#dont mess with the hairless monkeys
parrotninja · 11 months
So I love the humansarespaceorcs subreddit, really funny, and I came up with a small saying to represent humans accurately
If you're a friend, you'll have a hell of a time.
If you're an enemy, your time will be hell.
I also love the idea that aliens don't visit not because they aren't technologically advanced enough, or that we haven't noticed, but that Earth has been declared a death world where no one wants to go cause of us
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Chained love
Prompt: Lucifer is chained up in dungeon and reader has to torture him for info but ends up having sex instead.
Warning: Smut, chains, slight! Torture, betrayal
"NO!" The word reverberates throught the halls of the bunker.
Y/n was pissed, how could her brothers ask such a thing of her. Why couldnt Rowena or gabriel do it. Her eyes stare at Dean and Sam with such anger that even the fires of hell didnt match up to the heat of her rage.
"Y/n please, I have to continue research for this hunt, and y'know Sam cant do it." Dean's eyes begged their sister to understand, there was just to much bad blood between them that torturing Lucifer would just get out of hand.
"But why do I have to be the one to torture him....you know I cant stand what goes on I that room" she felt so defeated.
Torture just wasnt her thing, hell she didnt even hate monsters, she knew they had to survive in their own way as well, but she knew it was best to protect others.
"Yes, but he isnt aware of who you are, as far as people go, only gabriel, cas and Rowena know you are our sister and that you exist." Dean was looking at her pleadingly.
Her brothers hounded her and brought up old favors until she agreed.
"Fine, but the second something goes wrong, I'm out of there and you have to clean up whatever mess it is."
"Fine, deal..now please just go get the info we need" Sam was less than pleased with her having to do this but knew it was the best choice.
Lucifer p.o.v
'Wonder what's taking those, 2 hairless apes so long' I lean back in my chair the chains rattling with every movement. Examining the room I'm held in the walls are covered in wards and entrapments. I'm observing the wall of doom and torture when the cabinets are slid open and then slammed.
"Finally decided to show yourselves boys-" my eyes widen and I'm actually struck speachless when instead of the gruff plaid winchesters, standing there is a (s/c), (e/c) woman. She was dressed in baggy Jean's too big for her, a black tank top, and her hair a was a beautiful (h/c).
"Well this is a surprise, so where did the winchesters pick, a tiny little pretty thing like you, up from" he raises an eyebrow when no response is given not even a glare.
3rd person.
Meanwhile on the inside you were dying, you had never seen the angel before today your brothers had only ever told you about how he was such a horrible and evil being. They'd never let you know anything about him other than that preferring to keep you as far away from the apocalypse as possible.
'The least they could of done was tell me how goddamn tempting his vessel was...and oh my jesus his voice, the things I could do to him' like a light bulb suddenly going off in her head a grin spreads across her face and picks up a large knife the table and saunters her way over to him.
"Good afternoon, Lucifer correct? My names (y/n) Winchester, let's get started shall we." She could see the way his eyes had widened at hearing her name.
"I wasnt aware the boys even had a younger sibling, well besides Adam of course, not to mention such a cute -!!! Fucking hell!" His teasing was cut off as a blade is slammed down into his hand, pinning him to the chair.
"Let's get things straight luci dearest, you see I'm not too fond of the whole cutting people up for info, so we are going to do things a little differently." Her smirk and the edge in her eyes could cut steel.
"Oh and what would that entail, you damned mud monkey." He wouldnt ever say it, but that look in her eye was really doing something to him. He could feel the excitement bubble in his vessels stomach, when she sets her self onto his lap. Her legs straddling his own.
She pulls the blade from hand and runs the tip along his jaw leaving a trail of blood in its wake, as she reaches his neck she lightly pushes the blade down drawing blood.
He expects her to leave more cuts but when she leans down and licks dripping blood from is neck all the way up to his ear, she nips the lobe and whispers, "let's say we have a little competition, who ever moans first has to help the other."
And with that she flips the knife in her hand and uses it to cut open his shirt. She takes in every bit of his unveiled vessel, from his strong chest to his little tummy pouch, she was getting excited, as far as she was concerned this was a win win situation, she was getting a good time either way.
Lucifer however was downright surprised out of all the scenarios he had thought would happen, the apparent little sister of the winchesters tearing his clothes off and going down on him was not one of them, he couldnt say he was complaining though, who knows if this turns out to be a good experience he might just take her with him, the first chance he gets to bolt.
After all, the winchesters wouldnt be able to get rid of his kid, like the first one, if it's one of their own.
"Well isnt this just cute, what is it little Winchester, does my vessel excite you...or maybe it's my voice, or maybe your like me and want to do something naughty to rebel against your big overprotective brothers." He relaxes against the chair as his pants are slipped down his thighs and her shirt is thrown across the room.
Y/n stands from his lap, and unbuckles her Jean's, kicking her shoes off ahe let's the material hang off her hips. Turning her back to Lucifer she bends over to completely remove her Jeans giving him a clear and perfect view of the curve of her ass.
Settling herself back onto his lap she coudnt help but notice how well she fit against him, his cold chest pressed against her own as she lowers herself down onto him. The feel of the stretch and cold inside her was almost to much. Her felt amazing and it took everything to remember not to moan.
"I'll be honest, I was expecting more from the so called father of sin." Her mocking stare bores into his own lust filled.
"Oh sweetheart, it's cute that you think you have the upper hand here," Lucifer leans forward and starts leaving a trail of bites along her neck, "if these chains werent in the way I'd have you bent over this chair screaming my name to the heavens themselves."
(Y/n) couldnt stop the shiver of excitement run through her at the thought of being dominated by such a strong and powerful being.
Your movements against each other havent slowed, both of you trying to get as close as possible. Her hips snapping into his. The feeling of that little knot building within her belly followed by Lucifer snapping his hips up into hers, hitting that special spot deep within, drags out her orgasm and low moan from her lips.
She was too far gone to even care about the self satisfied smirk he was sporting. It disappeared however at the feeling of her squeezing his member, the heat from her body was amazing, and the look of ecstasy on her face, draws out his own orgasm.
"Fuck, Y/n" her name was spoken in a deep growl tainted by lust and satisfaction.
Minutes past, Lucifer letting her catch her breath, not the minded. The feeling of her chest surging against his own was more than enough reason to put up with it.
"I believe you owe me a favor...get me out of here and we are even."
Y/n heaves a deep sigh and dresses herself before hesitantly unlocking his chains.
Lucifer stands and stretches his satisfied Vessels muscles, before turning to her with that cocky smirk.
"Oh did I forget to mention...you'll be coming with me, never been so satisfied from a human before." He wraps his arm around her waist expecting a slight struggle, however is surprised when she just goes limp against his side and buries her face in his chest.
"Fine, the deal was to help with whatever we need, just let me sleep before round 2, I dont have you angelic stamina" and with a flap of wings they're gone.
Sorry it took so long but I was dealing with college lessons and stuff. But here you go the chained request
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vanguard-draco · 5 years
Imaging if Buccarati from jojo revived by god to live in full live then end up in beastar universe and he was only human there (tough they asuming him as strange almost hairless monkey). Adopted by Gosha 6 years before his dauther pregnant.
When Legosi born he became short brother figure as some how he still can summon stingky fingger (zipper man) and play with Legosi as imaginary friend ignorate if the stand can lift Legosi. Dont worry Legosi or any animal cant see it (cause you know why right? Only stand user can see stand).
Afther years Buccarati start develop power which freaking out Gosha when he found the house was on mess tough they was attacked until smol buccarati ask him for help him.
Gosha in his live never see something so bizare as he cleary hear zipper close sound as they connect coffe table. He even wonder if there some kind zipper on all his funitur until Buccarati show him and Legosi his new found power with using one plate.
Instant freaking out Gosha was happy he have such gifted child like Buccarati sure he also love his grand son most.
When before legosi mom jump Buccarati talk to her even desperate help her but she just said she whan him to always there for Legosi then she fall her self with out thing he jump down using stinky fingger ability so he was ok but sadly he to late and Legosi mom was dead.
He even try to close any rupture with his stand power but he still cant make him hate stinky fingger and whan stop summon it.
Until when he remember at hisb16 he helping some lizard who ambused by his parent ignorate Gosha warning buccarati run and punch the lizard father using stinky fingger and cut half reptile hand make him freaking out. (Imaging your hand was open into half with zipper sound. Yeah it could be terified)
The lizard or Alligator exacly name was Fugo and Buccarati found he was just adopted while his parent just whan some extra cast. they begin quick friend even keep together until graguated from high school Buccarati start thinking using his power to helping people. Course Fugo knew his friend strange ability even something it freaking him.
Fugo self start training make him became 6.8ft muscular Alligator and he promest he will protec Buccarati and his own family some day.
Many bizare adventure duo has pass make Fugo belive magic and mithical creature was real even another human from another world came then she make Buccarati knew what he was exacly was, and suprising Fugo fell in love with her and having son which is alligator but with warm blood and his nail was shorter even almost dont have cause only small tip, his scale also bit soft then avenger alligator even defelop a hair on top his head and under some circumtense she only can visit him and they son on december.
They jurney keep going helping city also having some aditional member which all of them was hibrid exep Fugo who is pure alligator. To them Buccarati was they star, they guide.
Then Buccarati decide to make them became whole group name the passione, a groub with 'gifted' animals they main is to stand far brigh than beastars
When start story of Legosi, Buccarati was 23 and Legosi was 17.
And in end note Buccarati whan take Legosi to the passione when he graduated but sadly fate tell something diffrent.
Ps: only Buccarati use his suit back on golden wind. Asuming his member, friend even Gosha and Legosi said he was have unique taste of fasion.
#mysmallproject #beastarfanfiction #crossover
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