#im messed up but at least ive never sent anon hate or told someone they have no friends based on uh.
dyketubbo · 2 years
your bio just says "I have no friends or life outside the internet. also my dad left me"
don't worry you'll grow out of it and cringe about this phase looking back
normally i dont answer direct hate anons but this is really funny to me to so ill give a genuine response. just for you bby <3 anyways are you. are you aware that you literally just told a black girl that youre deciding her dad must have left her based on her bio 😭😭 yeah let me grow out of my melanin real quick LMAOOOOO. anon the tsa just had all of their racism and xenophobia leaked out to the public, xenophobia that resulted in ACTUAL CHILDREN being considered TERRORISTS for being born into certain ethinicity and religious groups, and youre busy pulling the "i bet you dont have a dad" card on some mixed girl running a minecraft roleplay analysis blog because she thinks people should stop being mean to some catgirl THAT HACKED THE TSA bc its queer in a way they dont approve of.
im really, so truly, definitely not lying, very sorry, but that is extremely immature of you and youre the one who needs to grow up if you think that your behavior is okay. being mean and hateful to people because youre upset that they dont agree that the queer community should be full of infighting and minorities oppressing each other when there are bigger things to worry about is.. fucked up! youre literally sending hate anons over this! thats really sad! imagine sending anon hate telling someone else theyll grow out of showing basic respect and kindness. lol. lmao
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fairycosmos · 5 years
whats up i am The Literal Ugliest girl i have ever seen im not even being sarcastic i am so fucking disgusting it makes me sick i hate my disgusting full of acne skin, my ugly nose, my nonexistent lips and my fat short body. i want to kill myself SO MUCH but im scared my parents will be sad. do you think they’ll get over it and i should just do it bc nothing is changing and ive been waiting for years for a change and now im 22 and im fucking tired i cant fucking breathe
hey, it's okay. listen, i'm really sorry you're in such a negative place right now and i can't imagine how hard it must be. like i can absolutely relate and i totally understand where you're coming from, but your pain is your own and i won't infringe on it. that being said, of course your parents won't just 'get over' something like that. the trouble with self destructive tendencies is that your brain will do anything to make them seem plausible. it will engage you in emotional, black and white thinking - it'll force you to believe there's no other options, it'll use your insecurities against you to the highest degree in order to blow them out of proportion and make you feel bad. your self hatred is spinning a false narrative about you. i know you know about the subjectivity of beauty, the pressure we're all under to reach impossible standards, the way they sell us these made up ideas about attractiveness because that's what makes money. you can be aware of all of that and still hate the way you look, but recognizing that there is truly no wrong way to have a physical form (regardless of your low self confidence) can really make a difference. clearly this runs deeper than your appearance, i get that. but you must understand that your conditioned mind is not reliable. ugliness is a) an inevitably for everyone since our purpose isn't constant prettiness, b) not set in stone, not defined as 'one thing', and c) not a reason to take your own life. i understand that as a woman everything seems to hinge on that, but you can find comfort and happiness regardless. others don't see you the way you see yourself, and your self perception is all messed up by your biased mindset anyway. it's something a lot of people struggle with, but there IS a balance to be found. i know it's hard, i know. but experiencing this world and trying to appreciate who you are is a million times more rewarding than punishing yourself for something so uncontrollable and insignificant and inconsistent in it's validity. youre not a walking advirtisment, your body doesn't exist to fill a quota. and that can be really difficult to accept but. it's just true, it always comes back to that fact.
you're clearly in a very intense and emotional state of mind right now, and i really don't blame you. when you're sad and dealing with mental issues and you feel like there's literally no way forward, the entire world feels like the enemy. but i'd really really urge you to take a look at your thinking patterns when you're able to, in order to realize how irrational and untrue they are. harming yourself is not the correct response to not liking your reflection. instead consider outside factors, whats influencing your opinions, what you can do to make yourself feel a little more stable in the moment (cry, write, talk to a family member or friend, take a walk.) take a breath, and be sure to remain in a physically safe environment for now. that's good enough, i promise. you're doing so much better than you think you are, just by getting through the moment. you have copious amounts of worth beyond the way you look. you were born with it and it'll never go away. you have so much to offer and to see and you should not allow the unnecessary guilt to take all of that away from you. a whole future is worth so much more than you realize. i know 5 more minutes with this feeling doesn't feel worth ten years without it. but i'm honestly telling you that there are so so so many ways to grow beyond this mindset and none of them involve hurting yourself. you don't have to do anything. you're in control, not your sadness, not your temporary feelings.
you sent this anon for a reason, and i'm unbelievably glad you did. it shows you have the ability to reach out, even if it's through an unconventional platform. so if you want to know what i really believe would be good for you, then hear me out. you need to talk to your parents and you need to look at your options in regards to seeing a professional about this. whether it's through a doctor, a counselor, a support group, a hotline. anything, there is so much available. please please please do not let the self destructive part of you write the idea off as if it's nothing. because your brain will try every trick in the book to make you think it's pointless but trying is never fruitless, not in this regard. you don't have to go into great detail, but i think it could be a real relief if you just sat your parents down and told them that you're having a really hard time, you don't know what to do, and you think you need some extra support. it is completely and utterly natural to be scared, to not want to do it. vulnerability is like that. but it's a much better form of fear than the one you'll feel by staying silent and letting this get worse and worse. the bottom line is suicidal thoughts, while somewhat common, are not normal and are an indicator that it's time to prioritize your mental health. even when everything in you is screaming at you to go the other way, to self destruct. it's hard to care about what happens to you when you just don't but i'm begging you to have some empathy for your future self, alright? that is what you're looking for here, i swear. you're going to be you for the rest of your life and while that may seem daunting right now it is something you can grow to enjoy as you create a whole lifetime of experiences beyond this pain. a professional will be able to get to the root causes of what's going on, while working with you to create a care plan so that you're prepared for these episodes in the future and showing you how to implement positive patterns into your daily life. disentangling your self worth from the way you look is not impossible and is actually very doable through small exercises and patience. minimizing the damage and building from the ground up, awakening yourself to alternative perceptions, is done through communication. it's ok if it's frustrating, it's ok if it takes time. i'm not saying you have to start loving yourself immediately, or that this will solve everything, but it is a great place to start. just making the initial choice to reach out to your parents will make a massive difference. i can't stress it enough, the importance of you realizing that your self hatred and your self perceived 'ugliness' aren't irreversible truths, they are emotional inconsistencies derived from underlying issues that can be addressed with time and small amounts of effort. where you're at right now is truly not where you'll always be no matter how much you feel otherwise. please, if you're a danger to yourself call someone and put your own physical safety first. i'm begging you, it is not going to solve anything and it is not what you deserve. you will find what you do deserve eventually but you have to stick around to see it. you're stronger than you realize. you haven't made it this far for nothing. i really hope you're alright and that you're able to talk with your parents, or that you at least consider it for now. i'm sure they'll appreciate the honesty, and that's where it all begins. just admitting to what's going on, which you've already proved your capable of. sending a lot of love to you, don't hesitate to hit me up if you need a friend. you're not alone.
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nyoomracer · 7 years
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bpdkipland · 8 years
literally do them all lmao For the strawberry: a lizard person, a little gray alien, an orb, and the Burger King himself For mr horse: ur opinion on the Charmin toilet paper bears
thank you so much anon fuc ily 
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone? 
yikes startin out w a hard one then um when i was a kid i had such a stressful emotional time that it caused me to wet the bed until i was like 12 or 13? it was fuct up 
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be? 
probs my crush or my friend jacob bc he gives gr8 hugs ♥♥
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why? 
Lugia bc when i was little i had a card that was all holographic and it had lugia on it. i never really got super into pokemon lol 
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like? 
oh god it would be a mess 
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had? 
honestly the only one coming to mind is the one i had as a kid where this creature opened up its head and ate my sister and im still scared of going outside in the dark to this day bc of it 
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend? 
i have multiple best friends but theyre mostly all there for me whenever i need them? like one time jacob drove from the other side of town to give me earbuds bc i had lost mine 
😘 talk about your crush or partner 
GOD my crush is a literal angel???? like????? hoy fuk i love her so much she’s so sweet and kind and caring and she just radiates light and love and i got to kiss her on new years ♥♥♥♥
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back? 
depends on HOW rude they were. like,... i was nice to my ex for so long lol 
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!) 
i like my nose, freckles, and the fact that im Nice
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it? 
well its being abandoned by everyone i love and guess what thats starting to happen and im coping lmao
🎁 what never fails to make you happy? 
this video
💙 what annoys you about some people? 
if they chew with their fockin mouth open i die 
😤 do you get angry easily? 
nope i actually am pretty slow to anger lol 
🐇 what do you always daydream about? 
do intrusive thoughts of people coming on to me count 
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change? 
well no offense but republicans would be illegal. sent off to an island not allowed to communicate with the rest of the world lol, strawberries would be in season year round, and weed would be legal bc i cant think of anything else 
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry? 
kiss: orb ♥♥befriend: lizard person kill: k i l l t h e b o r g (burger king) marry: gray alien 
✈️ what is your dream city and why? 
ive not been to any good cities so i dont know 
☕️ talk about your ideal day 
hanging out with all my friends, they dont all hate each other, we all watch movies in a big cuddle puddle and im in the middle of it ♥♥
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert? 
definitely an ambivert. 
💧 when was the last time you cried? 
fuck????? i dont remember???? my eyes welled up yesterday does that count 
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment 
in no particular order: 1. Come On Eileen 2. Insomnia (by Dirty Heads) 3. Birdhouse in Your Soul4. Ana Ng5. Moving On (by James)
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why? 
pyrokinesis so i can light all abusers on fire lol 
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say? 
Listen, kid, there’s a reason you hate yourself and there’s a reason you wanna die all the time but lemme tell you, it ain’t worth it. those hospital stays aren’t worth it. you might not believe it but you’re over 250 days clean! didn’t think you’d make it this far, huh? you also made it to 18 years of age. you’re gonna be okay, kid. 
💚 who are you jealous of and why? 
myself when i’m in a nice mood bc like??? shut yo nice ass up 
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why? 
bravery honestly. i have reasons but i dont have words for the reasons rn 
🙊 what are you ashamed of? 
um that secret i told the fuck
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn? 
i know English and tiny bits of French and i’d love to become fluent in French and Italian? 
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be? 
i wanna be best friends with mike wazowski 
☁️ talk about your dream universe. 
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today? 
it’s a bit late but did do some dishes for my mom cleaned off my desk so i could start painting again :> 
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why? 
new c/r/yptid: Lance Cube.
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike 
y’know when ur eyes just start crying when the rest of u is fine?? like wow i didnt know i was supposed to be emotional but ig???? 
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately 
i’m anxious because my doctors office isnt giving my medical records to the michigan works people im working with so they cant open a case for me, making it so they cant help me find a job bc of my mental illnesses 
   🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
 i wanted to be a veterinarian but now i wanna be a zookeeper 
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods? 
i loooove peach rings and sour patch kids and !!!! strawberry shortcake 
🍑 what are you obsessed with? 
animal crossing tbh i love it so much 
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed? 
i get auditory hallucinations and i just start crying no matter what stressed mood im in. angry stressed? crying. happy stressed? crying. anxious stressed? crying 
😪 what are you sick of? 
having kidney disease??? ?
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker? 
i mean? sometimes? but yall gotta talk me into going on roller coasters 
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have? 
red beet eggs are my LIFE if i could eat them daily i would die, peppers are fucking gross, and tea is fucking gross unless its Tea 
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person? 
i like to think i am a good person? 
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies? 
draw & sing!!!! 
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself? 
You Ain’t No Saint by Aaron West and The Roaring Twenties 
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it?
I’m annoying. I plan on improving it by shutting my ass up 
 🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
i draw people and eyes mainly. and the occasional hand 
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams? 
i’m too shy and bisexual for this 
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you? 
fuck i dont remember i just know i have the same one as Fox Mulder and thats why it fits me lmao
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite! 
...u didnt give me 3 ppl.... 
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why? 
mothman because he’s my boyfriend 
🐴 opinion on __? (Charmin Toilet Paper Bears) 
they wipe my ass for me 
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person? 
i used to be. now im not so sure. 
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them. 
yall i’ve only read 3 books 
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help?
i usually mope around and sleep a lot. it doesnt help usually. 
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad? 
Death Anxiety 
🌍 which country do you live in? 
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words 
needy, petty, and damaged 
🐵 which quotes changed you? 
“What’s your Fursona” - @thebpdevil“Your job is to break death’s heart” 
💭 do you keep a diary? 
I keep a bullet journal!! i think thats kinda similar 
💫 who inspires you? 
honestly my dad??? but also idk :/ 
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why? 
hell YES because i am one
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like? 
department store clearance section & band merch 
🎬 what are some of your favourite films? 
Heathers, Taken, Girl Interrupted, and if u watch the OA in one shot it counts as a movie i’m counting it 
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory? 
Throwing mashed potatoes at my sister. 
🐱 what’s your dream pet like? 
Cat snake (ferret) who loves to cuddle and doesnt bite :-) 
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be? 
probably???? um???? Patrick Stump or Pete Wentz honestly. 
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