#doodle comic workshop
anaryllis · 2 years
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teaching high school is rly funny sometimes
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pretend-erin · 1 year
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lil comic about the guy who lives in my walls
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justira-creates · 2 years
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their backstory during Water 7 killed me. old comic from 2008.
tumblr absolutely murdered the image quality, much better quality on my AO3!
ID under the cut
[ID: A vertical, wordless comic without panel borders depicted entirely in blue ink on a white background, titled “Franky’s First Cola” with a small cartoonish speedo under the title.
Image 1 contains one large panel.
Panel 1: Iceburg and Franky are depicted at ages 12 and 16, respectively, in their workshop at Tom’s workers. Franky’s desk is scattered with doodles and blueprints for Battle Frankys. He is asleep on his drafting table, his pen in his hand, drooling, snoring loudly, depicted with a speech bubble of a log being sawed. Iceburg, his work area pristine, is glaring at him. The paper in front of Iceburg is blank; he's been completely unable to work due to Franky's loud snoring.
Image 2 contains four panels.
Panel 2: Iceburg, in profile, looks like he’s attempting to concentrate, head propped on one hand.
Panel 3: Franky continues to snore loudly, this time depicted with a speech bubble showing a buzzing bee.
Panel 4: Closeup of Iceburg’s eyes from the front, glaring to the side in Franky’s direction.
Panel 5: Overhead shot of their workstations, Franky still snoring at his messy desk. Iceburg’s neat desk has its chair shoved away, empty.
Image 3 has five panels.
Panel 6: Iceburg is checking the fridge, hand on one hip.
Panel 7: Iceburg yells to the residence in general that he’s going shopping, indicated with a speech bubble showing a stick figure of Iceburg receiving a bag of groceries in exchange for money.
Panel 8: Franky, miraculously and suddenly awake, pops around the corner, eyes wide.
Panel 9: Tom calls out that they need fish (cartoon fish in his speech bubble). He is holding a hammer, mid-job.
Panel 10: Kokoro says there’s a shopping list (speech bubble of a piece of paper indicating various food items). She is chopping carrots.
Image 4 has five panels.
Panel 11: Iceburg is on his way out the door, one hand on the doorknob and the other hand holding the shopping list in front of his face as he inspects it. Franky, much shorter, tugs on his shirt and says he wants to come with (speech bubble with a cartoon Iceburg with horns and a pitchfork and a grocery bag plus a cartoon figure of Franky)
Panel 12: Iceburg looks annoyed.
Panel 13: Franky looks stubborn.
Panel 14: Iceburg hunches his shoulders with a frown, looking put-upon.
Panel 15: Iceburg calls over his shoulder that Franky’s coming with him (speech bubble with non-devilish cartoon Iceburg and shopping bag plus a cartoon Franky with horns and a pitchfork)
Image 5 has three panels.
Panel 16: Kokoro, offscreen, yells that Franky needs to put on shorts (speech bubble with an angelic cartoon Franky plus a pair of shorts). Franky is still holding onto Iceburg’s shirt, looking in Kokoro’s direction. Iceburg, one hand still on the doorknob, is looking down at where Franky is holding onto him and frowning.
Panel 17: Franky yells back at Kokoro that he’s going in his speedo, shaking his fist (speech bubble with speedo and multiple exclamation marks). Iceburg has put the shopping list in his mouth and is attempting to detach Franky from his shirt.
Panel 18: Kokoro, still offscreen, throws a pair of shorts in Franky’s face (speech bubble with shorts and many exclamation marks), causing Franky to fall over, still attached to Iceburg’s shirt, and take Iceburg down with him. Iceburg yells an drops the shopping list from his mouth as he's falling.
Image 6 has a divider followed by three panels
-- a divider of alternating cartoon speedos and shorts --
Panel 19: Iceburg is carrying a bag of groceries. A little behind him, Franky is kicking a rock, wearing shorts and looking dejected, hands in his pockets.
Panel 20: Iceburg frowns back at Franky, looking thoughtful.
Panel 21: Closeup of Franky pouting, in profile, hands in his pockets.
Image 7 has three panels.
Panel 22: Closeup: Iceburg’s gaze slides to the side.
Panel 23: A wooden hanging sign saying COLA, read vertically, with a dark bottle of cola next to the word.
Panel 24: Closeup of Iceburg’s lower face, just visible above the bag of groceries. He is smiling ever so slightly.
Image 8 has two panels.
Panel 25: A faded wider shot of Iceburg, facing away from Franky, handing a cola back to Franky, behind him. Franky’s body language indicates he’s taken aback. In the faded style, they lack facial features.
Panel 26: A faded closeup shot of Iceburg’s hand, holding the cola, and Franky’s hand reaching for it, about to grasp it and take it.
The word "End" is at the bottom.
/end ID]
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skirbozobrainrot · 3 months
Hey, thanks for stopping by!
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I don't have a clever pen name or anything, so you can just call me Skirbozobrainrot-or SB for short. This is my Kirby artblog, but I mainly draw Shadow Kirby, and things related to him like the Mirror World and Floralia.
For organization, I tag my stuff under what type of post it is, and then put a specific art tag based on how much effort I felt I put into them.
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As a list, here are the tags I use: Art tags
drafts - sketches and doodles, scrapped ideas
drawings - regular art, self-contained pieces
compositions - high effort drawings and pieces
Post tags
projects - pieces related to any of my projects
references - my reference sheets
jokepost - shitposts, memes, etc.
vids - videos/animations
Misc tags
Non-art: For anything that isn't a drawing
Lore: For headcanons or theory posts
Other people: For reblogs
This blog is going to host my main Kirby-related projects, which should come out... eventually. I'll list their names and tag below.
Skirby's Workshop (workshop) - A long-lasting thing that'll start up soon, where I draft up Copy Ability ideas and then post them for fun. Features Shadow Kirby and Weapons shop Waddle Dee.
Of the Mirrors - This is my AU? I guess that's the best way to describe it, but it's an AU that tries to stick to canon as close as possible. It's a comic series about Shadow Kirby's adventures prior to and after becoming the Guardian of the Mirror World (and by extension, Floralia).
If I ever have to move to another site or (god forbid) get onto Twitter I'll link it here, but so far this is my only Kirby art-related account.
Finally, as special thanks, my biggest inspirations are voiddemon and itsquakey respectively, who draw really good and way better than I ever could lmao, so if you SOMEHOW don't know them I really suggest you check them out, they've done some really good stuff.
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frokenkeke · 5 months
Making of Ashes to Ashley
Recently I posted my comic Ashes to Ashley, and got such a tremendously kind and loving response that I felt like sharing a little bit more about where it came from.
The story is about a transgender awakening, where the quiet and somber Ash explodes out of the closet as the loud and colorful Ashley. This was always the plan, however the details changed along the way. Quite quickly I realized that I was writing about myself and my own trans journey. I never played in a band and I don't imagine I'll ever grow bunny ears (sadly), but still Ashley is undoubtedly a reflection of myself. I just allowed life to become a stage and gender performance a rock concert.
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Above are the first idea doodles I drew late at night in early April. I quite enjoyed giving Ashley lipstick and prominent eye shadow, since I hadn't ever done a character like that before. The idea was a bit of exaggerated femininity that accidentally becomes raw punk expression. One or two people have pointed out the Um Jammer Lammy similarities, and they are absolutely not coincidental. Initially I imagined Ashley would've been more reluctant about her transformation, which is why she looks a bit more annoyed in some of my sketches, but the story became more bright and funny if it was made immediately clear that this all happens off of her own volition.
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Some method and color tests. My girlfriend suggested I instead go a lot more raw with it, which is why I ended up adamantly using an ugly sponge brush built into Photoshop. Sapphic Disaster are some form of punk-shoegaze band, so combining rough pencil linework with crunchy texture coloring felt like a fitting visual representation of them. This also side-stepped the biggest problems I've always had with drawing comics – dealing with inking is a boring waste of time, and working digitally always makes me fixate on perfection. By just using pencil on paper I had to stick with whatever errors couldn't be saved by a regular eraser, in fact I dedicated myself to only using an old worn down Bic mechanical pencil and embraced the idea that the comic would consistently look a bit off and amateurish. Of course I allowed myself the luxury of cleaning up my drawings digitally before coloring, but that can only take you so far. This way of working helped me make fast progress and kept each step engaging, I've never had as much fun drawing a comic as I had with Ashes to Ashley.
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Here's a before and after from initial scan to finished panel. I often only tidy up around focal points like faces or hands, and allow the rest to remain as it is, usually parts like the legs or Ashley's ears.
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Character references and my initial color picks, they went through small changes as I went along. I liked giving all the band members different sorts of rabbit ears to make them all look distinct from each other.
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Here's some ideas for the Sapphic Disaster band logo and the comic's color palette, notice how Ashley is more vibrant than Ash.
While working I filled up numerous papers with doodles trying to workshop panels and layouts. It's too much to show all of them here, so I composed a few collages of my favorites.
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It was pivotal for me that Ash would always look painfully cute. The sketch of the table scene with Floyd shows a rare out-of-character confident and laid-back Ash. In the presence of Floyd?! Never!
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I was very concerned about the reader recognizing the old Ash when first seeing Ashley. She may be all excited about being a girl, but her nervous cluelessness remains. I ended up going back and redrawing two panels in Ashley's introduction to strengthen this impression.
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For those not in the know, shoegaze is a rock subgenre that centers around noisey guitar textures, typically achieved through heavy use of effect pedals at the musicians feet; hence the name. When Ashley plays her guitar she produces a cacophony of strange sounds, the reader will have to imagine what they actually sound like, but I always imagined their opening number "I Wanna Be a Girl" to sound like a couple of amateurs trying to recreate Lush's Blackout.
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The page where the band go around looking for Ashley while she's receiving her makeover was shoehorned in at a later stage for pacing purposes. That's why Gabriel is suddenly back to pulling cords after previously claiming they're all set, oops!
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One of the core rules to this story is that everyone is always overly supportive of Ashley's transition no matter what. This is what makes the otherwise stern and serious Floyd especially funny, my girlfriend was pivotal in sprucing up his dialogue, adding bits like "have you seen the health care waiting lists?, "I know an endocrinologist who owes me a favor or two" and "give me 35% more danger"
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Towards the end I discovered that Ashley and Debbie dancing was apparently the most important panel in the entire comic, judging by how much I tried to perfect it. (For the record, my favorite panel is when Ashley screams into the microphone that she wants to be a girl.) Maybe Ashley and Debbie dancing should've replaced the final full-page panel? Well, we got a lot of cute doodles out of it regardless. Just kiss already!
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Initially I imagined Ashley to be standing alone in the "could this be the real me" final panel, but I realized her odd family of friends was equally a part of the real her. She was always right where she needed to be, she just needed to find herself within that place. (I ended up giving Ashley a cigarette because otherwise it looked like she was praying.)
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Here are some ideas for the cover illustration, of course in 1:1 format to look like an album cover. Up until last minute I planned for the comic to have You Made Me Realize as its subtitle to distinguish it from eventual follow-ups, which is why the You Made Me Realize EP cover art is paraphrased in the top-middle. I ended up just going with Ashes to Ashley to keep it clean and simple. The title Ashes to Ashley was blurted out immediately by my girlfriend when I first showed her my concepts for the story. It's perfect, she's perfect.
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I drew two Ashes and two Ashleys for the cover art and let my fingers smudge all over the latter. While most obviously riffing on the cover for My Bloody Valentine's Loveless, it's equally taking from the Ecstasy of Saint Theresa's Pigment.
And there you have it.
However I never intended this to be the full extent of Ashley's story, just a satisfying and complete end of a chapter. I've already finished writing the next story, Today Forever, and I hope I can get it out to you all soon enough. Your love for Ashley keeps me going.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 7 months
i think i almost made myself legit cry with this gunter/corrin doujin arrangement now lmao, good job krad
ok so workshopping out loud:
it's not set in stone but b/c most existing art pieces are YRMR related i'm sort of loosely arranging this doujin in three "arcs" like revelation / the YRMR fic: (1) northern fortress, (2) the romance, and (3) all the shit that goes down in valla.
eventually i'm probably going to make other gunter doujins (conquest-verse? one that's only possession (sexi times) related? etc). generally by now i make myself a rule i have to have at least 20 pages of drawn junk before i even entertain the thought of a doujin.
but to go back a little; i want this (first?) doujin to be able to exist as a standalone piece of art where you don't have to know shit about YRMR. you can, and it'd enhance the experience if you go 'oh shit that's the first proposal scene!!!! :D', but you don't have to.
and like -- if 'what's the abuse of power' was my anchor-lodestone phrase for the fic, i think contrast is going to be the visual lodestone for the doujin.
cuz that's the cool thing visually with gunter/corrin, right? big/small, young/old, whip/ball, possessed/unpossessed, death/life, etc etc. i'm not good enough art wise to go super abstract yet theme-wise, and something as simple as "contrast" pairs really nicely with my general focus on body language. and i'm picking back up a few pieces where i was using an interesting inky/smoky watercolor look paired with the thin lines -- like uhh these three --
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-- and it looked pretty good together. i think that's going to help balance the chunkier lineart of the comic pages.
hell even just squinting at it here minus the tones. yeah i think it does.
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(i can finally show more of this comic considering it's yrmr's very last scene. ;D )
so with those pieces set, i can subtly lean into paired pieces like this where the rest of the doujin is more visually "noisy" with 2 page comics and filled doodle-boards, but then you get :
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(first piece is gonna be in greyscale; this whole thing's gonna be in b/w)
you see what i mean? the emotional contrast + stitching is there, where the "silence" + "absence" of the page straight up accentuates the feeling. you don't have to know what goes down in YRMR to go 'ouughhhh hurt/comfort' (frankly imo the unusual rougher lineart of the last piece even accentuates that.)
contrast. contrast, contrast, it's gonna be about contrast.
now you might think 'krad this is seriously overkill thinking for a doujin' and like. if it were a simple indie artbook. where you just slap illustrations together. i'd agree 100%.
but. an artbook is not a story. comics are. and there's a continuum between really good comics <=> design <=> illustration pieces as a collection going bang-bang-BANG, rather than just 'pretty picture x10'
alternatively, picture this as krad (more accurate):
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erigold13261 · 10 months
It is a great sin of yours that you have not doodled Noir and Ham yet/lh
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Fun fact! Ham and Noir were actually gonna be in that "Game Night" picture with Hobie (so was Lyla) but I ran out of space and didn't want to make a second page for a simple joke comic.
Definitely still workshopping Noir. They are basically gonna look like the comic version of themself. Messy hair, glasses, probably wears some googles every now and then (Noir on a motorcyle is definitely something I would like to draw, if I could draw bikes lol).
Ham on the other hand is very much NOT like her comic or even movie version. Mainly because the very cartoony stylization that Ham has won't perfectly fit with NSR. I was debating on having them more animal-like, kinda like Ellie, but idk, I liked this design I cam up with.
These are probably still beta designs so they might change around a little bit, but not a lot.
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pyrousred · 9 months
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Doodling, trying to refine the design for Hellhounds before they show up for realsies in my comic. I like the idea of the face peeling back to reveal an interior maw full of uneven teeth, but not sure if that's too similar to the "inner mouth" that phantoms have. Still workshopping it.
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whoiskt · 8 months
Grad School Q2 - Week 4
Yeah, so I definitely failed to get ahead of things and now midterms are upon me and I am perhaps not the most prepared. I think it'll be fine but I really ought to get to work.
I went to some of those workshops and they were fine. I mean it's always cool to hear artists' talk about their craft. I just wish it was aligned with the craft I want to do. You know, I just feel like us storyboarders are getting left behind a little bit.
But whatever! I'm not going to get truly upset about it until next quarter if they haven't invited any artists in my field by that point. ALLEDGEDLY they invited people in TV/movies but I looked up a list of people who came last year and it was all comic artists........ so I'm also not going to get my hopes up.
I'd share something but most my doodles this week happened in my sketchbook, and I was more focused on writing this week, anyways. It really wasn't a great week for me mentally which didn't help any.
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error-code400 · 1 year
Welcome to…
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This is a TMNT fan iteration with my own interpretation of the turtles. I have workshopped this for months on end and im proud to finally present them.
First look
Donatello • Leonardo • Raphael • Michelangelo • April • Splinter
Hight chart
Sketches and doodles.
Pizza party at April’s
Random doodles
Trans masc Raph
Small comic I made.
1 - 2
All in your head
Episode one: Hero’s in the Making
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silverior968 · 1 year
More sillies I made
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[Image ID 1: A doodle of younger Anton and Saracen. The first doodle is of the two walking side by side. Saracen, aged around 11, is looking at Anton, who is nonchalantly saying "Willow trees get up and follow people at night btw". The next doodle is of Saracen, looking at Anton in abject horror. / End ID]
[Image ID 2: A doodle page of younger Anton and Saracen, set up like a comic. The first doodle has Saracen, aged around 15, with a small moustache going on, smiling cheerfully with the speech bubble "The best way to get people to trust you is a charming smile". In the next doodle he is smiling with his eyes closed and sparkles all around him, with the speech bubble "Like this!". In the next doodle Anton is looking stoic, with Saracen's speech bubble "Now you try it!" next to him. In the fourth doodle he is trying to force himself to smile, accidentally grimacing threateningly instead. The text "*wood creaking.mp3*" is placed next to him. In teh fifth doodle Saracen is looking puzzled, with his hand under his chin. The last doodle is the same, except Saracen is now pointing with one of his fingers, and has the speech bubble "We're going to have to workshop that". / End ID]
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thirdtidemouse · 10 months
okay about the art school au
tell me if you have any bright sparkling ideas for this au bc god knows i would eat them up. like i said before i know johanna is a graphic designer now but she has roots in illustration theyre like siblings. she leans towards children's books, making up stories and weird wonderful characters out of thin air. her work is also very botanical - her doodles in the show are full of winding plants and flowers. she could fill a page with dense undergrowth.
gerda is a student too but she's like that one teacher that just LOVES fonts. she is graphic design, product design, interior design, going back and forth between the computer room and the workshop to lasercut something or to build a weird chair. she could probably run a company marketing department at 18.
i also said kaisa is an analogue photography girl. she doesn't really care for most commercial photography she's like a man ray superfan and probably gets snotty about using digital cameras sometimes but loves to mess around with unconventional and cameraless methods. she might smell like chemicals. she doesn't want anyone close enough to be able to tell. she has always been an academic nerd and it shines in her artist research, drawing from the most conceptual artworks and fascinating herself with what there is to discover about them. she would love mike nelson.
edmund is perpetually covered in ink, of all colours, on his hands and his face. he's constantly workshopping prints of all kinds, one of his final pieces being a gigantic woodcut relief print depicting mythical creatures with lots of iconographic detail (think luke pearson's norse-inspired patterns o_<). he takes print room safety VERY seriously. do not put your hands or hair anywhere near the roller on the press. he will get you.
ive got like an outline idea for 6-8 chapters depending on whether i do it as a comic or writing? comics take so much effort for comparatively less story coverage so it would be a big endeavor but i would really love to have it all in visuals (also i'm not a superstar writer?) it's so difficult because some things i want to describe like in written word but some things i want to have visual 😭 artwork between paragraphs could be good but idk how cohesive it would be and it might be a bit jarring to suddenly be reading what you were looking at and vice versa.. that kind of thing works really well for a memoir like alison bechdel's fun home but not so much straightforward fictional story idkkkk... i can like see some panels in my head but i also want to do long descriptions and idrk if i want to mash them together. if i really do this it's going to take some PLANNING
victoria is still crazy but in a much more creative way. she loves to discuss everyone's work with them, she loves weird and experimental stuff. she likes to make elaborate and unconventional sets, props, and costumes for her colourful multi-media short films. she loves any art that moves, and makes great use of audio, sampling heavy thunderstorms pretty often.
AND! if i included the creatures (as people) then tontu would be a fashion & textiles tutor. i shan't be taking questions.
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also thank you for the inspiring tags @the-hilda-librarians-wife 😭 your hospital au was so awesome i might find myself doing footnotes like you did, describing techniques and stuff where it would be out of place to just straight up write it down in the story.. bc i am gonna get SCIENTIFIC with the photography
(if it was a comic i'm thinking about the fun I'd have with speech bubbles especially in a classroom/studio - one of my hugest ever inspirations is anatola howard and this comic is so spectacular for speech bubbles lol)
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What are your head cannons for the Plantars? Also, what are some of your critiques about s3?
Polly is a polyglot (lol) and knows 12 languages by the time she's fifteen. Her first language is English (or whatever it's called on Amphibia), her second is Thai (which she writes her most secret mechanical projects in because she knows she's the only one on Amphibia who can read it), and she's actually pretty fluent in Ancient Newtopian.
If the worlds aren't separated, she elects to go to school on Earth and eventually gets into MIT. Her family is incredibly proud of her :)
She can skateboard.
If it's the canon 'verse, someone eventually realizes that Polly actually has the same hair shape as Anne and tells her. It makes her pretty emotional because she really misses her big sister but knowing she somehow retained a bit of her? Makes her feel a bit better.
She starts wearing a bit more green as she gets older. I like to think that Sprig and Polly are a more healthy version of Strength and Wit for Anne? I'd say Sprig's pretty emotionally strong and Polly's fucking smart. Also, Sprig's green and pink. Polly wears more green as a symbol that she's associated with being really fucking smart.
She also stole one of Anne's sweaters from out of her bag right before she had to leave forever to have as a reminder. It's Polly's favorite item of hers and she wears it whenever she needs that comfort.
She doesn't stop trying to make a new portal so they can get back to Earth. An idea I have is that Sprig saved the leaves Anne's first body dissolved into, and they're absolutely saturated in Calamity Energy, enough so that Polly's able to use them to power a new portal. She also cannibalizes several frogbots for the Calamity Energy they've got in them.
Polly turns the old tunnels under the house into her workshop, with the central area being the New Wartwood town square after the townspeople move back out of it. It's already there and set up, so she takes advantage of it. Plus, she can raid her ancestors' old stuff for weapons and tech and stuff.
Sprig's not a genius like Polly, but he's pretty damn smart himself. I mean, he's ten in the majority of the series and he's quite smart for a ten-year-old.
He gets quite adept at reading people and can really tell when not to trust someone, or when someone is trustworthy, or when someone is hiding something. Combined with Anne's charisma and ability to charm most people, they're a deadly duo.
It's canon, but he's a really good artist (look at the doodles he has in the basement during the Amphibia timeskip in The Hardest Thing! I bet he drew those and they're so good!) and he illustrates the book he writes about all the adventures he had with Anne. He's eventually convinced to get it published, and it becomes a bestseller in Amphibia.
If he could still go to Earth, Marcy would ask him to do a guest comic for her webcomic. Her fans love it :D
Related: he'd totally make a Tumblr for himself. Yes, people know he's a frog. (An ask: wait are you really a talking frog / Sprig: yeah?? why would I lie about that)
He takes over the farm after Hop Pop retires. The avocados make it so they don't have to worry about money anymore, and Sprig's learned a lot since trying to take over the farm in s1. Polly handles the technical side of things, and Sprig does the business side of it. He stops doing as much adventuring because of this, but he doesn't really mind.
The bandana he wears in the timeskip is one he stole from Anne.
After Anne left for good, Sprig spent the majority of the time down in her old basement room as a way to feel close to her. He eventually makes it his new room because he just feels more comfortable down there. It's not lost on him that it's the room he was in when his parents were killed, but it's now just... Anne's room, and that brings him comfort.
Edited to add: my headcanon is that Sprig is transmasc and biromantic asexual, and Polly is agender aroace and usually goes by she/her pronouns but doesn’t really care. She honestly doesn’t give a fuck about gender.
The Plantars are a lot more respected after the events of the series. Not only are they Anne's family, they're just genuinely good people and Wartwood starts to recognize that. It also comes out that the first Plantar was a close friend of the king's back a thousand years ago, so that's also something.
Those avocados are insanely popular.
A bit sadder: after Anne leaves, Hop Pop keeps accidentally making food for four, instead of three. He's just so used to Anne being there that he'll make more food than is needed for the three of them, but it gets packaged up as leftovers once he realizes. It's still sad, though. He misses his eldest grandchild something fierce.
He starts writing plays, and they're really good! They actually draw in wide acclaim, and even get put on in Newtopia.
And I think that's it for now!
(See this previous ask for the second part of this ask)
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kokomini9 · 2 years
hello!!!! this account is my personal lil archive of art and doodles. mostly trying to save and post the mass of stuff from my twitters over these last few years, but i update every now and then. i primarily do oc content with a bit of fanart now.
i hope yall enjoy your stay here & or if you enjoy what i post ♥
my rt spam and w/e acc is over @koko-beanie
commissions: https://vgen.co/kokomini9
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tag notes:
ive put all my ocs in accordance to their lil world set down below:
#omwo / omwocomic - my flower mains. omwocomic is here bc the main omwo tag is an actual organization but i havent seen anything recent from it? so i throw both in there just in case. will there be a comic? lmao ive also asked myself that for 6+ yrs, im just tired man. if there are crumbs so be it.
#meows - food cats / my 5 idiots
#winterseasidestars - seaside port with star showers. my misc designs
#rie’s workshop - craft themed friends
#origami loft - origami themed drama
#ftlol - (for the love of love) my lovecore aesth ocs whom i just bunch 2gthr ♥
#gijinka - see cookierun and kirby. i primarily do gijinkas than the funny lil orbs. old and scattered now, dont do it as much anymore.
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laraphleb · 2 months
Master the Art of Drawing: Top Training Courses to Take Your Skills to the Next Level
**Master the Art of ⁤Drawing: Top Training Courses to Take Your Skills to the Next Level**
Are you an ⁣aspiring ⁤artist looking‍ to ​enhance your drawing skills and ‍take them to the next level?‍ Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced artist ⁤wanting to refine your techniques, investing in​ a drawing training course can help you achieve your goals. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming ⁣to choose the right course for you. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the top​ drawing training courses to help you master the art of ​drawing.
**Introduction to Drawing**
Drawing⁢ is a fundamental skill that lays the‍ foundation for all forms of visual art. Whether you’re interested in realistic portrait drawing, imaginative illustration, or abstract doodling, mastering the​ art of ⁣drawing requires practice, guidance, and instruction. Taking a drawing training course can provide you with the knowledge, techniques, and ‌inspiration needed to develop your artistic abilities and create stunning works of art.
**Top Drawing Training Courses**
1. **Drawing Basics: The​ Complete Online Course** ⁤- ‌This comprehensive online course covers the fundamentals ⁢of drawing, including line, shape,‌ form, perspective, and shading. ‍Suitable for beginners and intermediate artists, this course ​will help you ​build a strong foundation in ‌drawing and develop your skills through a series of engaging lessons and practical exercises.
2. **Portrait Drawing Masterclass** – If you’re looking to improve your portrait drawing skills, this masterclass is perfect for ⁣you. Led by an experienced artist, this course ⁤will⁢ teach you the techniques and principles of portrait drawing, including anatomy, proportions, and capturing facial expressions. Whether ⁤you’re a beginner‍ or an advanced artist, this masterclass will help you take your portrait​ drawing to the next ​level.
3. **Figure Drawing for Artists** – Understanding ‌human anatomy is crucial ‍for creating realistic figure drawings. This course⁢ focuses on teaching you the ​fundamental principles of figure drawing,‍ including gesture,⁤ proportions, and anatomy. By ⁢studying the human form in detail, you’ll be ⁤able to create dynamic and lifelike figure drawings that showcase your skills as an artist.
4. **Cartooning and Character Design** – ⁣If you’re interested in ‍creating whimsical characters and cartoons, this course is perfect for you. Learn how to develop unique character designs, express⁢ emotions through caricature, and create engaging comic strips. Whether you’re a fan of animated ⁢films or graphic novels, this course will help you unleash your creativity and develop your own style of cartooning.
5. **Botanical Illustration Workshop** ‌- If you have a love for nature and‍ plants, this workshop will ⁤teach you how​ to create intricate botanical illustrations. Learn how to observe and ‍draw plants in​ detail, using techniques such as line drawing, stippling, and watercolor painting. Whether you’re a gardening enthusiast or a nature lover, this workshop​ will help you create​ stunning botanical illustrations that​ capture the beauty of the natural world.
**Benefits of ‍Taking ⁣a Drawing Training Course**
– Develop ⁢your artistic skills and techniques – Learn from experienced instructors and artists – Receive constructive feedback and guidance on your work – ⁤Explore new styles, mediums, and ‌subjects – Connect with a‍ community of fellow artists and art enthusiasts – Gain confidence in ‍your artistic abilities – Improve your creativity and problem-solving skills
**Practical Tips for Mastering the ⁣Art of Drawing**
– Practice regularly ⁤to improve ‍your‌ skills – Experiment with different ‌drawing⁣ techniques⁣ and mediums – Study⁢ the work of famous⁢ artists and draw inspiration from their⁣ styles – Take constructive criticism positively and use it to improve your work – Join art classes, workshops, and drawing groups to learn from others and expand your knowledge – Keep a ​sketchbook to capture ideas, sketches, and‍ doodles on the go
Mastering the art of drawing requires dedication, practice, and continuous learning. By investing in‍ a drawing training course, you⁢ can develop‍ your skills, enhance your techniques, and express your creativity with confidence. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, there’s a drawing⁢ course out there for you. Explore the top training ⁤courses mentioned above, and take your drawing skills⁤ to the⁣ next level today.
Remember, the ​journey to ​becoming a skilled artist is a lifelong pursuit. Embrace the challenges, celebrate your progress, and enjoy the process of creating art that reflects ⁢your unique voice and vision. Happy drawing!
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gloriabomfim · 1 year
Part 1: Sunshine's Zany Adventures
Montage 1: Sunshine becomes a wacky chef in a restaurant.
Sunshine dons a chef's hat and apron covered in colorful polka dots.
He juggles tomatoes and flips pancakes, creating a chaotic kitchen scene.
Sunshine (with a grin): "That's funny! Who's ready for a taste of my wild waffles?"
Montage 2: He takes on the role of a screwy scientist in a mad laboratory.
Sunshine mixes colorful liquids in test tubes, causing them to bubble over.
He attaches a propeller to a rubber chicken and watches it spin around.
Sunshine (with excitement): "That's funny! I've just invented the world's first rubber chickencopter!"
Montage 3: Sunshine becomes a zany circus performer.
He balances on a giant inflatable banana while juggling flaming marshmallows.
Sunshine rides a unicycle while wearing an oversized propeller beanie.
Sunshine (with glee): "That's funny! Step right up, folks, and witness the daring feats of the one and only Sunshine!"
Montage 4: He dresses up as a silly detective.
Sunshine examines a magnifying glass, but it turns out to be a comically large prop.
He interrogates a puppet suspect, asking absurd questions.
Sunshine (with faux seriousness): "That's funny! I suspect this puppet might be the mastermind behind the missing sock caper!"
Montage 5: Sunshine transforms into a funny superhero.
He sports a wild, mismatched costume with a cape made of shiny foil.
Sunshine performs exaggerated superhero poses, pretending to fly.
Sunshine (striking a pose): "That's funny! Fear not, citizens! Sunshine is here to save the day with laughter!"
Montage 6: He becomes a screwy game show host.
Sunshine spins a wheel with bizarre categories like "Giant Pickle Trivia."
He hands out rubber chickens as prizes to bewildered contestants.
Sunshine (with enthusiasm): "That's funny! Our next contestant will try to answer the question: 'How many feathers does a rubber chicken have?'"
Montage 7: Sunshine takes on the role of a crazy inventor.
He concocts a machine that turns spaghetti into spaghetti-flavored bubblegum.
Sunshine attaches springs to shoes, bouncing around the workshop.
Sunshine (grinning): "That's funny! Behold, my latest invention: the spaghetti-bubblegumulator!"
Montage 8: He joins a wacky dance troupe.
Sunshine performs absurd dance moves like the "Funky Chicken Cha-Cha."
He twirls around in a tutu while juggling rubber ducks.
Sunshine (dancing wildly): "That's funny! Let's get quacking on the dance floor!"
Montage 9: Sunshine becomes a zany stand-up comedian.
He delivers a rapid-fire series of puns and slapstick jokes.
The audience bursts into laughter as he tells one-liners with absurd punchlines.
Sunshine (with comedic timing): "That's funny! Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!"
Montage 10: He takes on the persona of a screwy explorer.
Sunshine embarks on an expedition to find the fabled "Silly-Saurus."
He maps out a route using a crayon and a map covered in doodles.
Sunshine (adventurous): "That's funny! Our quest for the Silly-Saurus begins now, fellow explorers!"
Montage 11: Sunshine becomes a wacky weatherman.
He points at a map with outrageous weather predictions like "Spaghetti Rain."
Sunshine uses a whoopee cushion as a prop during the forecast.
Sunshine (with a grin): "That's funny! Expect showers of giggles and a chance of silliness!"
Montage 12: He dresses up as a silly rock star.
Sunshine strums an air guitar and sings with exaggerated passion.
He wears sunglasses indoors and has a microphone made of a pool noodle.
Sunshine (rocking out): "That's funny! We're about to turn this place into a laughter-filled mosh pit!"
Montage 13: Sunshine becomes a crazy animal trainer.
He attempts to teach a group of rubber ducks to do circus tricks.
Sunshine communicates with imaginary animals using interpretive dance.
Sunshine (enthusiastic): "That's funny! Watch as my rubber duckies perform the world's smallest circus!"
Montage 14: He takes on the role of a zany news anchor.
Sunshine reports on "Breaking News: Sock Puppet Uprising."
He wears a tie with mismatched socks and uses a rubber chicken as a microphone.
Sunshine (news anchor style): "That's funny! In today's top story, sock puppets demand equal sock rights!"
Montage 15: Sunshine becomes a screwy magician.
He pulls oversized playing cards out of a top hat and makes them float.
Sunshine saws a rubber chicken in half, only for it to squawk and reassemble.
Sunshine (with dramatic flair): "That's funny! Prepare to be amazed by the wonders of zany magic!"
Montage 16: He joins a funny prank show as a contestant.
Sunshine plays outrageous pranks on unsuspecting victims.
He uses whoopee cushions, squirting flowers, and rubber chickens galore.
Sunshine (mischievous): "That's funny! Our next prank is sure to tickle your funny bone!"
Montage 17: Sunshine takes on the role of a wacky lifeguard.
He blows a kazoo instead of a whistle to alert swimmers.
Sunshine rides a giant rubber duck as his lifeguard platform.
Sunshine (vigilant): "That's funny! Safety first, folks! Remember to wear your water wings to the laughter pool!"
Montage 18: He becomes a zany fashion designer.
Sunshine creates outfits made entirely of candy wrappers and balloons.
He struts down the runway in a costume made of feathers and glitter.
Sunshine (fashionable): "That's funny! This season's hottest trend is the 'Laugh-tastic Look.'"
Montage 19: Sunshine dresses up as a screwy detective.
He magnifies fingerprints on a donut, thinking it's a vital clue.
Sunshine interrogates a rubber chicken as a key suspect.
Sunshine (serious and goofy): "That's funny! I have a hunch this case is egg-stremely puzzling!"
Montage 20: He takes on the role of a crazy taxi driver.
Sunshine's taxi is covered in flashing lights and oversized dice.
He navigates through a wacky city filled with giant props and surreal obstacles.
Sunshine (behind the wheel): "That's funny! Hold on tight, passengers! We're in for a wild, laughter-filled ride!"
Montage 21: Sunshine becomes a silly teacher.
He leads a classroom full of rubber duck students in arithmetic lessons.
Sunshine wears a dunce cap made of rubber chicken feathers.
Sunshine (educational): "That's funny! Today's lesson is 'Quackonomics 101'!"
Montage 22: He joins a wacky sports team.
Sunshine competes in unconventional sports like "Synchronized Silliness."
He wears a sports jersey with the number "0.5."
Sunshine (athletic): "That's funny! Get ready for a game of 'Extreme Tiddlywinks'!"
Montage 23: Sunshine becomes a screwy park ranger.
He uses a butterfly net to capture imaginary exotic animals.
Sunshine conducts guided tours through a forest of oversized flowers.
Sunshine (outdoorsy): "That's funny! Watch out for the rare and elusive 'Giggleberry Bush' on our nature walk!"
Montage 24: He takes on the persona of a funny astronaut.
Sunshine prepares for a mission in a spaceship made of cardboard boxes.
He floats around in a zero-gravity room, pretending to sip floating soda.
Sunshine (astronaut-style): "That's funny! Houston, we have a problem… of laughter!"
Montage 25: Sunshine becomes a zany tour guide.
He leads tourists through a house filled with optical illusions.
Sunshine wears a safari hat with a propeller on top.
Sunshine (guiding): "That's funny! Welcome to the 'House of Hilarity' – where reality takes a funny turn!"
Montage 26: He dresses up as a wacky artist.
Sunshine creates abstract paintings using spaghetti and rubber chickens.
He signs his masterpieces with a squiggly doodle instead of a signature.
Sunshine (artsy): "That's funny! Behold the latest masterpiece in 'Absurd Artistry'!"
Montage 27: Sunshine joins a silly game show as a contestant.
He competes in bizarre challenges like "Pie Eating with No Hands."
Sunshine wears a helmet with a propeller while attempting the challenges.
Sunshine (competitive): "That's funny! I'm here to win the 'Laughter Olympics'!"
Montage 28: He takes on the role of a screwy lifeguard at a chaotic water park.
Sunshine blows a party horn to signal the start of the waterslide rush.
He rides a rubber chicken down a waterslide, splashing into a pool of foam noodles.
Sunshine (lifeguard duty): "That's funny! Safety first, folks, even in the 'Pool of Noodle Nonsense'!"
Montage 29: Sunshine becomes a crazy inventor.
He constructs a machine that turns water into fizzy soda bubbles.
Sunshine invents a device that dispenses laughter on command.
Sunshine (inventive): "That's funny! With these gadgets, we're on the brink of 'Gigglevolution'!"
Montage 30: He dresses up as a zany superhero sidekick.
Sunshine wears a mismatched costume with a cape made of whoopee cushions.
He stands by the side of a serious superhero, trying to lighten the mood.
Sunshine (sidekick style): "That's funny! Together, we'll bring laughter and justice to this city, one rubber chicken at a time!"
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