA RODRIGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-> The Sour album was life changing for her (same can be said for Guts)
-> Literally her top songs of the year were all from the album. Jealously Jealousy, Favorite Crime, Hope You're Happy, Good for You to be specific
-> I can see her being a Harry fan
-> Definitely forced Patricia to go to Love on Tour (Patricia liked it, but she definitely won't tell you that)
-> She was a One Directioner so naturally, the love carried on into the members solo careers (had to miss class when Zayn left)
-> Also just listens to old Frank Sinatra, Doris Day, Dean Martin
-> Listened to 5SOS during her brief "bad girl" era to help prove her point but she actually ended up really liking them!
-> Ed Sheeran and Jojo Siwa
*AUTHOR NOTE* I really hope you guys enjoyed this! Tbh it took a while because a few were tricky for me. Please fell free let me know if you have any you would add. Sorry some descriptions are longer than others
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mymelodymia · 1 year
Tony’s daughter wanting to give Pepper a present on mother’s day, but she’s nervous about it so she asks Tony for advice! (He’s like, kid even ig she’s not your bio mom she IS your mom she’ll love it)
Mothers day
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Summary: you get pepper a mothers day gift <333
Warnings: being nervous, pepper being too good for this world <3
A/N: in my mind this is set after new york, but before iron man 3
It was currently 2:36 a.m and you couldn't sleep. Mothers day was this weekend, you were scared and you didn't know why. You had known pepper since you were born, so you didn't know why you felt like this.
She was like a mother to you, she was caring toward you, she was the person who kept you from getting out of control, you completely saw her as a mother figure.
So of course, you went to the only person that would be up at this hour, tony.
Tony was always there for you, he always listened, didn't matter what it was about, nor the subject it was on. You could wake him up at 4 in the morning for boy/girl advice and he wouldn't care.
You slowly walked down the stairs to the garage, (of course) and typed in the code, getting his attention.
"Hey, what are you doing up?" He asked pointing a finger at you,
"I need to talk to you about something.." you were clearly uncomfortable and tony quickly caught on,
"Whats wrong?" He asked looking back down at whatever he was working on.
"So, as you know, mothers day is this weekend. And i wanna...i wanna get pepper something, but...I'm not sure, because technically she isn't my mom, but i see her as a mother figure, but im not sure because what if she doesn't like it, or what if she doesn't feel-" being cut off by tony placing his hand atop yours.
"Baby, even though, yes technically she is not your biological mother, she IS your mother, and she loves and cares for you so much. And whatever you get her, shes going to love it, i promise." He told you with a calming expression on his face, talking in a soft tone. "What do you wanna get her?"
"I was thinking....." pausing to pull out a photo on your phone. "Something like this...."
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Waiting for him to respond, he only smiled, and hugged you,
"Shes gonna love it sweetheart. Dont worry, now go. To. Bed."
"Can we make it first?"
"Fine, go get the stuff." You giggled, running to your room to grab some supplies.
"Pepper!" You were holding the small gift bag behind your back, you were sick to your stomach. Tony was sitting on the couch in front of the tv, realizing what you were doing, he gave you a little nod, you nodded to him as well, turning your attention back to Pepper.
"I, umm..i got you something...." you said pulling the small bag out from behind your back. you were so nervous, you could barely hear the vomit coming up in your throat. Just when your thoughts began to race, pepper spoke up.
"For mothers day? Oh y/n," you let out a sigh of relief, 'jeez' you thought before speaking up
"Open it" you said smiling from ear to ear, you looked back at tony and mouthed the words 'thank you' he smiled at you, before nodding his head toward pepper, given that she was now opening your gift.
When she pulled out the bracelet, she read it out loud.
"Mama?" She asked you, (Happily)
"Yeah, and the heart one so that we can have matching bracelets. Do you like it?"
"Do i like it? Of course i like it! I like everything you make me." She said, pulling you into a hug, she stayed in that that hug for a few seconds before you said something both tony and pepper would have never expected you to say in that moment.
"I love you mamuh." You said resting your head on her chest.
"I love you too y/n"
@animealways // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @zebralover // @yummyangy // @tonystark-au //
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megamindsecretlair · 8 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @nerdieforpedro 😚 for anyone who cares, here's a bit about me! 🥹
General rule: I may overshare in dms and authors notes sometimes but Im generally a private person 🤣 to the point Ive lost friends over it. ive been working with my coworkers for 3 years and they dont know shit about me 🤣 I juss really love yall and feel safe with yall so here we go!
1. Were you named after anyone?
No. My mom didnt want our names to announce who we were on applications so we all got regular smegular names. My name is of Irish origin so my yt folks customer service voice got ppl thinkin I have red hair. I mean....technically yes but its buried under my braids 🤣
2. When was the last time you cried?
At the end of The Marvels. The first end credit had me in real, actual tears. On a more serious note, I last cried before my grandma died. Yall, its fn hard being a caretaker. I was not built Ford Tuff.
3. Do you have kids?
*ahem* 🗣🗣 fuck no! 🤣🤣🤣 I dont even have nieces or nephews. Kids make me nervous and Im pretty sure they can smell the fear on me. 🤣
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
I played basketball and softball in HS. I love and miss softball all the time even though my big behind HATES running.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Sarcasm is one of my love languages. I put that shit on everything 🤣 Physical Touch is my main one since we sharing.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Ooof, tough. Depends. Some quirk like glasses, lisp, moles. How they walk/talk, the way they laugh. I am a lurker by trade. Overly shy kid and writer by nature will do that to ya.
7. What is your eye color?
Dark brown. When that sun hits 🫠🫠🫦
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I am a HUGE scaredy cat. I dont do scary movies nothin! Happy endings over here! 🤸🏽‍♀️ I will enjoy a thriller but only behind my hands and mostly starring Matthew Lillard.
9. Any talents?
.....no? I have a bunch of useless knowledge or trivia that no one asked for but ya gonna get 🤣 . Juss realized writing is considered a talent 😭 so that too 🤣
10. Where were you born?
US, West Coast baybeee
11. What are your hobbies?
Obvs, writing. Reading, sewing, cons, tarot, tv, listening to music, video games (xbox, switch, PC girlie) , Marvel. Marvel is a hobby. I will talk your ear off. That is both a threat and a promise 😚
12. Do you have any pets?
I have two gorgeous Boston Terriers who run me into the ground every day. Idk why my mom thought two was okay 🫠🫠 my Black ass tide 🥲 👏🏽
13. How tall are you?
Fun sized 5'3 and a half 👏🏽👏🏽🤣 pear shaped. I got ass for days but in the itty bitty titty committee. 😭😭😭😭😭
14. Favorite subject in high school?
Definitely English. My English teacher was so fine 🥲🥲 thats not WHY it was my fave but can ya blame me 😩 I loved reading the books but I hated the themes they shoved down our throats. What if that wasnt MY interpretation of the book??? Hmmm? Some faves include: Their Eyes Were Watching God (Teacake 🥵🥵🥵), Brave New World, Bright Lights Big City (probably where my love of second person is from) , Bronx Masquerade, and The Outsiders. And FUCK the Great Gatsby. If I hear about that damn green light one 👏🏽 mo 👏🏽 fn 👏🏽 time 👏🏽😩😡 and FUCK Of Mice and Men, he aint have to do all that in the end. And DOUBLE FUCK I Know Why the Caged Bird sings. Turned my stomach when she described the SA. Lemme stop 🥴
15. Dream Job?
Writer. I will publish, I will be successful, and I will live the life I want. I claim it 😩 on my Octavia Butler, NK Jemisin, Danielle Allen shit 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Whew! That was fun 😭🤣
No pressure tags: @mybonafidefeelings @bratzmaraj @braverthanthenewworld @multiversefanfics @chaos-4baby @westside-rot @saturn-rings-writes @notapradagurl7 @wide-nose-and-wonderful @blowmymbackout @blackerthings @harmshake @targaryenvampireslayer and who wants to do one. I love learning bout my moots.
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fagsex · 2 months
i had been too scared for years to check up on this really shitty thing from when i was a kid because his name his face the building they all made me nauseous and i knew if there was any justice at all it would be too little. i researched it today and turns out i was right. fucking scum got let go and all charges dropped for lack of competency. should that not speak more? when he was initially charged, it was on cnn, usatoday, cbc, covered so much that ive had friends ive made over the years in different states tell me they heard about him. ive found news articles in french about him. and yet not a word from any source outside of local about how he got fully away with it.
this is a weird thing for me to be randomly rambling about but sometimes it just hits me what happened. dr howard schneider of jacksonville florida, the only pediatric dentist to take medicaid in the largest city by area in the fucking continental united states, tortured, not exaggeration, tortured children for 30 years. at least.
when i say im afraid of dentists, im testy around dentistry, and teeth, and so much related things to it, everyone brushes it off easily as a common fear. which is naturally how he got away with it for so long. we were children physically restrained with leather straps. the doors were locked, parents werent allowed to come back, at a pediatric dentist. there were patients with teeth they just got being ripped out of their heads. i was either never given anesthetic, or, on more than one occasion, given so much i violently threw up, while lying down, restrained. i was seven years old tied strapped down choking on my own vomit with a bubblegum gas going in my nose. i can still smell it.
cold air still makes me nauseous. gas masks make me anxious. i couldnt lie down or feel relaxed anywhere that wasnt my bedroom for years. i would be sent to the nurses office as a kid, and refuse to lie down, because i felt like if i did, pain would begin. i would go in for a checkup and leave with too tight, too wrong crowns, covering my teeth. often, my teeth were not inspected or cleaned beforehand, just straight in with the drill. adult clamps in a childs mouth because i was being 'a whiny brat'.
have you ever been to a dentists office, or any medical office whatsoever, where an entire wall was a mirror? i could see myself held down and put through hell. i was too scared to put anything in my mouth at home, it repulsed me, not to mention my gums, my cheeks, the roof of my mouth, tongue, everything hurt so bad. i figured out later it wasnt normal, he was slicing them with a scalpel, with a pick, anything and everything. he put a hole in my sisters cheek. my baby sister walked, toddled out of there with a hole in her cheek after her first check up. we still went back, we couldnt afford anyone else, and he kept telling us how much work my mouth needed. he kept trying to convince my parents i may need braces, but i had the straightest teeth my parents had ever seen.
my heart still drops when i hear a drill, any drill. certain smells make me feel like i cant speak or breathe. my own mother screamed at me for being dramatic, for complaining so much. she said itd only hurt if i didnt listen, and he said the same. he said id be in trouble, big trouble if i told, and i remember it clear as day. he put on a movie on the ceiling tv he bought with the money medicaid gave him for ripping our milk teeth out, and it was the same movie everytime. some people dont understand that even the silliest, oddest thing can scare you if it sticks. he put his hands on my neck several times to restrain me and keep me from moving, and had me stare at the ceiling, and as fucking lame as it sounds, i could not listen to jerry seinfelds voice or participate in any bee movie jokes that became en vogue in 2016 or so, because i was legitimately terrified.
my own mother would mock my fears of putting things in my mouth to clean them, saying that if i was actually scared, i'd want to clean my teeth more so i'd see him less. it wouldn't matter what i did. and a scared 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 year old doesn't have that logic. i was just a lazy kid with disgusting teeth who was scared of the dentist, to everyone. in late 2019, the crowns he gave me all exploded, and took my teeth with them. four, five of my teeth were slowly destroyed and chipped out of my mouth. and every day i had to feel that scraping again, the cutting up of my mouth, how it filled with blooded. i couldnt talk or eat, but my family saw that as a positive, and i was too ashamed to tell them my teeth broke in my mouth. i knew they would see it as a sign of how disgusting i was. to be in my teens, and already have teeth abandoning me.
the state of florida forgave this. over 100 parents and children presented stories like mine, and he was still forgiven. i dont have a reason for sharing this, not now, not really. its not a special date, nor recent news. i dont even have some message behind this, other than oversharing. it was not just him either. it was every adult who did not listen or care, i suppose. it was the nurses there too. it was the state, it was his attorneys and lawyers that he could use his millions on that he made putting patients off anesthetics in papoose boards.
he was never even charged with child abuse, but fraud. the money was the most important thing the law found. i didnt smile with my teeth for years, my sisters speech was delayed for years, i had panic attacks in the middle of the day in middle school over a cartoon bee, ive had to remove 4 shattered teeth from my head and have several other teeth reconstructed where he broke and did not fix them,i was blamed for all the dental problems that suddenly appeared in my mouth when i began going to him, ive been belittled my entire life for such a childish 'fear', and that was never in question. just the fact he took my teeth to make money, that he put me and thousands of poor children, in both senses of the adjective, through hell to charge medicaid.
anyway what the fuck right. im sorry i dont know why im writing this all out right now but it just feels so stuck inside me that itll burst from my chest if i dont write it out. its actually relaxed me quite a lot. if you live in florida or georgia and you see some old bitch who looks like this just feel free to get him on sight 🤙
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goldberrg · 1 year
₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 dont have to do this
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summery : Every day you feel worse and worse, hoping that your parents will finally notice you, but only Steve seems to be worried about you, as always.
TW's – alcohol, mentioned drugs, a lot of time skips
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— Mom, you really need to sign our report cards. — you get distracted from the TV when you hear your brother Steve talking to mom.
— Already? Oh, yes, the semester ended a month ago. Where are they?
— We hung them on the refrigerator to make sure that you and Dad will find them easily.
— Oh, I didn't see that. — your mother declares, laughing softly.
From afar, you watch the interaction before rolling your eyes. Obviously, she hasn't seen your report cards on the refrigerator, even though she's been passing by it for the last three days. She can't see anything. She doesn't see any of you. Your mother and father are here, but they weren't really here. You know that they are absent because of their work, they do everything to provide you with a "good life", but you would like their definition of a "good life" to have something about being a "good parent".
Your mom takes a pen from her pocket and signs the papers without looking at them.
— Congratulations, kids. You've done an amazing job. — she confirms with a big smile.
This is the last straw for you. How could she say that you did an amazing job when your grades dropped completely this semester? Even your teachers are worried about your future. Your mother doesn't even pay attention to it. As always. You're tired of your mother's hypocrisy, so you get up from the couch and go to your room without looking at Steve and your mom, who are still in the kitchen.
When you walk into Miss Click's class, you hand her your report cards, just signed. She thanks you before she starts her class. You sit down in your usual seat and pretend to listen to the teacher. Since last month, your attention to school has decreased, as have your grades. You no longer follow the lessons carefully and continue to skip school. You've done it before, but only twice, and those were exceptions, you found good excuses not to feel guilty about it. Now you do it without thinking. After all, if the school had tried to tell your parents, they wouldn't have answered. If that were the case, you could always lie to your parents about why you skipped school, they would not be able to verify the truth, since they are always on the opposite side of the country or even on another continent. Steve noticed a change in your behavior, but he didn't tell you anything. He guesses that you're just going through a difficult phase. If you were really feeling bad, he knows that you would come to him. He's spent his whole life reminding you that he's always there for you. He knows perfectly well how to take care of you. Maybe even too much if someone asked your opinion.
Two days later, it's your father's turn to return from a work trip. He's even worse than your mother. He only speaks when necessary, while mom at least tries to act like she cares. Annoyed by the so-called presence of your parents, you take refuge in your room again. You turn on the music, increasing the volume while you read the magazine. You do everything to get lost in your thoughts, to forget that you are in a house that is anything but home. When you turn the page, the music stops abruptly. You look up from your magazine and see your father in front of the radio with an annoyed expression on his face.
— What do you think you're doing? I was listening to my music! — you say, you're getting angry.
You get out of bed and go to your radio, but your father stands in front of him.
— And I'm trying to work. Your "music" prevents me from doing this. — he snaps dryly.
— I need my music to focus.
— You're reading a stupid magazine. — your father objects, rolling his eyes.
— I do what I want, this is my room!
— This may be your room, but you're under my roof. Do as I say! So stop listening to your stupid music. — he orders. — If you really want to ruin your ears with this, use your player. You know, the fact that it cost us our lives and that you wanted it so badly.
You sigh in frustration as your father slams the door. You go back to your bed and scream into your pillow. You got angry after talking to your dad for less than a minute. By the way, it was also the first time you talked to your dad since he came home. Since you didn't want to deal with him again, you take your player, which he so "kindly" offered, and insert your cassette into it. Wearing headphones, you turn on music, trying to get rid of your emotions.
When you go to the kitchen for breakfast the next day, you find a note on the refrigerator. You'll recognize your mom's handwriting right away. You don't need to read it to familiarize yourself with the content. She went on another business trip for work. She's only been home a week. This is almost a record. You crumple the paper before you throw it on the table. You're not hungry anymore, so you're going back to your room to get ready for school.
When you come to school with Steve, you do everything to hide your anxiety. He tried to question you, but you acted like everything was fine. You don't want him to worry about you. Besides, you don't even really know what you're feeling. There are so many different emotions running through your head. You're completely lost. You just hope that classes will be a good entertainment.
During Miss Click's lecture, she returns you the test from last week. She hands over the paper and says she wants to see you after class. You nod before taking a quick look at your grade. You have a deuce, let's just say it's better than a deuce…
The rest of the time you're nervous about talking to your teacher. When the moment finally comes, you do everything to hide your nervousness.
— You wanted to see me, Miss?
— Yes, darling. I'd like to discuss your grades. You may have gotten a few better grades on the last tests, but it's still not enough. I know what you're capable of. You're a good student. Can you tell me what's going on? What is it? — she asks anxiously.
— I'm just a little tired. — you're lying. — I'm going to improve, I promise you.
— I'm sure you want, but it doesn't seem like you can. Listen, I'd like to talk to your parents. I know it's hard for them, but it can't go on like this anymore.
— My mom left today, and my dad is busy, and he will probably leave soon too.
— I know, but isn't there a solution for me to see them? — she insists, and you start to feel uncomfortable.
— I think you'll have better luck with my mom, but if you want to talk to her now, it will only be on the phone.
— It's better than nothing. Could you give me her number, please? — she says, taking a pen.
— I don't have her hotel number yet. Although I'll probably find it tonight. I'll tell you within a week, but I can't promise that you'll get in touch with her on the phone right away.
— It's okay, I'll try anyway. Thank you.
— Have a nice day, Miss. — you finish and start to leave, but she holds you back.
— You know, if you need to, you can talk to me. If it's difficult for you in class, I'll be happy to help you.
— Thanks.
You give her a small smile before sheepishly leaving her classroom. You get the impression that Miss Click feels sorry for you, and you hate it. Obviously, she has good intentions, but you don't want to make her think that you can't handle everything on your own. You know how to do it. You've known how to do it since you were a kid. Your parents left you no other choice.
Even if it's lunch break, you don't go to the cafeteria. You won't have time to relax properly, so you'd better not eat at all. Instead, you walk out of the building and into the woods next to the school. You walk carefully, making sure that no one sees you until you find yourself in front of a picnic table.
—Little Harrington. To what do I owe for this pleasure? — Eddie "Freak Munson smiles when he sees you.
— You know I'm not just Steve's sister, right?
— I know. What can I do for you?
— What can I get for fifty bucks? — you ask, catching him off guard.
— Excuse me?
— What can you sell me for fifty bucks?
— Nothing. — he claims without wasting a second.
— What, is it more expensive? I can already give you fifty, and the rest is tomorrow.
— No, I think you misunderstood me, sweetheart, I'm not going to sell you anything. — Eddie clarifies, and it's your turn to be taken aback.
— Why?
— You're fifteen.
— I'm sixteen!
—I'm sorry, ma'am. — he says dramatically. I don't sell to minors.
— So what? Are you a saint now? — you ask, and he shrugs. — You sell drugs in high school, what did you expect?
— Let's just say I don't sell anything to people under seventeen. In any case, you don't fit into any category.
— You're a jerk. — you say that with a fake smile.
—Thank you, little Harrington. — he's joking while you're out of the woods. — It was nice not to make a deal with you!
After his sarcastic comment, you throw a sharp glance at the guy, still heading to school. Among the people here, you would never have thought that Eddie Munson would play the good bastard. Even if you don't want to, you go back to class suffering in silence.
When in two weeks, your father leaves Hawkins to work, you feel like it's too much for you. You really feel bad. You feel sick in your stomach. You can't even eat. You feel like you can fall at any time. Steve noticed it on the way to school. He didn't ask you any questions while he was driving, he wanted to give you a little rest. Maybe you just needed a few more minutes to sleep? And yet, when you come to school, he's working on his brother's instinct.
— Are you feeling good? You look sick.
— Yeah, I just have a little stomach ache. It'll be over soon. Don't worry.
— Are you sure?" We still have a little time. We could go home. I'll call school and explain it. — he assures you, and you're trying to smile.
— Steve, I'm fine. It will be gone in an hour.
— If you need, you can always go to the nurse and ask her to tell me if you come home.
You nod before you get out of the car. You let Steve join his friends while you go to class.
Your anxiety is still present, even after an hour. Staying in school becomes unbearable for you, and you decide to miss the rest of the day. You're walking around Hawkins for hours before you get home.
You're lying on the couch and reading when Steve comes home in panic. Relief quickly blends on his face when he notices you.
— God, you scared me. I couldn't find you in the corridors and tried to call home, but no one answered!
— Sorry, Steve. I really didn't feel like it, and the nurse said I could go home. I forgot to tell her that she needs to tell you. And when I came home, I went to bed immediately. I'm so tired I didn't hear the phone call. — you lie.
— I understand, but don't forget to tell me the next time. You really scared me.
— Sorry.
— You feel better now? What's the matter? — he asks, putting his hand on your forehead.
—Yeah, I feel better. Besides, I don't have high temperature, Steve.
— We'll never know for sure. Maybe you got something caught.
— There's nothing about it. I'm fine.
— Well, but tell me if it happens again.
— Promise.
Steve goes into his room, and you look at him with a grateful expression on his face. You're lucky you have a brother who's so much worried about you who cares so much about you. He's doing better than your parents. You can't even remember when one of your parents was the last time you'd been clinging to your forehead to check the temperature. The feeling of gratitude quickly leaves the body, changing the wave of sadness when you realize how many Steve sacrifices for you. How much he sacrificed his life to do your parent's work. He shouldn't worry so much.
You're trying to call your mom for the fifth time in a row. Miss Click becomes more persistent. She told you she couldn't get to mom, despite the fact that she tried several times. You promised her you'd contact her. You're not surprised mom's acting like that. You told her your teacher wanted to talk to her about your grades. For a moment, you thought she knew something was happening, that she finally worried. When your mom still doesn't answer you, you're breaking the phone. Why do you even bother yourself with all these efforts if she doesn't even try? This situation with your parents becomes more and more intolerable. You want to talk about it with Steve, but you're afraid he'll stand up on your parents. After all, they're not here because they want to provide you with a good future. They do it wrong, but they have good intentions, right? On your part, selfish constantly demand their attention. But they could at least pay attention to your academic situation! If the teacher wants to talk to parents, it's because there's a problem. They must notice that, so why isn't that? Every contradiction comes in your head. If only you had parents with normal work, it would be much easier. These contradictions continue to curl in the head for a few days, exacerbating your anxiety. You're getting out more and more and you miss it. Steve does everything to know the truth, but you're silent. He's got so much to do with that he needs to handle that he doesn't need another problem.
Today you want to try a full day, but once the call rang, you got sick again. Now you know there's only one decision: quit school and stay in your own bubble, away from everyone. You feel like getting better when you do that. So, you're waiting for the corridors to drop quietly to leave the building. You walk out the street, you walk around the city. You go into some shops, but you don't buy anything. Eat a sandwich that made a day before continuing the walk. You're wandering like a ghost like a shadow of my old self. When the day is over, you have no strength to go home. You still want to stay in your own bubble. But stay sober in his own bubble is not enough. You go to the grocery store and wait for an adult to ask him to buy you some alcohol. When a young man of twenty years agrees to do it, you thank him. When he returns and gives alcohol, you feel even more grateful. You're starting to go when he calls you. — You know, you don't have to drink alone. You want to come with me and my friends? We're going to the bar nearby. They don't ask ID cards. You're hesitating for a second. Look at the guy before you look at the car in which two women sit and another man. You think a little more before you answer.
— Why not. — Come on, let's have some fun! — one of the women is screaming before opening the car door.
You're in the car, watching these strangers in the bar you told you about, and you drink almost the whole bottle. As you have said, no one asks the ID at the bar. You can order as much as you want. You decide to try everything in a little bit. You've always been rationalized. That night you want to change it. Your new friends encourage you to drink, telling a little about every alcohol available. You keep drinking shots, and another ordinary drink until you start dizzy. You're grabbing the counter before you feel sick. You run into the bathroom, and somehow you manage to keep yourself up until your face is over the toilet. Nicole, one of the women from the group, followed you, so at the moment she holds your hair while you're emptied your stomach.
— Thank You.
— I think you'll have enough for you tonight, don't you think? — she laughs.
— I think so.
— Come on, come on. We're going to tell the others we need to get you home.
— I really need to go home? — you ask questions before you clean your mouth.
— Your parents are not there, right? — you said it before you were punished. — That's true! You're right! Besides, even if they were there, they don't care about me. They won't even notice I'm drunk. — you add, suddenly feeling confident.
— Come on, the breaker of calm, it's time to go home.
Nicole supports you, helping you out of the bathroom. When you come back to the others, you're not quite in yourself to say you need to bring home, so your new friend tells them about it. They nod and laugh when they see your condition.
On the way home Pete, the one who bought you alcohol, keeps him moving slowly. Not because he drank alcohol too and wants to be responsible, but because he doesn't want you to be ripped out in his car.
Fortunately, you arrive at the destination without giving back the contents of your stomach. You're waving your new friends before you go to the door. You get the key from your school bag and open the door. You don't even have time to put your things down when you're suddenly dazzling the light. Steve runs to you in full panic.
— You're really coming home now? Damn, yes, it's three in the morning, I'm terribly worried. I thought something happened to you! I even called the police.
— It's okay, I'm not dead, Steve. — you're muttering, rolling your eyes.
— You're drunk? What's the matter? — he asks, coming closer to you.
— No.
— Y/N. — he insists more authoritative tone.
— Okay, maybe couple shots.
— How did you manage that? You're sixteen.
— I asked Pete.
— Who's this Pete? — Steve asked.
— The guy I met before. He's the one who took me home. — you're telling him, smiling.
— You really mean to tell me you took the alcohol from the stranger and got under the guard of this stranger? Do you understand how dangerous it was? He could hurt you. — he's splitting in shock.
— Calm down, there were Nicole, Tessa and George.
— And that should calm me down? You're completely drunk, three in the morning, you disappeared from today's morning and there was God knows who. Do you know how bad I felt
— Its..
— Don't you even say "nothing", Y/N. —he breaks down you, knowing what you were going to say. — I'm responsible for you when my parents are not there. I was so damn scared! And, by the way, not only tonight. I was worried about you for two months. — he admits, and you're frowning, knowing he understood. — Yes, they may have seen nothing, but I noticed that your grades were falling from the first day. I also know you tried buying drugs.
— How did you..
— Munson told me.
— That asshole! — you whisper, feeling devotee.
— Thank God he told me! He also confirmed all my doubts. God, what's going on? Why are you so far away? You know I'm here for you, so why are you acting like that? I can help you. I just feel you disappear and I'm afraid for you.
— Oh, God, can you stop? — you scream, dehydration.
— Stop what? Worry about you? I had to. You throw your life out on the wind. — Steve's parrying.
— Stop acting like a parent, it's not your job, damn it! You know what you just said to me, you should have spoken to me, you know, your mother or dad should have spoken. Not you. Yeah, you could be worried, but you're my brother. You have to laugh at me because you're yelling at me, or you have to blackmail me so I don't tell my parents about my grades. It's your job. You're not a parent. You don't have to be responsible for me.
— They work hard to..
— To provide us with a beautiful future, I know. — you broke him out irritably. — But what price?" Steve, I saw you acting like a parent than a teenager, and you're seventeen. I'm tired of seeing you sacrifice your life because two adults are unable to do their job. Look, tonight we have a new proof. You were terribly worried, you called the police because I disappeared all day. — you keep talking. — It's supposed to be parents, not you. You said it was two months since you noticed I didn't feel like it. My mother didn't even notice that my grades fell, though she signed the thing! It's driving me crazy because even when I'm trying to get their attention, you're worried not them. As you always do. I just want them to notice that they failed like parents. I want them to see us. At this time. But it doesn't work. I don't know what else I can do, and I'm sick of it. I can't stand it anymore, Steve.
You're totally in fucking tears. Steve doesn't answer, but hugs you as hard as he can. He knew that the situation in your family had affected you as well as he did, but he would never think you were so much suffering. He strokes you on his head, trying to calm your sobs, muttering some cute little things. You didn't think you'd break tonight, but that's what. You keep crying every tear from your body for a few minutes before you calm down. When Steve doesn't feel your shoulders move, he's a little bit of a hug to look at your face, look at his younger sister's face, completely broken.
— I'm sorry I didn't understand why you felt bad. I should have tried harder when I asked you how things were. — he says, feeling guilty.
— I'd lie.
— I should have tried harder.
— It's not your job. — you repeat in a whisper.
— That's not supposed to be, but that's what. Even if it's hard to handle all these duties, I'm glad to be here for you, so come talk to me when you're bad. Maybe I won't have answers to all the questions, but I'll do whatever I can. — your older brother assures you.
— Thank You. — you smile.
— If you want, we can try to talk to parents? — he's offering.
— They won't listen.
— We can always try.
— Yes. — you agree, but not really convinced.
— You need to rest, okay? — Steve recommends you, and you nod.
— Can you stay with me for the night? How when I had a nightmare when I was a kid? — you ask in a quiet voice.
— Of course. I'm just gonna call the police and tell me you're home. I'll take you a glass of water and some medicine, you'll have a damn bad headache. — he says, laughing slightly and pointing to your head.
— I think. — you say giggling.
Steve kisses you in the forehead before inviting you to your room. You smile slightly before you go upstairs. He goes to the phone in the living room when you stop and call him. Steve returns with a questionable look.
— I'm sorry. — you're starting before you clean your throat. — For disturbing you for the last two months, but especially for tonight. Maybe I wanted parents to worry, but the least I wanted you to be scared. You've been doing so much for me since we were kids. I'm really grateful for you that you're my older brother. — you admit it, for a second, you look. — I just hope you know that.
— I'm glad I have a younger sister.
— I'm sorry for tonight. I won't do that anymore, I promise.
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Track Two. American Whore. Pairing: Billy Hargrove X OC
word count: 806
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part two:
Being put in the spotlight from an extremely young age ruins your life in the long run.
I was born and raised in Ryazan Russia and When I was four I saw those gorgeous girls on tv gliding across the ice doing jumps and twirls with an Olympic symbol in the back and that's when my love for ice skating started.
My first televised competition was when I was 13.
That adrenaline rush of winning a competition became addicting and I never gave up until I won. Winning is first place, everything else is losing.
watching teenage diary of a girl, wondering what went wrong
By the time I was 15 I had made a name for myself and broke numerous world records and was better than olympic gold medalists. But it all comes to an end when you have to move across the globe to live with your aunt because I needed an education but that isn't even the worst part, the worst part is that it wasn't New York or California it was a small town inside of Indiana where you wouldn't even know existed if it weren't for the street signs. I dont even think this would be any better for my education.
Thankfully I was already very fluent in English and French so I won't have any trouble there but apparently I wasn't the only new person here
As I arrive at the small house I take a look at my surroundings becoming aware of everything around me. Seeing little kids stare at me like they have never seen life outside of Hawkins. 
     Location: Hawkins high school. 
Driving up to the school was the most humiliating thing a human can experience, being one of the two new people in a small town where no doubtingly nothing happens so its no secret everyone is going to be in your business. The other new person is much more interesting than be so the attention wasn't on me for long. I look up hearing a loud engine getting closer and closer and seeing a gorgeous blue Camaro come into view. Now that is the most interesting that has happened in this town.
time skip
Finally I get to the office and am getting my name down when a man with dirty blonde hair and denim on denim walks in. Im not going to deny the fact that he was attractive but it was the fact that he knew he was and he was way too  confident. Thats why I kept my distance. I acknowledged his presence and went back to doing what I was doing.
Billy Hargrove:
Now I was new to this town. I didn't know anyone and I didn't need to. i'm from fucking California for fucks sake. Im not going to say moving to this small town didn't mean shit because it did but I was clearly the most modern person there, I mean ( chuckles). I had everyone here wrapped around my finger and I needed to do was to show up.
As  I walk into the office I see another girl in here clearly very different from everyone else around here. She didn't have goofy fried hair like everyone else; she had long and I mean long hair, it was red and not the ginger red, it was a true red color but obviously dyed. she had a slightly round face, she was thin but had a lot of muscle but not to the point where she looked bulky. But the thing that really got me was she barley even spared a second glance at me when I walked in.
And I'm standing over here wondering where this girl comes from because it clearly isn't from around here (Indiana). I Watched her as the front desk lady, I think her name was Betty or some stupid shit like that, it doesn't matter, checked her in. when she asked for her name thats when I really started listening, but was quickly caught off guard when I heard her heavy accent as she spoke, now very clearly not around here speaking about this country. Her name was Alexandra Trusova, it sounded familiar but I quickly brushed it off. As soon as she was finished and started getting her stuff together I started to fix my hair and adjust my jacket, getting ready to pull my usual lines on her. she started walking towards me and I knew I had this in the bag but as she got closer I could barley get out two words before she brushed past me giving me a dirty look like I just interrupted her day, And I'm standing here thinking to myself who the fuck does this girl think she is?
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phoenixfangs · 6 months
tagged by @rizaposting HOLDING UR HAND AND PRESSING MY FOREHEAD AGAINST UR SHOULDER i never get tagged in these so this is fun huehue
are you named after anyone? not technically, ive asked my parents multiple times about How they came up with me and my siblings names, but they just. didnt think very hard about it. fjkdlsjfdlas. but in a way im named after my mom, because me and saturns given names start with the same letter as our moms; my younger siblings names start with the same letter as our dads. i guess me and saturn could also be named for one of my dads uncles?? our names mixed make that uncles name. but idk im not willing to believe my dad cares that much about Anyone in his family to honor their memory through our names lawl
when was the last time you cried? i think the other day watching atla, when zuko and iroh reunite before the final battle. zuko trying to stumble through an apology and thinking iroh must hate him, but iroh just without even saying anything grabbing zuko and pulling him into a tight and tearful hug... man ;_;
do you have kids? HELL NO!!!!! im barely halfway through my 20s i should be at the club. dont want kids, never wanted kids, will never want kids. i will tolerate being my nieces and nephews cool auncle when my siblings start having kids of their own, and No More, thanks
do you use sarcasm a lot? i guess so?? its hard to gauge. i feel like most of the time i speak sincerely, but i will also throw in the occasional sarcastic quip. shrugs
what sports do you play? i dont play any sports anymore, but up until high school i played softball. i was pretty good i think! pitcher and second base. also in middle/high school i was a baton twirler for band and i guess dance competitions (i have Never thought of it as 'dance' but i guess technically i was dancing... blegh), and im gonna count that as a sport. any activity with the possibility and probability of being hit on the head by a metal rod counts as a sport to me
what’s the first thing you notice about people? probably their height. most people are taller than me but i will make an immediate note of people who are Shorter than me
what’s your eye color? grrrreen gray? i spent a few minutes staring at my eyes trying to figure out the color but all i did was strain my eyes jfldks
scary movies or happy endings? hmmmmmm i love both. i like blood and gore and guts and evil, but i also like heartwarming fluff where everything works out. i cant decide!! it just depends on my mood hehe
any special talents? i hesitate to claim i have perfect pitch because it sounds self congratulatory, but im pretty sure i have perfect pitch lmao. i cant Identify notes by name but i can recreate pretty much any note i hear, as long as its in my range. im not a good singer though lawl i dont have the technique. in the same vein, i can recreate other noises i hear pretty well, like i taught myself how to do the perry the platypus clicking sound Thing he does just by listening to it
where were you born? texas born and raised! everyone i knew growing up was a redneck or a 'cowboy church' christian
what are your hobbies? drawing, writing fanfic oneshots or rps with friends, bideo games, rewatching the same handful of tv shows and letsplays and video essays over and over again
do you have any pets? my son, my sweet bubby, apollo :> my stupid little man, hes gonna be 3 this year i think! flame point siamese kitty, dumb as rocks, currently i think hes burrowed in the sheets on my bed taking a nappy
how tall are you? 5'2", but add a couple inches because i almost exclusively wear shoes that add height, like my Big Dyke Boots i wear every day hehe
favorite subject in school? any of my electives probably, like art and music/band. in college my favorite classes i ever took were film appreciation, screenwriting, and theatre directing (which i signed up for thinking it was film directing, but it was still so fun and interesting)
dream job? honestly?? i think anything on the set of a movie or tv show would be awesome. maybe creative consultant, so that i can interject my own ideas into other peoples projects. i tend to feel my most creative when im working Around other peoples ideas tbh. all that, or lead writer/director on my own tv show/movie/video game, if i ever feel like i can handle that pressure
GET TAGGED @applescabs @lizardyeast @cottagegay and anyone else that sees and wants to participate :>
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wtfuckevenknows · 8 months
Hi B 💗 I’d like to know what some of your fave things you did or ate or drank whilst you were down here in Aus please 👀 Also if you have a book recommendation too!
Listen, y’all need to cool it with the food asks because they always put me in an existential crisis and in this case YOU’RE MAKING ME WANT TO GET ON A FUCKING PLANE TO MELBOURNE AND I DONT EVEN LIKE MELBOURNE!!!! (But I’d get to visit you and @celeritas2997 so that’s a plus ❤️😘)
(Just kidding, but also not)
We’re starting with food and drink because obviously.
Melbourne has Lord of the fries and Lune Croissantarie and Yo-Chi and Green Cup.
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I had the most amazing Lobster Ravioli (that I obviously don’t eat anymore) while living in Melbourne and I tried so many different types of fish I had never even heard of before.
Baked in Portsea has the bestest yummiest pastries and what not if you’re ever in the Mornington Peninsula. The things I’d give for their Hummus & Feta sandwich (in a very German multi seed bread roll). Also got this amazing Birthday cake!!!!
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Sydney had yummy yummy Everything Bagel with Garlic Cream Cheese from Brooklyn Bros Bagel and the Peanut Butter Bar & Fishbowl.
There’s Cadbury Mini Eggs in Aus, and Chiobani and obviously TimTams although I find them too sweet these days. Had my first spider (not that good) and a very yummy spider (raspberry lemonade with vanilla ice cream). Schweppes Agrum!!!!!! I fell in love with these veggie things from Coles and whatever that thing on the right actually is (that I also wouldn’t eat anymore).
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I did lots of awesome things in Oz with the limited time I had thanks to Corona but I swam with Dolphins in the ocean in Sorrento, I fell in love with my library in Sydney, I went to the amazing Cinderella exhibit at the Grounds of Alexandria, I biked down a mountain in Tassie with 50km/h, I took the ferry in Sydney a million times as one does, I’ve been on a 40 million dollar yacht (still the most surreal day of my life to this day 🥴)
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Have you read A Good Girls Guide to Murder? The first one is the best one of the series (as it so often is but I do like the others too) and I hear they’re being made into a tv series I think?
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causenessus · 1 month
HI NESS!! its like 3 pm rn so good afternoon 😋 i hope you're having/had(? idk when ur school day ends so like..) a good school dayyayay :)) HOPEFULLY YOUVE BEEN DRINKING WATER and ofc eating enough + taking ur meds 🙂‍↕️
when u mentioned some npc named cream cheese i started laughing like an idiot omg 💔 like picture me sitting in the living room next to my roommate bc we're watching a tv show and then i look down at my phone and start giggling out of nowhere.. cream cheese sounded like a real opp 😕🙏 i was the same but with mariokart bc rose gold peach was always hitting me w red shells fr LIKE I CRIED OVER THAT A LOT ACTUALLY (i was 7). and omg mario party!! i still play that whenever i have game nights bc i was able to buy a nintendo switch HAHAHAH and dude just dance hyperfixation goes crazy bc i got insanely good at rasputin solely because i thought i looked cool (i did not.) 😞
ALSO THE VOLLEYBALL GIRLS BEING MEAN IS SO REAL OMG.. lots of the vb girls at my middle school didn't like me for no reason it was crazy actually and that was partially why i didnt start until now LMAO theyre scary af sometimes akwkwnssj
IM GOING BACK TO SCHOOL TOMORROW and me and my friends were trying to figure out where to meet and its now coming to me that i have nothing planned whatsoever 😋 LIKE I DIDNT EVEN PLAN WHEN TO WAKE UP AND I ONLY REALIZED NOW PLS so today i have to lock in and plan an outfit hairstyle and lunch for tomorrow morning and uhhhhhh i wanted to write and post an akaashi oneshot before i went back to school bc i would probably lose the time to write frequently so... how do u balance out your time omg (DONT ACTUALLY ANSWER THIS ITS OK ITS RHETORICAL IM JUST YAPPING)
also i had no idea but like theres a district rule here that phones CANNOT be used at all in the school day unless u were explicitly allowed to.. like ive been getting intro emails from my teachers and their talking about A CELL PHONE VAULT⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ guys i just want my phone so that i can listen to music while i work on assignments please i swear im an ok kid 💔 i may just keep it in my backpack and always wear my hair down because im desperate.. i think i may have an aneurysm if i have to go the entirety of a day without music so desperate times call for desperate measures i suppose 😕
HELLO SAV!!! GOOD EVENING <3 (it's 10 pm rn oopsies) THANK U!! AND I HOPE YOU HAD A GOOD DAY <3 today was okay besides the embarrassment of hearing my own playlist being played in public...yk what i'm referring to..BUT also aa yes i will take my meds thank you for the reminder!! since 10 is when i'm supposed to take them 😭 i'll take them next time i get up!! bc i'm kind of comfy rn </3
PLEASE i never actually played mario kart </33 like then the switch came out and my friend had it and i played at her house but then she'd always get mad bc i'd beat her LMAO so i've actually never owned mario kart!! like i ended up get a hand me down switch from my sister's bf's sister who didn't want it anymore but it dies like within an hour of being used so i never play it </33 and DW i didn't look cool dancing to promiscuous even if i got 5 stars on it LMAOAO
but YES idk i think middle school volleyball is definitely the worst bc that's when the toxicity started for my friend in volleyball and i think it makes sense just because of what our minds are like at the state (trying to find ur place and form groups and everything yk </3 not to be a psych nerd or anything but ykwim </3)
AND AA BEST OF LUCK TOMORROW AT SCHOOL!! I'LL PROBABLY MESSAGE U AT MIDNIGHT TO WISH U LUCK AGAIN <3 I HOPE YOU GOT YOUR OUTFIT AND EVERYTHING PLANNED OUT!! i've also been just taking it day by day 😭 like my schedule depends on the day yk so like i've just been setting alarms the night before everytime my schedule changes (IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT BUT I GET U SAV I GET U) and aa!! i know your question was rhetorical but definitely don't stress about too much please <3 take your time and just do what you can manage!!
AND THAT'S CRAZY?? A PHONE VAULT??? MAN YOUR SCHOOL IS HARDCORE I'M SO SORRY 😭😭 i definitely just keep my hair down and use earbuds most of the time bc i CANNOT go without music and like it's fine!!! i have great grades tbh so no one has anything on me 😌 i remember one time i had this math final and we had to put our phones in like a shoe hanger everyday (idk what it's called) but thank goodness wireless headphones exist!! so like my phone would still be connected to my earbuds <3 and my teacher made me lift up a beanie i was wearing to cover my ears LMAO AND I HAD AN EARBUD IN BUT SHE DIDN'T SEE IT BC THEY'RE BLACK like i am not rich enough to afford airpods and i don't want them anyway 😭 they look uncomfortable and ugly and they draw so much attention bc they're bright!! offbrand earbuds all the way <3
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