#dont worry jongwoo
boosaot · 5 months
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While not a perfect person I dont think Jieun deserves to be painted as a horrible person,,
(the real villains of SfH are Jaeho and Goeun 😤)
Long post sorry 💀 hope it makes sense
I’ve seen people imply that she’s a bad gf because she’s leading on Jaeho, rude when Jongwoo tries to reach out for help/support, selfish and what not,,
She has a boss that walks over her, invites her to after-work dinners and gossips about her behind her back, forces her to pick up her bf’s calls as some sort of power play and singles her out by watching her like a hawk for any mistakes she can scold her for.
She’s far from respected and she thinks that maybe it’ll get better if she just keeps her head down and is cooperative. However foolish that line of thought is what else can she do? Quit? Im sure finding a new job is easy-peasy /sarc.
I do agree that her lashing out at Jongwoo isn’t appropriate behaviour but if my memory serves me correctly I do think she apologizes to him for it.
I find it extremely unfair for people to assume Jieun is reciprocative to Jaeho’s affections in anyway. He’s just a manipulative bastard who uses Jieun’s worry and love for Jongwoo as an excuse to hang out with her. Him making gross comments about Jieun to Jongwoo isn’t her fault either.
I truly believe that from her P.O.V Jaeho is a friend of Jongwoo who is worried about him and wants to be there to help. She doesnt know that Jaeho is trying to emasculate Jongwoo by trying to make it look like Jongwoo can’t provide the support Jieun needs.
Jaeho’s snide comments and manipulative behaviour are too subtle for Jongwoo to call it out without it looking like he’s reading too deep into it. Same goes for Jieun and her boss Goeun.
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During the scene above i can see how it may look like Jieun is trying to get Jongwoo to concede to Jaeho but Jongwoo is truly acting aggressive. Jieun is genuinely worried about his sudden change in behaviour.
I don’t blame Jongwoo for getting mad at Jaeho whatsoever. Jaeho conceals his true motives and feelings under the guise of wanting to help Jongwoo. He only does this because it makes him look better because hes “standing by his friend despite his anger issues, look he even gracefully got him a job”. Everything Jaeho does for Jongwoo is something that can boost his own ego and public perception.
From Jieun’s perspective she might assume that Jongwoo is stressed out from moving from the countryside to Seoul and is on edge in a new environment. She tries to reassure him but I will admit that it comes off as dismissive on his end because we know the reality of his situation.
Let’s be real here, its not like you see people move into apts full of murderers every day. It’s such an inconceivable concept to Jieun that she assumes Jongwoo is just sensitive due to stress.
Even after being warned about them she still goes in the building and sees for herself that “hey these people aren’t so bad” because they’re putting on a front to her.
The only way that Jieun could fully grasp how evil the people at Eden are is if she lived there but never in a billion years would Jongwoo want to endanger her that way. He wouldn’t want to have his gf hurt just to make a point.
If I look at it from Jieun’s perspective I 99.9% believe that she’s within her right to be behaving the way she does.
However i do think that their relationship would’ve started to decline anyways as soon as Jongwoo moved to Seoul. Moving put him in a bad financial situation just so he could be closer to Jieun.
Jongwoo would most likely feel inadequate due to being unable to take her out on proper dates and do couple things. This wouldn’t be helped by Jaeho’s behaviour and snide comments.
The lack of communication and time for eachother would most likely be the downfall to their relationship.
(However in my heart they break up and Jieun gets to be all happy and frolic in a field while Moonjo gets to keep Jongwoo’s crazy-ass)
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seokmatthewz · 1 year
Irida! I hope you don’t mind me asking today, but did you like the final lineup? I personally like it a lot! Take care <3
hello!!! i dont mind! the distraction is welcomed. i also really like the lineup i'm very happy with it though i'm sad a few trainees i really like didn't make it. there are a couple members im not 100% on but i still think this is my favourite survival show group lineup ever of the like 30+ ones i've seen because there's nobody wld say i actually dislike. ofc i'm the happiest about matthew! i was so worried the whole ranking until he was announced i'm really proud of him. i'm also super happy him and sung hanbin get to debut together too!! and matthew and jiwoong too though i am torn up about keita and park hanbin and jongwoo not making it but i'm sure they'll be able to find success on their own! the group name is horrible though. zerobaseone is probably the worst group name i've heard in a long while but i hope their music is good. thank you for asking!! i hope you're taking care of yourself too!! 💞💞💞
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saurix5 · 2 years
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