#dont vote if u are like me (die hard stars fan)
rookiestars · 1 year
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seokmatthewz · 1 year
hi!!!! I just watched episode 11 and :((( I knew all of supercharger were gonna be eliminated but it still made me sad since a bunch of my top picks were in that team. after listening to the original songs a few times, my ranking is en garde > over me > supercharger > switch > say my name. I like all the songs though!!! I wish they showed more of the musical challenge? I wanted to see chen kuan jui, as well as ricky & ollie and jay & kamden. my mum has been watching the show with me and her top pick the entire time has been matthew! I'm kinda surprised that mnet gave him a negative edit for a while but they seem to hate g team so I shouldn't be surprised :/
omg yeah that elimination had me losing my mind when it happened i was so shocked that haruto didn't make the final i was so upset <//3 he was one of my ideal top 9 i rlly feel like he was robbed <///3 supercharger really did so well but tragically i feel like mnet didn't really give any of them a narrative for people to like latch onto?? except for woongki but i feel like that was too little too late <///3 and yeah all the songs are good!!!! i was looking at my like receiptify thing for the month and all 7 of the boys planet songs r on there i am rlly such a fan of all the music they put out w this season lkdslksdf the musical challenge had me about to die of second hand embarrassment KLFDSLKSDFLK i couldn't handle it it was too silly dkslkdflk but i dont get why they cut so many esp kuanjui's when he was one of the ones who got an all star??? but it is mnet so :/ ur mom is so real i thank her for her service hes such a cute nice lil dude KLFDSKLSDF nd oh yeah the mnet matthew evil edit threw me for a loop i started to get a bad feeling when the 2nd performance round started bc the way they were making him seem during love killa had me a bit ?? and it just spiralled LDSLKKDS idk why they switched up on him???? i think he ranked too highly near the beginning for their liking so they wanted to try to sabotage him thats my hot girl paranoia take KLFDSLKDS like my anxiety is already bad but usually survival shows dont get to me but man did that arc rlly hit me......him placing 9th in ep 11 had me so thrown off that i needed to lay on like a cold hard surface to just be uncomfortable and zone out but i needed to vacuum so i ended up laying across the washer-dryer set in my apartment for like half an hour having the sort of overdramatic panic episode only i could muster for something so trivial KFLDSLDSF my roommate thought it was so funny fkldskld it rlly was a time for me..............after ep 11 i was getting all my friends and my parents to vote it had me in full blown panic mode KLFDSLKFD u just have the finale left now!!! its long as fuck godspeed KLFDSLKDFKL
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ender-sheep · 4 years
gonna just live blog in a single post
these idiots don’t know how to sit in a circle and i love it
you can very much tell they didn’t come up with names beforehand
i have no idea which is ash and which is zackary but i love them
gump really does look like that’s his name
dream and techno are very attached to their skins have they ever had a different skin than modified normal skin in tftsmp
porkums is 36 years old and got held back a lot and i still love him
is schlatt a ghost or just really pale?
poor gump stop bullying him :(
schlatt landlord cryptocurrency arc
schlatts flirting with greg how long until francis is jealous
twins my beloved
...that’s a big house
b u t t o n
the twins have milk buckets again....
awwww stop bullying porkums :(
...very? special? button??
ah yes press the button on 3
oh wait i just realized this means canonically there’s other people on the smp besides the actual people
everyone just. leaving.
clout break i guess
stop making fun of his hat it’s nice :(
i s i t m o n o p o l y
nature valley crunch bars ew
oooOooooooOOoO secret lAaaaAir
nooo don’t trade porkums for connor
noooo bring back porkums :(
yayyy porkums is back
twins my beloved
haribos are good best gummy bear brand
schlatt stop the constant fourth wall breaks challenge
rip rash?
oh good he’s alive
rip gump
oh nope he’s still alive too
just saw gump x schlatt enemies to lovers in chat uhhhh
rip gump
oh nope never mind he’s fine
twins my beloved give the children some land mines
why is chat spamming about the music i can barely hear it how can they tell it’s lavender town wtf
1 in 7.5 trillion with the dudududu damnnnn
‘if i don’t look down gravity can’t get me’
the falling bridges are so cool
the twins have declared greg and francis are probably dating
c a k e
ayyy gumps birthday
punchy time
birthday DIE
l a n d m i n e s
don’t kill rash :(
g r e a t s h o t
bacon time
that’s a lot of arrow s
who’s miss lemon
what the fuck tubbo
why is glatt singing move along now
ayy porkums my beloved
he really got some of the best and some of the worst actors on the smp
b o u n c e y
whoever puts the star in is gonna die huh...
hold up i left to get food what heppened
ayyy gump drinking bbh plays an alcoholic in literally every tftsmp
...i just tried to drink from a can i never opened
woo train
they broke the track rip
hold up i just noticed the minecarts are stacked oof
gump my beloved
pickaxe = pliers
if they kill off the twins i Will cry
wtf is that at the bottom are those chickens
is it glow stone in water??
v i o l e n c e
aww don’t bully rash :(
twins my beloved
f l o a t y
even when gump is gone they bully him </3
ah yes wipeout = the bachelor
karl really flirts with every one of sapnap s characters
chat stop bringing up nsfw fanfics challenge it’s not funny and it never was
if they choose a twin or rash i Will cry
schlatt and tubbo suggesting business together again :0
l o v e r b o y
obviously not karl
oof francis is losing good
winning??? idk he has the most votes to die
aaaanddd it froze
ok it’s back
francis won
my computer fan light is very strange half of lit up half isn’t idk why it’s like this i can’t control it
oof porkums died because of the hat
rip francis
🦀francis is gone 🦀
noooooooooo </3
he separated them ;-;
twins my beloved </3
i miss zackary and porkums :(
chat very cringe
aww rash flirting with karl
v i o l e m c e
giant spider nice
j u m p g r e g
roasty toasty
this better not be The egg
too much blue to be The egg
karl shipping greg and francis
send greg to francis chat
floaty glatt
just realized i’ve been spelling zachary wrong i’m too lazy to change it
schlatt calling greg hot is just so funny
ba ba booey
...speaking of long and hard...?
H a m b u r g e r
t h e r o d
‘not his long shiny rod’
r e a l e s t a t e
oh no they’re just wearing skulls
ayyyy gump smells good now nice
porkums my beloved
oh shit it’s schlatts tomb
no ones dead :D
twins my beloved
d r u g s
noooo inbetween time
well at least there was the good ending we all needed after tommys stream
i wonder if the wither roses above the books have any real significance or it it’s just for contrast against the white
‘find a way into the portal’.... the end portal??
holy shit every time i see the castle it just looks cooler
m a n y k a r l s
why karl have no hair oof
his eyebrows damn
‘it can’t see you down here’ W H A T
well obviously don’t trust it that was obvious from the beginning
who is it that does the bracket smile :] i know one of them always does i forget who
damn that was cool
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wanna-17 · 7 years
lee daehwi first meeting! AU
summary: in which you are somi’s best friend and you find out that she has a hidden twin brother who you are a fan of 
length: 1.3k
a/n: HIHI so i decided to start a new series which is gonna be a sweet and short one called first meeting! AU with the wanna one members. since it’s really only going to cover your first meeting with the particular member, it’s up to you whether you want to interpret it as romantically or platonic friendship, maybe if the context suits and i get enough requests i could do a part 2 for some in the future? we’ll see but i will be prioritising getting each member done first. but anyways i hope you guys enjoy this first one of my precious baby lee daehwi and look forward to the rest of the members :) 
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so you’re in high school 
and ever since high school started you became best friends with a girl called somi 
you guys had different personalities, you were more on the shy side and she was more outgoing 
but somehow you guys clicked and found that you guys had a lot of things to talk about and common interests 
also during this time produce 101 is airing and you’re absolutely addicted to the show 
and lee daehwi, the first centre literally swooped you off your feet 
he was no doubt your bias and you’d been voting for him like crazy everyday 
and ofc since somi was your best friend you’d always rant about how cute and talented lee daehwi was and somi would just sigh and roll her eyes sometimes 
well one day at school your class is given a project to be completed in pairs and obviously you and somi are a pair 
usually you two would complete your work at the library but since the weather was really horrible 
you guys decided to head to your place over the weekend 
and you guys do that except you dont get the work done 
so you guys decide to go to somi’s place sometime after school next week to finish it 
and tbh you’ve been very curious about where somi lives
even though you guys are best friends you guys always met either in public or at your place
you were just super curious as to what her house was like and why she was lowkey secretive about where she lived
so the day before going to somi’s place
you guys are having lunch at school and somi is suddenly like: “oh y/n when you come tomorrow, my twin brother will most likely be home visiting” 
and u r like
“WAIT HANG ON A SECNOD U HAVE A TWIN BROTHER?? SINCE WHEN???” you semi yell when you stand up from your seat 
you are surprised and shocked bc ur friend has a twin brother and she never told you 
“ssHHHHH be quiet” says somi gesturing you to sit back down 
and so you do and say
“how come you didnt tell me somi?” while pouting 
“well…i guess you never asked whether i had siblings or not” replies somi nervously 
“hmm yeah fair enough, well what its like having a twin brother? what’s he like” you ask excitedly
you’d  never met anyone that had a twin before and u suddenly find out that your best friend in fact has a twin brother which makes you feel kinda weird and excited 
“it’s alright, we’re just like any other sibling pair, he can be slightly annoying sometimes but he’s a good brother overall. i miss him” replies somi looking down 
“ohhhhh where is he? does he go to high school here?” you asked wondering if somi’s twin was actually at your school and completely hidden from u 
“no he doesn’t”
“where does he go then? and what’s his name? what does he look like?” you asked bombarding somi with questions as you were super curious now
since somi was one of the prettiest girls in the school you were lowkey thinking maybe somi’s twin is really hot HAHA
“i actually can’t say his name but he’s really ugly” says somi laughing
“why not????” you ask somi, “is he a spy or something?? with a hidden identity???” 
somi shook her head laughing at you as you continued to pester her about her twin 
“you’ll see tomorrow when you come over” says somi “i think things might change when you see who it is” as she sighs
now you were C U R I O U S as to why somi kept it so secret 
and for some odd reason, who somi’s twin brother was was all you thought about for the rest of the day 
your thoughts went wild as you thought, what if he’s actually a spy? or illegal? a criminal? someone dangerous? what if he’s the youngest ceo in our country?
and for some seriously odd reason you were excited to meet somi’s twin brother 
the next day you head to somi’s house with the address typed in google maps 
you rang the doorbell and somi opened the door
as you stepped in you saw how the house wasn’t too big nor was it too small it was quite spacious and clean and very cozy 
you saw some baby pictures placed up on a shelf of somi and her twin; you recognised somi easily and the twin brother was really cute too 
you guys take a seat on the big couch and start working on the project when suddenly you hear footsteps come down the stairs 
you were super focused on your work tbh so you didn’t look up 
until a voice says 
“hey sis is this your friend that always talks about me?” 
and the voice is SO FAMILIAR 
and you’re suddenly afraid to look up 
you do recognise that voice but no way it just couldn’t be 
“yep it is” says somi, “look at the state she is in now” 
your entire body was frozen and wouldn’t react and you were looking at the ground
“she’s so cute like that” says the voice
you feel your cheeks go bright red and your heart suddenly beating extraordinarily fast 
you close your eyes and tell yourself you are dreaming 
you take a deep breath and look up 
and you are met with a pair of the most gorgeous eyes you have ever seen; one eye was monolid and the other was double lidded but honestly that was what was attractive about him 
it was truly lee daehwi lmao sorry i made it so so dramatic haha
he was smiling down at your with the sweetest and cutest smile 
“hello y/n! it’s nice to finally meet you!” says daehwi cheerfully 
“u-h-h hello– daehwi-ssi” you stutter nervously as you die internally 
daehwi laughed and his laughter was like a beautiful melody
“no need to be formal y/n, we’re the same age! you don’t look great right now, i’ll grab a glass of water for you” says daehwi as he heads to the kitchen 
when he’s gone you turn to somi straight away 
“DUDE WHY DIDNT U TELL ME DAEHWI WAS UR BROTHER?? i wouldn’t have fangirled over him to you and its sooooo embarrassing” 
“chill y/n it was actually pretty funny, you totally have a crush on my twin, look at ur face” says somi laughing 
“sTOP omg this is all ur fault im so embarrassed, i embarrassed myself in front of my bias” you say as your bury your face in your hands
“seriously y/n this is your chance to talk to him and i don’t usually say this about that idiot but he’s actually a very nice guy, so don’t be nervous anymore” 
you take deep breaths and try to collect yourself before daehwi comes back 
when he does you’re much calmer even though you still feel like you are living in a dream 
“here’s your water” says daehwi as he hands over the glass of water
both your finger trips lightly made contact and you felt your heart racing again 
“thanks daehwi” you say giving him a shy smile 
he asks what the project is about and starts helping you guys and in no time you guys are done 
and daehwi is super friendly and outgoing so in no time you get really comfortable around him
and realise that HES JUST A REALLY NICE AND KIND HUMAN like any human and not some “far unreachable star that’s like a god” 
you find out he has cute habits and loves cleaning and fashion and wants to make people happier through his music
you guys talk for the next two hours getting to know each other and you tell him that you’ll continue to support him on produce 101 and he’s super thankful 
at this rate somi had literally fallen asleep and is taking a nap on the sofa 
he opens up about how it’s hard to meet people’s expectations and that he doesn’t want to disappoint others and you guys have really deep conversations 
and in no time it’s already dark outside 
and daehwi even offers to walk you to the bus stop 
and he puts on a black hoodie with the hood up just in case ppl recognise him anyone watching school 2017 bc i love x’s outfit hehe
you guys reach the bus stop
“y/n it was nice meeting you and i was able to get my mind off things thanks to you” 
“no worries daehwi, i’m so glad to have met you and you’re just as wonderful and kind as i’d imagined you to be” you reply cringing at your own cheesiness
daehwi laughs again as he ruffles your hair “you’re so kind too” 
“anyways y/n will you do me a favour and not tell anyone that i am somi’s twin? i dont want things to get hard for her if people know about our sibling relationship” 
you swoon, he was even so nice to his sister 
you nod “of course”
the bus comes and you guys wave goodbye 
you couldn’t believe that you met daehwi and got so close to him 
he was so nice and down to earth 
you lowkey wondered if you’d ever be able to see him again since he was already famous and busy with filming 
you convinced yourself that he was probably this nice to everyone and you were really lucky because you were his sister’s best friend 
suddenly your phone buzzed and you received a message from an unknown number 
“hello y/n, it’s daehwi - i got your number from somi. that’s okay right? next week i’ll be back in town again, so do you wanna hang out? just the two of us this time ;)”
efgqkejfhfjhjf i hope you guys liked this?? i have no idea what the response is gonna be like and lmao i made somi and daehwi twins bc they could totally be siblings :) i realised i probably rant too much lmaooo so let me know what you guys think as i’m always open to feedback and thoughts about my work :) please also look forward to my next one in this series! 
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