#dont you just love approaching 30 and feeling so worn out
thetimelesskeyholder · 9 months
Hhhhhh I've been meaning to contact Kos (and Ev ngl) but I keep doing stupid shit everyday and then I'm tired and then I just DON'T. And I'm starting to get sick of my own shit.
I'll try tomorrow but I better get up early then, I'm traveling far to spend time with a friend tomorrow afternoon. Friday also has strenuous plans and I am just. hhhhhff. I need to finish up photos for the shop update but my god I am tired.
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lover-of-skellies · 4 years
If you can, do #30/nightmares then #19/face reality with papyrus? I have no idea how that would play out.(you dont have to do both of them, i just really like nightmares. Thank you for your time!! I love reading your stuff! It be so good //=3=//)
I'll admit, this took a bit of consideration before I started working, since I wasn't sure what exactly to do. The end result though? I'm actually pretty proud of it :P
Also, thank you! I'm really happy you like my writing!! :D
As the snow crunched beneath his boots and the cold winter air bit into his bones, the tall, lanky skeleton headed further into the woods, nervously glancing around. He'd been in this forest countless times before and knew it very well, but today... something just felt wrong and off. As he stepped out of the trees into a small clearing, he took notice of a figure standing alone with their back to him. Taking in the sight of the all too familiar, worn blue and grey jacket, his soul thudded within his ribs, and he froze. He wasn't sure that his brother would really want to see him after the disagreement they'd had, but he couldn't bear the thought of his elder brother being upset with him any longer.
As he slowly began to approach Sans, he cleared his throat, calling out to announce his presence, "SANS?... THANK GOODNESS, I FINALLY FOUND YOU. I COULDN'T FIND YOU IN ANY OF YOUR NORMAL SPOTS AND I WAS WORRIED!" To his confusion, his brother didn't respond. No singular words, no low hums of acknowledgement, not even a shrug of his shoulders. Papyrus frowned, reaching out to delicately touch Sans' shoulder with a gloved hand, "BROTHER, PLEASE. I KNOW YOU MAY STILL BE UPSET WITH ME, BUT JUST KNOW THAT I'M VERY SORRY FOR WHAT I SAID EARLIER. I DIDN'T MEAN IT, I SWEAR. I WAS JUST FRUSTRATED, THAT'S ALL." Sans muttered something under his breath, too low to be understood.
Brow bones knit in further confusion, Papyrus felt his frown deepen, "... I DIDN'T CATCH THAT. DO YOU THINK YOU COULD SPEAK UP, PLEASE?" Sans let out a deep sigh, his shoulders slouching. As he very slowly turned to face the taller of the two, Papyrus noticed his abnormally wide sockets and constricted, pin prick sized eye lights. Fear wouldn't have been enough to describe to look he wore, and this made Papyrus concerned. Meeting his gaze, Sans uttered no more than two words, cyan tinted tears pricking at the edges of his sockets, "Papyrus... run."
A chill ran down the taller brothers spine and he frowned again; cyan?... what? Cyan wasn't right, not at all. Sans' tears matched his signature magic color, which happened to be blue. He opened his mouth to question his brother, but his voice immediately died upon seeing some abnormal, tar-like substance begin to drip from Sans' mouth. It dripped and dripped, coating his entire chin, before it spurted from one of his sockets and poured down his body. Papyrus took a couple steps back, staring in shock and fear as the black substance completely coated his brother; all but one of his sockets. Attempting to swallow his fear, Papyrus hesitantly spoke, his normally boisterous voice now much softer, "Sans?... What Happened To You? What's All That Goopy Stuff?... Are you... Are You Ok?..."
Sans' visible socket snapped open, his once white eye light now a vibrant cyan as he tilted his head, a demented grin stretching across his face as he purred, "How cute. You still think I'm him, don't you?" Papyrus felt as though his feet had become rooted to the ground, and his bones began to rattle; a reflection of the immense fear that was slowly overtaking his soul. This other "Sans" chuckled, and Papyrus' sockets widened as four inky tendrils practically tore out of his back, writhing behind him as though they possessed a mind of their own. As one of the tentacles began to make it's way toward him, the taller of the two whirled around, intending to run as fast as he could away from the goop covered mass that was once his brother.
A second tentacle shot out, wrapping around one of his arms and abruptly jerking him backward, allowing the first to wrap around his other. He felt his breathing quicken as he looked around, desperately hoping to spot an escape route, or anything else that could help him out of this situation, for that matter. The living nightmare behind him hummed, his grin shifting into one of amusement, "My my, Papyrus. You came all this way to find your Sans, just to turn and abandon him like this?" He tsked, "Shameful. You must've been an awful brother to him, then." Papyrus shook his head, trying to pull away from the tendrils that held him, "NO! I WAS NOT A BAD BROTHER TO HIM. AT LEAST... I TRIED NOT TO BE." A third tentacle snaked around his femur and began to squeeze as his captor responded, "And how does it feel to fail, hm? Or rather, to know you failed? Since none of your friends would've ever had the gall to tell you how many times you've failed them." Papyrus continued to struggle against the tendrils, but to no avail, "I'M NOT A FAILURE! I WON'T LET YOU TALK TO ME THAT WAY, YOU FREAK!"
The tendrils suddenly spun Papyrus to face his captor, "Awe, it looks like someone's upset that they were finally told the truth." Papyrus shook his head, "SHUT UP, SHUT UP. THAT'S NOT TRUE!" The shorter of the two chuckled to himself before sighing again. He reached into what Papyrus would've assumed was his jacket, and to his shock, he withdrew a single soul. With widened sockets, Papyrus gawked at the object, only amusing the shorter skeleton further.
The goop covered mass raised a single brow bone and hummed, "You were looking for your brother, yes? Well, now you've found him." The lanky skeleton opened his mouth, but wasn't even given the chance to say anything. Before his very eyes, the fourth tendril wrapped itself around the soul and constricted, shattering the oh so delicate object in it's grasp.
Orange tinted tears pricked at Papyrus' sockets, and his mandible began to tremble. Noticing how Papyrus seemed to be attempting to withhold his tears, his captor smirked, "Oops. Looks like he's gone. Sans is dead and it's your fault, you know. What'll you do about that? What'll you tell your friends? The people who loved him almost as much as you did? They'll be heartbroken, and they're going to hate you, Papyrus." Processing the other's words, the lanky skeleton felt tears begin to roll down his face, and he let out a choked sob, "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM?! WHAT DID WE EVER DO TO YOU? HE NEVER DESERVED TO DIE. NOT LIKE THIS!"
The goop covered mass hummed in delight, his tentacles tugging Papyrus closer. Reaching out to trail his fingertips along the taller skeletons jaw, he leaned closer and cooed, "Oh, poor baby. Lucky you though... my time here is over. You need to wake up now, Papyrus. Open your eyes, and wake up." Papyrus let out another sob, sniffling as the tendrils that held him faded from view. His captor shot him one last smug grin before also fading from view, and suddenly, he was falling. He flailed his arms and legs, screaming as he fought to find something to grab onto. Something... anything!
As he came crashing to the ground, his entire body jolted, and he snapped his eyes open, now staring up at his bedroom ceiling as he gasped for air, beads of cold sweat having collected on his forehead. He sat up, orange tinted tears beginning to drip down his cheekbones. He knew it was just a nightmare, but it was so real. He whimpered, and concluding what he needed to do now, he bolted from his racecar bed to his door. He needed to check on Sans, and he had to do it NOW.
He raced out of the room without an ounce of hesitation, failing to notice the single cyan eye light peering at him from beneath his bed, narrowed in pure joy.
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snoringhq · 6 years
Good Morning Snore Solution Review
Good Morning Snore Solution
Good Morning Snore Solution is a product that I ran across online, but based on appearance alone, I simply was not interested. After a few months, I noticed that it was becoming increasingly popular (See how Good Morning Snore Solution compares to other anti snoring devices HERE). However, at that time, I had already settled on another mouthpiece as being my number one choice. Read our updated SnoreRx review.
Update:  From time to time Good Morning Snoring Solution provides us with exclusive coupon codes that we can offer to our audience and subscribers. When the promotions are running they will be posted here.
SAVE 15% Coupon (15% OFF all products) Coupon code: “SNORINGHQ” (copy this code and go here) — No Expiration
Coupon Dates: December 25, 2018 – January 1, 2019 Offer: BOGO – Multi-Pack for the price of a Single Pack. ($30 off Multi-Pack ) Code: BOXBOGO
Get the best deal on Good Morning Snore Solution
A few more months passed, and my wife asked if I had heard about Good Morning Snore Solution. I told her I read about it a long time ago, but I just didn’t add it to my list because it didn’t look like a mouthpiece, so I didn’t see how it would work like one.
We got online together and discovered that Good Morning Snore Solution doesn’t look like an MAD because it’s not one. It is a tongue retaining device (TRD), so it does not even go in your mouth. I still was not convinced, but she wanted to try it, so the phrase “happy wife, happy life” came to mind. I ordered one for both of us that night.
Design is relatively comfortable to wear because it is soft and doesn’t take up space in your mouth.
GMSS is BPA-free. In case you don’t know, BPA is an acronym for a product known as biphenyl A. It is found in many polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins, and it is associated with several serious medical conditions.  I try to stay away from mouthpieces that contain this chemical in general.
Backed by a money-back guarantee.
It is really easy to clean because the design is so simple.It lasts a really long time. The average lifespan is about a year, but I’ve read people wear their Good Morning Snore Solution considerably longer.
Manufactured by a company accredited by the Better Business Bureau (not always the case in this market).
Device was designed by a dentist.
The United States Food and Drug Administration, Australian Department of Health and Aging, and Canada’s Therapeutic Products Doctorate cleared it.
A new version is now available that is for smaller mouths or young adults. Be sure to read our full review of the Good Morning Snore Solution For Young Adults.
The price is higher than some expect to pay (especially after you see the simple design). However, with its long lifespan, it won’t need to be replaced every few months like some do.  So if it is a better solution, I think the price still even out over time compared to other options.
Will likely experience tongue soreness the first few days while you get used to it.  I’ve read that in some cases the tongue soreness does not go away, so this is probably the biggest risk of you not liking it
Need to be able to breathe through your nose to wear this device.
The device can slip off your tongue in the night.  My wife and I have had this issue only on very rare occasions, but I’ve read others complaining about this.
See how Good Morning Snore Solution compares to other snoring mouthpieces HERE.
Good Morning Snore Solution is a TRD
How is Good Morning Snore Solution different?
Unlike other mouthpieces, GMSS is not a mandibular advancement device. MADs sit in your mouth, like a mouth guard you would wear for sports. They hold your jaw in a slightly forward position to keep your airway clear (this is an uncomfortable feeling for most of the products I tried). GMSS is completely different.
Good Morning Snore Solution is actually classified as a tongue retaining device (TRD). So, rather than hold your jaw forward, it works by holding your tongue forward. It basically delivers the same results, but takes a different approach.
GMSS holds the tongue forward
Hold the tongue forward?
GMSS has a suction bulb that attaches to the very tip of your tongue. The rest of the device rests between your inner lips and outer teeth. The concept will likely remind you of a pacifier, but there is only a small bulb that can be seen, when your mouth is closed.
Since the suction keeps your tongue held in a forward position, it can’t collapse back into your throat when you fall asleep. This keeps the airway clear and reduces the risk of soft tissues vibrating against one another to make my infamous snoring sound.
After dealing with a mouthful of plastic for years, this little solution seemed a little too good to be true.
Video Review & Demonstration
My Personal Experience
I ordered two GMSS devices: one for me and one for my wife. She has tested every mouthpiece with me, and helped me write this Good Morning Snore Solution review. Between the two of us, she is the louder snorer.  I’m sure of it! My teenage son tends to disagree, but I’m sure she has bribed him multiple times through the years to say so.
Anyway, when they arrived, I cleaned both devices using Polident denture cleaners sent, so they would be ready for us later. I have to admit, I did play around with it a bit to get the hang of attaching it to my tongue, even though my wife made me swear I would wait for her to get home. Guess she’ll know now, if she reads this!
On the first night, we laughed a lot trying to attach it in place. Not that it is hard to attach by any means, but the simplistic design just had us both a little hysterical. Did we really think this thing was going to work. All you have to do to get it to fit is squeeze the bulb and touch it to the end of your tongue.  As you release the bulb it creates suction.
The first thing we both noticed is that it is very comfortable. I immediately loved that there was nothing actually in my mouth taking up space. It felt a little weird attached to my tongue, but definitely not uncomfortable.  My first night I thought I may have made the suction a little too tight, but I left it anyway. I figured I would try a looser fit the next night.  Although I was saying this was not going to work, in the back of my mind, I was really hoping it would because I was already in love with the design. I didn’t even have drool running down my chin like I usually do when my mouth has to get used to another device. It was effortless to wear.
Initial Reaction: Good sleep – but some growing pains
The next morning, I awoke before my alarm. I was literally wide awake, full of energy, and ready to tackle the day. I’m usually so tired and drained in the morning after a night of heavy snoring, so I knew I had slept well. However, my tongue was pretty sore.
I expected to feel a little soreness while my tongue got used to having something attached to it, but this was sorer than I expected. I should have listened to my instinct and loosened the device a little, but I didn’t.  I went online to re-read some other reviews, and saw that a number of people had mentioned a similar soreness issue, especially on the first night as they were getting used to it.  I made a mental note to make sure it would be looser on the second night.
I joined my wife in the kitchen, and she had a big smile. She had slept as well as I did. She even said she didn’t hear one peep from me when she went to let the dog out in the middle of the night (we have a senior dog that needs a mid-night bathroom break). She also said that before our son left for his morning track practice, he told her he didn’t hear any snoring from either of us all night. Okay, so we were both ecstatic, but it was only one night. We had been disappointed by mouthpieces in the past that did not maintain their effectiveness.
During the following week I attached it much more loosely. In fact, it was so loose I thought it would probably fall off, but surprisingly, it didn’t. The next morning I awoke after sleeping the whole night through again. My tongue was still sore, but not nearly as sore it was the previous morning. Actually, by the fourth morning, I made it halfway through breakfast before I realized it wasn’t sore at all.
Usually, when we do a trial on a new device, it is for either 7 or 14 days. Our trial never ended with this one – it’s not perfect, but it’s been the best solution for both of us so far.
Who Can Wear Good Morning Snore Solution?
The company’s site says that it can be worn by a wide range of people. Many mouthpieces can’t be worn if you have dental crowns, bridges, or caps (I don’t have these issues). Plus, the design of an MAD makes it impossible to wear with dentures or loose or weak teeth.  Since Good Morning Snore Solution isn’t an MAD and does not sit in your mouth, it can be worn in all above mentioned scenarios.  For the same reason, you don’t need a prescription, and you don’t need to buy it from your dentist (if they even have it available).
It is also perfect if you simply can’t get used to having a dental appliance in your mouth. Some people just don’t deal with the sensation of a full mouth – it’s a feeling I got used to with other mouthpieces, but certainly never enjoyed. If this sounds like you, then you will probably like the unique design of this tongue retaining device.
Who is Not a Good Candidate?
You have to breathe through your nose to wear Good Morning Snore Solution. So, if you have nasal polyps, a deviated septum, or some type of nose injury that doesn’t permit this then you are probably a better fit for other mouthpieces.
In this case, I would recommend ZQuiet. It was my number one pick for a long time before I started wearing GMSS. Although a traditional mouthpiece, it is super flexible and soft. It has Living Hinge Technology, which provides maximum flexibility. So, you can literally talk and even sip water while wearing it.
I actually still wear my ZQuiet when my allergies are bothering me or if I have a cold. So even if Good Morning Snore Solution ends up being your preferred choice, it would not hurt to have ZQuiet as a backup.
Let’s Talk Price
Good Morning Snore solution costs a little more than some options, but if you buy two the price is in-line with many other products. As of October 25, 2018 Good Morning Snore Solution is $69.94 for a single and $99.94 for a bundle pack.  So, if you have another snorer in your home or a friend wants to try it too, you definitely get a better deal buying two. You can even just get both for yourself, so you have a backup. You know, in case the dog steals it off the nightstand to bury in the backyard. Surely these events don’t only take place in my house!  Really you’ll only need one though – they are very easy to clean, and it should last a long while (standard time is ~1 year).
Note you’ll also pay extra for shipping – I think around $10 in the US.  I think they sell in other countries as well, not sure how shipping cost works there.  If you want it expedited, shipping price is around $30.
Update: Get the best deal on Good Morning Snore Solution
Also, Good Morning Snore Solution has a 30-day money-back guarantee. The fact that there’s no risk is one of the reasons I didn’t argue when my wife wanted to try it (and because she’s especially scary after a night of listening to me snore). If you decide it’s not for you then you just have to request a return authorization number. Then, you still have another 15 days to have it back to the company.
Overall, the price is reasonable (if it works for you).  There are definitely cheaper anti-snoring mouthpieces available, so if the price doesn’t suit your budget, check out some other options.
Good Morning Snore Solution
4.3 Reviewer
Easy to Clean5
Value (Price)3.5
Easy to Breath4.5
Company Reputation4
Good Morning Snore Solution is really unique because the design makes it sit outside of your mouth, rather than in your mouth like most anti-snoring mouthpieces. I found it to be very comfortable, easy to clean, and most importantly very effective. As long as you can easily breathe through your nose, Good Morning Snore Solution is a very good option.
If it sounds like I am overly about Good Morning Snore Solution, it is because I truly am. I wanted to hate it simply because I was so sure there was no chance it would work for me. Every day, I’m grateful that my curiosity got the best of me. I know my wife and teenage son feel the same way.
If you are looking for a snoring solution that is comfortable, effective, durable, and safe, I highly recommend Good Morning Snore Solution.
The post Good Morning Snore Solution Review appeared first on Snoring HQ.
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