#dont pay attention to closely to the details lol this is very much a somewhat cleaned up sketch
amatres · 2 years
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I don't know why I asked
A messy comic based on a conversation the warden can have with Wynne that has haunted me ever since I first played Origins.
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Astrid & Libi
Astrid: ....
Astrid: wHY Is JaKe doiNG tHat?
Astrid: itS beInG weIRd
Libi: Doing what, Astie?
Libi: He is a bit weird, isn’t he
Astrid: 👀 @ u 💬 @ u
Libi: Oh, well we’re both going to be in the school play that Mr Mullan is putting on
Libi: He’s going to be my husband/partner in crime 💥🔫🔫
Astrid: ⛔⛔⛔⛔
Astrid: yoUrE noT FRiENdS
Astrid: doEsNT mR mULLaN knOw??
Libi: I’ll have to do really good acting and pretend we are
Libi: Were first years allowed to audition?
Astrid: [lists everything vaguely shady that Libi has ever said about Jake like but you said… so good luck lol]
Astrid: ....
Astrid: i DoNt KnOW
Libi: Okay, I’ll have to work hard 😅 He seems like he really wants to do the play so hopefully he will work hard too
Libi: Oh that’s okay, it takes time to settle in doesn’t it
Libi: How are you liking your lessons?
Astrid: hmmMMMm
Astrid: HOPEfullY PeOPLe wonT bE 😢 oR 😡
Astrid: iT tAkEs tiME TO settLE iN ✅☑️
Astrid: I liKe hIStoRY & rE
Astrid: [cue a long long ramble about everything she’s learnt and is interested in within both of those subjects that I won’t subject us to even though I too like both of those]
Libi: I hope not
Libi: 😂 or 😁 or both
Libi: That’s really cool, you’ve learnt so much already
Libi: [At least she did all this last year so can talk about it too and indulge and talk about what she’s doing within those subjects this year]
Astrid: BObBy wilL BE
Astrid: 😢 oR 😡 BOTH thAT heS nOT yOUR paRTnER in CRImE
Astrid: [you’ll be so excited to learn some of that shit next year bab & have probably gone off fall down a rabbit hole/nerd out about all of that so there will be a pause for ages lol]
Libi: Bobby does have a part though, so we still get to rehearse and do all the fun stuff together 🙂
Astrid: 🙃
Astrid: DoEs Mr mULlAn kNOw iVe 👀 A dEaD boDy? iS HE gonNa 💬 @ ME?
Astrid: ❓🤔
Libi: Oh I don’t think he’ll do that, I think he’d see that as rude, he wouldn’t want to upset you, and talking about it might upset you
Libi: But if you did want to tell him anything, maybe you could tell me and I’ll tell him for you
Astrid: 👌 THat maKeS SenSE
Astrid: bUt i wONT tEll YoU iN cASE iT MAKES yoU uPSEt
Libi: That’s nice of you, Astie
Libi: But you can talk to me about it, if you wanna, I won’t tell you to stop
Libi: And I might get bits of it
Astrid: sOme SUBjeCTs yoUrE nOT ALlowed TO 💬 abOUT unLeSs tHE oTHeR perSon brINgs theM Up 1St
Astrid: whOs DeAD & wHo pEopLe waNNA 💋
Libi: Who 💬 those rules?
Libi: I’ll have to remember them 😏
Astrid: mRs FifIELd eveRy tIMe we Do SOCiaL SkilLS
Astrid: rEpeaTING it Will HelP yOU remEMbER
Libi: I’ll give it my best shot
Libi: Though sometimes it’s very obvious who wants to 💋 who that it feels strange NOT to talk about it, doesn’t it
Astrid: 🙂 🙃
Astrid: ThATs WHAT i 💬 baCK eVerYtimE
Astrid: buT sHE doeSnt Get 😡
Libi: It’s a good point
Libi: Do you think she’d like to help with the play?
Astrid: shE doEsNT lIkE mr mULLAN
Astrid: thaTS V obVioUS
Libi: Ahh
Libi: I’m not sure of him yet, he’s okay but… I’m not sure, I guess
Astrid: he waNTS yoU to 💋 JakE In fronT oF EVERYonE & THats NOT 👌
Libi: It’ll just be pretending, I don’t have to really like him
Libi: I knew it might be a possibility of kissing anyone when I signed up, so it’s okay
Astrid: & hEs gOnNa be prEteNdinG tO nOT bE meaN But afTer the PLaY he wONT 👀 @ u 💬 @ U
Libi: Probably
Libi: But that’s okay with me
Astrid: If yoUre NOT 😢 oR 😡 its 👌 WITH me ToO
Libi: Thanks for having my back
Libi: I’m most excited about all the behind the scenes stuff
Libi: There’s lots of props and sets and costumes to make and source
Libi: We could do with your 👀 if you wanna come ‘round after school Friday
Libi: Jake won’t be there, just our friends
Astrid: 🧡 wErE FamILY & FriEnDS iVE got yoUR bacK & frONT 💛
Astrid: 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣
Astrid: ❓🤔 WHEReS the PLaY SET & wHEn?
Astrid: friDAY afteR scHOOl 👌 FRIday afTer scHoOL
Astrid: 🕓 🕔 🕕 🕖 🕗 🕘 🕙?
Libi: Yeah we are 💚💜
Libi: [Nerd out about the whole vibe of this play]
Libi: We’ll probably get pizza, is that good with you? Come at 4 if you want pizza but if not have your dinner then come, alright?
Astrid: [when Ro’s your mum so you love dressing up and vintage shit, she’ll just be the casual unofficial costume designer of the play for this squad tbh]
Astrid: ILL be ThERE @ 5
Libi: Sounds great 😊
Astrid: WHEn arE yoU learNING youR lines?
Libi: Weds/Fri after school, then fitting it in with homework 🤞
Astrid: iS mR MUllaN doING eVERY reheARSAL?
Libi: He’s sharing with Ms Howe, the art teacher, I think he’s doing Fridays and she’s doing Wednesdays
Libi: We’ll see how that goes
Astrid: dO yoU LiKE her?
Libi: She’s really nice, and she always listens to everyone’s decisions in 🎨 so she should be a good addition to the team, I think
Astrid: ❕ ILL tEll HeR wHAt a dEAD bODy looks lIKe ❕
Libi: It would be nice to get the makeup somewhat realistic, budget willing
Astrid: [send her some designs obvs]
Libi: Oh wow, I really like the second one, it’s really detailed but looks achievable still
Libi: We’ve got to do five murders total...I think 🤪
Libi: and they all die in different ways so there’s lots of room to play
Astrid: 5 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣
Astrid: THe DeTecTiVe hAS goTTa be V in LOve wiTh YoU
Astrid: iS he NicER thAN JaKE?
Libi: Yeah, that plot twist is pretty easy to spot isn’t it 😏
Libi: 👗👠💄💉🩸💋💣 that’s me
Libi: I didn’t really know much about him before, he’s a third year
Libi: but so far yeah, he seems really chill and kinda funny, so that’s good, less awkward 🤞
Astrid: is A 💋 wiTH him iN the ScripT?
Libi: Yep
Libi: Just those two, thank goodness
Astrid: gRanDMa wiLL be 😡😡😡😡😡😡
Libi: I told her I was auditioning
Libi: but that’s what I’m worried about now as well
Libi: I didn’t think I’d get this part
Libi: What do you think I should do?
Astrid: KEEp it a SURPRise
Astrid: eVERyONe LikEs sURprIsES
Astrid: She woNT gUESS YouRE 👗👠💄💉🩸💋💣
Libi: Maybe
Libi: I’m not sure nan likes surprises though
Astrid: HMMmmm
Astrid: mAyBe she woNT nOtICE the 💋
Astrid: 5 BodiEs aRE GoNNa Be LyinG on StaGE
Libi: Priorities, right 😅
Astrid: I cOULd gET heR to CloSE heR 👀 whEN I do
Astrid: ShE woULD do it wiTH mE so IM noT 😢 oR 😡
Libi: You’d do that for me?
Libi: That’s really sweet of you
Libi: But I’ll find a way to tell her, it’s okay
Libi: If she isn’t okay with it I won’t do it
Astrid: 👌 bUT IF yoU dOnt whoS yoUR UnDERSTUDY?
Libi: China O’Neill
Libi: then Beck would get to be her current role
Astrid: ⛔⛔⛔⛔
Astrid: im NOt heLPIng HER
Libi: I can’t say I blame you
Libi: It’ll be hard to be ‘best friends’ with her in the play and rehearse with her that much
Astrid: ThankFULLY YOUrE THe BesT acTresS in SchOOL
Libi: 😌
Libi: You’re so kind, I just got lucky
Libi: China really wanted my role
Astrid: iTS NoT ACTing FOR her to PLAy tHE VIllaIN its A viNTAGE drESS UP sessION
Astrid: shes MEAN EVery Day
Libi: Omg 🤭
Libi: That’s a good one
Astrid: shE mIGHt taKe weeKENDS Off i dOnt KNow her theN
Libi: I’ve seen her on a few
Libi: Doesn’t seem like she does
Astrid: yOU got LUcky she iSnt YouR sisTER in the PLAY or ReaL liFE
Libi: Poor America
Libi: I wouldn’t say anything or think anything bad if she wasn’t mean to Bobby
Libi: or you, or just everyone
Libi: I know she has her own stuff but that’s not okay
Astrid: i likE AmeriCA
Astrid: wHENs she beinG murDEReD?
Astrid: & wHAT dOeS STUFF mean?
Libi: She likes you too 😄
Libi: She’s the 1st victim, how mean of me
Libi: like stuff in her personal life that would make her 😢 or 😡
Astrid: 😀 😃 😄 😁
Astrid: doES mR MullAN noT Like AmerICA oR dOeS shE NOt liKe him? 😆 😅 😂 🤣
Astrid: stUFF like JaKE not WaNTInG to BE heR BoYFriend
Astrid: ....
Libi: A bit of both
Libi: but I think they like annoying each other too, a 🤏
Libi: He likes her enough to cast her anyway
Libi: Yeah, but also stuff I don’t know, and the kinda stuff you wanna keep secret from everyone, you know?
Astrid: iF she So WASNT meAN she wOULD hAVE FRiENDS to TEll her SecreTS to & iF ShE CouLD TELL her SeCRETS To SomeONE she wouLDNT be AS mean
Astrid: 😵‍💫
Libi: That’s a good point
Libi: She’ll have to figure that out on her own though, I don’t think she’d like being told 😠😡🤬
Astrid: she wOULd haVE a meLTdoWn ✅☑️
Libi: Exactly
Libi: And she doesn’t pay attention in her social skills lessons so she doesn’t have good coping skills
Astrid: SoCiAL SkILLs iS v 😵‍💫
Astrid: BuT Im GlaD sheS nOT in OUR cLASS fOR iT
Libi: It sounds like Mrs Fifield is impressed with you though
Astrid: 🤞🤞
Astrid: i liKE thIS scHOOl
Astrid: [cue a rant about the school Ro sent her to when she was alive because imagine tbh, my child, autistic? NEVER]
Libi: That’s good
Libi: It’s important to be mostly happy at school, as we spend so much time here
Libi: And I like it too, it’s nice to all go to the same school, even if we’re in different years
Astrid: & !Now wE cAN HANG OUT moRE for tHE plaY!
Libi: 😄😄
Astrid: FRIDay @ 5 but 👀 FOr ME on wedNESdAY when mS hOWE is dOING reheaRSAl 😄😄
Libi: Wednesday after school in the gym and Friday @ 5
Libi: Got it
Libi: It’s gonna be fun
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theropoda · 4 years
3, 4, 6-8, 11, 13-17, 19-22, 26-30 uwu
WOO LAD THAT’S A LOT THANK U!!! this got long and i wrote an essay or two LOL so im putting it under a readmore!
3: Best game you’ve ever played? WEEEELLLL.......let me preface this with two things: one, i am a FAKE GAMER as in my laptop is not at all made for gaming, it’s piss poor, so a big chunk of games i’m interested in is because i watched a playthrough of them lol. i have a 3ds but only 3 games on it (animal crossing new leaf, tomodachi life, nintedogs & cats). second, i’m very bad at choosing favorites of things.....BUUUUT .....i choooooose, in no particular order, OFF, pigeonetics, elder scrolls oblivion, pathologic classic HD!! i’m more than likely forgetting a few though, so sorry about that
4: Worst game you’ve ever played? as i said above, cannot choose favorites, neither can i choose whatever the opposite of favorites is but...uhh, does lif even count as a game? like lif, the stupid little furry flash game i remember playing on some shady website. it was surprisingly very active with a BUNCH of people there but i kept dying like every 5 seconds....AWFUL
6: A game that’s changed you the most? WELL define Changed.....ummm aha first thing that comes to mind is OFF. it’s one of those things where you never knew you wanted something so fucking bad until you saw it--and it’s like that for me. i NEVER knew i loved that odd, surreal, colorful, “looks playful and simple in some parts but incredibly violent and unnerving in other parts” aesthetic til i played it. like aesthetically i love that game to BITS and something about it just stuck with me til the end of time.
later in life (meaning, past year or so) it changed me because it taught me a lesson about storytelling and creative endeavors. a very useful lesson. which is: things don’t really need to have a meaning. stories, art, music, writing, whatnot, while it CAN be deep and meaningful, while you CAN use it as a way to communicate with the world about all kinds of heartfelt things, it can also be...nothing, really.
once i, as usual, got ridiculously overwhelmingly sad about small things. specifically seeing other people around me come up with all kinds of deep and meaningful characters and stories, sometimes putting them into webcomics or writings of theirs, and they were all so well-thought out and detailed and what i envied most was people put a lot of themselves and their experiences into them, venting and coping through them, whilst also making these larger-than-life grandiose complex stories and worlds and so on and so forth.
it made me look at my own ideas and get mad/frustrated at how shallow they were. but then i remembered OFF and i felt better because Fun Fact, mortis ghost has a now-abandoned dA account and if you go through the comment section on his profile, he answers a lot of fan questions and he mentions several times that the game didn’t really have a “meaning”, it didn’t really have a “deeper story” or moral or anything, really. i’m paraphrasing this but i vividly remember him saying “i wanted to make a game, so i did”.
that made me feel a lot better because it made me realise that sometimes art--especially stories, in my case-- doesn’t NEED to be DEEP or have MEANING...sometimes it can just BE!!!! sometimes it really can just be all about AESTHETICS like who GIVES a shit if there’s a hidden meaning if you take the first letter of all of your characters’ names and put them backwards, sometimes all that matters is if they just VIBE with you y’know....
yume nikki is similar in this regard bc that game doesn’t have any story other than “collect egg” and yet it’s so impactful. that game doesn’t have a story or meaning it just IS........ :) GOD THATS SO LONG IM SORRY ABOUT THAT but yeah. funny violent ghostbusting baseball man is a game that changed me :)
7: A game you’ll never forget? OFF AGAIN LOL,,, it’s just so memorable because of how unique it is. visuals, soundtrack, story, everything is so memorable. unforgettable. oh god you can tell how much i love this damn game can’t you
8: Best soundtrack? yakuza 0, OFF, there is a picture (another game by mortis ghost, again composed by alias conrad coldwood who also composed OFF), pigeonetics (the entire soundtrack of which is here), jojo’s bizarre adventure all star battle and eyes of heaven, silent hill 2 & 3, undertale....probably forgetting more but all of these...earcandy
11: Hardest game you’ve played? i am a shitty gamer so this is Most games i’ve played lol!! but uhh..well you see. hardest game i remember playing as of recent is pathologic classic hd in which it’s...not only hard to understand what any character is saying at any given time lol but also, i don’t think it’s HARD it’s just...you need to focus. you REALLY need to fucking focus and pay attention in this game. so i wouldn’t say its HARD, but i’m only putting this here bc it’s in recent memory.
i say recent memory because the true answer is susceptible to “yeah, but now you’re older, it must not be so hard.” as in if i played it now i think i’d have a way easier time. but when i was around....10-12 years old i had several ps3 video game adaptations of animated movies and i had SUCH a fucking hard time with them. g-force, bolt and up in particular were fucking HARD. like genuinely, the hardest time i had EVER had in my live playing video games is tied to these three fucking games. g-force and bolt ESPECIALLY. one particular level in bolt took both me AND my sister around a year to fucking finish.
again, i was baby, so i bet i’d have a much easier time with them now that i’m 17. but for now, in my experience, bolt and g-force for the ps3 were harder than pathologic classic. i think icepick lodge should take a few notes for them for pathologic 2.
13: A game you were the most excited for when it wasn’t released yet? STREETS OF KAMUROCHO...i spent the entire day of its release anticipating its launch lol
14: A game you think would be cool if it had voice acting? hmm..most games i like and know about do have voice acting so i dunno....i guess it would’ve been kind of cool if morrowind had like, full proper voice acting. but i can understand why it only voice acted things like greetings and battle insults because GOD that game is SO...complicated...and as a result, the conversations are so lengthy and text-full. playing morrowind is really like a goddamn book! if it was voice acted i’m sure all that information would have to be shortened bc i know no one is going to fucking voice act two whole paragraphs
15: Which two games do you think would make an awesome crossover? pigeonetics and yakuza in which instead of being about the criminal underworld it’s about shady and unethical pigeon clubs, breeding, racing, etc etc...a lot of illegal shit does happen in the world of pigeons especially when it comes to racing; prized racers have been kidnapped and held for ransom before. and then there’s Avian Cucking: The Sport, where people breed the sexiest pigeons (horseman thief pouters), release them outside to seduce other people’s sexy pigeons, and bring them back and keep ‘em, drama ensues. will kiryu ever escape his past as a professional pigeon-napper, and find solace in his new life as a pigeon hobbyist? find out now by playing YACOOZA......
JOKES ASIDES i don’t know i really don’t....umm, pigeonetics and animal crossing somehow?? :O... like, instead of managing your own town it’s managing your own loft!...orrrr, the jojo games (all star battle & eyes of heaven) with yakuza, because i think they’re somewhat similar because they’re both haha Wacky Silly AND serious over the top fighty-fighting.....or maybe a crossover with OFF and discover my body, which, despite being an incredibly short and obscure indie game i still love to bits for what it’s worth. WAIT ANIMAL CROSSING AND MINECRAFT THAT WOULD FUCK SO HARD OH MY GOD
16: Character you’ve hated most? From what game? i can’t think of any character i like, HATE...with a burning passion.. there are a few i dislike or have a complicated relationship with though.. i’m not interested in the series anymore but ouma from drv3...i’ll admit that he is a bit fun sometimes, especially in the very early beginning he’s a likeable brat but as the game progresses he becomes more irritating than anything and i have an issue with him in regards to writing, despite the fact that i have never been awake in any english class ever lol. it’s too long to put in this already long post but i’ll keep it at that. if you like him, well, good for you for finding joy in something i couldn’t! but he just doesn’t do it for me.
AH I JUST REMEMBERED....MINE......FROM YAKUZA 3....maybe i’d change my mind if i watched a playthrough of y3 again, because i think you always absorb something better on your second watch (tho i honestly Dont have the energy to do that all over again, the yakuza games are too fucking long), but i really hate his writing. spoilers for y3 but, i think mine’s writing, alongside other things in the game, were super messy...and a big part of why i hate him is that not only is he one of those “could’ve had great potential but fell flat” sorta guys but also his love for daigo is seen as some fans as good gay rep and i?????/.............um....WELL let’s just say that, i think people nowadays will see any gay character ever in any circumstance and say it’s good gay rep just based off the fact that A Gay Character exists....he was Not, good gay rep imo....he was not, let alone, Good. .........
17: What game do you never tell people you play? can’t think of any games i wouldn’t tell people i play.. idk exactly what this question’s asking. does it mean what game you don’t tell ppl you play bc you’re embarrassed about it...? i’m not very embarrassed by any of them. the only thing that comes close, i guess, is uhh lioden and wolvden. i’ve only interacted with those communities a LITTLE TINY WEE BIT, yet of what i’ve seen it’s a goddamn dumpster fire and i’d never want to be associated with them lol
19: Which game do you think deserves a revival? i’m well aware it’ll never happen and that it’s more a wet dream than anything but...PT/silent hills..... on a more realistic/”could happen” note, PIGEONETICS!!!! SERIOUSLY, it’s an amazing game about amazing animals and it teaches genetics in a very simplified and efficient way!! genetics is SO hard for me to understand, i fucking hated studying it but this game really helped me understand how it works AND its super engaging and interesting!! HOWEVER, of all the pigeon genes we know of, only a handful were seen in pigeonetics and i’d LOVE a sequel that employs new game mechanics AND new genes!! i wanna learn about bronze and stencil genes! i wanna learn about phenotypes like grizzled and pied!!! genes like sooty and dirty!!! @ UNIVERSITY OF UTAH GENETICS DEPARTMENT PLEASE IM BEGIGNG YOU
20: What was the first video game you ever played? earliest memories of Gaming involves me at my aunt’s house playing two games: super mario brothers and some kind of trapeze game. i don’t remember anything else though
21: How old were you when you first played a video game? i can’t remember but i must’ve been REAL tiny.... 6-9 years, maybe??
22: If you could immerse yourself in any game for one day, which game would it be? What would you do? immerse myself meaning go into their world...? huh....on one hand i’d like to go in the world of yakuza 0 to play in the arcades and do whore related activities but i’d also love to go into the world of animal crossing (and i’m pretty sure i’d be some sort of generic dromaeosaurid in that game!!) and shop, chat with villagers, do chores for them, go fishing, bug hunting, eat delicious fucking food like the apples mangos peaches cherries etc etc.....OH AND FOSSIL HUNTING THAT’S THE BEST PART!! though it would definetly be a little weird, to be a little dinosaur and finding a fossil of a...little dinosaur....i guess the non-sentient species went extinct and the dinosaur i am is some kind of, descendant of a sapient non-avian dinosaur that survived the k-pg extinction event...oh but who cares all i want is a cool little ambulocetus fossil or something. and some cherry pie :)
26: Handheld or console? my old ps3 just went kaput one day years ago so i haven’t used it in years so i can’t compare well... but i’d say handheld, because it lets me like DO stuff more...would love to get a console one day, a ps4 maybe but i’m kinda worried it’ll make me stay in one room all day wasting away my time when there’s other stuff i can do, y’know? but something handheld like my 3ds, on the other hand...i can do stuff with it. i can take it to my room and play it between breaks i take as i clean the room and fold my clothes, i can watch something on the tv and play the game during ad breaks, i can take it outside too if it has charge to last me a while! so....handheld i guess
27: Has there ever been a moment that has made you cry? yakuza 0 and undertale in particular have ALMOST made me fucking bawl with many of its moments....yakuza 0 especially, after that Fucking Ending i had trouble sleeping because oh my fucking god. video game people SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28: Which character’s clothes do you wish you owned the most?
29:  Which is more important, gameplay or story? HMMM....well, if i were to play a game with a shitty story but really good and fun gameplay i’d probably continue playing it for the gameplay. but if i played a game with shitty gameplay but an interesting story, there is a chance i’d play it more for the sake of the story but also i might just quite and see the rest of the story on youtube or something. i’m more likely to go through a boring story for fun gameplay than go through boring gameplay for an interesting story, so i guess gameplay is more important to me....that is, WHEN i actually own and play a game as opposed to when i just watch someone play a game because i don’t own the game but wanna know abt the story lol
30: A game that hasn’t been localized in your country that you think should be localized? i have no idea how video game localization really works....but i assume localizing a game in india would mean something like, removing content according to cultural norm and also somehow translating it into the 22 official languages..? or just two or three language if it’s tied to a particular state, which seems way more doable. i honestly have no idea? i’ve never interacted w the indian gaming community that much to be honest, all i know of it is of the video games i’ve seen sold in some game stores and a few whispers about like solid snake or whoever from my school’s cafeteria....the most popular games here, to my knowledge, are those very streamable games like fortnite and PUBG and your call of duties and whatnot. those generic shooters. and even then, that honestly isn’t the “indian” gaming community bc this country is so FUCKHUGE, it’s just tamil nadu. one state.
soooo, according to what little i know of gaming interests in where i live, i don’t think any of the games i like should be localized here bc i don’t really think there’s an audience for it as far as i can tell :( maybe animal crossing? it’s a fun little games for all ages and i think it has a chance of becoming popular here, so maybe that is worth a shot! but i can’t think of any other game that i like that really has an audience here (other than Me lol)
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years
If you don't mind me E N T E R I N G your blog, basically i played through investigations and ace attorney 1 recently so i have been mostly just lurking the narumayo tag, instead of playing the damn games and might i ask, do you have any non ace attorney ships you're into?
Why please my dear friend~! Come in, come in! Between, between~!................
Non-ace attorney???? Ships????
sjkjsksjkas ok but i got quite a few.... tis nothing all that interesting, all straight and mostly canon.... if a show is showing me [male character] and [female character] enjoying each other's presence with a lil bit of love-teasing then I'll probably ship it lel
so ahhh mucho texto alert xd:
Of course I'll start with the funny reference above, TUGS.....
There's Hercules x Lillie of course, but Sunshine x Sally... they got something going on~, like the fact that there's little screetime between them and what they have is all very 👀👀👀 makes my imagination soar through the air ngl jsjsjk ((id say something bout the lack of content but we're talking bout tugs, thats in general xd))
On a related note, yes I am looking for some good ships in Thomas but I can't seem to find any or like, ♂ and ♀ interacted and didn't hate each other so SHIP jskjsksjks then again, tis just an adjacent fandom I'm not paying close attention to it
And for the rest of the live-action, I don't watch live-action,,,, but what i have is: Patrick x Teresa and Rigsby x Van Pelt from The Mentalist, Jim x Pam in The Office (everything else idc or dont like it) and most importantly, Carly x Freddie in iCarly. I really drop the show when they made Sam x Freddie canon lmao enemies-to-lovers my belothed </3
I looked through my cartoon list and it's pretty much married couples and all that is canon lol: i like Fry/Leela, Shrek/Fiona, Josh/Emily, Alejo/Valentina, Bugs/Lola, Daffy/Tina, if a western magical girls show gives each girl a boy to crush on/date then imma ship it, I'm just that simple lol
but ofc it gotta be reciprocated, if it's one-sided and the other party doesn't like it then I won't like it either :/.....
That being said, western cartoon romance sucks, they're all so bad unless they're already married ksjakjskajs the fall of western civilization what the helllll
I guess Lotor x Allura or Shiro x Pidge in Voltron:LD but damn, its voltron, everybody loses when it comes to shipping there e.e
And now what's REAL good! ANIME!!!
Starting strong with the best, the god tier, the absolute 10/10 ship of all time...
Marin x Melan from Brigadoon. The ultimate ship. Best love story ever told. No one can deny it. I can't go into much detail because it's better to go full blind but this really is the OTP of OTPs, I'd do more content of them but Melan is sooooo difficult to draw 😭
Unironic and monogamic, Light x Misa from Death Note, I do believe he could fall for her and both really are a match made in hell~♡
Kamina x Yoko from Gurren Lagann was pretty good for what it lasted lel
Gaku x Tsumugi from IDOLiSH7, what a power (and based) move to remove the otome aspect in the I7 anime but have one of the guys be purely in love with the manager of the rival boy band... they're not even "rivals" exactly, they're just co-workers in a somewhat competitive field, is the enviroment that gives it a forbiden fruit/rivals-to-lovers taste but they're actually friends all around lmao
There are many lovely married couples in JoJo, but from the non-canon that I like?? Kakyoin x Holly. For real, it's so lovely, funny and bizarre (xd) not only they should get togheter but Josuke should have been their son. Think about it, he'd still be a Joestar through Holly, have a stand through Kakyoin and it wouldn't break Joseph's character!
Alto x Ranka from Macross Frontier, I don't know/care if there's a movie that says otherwise, these two end up togheter at the end fuck you fuck you ((also Hayato x Freyja in Delta and I still don't know bout SDF xd haven't watch the movie yet... and who cares about seven???))
Lunge and Eva from Monster should have totally team up togheter and maybe fall in love with each other in the process 👉👈
Naruto x Hinata my canon beloved ♥ but..... Neji x Hinata....! aaaaaaa the story is kinda funny actually. At the time I was considering shipping it, r/dankgentina was doing like, a fuck-ton of Santiago del Estero (being the Alabama of Argentina) memes and "La prima lejana" by Los Autenticos Decadentes kept being referenced, for obvious reasons: la prima lejana means the distant cousin♀ so I think you can guess what's the song is about... point being that I thought to myself "If I like the song, Imma ship them cousins". It's a song from my childhood. La prima lejana is a song that I loved in my childhood and now I know what is about and now I ship the cousins lmao.
KawoShin? AsuShin? Kaworu x Asuka! that's where the good Evangelion shits at!!
I kinda ship Utena and Touga, but that's just to trig the libs lmao
Pleaseeee tell me that Claudio and Nicoletta get togheter in Ristorante Paradiso cmonnnnn that was like the only thing i was invested in that god forsaken anime aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why are joseis like this??? (ok i do know but still... also you gotta bring proof, this is an mainly ace attorney blog, we're evidence-based here 😤)
fuck you fuck you fuck you, Sakura and Yukito should have get togheter, the teacher and the """she's so mature for her age!""" student are actually canon in the manga so CLAMP literally has no problem with that so why not here???.... this are the remains of lil me liking Yukito and projecting through Sakurita but I still agree and now I have more reason to...!
Protagonist x Akashi from The Tatami Galaxy~ very basic, very nice~
Very mixed with the ships of Inazuma Eleven... like, Endou x Natsumi is canon in games and anime and is sorta fun? But Endou x Fuyuka is canon in the game Rangu is playing and it's really sweet and I love it?? But Rangu himself ships Endou x Touko and he's absolutely right??? idk but Kidou x Haruna does slap tho
(and i have no idea in GO, there are so many combos and I guess there was something bout Nosaka and Anna in Ares/Orion?)
I don't really ship much in Pokemon, maybe self-shipping with some of them guys... on the other hand, Lucy actually liked and accepted Brock's advances on her? and that's epic, i love it! And then... then there's Ikarishipping (Paul x Dawn). What a fucking great ship name that is, next to JustWright, it still has that enemies-to-lovers taste I don't like but it is kinda cute and it hold my attention for more than 10 seconds, so that's something- also more fandoms should do that ______shipping naming thing xd
welp, that was a long thing to write lol, anyways thanks for reading, asking and for your patience haha^^
in any case, this makes me consider doing an entire month dedicated to my other aa ships and another month dedicated to all my non-aa ships xd it'll be great~
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