#dont worry youll grow out of it and cringe looking back.. says the person sending anon hate over queer discourse.. hoo boy
dyketubbo · 2 years
your bio just says "I have no friends or life outside the internet. also my dad left me"
don't worry you'll grow out of it and cringe about this phase looking back
normally i dont answer direct hate anons but this is really funny to me to so ill give a genuine response. just for you bby <3 anyways are you. are you aware that you literally just told a black girl that youre deciding her dad must have left her based on her bio 😭😭 yeah let me grow out of my melanin real quick LMAOOOOO. anon the tsa just had all of their racism and xenophobia leaked out to the public, xenophobia that resulted in ACTUAL CHILDREN being considered TERRORISTS for being born into certain ethinicity and religious groups, and youre busy pulling the "i bet you dont have a dad" card on some mixed girl running a minecraft roleplay analysis blog because she thinks people should stop being mean to some catgirl THAT HACKED THE TSA bc its queer in a way they dont approve of.
im really, so truly, definitely not lying, very sorry, but that is extremely immature of you and youre the one who needs to grow up if you think that your behavior is okay. being mean and hateful to people because youre upset that they dont agree that the queer community should be full of infighting and minorities oppressing each other when there are bigger things to worry about is.. fucked up! youre literally sending hate anons over this! thats really sad! imagine sending anon hate telling someone else theyll grow out of showing basic respect and kindness. lol. lmao
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blockingstat · 6 years
I just noticed a month from now i will be 26, but you know what im not even worried. Since when i worry about my age, only fools worrys about their age. The older i get, the younger ill look. LOL Okay lets get this started.. Since i didnt write yesterday, I will be jumping around on topics. I have been thinking alot as usual. So just bare with me...
   First topic, I have been thinking about who are my friends and who are my Real friends. 2 days ago i was talking to my brothers about friends. I had friends who sold me out in a way like where is the bro-code where is the loyalty and where is the friendship. Im starting to realize who are my real friends. Despite of all the mistakes and wrong doings in my life, not just my past relationship but in all, who are my REAL friends? In those two weeks of me crying every night and hitting my rock bottom, where were they? where were they? I have heard same thing over and over. “YOULL FIND SOMEONE BLA BLA BLA. YOU HURT HER, BLA BLA BLA. YOU FCKED UP AND ALL OF THAT ” i mean like do you think im that stupid to not know that? Even my own bestfriend screen shot a convo and send it?  pffffbbt!  My kuya said that “  real friends do not sell out their friends, not get into their business, and stay by their side even if its their own mistake.” Heck, if a fight is going to happen and my friend is going to get beat up, heck i jump in and protect my own friend, even if its his own mistake.  I asked zaira “ dude, you knew how i did her wrong, yet you are still here and helping through out the process.” she replied “ because if we see the mistakes of people, we will always complain and hate the world for it including ourselves. We’re not perfect. We dont like people pointing our mistakes and imperfections, but what we can look at is the better part of us that we can grow and establish ourselves better.”  i am lucky to have a  sister like her to help me to better myself. It is so funny that she was on my place before and i was helping her get back up. Now its opposite. In all, I am not mad at people who sold me out. I am more gladly thankful and i truly understand where they are coming from and why they did it. I expected it and i have nothing to say against them. I forgive them. I just know who are friends and my REAL friends now. 
Next topic, my long time childhood friend richel, asked me today “ DID YOU ACTUALLY HER SERIOUS IN THE RELATIONSHIP  First of all, why would i be in a relationship if im not planning her serious? SECOND DUDE I WAS DATING MY DREAM GIRL! WHY WOULD I NOT TAKE HER SERIOUSLY? LASTLY Why would i plan to give time and my self if i wasnt planning to take her serious? OF COURSE I DID AND I STILL DO WANT TO WORK THINGS OUT. IM STILL HOPEFUL AND PRAYING FOR IT EVERY NIGHT. THAT HER CLOUD OF CONFUSION GOES AWAY.  so the following question you’re going to ask is WHY DID YOU DID YOU DO THEM THEN? Maturity really plays alot in a relationship. ALOOOT! some guys are matured enough to be in it and some arent... and I WAS THAT person. Every time i look back at, i cringe and tell my self you’re soo stupid and immature.
   Last topic of the night. What happens if you finally move on, you’re healed or she doesnt want anymore? Simple, i dont acknowledge the person. Im the type of person when im done, IM DONE. like I dont even talk to my exs anymore. Once in a blue moon yes, but yeah. Why im like this? I have enough friends and i have enough things to do in life. “People will come and go, but only those are meant to stay in our lives will stay.” Everything that happened will just become memories. Thats sad truth. Life is what it is. 
    i told my cousin today “ man honestly bro whoever we end up with. The girl will be lucky because we grew up in a family where love revolves around. ” I believe in that, cause our family is unique and fun to be with. Im going to go side track and im sure this doesnt pertain to any topic but a prime example would be my brothers, despite of all mistakes with girls and life, how did they end up with 2 great women, both are professionals and kind women. Their wives didnt see what they have done but they saw who they became. Thats why as i look back at my wrong doings, sure i did that, said that , and all of that. Its part of life, it just sucks that i had to hurt a person, but hey I am not the same yesterday. I am different today. Just know that, I am still in the feelings. What matters now , is the now, im just patiently waiting. I do know where i stand now and i do know what im doing. 
Last question, If you guys do decide to go back again whats going to be a difference? ALOOOOOT OF THINGS, lets keep it like that. Keep it a surprise Buuuuuuuuut i highly doubt its going to happen. It will take whole miracle and prayers to happen. Remember she her eyes set already. I have my goals set also. So, ill just let God decide who is best me, its on his hands now. 
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