#dont worry matty is continuing to suffer though
allylikethecat · 1 year
are people going to hate me if i write an omegaverse matty fic 🙈 because it seems like that is something that might be getting posted in the coming days... i mean... it can't be worse than my mpreg matty fic right?
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atiny-piratequeen · 5 years
Yeah i guess i feel like that cause the last 6 minths have been to heart brwkaing for my tiny heart. But also you are probably right if you managed to find not 1 but 2 amazing people. May i ask how did you all meet? And how did you realize you were pan and poly? ❄️
I understand. Give yourself time to heal before expecting another relationship. You want to go into relationship as mentally and emotionally healthy as you can or that could cause complications for you and your partner(s) in no time.
I met Zie like 9 years years ago because we became friends on tumblr because we shared a mutual interest in wrestling (and she was actually one of my readers for one of my fics). We stayed friends and became best friends. I'd message her every day and vice versa and we'd just write rps together and continue to talk about our day to day lives both the good and the bad.
Somewhere along the way, years later, I noticed that I valued her friendship and affection more and more and it kinda hit me one day that I 100% fell head over heels for her. I didnt ask her out until after I healed from this one toxic relationship i was on and off on through middle and high school and i was in a better place mentally. She actually said no the first time I asked her out because she was worried I was just trying to date someone who showed me positive affection after those years of emotional and mental abuse. So i waited, made sure i wasn't projecting my need to be properly loved onto her, and asked again on our first video chat together in 2015. She said yes and she's been by my side ever since. I love her with my whole heart.
Matt, we met though a friend of mine irl. Ik ik, bro code and shit, but my friend did him dirty. Upped and left him after he did everything possible to not only be a good bf, but friend. And we all thought that was grimey so we stayed close friends with him. Its actually a running gag that Matt and I are two sides of the same person because we're both Pan "bear" friends and we have a lot in common and finish each others sentences all the time. He actually drifted apart from us a bit when we dated Sam (our bf before him) bc Sam was as jealous as he was neglectful and he didnt like that matt playfully flirted with us, so out of respect and not wanting us to constantly argue with Sam, Matt pulled away from us. He came back thankfully and always was there to check on us and try and help us through that toxic ass relationship, and when it ended, he was back in our lives, making sure the two of us were okay and not at all fighting with each other. (Which, never happened. Zie and I have fought like a handful of times but never over jealousy). Cue a few months of reconnecting with an old friend (of which we both had a crush on anyway from years prior) and boom. Zie and I agreed that if given the chance, we'd love to date Matt. Cue mote wooing and gay ass flirting and the three of us sleepily asked each other out through psn before falling asleep in a party together. And thats how Zie and I started dating Matty Bear.
As for my sexuality, when I was in high school, as goofy as it sounds, I always liked reading fics that had poly relationships over ones that had just mono ones or worse, fucking love triangles.
Love triangles made me think of all the trauma from my past relationships and the characters i read about were dear to me so i never wanted them to suffer through being choosen over and I always preferred to see them together, even if that meant more than two people in a relationship. Cuddle piles, hand holding, the uniqueness that comes from some people in poly dynamics, i loved all of them and i eventually relaized that i wouldnt mind that for myself. I'm a very big lover, sometimes i fall too easily, sometimes its a slowburn, but I'm the type of person where I'll see someone i have affections for and immediately think about how nice it would be to have them happy and in love with me and the others i have affections for.
I guess I'll expose myself more and give an example but Kira is a perfect example of this. Like, yall, I'm not kidding when I say I love Kira (@deepnesta) and as soon as i started crushing on her, i immediately told zie and matt and my friends bc gay panic and i dont keep secrets from my partners. Like I would date Kira in a heartbeat and the thought of her being soft with either of my partners makes me wanna melt into a puddle so yeet thats how I know.
Also as for being pan, also in high school. I just...i really like and adore everyone, nm what they identify as. If you're attractive and i can form a connection with you emotionally or romantically or whatever, fuck it, your gender identity doesnt matter to me. I like you for you and thats just how it is
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allylikethecat · 5 months
ally!!!! you are so very mean to our poor fictional!matty i believe that u actually enjoy making him suffer
i am not kidding i’m on my period rn and i had to wait to read the update bc i saw how sad everyone was saying it was & i had to wait for all the crazy hormones to stop making me so sad so it wasnt gonna make me cry 💀 this chapter was so so sad and every time you update this fic i love it more and more!
whilst i do not appreciate fictional!george’s reaction (i understand he is overwhelmed & upset ofc but HELLO look @ how pathetic fictional!matty is rn he needs a HUG) i do understand that this was a very big shock and he needs some time to digest (but also hopefully not too much time)… also im just super excited that he KNOWS now lol i fear its only gonna get more intense for fictional!matty
also on the subject of ATKH - THEY’RE SO CUTE AND HAPPY PLS DONT LET FICTIONAL!GEORGE SCREW STUFF UP TOO MUCH … i have realised that rn ATKH is kinda ur only fic where fictional!matty isn’t currently in like the peak of his misery ..yet.
hope you’re doing well !!! 🤍
— 💌💌
Hello My Dear 💌 Anon!
I will admit that I *do* enjoy making poor Fictional!Matty suffer - it makes his happy ending that much sweeter!
Ahhh I'm sorry for hitting you with a sad chapter when the hormones are ~hormone-ing~ I really hope I didn't make you cry! And if I did I am so sorry! BUT I am very happy to hear that despite the sadness you're still enjoying it! I've been having a lot of fun working on it, especially now that I have some direction again!
That was very much *NOT* what Fictional!George was expecting to find out - he was already worrying about Fictional!Matty's delicate sobriety and apparent health issues and then to find out that he is pregnant, when Fictional!George already felt like he took advantage of Fictional!Matty during that encounter?! The guilt is very real and so is the self doubt - a lot of him lashing out at Fictional!Matty was him projecting his own self doubt and panic onto Fictional!Matty- too bad Fictional!Matty doesn't know that and also that is extremely unfair of him... but at least he KNOWS now! Fictional!Matty's secret is out in the open now! He just now needs to figure out how to tell his Mother...
Hey Infection Verse Matty isn't *that* miserable at the moment! Like yes, when we left him in the Christmas Fic he did have a stomach ulcer BUT he had just gotten engaged which was very exciting! All The King's Horses Fictional!Matty and Fictional!George are very cute and happy at the moment though. Hopefully Friday's chapter will make up for how sad the Ducklings update was. ATKH is currently my FAVORITE fic that I'm working on and I can't wait for y'all to see how their story continues to unfold! (There is a very special cameo in Friday's chapter as well that you'll recognize if you follow me here on Tumblr lol)
Thank you so much for reading and for the continued support! I'm sorry to have caused emotional pain with the Ducklings update but hopefully the ATKH update will make up for it! I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday and that you have a great rest of the week!
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