#doodling deru
dumbass-deru · 2 years
Jessica doodles?
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Jessica doodles.
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(Aka the second best cousin, right behind Battler)
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alienaiver · 2 months
Hi Nohr! This headcanons game looks fun!
How about.... Daichi for it?
deru!!! hi<333 and right !!! i remember having a blast the last time i did this!!!
Songs on his iPod: daichi's sappy.... he wont admit it, but love pop songs always makes his head clear if hes grumpy.
celebration (feat. toko miura) by radwimps if we were vampires by jason isbell and the 400 unit and then also starwalkin' by lil nas x for ultimate motivation when he works out!!
The one place they fall asleep – where they’re not supposed to: oh, daichi learned his lesson first year in high school to be careful where he rests. there's people around him not to be trusted..... but one time, and its one time only and he will take this information to the grave, he had a night shift at the local police box he was stationed in and he. he fell asleep!! gasp!! it was barely for four minutes, but he's still riddled with shame to this day, even tho it was during his grunt days. not even sugawara knows.
The game they’d destroy everyone else at: daichi's competitive for sure, but sadly, its more bark than bite in actual practice. HOWEVER, there is ONE and i mean ONE mini-game in super mario party for the switch that he decimates ANYONE in. even kenma!!!! its sizzling stakes!
The emoticon they’d use most often: 🙃. he doesnt know its passive aggressive. he thinks its a quirky smile. no one dares tell him
What they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: he rarely ever goes without his sleep. he knows how important it is to keep up with his physical and mental health and after the grueling study days back when he was younger, he cares even more. he needs to be alert at all times when he's at work, so he's a proud 9pm sleeper. there are times, however, where overtime and cases makes him slip. he is very unpleasant
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights or mornings: daichi likes his coffee extremely hot and rather bitter. he says it warms him up even more? freak
How they like to comfort/care for themselves in a slump: he cares very much for his routines and are well-aware what they do for him. so whenever he hits a wall or a slump, he re-evaluates everything in his daily and weekly affairs. when he realizes he's been neglecting social stuff like seeing friends over a beer, he rectifies it pretty fast. if hes REALLY stuck, he will find support in the people around him by ranting and venting out all his thoughts and frustrations. it can take a whole evening if hes frustrated enough, as he likes to circle around the subject multiple times, to really cement his feelings and process them.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: definitely a ramen cook when he was tiny. whenever his parents took him out for ramen as a treat, his starstruck eyes would observe everything the chef did, and ask enough questions to tire out a patient man. however, his local ramen joint always loved his visits, and often gave him tips on how to improve his food in small ways at home, too. the hobby didn't really stick though, but the tips are still used to this day.
Their favorite kind of weather: sunny, but windy. a day where you can go for a run and not overheat because the wind helps regulate your temperature. it's a good day for a date sightseeing a shrine or climb a mountain together.
Thoughts on their singing voice: daichi wants to sing deep inside. his deep, delicious voice also invites you to think his deep timbre would be soothing. but he's tone deaf, so it comes out flat and scratchy.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: daichi draws birds to pass the time. fat, round birds like dera from tamako market. theyre not realistic, but they ARE cute!
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thank you for sending him in. i really love daichi!!!!
send me a character and ill fill out these headcanons
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samkamuh · 2 years
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Komunikasi Kokok Ayam
Ayam jantan tidak selalu berkokok saat fajar menyingsing. Beberapa akan berkokok kapan saja di siang hari. Ayam jantan berkokok untuk melindungi ayam betinanya dan untuk mengusir musuh, dan mereka sangat teritorial. Karena mereka aktif di siang hari, mereka paling ribut di pagi hari ketika kadar testosteron mereka paling tinggi. “Cock-a-doodle-doo” adalah ungkapan yang sering kita pikirkan ketika ayam jantan melompat ke tiang pagar saat fajar menyingsing untuk menyambut hari baru. Tetapi banyak hal lain yang dapat memicu ayam berkokok, seperti kereta api yang lewat atau deru mesin mobil ketika mulai diyalakan. Seekor ayam jantan (nama lain untuk ayam jago) juga sangat protektif terhadap betina miliknya dan akan cepat melawan penyusup.
Ayam jantan yang berkokok kadang-kadang bisa mengganggu tetangga sehingga orang mencari cara untuk menenangkan kicauan "burung" mereka. Menguncinya di malam hari, menutup celah-celah di kandang ayam yang membuat cahaya masuk, atau menggunakan tirai gelap adalah beberapa cara untuk membodohinya agar tidak berkokok. Caponizing (mengebiri) ayam jantan juga terkadang membantu.
Ada cerita yang familiar dalam Alkitab tentang ayam berkokok. Petrus diberitahu oleh Yesus di ruang atas bahwa ia akan menyangkal Kristus tiga kali. Petrus dengan keras menegur Yesus, dengan mengatakan, “Jika aku harus mati bersama-Mu, aku tidak akan menyangkal Engkau!” (Markus 14:31). Tetapi itu terjadi di halaman imam besar—Petrus menyangkal Kristus. “Untuk kedua kalinya ayam jantan berkokok. Kemudian Petrus teringat akan perkataan yang Yesus katakan kepadanya, ‘Sebelum ayam berkokok dua kali, kamu akan menyangkal Aku tiga kali.’ Dan ketika dia memikirkannya, dia menangis” (Markus 14:72).
Seberapa peka kita terhadap panggilan Allah ke dalam hati kita ketika kita berdosa atau menyangkal Kristus? Seberapa selaras kita dengan bisikan Roh Kudus? Akankah kita mendengar Tuhan merayu kita jika kita mendengar ayam berkokok?
Yohanes 10:4
Jika semua dombanya telah dibawanya ke luar, ia berjalan di depan mereka dan domba-domba itu mengikuti dia, karena mereka mengenal suaranya
Doug Batchelor
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doodlydan · 4 years
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Mine and Genos’ brattiness would combine and create a massive black hole
Please do not repost my art without my permission. Reblogs are always appreciated!
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cocacola-lait · 4 years
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the-luna-sphere · 4 years
Art Summary
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It’s about that time again! This year’s art summary.
Overall, I stuck to my art style, only really refining it this year.
Because this year really put everything to a stop, I was at least given the opportunity to draw a lot more; plus, I have been working hard on my @ask-my-hero-maite blog. So, I was able to improve tremendously. My anatomy is definitely a lot better, and I am a lot less shy to draw things out of my comfort zone.
Plus, I switched over from the basic ink pen on Medibang to the marker pen. It really fit my art style and I’ve been using it since. AAAAND, I found a new shading technique I really loved.
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contando-sheep · 4 years
Made a speedpaint for my Deru piece!
I didn’t get all of the process because,,, my screen recorder decided to play games with me.
But ugh, I still wanted to show some of it :’)
(Audio can be found here)
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vitaminpop · 7 years
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let the silence float
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shiguremachi · 5 years
拝啓、桜舞い散るこの日に / To This Day Where The Cherry Blossoms Fall (english lyrics)
Vocals/Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: Mafumafu / まふまふ (twitter) Piano: Keiki Uto / 宇都圭輝 (twitter) Bass: Tatsuya Kitani / キタニタツヤ (twitter)
Shounen Jumanga Gakuen「少年ジャンマガ学園」Theme Song (Collaboration between Shonen Jump and Shonen Magazine)
春色に染まる校舎 haruiro ni somaru kousha これから置き忘れる世界 korekara okiwasureru sekai 長髪ゆらす君はつぶやく nagakami yurasu kimi wa tsubuyaku 「遠回りをしよう?」 “toomawari wo shiyou?”
A school drenched in the colours of spring A world to be left behind, forgotten from here on As your long hair shook in the breeze, you murmured, “Shall we take the long way back?”
花びらが散るみたいに hanabira ga chiru mitai ni ひらひら離れ 近づいて hirahira hanare chikazuite ただそうして ボクらここで繋がったんだ tada soushite bokura koko de tsunagattanda
Like falling petals, fluttering away, then drawing near, just like this, all of us are connected by this place
季節が急かしたように 背中を押した通学路 kisetsu ga sekashita you ni senaka wo oshita tsuugakuro 将来の夢 未来像 君の設計図 shourai no yume miraizou kimi no sekkeizu テストによく出るよ tetsuto ni yoku deru yo
The path to school pushed against our backs as if hurried along by the seasons Dreams for the future Visions of what we could be and your plans to get there— they all come out on tests often, you know
許されたいことばっかで yurusaretai koto bakka de 見失うことばっかのこの手に miushinau koto bakka no ko no te ni 未来なんてまだ託せないのに mirai nante mada takusenai no ni
There are so many things I want to be forgiven for on these hands that have lost so many things, even though they can’t be trusted with things like the future yet—
ボロボロになったペンと教科書 boroboro ni natta pen to kyokasho 予鈴逃した自転車 yorei nogashita jitensha 君を傷つけたあの落書き kimi wo kizutsuketa a no rakugaki
Worn out pens and textbooks Bicycles missing the first bell That doodle you’d scrawled over
大嫌いなはずなのに daikirai na hazu na no ni 目を塞ぎたいわけでもない me wo fusagitai wake de mo nai 書きかけの御話は kakikake no ohanashi wa いつもあの放課後の向こう itsumo a no houkagou no mukou
Even though I thought I would hate you, I had no reason to want to cover my eyes Unfinished conversations are always on the other side of that after-school time
おとぎの話みたいな otogi no hanashi mitai na 奇跡は持ち合わせちゃいない kiseki wa mochiawase cha inai ただ不確かな今日とそれに続く明日が tada futashikana kyou to sore ni tsuzuku ashita ga あったくらいの世界 attakurai no sekai
We don’t happen to have on hand any fairytale-like miracles It’s a world where it seems like we have only the uncertain today, and the tomorrow that comes after it
「ろくな思い出もないや」 “roku na omoide mo nai ya” 君を寂しそうにさせる kimi wo samishisou ni saseru でもこれがボクに言える精一杯なんだ demo kore ga boku ni ieru seiippai nanda
“I don’t have any good memories” That seemed to make you feel lonely But for me, that is the best I can say
誰かの投げやりなものさしで dareka no nageyari na mono sashi de 狂いない直径を計るんだ kuruinai chokkei wo hakarunda この世界の定めたい基準と ko no sekai no sadametai kijyun to 行き場ないボクたちのズレた未来を yukiba nai bokutachi no zureta mirai wo
With someone’s carelessly-chosen yardsticks, we drew faultless diameters for the standards we wanted to set for this world and for our misaligned futures, for us who have nowhere to go
そしたら言葉が自由に使えなくなったっけ soshitara kotoba jiyuu ni tsukae nakunattakke 喉から出られない 「寂しい」 nodo kara derarenai “samishii”
Because of that, have you become unable to use words freely? The words “I’m lonely” couldn’t make it out of my throat
鳴り止まぬ後悔とリコーダー naritomanu koukai to rikoーdaー 鞄の奥の通信簿 kaban no oku no tsuushinbo 屋上で踏みつぶした三限目 okujou de fumitsubishita sangenme
Regrets and recorders that can’t stop crying out That report book in the depths of my bag That time we trampled down 3rd period on the roof
素直になれない心を捨てられぬまま sunao ni narenai kokoro wo suterarenu mama 言えなかった言葉は ienakatta kotoba wa 君とふたり歩き出す未来 kimi to futari arukidasu mirai
As I can’t throw away this heart that cannot become honest, the words I couldn’t say were a future walking together with you (the feels)
傷つけ合った 苦しめ合った kizutsukeatta kurushimeatta 数えきれないほどに悔やんだ kazoekirenai hodo ni kuiyanda ひとりになった 君と出会った hitori ni natta kimi to deatta 大人になっていた otona ni natteita
There were times we hurt each other and times we suffered I can’t even count the times I’ve regretted I became alone then I met you and we became adults
やり直しなんてない もう戻れもしない yarinaoshi nante nai mou modore mo shinai 桜色 新しい景色を染める sakurairo atarashii keshiki wo someru
There isn’t a restart button and we can’t go back The colours of the cherry blossoms dye the new scenery
ボロボロになったペンと教科書 boroboro ni natta pen to kyokasho 予鈴逃した自転車 yorei nogeshita jitensha 素直になればそばにいられた? sunao ni nareba soba ni irareta?
Worn out pens and textbooks Bicycles missing the first bell If I had bared my soul, would I have been able to be by your side?
さよなら ボクらの sayonara bokura no ボクらだけの1ページ bokura dake no ichi peーji これからの御話は korekara no ohanashi wa この扉を開いた向こう ko no tobira wo aita mukou
To the single pages allotted to us, goodbye The story from here on is on the other side of this open door
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howlhowls · 8 years
man i need to stop biting my lip yo... its getting split in like one area and everything like jfjdjnfksc, i need to let it heal today was okay, woke up later than I woulda liked to, but it was alright my kid neighbor came over and we watched spirited away and the youkai watch movie, it was cute. it was nice to have company. he might come over tomorrow. let's see how I'm feeling then i ate oatmeal and stuff, and got to watch a little more yu yu not too eventful, but that's okay. i'm wanting to try out my eyeliner these days queen of highschool by hana vu is nice. it reminds me of ... gay things hjfkgklskd,, like not even the lyrics, just the sound of the song itself- it reminds me of deru and birdie- that's all i'm gonna say i... found myself feeling ashamed of having a crush and feeling mushy romo feelings-?? I don't know why?? I think it's my insecurity... because deru said that my level of affection is tolerable for him, but I dunno- I know he wouldn't lie, but what if it's not true- tolerable?? not enjoyable?? I dunno-- I'm having just, weird thoughts. but it's okay, I think I'll figure things out as time goes on i doodled a little, made a doctor's appointment yesterday... i woke up today with my chest feeling tight and my heart beating fast. it hurt to breathe, so I got up and walked around some, took some sips of water- and then the pain was gone. it scared me. i think it's the positions I'm sleeping in- I need to adjust... and I need to stretch and exercise at home more okay, that's all... it was a decent day. i gotta wash my hair tomorrow w a a aa goodnight!
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dumbass-deru · 2 years
Shkanon rkgk
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dumbass-deru · 2 years
CW : top surgery scars, blood
Shkanon doodles.....
And a gruesome corpse.
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(Which is also a small redraw of one screencap from the anime)
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dumbass-deru · 2 years
The miracle called Lion
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dumbass-deru · 2 years
Natsuhi my beloved
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This is a wip btw, expect more Lion in a near future
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(which is now)
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dumbass-deru · 2 years
I haven't played the new Pokémon games, but i like the boots girl
These boots are made for walkin'
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dumbass-deru · 2 years
This is still a wip, i am working on that pitiful and scruffy look- she IS stuck outside during a typhoon, after all.
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