#dont mind how many fuutas there are
good-beansdraws · 10 months
Little wip dump ~
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mukuberry · 9 months
do you have any milgram headcanons you concider basically canon, or literally just forget arent canon? (personally i keep forgetting shidou isnt canonically autistic Help Me)
Honestly it's hard thinking of milgram characters that aren't autistic;; I've always headcanoned Shidou as schizospec though so I'm very interested in hearing more about autistic shidou 👀👀
I get whiplash everytime someone calls Fuuta a boy orz I know she's an egg rn but give her a few months when she's out of milgram and it'll all click!! Do u think if she or shidou request estrogen while in the prison, es will get them some?
DID Kotoko will always be real to me!! Oh she just happens to have extensive knowledge on what DID is and how it works?? And the forest she goes into inside her mind when she's stressed/overwhelmed ISN'T a headspace??? Yeah ok. Sure.
Honestly i dont have too many headcanons for the cast .-. its hard to figure out what counts as a headcanon and whats just a theory;;
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HELLO MOOTIE im here to ask ur opiniom on 18 and 21 for the milgram asks 😵‍💫 ALSO have a nice day, if not then im sure tomorrow will be. IF STILL NOT then the other day, the other and other and other- okay dont forget to rehydrate urself if u hadn't. thats all thank you!!
Hello, and same to you, my friend~
Don’t mind me, just gonna take advantage of not having a specified character to babble on about as many characters as possible. I’m just a silly gal, a silly goose if you will 🪿
18.) What non-Deco Vocaloid songs do you think suits them?
Jackalope: “Welcome to the Internet” by Bo Burnham. Do I need to explain?
Es: “Saint Bernard” by Lincoln although I thought “Autoheart” by Sailor Song fit them as well (more so Es singing it to Kotoko/us). At this point, the poor kid’s exhausted and straining under the pressure and guilt so I think “Saint Bernard” fits them rather well.
Haruka: Hmmm. This one's tough. I'm gonna have to go with “I’ll Be Good” by Jaymes Young. It’s mournful and pleading and I think if he had been voted guilty in Trial One, his second trial song would have vibes of “I’m bad but I want to be better” instead of “I’ll be bad to be better,” that All-Knowing, All-Agony gives me. As a runner up, "Not While I'm Around," from the Sweeney Todd: Demon Barber of Fleet Street musical. I can just picture him singing it.
Yuno: “Bring on the Men” from the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde musical. It’s fun, full of quips and innuendos, and definitely embraces her take on sex work.
Fuuta: “Dance, Dance” by Fall Out Boy. I feel like this fits his vibe.
Muu: “We R Who We R” by Kesha. Love her, hate her, you gotta admit that Muu wants to embody this IDGAF confidence, and I will indulge her with this song (where's the yellow paint can? I liked using it for Muu).
Shidou: “The Night We Met” by Lord Huron. It just sounds very mournful and fits his longing to see his loved ones again.
Mahiru: “E.T.” by Katy Perry, specifically the one without Kanye West because it vibes better with her. It's less... let's say Katy Perry is less direct about what she wants from her alien, and I feel like Mahiru could barely spit out an innuendo because of her dedication to her 'good girl' image.
Kazui: I suppose “False Confidence” by Noah Kahan would be a good fit. The emphasis on trying to fake it till you make it and wishing to go back to when you were young and before you began faking your way through life. That said, "The Good in Me" by Jon Bellion was a close second.
Amane: Another tough one. Perhaps "Miss Independent” by Ne-Yo. I had a song on here that didn’t really fit her and then I heard this song on the radio and went, “No, that’s the one.” Something fun and light but still fits her idealized self.
Mikoto: “LA Devotee” by Panic! At the Disco. Like Fuuta, it just fits his vibe. That said, I feel like John is scream-singing "Fight Back" by NEFFEX at him.
Kotoko: “Interlude IV” by Zach Callison. I can only assume this is what her two brain cells discussed during the break between the first and second trials. It’s menacing but fits so well.
21.) Do you have any similarities with them/relate to them?
Hmmm. It'll probably be shorter if I write a paragraph rather than breaking it up by character. I suppose the two I relate the most to would be Es and Yuno, but I relate a startling amount to Shidou, if I’m being honest. Let me explain the Shidou thing first since I know that he is heavily disliked and how I relate to him is dependent on how I view his crime.
My impression of Shidou is that he was a doctor who looked at the forest rather than the trees. At the very least, he pushed for the family members of patients who were brain-dead to take them off life support. I think he also pushed for patients to undergo risky surgeries in hopes that it would treat them when their current treatment failed. Shidou never thought beyond treating the physical ailment, and it wasn’t until his wife and children were in the car accident where he was put in the same position that Shidou fully understood the emotional weight of what he asked his patients and their families to do. With that, he began to suffocate under his own feelings of guilt and inadequacy (because if he couldn’t save his family, what is his worth?), and his push for the death penalty and claims about being irredeemable were his own attempts at trying to die so he can be with his family again. It was only when Kotoko attacked, that his savior complex was revived and he was given purpose again. I fully expect him to try and attack Kotoko (“remove that fang” anyone?) and push for the death penalty again during the third trial. Now, I know you’re thinking, wtf, how can you relate to this man?
Well, for starters, if the people I loved most in this world were violently ripped away from me while I stood helplessly by, I’d blame myself and look for reasons as to why I’m the worst and deserve death. Also, I have a lot of family who are nurses, and stories about dickhead doctors and the realities of illness, injuries, and treatments were common enough dinner conversations that hearing about, reading, and listening to Shidou act like a martyr makes me think, “Yeah, professional hazard,” not “what a scum ball.” To me, Shidou is the equivalent of a pothole in the street. I might startle if I fall into him but in all likelihood, I’ll trip, grumble, and move on. There’s also the part where I think, if I was a worse person, I’d probably be more like Shidou. He reminds me of what I could be if I was more arrogant, more willing to sacrifice in the name of the bigger picture.
But onto happier topics, I like to think I’m able to relate to Es. They have a strong sense of morality, integrity, and responsibility when it comes to their work. I like to think I keep to those three values when faced with an unknown or conflict. It’s admirable how they try to stay true to those values despite Milgram’s mental/physical interference when it comes to Es trying to remember or establish a sense of personhood separate of the organization’s will. With Yuno, I like to think I can read the room, albeit I’m probably on par with Muu, not Yuno when it comes to that. Although, I do understand her frustration with trying to establish agency when others try to limit it, and admire how willing she is to put herself out there to find herself. Actually, now that I write this down, I admire Yuno more than relate to her. I guess I’m Shidou and Es. Sorry y’all.
As a bonus, Jackalope. If I had to pick anything to relate to, I would certainly pick his love of the drama and chaos that goes on in Milgram. I definitely share his amusement for the chaos. As much as I enjoy all the prisoners (including Es in that), with the caveat of some more than others, I get a bit of a kick out of trying to use Jackalope’s taunts and jabs to predict what will happen next. If Es is the audience surrogate, then Jackalope is an author insert. He’s as enjoyable as he is smarmy, and I enjoy a battle of the wits. I’d probably lose against Jackalope in that battle, but hey, I’d lose with a shit-eating grin on my face. Jackalope definitely knows more than he lets on and while I don’t think he’s ever lied outright with how he prefers to dodge questions and give half-answers, he is using that to keep the upper hand and let things unfold. I don’t think I’m sadistic, but he is a fun enemy to face.
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